01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 1 Play, eat and have a good time with Tranqui Student notebook First and Second Grade Primary School TRANQUI’S BIRTHDAY <#> 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 2 Play, eat and have a good time with Tranqui Student notebook First and Second Grade Primary School Sponsored by: Centro de Estudios, Investigación y Medicina del Deporte (CEIMD) Gobierno de Navarra Authors: Javier Ibáñez Santos Alicica María Alonso Martínez Celia Gómez Vides Publisher: Gobierno de Navarra. Departamento de Asuntos Sociales, Familia, Juventud y Deporte. Instituto Navarro del Deporte Short story: Heda Comunicación Design, layout, and drawings Heda Comunicación Translation: Alicia Otano Printing: Imprenta Zibillaga D.L.: NA-2773/2008 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 3 Play, eat and have a good time with Tranqui ÍNDEX 4 Learn about us 6 What are the lives of Tranqui and his friends’ like? 10 Short story: “Tranqui’s birthday” 18 Activities for parents and children This short story, along with the “Teacher’s Guide”, form part of the campaign set up by the Government of Navarre to prevent juvenile obesity. This campaign aims to make students, parents, and teachers aware of the importance of a varied and balanced diet along with the need for physical exercise to prevent obesity. This short story is specifically meant for boys and girls in first and second grades so that they can learn a bit more about the role of healthy eating and daily physical exercise in the prevention of juvenile obesity. If we manage to make children and their parents aware of how important it is to maintain a healthy weight for their age, then the main objective of this campaign will have been achieved: decreasing the prevalence of diseases associated with obesity like diabetes type 2 or cardiovascular ones. 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 4 LEARN ABOUT US TRANQUI «I’m Tranqui and I’m the mascot for the Government of Navarre’s campaign “Clean Sports in Navarre”. On of my biggest passions is eating junk food.» I love: • • • • • Playing with my Gameboy Watching my friends play basketball Sweets and soft drinks Watching T.V. Riding in the back seat or on the handle bars of a bike while a friend does the pedalling I love: • • • • • Eating junk at the movies My computer Stories with nice drawings and comic books Getting up late in the morning Lying down on the floor with Tranqui and looking up at the stars I can’t stand: • • • • Getting up early in the morning Physical Education classes Playing non-stop at the park Vegetables GOYO I can’t stand: • • • • • Fruit Water Playing basketball Going upstairs Dancing 4 Play, eat and Have a good time with Tranqui «I’m Goyo, and besides T.V. and the computer, I love reading and inventing adventure stories. And I don’t like giving Tranqui a ride on my bicycle!» 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 5 LOLA «I’d spend the entire day dancing –there’s nothing more fun! My name is Lola and my friends get upset with me because they say I can never keep still» I love: • • • • • PILAS «I’m Pilas, Lola’s squirrel. I love playing and biting Goyo’s ankles when he doesn’t want to move» SIESTA Listening to music and dancing Making up new games The colours of fruit Making new friends Playing basketball I can’t stand: • • • • • Fizzy soft drinks Watching T.V. all afternoon Short, winter afternoons Goyo and Tranqui being so lazy all the time Playing Parchis or board games «I’m Siesta, Goyo’s dog and what I love most is sleeping on the rug and eating a snack» Learn about us 5 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 6 WHAT IS LIFE LIKE WITH TRANQUI AND HIS FRIENDS? IN SCHOOL Lola finally gets her comet to fly at recess in the school yard while Tranqui and Goyo prefer to play with their Gameboy. 6 Play, eat and have a good time with Tranqui 01-cuento peques-ingles AT 4/9/08 10:04 Página 7 HOME Tranqui and Goyo eat junk food while they watch a movie on television. Lola gets really upset because she wants to go out and play. What is life like with Tranqui and his friends? 7 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 8 IN THE SWIMMING POOL Lola swims for a while before having a snack. Tranqui and Goyo lie in the sun thinking about their sandwiches and soft drinks. 8 Play, eat and have a good time with Tranqui 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 9 IN THE SUPERMARKET Lola and Pilas fill the shopping cart up with the groceries ...in the little space that Goyo and Siesta have left for them. Tranqui is upset because the cart is too heavy to push. What is life like with Tranqui and his friends? 9 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 10 SHORT STORY: TRANQUI’S BIRTHDAY It´s summer, we´re on vacation and the sun is shining: it´s a very special day because it´s Tranqui´s birthday. 10 Play, eat and have a good time with Tranqui 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 11 Goyo, Lola, Pilas, Siesta and Tranqui have prepared a birthday party in the garden. Everything is ready: the soft drinks, the snacks, the sandwiches, a whole bunch of games, and of course, Tranqui´s gift! They´re all excited about their surprise: they´ve have bought him a bathing suit with yellow palm trees on it _he´s really going to like wearing it the rest of the summer! Tranqui blows out the candles on the cake and serves himself a huge piece. They all love the cake and end up eating so much they feel sick! Short story: “Tranqui’s birthday” 11 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 12 But Tranqui keeps helping himself to more and empties off his glasses of soda one after the other! Lola and Goyo begin to get really angry with Tranqui because they want him to stop so they can give him his present! 12 Play, eat and have a good time with Tranqui 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 13 Finally, Tranqui says he´s finished eating. No wonder: there´s no cake left! A very upset-looking, Lola hands him his birthday gift. Tranqui loves the bathing suit with the palm trees…... But he´s got an enormous belly and it doesn´t fit him! And it was the biggest size they had in the store! What a shame! Short story: “Tranqui’s birthday” 13 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 14 It looks like the party has been ruined. Tranqui is sitting in one corner of the garden and doesn´t want to talk to anyone. His stomach hurts _he´s had too much cake! 14 Play, eat and have a good time with Tranqui 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 15 And on top of that his parents have given him a brand new bicycle. What for? He´s much happier riding along on the bike while Goyo does the peddling! We´ve got to do something, Lola says, I know! Tranqui, come on, we´re all going to make plans for the rest of the summer. Before vacation ends you´ll have lost enough weight so that the bathing suit fits you. Short story: “Tranqui’s birthday” 15 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 16 The gang all decide to sign up for a swimming course in the neighbourhood swimming pool. They all agree to meet every afternoon to ride their bikes around the neighbourhood _this time Tranqui has got to do all of the pedalling! 16 Play, eat and have a good time with Tranqui 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 17 The birthday party ended up being a hit after all. Tranqui smiled once again and proposed going for a ride around the neighbourhood to try out his new bike. He could already see himself at the end of the summer wearing his brand new bathing suit with the yellow palm trees that fitted him perfectly! He was going to do it, with the help of his friends _he was sure about that. THE END. Short story: “Tranqui’s birthday” 17 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 18 ACTIVIDADES Y CONSEJOS PARA PADRES E HIJOS SOPA DE LETRAS Resuelve esta sopa de letras y busca quince alimentos. ¡Es fácil! Una vez identificados todos los alimentos, convence a tus padres para ir al supermercado y que te enseñen dónde está cada uno de ellos. Macarrones Lentejas Leche Chucherías Huevo Lechuga Queso Pollo Refrescos 18 Pasteles Melocotón Aceite de oliva Merluza Hamburguesa Pizza 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 ALIMENTACIÓN Página 19 Explica a tus padres cuáles son los alimentos de consumo diario y los de consumo ocasional para que ellos también lo aprendan como tú. Carnes grasas, embutidos DIARIO Carnes magras, pescados, huevos, legumbres y frutos secos (2 raciones) OCASIONAL Grasas y dulces (margarinas, bollería) Lácteos (2 - 3 raciones) Grasas saludables (3 - 5 raciones) aceite de oliva Verduras (2 raciones) Frutas (3 - 5 raciones) ✁ Pan, cereales, cereales integrales, arroz, pasta, patatas (4 - 6 raciones) A diario El escolar debe tomar al menos 8 vasos de agua al día. Actividades y consejos 19 TABLA 4/9/08 DE 10:04 Página 20 RACIONES RECOMENDADAS Grupo de alimentos Raciones (r) Ración media Lácteos 2 - 3 r / día Leche Yogurt Queso 150 - 200 g 125 g 20 - 40 g Cereales y patatas 4 - 6 r / día Cereales Patatas Pan 50 - 80 g 100 - 150 g 25 g Verduras 2 ó más (una cruda) r / día Cocidas Crudas 150 - 200 g 30 - 70 g Legumbres 2 - 3 r / semana Carnes y pescados Alternar consumo Huevos 3 - 4 unidades / semana 60 g Frutas 3 ó más (un cítrico) r / día 80 - 100 g Grasas 3 - 5 (de condimento) r / día Dulces y bollería Moderar consumo Utiliza esta tabla como guía para orientarte sobre las cantidades adecuadas que debes consumir de cada grupo de alimentos. 60 g Carne Pescado Aceite 80 - 100 g 100 - 150 g 10 g 20 Play, eat and have a good time with Tranqui ✁ 01-cuento peques-ingles 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 CONSEJOS DE 10:04 Página 21 ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA ¿TIENES ENTRE 6 Y 8 AÑOS? ADEMÁS... • Usa el casco cuando andes en bicicleta, patines, esquíes … • Realiza actividades de resistencia (fútbol, balonmano, bici, caminar, patinar, nadar): ayudan a prevenir la obesidad. • Realiza juegos y actividades de fuerza (tracciones, luchas, trepas, saltos) y cada vez estarás más fuerte. ✁ • Juega con tus amigos. Practica deportes o actividades de danza •y baile. actividades al aire libre en familia •o Realiza con tus amigos. Utiliza más las escaleras y menos el •ascensor. • Juega con tus padres y amigos. Actividades y consejos 21 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 CONSEJOS DE 10:04 Página 22 ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA PARA PADRES ¿QUÉ PODÉIS HACER? • • • • • ¿Q • • • • Jugar con tus hijos para que tengan que moverse de un lado para otro: caminar, correr, saltar… Practicar juegos en los que tengan que utilizar cosas y objetos para: lanzar, rodar, atrapar, desplazarse… Participar con tus hijos en actividades en las que puedan bailar, moverse, expresarse. Organizar el plan de actividad física para toda la semana. Fomentar la autosuperación personal. UÉ DEBÉIS EVITAR? Pensar que un niño gordo es un niño sano (puede estar mal alimentado). La excesiva competitividad. Ser sedentarios. Estancarse en casa los fines de semana. E HIJOS ¿POR QUÉ ES IMPORTANTE EL EJERCICIO SI SE QUIERE PERDER PESO? • Se consigue un mayor bienestar y autoestima. • Aumenta el nivel de condición física, mejorando la fuerza, la flexibilidad y la resistencia. • Puede mejorar los valores de la tensión arterial, el colesterol y los triglicéridos (aunque no se pierda casi peso). • Evita la reducción del metabolismo basal (¡el cuerpo se resiste a perder peso!), que es inevitable cuando sólo se sigue una dieta hipocalórica. • Reduce la pérdida de músculo, que es inevitable cuando sólo se sigue una dieta hipocalórica. • Que los niños pasen horas y horas delante de la televisión. 22 Play, eat and have a good time with Tranqui • Cuando se abandona la dieta, ayuda a mantener el peso perdido. ✁ • Favorece la pérdida de peso y en consecuencia motiva para continuar realizando ejercicio. 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 23 01-cuento peques-ingles 4/9/08 10:04 Página 24