ANALYSIS AND MODELING SYSTEMS OF WATER RESOURCES WITH SOFTWARE AQUATOOL - ONLINE COURSE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A MODEL SYSTEM WITH WATER RESOURCES AQUATOOL ANÁLISIS Y MODELACIÓN DE SISTEMAS DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS CON EL SOFTWARE AQUATOOL – CURSO ONLINE Index 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1 2. Starting modeling ......................................................................................................... 1 3. Layout topology ............................................................................................................ 2 Design and development of a model of a system of water resources AQUATOOL ANÁLISIS Y MODELACIÓN DE SISTEMAS DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS CON EL SOFTWARE AQUATOOL – CURSO ONLINE 1. Introduction This exercise aims to initiate the student in the use of Support System for Decision AQUATOOL. It describes the process of creating a project is displayed as well as the basic tools for creating the system topology modeling. To do this, we will work with the data in the fictitious example of the Mayu River (see document "DatosRioMayu" and the book of MS Excel "DatosEjercicio1"). 2. Starting modeling The first step to take is to start the application, for this we will: Start / Programs / Aquatool / AquaTool +. Once the program has started the implementation is empty and we have to decide whether to create a new instance or open an existing one. In this case we want to create a new one for what we do File / New as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Starting a new project. Once the directory and job file indicated interface asks us basic options for creating the project. These are shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Basic parameters of the project. In this window you must select what you want to model and, in this case, we will use SimGes, setting the pattern for the following year. Also we indicate that contributions are entered in the database (as shown in this figure). Once we press the button "accept" the interface will create a tapestry blank to start introducing the topology of the model. Diseño y desarrollo de un modelo de un sistema de recursos hídricos con AQUATOOL 1 ANÁLISIS Y MODELACIÓN DE SISTEMAS DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS CON EL SOFTWARE AQUATOOL – CURSO ONLINE 3. Layout topology The following process is to enter all the data model. The aim is to create a topology like the one in Figure 3. This will by clicking items in the toolbar, Figure 4, and placing them on the mat. Figure 3: Schematic model. Figure 4. Toolbar. The creation model does not have to follow the order described below. The only requirement that exists is that to create the connection elements such as sockets and pipes, start and end elements (nodes, reservoirs or demands) must have been previously created. 2.1. Knots and reservoirs First we create the header node by clicking on the item in the toolbar and click back into the tapestry in the desired location. The only information to be provided to the nodes is the name. We then create the rest of nodes of the model. Then we create the reservoir Chicharro by item in Figure 5. . The first data input are presented Diseño y desarrollo de un modelo de un sistema de recursos hídricos con AQUATOOL 2 ANÁLISIS Y MODELACIÓN DE SISTEMAS DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS CON EL SOFTWARE AQUATOOL – CURSO ONLINE Figure 5. Basic data sheet reservoirs In this case we must indicate the name of the reservoir, the initial volume and knot discharge (the reservoir itself - will initially have the name that was assigned by default). It is then passed to the "Volumes" tab, Figure 6, and the maximum, minimum and target volumes are introduced (this value is left at 10, in principle - see AQUATOOL Manual, section 2.4). Figure 6. Sheet reservoir volumes In the dimensions tab, Figure 7, you must enter data depth contour of the reservoir. It is a curve 10 values in that dimension data area and volume are defined. Diseño y desarrollo de un modelo de un sistema de recursos hídricos con AQUATOOL 3 ANÁLISIS Y MODELACIÓN DE SISTEMAS DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS CON EL SOFTWARE AQUATOOL – CURSO ONLINE Figure 7. Entering depth contour of the reservoir. Finally, the last tab contains the card to enter the values of the evaporation rate model, Figure 8. Figura 8. Entering data in the reservoir evaporation. Once all this information is clicked on the OK button so that the data are stored reservoir. 2.2. Defining lines Once you have created the reservoir knots and proceed to the creation of the lines or sections of rivers that unite them. All lines in this example are pipes type 1 (no leaks or regarding aquifers). To create the first one the next button is used and part of the Diseño y desarrollo de un modelo de un sistema de recursos hídricos con AQUATOOL 4 ANÁLISIS Y MODELACIÓN DE SISTEMAS DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS CON EL SOFTWARE AQUATOOL – CURSO ONLINE initial knot. For every click you make a point of the curve is created until the final knot. Once you reach the end knot the program shows the following form to be completed. Figure 9. Sheet pipes. In this case it is sufficient to enter the identification name of the driver leaving the rest of data that comes by default. Similarly all model lines are created. 2.3. Definition of demands A demand is represented by three elements: the element "demand" that represents the area of water consumption; element "takes" representing or channels through which demand is supplied (a claim can have one or more doses); and the "return" element that represents the incorporation into the river or other surface channel of unconsumed water (the return element is not necessary, and a return can be assigned to several lawsuits). Knot demand Used to create demands element toolbar. Once the data are created to introduce you to those in Figure 10. Diseño y desarrollo de un modelo de un sistema de recursos hídricos con AQUATOOL 5 ANÁLISIS Y MODELACIÓN DE SISTEMAS DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS CON EL SOFTWARE AQUATOOL – CURSO ONLINE Figure 10. Data sheet of demand. Among the data to be entered are: the name of the application, the values required monthly and thresholds guarantees. Take making After creating demand by making their supply is made must be created. For this element the toolbar is used. the intersection where the water is extracted and then supplied to claim indicated. The data to be entered are: the name of the collection, curve-month point, the priority of supply, annual allocation, the consumption ratio, the ratio of return and the return element (Figure 11). Figure 11. Data Sheet for a decision. Diseño y desarrollo de un modelo de un sistema de recursos hídricos con AQUATOOL 6 ANÁLISIS Y MODELACIÓN DE SISTEMAS DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS CON EL SOFTWARE AQUATOOL – CURSO ONLINE In this exercise, for curve-month point, you can set the values in the application itself or other over these (Figure 11), as this does not imply that more water to be supplied on demand. One element of demand can have several shots that meet. The program checks whether an application is limited in supply because the decision data are lower than the demand. On the other hand, if you have not created the return element can be left on "determined" and then return to the page for assignment. It is also important that the user understands the significance of the coefficient of consumption and return. In this way we will create the three demands of our example, three shots. Return element The return element is created through the element and the crux of the scheme where the return occurs indicated, then you can go by pressing the left mouse button to create a stroke and at the end, you must press the right button to create. As it is shown in Figure 12 the only data to enter the name of the return. Figure 12. Tab in the return. Once the item is created it must be assigned to the appropriate shots to complete the relationship. 2.4. Contributions To create a system input is used element of the toolbar. Once you press the item should indicate the knot in which enters the input of resources, then you can go by pressing the left mouse button to create a stroke and at the end, you must press the right button to create the contribution. Once this is done, a window like the one in Figure 13 appears. Diseño y desarrollo de un modelo de un sistema de recursos hídricos con AQUATOOL 7 ANÁLISIS Y MODELACIÓN DE SISTEMAS DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS CON EL SOFTWARE AQUATOOL – CURSO ONLINE Figure 13: Data input window after the creation of the item. Entering data with the input name and values thereof. For the second task, you must click on the "Edit ..." button. Now we have to copy (the Excel data file) columns Year, Month and for the value of the contribution that we are creating. Once copied, the new window that has appeared in AQUATOOL, click on the button "Paste from Excel series." Then we accept the different open windows. Figure 14: Auxiliary window to paste the values from Excel. Diseño y desarrollo de un modelo de un sistema de recursos hídricos con AQUATOOL 8 ANÁLISIS Y MODELACIÓN DE SISTEMAS DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS CON EL SOFTWARE AQUATOOL – CURSO ONLINE Figure 15: Window contributions once the data is entered. 2.5. Allocation of final knot At this point you have already created all the elements of the model but need to do an operation that is to assign the final knot outline (or end nodes). We selected the final knot of driving "TramoFinal" and the "Edit" menu select the Nudo Final / Assign final node (Figure 16) option. Figure 16. Application of the final knot. At this time already we have the complete model (Figure 17), with all data and can start using it as a tool of analysis (see next exercise). Diseño y desarrollo de un modelo de un sistema de recursos hídricos con AQUATOOL 9 ANÁLISIS Y MODELACIÓN DE SISTEMAS DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS CON EL SOFTWARE AQUATOOL – CURSO ONLINE Figure 17: Full topology introduced into AQUATOOL. Diseño y desarrollo de un modelo de un sistema de recursos hídricos con AQUATOOL 10