DESCRIPCIÓN BIBLIOGRÁFICA DEL TRABAJO FIN DE ESTUDIOS IKASKETEN AMAIERAKO LANARI BURUZKO BIBLIOGRAFIAREN DESKRIBAPENA PC 934 ANX1 Campos OBLIGATORIOS/NAHITAEZ betebeharrekoeremuak AÑO/ URTEA (20xx): 2015 Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) / GraduAmaierako Lana (GAL) X Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) / Master Amaierako Lana ( MAL) ☐ Título del TFG/TFM/ GAL/MALarenizenburua: El perfil del directivo sobrepagador Autor(Apellidos, Nombre)/ Egilea(Deiturak, izena): Domínguez Belloso, Jesús Director / Zuzendaria: Lizarraga Dallo, Fermín UPNA / NUP X Otro (Indicar) / Bestebat (Jarri) Codirector, si existe / Zuzendarikidea, halakorikbadago Sánchez Alegría, Santiago UPNA / NUP X Otro (Indicar) / Bestebat (Jarri) Abstract(Resumen de 100-250 palabras)/ Abstract(Laburpena 100-250 hitzetan) Inglés Ingelesa Over the last few years, the economic scene during the first decade of the XXI century, characterized by a welfare economic situation and followed by a great easiness of getting credit form the banks and a surplus of cash in the corporations have made it easier for us to see quite a few mergers and acquisitions operations in the Spanish national frame. A significant percentage of those operations show in their cost a overprice that as a consequence -in many of them- have turned out ruinous for the companies involved in those operations. Through the present studio, we will try to clear up if among the reasons that lead the executive responsible of carry out such a inefficient M&A operation exists a non-economic factor but a personal one such character, external acknowledgement, status, studies, political ideology, etc. To sum up, we will try to found out is there is a executive profile which is more likely to perform operations where exist a high overprice and as a consequence ended up as a failure operation. Materias o Palabras Clave (máximo 5) / Gaiakedohitzgakoak(gehienez 5) Acquisitions, overprice, executive profile, non-economic reasons. Campos OPTATIVOS / AUKERAKO eremuak Euskera Euskara Castellano Gaztelania Abstract(Resumen de 100-250 palabras) / Abstract(Laburpena 100-250 hitzetan) Materias o Palabras Clave (máximo 5) / Gaiakedohitzgakoak (gehienez 5) Abstract(Resumen de 100-250 palabras) / / Abstract(Laburpena 100-250 hitzetan) PC 934 ANX1 Rev 00 – 18/03/2015 pág /or.1 DESCRIPCIÓN BIBLIOGRÁFICA DEL TRABAJO FIN DE ESTUDIOS IKASKETEN AMAIERAKO LANARI BURUZKO BIBLIOGRAFIAREN DESKRIBAPENA PC 934 ANX1 Materias o Palabras Clave (máximo 5) / Gaiakedohitzgakoak (gehienez 5) Otro Idioma Bestehizk. bat Abstract(Resumen de 100-250 palabras) / / Abstract(Laburpena 100-250 hitzetan) Materias o Palabras Clave (máximo 5) / Gaiakedohitzgakoak (gehienez 5) PC 934 ANX1 Rev 00 – 18/03/2015 pág /or.2