September 4, 2016

Readings for This Sunday
Calendar of Events
Calendario de Eventos
Sunday, Sept. 4th
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
23 Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario
1st Reading: Wis 9: 13-18/ Sabiduria
2nd Reading: Phlm 9-10, 12-17/
Gospel: Lk 14: 25-33/ Lucas
Daily Readings for the Week
Monday, September 5, 2016
1st Reading: 1 Cor 5: 1-8 / 1 de Corintios
Gospel: Lk 6: 6-11 / Lucas
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
1st Reading: 1 Cor 6: 1-11/ 1 de Corintios
Gospel: Lk 6: 12-19 / Lucas
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
1st Reading: 1 Cor 7: 25-31 / 1 de Corintios
Gospel: Lk 6: 20-26 / Lucas
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
1st Reading: Mi 5: 1-4 or Rom 8: 28-30 /
Gospel: Mt 1: 1-16, 18-23 or 1: 18-23 / Mateo
Friday, September 9, 2016
Memorial of St. Peter Claver
1st Reading: 1 Cor 9: 16-19, 22-27/ 1 Corintios
Gospel: Lk 6: 39-42 / Lucas
Saturday, September 10, 2016
1st Reading: 1 Cor 10: 14-22 / 1 de Corintios
Gospel: Lk 6: 43-49 / Lucas
Next Sunday’s Readings
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
24 Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario
1st Reading: Ex 32: 7-11, 13-14/ Exodo
2nd Reading: 1 Tm 1: 12-17/
Gospel: Lk 15: 1-32 or 15: 1-10/ Lucas
Parish Staff Email Contacts
Fr. James Coleman
Fr. Scott Baier:
Christine Vistica:
Domingo, 4 de Septiembre
Coffee & Rolls hosted by:
Knights of Columbus
Monday, Sept. 5th
Lunes, 5 de Septiembre
Church Cleaning
SP Pastoral Family Gp
Tuesday, Sept. 6th
Wednesday, Sept. 7th
Thursday, Sept. 8th
Sp Prayer Gp (Rubis)
Friday, Sept. 9th
Limpieza de la Iglesia
Grupo Pastoral Familiar
Martes, 6 de Septiembre
Miércoles, 7 de Septiembre
Jueves, 8 de Septiembre
Gpo de Oracion (Rubis)
7:00pm Apostoles de la palabra (KC)
Sp. Prayer Gp. , Church
7:00 pm
Saturday, Sept. 10th
Viernes, 9 de Septiembre
Gpo de Oración, Iglesia
Sábado, 10 de Septembre
Mass Intentions For This Week
Sat. Sept. 3 5:00 pm † Lucy Rigdon
Sun. Sept. 4 7:30 am
At St. Agnes 9:00am † Darren Cowley
9:30 am (St. Luke Parishioners)
11:30am Victor Gallardo
1:30 pm
Tues. Sept. 6 9:00 am
Wed. Sept. 7 9:00 am
Thurs. Sept. 8 9:00 am
6:00pm † Francisco Romero
Fri. Sept. 9
9:00 am
Sat. Sept. 10 5:00pm † Robert Andrews
Sun. Sept. 11 7:30 am
9:30 am (St. Luke Parishioners)
11:30am † Susana Ramirez Guerra
1:30pm † Reyna Flores
Around the Parish / ALrededor de la Parroquia
We welcome back Sister Pilar
and Sister Juanita and we
welcome a new sister, Sister
Maria de la Luz. We are very
excited to have them back as we
are preparing for classes to
being in less than a month.
Le damos la bienvenida de nuevo a
la Hermana Pilar y Hermana
Juanita y le damos la bienvenida
por primera vez a la Hermana
María de la Luz. Estamos muy
emocionados de tenerlas de nuevo
ya que estamos preparándonos para
empezar clases de catecismo en
menos de un mes.
Registration for
Religious Education
Para Catecismo
Registration form may be turned in on:
Forma de registro puede ser entregado:
Monday, 9:30am-12:00pm
Tuesdays, 3:00pm-5:00pm
Wednesdays, 3:00pm-7:00pm
Thursdays, 3:00pm-5:00pm
Lunes, 9:30am-12:00pm,
Martes, 3:00pm-5:00pm,
Miércoles, 3:00pm-7:00pm
Jueves, 3:00pm-5:00pm
If this is your first year registering a child, please bring
a copy of the baptismal
certificate. There is a $40 fee per child due
together with the completed forms. You can pick up
forms in the parish office or in the Church. Be aware
that there are different forms for 1-6th grades and 712th grades.
Si este es el primer ano que registra a su hijo, favor de
traer su certificado de bautizo. Hay un pago de $40 por
niño cunado entregue sus
formas completas. Puede recoger las formas en la oficina parroquial o en la iglesia. Sea
consientes que hay diferente formas para
grados 1-6 y grados 7-12.
Classes will begin the last week of September, the 27th,
28th, 29th and October 2nd for the Sunday class.
Clases van a empezar la ultima semana de
Septiembre, el 27, 28, 29 y el 2 de Octubre
para la clase del Domingo.
Platica Pre–Bautismal en Español
La proxima platica pre-bautismal es Lunes, 19 de Septiembre. Para inscribirse a esta clase o para más
información y requisitos favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial empezando el mes de Septiembre.
Pre-Baptismal Classes in English
If you are looking to take a pre-baptismal class in English you may call the parish office during our office
hours and schedule an appointment with Father Scott.
Around the Parish/ Alrededor de la Parroquia
Parish Directory with Life Touch
Sign up for our parish Directory! Sign
up for our September dates (20th-24th).
You may sign up online on Tuesday at and click on the
link or you can register today after mass
in the Rubis Hall.
Directorio de Fotos con Life Touch
Registrase para nuestro directorio de
fotos! Registrase para las fechas 20-24
de Septiembre. Puede inscribirse en
nuestra pagina de web el Martes o puede
inscribirse hoy después de misa en el
salón Rubis
¡Atención Miembros de Ministerios y
Miembros de la Parroquia en General!
La próxima fecha para la sesión del prógrama “Corresponsabilidad ”
cón Kóren Ruiz, sera este Miércoles, 21 de Septiembre a las 7pm en el
salón Rubis. Marquen sus calendariós servidóres! Ahí lós esperamós!
St. Luke's new youth groups for middle school and high school aged
students is in need of loving, compassionate, fun loving, and genuine adults to
help in the ministries. If you have a love for the Church, young people, and
want to get involved with the youth groups at St. Luke's contact our youth
ministers Mary Clare Daschbach,
Anthony Sperduti, or Fr. Scott Baier by calling the church office. This is a
worthy ministry that needs creative, talented, and genuine adults to lead the
programs and help our younger members of the parish better understand the
faith while they create and grow a real relationship with our God.
People we need: set up and clean up crews, tech crew, speakers/small group
leaders, snack handlers, and anyone who want to give witness to our Lord's
love and merciful grace.
What it will take for you to become a member of the youth groups? Call or
email us of your interest, an interview with the leaders, a background check
with the Portland Archdiocese, and the Called To Protect class, so you can
show you are totally committed to our youth, while making sure first of all, they
are safe in the atmosphere created in the youth.
Around the Parish/ Alrededor de la Parroquia
El grupo de jóvenes de San Lucas de la middle school y high school esta en necesidad de adultos cariñosos,
compasivos y sinceros para ayudar en los ministerios. Si tiene un amor por la iglesia, jóvenes, y quiere estar
involucrado con los grupos de jóvenes en San Lucas favor de contactar a Mary Clare, Anthony o el Padre Scott en la
oficina parroquial.
Este es un ministerio digno que necesita creatividad, talento y adultos sinceros para guiar los programas y ayudar a
miembros mas jóvenes de la parroquia entender la fe mientras que crean y hacen crecer una verdadera relación con
nuestro Dios.
Gente que necesitamos: equipos de preparar y limpiar, equipos de tecnología, lideres para grupos pequeños, equipos
de bocadillos y cualquier persona que quiere dar testimonio de el amor y de gracia misericordiosa de nuestro Señor .
Lo que se necesita para que usted se convierte en miembro de los grupos de jóvenes? Llamar o enviar un correo
electrónico mostrando tu interés, una entrevista, backround check con la Arquidiócesis de Portland, una clase de
llamados a proteger, para que demuestres que estas totalmente comprometido con nuestros jóvenes mientras se
aseguren que ante todo ellos estén sanos.
St. Agnes Corner / Santa Inez
Prayers for healing on Wednesday in the church at
7:00pm. All are welcome to come and pray for those
in need of prayers and healing.
The annual St. Agnes yard sale will be Friday and
Saturday, September 30th and October 1st, 2016
at St. Agnes Mission in Hubbard from
9:00am-4:00pm. There will be furniture, tools,
electronic, and household items. If you have
something to donate for the sale and would like a
pick up, please call Al and Anne Hilgers at
Craft Bazaar Coming Soon
St. Agnes will again host a Craft Bazaar on
November 12, 2016 from 9:30am to 4:00pm. A
wide variety of handcrafted items are needed. If
you are a crafter and would like a table, please call
Mary Bowman at 503-982-0367 or Anne Hilgers at
School Zone / Escuela
Open Registration
Come register your child at St. Luke
School, registrations are open! For more
information please stop by the School
office Monday-Friday
Registraciones Abiertas
Ven a registrar su hijo/a en la escuela de
San Lucas, registraciones están abiertas.
Para obtener mas información pase a la
oficina de la escuela de Lunes a Viernes.
Help or Assistance / Ayuda o Asistencia
St. Vincent de Paul
To contact St. Vincent de Paul for assistance please call
(971) 338-1074. Your call will be returned within 48 hours.
St Vincent de Paul Food Bank
Open: on the 2nd and 4th
Thursday of the month.
(Closed on Holidays)
Hours: 5:00pm-7:00pm
San Vicente de Paul
Para contactar a San Vicente de Paul para ayuda
favor de llamar al (971) 338-1074. Le regresaremos su
llamada dentro de 48 horas. (Lunes–Viernes)
Banco de Comida
Abierto: cada 2º y 4º
Jueves del mes.
(excepto días festivos)
Horario: 5:00pm a 7:00pm
Potpourri / De Todo Alrededor
On Saturday, September 10, 2016, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Priests for Life and the Pro-Life
Action League will co-sponsor the fourth annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children,
calling on pro-life Americans to honor the gravesites of our aborted brothers and sisters.
Saint Paul Catholic Church in Silverton, is hosting a memorial site prayer service in conjunction
with the National Day of Remembrance on Saturday, September 10th at 1:00pm at the Saint Paul
Catholic Cemetery. The Cemetery is located just west of James Street on Hobart Road.
The first National Day of Remembrance was held in September 2013, on the 25th anniversary
of the solemn burial of the earthly remains of some 1,500 abortion victims in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Over 100 memorial services were held across the United States and it was decided that it should be an
annual event. The Day of Remembrance is now held annually on the second Saturday in September.
By participating in this prayer service, visiting these solemn memorial places at other times of
the year and spreading the word about this prayer campaign, you are helping to humanize our aborted
brothers and sisters and deepening your own commitment to ending the injustice of abortion.
Pope Francis
Deacon Harold
Dina Marie Hale
Robert Barron
Alexander Sample
Matthew Kelly
Mater Dei Radio 2016 Fall SHARATHON
Mater Dei Radio – KBVM will broadcast its Fall
Sharathon 2016 on October 4th through the 7th.
Help them in “Building a Bridge of Mercy” by
tuning in for a variety of special guests, inspiring
conversion stories, special Rosary gifts, and an
opportunity for you to support the region’s only
Catholic radio station. Find out more about Fall
Sharathon 2016 at or call
1-888-823-5286 .
Pray for the Sick of our Parish
Orad por los Enfermos de la Parroquia
Vicki Spencer
Margaret Krupicka
Theresa (Terry) Seaton
Martina Ybarra
Evangelina Tapia
Luz Gonzalez
Bob & Cleo Miley
Kevin Bernabe
David De La Vega
Bob Hartsook
Hilda Vicente
Gracie Garcia
Juan Antonio Tarula
Carmen Navarro
Marilu Will
Felipe Delgado Garcia
Rita Henkes
Irene Saucedo
Online Giving
To donate according to our online giving system, go to the
parish website, and look
for the link, DONATE. We pay some small fees when you
make an online gift. The best method to pay, that charges
us the least, is to enter your checking information for a
bank account transfer. These can be one time or recurring.
This can be helpful if you sometimes forget your donation
or for when you might be sick or on vacation.
The website also offers payment through debit and credit
cards, but these charge more of a fee to the parish. The
best way is to pay using your checking account.
Please Remember St. Luke In Your Will
Please use the following language when making your estate plans: “I give, devise, and bequeath _________
(Describe gift and purpose) to St. Luke Catholic Church,
Woodburn, Oregon (Our official legal name). It is understood in making this gift that it can only be used by St.
Luke Catholic Church, Woodburn, Oregon.
Pray for those in Harms Way
Chase Cowley, USMC 
Alexania Ramos
Chavez, USMC
Tanya Quiñones,
Ezequiel Cervantes, US
Kelly Berkey, USMC
Joe Lonergan,
US Army
Thomas K. Demelo,
NOTE: Please help us keep our list current and let us
know who needs to be added or removed. Thank
NOTA: Ayúdenos a estar al corriente con nuestra lista
y hacernos saber si alguien tiene que ser agregado o
eliminado de la lista. Gracias.
Advertiser of the Week
Edward Jones
Please support our Advertisers!
Their ad on the back supports the printing of
this bulletin.
Ministry to the Sick & Homebound
Holy Communion Can be brought to the sick or
anyone who’s unable to come to church. To arrange this
service for yourself or for a loved one please contact the
parish office at (503) 981-5011. Thank you .
La comunión puede ser llevada a una
persona enferma que no pueda venir a la
iglesia. Para poder organizar este servicio
para usted o para un ser querido favor de
contactar la oficina parroquial al
(503) 981-5011.
To have a St. Luke Parish registration form sent to you please fill out this temporary form and drop it in the Sunday
collection basket
Para obtener una forma de registro de San Lucas por favor rellene esta forma temporal y ponerla en la canasta de la
Address/ Domicilio______________________________________________________________________________
Zip Code/CodigoPostal________________________
□New Parishioner/ Nuevo a la Parroquia □Would like envelopes/ Desea Sobres □New Address/ Nuevo Domicilio