TESE – Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe English version Edition 2009 European Commission PREFACE In today’s online age, we are surrounded by information, but finding exactly what we need can be a wearisome task, especially when sea rching for reliable quality resources on a particular subject. This dilemma is inherent to the ambiguous natu re of langu age: language a nd words contained in a text do n ot always convey the intended meaning. Similarly, the absence of a word d oesn't mean that a do cument is not about the missing word. Therein lies the limitation of full-text sea rching: based on exact word mat ching between user and document language, it can be an inefficient system for gauging ‘‘aboutness’’, often leading to incomplete, imprecise and irrelevant search results. A well designed thesaurus is one of the most powerful indexing tools to gain control ove r search resu lts when performing subject search es. As a controlled vocabulary, it o ffsets the ambiguities of natural language, such as homonymy, polysemy, synonymy, and it ensures tha t the same terminology is use d consistently a cross an inf ormation system. Thus, the u se of one precise de scriptor shou ld retrieve all record s that were indexed under the subject described by that descriptor. The Thesaurus for Education Systems in Euro pe (TESE -- 2009 edition) is a multilingual thesaurus and a robust information retrieval tool focusing on European education systems and policies. It is specifically desig ned to cover the inde xation needs of th e Eu rydice network and to facilit ate information retrieval on Eurydice’s central w ebsite. It ca n also serve as a model for information management in other systems. Guaranteeing easy navigability of our products, which are both multilingual and transnational in nature, and easy retrievability of information is thu s the main impetus for our continued effort in the development of TESE. The thesaurus’ multilingual feature adds to the general advantages listed above. The potential to search in preferred languages and retrieve original documents, along with their transla tions, will b e further extended as new languages are added. In addition, it makes the comparison of descript ors in different languages possible at the click of a mouse. End owed with numerous scope notes and definitions, the thesaurus the refore extends its usefulness beyond the field of information retrieval, to assist in translation and work with specific terminology in the covered field. This se cond edition has been caref ully designe d to keep u p with, and reflect, the latest developments in the fie lds of educational policies and systems in Europe, taking int o account bot h the common aspects of the systems covered as well as their distinctive features. Like its predecessor, it is t he product of intra-network cooperation between the national Eurydice units and the cen tral Eurydice unit - which is now located in unit P9 of the EU Ed ucation, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Ag ency (EACEA). This u nit is responsible for the development of conceptual, t erminological and orga nisational aspects of the thesaurus and the update of the English language ve rsion. The TESE Management Group, consisting of rep resentatives from selected Eurydice National Units, acted a s the final arbiter in editorial m atters. Finally, the Grou p for Linguistic Equivale nts, consisting of one language specialist for each of the TESE languages, assumed the responsibility for finding the most suitable language equivalents. TESE 2009 is therefore the result of intensive collaboration between international experts in educatio n, thesaurus development, knowledge manag ement, lang uages, information science, and terminology. I believe t hat it remains a powerf ul tool for in formation retrieval on European education al policies a nd systems for both researchers se eking inform ation about Eurydice products on our central website, as well as for information specialists, system designers or all those who wish to int egrate TESE into their own information system. Gilbert Gascard Director Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency INTRODUCTION In September 2008, the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) became responsible for managing the European-level aspects of the Network. This 2009 edition of TESE is therefore the first update of the tool under this new organisational structure. It integrates new developments in the field of education systems and policies and is available in 4 additional languages (Greek, Lithuanian, Rumanian, and Turkish). The main task of the Eurydice Network is to produce comparative information and analyses related to education policies and systems in Europe. As part of this task, the Network has been involved in the development of education thesauri since 1981, when the European Commission signed an agreement with the Council of Europe to jointly finance and redesign the thesaurus for EUDISED (European Documentation and Information System for Education), a project that had been run by the Council of Europe since 1974. The European Commission delegated management of the technical aspects of this cooperation to the Eurydice European Unit (EEU). As a result, the two organisations published in 1984 the second edition of the EUDISED Thesaurus in the (then) nine official languages of the European Community. This collaboration was maintained for several more years and led in 1991 to the appearance of a renamed publication, known as the European Education Thesaurus (EET), a further edition of which was published in 1998. Two years later, however, the Council of Europe decided to withdraw from the EET project. A large number of EET descriptors and in particular those relating to educational psychology and research were no longer relevant to indexers concerned with information on education policies and systems. In addition, Eurydice lacked the expertise and resources needed to regularly update such a comprehensive thesaurus. In May 2003, following consultation with the European Commission and discussions within the network, Eurydice decided to create a new multilingual thesaurus, the Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe (TESE). This publication was specifically tailored to the needs of Eurydice, although it is also general enough to serve as an indexing tool for other European providers of information on education systems and policies. It was issued in 2006 in eleven languages (Czech, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish). A major consideration when compiling TESE was its interoperability with the thesauri produced by Cedefop (the European Training Thesaurus) and European Schoolnet (the Learning Resource Exchange Thesaurus). Both bodies have devised their own multilingual indexing tools in the field of education, Cedefop for texts on vocational education and training and European Schoolnet for material on the content of education. Given the overlaps in vocabulary and target groups and the almost identical choice of language versions, it was in the best interests of all three bodies to cooperate closely. Meetings were arranged on a regular basis to develop a common approach in terms of thesaural structure, terminology and software. Other thesauri influential in the development of TESE were the European Education Thesaurus, the Eurovoc Thesaurus, the ERIC Thesaurus and the Unesco/IBE Thesaurus. The spelling and hierarchical structure of the languages in the Microthesaurus Languages are based on Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.), 2005. Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Fifteenth edition. Dallas, Tex.: SIL International. Online version: http://www.ethnologue.com/. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 3 DESCRIPTION OF TESE The Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe (TESE) is a controlled vocabulary intended for indexing texts on education systems and policies in Europe. It was established in accordance with ISO guidelines 2788-1986 and 5964-1985, and is published on the central Eurydice website (http://www.eurydice.org) where users can consult and download the alphabetical, rotated and systematic displays free of charge in PDF and XML format. In addition, a CSV (Comma-Separated-Value) file of TESE is made available, allowing for data to be easily imported into different systems. 1. Scope and purpose TESE has been primarily designed to serve the indexing needs of the Eurydice network, which is represented in all countries participating in the Lifelong Learning Programme, the European action programme in the field of education and training. TESE is primarily intended for indexing the bibliographic and electronic network databases, as well as information published on the central Eurydice website maintained by the Eurydice unit, in EACEA. However, TESE is also intended to be of value to organisations outside the network that are concerned with information on education policies and systems. For example, in Portugal TESE is used by a number of university libraries, the libraries of the Ministry of Education and several documentation centres, including that of the teachers' trade union FENPROF. In Italy, TESE is used by the National Agency for the Development of School Autonomy (former INDIRE) to index articles in a database for teachers, students and education researchers. 2. Vocabulary control 2.1. Descriptors When compiling the list of preferred terms for TESE, Eurydice was first guided by the indexing needs of the network. Concepts to be included were identified by means of a thorough search of all Eurydice information resources, its in-house publications and its Question and Answer System (the network’s enquiry service for European and nationallevel policymakers). Having identified the relevant concepts, these had to be matched by suitable descriptors. The decision on the status of a term, i.e. its position as a descriptor or non-descriptor, was influenced by several factors. Consideration was given to the natural language of the user community, the terminology agreed by the Eurydice network and its partners (Cedefop and European Schoolnet), the inclusion of a term in the European Education Thesaurus, and the frequency of its use in the relevant literature, reference books and other education thesauri. For descriptors on special needs education, TESE borrowed from the glossary produced by the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education, while terms relating to the European Union were checked against the Eurovoc Thesaurus. 2.1.1. Auxiliary descriptors Pre-coordination in TESE has as far as possible been limited to the core vocabulary, i.e. terms describing education policies and systems. In order not to restrict high precision recall in other areas, it was decided to include a limited number of auxiliary descriptors. If used for indexing and searching, auxiliary descriptors have to be combined with at least one other TESE descriptor that is not an auxiliary descriptor. All auxiliary descriptors are contained in the flat list of the same name. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 4 2.2. Non-descriptors A non-descriptor represents the same concept as a descriptor but their inclusion is not for the purpose of indexing this particular concept. The instruction USE that follows the nondescriptor directs the user to the term that has been chosen as the descriptor, and which is the only one that can retrieve information on the concept in question. The semantic equivalence relationship between descriptor and non-descriptor(s) is further highlighted by the symbol UF (Use For) placed between the descriptor and the corresponding nondescriptor(s). Non-descriptors are included in the alphabetical and rotated displays, in which they appear in italics. The following types of situation are covered by the equivalence relationship: Synonyms: terms with the same or very similar meanings Example: stage of education USE educational stage Quasi-synonyms: terms whose meanings are generally regarded as different but which for the purpose of TESE are treated as synonyms Example: in-service training USE staff development Antonyms: terms with opposite meanings Example: illiteracy USE literacy Lexical variants: different word forms for terms with identical meanings Example: organization USE organisation Upward posting: the name of the class and the name of its members are treated as equivalent with the generic term serving as the descriptor. Example: father USE parents Like descriptors, non-descriptors can represent only one concept. Each non-descriptor can therefore relate to only one descriptor. A descriptor on the other hand can be associated with more than one non-descriptor. Example: assessment USE evaluation appraisal USE evaluation evaluation UF assessment UF appraisal TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 5 The demands of terminological continuity in relation to the European Education Thesaurus and of terminological interoperability with Cedefop and European Schoolnet also had a bearing on the chosen status of terms. In all cases in which TESE contained the same concept as its partner thesauri but in which Eurydice was unable to accept the corresponding descriptor from any of them, it systematically imported the term as a nondescriptor. Occasionally, compound terms have been factored and the individual components assigned as separate indexing terms. In such instances, the compound term has been listed in the different displays, advising the user to search and index with all individual components. Example: primary teacher USE primary education + teacher Unlike descriptors, non-descriptors are not necessarily matched by equivalents in other language versions. The richness of vocabulary differs from language to language, a fact that is reflected in the varying number of non-descriptors for each TESE language. 2.3. Pre- and post-coordination Pre-coordination refers to the establishment of indexing terms by combining two or more terms at or before the indexing stage. Post-coordination refers to the combination of two or more independent descriptors at the time of retrieval. Both methods are intended to improve precision in recall. Pre-coordination has as far as possible been limited to the Eurydice core vocabulary. In addition the pre-coordination strategy has been shaped by the need for user-friendliness, precision in recall, interoperability with the Eurydice partners, and the possibility of establishing meaningful hierarchical relationships, not to mention the overall size of the TESE vocabulary. 2.4. Spelling TESE adopts the British English-language spelling given in the Concise Oxford English Dictionary / Edited by C. Soanes; A. Stevenson. - Eleventh Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. - 1708 p. and the New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors. The Essential A-Z Guide to the Written Word / Edited and compiled by R. M. Ritter. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. - 434 p. For words ending in ‘-ise’/’-ize’, TESE has adopted the ‘-ise’ spelling for the descriptor. The alternative spelling has been introduced in the form of non-descriptors. 2.5. Scope notes and definitions Scope notes and definitions clarify the meaning of descriptors and indicate their intended use. They are an important part of any thesaurus but even more so in a multicultural and multilingual environment. Indexing, searching and identification of suitable language equivalents is only possible when the meaning of each concept is unambiguous and its use strictly defined. TESE therefore comprises a large number of definitions, which support the work of indexers and researchers, and themselves constitute a terminological database for all those interested in education policies and systems. The TESE software used to create TESE does not visually distinguish between scope notes and definitions. Both are preceded by the symbol SN (Scope Note). Scope notes are included in the alphabetical presentation but not in the systematic or rotated displays. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 6 In the systematic display, however, terms supported by a scope note/definition are underlined. To read the definition, the user must access the alphabetic display. Definitions have been taken from a variety of sources but primarily the Cedefop Glossary and Thesaurus, the European Education Thesaurus, the ERIC Thesaurus and the Unesco IBE Thesaurus. All sources other than Eurydice are indicated in brackets at the end of the definition. 3. Structure 3.1. Basic structure TESE arranges its descriptors using a two-tier classification system. Fundamental facets form the higher or macro level, the lower level is formed by microthesauri. A few of the descriptors are placed in flat lists that accompany the thesaurus. 3.1.1. Fundamental Facets These broadly defined concept categories represent basic aspects or properties that characterise the subject in question. As regards education policies and systems, Eurydice has identified the following six fundamental facets: General concepts: abstract concepts relating to education and associated disciplines. This aspect includes the declared aims of education systems and the principles that govern them. Also covered are concepts relating to the science of education. Entities and systems: refers to physical as well as conceptual entities and systems. For TESE purposes, special needs education was considered to be a system of education. The content of education is understood to be the sum (entity) of what is being taught. Processes: actions intended to achieve education. Agents: people, groups of people, and public and private bodies involved in education. Tools: instruments used to support and document but not to deliver education. Context: environments in which educational activity takes place, and which themselves shape the educational process and outcomes. 3.1.2. Microthesauri The subordinate classification level is represented by microthesauri. These are clusters of hierarchically structured terms that all belong to the same subject field. The following table outlines the content of the 17 TESE microthesauri and their relationship with the six fundamental facets. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 7 Table 1: TESE Fundamental Facets and Microthesauri Fundamental Facet ID (1) General concepts Entities and systems Processes 1 Microthesaurus Content of Microthesaurus Theory of Education Terms presenting the principles of education that guide the public authorities in defining educational policy and administration. Terms relating to research as well as the sciences and economics of education. 2 Systems of Education Terms relating to the different types and levels of education and training including teacher education N.B. This MT does not include descriptors relating to types of school (e.g., MT 2 includes the descriptor ‘primary education’ but not ‘primary school’). 3 Special Education 4 Educational Policy and Terms defining action in education as well as its Administration organisation at different administrative levels. Also included are concepts relating to mobility both within a given system and between different systems and levels of education. 5 Financing of Education Terms relating to the funding of education and the sources of such funding. 6 Schools or Educational Terms relating to educational facilities (buildings and Institutions equipment) and their maintenance. 7 Content of Education 8 Teaching and Learning Terms relating to the entire instructional process and, in (Processes and particular, to teaching methodology, teaching tools and Methodology) learning strategies. 9 Evaluation and Guidance Terms relating to the processes, tools and agents employed for the assessment of educational policies, systems, players and methods. Terms relating to the validation of acquired knowledge, and to the resultant qualifications and certificates. Also included are terms relating to guidance and advice, since they are considered to be a result of evaluation. 10 Personality and Behaviour Terms relating to cognitive and emotional development. Also included are terms representing personality traits, attitudes, skills and competences. Needs Terms covering learning needs as well as actions addressing these needs. Terms representing curriculum design and organisation, course and curriculum content, fields of study and subjects taught. (1) ID = Identification Number of the microthesaurus TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 8 Table 1 (continued): TESE Fundamental Facets and Microthesauri Fundamental Facet Agents ID (1) Microthesaurus Content of Microthesaurus 11 Partners in Education Terms relating to all educational players, i.e., learners, teachers, advisors, educational public authorities and family. Descriptors are further concerned with the interaction between these players. 12 European Union Terms relating to institutions, legislation and activities within the context of the European Union. Tools 13 Information, Communication, Statistics Terms relating to processes and systems of communication with a particular emphasis on their electronic forms. Context 14 Politics, Legislation, Public Management Terms relating to public authority and its action outside the field of education. 15 Social Environment (Society, Culture, Language and Religion) Terms relating to the citizen, social groups and society as a whole. Descriptors are also concerned with culture, language and religion. Health and safety are also considered to be part of the social environment. 16 Economic Environment Terms relating to economics, individual economic sectors, (Economics, Labour labour and employment. and Employment) 17 Languages Terms representing names of individual languages and 2 language groups ( ). (1 ) ID = Identification Number of the microthesaurus 2 The spelling and hierarchical structure of the languages in the Microthesaurus Languages are based () on Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.), 2005. Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Fifteenth edition. Dallas, Tex.: SIL International. Online version: http://www.ethnologue.com/. The relationship between a descriptor and a microthesaurus is indicated in the alphabetical display by the code MT together with the two-digit identification number of the microthesaurus. Both appear in the line beneath the descriptor. In the systematic display each microthesaurus is headed by its full name preceded by its identification number. 3.1.3. Flat Lists Four flat lists supplement TESE. Like microthesauri, these contain terms belonging to a specific subject field but list them in simple alphabetical order. Flat lists have been assigned to group terms which constitute Eurydice fringe vocabulary, and which are shared with other information communities or cannot be organised in meaningful hierarchies. The following groups of terms have been assigned to flat lists: geographical entities, information sources, proper names and auxiliary descriptors. The relationship between a descriptor and a flat list is indicated in the alphabetical display by the symbol MT, followed by the two-digit identification number of the flat list in brackets. Both appear in the line beneath the descriptor. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 9 Table 2: TESE Flat Lists ID (1) 1 Flat List Content of Flat List 18 Auxiliary Descriptors 19 Geographical Entities Terms cover all European countries, all OECD countries and some nonEuropean countries of interest for the network. The spelling of country names conforms to ISO guideline 3166. Terms representing continents and regions. Regional entities in European countries are only included if they have their own distinct education system. Terms representing former political/geographical entities which still serve as a point of reference. Identifiers mark their period of existence. 20 Proper Names Proper names are given in full or as acronyms. 21 Information Sources Terms relating to all types of material able to provide information. () Terms whose meaning is too broad for them to be used for indexing on their own. They must be used in combination with another TESE descriptor. ID = Identification Number of the flat lists 3.2. Hierarchical relationships Hierarchies express the degree of subordination and superordination between descriptors. The super ordinate term is identified by the prefix BT (Broader Term) while the subordinate term is marked with the prefix NT (Narrower Term). Example: laboratory BT educational facilities educational facilities NT laboratory The alphabetical display shows only one hierarchical level up and one level down for each descriptor. The hierarchical presentation does not display any super ordinate relations but indicates all levels of subordination. The numbering of the code NT, e.g. NT1, refers to the number of levels by which the narrower term is removed from its generic term. Polyhierarchical relations are included in TESE, which means that descriptors may be linked to more than one broader term. 3.3. Associative relationships These relationships are formed between pairs of terms which are linked by neither a hierarchical relationship nor an equivalence relationship, but which users will associate mentally with each other. It is very likely that a user interested in the concept covered by one of these terms is also interested in the concept covered by the other. The thesaurus draws attention to this by establishing a reciprocal associative relationship which it highlights with the symbol RT (Related Term). Example: quality of education RT evaluation evaluation RT quality of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 10 3.4. Linguistic equivalent relationship Each language version of TESE lists the descriptors in the alphabetical order dictated by this particular language. Terms linked via the relation of linguistic equivalence are listed below, with each preceded by the corresponding language code. 4. Thesaural displays Each language version of TESE contains the preface and the presentation of TESE, as well as the alphabetical, systematic and rotated displays. Because TESE 2006 replaced the EET as the indexing tool within the Eurydice network, it was decided to provide users with lists of those EET descriptors that wereimported into TESE and those that were rejected. Users can also access a table detailing the changes that have been introduced to its second edition issued in 2009. Users may download TESE and all related material free of charge via the central Eurydice website http://www.eurydice.org. 4.1. Abbreviations and symbols All language versions of TESE use the same codes and abbreviations. Table 3 : Abbreviations and Symbols in TESE BT Broader Term; the term that follows this symbol is a generic term MT Microthesaurus/Flat List; the number that follows this symbol is the identification number of a microthesaurus or a flat list. NT Narrower Term; the term that follows this symbol is a specific term. RT Related Term; the term that follows this symbol is linked to another term via an associative relationship. SN Scope Note/Definition; this symbol is followed by an instruction to use, or a definition of the term it is attached to. UF Use For; the term that follows this symbol is a non-descriptor USE Use; the term that follows this symbol has been selected from among a series of terms to represent a given concept. Language codes in TESE bg Bulgarian it Italian cs Czech lt Lithuanian da Danish lv Latvian de German mt Maltese el Greek nl Dutch en English no Norwegian es Spanish pl Polish et Estonian pt Portuguese fi Finnish ro Romanian fr French sk Slovak ga Irish sl Slovene hu Hungarian sv Swedish is Icelandic tr Turkish TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 11 4.2. Alphabetic display This display includes two types of entry, descriptors and non-descriptors. In TESE, the alphabetical order is based on the word-by-word system. Words are alphabetised in succession with spaces and hyphens taking precedence over letters. Example: public law USE legislation public-sector school MT (06) SN: School financed and administered by a public authority. UF state-funded school BT school publication MT (21) SN: Use a more specific term if possible. 4.2.1. Descriptor entry These entries comprise: the wording of the descriptor in boldface roman font the identification number of the microthesaurus in which the descriptor is contained preceded by the code MT language equivalents in each of the other TESE languages. Each entry is preceded by the corresponding language code a scope note (where relevant) preceded by the code SN non-descriptor(s) in italics and preceded by the code UF the factored compound term(s) created from the descriptor: a factored term is preceded by the code UF † when the descriptor was used to create it. In the following example, the term 'primary teacher' refers to both 'primary education' and 'teacher'; 'UF † primary teacher' will therefore be found in their alphabetical display. These two descriptors must be used simultaneously during the indexing phase or search phase. Example: primary education MT (02) UF elementary education UF ISCED 1 UF † primary teacher teacher MT (11) UF † secondary teacher UF † primary teacher generic descriptors at the first level of superordination, listed in alphabetical order and preceded by the code BT specific descriptors at the first level of subordination, listed in alphabetical order and preceded by the code NT TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 12 descriptors that are linked to the entry descriptor via an associative relationship, listed in alphabetical order and preceded by the code RT. Example: curriculum support MT (03) SN: Teaching for learners with learning difficulties who are educated in mainstream schools. UF learning support UF remedial teaching BT special needs education NT language support RT curriculum support class 4.2.2. Non-descriptor entry Non-descriptors appear in bold and in italics and are accompanied by the instruction USE which refers users to the appropriate descriptor. Example: remedial teaching USE curriculum support Factored compound terms created from several descriptors are presented in the following way: Example: primary teacher USE primary education + teacher 4.3. Systematic display This display informs users about the hierarchical and associative relationships between individual descriptors. Each microthesaurus is headed by the name of the microthesaurus in bold preceded by its identification number. Hierarchies are headed by top terms not subordinate to any other term in the hierarchy concerned. Top terms are presented in alphabetical order and consequently determine the order of presentation within each microthesaurus. Narrower terms are placed to the right (after two dots per level of subordination in relation to the top term) and identified by the code NT. In cases in which terms are linked via more than one level of subordination, the code NT is complemented by a number indicating this level (e.g. NT1 refers to the first level of subordination, NT2 to the second level, etc.). Narrower terms are shown in descending hierarchical order. Descriptors at the same hierarchical level are arranged in alphabetical order. Example: 06 – Schools and Educational Institutions educational institution .. NT1 school .... NT2 art school ...... NT3 music school .... NT2 boarding school Related terms are also placed to the right (after two dots in relation to the associatively linked term) and sorted in alphabetical order. They are preceded by the code RT and, if housed in different microthesauri, followed by the identification number of their respective microthesauri in brackets. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 13 Example: 08 – Teaching and Learning aims of education .. RT curriculum development (07) 07 – Content of Education curriculum development .. RT aims of education (08) Multiple hierarchical relationships are highlighted by a double pointed arrow. If the two broader terms are contained in the same microthesaurus then the relationship is indicated by a double-pointed arrow to the right of the descriptor. Example: guidance officer is an NT1 of guidance service and an NT1 of non-teaching staff with both broader terms placed in MT11. 11 – Partners in Education guidance service NT1 guidance officer ↔ non-teaching staff NT1 guidance officer ↔ If the two broader terms are contained in different microthesauri, then the relationship is indicated by a double-pointed arrow to the right of the descriptor followed by the identification number of the microthesaurus in brackets. Example: Reform is an NT1 of education policy in MT 04 as well as an NT1 of politics in MT14. 04 – Educational Policy and Administration education policy . . NT1 reform ↔(14) 14 – Politics, Legislation, Public Management politics . . NT1 reform ↔(04) Descriptors supported by a scope note are underlined. To read the scope note the user must consult the alphabetical display. Example: information . . NT1 documentation . . . . RT classification . . NT1 information to parents (11) … . . RT ICT … . . RT information centre (06) Non-descriptors are not shown in the systematic display. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 14 4.4. Rotated (or permuted) display This alphabetical list of all significant words (including individual elements of compound terms) has been prepared in the KWIC (Key Word In Context) format. Stopwords like ‘of’, ‘and’, ‘in’, ‘between’, ‘by’ etc., which on their own lack meaning have not been used as the centre of rotation. A complete list of stopwords applied for TESE is given in the annexe. Example: workplace training USE in-service training transfer European Credit Transfer System credit transfer financial transfer USE transfer of funds knowledge transfer teacher transfer transfer between branches of education transfer of funds transition between levels of education Factored compound terms are presented in the following way in the rotated display: Example: primary teacher USE primary education + teacher TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 15 ADMINISTRATION AND MAINTENANCE Eurydice plans to update TESE on a regular basis. To help us with this task all users are invited to submit their proposals for change, together with reasons for each proposal, to the EACEA P9 Eurydice unit using the maintenance form that can be found on the Eurydice website at: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/Eurydice/TESEMaintenance. The EACEA Eurydice unit will examine all proposals for amendments and assess their impact on TESE. Proposals and the analysis of their impact will then be submitted for consultation to TESE Management Group and the Group for Linguistic Equivalents. The TESE Management Group will decide on whether a change should be introduced or not. TESE users will be informed about amendments via the Eurydice central website http://www.eurydice.org TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 16 HOW TO USE TESE 1. Indexing Indexing is the act of describing or identifying a document in terms of its subject content and the representation of this content by descriptors. Searching with the same descriptors as those used for indexing, information seekers will be able to extract from a mass of bibliographical material just those items that provide the information requested. 1.1. Selection of concepts to be indexed The selection of concepts to be indexed is based on two principles, selectivity and exhaustiveness. 1.1.1. Selectivity Indexers should avoid over-indexing, by indexing only those concepts for which the document provides information likely to be of interest to information seekers. Selectivity of indexing: is independent of the quality of the thesaurus; depends on the indexing policy governing the documentation system; depends on the indexer’s knowledge of prospective users, their needs and interests. 1.1.2. Exhaustiveness Indexers should avoid under-indexing, by selecting all concepts likely to be of interest to information seekers, irrespective of whether they are referred to explicitly or implicitly. The actual number of descriptors assigned to a document is conditioned by: the coverage of the thesaurus; only concepts represented in the documentary language can be indexed; the indexing policy, which determines the level of detail of indexing; since the optimum level depends on the nature of the questions put to the system, it is best determined interactively with the users; the experience and practice of individual indexers in relation to subject analysis and indexing (in the absence of a specific indexing policy). The higher the degree of exhaustiveness: the greater the recall rate, i.e. the percentage of relevant documents extracted from a given database in response to a query; the lower the precision rate, i.e. the proportion of documents which are extracted in response to a query and truly relevant to the user. By indexing exhaustively (i.e. including also concepts of only marginal importance), it is likely that many documents are being retrieved but that some of them are of very little (if any) relevance to users. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 17 1.2. Expressing concepts with descriptors Having identified the concepts that need indexing, these concepts must then be expressed by one or more of the thesaurus descriptors. This process is governed by the principle of specificity, which requires that specific concepts should be indexed with specific rather than generic terms. When matching concepts with suitable descriptors, the following two rules of specificity should be observed: vertical specificity: the descriptor must be at the same level of specificity as the concept or, failing this, at the next higher level; horizontal specificity: a concept consisting of two or more words must be expressed by a compound descriptor, if available in TESE, rather than by a combination of single-term descriptors. The degree of specificity in indexing is conditioned by: the vocabulary of the thesaurus, which may or may not include a large number of specific descriptors; high vocabulary specificity inevitably increases the number of descriptors; the indexing policy; the experience and practice of the indexers (in the absence of an indexing policy). The higher the degree of specificity in indexing the lower the recall rate; the user will only retrieve documents indexed with the specific descriptor but not those indexed at a more generic level, even if they contain relevant information. However, the latter can be retrieved by searching with the help of the generic descriptors. the higher the precision rate; only documents dealing with the specific concept are being retrieved. In practice, the indexer will encounter one of these scenarios when trying to identify a suitable descriptor: the concept is matched by a descriptor: this descriptor is used for indexing; if the document is in a foreign language, the concepts are translated into TESE language used by the indexer; the concept is best matched by a non-descriptor referring the user to the appropriate descriptor which will then be used for indexing; there is no thesaurus entry matching the concept, in which case indexers have two options at their disposal, namely: rewording the concept in natural language to see whether it then corresponds to an entry in the thesaurus; determining the subject field (microthesaurus) to which the concept in question belongs, and then searching the systematic display in this microthesaurus for the descriptor closest to the concept in question. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 18 2. Query formulation When formulating a query, users have to identify the descriptor(s) that have been used to index a given concept and which must now be used to extract this information. The first stage in this process is the formulation of the query in natural language. In the second stage, the concepts concerned are represented using thesaurus descriptors, with three possible outcomes; the concepts present in the query are contained in the thesaurus; users are able to find the corresponding descriptors or non-descriptors (which will guide them to the appropriate descriptors) by searching the alphabetical display; alternatively, they may search the systematic display with its hierarchical and associative relationships; none – or not all – of the concepts in the query are contained in the thesaurus; after failing to find the concepts in the alphabetical and rotated displays, users should explore the microthesauri covering the field(s) relevant to the query; descriptors designating the concept(s) closest to the one formulated in the query should be employed for searching; the query may lack precision: users should explore the microthesauri covering the field(s) relevant to the query; the most appropriate descriptors for formulating the query should be selected. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 19 ANNEXE - LIST OF STOPWORDS FOR THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE VERSION OF TESE Stopwords are terms which on their own lack meaning and which for that reason have not been used as the centre of rotation in the permuted display. 's ( ) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 a aided an and assisted at based between by da for from in into of s the to up with TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - TESE Presentation 20 STATISTICAL DATA All language versions of TESE comprise: microthesauri 21 flat lists 4 descriptors 1387 Each language version comprises a variable number of non-descriptors and scope notes. Number of scope notes and non-descriptors for each language version Language version Number of scope notes Number of nondescriptors cs 369 1151 de 312 1371 el 421 206 en 332 1061 es 330 1229 et 330 609 fi 302 87 fr 306 1059 it 267 1523 lt 312 1128 nl 213 1142 pl 163 590 pt 341 1242 ro 315 852 tr 287 933 01 - Theory of Education education . . RT content of learning (07) . . RT education policy (04) . . RT educational administration (04) . . RT educational institution (06) . . RT financing of education (05) . . RT learning (08) . . RT teaching (08) educational theory . . NT1 learning theory . . RT sciences of education principles of education . . NT1 coeducation . . NT1 compulsory education . . . . RT basic education (02) . . . . RT duration of compulsory education (04) . . NT1 continuity of education . . NT1 educational freedom . . NT1 equal opportunity . . NT1 intercultural education . . . . RT European Baccalaureate (09) . . . . RT International Baccalaureate (09) . . . . RT international school (06) . . NT1 international dimension . . . . NT2 European dimension . . . . RT globalisation of education (15) . . . . RT international studies (07) . . NT1 parental choice . . . . RT choice of school (09) . . NT1 right to education . . NT1 student integration . . . . NT2 positive discrimination . . . . . . RT social inequality (15) . . . . NT2 student empowerment . . . . RT inclusive education (03) research . . NT1 educational research . . . . RT educational expert (11) . . RT historical perspective . . RT measurement . . RT methodology . . RT research centre research results . . NT1 educational innovation . . . . RT pilot project sciences of education . . NT1 comparative education . . NT1 didactics TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 1 . . NT1 economics of education . . . . NT2 demand for education . . . . NT2 demand for graduates . . . . NT2 demand for teachers . . . . . . RT teaching profession (11) . . . . NT2 education market . . . . NT2 supply of teachers . . . . . . RT teaching profession (11) . . . . NT2 teacher shortage . . . . . . RT teaching profession (11) . . . . NT2 teacher surplus . . . . . . RT teaching profession (11) . . . . NT2 training need . . NT1 history of education . . NT1 philosophy of education . . NT1 sociology of education . . RT educational expert (11) . . RT educational theory TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 2 02 - Systems of Education branch of education . . NT1 general education . . NT1 technical education ↔ (09) . . NT1 vocational education and training . . . . RT training type . . . . RT vocational content (07) . . . . RT vocational qualification (09) . . . . RT vocational school (06) . . RT transfer between branches of education (04) education system . . NT1 adult education . . . . RT adult literacy (10) . . . . RT lifelong learning . . . . RT skills audit (09) . . NT1 alternative educational provision . . NT1 basic education . . . . RT compulsory education (01) . . . . RT minimum competences (10) . . NT1 correctional education . . . . RT delinquency (10) . . . . RT special educational needs (03) . . . . RT special needs education (03) . . NT1 private education . . . . RT private school (06) . . NT1 public education . . NT1 single-structure education . . . . RT lower secondary . . . . RT primary education educational stage . . NT1 grade . . NT1 study cycle level of education . . NT1 higher education . . . . NT2 bachelor degree studies . . . . . . RT bachelor's degree (09) . . . . NT2 postgraduate studies . . . . . . NT3 doctoral studies . . . . . . NT3 master degree studies . . . . . . . . RT master's degree (09) . . . . RT academic year (04) . . . . RT higher education institution (06) . . . . RT mature student (11) . . NT1 post-compulsory education . . NT1 post-secondary non-tertiary education . . NT1 pre-primary education . . . . NT2 day care . . . . NT2 education-oriented pre-primary level . . . . RT pre-primary education-oriented institution (06) . . . . RT pre-primary institution (06) . . NT1 primary education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 3 . . . . RT primary school (06) . . . . RT single-structure education . . NT1 secondary education . . . . NT2 lower secondary . . . . . . RT single-structure education . . . . NT2 upper secondary . . . . RT secondary school (06) lifelong learning . . NT1 formal education . . . . NT2 schooling . . NT1 informal learning . . . . RT family education . . . . RT out-of-school education . . NT1 non-formal learning . . . . RT out-of-school education . . . . RT skills audit (09) . . NT1 out-of-school education . . . . NT2 distance learning . . . . . . NT3 e-learning . . . . . . . . NT4 e-learning content . . . . . . . . . . NT5 learning object . . . . . . . . . . . . RT educational software (06) (13) . . . . . . . . . . RT content of learning (07) . . . . . . RT open university (06) . . . . NT2 family education . . . . . . RT informal learning . . . . NT2 home education . . . . NT2 hospital teaching . . . . RT informal learning . . . . RT non-formal learning . . RT adult education . . RT return to learning teacher education . . NT1 in-service teacher training . . NT1 initial teacher education . . . . NT2 qualifying phase . . . . NT2 teaching practice . . RT teacher (11) . . RT teacher education institution (06) . . RT teacher education model teacher education model . . NT1 concurrent model . . NT1 consecutive model . . RT teacher education training type . . NT1 alternance training . . NT1 apprenticeship . . . . NT2 work experience . . NT1 basic training . . NT1 continuing professional development . . . . NT2 in-service training TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 4 . . . . RT learning organisation (11) . . NT1 initial training . . NT1 retraining . . NT1 vocationally-oriented course . . RT vocational education and training transition between levels of education . . NT1 transition from lower to upper secondary education . . NT1 transition from pre-primary to primary education . . NT1 transition from primary to lower secondary education . . NT1 transition from upper secondary to higher education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 5 03 - Special Needs Education disability . . NT1 intellectual disability . . . . NT2 autism . . . . NT2 language impairment . . NT1 physical disability . . . . NT2 sensory impairment . . . . . . NT3 hearing impairment . . . . . . . . RT lip-reading . . . . . . NT3 visual impairment . . . . . . . . RT braille . . RT people with disabilities . . RT special educational needs . . RT therapy special educational needs . . NT1 learning difficulty . . . . NT2 reading difficulty . . RT correctional education (02) . . RT disability . . RT special needs education special needs education . . NT1 curriculum support . . . . NT2 language support . . . . . . RT foreign mother tongue student (11) . . . . RT curriculum support class . . NT1 inclusive education . . . . RT student integration (01) . . NT1 separate special education . . . . RT special school (06) . . RT correctional education (02) . . RT special educational needs . . RT special school (06) therapy . . NT1 occupational therapy . . NT1 physiotherapy . . NT1 psychotherapy . . NT1 speech therapy . . RT disability TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 6 04 - Educational Policy and Administration education policy . . NT1 access to education . . . . NT2 entry to school . . . . . . NT3 admission procedure . . . . . . . . NT4 admission requirements . . . . . . . . NT4 numerus clausus . . . . . . . . RT school starting age . . . . . . NT3 registration . . . . NT2 open access . . . . NT2 restricted access . . NT1 accreditation . . . . NT2 accreditation of prior learning . . . . . . RT prior learning (08) . . NT1 democratisation of education . . NT1 duration of compulsory education . . . . RT compulsory education (01) . . NT1 duration of studies . . NT1 duration of the academic year . . . . RT academic year . . NT1 duration of the school year . . . . RT school year . . NT1 evidence-based policy . . NT1 forecasting . . NT1 free education . . . . RT financing of education (05) . . NT1 language policy ↔ (14) . . . . NT2 teaching language . . NT1 planning ↔ (14) . . . . NT2 educational planning . . . . . . NT3 school development plan . . NT1 priority area . . NT1 promotion of mobility . . NT1 reform ↔ (14) . . . . NT2 educational reform . . . . RT reform proposal . . NT1 school closure . . NT1 setting up a school . . . . RT school construction (06) . . RT education (01) . . RT educational authority (11) educational administration . . NT1 arrangement of school time . . . . NT2 academic year . . . . . . RT duration of the academic year . . . . . . RT higher education (02) . . . . NT2 school calendar . . . . . . NT3 holidays . . . . . . . . RT leisure (07) . . . . . . NT3 term (period) . . . . NT2 school day . . . . . . NT3 break . . . . . . NT3 lesson TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 7 . . . . . . . . RT teaching load (11) . . . . NT2 school week . . . . NT2 school year . . . . . . NT3 taught time . . . . . . RT duration of the school year . . . . . . RT teaching load (11) . . . . NT2 timetable . . . . . . NT3 flexible timetable . . NT1 distribution of students . . NT1 evaluation of the education system . . NT1 school distribution . . NT1 staggering of holidays . . NT1 student-teacher ratio . . NT1 supervision . . . . RT administration (14) . . . . RT governance (14) . . RT education (01) governing body . . NT1 class council . . NT1 school board . . NT1 school council mobility . . NT1 free movement . . . . NT2 occupational mobility . . . . . . NT3 teacher mobility . . . . NT2 student mobility . . . . . . NT3 study abroad . . RT exchange visit (08) . . RT recognition of diplomas (09) school management . . NT1 cancellation of lesson . . NT1 complaint procedure . . NT1 internal regulation . . . . NT2 school rules . . . . . . RT school discipline (10) . . NT1 personnel management . . . . NT2 assignment of staff . . . . . . NT3 reassignment of staff . . . . NT2 teacher recruitment . . . . . . RT recruitment (16) transfer . . NT1 credit transfer . . . . NT2 European Credit Transfer System ↔ (12) . . . . RT credit system . . NT1 knowledge transfer . . . . RT knowledge (08) . . NT1 teacher transfer . . . . RT teacher (11) . . NT1 transfer between branches of education . . . . RT branch of education (02) . . NT1 transfer of funds TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 8 . . . . RT financing (05) TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 9 05 - Financing of Education educational expenditure . . NT1 per capita expenditure . . RT financing financial management . . NT1 financial control financing . . NT1 financing of education . . . . RT education (01) . . . . RT free education (04) . . . . RT resource allocation (16) . . NT1 investment . . RT educational expenditure . . RT financing method . . RT transfer of funds (04) financing method . . NT1 block grant . . NT1 education voucher . . NT1 per capita funding . . NT1 performance-based funding . . RT financing source of funding . . NT1 donation . . NT1 fees . . . . NT2 registration fees . . . . NT2 tuition fees . . . . RT fee-paying school (06) . . . . RT non-grant-aided private school (06) . . NT1 private funds . . . . NT2 parental contribution . . . . NT2 sponsorship . . NT1 public funds support measure . . NT1 financial support . . . . NT2 education grant . . . . NT2 family allowance . . . . NT2 loan . . . . . . RT interest rate . . . . NT2 scholarship . . . . NT2 tax relief . . NT1 means-tested support . . NT1 support in kind TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 10 06 - Schools and Educational Institutions class . . NT1 class size . . RT class management (08) educational facilities . . NT1 campus . . NT1 cinema . . NT1 classroom . . NT1 community centre . . NT1 cultural centre . . NT1 housing . . . . NT2 student housing . . . . . . RT boarding school . . . . . . RT student (11) . . NT1 information centre . . . . RT information (13) . . NT1 laboratory . . . . NT2 language laboratory . . NT1 leisure facilities . . . . NT2 playground . . . . RT leisure activities (07) . . NT1 library . . . . RT librarian (11) . . NT1 museum . . NT1 sports facilities educational institution . . NT1 adult education institution . . NT1 higher education institution . . . . NT2 non-university higher education institution . . . . NT2 open university . . . . . . RT distance learning (02) . . . . NT2 university . . . . . . NT3 university faculty . . . . . . . . NT4 university institute . . . . RT higher education (02) . . NT1 mobile education services . . NT1 pre-primary institution . . . . NT2 pre-primary education-oriented institution . . . . . . RT pre-primary education (02) . . . . NT2 pre-primary non-education oriented institution . . . . RT pre-primary education (02) . . NT1 school . . . . NT2 art school . . . . . . NT3 music school . . . . . . RT art (15) . . . . NT2 boarding school . . . . . . RT student housing . . . . NT2 boys' school . . . . NT2 coeducational school . . . . NT2 comprehensive school . . . . NT2 denominational school . . . . NT2 European School TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 11 . . . . NT2 fee-paying school . . . . . . RT fees (05) . . . . NT2 full-day school . . . . NT2 girls' school . . . . NT2 international school . . . . . . RT intercultural education (01) . . . . NT2 military school . . . . NT2 primary school . . . . . . RT primary education (02) . . . . NT2 private school . . . . . . NT3 grant-aided private school . . . . . . NT3 non-grant-aided private school . . . . . . . . RT fees (05) . . . . . . RT private education (02) . . . . NT2 public-sector school . . . . NT2 secondary school . . . . . . RT secondary education (02) . . . . NT2 special school . . . . . . RT separate special education (03) . . . . . . RT special needs education (03) . . . . NT2 specialist school . . . . NT2 vocational school . . . . . . RT vocational education and training (02) . . . . RT school size . . . . . . RT number of students (13) . . NT1 teacher education institution . . . . RT teacher education (02) . . NT1 training centre . . RT education (01) equipment . . NT1 audiovisual equipment . . . . RT audiovisual programme (08) . . . . RT teaching resources (08) . . NT1 furniture . . NT1 ICT equipment (13) . . . . NT2 hardware (13) . . . . . . NT3 computer (13) . . . . . . . . NT4 home computer (13) . . . . . . . . RT teaching resources (08) . . . . NT2 server (13) . . . . NT2 software (13) . . . . . . NT3 educational software (13) . . . . . . . . RT learning object (02) . . . . . . RT user-friendliness (13) . . . . RT compatibility (13) . . NT1 sports equipment maintenance and repair . . RT maintenance staff (11) school construction . . NT1 space arrangement . . . . NT2 access for the disabled . . RT setting up a school (04) TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 12 school life . . NT1 school meal . . NT1 school transport TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 13 07 - Content of Education content of learning . . NT1 applied sciences . . NT1 art education . . . . NT2 crafts . . . . NT2 drama . . . . NT2 drawing . . . . NT2 music education . . . . RT art (15) . . NT1 computer science . . NT1 economics . . . . NT2 enterprise education . . . . NT2 management education . . NT1 engineering . . . . NT2 architecture . . . . NT2 civil engineering . . NT1 environmental education . . . . RT environmental protection (16) . . NT1 health sciences . . . . NT2 health education . . . . NT2 human medicine . . . . NT2 nutrition education . . . . NT2 physical education . . . . NT2 safety education . . . . NT2 sex education . . . . NT2 veterinary medicine . . NT1 humanities . . . . NT2 classical studies . . . . . . RT Ancient Greek (17) . . . . . . RT Latin (17) . . . . NT2 history . . . . NT2 journalism . . . . NT2 language teaching . . . . . . NT3 foreign language teaching . . . . . . . . RT immersion (08) . . . . . . NT3 grammar . . . . . . NT3 listening . . . . . . NT3 mother tongue instruction . . . . . . . . RT mother tongue (15) . . . . . . NT3 reading . . . . . . NT3 speaking . . . . . . NT3 spelling . . . . . . NT3 terminology . . . . . . NT3 writing . . . . . . RT language skills (10) . . . . NT2 linguistics . . . . NT2 media education . . . . NT2 moral education . . . . NT2 philosophy . . . . NT2 religious education . . NT1 international studies . . . . RT international dimension (01) . . NT1 leisure education . . . . RT leisure TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 14 . . NT1 mathematics . . NT1 natural sciences . . . . NT2 biology . . . . NT2 chemistry . . . . NT2 geography . . . . NT2 physics . . NT1 social sciences . . . . NT2 civics . . . . . . NT3 community studies . . . . . . NT3 education for peace . . . . . . NT3 law studies . . . . NT2 psychology . . NT1 technology . . NT1 tourism . . RT curriculum development . . RT e-learning content (02) . . RT education (01) curriculum . . NT1 common core curriculum . . NT1 curriculum subject . . . . NT2 compulsory subject . . . . NT2 main subject . . . . NT2 optional subject . . . . NT2 subsidiary subject . . . . NT2 vocational content . . . . . . RT vocational education and training (02) . . NT1 hidden curriculum curriculum development . . NT1 curriculum reform . . RT aims of education (08) . . RT content of learning educational provision . . NT1 foreign language provision . . . . NT2 number of languages taught . . NT1 out-of-school-hours provision . . . . NT2 extra-curricular activities . . . . . . NT3 play . . RT educational activities (08) leisure . . NT1 leisure activities . . . . RT leisure facilities (06) . . RT holidays (04) . . RT leisure education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 15 08 - Teaching and Learning (Processes and Methodology) aims of education . . NT1 teaching objective . . RT curriculum development (07) class management . . NT1 grouping . . . . NT2 heterogeneous class . . . . . . NT3 mixed age class . . . . NT2 homogeneous class . . RT class (06) . . RT classroom climate course . . NT1 audiovisual programme . . . . RT audiovisual equipment (06) . . NT1 evening class . . NT1 higher education course . . NT1 integrated course . . NT1 intensive course . . NT1 modular course . . NT1 optional course . . NT1 preparatory class . . NT1 seminar . . NT1 summer school . . NT1 training programme . . RT course exemption . . RT course programme . . RT course structure educational activities . . NT1 classwork . . NT1 creative activities . . NT1 cultural activities . . NT1 educational game . . . . NT2 computer game . . NT1 exchange visit . . . . RT mobility (04) . . NT1 homework . . NT1 outdoor activities . . NT1 practical training . . NT1 school visit . . NT1 study visit . . NT1 supervised study . . RT educational provision (07) . . RT school activities knowledge . . NT1 know-how . . RT knowledge management . . RT knowledge transfer (04) learning . . NT1 blended learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 16 . . . . RT computer-assisted learning . . . . RT teaching method . . NT1 computer-assisted learning . . . . RT blended learning . . NT1 early learning . . NT1 group learning . . NT1 independent learning . . NT1 self-instruction ↔ . . RT education (01) learning process . . NT1 learning context . . NT1 learning pace . . NT1 learning strategy . . . . NT2 self-instruction ↔ prior learning . . RT accreditation of prior learning (04) . . RT prerequisites school activities . . NT1 directed activities . . NT1 exercise . . . . NT2 oral work . . . . NT2 written work . . NT1 project work . . RT educational activities teaching . . NT1 teaching method . . . . NT2 activity method . . . . NT2 block teaching . . . . NT2 content and language integrated learning . . . . NT2 differentiated teaching . . . . NT2 formal lecturing . . . . NT2 immersion . . . . . . RT foreign language teaching (07) . . . . NT2 individualised teaching . . . . . . RT tutor (11) . . . . NT2 interdisciplinary approach . . . . NT2 lecture . . . . NT2 object lesson . . . . NT2 tutorial system . . . . RT blended learning . . NT1 teaching resources . . . . NT2 teachers' guide . . . . NT2 textbook . . . . RT audiovisual equipment (06) . . . . RT computer (06) (13) . . RT education (01) . . RT lesson preparation (11) . . RT teacher autonomy . . RT teaching load (11) . . RT teaching profession (11) . . RT teaching quality (09) TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 17 TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 18 09 - Evaluation and Guidance certificate . . NT1 entry certificate . . NT1 general education certificate . . NT1 higher education diploma . . . . NT2 bachelor's degree . . . . . . RT bachelor degree studies (02) . . . . NT2 doctorate . . . . . . RT thesis . . . . NT2 joint degree . . . . . . RT joint study programme (11) . . . . NT2 master's degree . . . . . . RT master degree studies (02) . . NT1 school-leaving certificate . . . . NT2 European Baccalaureate . . . . . . RT intercultural education (01) . . . . NT2 International Baccalaureate . . . . . . RT intercultural education (01) . . RT certification . . RT qualification certification . . RT certificate . . RT evaluation . . RT examination . . RT qualification competition . . NT1 inter-institutional competition . . . . RT institutional ranking evaluation . . NT1 continuous evaluation . . NT1 evaluation by headteachers . . . . RT headteacher (11) . . NT1 evaluation by students . . . . RT pupil (11) . . . . RT student (11) . . NT1 evaluation by teachers . . . . NT2 marking . . NT1 evaluation of an educational institution . . NT1 evaluation of headteachers . . . . RT headteacher (11) . . NT1 evaluation of students . . . . RT pupil (11) . . . . RT student (11) . . NT1 evaluation of teachers . . NT1 external evaluation . . . . NT2 inspection . . . . . . RT inspectorate (11) . . . . NT2 peer evaluation . . NT1 formative evaluation . . NT1 initial evaluation . . NT1 internal evaluation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 19 . . . . NT2 self-evaluation . . NT1 international evaluation . . NT1 summative evaluation . . RT certification . . RT examination . . RT learning standard . . RT quality of education evaluation method . . NT1 evaluation criterion evaluation report . . NT1 school report . . NT1 skills audit . . . . RT adult education (02) . . . . RT competence (10) . . . . RT non-formal learning (02) . . . . RT skill (10) . . RT evaluation result evaluation result . . NT1 institutional ranking . . . . RT inter-institutional competition . . RT evaluation report . . RT indemnity . . RT sanction examination . . NT1 competitive examination . . NT1 entry examination . . NT1 final examination . . NT1 intelligence test . . NT1 oral examination . . NT1 placement examination . . NT1 standardised test . . . . RT standard . . NT1 written examination . . RT certification . . RT evaluation guidance . . NT1 consultation . . NT1 educational guidance . . NT1 mentoring . . NT1 vocational guidance . . RT choice of school . . RT choice of studies . . RT choice of training . . RT guidance officer (11) learning outcome . . NT1 study progress . . . . NT2 promotion to the next class . . . . NT2 repeating . . NT1 underachievement TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 20 . . . . NT2 re-assessment . . . . NT2 school failure . . . . RT dropout qualification . . NT1 formal qualification . . NT1 teaching qualification . . NT1 vocational qualification . . . . RT vocational education and training (02) . . RT certificate . . RT certification . . RT level of qualification quality of education . . NT1 quality assurance . . NT1 teaching quality . . . . RT teaching (08) . . RT evaluation . . RT learning standard recognition of diplomas . . RT comparability of qualifications . . . . RT Diploma Supplement . . RT equivalence of certificates . . RT mobility (04) . . RT portability of qualifications . . RT transparency of qualifications sanction . . NT1 exclusion from school . . RT evaluation result school career . . NT1 choice of school . . . . RT guidance . . . . RT parental choice (01) . . NT1 choice of studies . . . . RT guidance . . NT1 choice of training . . . . RT guidance . . NT1 interruption of studies . . . . NT2 dropout . . . . . . RT underachievement . . NT1 reintegration into school . . NT1 specialisation . . . . NT2 technical education ↔ (02) . . NT1 student record standard . . NT1 benchmark . . NT1 best practice . . NT1 European standards . . NT1 learning standard . . . . RT evaluation . . . . RT quality of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 21 . . RT standardisation . . RT standardised test TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 22 10 - Behaviour and Personality attitude . . NT1 attitude towards school . . . . NT2 school disaffection . . . . . . RT absenteeism . . NT1 flexibility behaviour . . NT1 misconduct . . . . NT2 absenteeism . . . . . . RT school disaffection . . . . NT2 bullying . . . . NT2 cheating . . . . NT2 delinquency . . . . . . RT correctional education (02) . . . . NT2 violence . . . . . . RT child abuse (11) . . NT1 protest . . NT1 school discipline . . . . RT school rules (04) . . NT1 social behaviour . . . . NT2 attendance . . . . NT2 participation . . . . . . NT3 parent participation . . . . . . . . RT parent-school relation (11) . . . . . . . . RT parents' association (11) . . . . . . NT3 student participation . . . . . . . . RT student (11) . . . . . . NT3 teacher participation child development . . NT1 cognitive development . . . . NT2 intelligence . . . . . . NT3 comprehension . . . . . . NT3 critical sense . . . . . . RT gifted . . . . NT2 mental age . . . . NT2 problem solving . . . . NT2 reasoning . . . . . . RT mental age . . NT1 physical development . . . . NT2 motor development . . NT1 socialisation competence . . NT1 basic skills . . NT1 communicative competences . . NT1 cross-curricular competences . . NT1 entrepreneurship . . NT1 language skills . . . . NT2 oral skills . . . . NT2 written skills . . . . RT language teaching (07) . . NT1 learning to learn TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 23 . . NT1 literacy . . . . NT2 adult literacy . . . . . . RT adult education (02) . . . . NT2 computer literacy . . . . NT2 functional literacy . . . . NT2 information literacy . . NT1 minimum competences . . . . RT basic education (02) . . NT1 social competences . . NT1 subject-specific competences . . RT skill . . RT skills audit (09) conflict . . NT1 dispute settlement personality . . NT1 creativity . . NT1 individualism . . NT1 personal autonomy . . NT1 self-confidence skill . . NT1 skill development . . RT competence . . RT skills audit (09) TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 24 11 - Partners in Education advisory body . . NT1 education council . . NT1 mediator . . NT1 support service . . . . NT2 support for teachers child . . NT1 child at risk . . NT1 children in public care . . NT1 orphan child rearing . . NT1 childcare . . RT child abuse . . . . RT violence (10) cooperation . . NT1 inter-university cooperation . . . . NT2 joint study programme . . . . . . RT joint degree (09) . . NT1 international cooperation . . . . RT international relations (14) . . . . RT OECD country . . NT1 team work educational authority . . NT1 education policy-maker . . NT1 ministry of education . . . . NT2 minister of education . . NT1 organising body . . RT education policy (04) family . . NT1 one-parent family . . NT1 parents guidance service . . NT1 guidance officer ↔ . . . . RT guidance (09) . . NT1 psychology service . . . . NT2 educational psychologist . . . . . . RT non-teaching staff ↔ inter-school relations . . NT1 school correspondence . . NT1 school partnership . . . . NT2 twinning of schools intergroup relations . . NT1 education-industry relation . . NT1 intercultural relations . . . . RT culture (15) . . NT1 school-community relation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 25 . . NT1 training-employment relation interpersonal relations . . NT1 adult-child relation . . NT1 parent-child relation . . NT1 parent-school relation . . . . NT2 information to parents ↔ (13) . . . . RT parent participation (10) . . NT1 teacher-student relation non-teaching staff . . NT1 activity coordinator . . NT1 administrative staff . . . . NT2 education officer . . NT1 educational childcare staff . . NT1 educational psychologist ↔ . . . . RT non-teaching staff . . NT1 evaluator . . . . NT2 awarding body . . . . NT2 board of examiners . . . . NT2 inspectorate . . . . . . NT3 inspector . . . . . . RT inspection (09) . . NT1 guidance officer ↔ . . . . RT guidance (09) . . NT1 librarian . . . . RT library (06) . . NT1 maintenance staff . . . . NT2 caretaker . . . . RT maintenance and repair (06) . . NT1 managerial staff . . . . RT headteacher . . NT1 scientific staff . . NT1 vice-chancellor . . NT1 youth worker . . RT educational psychologist organisation . . NT1 association . . . . NT2 parents' association . . . . . . RT parent participation (10) . . . . NT2 professional association . . . . NT2 teacher association . . NT1 charity . . NT1 international organisation . . NT1 learning organisation . . . . RT continuing professional development (02) . . NT1 non-governmental organisation . . NT1 religious organisation . . NT1 student organisation . . . . RT student . . NT1 voluntary organisation . . NT1 youth organisation pupil TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 26 . . NT1 school leaver . . RT evaluation by students (09) . . RT evaluation of students (09) . . RT student social service . . NT1 child protection . . . . NT2 adoption . . . . NT2 child placement . . NT1 youth protection . . RT social security (16) . . RT youth worker student . . NT1 adult learner . . NT1 foreign mother tongue student . . . . RT immigrant (15) . . . . RT language support (03) . . NT1 graduate . . NT1 mature student . . . . RT higher education (02) . . NT1 non-enrolled student . . NT1 trainee . . NT1 undergraduate . . NT1 working student . . RT evaluation by students (09) . . RT evaluation of students (09) . . RT pupil . . RT student housing (06) . . RT student life . . RT student organisation . . RT student participation (10) teacher working time . . NT1 lesson preparation . . . . RT teaching (08) . . NT1 teaching load . . . . RT lesson (04) . . . . RT school year (04) . . . . RT teaching (08) teaching profession . . RT demand for teachers (01) . . RT return to teaching . . RT supply of teachers (01) . . RT teacher . . RT teacher shortage (01) . . RT teacher surplus (01) . . RT teaching (08) teaching staff . . NT1 assistant . . NT1 substitute staff . . NT1 teacher . . . . NT2 form teacher TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 27 . . . . NT2 generalist teacher . . . . NT2 headteacher . . . . . . RT evaluation by headteachers (09) . . . . . . RT evaluation of headteachers (09) . . . . . . RT managerial staff . . . . NT2 non-qualified teacher . . . . NT2 qualified teacher . . . . NT2 semi-specialist teacher . . . . NT2 SEN teacher . . . . NT2 specialist teacher . . . . NT2 trainee teacher . . . . RT retired teacher . . . . RT teacher education (02) . . . . RT teacher transfer (04) . . . . RT teaching profession . . NT1 trainer . . NT1 tutor . . . . RT individualised teaching (08) youth . . NT1 adolescent . . NT1 unqualified young people TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 28 12 - European Union enlargement (European Union) . . RT candidate country . . RT non-EU country European citizenship European cooperation . . NT1 European Credit Transfer System . . NT1 European Economic Area . . NT1 European Higher Education Area . . NT1 European Union action . . NT1 European Union policy ↔ (04) European Union . . NT1 EU country European Union agency . . NT1 Cedefop . . NT1 European Training Foundation European Union body . . NT1 Committee of the Regions . . NT1 European Economic and Social Committee . . NT1 Eurostat European Union institution . . NT1 Council of the European Union . . . . NT2 Council conclusions . . . . NT2 Council Presidency (European Union) . . NT1 European Commission . . . . NT2 European Commissioner . . NT1 European Council . . NT1 European Court of Auditors . . NT1 European Court of Justice . . NT1 European Parliament European Union law . . NT1 European treaty . . NT1 European Union decision . . NT1 European Union directive . . NT1 European Union recommendation . . NT1 European Union regulation . . NT1 European Union resolution . . RT international law (14) . . RT subsidiarity (European Union) (14) structural funds . . NT1 European Social Fund TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 29 13 - Information, Communication, Statistics communication . . NT1 information dissemination . . NT1 mass media . . NT1 non-verbal communication . . . . NT2 sign language . . . . NT2 symbol . . . . RT language (15) . . NT1 telecommunication . . . . NT2 computer network . . . . . . NT3 e-mail . . . . . . NT3 extranet . . . . . . NT3 Internet . . . . . . . . RT Internet access . . . . . . . . RT Internet usage . . . . . . NT3 intranet . . NT1 verbal communication . . . . RT language (15) . . RT ICT . . RT information exchange ICT . . NT1 artificial intelligence . . NT1 data processing . . . . NT2 data collection . . RT communication . . RT computer penetration . . RT computer usage . . RT information ICT equipment ↔ (06) . . NT1 hardware (06) . . . . NT2 computer (06) . . . . . . NT3 home computer (06) . . . . . . RT teaching resources (08) . . NT1 server (06) . . NT1 software (06) . . . . NT2 educational software (06) . . . . . . RT learning object (02) . . . . RT user-friendliness (06) . . RT compatibility information . . NT1 documentation . . . . RT classification . . NT1 information to parents . . RT ICT . . RT information centre (06) ↔ (11) information exchange . . NT1 conference . . NT1 debate . . NT1 feedback . . RT communication TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 30 statistical analysis . . NT1 breakdown (statistics) . . NT1 cohort (statistics) . . NT1 European average . . NT1 indicator . . . . NT2 input indicator . . . . NT2 output indicator . . . . NT2 process indicator . . NT1 questionnaire . . NT1 sample . . RT statistical data statistical data . . NT1 average income . . NT1 education participation rate . . NT1 number of students . . . . RT school size (06) . . NT1 NUTS regions . . NT1 population statistics . . . . NT2 birth rate . . . . NT2 population distribution . . . . RT population (15) . . NT1 raw data . . RT statistical analysis TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 31 14 - Politics, Legislation, Public Management administration . . NT1 administrative level . . . . NT2 European level . . . . NT2 institutional level . . . . NT2 international level . . . . NT2 local level . . . . NT2 national level . . . . NT2 regional level . . NT1 administrative structure . . . . NT2 centralisation . . . . NT2 decentralisation . . . . . . NT3 geographical decentralisation . . RT supervision (04) governance . . NT1 accountability . . NT1 autonomy . . . . NT2 financial autonomy . . . . NT2 institutional autonomy . . NT1 subsidiarity (European Union) . . . . RT European Union law (12) . . RT supervision (04) government . . NT1 executive power . . . . NT2 civil service . . . . NT2 ministry . . NT1 judicial power . . . . NT2 jurisdiction . . . . . . NT3 court (law) . . NT1 legislative power . . . . NT2 legislative body . . . . . . NT3 parliament . . . . RT legislation legislation . . NT1 constitution . . NT1 educational legislation . . NT1 employment law . . . . RT labour (16) . . NT1 international law . . . . RT European Union law (12) . . NT1 regulation . . RT legal status . . RT legislative power politics . . NT1 coalition . . NT1 federalism . . NT1 foreign policy . . . . NT2 international relations . . . . . . NT3 international agreement . . . . . . RT international cooperation (11) TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 32 . . NT1 language policy ↔ (04) . . . . NT2 teaching language (04) . . NT1 planning ↔ (04) . . . . NT2 educational planning (04) . . . . . . NT3 school development plan (04) . . NT1 reform ↔ (04) . . . . NT2 educational reform (04) . . . . RT reform proposal (04) . . RT political party . . RT political situation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 33 15 - Social Environment (Society, Culture, Language and Religion) civic values . . NT1 democracy . . . . NT2 citizen participation . . NT1 freedom . . NT1 human rights . . . . NT2 civil rights . . . . NT2 parents' right . . . . NT2 rights of the child culture . . NT1 art . . . . NT2 applied arts . . . . NT2 music . . . . RT art education (07) . . . . RT art school (06) . . NT1 literature . . . . NT2 children's and youth literature . . RT civilisation . . RT cultural identity . . RT cultural pluralism . . RT intercultural relations (11) gender . . NT1 female . . . . NT2 girl . . NT1 male . . . . NT2 boy globalisation . . NT1 globalisation of education . . . . RT international dimension (01) group . . NT1 club . . NT1 working group health . . NT1 well-being . . RT health problems . . RT safety health problems . . NT1 drug abuse . . NT1 illness . . RT health . . RT prevention health service . . NT1 health service staff . . . . NT2 school doctor . . RT health care language TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 34 . . NT1 community language . . . . NT2 minority language . . . . NT2 regional language . . NT1 dialect . . NT1 indigenous language . . NT1 mother tongue . . . . RT mother tongue instruction (07) . . NT1 official language . . NT1 state language . . RT non-verbal communication (13) . . RT verbal communication (13) linguistic diversity . . NT1 multilingualism . . . . NT2 bilingualism . . RT language barrier migrant . . NT1 emigrant . . NT1 immigrant . . . . RT foreign mother tongue student (11) . . NT1 itinerant . . NT1 refugee . . NT1 second generation migrant migration . . NT1 country of origin . . NT1 host country . . RT brain drain place of residence . . RT change of residence population . . NT1 citizen . . . . RT marital status . . NT1 ethnic group . . NT1 foreigner . . NT1 language minority . . RT population statistics (13) religion . . NT1 Buddhism . . NT1 Christianity . . . . NT2 Catholicism . . . . NT2 Protestantism . . NT1 Confucianism . . NT1 Hinduism . . NT1 Islam . . NT1 Judaism . . NT1 secularism . . NT1 Sikhism . . NT1 Taoism social background TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 35 . . NT1 disadvantaged background social structure . . NT1 gender equality . . NT1 social exclusion . . . . NT2 discrimination . . . . NT2 racism . . . . NT2 social inequality . . . . . . RT positive discrimination (01) . . NT1 social integration society . . NT1 knowledge society socio-cultural environment . . NT1 community . . . . NT2 linguistic community . . . . NT2 local community . . NT1 rural area . . NT1 urban area . . . . RT urbanisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 36 16 - Economic Environment (Economics, Labour and Employment) career . . RT career advancement . . RT career break . . RT career change . . RT career structure economic and social cohesion . . NT1 regional inequality . . NT1 social security . . . . RT social service (11) economic data . . NT1 consumption . . NT1 cost of living . . NT1 economic factor . . NT1 economic resources . . NT1 human capital . . NT1 human resources . . NT1 income distribution . . NT1 standard of living . . . . NT2 poverty . . NT1 unemployment economy . . NT1 agriculture (economic sector) . . NT1 industry . . NT1 services . . . . NT2 insurance employment . . NT1 intellectual work . . NT1 manual work . . NT1 temporary work . . NT1 termination of employment . . . . NT2 dismissal . . . . NT2 retirement . . . . . . NT3 early retirement . . . . . . RT pension . . NT1 trial period . . RT professional code employment contract . . NT1 fixed-term contract . . NT1 permanent contract employment status . . NT1 teacher status enterprise . . NT1 small and medium-sized enterprise environment . . NT1 environmental protection TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 37 . . . . NT2 sustainability . . . . RT environmental education (07) labour . . NT1 child labour . . RT employment law (14) . . RT labour relations labour market . . NT1 access to employment . . . . RT recruitment . . . . . . RT recruitment procedure . . . . . . RT teacher recruitment (04) . . NT1 employability . . NT1 employment opportunities . . RT transition from school to work management . . NT1 management of resources . . . . NT2 resource allocation . . . . . . RT capital resources . . . . . . RT financing of education (05) . . . . . . RT operational resources place of work . . NT1 sheltered workshop professional profile . . NT1 length of service . . NT1 professional experience . . NT1 recruitment . . . . RT recruitment procedure . . . . RT teacher recruitment (04) . . NT1 seniority . . RT occupational satisfaction promotional activity . . NT1 advertising . . NT1 incentive . . . . RT financial incentive . . . . RT motivation social partners . . NT1 employers organisation . . . . NT2 employer . . NT1 trade union . . . . NT2 employee working conditions . . NT1 job security . . NT1 leave . . . . NT2 leave of absence . . . . . . NT3 educational leave . . . . . . NT3 parental leave . . . . . . NT3 sick leave TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 38 . . NT1 period of notice . . NT1 salary . . . . NT2 basic salary . . . . NT2 headteacher salary . . . . NT2 performance-related salary . . . . NT2 teacher salary . . . . RT salary scale . . NT1 working time . . . . NT2 overtime TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 39 17 - Languages Afro-Asiatic languages . . NT1 Arabic . . . . NT2 Maltese . . NT1 Canaanite . . . . NT2 Hebrew Altaic languages . . NT1 Turkic languages . . . . NT2 Turkish artificial languages . . NT1 Esperanto Basque languages . . NT1 Basque Creole languages . . NT1 Creole Eskimo-Aleut languages . . NT1 Greenlandic Indo-European languages . . NT1 Albanian . . NT1 Armenian . . NT1 Baltic languages . . . . NT2 Latvian . . . . NT2 Lithuanian . . NT1 Celtic languages . . . . NT2 Breton . . . . NT2 Irish Gaelic . . . . NT2 Scots Gaelic . . . . NT2 Welsh . . NT1 Germanic languages . . . . NT2 Danish . . . . NT2 Dutch . . . . NT2 English . . . . NT2 Faroese . . . . NT2 Frisian . . . . NT2 German . . . . . . NT3 Alemannic . . . . . . . . NT4 Schwyzerdütsch . . . . . . NT3 Moselle Franconian . . . . . . . . NT4 Luxembourgeois . . . . NT2 Icelandic . . . . NT2 Norwegian . . . . NT2 Swedish . . . . NT2 Yiddish . . NT1 Greek . . . . NT2 Ancient Greek . . . . . . RT classical studies (07) . . NT1 Indo-Iranian languages . . . . NT2 Romani TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 40 . . NT1 Italic languages . . . . NT2 Latin . . . . . . RT classical studies (07) . . . . NT2 Romance languages . . . . . . NT3 Asturian . . . . . . NT3 Castilian . . . . . . NT3 Catalan . . . . . . NT3 Corsican . . . . . . NT3 French . . . . . . NT3 Galician . . . . . . NT3 Italian . . . . . . NT3 Ladin . . . . . . NT3 Mirandês . . . . . . NT3 Oc . . . . . . NT3 Portuguese . . . . . . NT3 Romanian . . . . . . NT3 Romansch . . . . . . NT3 Valencian . . NT1 Slavic languages . . . . NT2 Belarusan . . . . NT2 Bosnian . . . . NT2 Bulgarian . . . . NT2 Croatian . . . . NT2 Czech . . . . NT2 Kashubian . . . . NT2 Language of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia . . . . NT2 Polish . . . . NT2 Russian . . . . NT2 Rusyn . . . . NT2 Serbian . . . . NT2 Slavonic . . . . NT2 Slovak . . . . NT2 Slovenian . . . . NT2 Sorbian . . . . NT2 Ukrainian Japanese languages . . NT1 Japanese Sino-Tibetan languages . . NT1 Chinese Uralic languages . . NT1 Estonian . . NT1 Finnish . . NT1 Hungarian . . NT1 Sami languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 41 18 - Auxiliary Descriptors action age cause development duration effectiveness efficiency full-time member outcome part-time policy private public rate (statistics) responsibility rights target group time series TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 42 19 - Geographical Entities Africa Albania America Andalusia Andorra Antarctica Aragon Armenia Asia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Baden-Wurtemberg Balearic Islands Balkans Baltic States Basque Country Bavaria Belarus Belgium Berlin Bosnia and Herzegovina Brandenburg Bremen Brussels Capital Region Bulgaria Canada TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 43 Canary Islands Cantabria Caribbean Islands Castile-La Mancha Castile-Leon Catalonia Central Africa Central America Central Asia China Community of Madrid Community of Valencia Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Czechoslovakia Denmark East Africa Eastern Europe England Estonia Europe Extremadura Far East Finland Flemish Community of Belgium France TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 44 French Community of Belgium FYROM Galicia Georgia German Democratic Republic German-speaking Community of Belgium Germany Greece Greenland Hamburg Hesse Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latin America Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Lower Saxony Luxembourg Malta Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Mediterranean countries TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 45 Mexico Middle East Monaco Murcia Navarre Netherlands New Zealand Nordic countries North Africa North America North Rhine-Westphalia Northern Europe Northern Ireland Norway Oceania Poland Portugal Principality of Asturias Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Republic of Montenegro Republic of Serbia Rhineland-Palatinate Rioja Romania Russian Federation Saarland TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 46 San Marino Saxony Saxony-Anhalt Schleswig-Holstein Scotland Slovak Republic Slovenia South America South-East Asia Southern Africa Southern Asia Southern Europe Spain Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Territories of the former Yugoslavia Thuringia Turkey Turkmenistan Ukraine United Kingdom United States USSR Uzbekistan Vatican City State Wales TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 47 West Africa Western Europe TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 48 20 - Proper Names ATEE Bologna Process Comenius Council of Europe EFTA ENIC ENQA ENTEP Erasmus Erasmus Mundus ETUCE EUA EURASHE European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education European Schoolnet Eurydice Grundtvig IBE IEA ILO ISO Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme Lingua Lisbon Strategy Minerva NARIC TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 49 OECD PIRLS PISA ReferNet Socrates Tempus TIMSS UNESCO UNICEF United Nations World Bank TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 50 21 - Information Sources administrative document agenda annual report archives article bibliography calendar case study catalogue comparative analysis conclusion conference paper country report database dictionary directory electronic document figure forum glossary green paper guide index leaflet legal text lexicon meeting report TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 51 newsletter newspaper periodical press release proceedings publication reference material report series speech summary survey thesaurus treaty website white paper work programme working paper yearbook TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Systematic display 52 ability USE skill absenteeism MT (10) cs: absentérství de: Absentismus el: απουσιασμός es: absentismo et: puudumine fi: poissaolot fr: absentéisme it: assenteismo lt: pravaikšta nl: absenteïsme pl: absencja pt: Absentismo ro: absenteism tr: devamsızlık UF truancy BT misconduct RT school disaffection abstract USE summary academic freedom USE educational freedom academic qualification USE general education certificate academic term USE term (period) TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 1 academic year MT (04) cs: akademický rok de: akademisches Jahr el: ακαδημαϊκό έτος es: curso académico et: õppeaasta fi: lukuvuosi fr: année académique it: anno accademico lt: akademiniai metai nl: academisch jaar pl: rok akademicki pt: Ano académico ro: an academic (an universitar) tr: akademik yıl BT arrangement of school time RT duration of the academic year RT higher education acceding country USE candidate country accelerated course USE intensive course access for the disabled MT (06) cs: přístupnost pro postižené de: behindertenfreundliche Struktur el: πρόσβαση για άτομα με ειδικές ανάγκες es: accesibilidad para discapacitados et: juurdepääs puudega inimeste tarvis fi: liikuntaesteetön fr: accessibilité pour les personnes ayant un handicap it: accesso ai disabili lt: tinkamumas neįgaliesiems nl: toegankelijk voor gehandicapten pl: dostępność dla niepełnosprawnych pt: Acessibilidade aos deficientes ro: acces pentru persoanele cu dizabilităti tr: engelliler için erişim BT space arrangement TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 2 access to education MT (04) cs: přístup ke vzdělávání de: Bildungszugang el: πρόσβαση στην εκπαίδευση es: acceso a la educación et: hariduse kättesaadavus fi: koulutukseen pääsy fr: accès à l'éducation it: accesso all'istruzione lt: švietimo prieinamumas nl: toegang tot onderwijs pl: dostępność oświaty pt: Acesso à educação ro: acces la educatie tr: eğitime erişim SN: Accessibility of an education to a student/pupil, including access to appropriate educational institutions, materials, and personnel (Source: Adapted from ERIC Thesaurus, 2005 online version). BT education policy NT entry to school NT open access NT restricted access access to employment MT (16) cs: přístup k zaměstnání de: Beschäftigungszugang el: πρόσβαση στην απασχόληση es: acceso al empleo et: töö kättesaadavus fi: työhönsijoittuminen fr: accès à l'emploi it: accesso al lavoro lt: įsidarbinimo galimybės nl: toegang tot werkgelegenheid pl: dostępność miejsc pracy pt: Acesso ao emprego ro: acces în privinta angajării tr: istihdama erişim SN: Administrative and statutory conditions (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT labour market RT recruitment accession country USE candidate country accident USE safety TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 3 accountability MT (14) cs: odpovědnost za výsledky de: Rechenschaftspflicht el: λογοδοσία es: rendición de cuentas et: aruandekohustus fi: tilivelvollisuus fr: responsabilisation it: assunzione di responsabilità lt: atsiskaitomumas nl: rekenschap pl: gotowość do ponoszenia odpowiedzialności pt: Prestação de contas ro: responsabilitate tr: mesuliyet SN: Being held responsible and answerable for specific results or outcomes of an activity (over which one has authority). (Source: ERIC Thesaurus, 2005 online version) BT governance accreditation MT (04) cs: akreditace de: Akkreditierung el: κρατική αναγνώριση es: acreditación et: akrediteerimine fi: akkreditointi fr: agrément it: accreditamento lt: akreditavimas nl: accreditatie pl: akredytacja pt: Acreditação ro: acreditare tr: akreditasyon SN: Process of accrediting an institution, a programme of study, or a service, showing it has been approved by the relevant legislative and professional authorities by having met predetermined standards (Source: Adapted from Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). BT education policy NT accreditation of prior learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 4 accreditation of prior learning MT (04) cs: uznání předchozího vzdělání de: Anerkennung von Vorbildung el: πιστοποίηση αποκτηθείσης μάθησης es: reconocimiento de conocimientos previos et: varasemate õpingute tunnustamine fi: osaamisen tunnustaminen fr: validation des acquis it: accreditamento dell'apprendimento precedente lt: ankstesnio mokymosi pripažinimas nl: erkenning verworven competenties pl: akredytacja nabytej wcześniej wiedzy i doświadczeń pt: Acreditação da aprendizagem prévia ro: acreditarea achizitiilor anterioare învătării tr: önceki öğrenimin akreditasyonu UF APL BT accreditation RT prior learning achievement control USE evaluation of students achievement level USE learning standard achievement test USE examination act USE legislation action MT (18) cs: akce de: Aktion el: δράση es: acción et: tegevus fi: toiminta fr: action it: azione lt: veiksmas nl: actie pl: akcja pt: Acção ro: actiune tr: eylem SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 5 activity coordinator MT (11) cs: kulturně-výchovný pracovník de: Animateur el: συντονιστής δραστηριοτήτων es: coordinador de actividades et: huvijuht fi: toimintakoordinaattori fr: animateur it: animatore lt: koordinatorius nl: activiteitencoördinator pl: animator pt: Animador ro: coordonator de activitate tr: etkinlik koordinatörü SN: Person responsible for the organisation of group work or collective activities (leisure, cultural or sports etc.) (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF animateur BT non-teaching staff activity method MT (08) cs: aktivizující metoda de: aktivierende Methode el: μέθοδος δραστηριοτήτων es: método activo et: aktiivõpe fi: aktiviteettimenetelmät fr: méthode active it: metodo attivo lt: aktyvusis metodas nl: actieve methode pl: metoda aktywizująca pt: Método activo ro: metoda specifica activitatii tr: etkinlik yöntemi BT teaching method TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 6 administration MT (14) cs: správa de: Verwaltung el: διοίκηση es: administración et: haldus fi: hallinto fr: administration it: amministrazione lt: administravimas nl: bestuur pl: administracja pt: Administração ro: administrare tr: yönetim NT administrative level NT administrative structure RT supervision administrative document MT (21) cs: úřední dokument de: Verwaltungsdokument el: διοικητικό έγγραφο es: documento administrativo et: haldusdokument fi: hallinnolliset asiakirjat fr: document administratif it: documento amministrativo lt: administracinis dokumentas nl: bestuurlijk document pl: dokument urzędowy pt: Documento administrativo ro: document administrativ tr: yönetimsel belge TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 7 administrative level MT (14) cs: správní úroveň de: Verwaltungsebene el: επίπεδο διοίκησης es: nivel administrativo et: haldustasand fi: hallintotaso fr: niveau administratif it: livello amministrativo lt: administracinis lygmuo nl: bestuurlijk niveau pl: szczebel administracyjny pt: Nível administrativo ro: nivel administrativ tr: yönetimsel seviye BT administration NT European level NT institutional level NT international level NT local level NT national level NT regional level administrative personnel USE administrative staff administrative staff MT (11) cs: administrativní pracovníci de: Verwaltungspersonal el: διοικητικό προσωπικό es: personal admistrativo et: haldustöötajad fi: hallintohenkilöstö fr: personnel administratif it: personale amministrativo lt: administracijos personalas nl: administratief personeel pl: kadra administracyjna pt: Pessoal administrativo ro: conducere administrativa tr: idari personel UF administrative personnel UF clerical personnel BT non-teaching staff NT education officer TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 8 administrative structure MT (14) cs: správní struktura de: Verwaltungsstruktur el: διοικητική δομή es: estructura administrativa et: haldusstruktuur fi: hallintorakenne fr: structure administrative it: struttura amministrativa lt: administracinė struktūra nl: bestuurlijke structuur pl: struktura administracyjna pt: Estrutura administrativa ro: structura administrativa tr: idari yapı BT administration NT centralisation NT decentralisation admission procedure MT (04) cs: přijímací řízení de: Zulassungsverfahren el: διαδικασία εισαγωγής es: procedimiento de admisión et: sisseastumistoimingud fi: valintamenettely fr: procédure d'admission it: procedura di ammissione lt: priėmimo procedūros nl: toelatingsprocedure pl: zasady kwalifikacji pt: Processo de admissão ro: procedura de admisie tr: kabul prosedürü UF selection procedure BT entry to school NT admission requirements NT numerus clausus RT school starting age TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 9 admission requirements MT (04) cs: podmínky pro přijetí de: Zulassungsbedingungen el: προϋποθέσεις εισαγωγής es: condiciones de admisión et: sisseastumisnõuded fi: pääsyvaatimukset fr: conditions d'admission it: requisiti di ammissione lt: priėmimo reikalavimai nl: toelatingsvoorwaarden pl: warunki kwalifikacji pt: Condições de admissão ro: cerinte de admitere tr: kabul koşulları SN: Conditions (examination, certificates, proof of skills, etc.) of entrance to courses of study, further study, training, etc (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF eligibility UF entrance requirements UF entry requirements BT admission procedure admissions USE entry to school adolescence USE adolescent adolescent MT (11) cs: adolescent de: Jugendlicher el: έφηβος es: adolescente et: nooruk fi: nuoret fr: adolescent it: adolescente lt: paauglys nl: adolescent pl: młodociany pt: Adolescente ro: adolescent tr: ergen UF adolescence BT youth adopted child USE adoption TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 10 adoption MT (11) cs: osvojení de: Adoption el: υιοθεσία es: adopción et: lapsendamine fi: adoptio fr: adoption it: adozione lt: įvaikinimas nl: adoptie pl: adopcja pt: Adopção ro: adoptie tr: evlat edinme UF adopted child BT child protection adult education MT (02) cs: vzdělávání dospělých de: Erwachsenenbildung el: εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων es: educación de personas adultas et: täiskasvanuharidus fi: aikuiskoulutus fr: éducation des adultes it: educazione degli adulti lt: suaugusiųjų švietimas nl: volwassenenonderwijs pl: edukacja dorosłych pt: Educação de adultos ro: educatia adultilor tr: yetişkin eğitimi SN: General or vocational education provided for adults after a break in learning. UF adult learning UF continuation of education UF continuing education BT education system RT adult literacy RT lifelong learning RT skills audit TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 11 adult education institution MT (06) cs: instituce pro vzdělávání dospělých de: Einrichtung der Erwachsenenbildung el: ίδρυμα εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων es: centro de educación de personas adultas et: täiskasvanute õppeasutus fi: aikuisoppilaitokset fr: établissement de formation pour adultes it: istituto di educazione per adulti lt: suaugusiųjų mokymo įstaiga nl: instelling voor volwassenenonderwijs pl: placówka kształcenia dorosłych pt: Estabelecimento de ensino para adultos ro: institutii pentru educatia adultilor tr: yetişkin eğitimi kurumu SN: Educational institution delivering adult education. BT educational institution adult illiteracy USE adult literacy adult learner MT (11) cs: dospělý studující de: erwachsener Lernender el: ενήλικος μαθητής es: alumno adulto et: täiskasvanud õppija fi: aikuisoppija fr: apprenant adulte it: studente adulto lt: suaugęs mokinys nl: cursist volwassenenonderwijs pl: uczeń dorosły pt: Aprendente adulto ro: adult care invata tr: yetişkin öğrenci SN: Adult participating in formal and informal learning activities. BT student adult learning USE adult education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 12 adult literacy MT (10) cs: gramotnost dospělých de: Alphabetisierung Erwachsener el: αλφαβητισμός ενηλίκων es: alfabetización de personas adultas et: täiskasvanute kirjaoskus fi: aikuisten lukutaito fr: alphabétisation des adultes it: alfabetizzazione degli adulti lt: suaugusiųjų raštingumas nl: geletterdheid van volwassenen pl: alfabetyzacja dorosłych pt: Alfabetização de adultos ro: alfabetizarea adultilor tr: yetişkin okur yazarlığı UF adult illiteracy BT literacy RT adult education adult-child interaction USE adult-child relation adult-child ratio USE student-teacher ratio adult-child relation MT (11) cs: vztah dospělý-dítě de: Erwachsener-Kind-Beziehung el: σχέση ενήλικα-παιδιού es: relación niño-adulto et: täiskasvanu ja lapse suhted fi: aikuinen-lapsisuhde fr: relation adulte-enfant it: rapporto adulto-bambino lt: suaugusiojo ir vaiko ryšys nl: relatie volwassene-kind pl: relacja dorosły-dziecko pt: Relação adulto-criança ro: relatia adult - copil tr: yetişkin-çocuk ilişkisi UF adult-child interaction BT interpersonal relations TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 13 advertising MT (16) cs: reklama de: Werbung el: διαφήμιση es: publicidad et: reklaamimine fi: mainonta fr: publicité it: pubblicità lt: reklamavimas nl: reclame pl: reklama pt: Publicidade ro: publicitate tr: reklam yapma UF advertising campaign BT promotional activity advertising campaign USE advertising adviser USE advisory body advising USE guidance advisory body MT (11) cs: poradní orgán de: beratendes Gremium el: συμβουλευτικό όργανο es: órgano consultivo et: nõuandev organ fi: neuvottelukunta fr: organe consultatif it: organo consultivo lt: patariančioji institucija nl: adviesorgaan pl: organ doradczy pt: Órgão consultivo ro: consiliu consultativ tr: danışma kurulu SN: Body offering advice and opinions to the educational community or its representatives. For personal advice to individuals use guidance. UF adviser UF consultative body UF consultative council NT education council NT mediator NT support service TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 14 Africa MT (19) cs: Afrika de: Afrika el: Αφρική es: África et: Aafrika fi: Afrikka fr: Afrique it: Africa lt: Afrika nl: Afrika pl: Afryka pt: África ro: Africa tr: Afrika Afro-Asiatic languages MT (17) cs: afroasijské jazyky de: afroasiatische Sprachen el: Αφρο-Ασιατικές γλώσσες es: lenguas afro-asiáticas et: afroaasia keeled fi: afroaasialaiset kielet fr: langues afro-asiatiques it: lingue afro-asiatiche lt: afroazijiečių kalbos nl: Afro-Aziatische talen pl: języki afroazjatyckie pt: Línguas afro-asiáticas ro: limbi afro-asiatice tr: Afro-Asyatik diller NT Arabic NT Canaanite age MT (18) cs: věk de: Alter el: ηλικία es: edad et: vanus fi: ikä fr: âge it: età lt: amžius nl: leeftijd pl: wiek pt: Idade ro: varsta tr: yaş SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 15 agenda MT (21) cs: program jednání de: Tagesordnung el: ημερήσια διάταξη es: agenda et: päevakord fi: työjärjestys fr: agenda it: ordine del giorno lt: darbotvarkė nl: agenda pl: porządek dzienny pt: Agenda ro: agenda tr: gündem aggression USE violence agriculture (economic sector) MT (16) cs: zemědělství (resort hospodářství) de: Landwirtschaft (Wirtschaftsbereich) el: γεωργία (οικονομικός τομέας) es: agricultura et: põllumajandus fi: maatalous fr: agriculture (secteur économique) it: agricoltura (settore economico) lt: žemės ūkis nl: landbouw (economische sector) pl: rolnictwo (dział gospodarki) pt: Agricultura (actividade económica) ro: agricultura (sector economic) tr: tarım (ekonomik sektör) BT economy TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 16 aims of education MT (08) cs: výchovně-vzdělávací cíle de: Bildungsziel el: στόχοι της εκπαίδευσης es: fines de la educación et: hariduseesmärgid fi: kasvatustavoitteet fr: finalités de l'éducation it: finalità educative lt: švietimo tikslai nl: onderwijsdoelstellingen pl: cele kształcenia pt: Finalidade da educação ro: finalitatile educationale tr: eğitimin amaçları UF attainment target UF educational aims UF educational goal UF educational objective UF educational target NT teaching objective RT curriculum development Albania MT (19) cs: Albánie de: Albanien el: Αλβανία es: Albania et: Albaania fi: Albania fr: Albanie it: Albania lt: Albanija nl: Albanië pl: Albania pt: Albânia ro: Albania tr: Arnavutluk TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 17 Albanian MT (17) cs: albánština de: Albanisch el: Αλβανική es: albanés et: albaania keel fi: albanian kieli fr: albanais it: albanese lt: albanų kalba nl: Albanees pl: albański pt: Albanês ro: albanez tr: Arnavutça BT Indo-European languages Alemannic MT (17) cs: alemanština de: Alemannisch el: Αλεμαννική es: alemánico et: elsassi keel fi: elsassi fr: alémanique it: alemanno lt: alemanų kalba nl: Alemannisch pl: języki alemańskie pt: Alemânico ro: limbi alemanice tr: Alemanik UF Alemannisch UF Alsatian UF regional languages of Alsace BT German NT Schwyzerdütsch Alemannisch USE Alemannic Aleut USE Eskimo-Aleut languages algebra USE mathematics all through school USE single-structure education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 18 all-day school USE full-day school Alsatian USE Alemannic Altaic languages MT (17) cs: altajské jazyky de: altaische Sprachen el: Αλταϊκές γλώσσες es: lenguas altaicas et: Altai keelkond fi: altailaiset kielet fr: langues altaïques it: lingue altaiche lt: altajiečių kalbos nl: Altaïsche talen pl: języki ałtajskie pt: Línguas altaicas ro: limbi altaice tr: Altayik diller NT Turkic languages alternance training MT (02) cs: alternační profesní příprava de: duale Ausbildung el: εναλλασσόμενο μάθημα es: formación en alternancia et: vahelduvkoolitus fi: jaksottaiskoulutus fr: formation en alternance it: alternanza scuola-lavoro lt: pakaitinis mokymas nl: duale opleiding pl: kształcenie przemienne pt: Formação em alternância ro: formare in alternanta tr: dönüşümlü eğitim SN: Education or training alternating periods in a school or training centre and in the work place (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF alternate work and learning UF alternating training UF block release UF combined school and workplace course UF day-release course UF dual education UF linked work and training UF sandwich course BT training type TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 19 alternate work and learning USE alternance training alternating training USE alternance training alternative educational offer USE alternative educational provision alternative educational provision MT (02) cs: nabídka alternativního vzdělávání de: alternative Bildungsangebote el: εναλλακτικός τύπος εκπαίδευσης es: oferta educativa alternativa et: alternatiivõpe fi: vaihtoehtoinen koulutustarjonta fr: offre en éducation alternative it: offerta educativa alternativa lt: alternatyvusis švietimas nl: alternatieve onderwijsvoorziening pl: alternatywne formy edukacji pt: Educação alternativa ro: resurse educationale alternative tr: alternatif eğitim imkanı SN: Instruction based on an educational philosophy different from that of the state it operates in. For schools whose philosophy is based on a particular religion, use denominational school. UF alternative educational offer UF alternative school BT education system alternative school USE alternative educational provision America MT (19) cs: Amerika de: Amerika el: Αμερική es: América et: Ameerika fi: Amerikka fr: Amérique it: America lt: Amerika nl: Amerika pl: Ameryka pt: América ro: America tr: Amerika TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 20 Ancient Greek MT (17) cs: starořečtina de: Altgriechisch el: Αρχαία Ελληνικά es: griego antiguo et: Vana-Kreeka fi: muinaiskreikka fr: grec ancien it: greco antico lt: klasikinė graikų kalba nl: Oud-Grieks pl: starożytna greka pt: Grego antigo ro: Grecia Antica tr: Eski Yunanca BT Greek RT classical studies Andalusia MT (19) cs: Andalusie de: Andalusien el: Ανδαλουσία es: Andalucía et: Andaluusia fi: Andalusia fr: Andalousie it: Andalusia lt: Andalūzija nl: Andalusië pl: Andaluzja pt: Andaluzia ro: Andaluzia tr: Endülüs UF Autonomous Community of Andalusia Andorra MT (19) cs: Andorra de: Andorra el: Ανδόρα es: Andorra et: Andorra fi: Andorra fr: Andorre it: Andorra lt: Andora nl: Andorra pl: Andora pt: Andorra ro: Andorra tr: Andora TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 21 animateur USE activity coordinator annual report MT (21) cs: výroční zpráva de: Jahresbericht el: ετήσια έκθεση es: informe anual et: aastaaruanne fi: toimintakertomus fr: rapport annuel it: rapporto annuale lt: metinė ataskaita nl: jaarverslag pl: sprawozdanie roczne pt: Relatório anual ro: raport anual tr: yıllık rapor Antarctica MT (19) cs: Antarktida de: Antarktis el: Ανταρκτική es: Antártida et: Antarktika fi: Antarktis fr: Antarctique it: Antartide lt: Antarktida nl: Antarctica pl: Antarktyda pt: Antárctica ro: Antarctica tr: Antarktika APL USE accreditation of prior learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 22 applied arts MT (15) cs: užité umění de: angewandte Kunst el: εφαρμοσμένες τέχνες es: artes aplicadas et: rakenduskunstid fi: taideteollisuus fr: arts appliqués it: arti applicate lt: taikomieji menai nl: toegepaste kunsten pl: sztuki użytkowe pt: Artes aplicadas ro: arte aplicate tr: uygulamalı sanatlar SN: Disciplines at the crossroads of art and technology (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT art applied sciences MT (07) cs: aplikované vědy de: angewandte Wissenschaften el: εφαρμοσμένες επιστήμες es: ciencias aplicadas et: rakendusteadused fi: soveltavat tieteet fr: sciences appliquées it: scienze applicate lt: taikomieji mokslai nl: toegepaste wetenschappen pl: nauki stosowane pt: Ciências aplicadas ro: stiinte aplicate tr: uygulamalı bilimler BT content of learning appraisal USE evaluation apprentice USE apprenticeship TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 23 apprenticeship MT (02) cs: učňovská příprava de: Lehrlingsausbildung el: μαθητεία es: período de prácticas profesionales et: õpipoisiaeg fi: oppisopimuskoulutus fr: apprentissage professionnel it: apprendistato lt: pameistrystė nl: leerlingwezen pl: przyuczenie do zawodu pt: Aprendizagem profissional ro: ucenicie tr: çıraklık SN: A period of systematic, long-term training, substantially carried out within an undertaking and regulated by an oral or written contract imposing mutual obligations on trainee and employer (Source: Cedefop, European Training Thesaurus, 2001). UF apprentice UF traineeship BT training type NT work experience approved school USE correctional education aptitude USE skill Arabic MT (17) cs: arabština de: Arabisch el: Αραβική es: árabe et: araabia keel fi: arabian kieli fr: arabe it: arabo lt: arabų kalba nl: Arabisch pl: arabski pt: Árabe ro: araba tr: Arapça BT Afro-Asiatic languages NT Maltese TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 24 Aragon MT (19) cs: Aragonie de: Aragonien el: Αραγωνία es: Aragón et: Aragón fi: Aragonia fr: Aragon it: Aragona lt: Aragonas nl: Aragon pl: Aragonia pt: Aragão ro: Aragon tr: Aragon UF Autonomous Community of Aragon architecture MT (07) cs: architektura de: Architektur el: αρχιτεκτονική es: arquitectura et: arhitektuur fi: arkkitehtuuri fr: architecture it: architettura lt: architektūra nl: architectuur pl: architektura pt: Arquitectura ro: arhitectura tr: mimarlık BT engineering archives MT (21) cs: archiv de: Archiv el: αρχεία es: archivo et: arhiiv fi: arkistot fr: archives it: archivio lt: archyvai nl: archief pl: archiwum pt: Arquivo ro: arhive tr: arşivler TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 25 ARION USE study visit arithmetic USE mathematics Armenia MT (19) cs: Arménie de: Armenien el: Αρμενία es: Armenia et: Armeenia fi: Armenia fr: Arménie it: Armenia lt: Armėnija nl: Armenië pl: Armenia pt: Arménia ro: Armenia tr: Ermenistan Armenian MT (17) cs: arménština de: Armenisch el: Αρμενικά es: armenio et: armeenia keel fi: armenian kieli fr: arménien it: armeno lt: armėnų kalba nl: Armeens pl: armeński pt: Arménio ro: armean tr: Ermenice BT Indo-European languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 26 arrangement of school time MT (04) cs: organizace vyučování de: Regelung der Schulzeit el: κατανομή του σχολικού χρόνου es: organización del horario escolar et: kooliaja korraldus fi: työ- ja tuntijako fr: aménagement du temps scolaire it: organizzazione dell'orario scolastico lt: mokyklos ugdymo planas nl: regeling van de schooltijd pl: organizacja czasu szkolnego pt: Organização do tempo escolar ro: organizarea timpului scolar tr: okul zamanının tanzimi SN: Allocation of time for teaching and learning, and for extra-curricular and recreational activities during a certain period of time. UF organisation of school time BT educational administration NT academic year NT school calendar NT school day NT school week NT school year NT timetable art MT (15) cs: umění de: Kunst el: τέχνες es: arte et: kunst fi: taide fr: art it: arte lt: menas nl: kunst pl: sztuka pt: Arte ro: arta tr: sanat BT culture NT applied arts NT music RT art education RT art school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 27 art education MT (07) cs: umělecké vzdělávání de: Kunsterziehung el: καλλιτεχνική αγωγή es: educación artística et: kunstiõpetus fi: taidekasvatus fr: éducation artistique it: educazione artistica lt: meninis ugdymas nl: kunstzinnige vorming pl: edukacja artystyczna pt: Educação artística ro: arta educatiei tr: sanat eğitimi UF artistic activities BT content of learning NT crafts NT drama NT drawing NT music education RT art art school MT (06) cs: umělecká škola de: Kunstfachschule el: καλλιτεχνικό σχολείο es: escuela de arte et: kunstikool fi: taidekoulu fr: école des beaux-arts it: scuola d'arte lt: meno mokykla nl: kunstacademie pl: szkoła artystyczna pt: Escola artística ro: scoala de arta tr: sanat okulu BT school NT music school RT art TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 28 article MT (21) cs: článek de: Artikel el: άρθρο es: artículo et: artikkel fi: artikkeli fr: article it: articolo lt: straipsnis nl: artikel pl: artykuł pt: Artigo ro: aticol tr: belirteç artificial intelligence MT (13) cs: umělá inteligence de: künstliche Intelligenz el: τεχνητή νοημοσύνη es: inteligencia artificial et: tehisintellekt fi: tekoäly fr: intelligence artificielle it: intelligenza artificiale lt: dirbtinis intelektas nl: kunstmatige intelligentie pl: sztuczna inteligencja pt: Inteligência artificial ro: inteligenta artificiala tr: yapay zeka BT ICT artificial languages MT (17) cs: umělé jazyky de: künstliche Sprachen el: τεχνητές γλώσσες es: lenguas artificiales et: tehiskeeled fi: keinotekoiset kielet fr: langages artificiels it: lingue artificiali lt: dirbtinės kalbos nl: kunstmatige talen pl: języki sztuczne pt: Línguas artificiais ro: limbaj artificial tr: yapay diller NT Esperanto TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 29 artistic activities USE art education Asia MT (19) cs: Asie de: Asien el: Ασία es: Asia et: Aasia fi: Aasia fr: Asie it: Asia lt: Azija nl: Azië pl: Azja pt: Ásia ro: Asia tr: Asya assessment USE evaluation assessment method USE evaluation method assessment result USE evaluation result assignment of staff MT (04) cs: zařazení zaměstnance de: Personalzuweisung el: ανάθεση καθηκόντων es: asignación de tareas al personal et: töötajate rakendamine fi: henkilöstösijoittelu fr: affectation du personnel it: assegnazione del personale lt: pareigų paskirstymas nl: opdrachtverdeling pl: delegowanie pracownika pt: Afectação de pessoal ro: numirea personalului tr: çalışanların görevlendirilmesi SN: To entrust staff with certain tasks. BT personnel management NT reassignment of staff TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 30 assistant MT (11) cs: asistent de: Assistent el: βοηθός es: ayudante et: assistent fi: assistentti fr: assistant it: assistente lt: padėjėjas nl: assistent pl: asystent pt: Professor assistente ro: asistent tr: asistan BT teaching staff associate student USE non-enrolled student association MT (11) cs: sdružení de: Verband el: σύλλογος es: asociación et: ühendus fi: yhdistys fr: association it: associazione lt: asociacija nl: vereniging pl: stowarzyszenie pt: Associação ro: asociatie tr: dernek BT organisation NT parents' association NT professional association NT teacher association Association for Teacher Education in Europe USE ATEE Asturia USE Principality of Asturias TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 31 Asturian MT (17) cs: asturština de: Asturisch el: Αστουριανή γλώσσα es: asturiano et: astuuria keel fi: asturian kieli fr: asturien it: Asturiano lt: astūrų kalba nl: Asturisch pl: asturyjski pt: Asturiano ro: asturiana tr: Asturca UF Bable BT Romance languages Asturias USE Principality of Asturias asylum seeker USE refugee ATEE MT (20) cs: ATEE de: ATEE el: Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός για την Εκπαίδευση των Καθηγητών es: ATEE et: ATEE fi: ATEE fr: ATEE it: ATEE lt: ATEE nl: ATEE pl: ATEE pt: ATEE ro: ATEE tr: Avrupa Öğretmen Eğitimi Derneği (AÖED) UF Association for Teacher Education in Europe attainment level USE learning standard attainment target USE aims of education attainment test USE examination TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 32 attendance MT (10) cs: docházka de: Anwesenheit el: φοίτηση es: asistencia et: kohalolek fi: läsnäolo fr: fréquentation it: frequenza lt: lankomumas nl: aanwezigheid pl: frekwencja pt: Assiduidade ro: frecventare tr: devam UF presence UF school attendance BT social behaviour attitude MT (10) cs: postoj de: Einstellung el: στάση es: actitud et: hoiak fi: asenne fr: attitude it: atteggiamento lt: nuostata nl: attitude pl: postawa pt: Atitude ro: atitudine tr: tutum NT attitude towards school NT flexibility attitude towards learning USE attitude towards school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 33 attitude towards school MT (10) cs: postoj ke škole de: Einstellung zur Schule el: στάση απέναντι στο σχολείο es: actitud hacia la escuela et: õpihoiak fi: kouluasenne fr: attitude envers l'école it: atteggiamento verso la scuola lt: požiūris į mokyklą nl: attitude jegens school pl: postawa wobec szkoły pt: Atitude perante a escola ro: atitudinea fata de scoala tr: okula karşı tutum UF attitude towards learning BT attitude NT school disaffection audiovisual aid USE audiovisual equipment audiovisual equipment MT (06) cs: audiovizuální vybavení de: audiovisuelle Ausstattung el: οπτικοακουστικά μέσα es: equipamiento audiovisual et: audiovisuaalvarustus fi: audiovisuaalinen laitteisto fr: équipement audiovisuel it: attrezzatura audiovisiva lt: audiovizualinė įranga nl: audiovisuele uitrusting pl: sprzęt audiowizualny pt: Equipamento audiovisual ro: echipament audiovizual tr: görsel işitsel malzeme UF audiovisual aid BT equipment RT audiovisual programme RT teaching resources TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 34 audiovisual programme MT (08) cs: audiovizuální program de: audiovisuelles Programm el: οπτικοακουστικό πρόγραμμα es: programa audiovisual et: audiovisuaalprogramm fi: audiovisuaalinen ohjelma fr: programme audiovisuel it: programma audiovisivo lt: audiovizualinė programa nl: audiovisueel programma pl: program audiowizualny pt: Programa audiovisual ro: program audiovizual tr: görsel işitsel program BT course RT audiovisual equipment auditory impairment USE hearing impairment Australia MT (19) cs: Austrálie de: Australien el: Αυστραλία es: Australia et: Austraalia fi: Australia fr: Australie it: Australia lt: Australija nl: Australië pl: Australia pt: Austrália ro: Australia tr: Avustralya TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 35 Austria MT (19) cs: Rakousko de: Österreich el: Αυστρία es: Austria et: Austria fi: Itävalta fr: Autriche it: Austria lt: Austrija nl: Oostenrijk pl: Austria pt: Áustria ro: Austria tr: Avusturya autism MT (03) cs: autismus de: Autismus el: αυτισμός es: autismo et: autism fi: autismi fr: autisme it: autismo lt: autizmas nl: autisme pl: autyzm pt: Autismo ro: autism tr: otizm UF autistic BT intellectual disability autistic USE autism Autonomous Community of Andalusia USE Andalusia Autonomous Community of Aragon USE Aragon Autonomous Community of Canary Islands USE Canary Islands Autonomous Community of Cantabria USE Cantabria TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 36 Autonomous Community of Castile-La Mancha USE Castile-La Mancha Autonomous Community of Castile-Leon USE Castile-Leon Autonomous Community of Catalonia USE Catalonia Autonomous Community of Extremadura USE Extremadura Autonomous Community of la Rioja USE Rioja Autonomous Community of Navarre USE Navarre Autonomous Community of the Basque Country USE Basque Country Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias USE Principality of Asturias Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia USE Murcia autonomous learning USE independent learning autonomy MT (14) cs: autonomie de: Autonomie el: αυτονομία es: autonomía et: autonoomia fi: autonomia fr: autonomie it: autonomia lt: autonomija nl: autonomie pl: autonomia pt: Autonomia ro: autonomie tr: özerklik BT governance NT financial autonomy NT institutional autonomy TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 37 average income MT (13) cs: průměrný příjem de: Durchschnittseinkommen el: μέσο εισόδημα es: ingresos medios et: keskmine sissetulek fi: keskimääräinen tulotaso fr: revenu moyen it: reddito medio lt: vidutinės pajamos nl: gemiddeld inkomen pl: średni dochód pt: Rendimento médio ro: venit mediu tr: ortalama gelir BT statistical data awarding body MT (11) cs: certifikační orgán de: ausstellendes Organ el: οργανισμός πιστοποίησης es: organismo certificador et: kvalifikatsiooni andev asutus fi: tutkintoja myöntävä taho fr: organisme certificateur it: organo certificatore lt: akredituojančioji institucija nl: orgaan dat formele kwalificatiedocumenten uitreikt pl: organ certyfikujący pt: Entidade certificadora ro: organism de certificare tr: belge veren kurum SN: An organisation which awards qualifications (Source: NFER, Glossary, 2004). BT evaluator Azerbaijan MT (19) cs: Ázerbajdžán de: Aserbaidschan el: Αζερμπαϊτζάν es: Azerbaiyán et: Aserbaidžaan fi: Azerbaidzan fr: Azerbaïdjan it: Azerbaigian lt: Azerbaidžanas nl: Azerbeidzjan pl: Azerbejdżan pt: Azerbeijão ro: Azerbaidjan tr: Azerbaycan TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 38 BA/MA reform USE Bologna Process Bable USE Asturian bachelor degree studies MT (02) cs: bakalářské studium de: Bachelorstudiengang el: σπουδές για την απόκτηση πρώτου πτυχίου es: estudios de Grado et: bakalaureuseõpe fi: alemman korkeakoulututkinnon opinnot fr: études supérieures de premier cycle it: corso di laurea di primo livello lt: bakalauro studijos nl: bacheloropleidingen pl: studia wyższe pierwszego stopnia pt: Estudos superiores de primeiro ciclo ro: program de studii de licentă tr: Lisans derecesi çalışmaları SN: Study at a higher education institution leading to a bachelor's degree in accordance with the Bologna Process. UF first study cycle UF first-cycle studies UF undergraduate studies BT higher education RT bachelor's degree bachelor's USE bachelor's degree bachelor's degree MT (09) cs: bakalář de: Bachelordiplom el: πρώτο πτυχίο es: título de Graduado et: bakalaureusekraad fi: alempi korkeakoulututkinto fr: licence it: laurea di primo livello lt: bakalauro laipsnis nl: bachelorgraad pl: tytuł zawodowy licencjata pt: Licenciatura ro: diplomă de licentă tr: Lisans derecesi SN: A first academic degree within the two-cycle higher education system encouraged by the Bologna Process. UF bachelor's UF bachelor's qualification BT higher education diploma RT bachelor degree studies TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 39 bachelor's qualification USE bachelor's degree Baden-Wurtemberg MT (19) cs: Bádensko-Württembersko de: Baden-Württemberg el: Βάδη-Βυρτεμβέργη es: Baden-Wurtemberg et: Baden-Württenberg fi: Baden-Württemberg fr: Baden-Wurtemberg it: Baden-Württemberg lt: Badenas-Viurtembergas nl: Baden-Württemberg pl: Badenia-Wirtembergia pt: Baden-Wurttemberg ro: Baden-Württemberg tr: Baden-Würtemberg UF Baden-Württemberg Baden-Württemberg USE Baden-Wurtemberg Balearic Islands MT (19) cs: Baleárské ostrovy de: Balearen el: Βαλεαρίδες Νήσοι es: Islas Baleares et: Baleaarid fi: Baleaarit fr: Îles Baléares it: Isole Baleari lt: Balearų salos nl: Balearen pl: Baleary pt: Ilhas Baleares ro: Insulele Baleare tr: Balear Adaları TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 40 Balkans MT (19) cs: balkánské státy de: Balkan el: Βαλκάνια es: Balcanes et: Balkanimaad fi: Balkan fr: Balkans it: Balcani lt: Balkanai nl: de Balkan pl: Bałkany pt: Balcãs ro: Balcani tr: Balkanlar Baltic languages MT (17) cs: baltské jazyky de: baltische Sprachen el: Βαλτικές γλώσσες es: lenguas bálticas et: balti keeled fi: balttilaiset kielet fr: langues baltes it: lingue baltiche lt: baltų kalbos nl: Baltische talen pl: języki bałtyckie pt: Línguas bálticas ro: Limbi baltice tr: Baltık dilleri BT Indo-European languages NT Latvian NT Lithuanian Baltic States MT (19) cs: baltské státy de: baltische Staaten el: Κράτη της Βαλτικής es: Estados Bálticos et: Balti riigid fi: Balttian maat fr: Etats baltes it: stati baltici lt: Baltijos valstybės nl: Baltische Staten pl: państwa bałtyckie pt: Estados Bálticos ro: Statele baltice tr: Baltık Ülkeleri TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 41 basic education MT (02) cs: základní vzdělávání de: Grundbildung el: βασική εκπαίδευση es: educación básica et: põhiharidus fi: perusopetus fr: éducation de base it: istruzione di base lt: pagrindinis ugdymas nl: basiseducatie pl: kształcenie na poziomie elementarnym pt: Educação de base ro: educaţia de bază tr: temel eğitim SN: Introduction to subjects of elementary education, social skills and community responsibilities (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF fundamental education BT education system RT compulsory education RT minimum competences basic salary MT (16) cs: základní plat de: Grundgehalt el: βασικός μισθός es: salario base et: põhipalk fi: peruspalkka fr: salaire de base it: stipendio base lt: bazinis atlyginimas nl: basissalaris pl: wynagrodzenie zasadnicze pt: Salário de base ro: salariu de bază tr: temel maaş SN: The salary according to a remuneration scale based on grades and levels, prior to any other adjustment. BT salary TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 42 basic skills MT (10) cs: základní dovednosti de: Grundfertigkeiten el: βασικές δεξιότητες es: competencias básicas et: alusoskused fi: perustaidot fr: compétences de base it: competenze di base lt: esminiai gebėjimai nl: basisvaardigheden pl: umiejętności podstawowe pt: Competências básicas ro: abilitati de baza tr: temel beceriler SN: The skills and competences needed to function in contemporary society (Source: Adapted from Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF core skills UF key competences UF key competencies UF new basic skills BT competence basic subject USE common core curriculum basic training MT (02) cs: základní profesní příprava de: Grundausbildung el: βασική κατάρτιση es: formación básica et: põhikoolitus fi: ammatillinen perusopetus fr: formation de base it: formazione di base lt: grindžiamasis profesinis mokymas nl: basisopleiding pl: szkolenie podstawowe pt: Formação básica ro: formare de bază tr: temel öğretim SN: Specially organised training, given outside of production activities of an undertaking, and aimed at imparting the basic knowledge and skill required for a given group of occupations (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT training type TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 43 Basque MT (17) cs: baskičtina de: Baskisch el: Βασκική es: euskera et: baski keel fi: baskin kieli fr: basque it: basco lt: baskų kalba nl: Baskisch pl: baskijski pt: Basco ro: basc tr: Bask UF Euskera BT Basque languages Basque Country MT (19) cs: Baskicko de: Baskenland el: Χώρα των Βάσκων es: País Vasco et: Baskimaa fi: Baskialue fr: Pays basque it: Paesi baschi lt: Baskija nl: Baskenland pl: Baskonia pt: País Basco ro: Tara Bascilor tr: Bask Ülkesi UF Autonomous Community of the Basque Country Basque languages MT (17) cs: baskické jazyky de: baskische Sprachen el: Βασκικές γλώσσες es: lenguas vascas et: baski keeled fi: baskikielet fr: langues basques it: lingue basche lt: baskų kalbos nl: Baskische talen pl: języki baskijskie pt: Línguas bascas ro: limbile basce tr: Bask dilleri NT Basque TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 44 battered child USE child abuse Bavaria MT (19) cs: Bavorsko de: Bayern el: Βαυαρία es: Baviera et: Baierimaa fi: Baijeri fr: Bavière it: Baviera lt: Bavarija nl: Beieren pl: Bawaria pt: Baviera ro: Bavaria tr: Bavyera beginning of compulsory education USE duration of compulsory education beginning of the academic year USE duration of the academic year beginning of the school year USE duration of the school year behaviour MT (10) cs: chování de: Verhalten el: συμπεριφορά es: conducta et: käitumine fi: käyttäytyminen fr: comportement it: comportamento lt: elgesys nl: gedrag pl: zachowania pt: Comportamento ro: comportament tr: davranış NT misconduct NT protest NT school discipline NT social behaviour TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 45 Belarus MT (19) cs: Bělorusko de: Belarus el: Λευκορωσία es: Bielorrusia et: Valgevene fi: Valko-Venäjä fr: Biélorussie it: Bielorussia lt: Baltarusija nl: Belarus pl: Białoruś pt: Bielorrússia ro: Belarus tr: Belarus Belarusan MT (17) cs: běloruština de: Weißrussisch el: Λευκορωσική es: bielorruso et: valgevene keel fi: valkovenäjän kieli fr: biélorusse it: bielorusso lt: baltarusių kalba nl: Belarussisch pl: białoruski pt: Bielorrusso ro: cetatean din Belarus tr: Belarusça UF Belarusian UF Belarussian BT Slavic languages Belarusian USE Belarusan Belarussian USE Belarusan TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 46 Belgium MT (19) cs: Belgie de: Belgien el: Βέλγιο es: Bélgica et: Belgia fi: Belgia fr: Belgique it: Belgio lt: Belgija nl: België pl: Belgia pt: Bélgica ro: Belgia tr: Belçika benchmark MT (09) cs: referenční úroveň de: Benchmark el: επίπεδο αναφοράς es: punto de referencia et: nõutav tase fi: vertailukohde fr: étalonnage des performances it: parametro di riferimento lt: strateginis rodiklis nl: benchmark pl: poziom odniesienia pt: Benchmark ro: etalon tr: performans skalası SN: A level of achievement which it is desirable to attain and against which one's own performance is measured. UF benchmarking UF reference level BT standard benchmarking USE benchmark benefit USE financial support TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 47 Berlin MT (19) cs: Berlín de: Berlin el: Βερολίνο es: Berlín et: Berliin fi: Berliini fr: Berlin it: Berlino lt: Berlynas nl: Berlijn pl: Berlin pt: Berlim ro: Berlin tr: Berlin best practice MT (09) cs: osvědčená praxe de: beste Praktiken el: η καλύτερη πρακτική es: buenas prácticas et: hea tava fi: paras käytäntö fr: bonnes pratiques it: buone pratiche lt: geroji praktika nl: best practice pl: najlepsze wzory pt: Boas práticas ro: cea mai buna practica tr: en iyi uygulama SN: A technique or methodology that, through experience and research, has proven to reliably lead to a desired result (Source: SearchVB.com, 2005). UF best procedure UF good practice BT standard best procedure USE best practice TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 48 bibliography MT (21) cs: bibliografie de: Bibliografie el: βιβλιογραφία es: bibliografía et: bibliograafia fi: bibliografia fr: bibliographie it: bibliografia lt: bibliografija nl: bibliografie pl: bibliografia pt: Bibliografia ro: bibliografie tr: kaynakça SN: Use this term for any organised list of references. bilingual education USE content and language integrated learning bilingualism MT (15) cs: dvojjazyčnost de: Zweisprachigkeit el: διγλωσσία es: bilingüismo et: kakskeelsus fi: kaksikielisyys fr: bilinguisme it: bilinguismo lt: dvikalbystė nl: tweetaligheid pl: dwujęzyczność pt: Bilinguismo ro: bilingualism tr: çift dillilik BT multilingualism bill USE legislation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 49 biology MT (07) cs: biologie de: Biologie el: βιολογία es: biología et: bioloogia fi: biologia fr: biologie it: biologia lt: biologija nl: biologie pl: biologia pt: Biologia ro: biologie tr: biyoloji BT natural sciences birth rate MT (13) cs: porodnost de: Geburtenrate el: ρυθμός γέννησης es: tasa de natalidad et: sündimus fi: syntyvyys fr: natalité it: tasso di natalità lt: gimstamumas nl: geboortecijfer pl: przyrost naturalny pt: Taxa de natalidade ro: rata nasterii tr: doğum oranı BT population statistics TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 50 blended learning MT (08) cs: kombinované učení de: Blended Learning el: πολυδιάστατη μάθηση es: aprendizaje semipresencial et: kombineeritud õpe fi: sulautuva oppiminen fr: apprentissage avec approches multiples it: apprendimento blended lt: mišrus mokymas(is) nl: gecombineerd leren pl: nauczanie hybrydowe pt: B-learning ro: invatare combinata tr: karma öğrenme SN: Combination of multiple approaches to learning which integrate virtual and physical resources. BT learning RT computer-assisted learning RT teaching method blindness USE visual impairment block grant MT (05) cs: bloková dotace de: Pauschalzuweisung von Finanzmitteln el: επιδότηση προγραμμάτων κοινωνικής πρόνοιας es: dotación global et: plokktoetus fi: yleisavustus fr: donation globale it: donazione globale lt: bendros sumos subsidija nl: lump sum pl: grant blokowy pt: Subsídio global ro: grant acordat entitatilor locale pentru programe sociale tr: serbest tasarruf tahsisatı SN: Type of financing that provides a lump sum to the receiving entity who, within certain general guidelines, is free to allocate these funds to the purposes of its choice. BT financing method block release USE alternance training TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 51 block teaching MT (08) cs: blokové vyučování de: Blockunterricht el: αναδιοργάνωση των σχολικών περιόδων es: enseñanza por bloques et: plokkõpe fi: kaksoistuntiopetus fr: leçons groupées it: insegnamento in compresenza lt: jungtinės pamokos nl: blokonderwijs pl: zajęcia blokowe pt: Curso-bloco ro: blocarea predarii tr: blok öğretim SN: In multiples of normal teaching periods (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT teaching method board of examiners MT (11) cs: zkušební komise de: Prüfungskommission el: εξεταστική επιτροπή es: tribunal de examen et: eksamikomisjon fi: tutkintolautakunta fr: jury d'examen it: commissione di esame lt: egzaminų taryba nl: examencommissie pl: komisja egzaminacyjna pt: Júri de exame ro: comisia de examinatori tr: sınav kurulu UF examination body UF examining board UF examining body BT evaluator board of governors USE governing body boarder USE boarding school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 52 boarding school MT (06) cs: internátní škola de: Internat el: οικοτροφείο es: internado et: internaatkool fi: sisäoppilaitos fr: internat it: scuola convitto lt: internatinė mokykla nl: kostschool pl: szkoła z internatem pt: Internato ro: internat tr: yatılı okul UF boarder UF pupil housing UF residential school BT school RT student housing Bologna Process MT (20) cs: Boloňský proces de: Bologna-Prozess el: Διαδικασία της Μπολόνια es: Proceso de Bolonia et: Bologna protsess fi: Bologna-prosessi fr: Processus de Bologne it: processo di Bologna lt: Bolonijos procesas nl: Bolognaproces pl: Proces Boloński pt: Processo de Bolonha ro: Procesul Bologna tr: Bolonya Süreci UF BA/MA reform TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 53 Bosnia and Herzegovina MT (19) cs: Bosna a Hercegovina de: Bosnien-Herzegowina el: Βοσνία και Ερζεγοβίνη es: Bosnia-Herzegovina et: Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina fi: Bosnia-Herzegovina fr: Bosnie-Herzégovine it: Bosnia-Erzegovina lt: Bosnija ir Hercegovina nl: Bosnië-Hercegovina pl: Bośnia i Hercegowina pt: Bósnia-Herzegovina ro: Bosnia si Hertegovina tr: Bosna Hersek UF Bosnia Herzegovina UF Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia Herzegovina USE Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina USE Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnian MT (17) cs: bosenština de: Bosnisch el: Βοσνιακή es: bosnio et: bosnia keel fi: bosnian kieli fr: bosnien it: bosniaco lt: bosnių kalba nl: Bosnisch pl: bośniacki pt: Bósnio ro: bosniac tr: Boşnakça BT Slavic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 54 boy MT (15) cs: chlapec de: Junge el: αγόρι es: chico et: poiss fi: poika fr: garçon it: ragazzo lt: berniukas nl: jongen pl: chłopiec pt: Rapaz ro: baiat tr: erkek çocuğu BT male boys' school MT (06) cs: chlapecká škola de: Knabenschule el: σχολείο αρρένων es: escuela masculina et: poistekool fi: poikakoulu fr: école de garçons it: scuola maschile lt: berniukų mokykla nl: jongensschool pl: szkoła męska pt: Escola masculina ro: scoala de baieti tr: erkek okulu BT school braille MT (03) cs: slepecké písmo de: Blindenschrift el: μπράϊγ es: braille et: Braille kiri fi: sokeainkirjoitus fr: braille it: braille lt: Brailio raštas nl: braille pl: alfabet Braille'a pt: Braille ro: braille tr: körler alfabesi RT visual impairment TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 55 brain drain MT (15) cs: odliv mozků de: Abwanderung von Fachkräften el: διαρροή επιστημόνων es: fuga de cerebros et: ajude äravool fi: aivovienti fr: exode des cerveaux it: fuga di cervelli lt: protų nutekėjimas nl: braindrain pl: drenaż mózgów pt: Fuga de cérebros ro: exodul creierelor tr: beyin göçü RT migration branch of education MT (02) cs: obor vzdělávání de: Bildungszweig el: τομέας εκπαίδευσης es: rama de la educación et: hariduse liik fi: koulutushaara fr: filière d'enseignement it: settore educativo lt: švietimo sritis nl: onderwijsvorm pl: dziedzina edukacji pt: Ramo de ensino ro: filiera educationala tr: eğitim branşı UF branch of schooling UF branch of study UF field of study UF type of education NT general education NT technical education NT vocational education and training RT transfer between branches of education branch of schooling USE branch of education branch of study USE branch of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 56 Brandenburg MT (19) cs: Braniborsko de: Brandenburg el: Βραδεμβούργο es: Brandeburgo et: Brandenburg fi: Brandenburg fr: Brandebourg it: Brandeburgo lt: Brandenburgas nl: Brandenburg pl: Brandenburgia pt: Brandeburgo ro: Brandenburg tr: Brandenburg break MT (04) cs: přestávka de: Pause el: διάλειμμα es: recreo et: vahetund fi: tauko fr: récréation it: ricreazione lt: pertrauka nl: pauze pl: przerwa pt: Intervalo lectivo ro: pauza tr: teneffüs SN: Interval between lessons. UF playtime UF recess UF recreation BT school day TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 57 breakdown (statistics) MT (13) cs: rozpis (statistika) de: Aufschlüsselung (Statistik) el: στατιστική ανάλυση es: desglose (estadística) et: jaotus (statistika) fi: erittely (tilastot) fr: ventilation (statistiques) it: ripartizione (statistica) lt: duomenų grupavimas nl: uitsplitsing (statistieken) pl: rozkład statystyczny pt: Análise detalhada (Estatística) ro: defalcare (statistica). tr: hesap dökümü (istatistik) BT statistical analysis Bremen MT (19) cs: Brémy de: Bremen el: Βρέμη es: Bremen et: Bremen fi: Bremen fr: Brême it: Brema lt: Brėmenas nl: Bremen pl: Brema pt: Bremen ro: Bremen tr: Bremen Breton MT (17) cs: bretonština de: Bretonisch el: γλώσσα των Βρετόνων es: bretón et: bretooni keel fi: bretoni fr: breton it: bretone lt: bretonų kalba nl: Bretons pl: bretoński pt: Bretão ro: breton tr: Breton BT Celtic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 58 bridging USE transfer between branches of education brother USE family Brussels Capital Region MT (19) cs: Region Brusel de: Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt el: Περιοχή της Πρωτεύουσας Βρυξελλών es: Región de Bruselas-Capital et: Brüsseli Pealinna Piirkond fi: Brysselin pääkaupunkiseutu fr: Région de Bruxelles-Capitale it: Regione di Bruxelles-Capitale lt: Briuselio-sostinės regionas nl: Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest pl: Region Stołeczny Bruksela pt: Região de Bruxelas - Capital ro: Regiunea Capitalei Bruxelles tr: Brüksel Başkent Bölgesi UF Brussels Region Brussels Region USE Brussels Capital Region Buddhism MT (15) cs: buddhismus de: Buddhismus el: Βουδισμός es: budismo et: budism fi: buddhalaisuus fr: bouddhisme it: buddismo lt: budizmas nl: boeddhisme pl: buddyzm pt: Budismo ro: budism tr: Budizm BT religion budgetary control USE financial control building USE educational facilities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 59 Bulgaria MT (19) cs: Bulharsko de: Bulgarien el: Βουλγαρία es: Bulgaria et: Bulgaaria fi: bulgaria fr: Bulgarie it: Bulgaria lt: Bulgarija nl: Bulgarije pl: Bułgaria pt: Bulgária ro: Bulgaria tr: Bulgaristan Bulgarian MT (17) cs: bulharština de: Bulgarisch el: Βουλγαρική γλώσσα es: búlgaro et: bulgaaria keel fi: bulgarian kieli fr: bulgare it: bulgaro lt: bulgarų kalba nl: Bulgaars pl: bułgarski pt: Búlgaro ro: bulgar tr: Bulgarca BT Slavic languages bullying MT (10) cs: šikanování de: Schikanieren el: εκφοβισμός es: acoso et: kiusamine fi: kiusaaminen fr: harcèlement it: bullismo lt: patyčios nl: pesten pl: przemoc szkolna pt: Violência escolar ro: intimidare tr: dayılık SN: Aggressive behaviour directed against a vulnerable or defenceless person. BT misconduct TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 60 calendar MT (21) cs: kalendář de: Kalender el: ημερολόγιο es: calendario et: kalender fi: kalenteri fr: calendrier it: calendario lt: kalendorius nl: kalender pl: kalendarz pt: Calendário ro: calendar tr: takvim campus MT (06) cs: školní areál de: Campus el: πανεπιστημιούπολη es: campus et: ülikoolilinnak fi: kampus fr: campus it: campus lt: mokyklos teritorija nl: campus pl: kampus pt: Campus ro: campus tr: kampüs BT educational facilities Canaanite MT (17) cs: kanaánština de: Kanaanäisch el: Χαναανικά es: cananeo et: kaanani keel fi: Kaananilainen fr: cananéen it: Cananaico lt: kanaaniečių kalba nl: Kanaäniet pl: kanaanejski pt: Cananeu ro: limba canaanita tr: Kanaatçe BT Afro-Asiatic languages NT Hebrew TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 61 Canada MT (19) cs: Kanada de: Kanada el: Καναδάς es: Canadá et: Kanada fi: Kanada fr: Canada it: Canada lt: Kanada nl: Canada pl: Kanada pt: Canadá ro: Canada tr: Kanada Canary Islands MT (19) cs: Kanárské ostrovy de: Kanaren el: Κανάριοι Νήσοι es: Islas Canarias et: Kanaari saared fi: Kanarian saaret fr: Îles Canaries it: Isole Canarie lt: Kanarų salos nl: Canarische Eilanden pl: Wyspy Kanaryjskie pt: Ilhas Canárias ro: Insulele Canare tr: Kanarya Adaları UF Autonomous Community of Canary Islands cancellation of lesson MT (04) cs: zrušení vyučovací hodiny de: Ausfall von Unterrichtsstunden el: ακύρωση μαθήματος es: cancelación de clases et: tundide ärajäämine fi: oppitunnin peruutus fr: annulation des cours it: annullamento di una lezione lt: pamokos atšaukimas nl: lesuitval pl: odwołanie zajęć pt: Cancelamento de aula ro: anularea cursului tr: ders iptali BT school management TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 62 candidate country MT (12) cs: kandidátská země de: Beitrittsland el: υποψήφια χώρα es: país candidato et: kandidaatriik fi: ehdokasmaa fr: pays candidat it: paese candidato lt: šalis kandidatė nl: kandidaat-lidstaat pl: kraj kandydujący pt: País candidato ro: tară candidată (la statutul de membră a Uniunii Europene) tr: aday ülke SN: Country that has applied to join the European Union and has been identified for membership by the European Council. UF acceding country UF accession country UF pre-accession country RT enlargement (European Union) candidate teacher USE trainee teacher Cantabria MT (19) cs: Kantábrie de: Kantabrien el: Κανταμπρία es: Cantabria et: Kantaabria fi: Kantabria fr: Cantabrie it: Cantabria lt: Kantabrija nl: Cantabrië pl: Kantabria pt: Cantábria ro: Cantabria tr: Kantabriya UF Autonomous Community of Cantabria canteen USE school meal capability USE skill capacity USE skill TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 63 capital resources MT (16) cs: kapitálové zdroje de: Anlagevermögen el: πηγές κεφαλαίου es: recursos de capital et: kapitaliressursid fi: pääomaresurssit fr: ressources en capital it: risorse di capitale lt: kapitaliniai ištekliai nl: investeringsmiddelen pl: zasoby kapitałowe pt: Bens de capital ro: capital (resurse de capital) tr: sermaye kaynakları SN: Assets for longterm use such as land, buildings and equipment. UF fixed assets RT resource allocation career MT (16) cs: profesní dráha de: Berufslaufbahn el: σταδιοδρομία es: carrera profesional et: karjäär fi: ura fr: carrière it: carriera lt: karjera nl: loopbaan pl: kariera zawodowa pt: Carreira ro: carieră tr: kariyer RT career advancement RT career break RT career change RT career structure TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 64 career advancement MT (16) cs: vývoj profesní dráhy de: beruflicher Aufstieg el: επαγγελματική ανέλιξη es: desarrollo profesional et: karjääriarendus fi: urakehitys fr: déroulement de carrière it: avanzamento di carriera lt: tarnybinis kilimas nl: loopbaanontwikkeling pl: przebieg kariery zawodowej pt: Progressão na carreira ro: evolutie in cariera tr: kariyer ilerleme UF career development RT career career break MT (16) cs: přerušení profesní dráhy de: Unterbrechung der Berufslaufbahn el: διακοπή καριέρας es: interrupción profesional et: karjääri katkemine fi: uratauko fr: interruption de carrière it: interruzione di carriera lt: karjeros nutraukimas nl: loopbaanonderbreking pl: przerwa w karierze zawodowej pt: Interrupção de carreira ro: intreruperea carierei tr: kariyere ara vermek RT career career change MT (16) cs: změna povolání de: Wechsel der Berufslaufbahn el: αλλαγή σταδιοδρομίας es: cambio de profesión et: kutsevahetus fi: ammatinvaihto fr: changement de carrière it: cambiamento di carriera lt: karjeros pokytis nl: loopbaanverandering pl: zmiana zawodu pt: Mudança de carreira ro: schimbarea carierei tr: kariyer değişimi RT career TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 65 career development USE career advancement career guidance USE vocational guidance career profile USE career structure career structure MT (16) cs: struktura profesní dráhy de: Aufbau der Berufslaufbahn el: προδιαγραφές σταδιοδρομίας es: estructura de la carrera et: karjääri struktuur fi: urarakenne fr: profil de carrière it: profilo di carriera lt: karjeros laipteliai nl: loopbaanopbouw pl: struktura kariery zawodowej pt: Estrutura da carreira ro: structura carierei tr: kariyer yapısı UF career profile RT career caregiver USE educational childcare staff caretaker MT (11) cs: školník de: Schulwart el: επιστάτης es: conserje et: majahoidja fi: vahtimestari fr: gardien it: custode lt: prižiūrėtojas nl: conciërge pl: dozorca pt: Guarda ro: ingrijitor tr: tamir bakım sorumlusu UF janitor BT maintenance staff Caribbean USE Caribbean Islands TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 66 Caribbean Islands MT (19) cs: Karibské ostrovy de: Karibischer Raum el: Νησιά της Καραϊβικής es: Islas del Caribe et: Kariibi saared fi: Karibian saaret fr: Îles Caraïbes it: isole caraibiche lt: Karibų salos nl: Caraïben pl: Wyspy Karaibskie pt: Caraíbas ro: Insulele Caraibe tr: Karayip Adaları UF Caribbean case study MT (21) cs: případová studie de: Fallstudie el: μελέτη περίπτωσης es: estudio de casos et: juhtumiõpe fi: tapaustutkimus fr: étude de cas it: studio di caso lt: problemos nagrinėjimas nl: case study pl: studium przypadków pt: Estudo de caso ro: studiu de caz tr: vaka çalışması Castile and La Mancha USE Castile-La Mancha Castile and Leon USE Castile-Leon TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 67 Castile-La Mancha MT (19) cs: Kastilie-La Mancha de: Kastilien-La Mancha el: Καστίλλη-Λα Μαντσα es: Castilla-La Mancha et: Castilla-La Mancha fi: Kastilia-La Mancha fr: Castille-La Manche it: Castiglia-La Mancia lt: Kastilija ir La Manča nl: Castilië-La Mancha pl: Kastylia-La Mancha pt: Castela e Mancha ro: Castile-La Mancha tr: Castile-La Mancha UF Autonomous Community of Castile-La Mancha UF Castile and La Mancha Castile-Leon MT (19) cs: Kastilie a Leon de: Kastilien-Leon el: Καστίλλη-Λεόν es: Castilla y León et: Castilla-León fi: Kastilia ja León fr: Castille et León it: Castiglia e León lt: Kastilija ir Leonas nl: Castilië-León pl: Kastylia-Leon pt: Castela e Leão ro: Castile-Leon tr: Castile-Leon UF Autonomous Community of Castile-Leon UF Castile and Leon TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 68 Castilian MT (17) cs: španělština de: Spanisch el: Καστιλιάνικη διάλεκτος es: castellano et: hispaania keel fi: kastilian kieli fr: castillan it: spagnolo (castigliano) lt: ispanų kalba nl: Castiliaans pl: kastylijski pt: Castelhano ro: castiliana tr: Kastilce UF Spanish BT Romance languages Catalan MT (17) cs: katalánština de: Katalanisch el: καταλανική γλώσσα es: catalán et: katalaani keel fi: katalaanin kieli fr: catalan it: catalano lt: katalonų kalba nl: Catalaans pl: kataloński pt: Catalão ro: catalan tr: Katalan BT Romance languages catalogue MT (21) cs: katalog de: Katalog el: κατάλογος es: catálogo et: kataloog fi: luettelo fr: catalogue it: catalogo lt: katalogas nl: catalogus pl: katalog pt: Catálogo ro: catalog tr: katalog SN: Organised register of some set of objects (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org, 2005). TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 69 Catalonia MT (19) cs: Katalánie de: Katalonien el: Καταλωνία es: Cataluña et: Kataloonia fi: Katalonia fr: Catalogne it: Catalogna lt: Katalonija nl: Catalonië pl: Katalonia pt: Catalunha ro: Catalonia tr: Katalonya UF Autonomous Community of Catalonia Catholicism MT (15) cs: katolicismus de: Katholizismus el: Καθολικισμός es: catolicismo et: katoliiklus fi: katolisuus fr: catholicisme it: cattolicesimo lt: katalikybė nl: katholicisme pl: katolicyzm pt: Catolicismo ro: catolicism tr: Katoliklik BT Christianity cause MT (18) cs: důvod de: Beweggrund el: αιτία es: causa et: põhjus fi: syy fr: cause it: causa lt: priežastis nl: reden pl: powód pt: Causa ro: cauza tr: sebep SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. UF motive TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 70 CEC USE European Commission Cedefop MT (12) cs: Cedefop de: Cedefop el: CEDEFOP es: Cedefop et: Cedefop fi: CEDEFOP fr: CEDEFOP it: Cedefop lt: Cedefop nl: Cedefop pl: Cedefop pt: CEDEFOP ro: Cedefop (Centrul European pentru Dezvoltarea Formarii Profesionale) tr: Avrupa Mesleki Eğitim Geliştirme Merkezi UF European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training BT European Union agency CEEC USE Eastern Europe Celtic languages MT (17) cs: keltské jazyky de: keltische Sprachen el: Κελτικές γλώσσες es: lenguas celtas et: keldi keeled fi: kelttiläiset kielet fr: langues celtiques it: lingue celtiche lt: keltų kalbos nl: Keltische talen pl: języki celtyckie pt: Línguas célticas ro: limba celtica tr: Kelt dilleri UF Gaelic languages BT Indo-European languages NT Breton NT Irish Gaelic NT Scots Gaelic NT Welsh TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 71 Central Africa MT (19) cs: střední Afrika de: Zentralafrika el: Κεντρική Αφρική es: África Central et: Kesk-Aafrika fi: Keski-Afrikka fr: Afrique centrale it: Africa centrale lt: Centrinė Afrika nl: Centraal-Afrika pl: Afryka Centralna pt: África Central ro: Africa Centrala tr: Orta Afrika Central America MT (19) cs: Střední Amerika de: Mittelamerika el: Κεντρική Αμερική es: América Central et: Kesk-Ameerika fi: Keski-Amerikka fr: Amérique centrale it: America centrale lt: Centrinė Amerika nl: Centraal-Amerika pl: Ameryka Środkowa pt: América Central ro: America Centrala tr: Orta Amerika Central and Eastern Europe USE Eastern Europe Central and Eastern European Countries USE Eastern Europe TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 72 Central Asia MT (19) cs: Střední Asie de: Zentralasien el: Κεντρική Ασία es: Asia Central et: Kesk-Aasia fi: Keski-Aasia fr: Asie centrale it: Asia centrale lt: Centrinė Azija nl: Centraal-Azië pl: Azja Środkowa pt: Ásia Central ro: Asia Centrala tr: Merkezi Asya central authority USE national level central level USE national level centralisation MT (14) cs: centralizace de: Zentralisierung el: συγκεντρωτισμός es: centralización et: tsentraliseerimine fi: keskittäminen fr: centralisation it: centralizzazione lt: centralizavimas nl: centralisatie pl: centralizacja pt: Centralização ro: centralizare tr: merkezileşme UF centralization BT administrative structure centralization USE centralisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 73 certificate MT (09) cs: certifikát de: Zertifikat el: πιστοποιητικό es: certificado et: tunnistus fi: todistus fr: certificat it: certificato lt: išsilavinimo pažymėjimas nl: formeel kwalificatiedocument pl: świadectwo pt: Diploma ro: certificat tr: belge SN: An official document, issued by an awarding body, which records achievements of an individual following a standard assessment procedure in education and/or training (Source: Adapted from Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF diploma NT entry certificate NT general education certificate NT higher education diploma NT school-leaving certificate RT certification RT qualification certification MT (09) cs: certifikace de: Zertifizierung el: πιστοποίηση es: certificación et: tõendamine fi: todistuksen antaminen fr: certification it: certificazione lt: išsilavinimo patvirtinimas nl: certificering pl: certyfikacja pt: Certificação ro: certificare tr: belgelendirme SN: The process of formally validating knowledge, know-how and/or skills and competences acquired by an individual, following a standard assessment procedure. Certificates or diplomas are issued by accredited awarding bodies (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF certified assessment UF certified evaluation RT certificate RT evaluation RT examination RT qualification certified assessment USE certification TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 74 certified evaluation USE certification change of residence MT (15) cs: změna bydliště de: Wohnortwechsel el: αλλαγή κατοικίας es: cambio de residencia et: asukohamaa vahetus fi: asuinpaikan muutos fr: changement de domicile it: cambio di residenza lt: buveinės keitimas nl: verandering van verblijfplaats pl: zmiana miejsca zamieszkania pt: Mudança de residência ro: schimbarea domiciliului tr: ikametin değişimi RT place of residence charitable institution USE charity charity MT (11) cs: charitativní organizace de: wohltätiger Verein el: φιλανθρωπία es: institución benéfica et: heategevus fi: hyväntekeväisyys fr: charité it: associazione di beneficenza lt: labdara nl: liefdadigheid pl: instytucja dobroczynna pt: Organização de beneficiência ro: caritate tr: yardım derneği UF charitable institution BT organisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 75 cheating MT (10) cs: podvádění de: Schwindeln el: απάτη es: copiar et: petmine fi: lunttaus fr: tricherie it: copiare lt: sukčiavimas nl: fraude pl: oszustwo pt: Fraude ro: frauda tr: hile BT misconduct chemistry MT (07) cs: chemie de: Chemie el: χημεία es: química et: keemia fi: kemia fr: chimie it: chimica lt: chemija nl: scheikunde pl: chemia pt: Química ro: chimie tr: kimya BT natural sciences TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 76 child MT (11) cs: dítě de: Kind el: παιδί es: niño et: laps fi: lapsi fr: enfant it: bambino lt: vaikas nl: kind pl: dziecko pt: Criança ro: copil tr: çocuk UF childhood NT child at risk NT children in public care NT orphan child abuse MT (11) cs: zneužívání dětí de: Kindesmissbrauch el: παιδική κακοποίηση es: maltrato infantil et: lapse väärkohtlemine fi: lapsen hyväksikäyttö fr: enfant maltraité it: abusi sui minori lt: vaiko žalojimas nl: kindermishandeling pl: krzywdzenie dzieci pt: Criança maltratada ro: copil abuzat tr: çocuk istismarı UF battered child RT child rearing RT violence TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 77 child at risk MT (11) cs: ohrožené dítě de: Risikokind el: παιδί υψηλού κινδύνου es: niño en situación de riesgo et: riskilaps fi: riskilapsi fr: enfant à risque it: bambino a rischio lt: rizikos grupės vaikas nl: risicokind pl: dziecko zagrożone pt: Criança de alto risco ro: copil in situatie de risc tr: risk altındaki çocuk SN: A child who, for whatever reason, is running a higher than average risk of developing developmental, learning or health problems. BT child child development MT (10) cs: vývoj dítěte de: Kindesentwicklung el: ανάπτυξη παιδιού es: desarrollo del niño et: lapse areng fi: lapsen kehitys fr: développement de l'enfant it: sviluppo del bambino lt: vaiko raida nl: ontwikkeling van het kind pl: rozwój dziecka pt: Desenvolvimento da criança ro: dezvoltarea copilului tr: çocuk gelişimi NT cognitive development NT physical development NT socialisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 78 child labour MT (16) cs: dětská práce de: Kinderarbeit el: παιδική εργασία es: trabajo infantil et: lastetöö fi: lapsityövoima fr: travail de l'enfant it: lavoro minorile lt: vaikų darbas nl: kinderarbeid pl: praca dzieci pt: Trabalho de menores ro: munca facuta de copil tr: çocuk çalıştırma BT labour child placement MT (11) cs: umístění dítěte de: Fremdunterbringung eines Kindes el: τοποθέτηση παιδιού σε ίδρυμα es: acogimiento de menores et: lapse paigutamine kasuperre või lasteasutusse fi: huostaanotto fr: placement d'enfant it: affidamento lt: vaiko perkėlimas nl: kinderplaatsing pl: umieszczenie dziecka w placówce opiekuńczej pt: Colocação de crianças ro: plasamentul copilului tr: çocuk yerleştirme SN: The action of placing a minor in an establishment (institutional placement) or a family (family placement) for medical, physical or social reasons (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT child protection TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 79 child protection MT (11) cs: ochrana dětí de: Kinderschutz el: παιδική προστασία es: protección a la infancia et: lastekaitse fi: lastensuojelu fr: protection de l'enfance it: protezione del bambino lt: vaiko apsauga nl: kinderbescherming pl: ochrona dziecka pt: Protecção à infância ro: protectia copilului tr: çocuk koruması BT social service NT adoption NT child placement child rearing MT (11) cs: výchova dítěte de: Kindererziehung el: ανατροφή των παιδιών es: puericultura et: lastekasvatus fi: lastenkasvatus fr: puériculture it: puericultura lt: vaiko auginimas nl: kinderopvoeding pl: wychowanie dziecka pt: Puericultura ro: puericultura tr: çocuk yetiştirme NT childcare RT child abuse child-adult ratio USE student-teacher ratio TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 80 childcare MT (11) cs: péče o dítě de: Kinderfürsorge el: παιδική μέριμνα es: atención a la infancia et: lastehoid fi: lastenhoito fr: prise en charge des enfants it: custodia dei bambini lt: vaiko priežiūra nl: kinderopvang pl: opieka nad dzieckiem pt: Cuidados à infância ro: ingrijirea copilului tr: çocuk bakımı UF childcare facilities UF childcare provision BT child rearing childcare centre USE day care childcare facilities USE childcare childcare provision USE childcare childhood USE child children in public care MT (11) cs: děti ve veřejné péči de: Fürsorgekind el: κρατική πρόνοια για φροντίδα παιδιών es: menores tutelados por organismos públicos et: avalikus lasteasutuses käivad lapsed fi: huostaanotetut lapset fr: pupilles de l'État it: bambini in istituto lt: valstybės globojami vaikai nl: kinderen in zorginstellingen pl: dzieci w placówkach opiekuńczych pt: Criança institucionalizada ro: copil institutionalizat tr: devletin baktığı çocuklar UF looked after children BT child TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 81 children's and youth literature MT (15) cs: literatura pro děti a mládež de: Kinder- und Jugendliteratur el: παιδική και νεανική λογοτεχνία es: literatura infantil y juvenil et: laste- ja noortekirjandus fi: lasten- ja nuortenkirjallisuus fr: littérature pour la jeunesse it: letteratura per ragazzi lt: vaikų ir jaunimo literatūra nl: kinder- en jeugdliteratuur pl: literatura dla dzieci i młodzieży pt: Literatura infanto-juvenil ro: literatura pentru copii si tineret tr: çocuk ve gençlik edebiyatı SN: Literature specially written for children and adolescents, or which they usually read (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT literature China MT (19) cs: Čína de: China el: Κίνα es: China et: Hiina fi: Kiina fr: Chine it: Cina lt: Kinija nl: China pl: Chiny pt: China ro: China tr: Çin Chinese MT (17) cs: čínština de: Chinesisch el: Κινεζική γλώσσα es: chino et: hiina keel fi: kiinan kieli fr: chinois it: cinese lt: kinų kalba nl: Chinees pl: chiński pt: Chinês ro: chinez tr: Çince BT Sino-Tibetan languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 82 choice of school MT (09) cs: volba školy de: freie Schulwahl el: επιλογή σχολείου es: elección de centro et: kooli valiku võimalus fi: koulunvalinta fr: choix d'une école it: scelta della scuola lt: mokyklos pasirinkimas nl: schoolkeuze pl: wybór szkoły pt: Escolha da escola ro: alegerea scolii tr: okul tercihi SN: Concerning the freedom to attend the educational establishment of one's own choice (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT school career RT guidance RT parental choice choice of studies MT (09) cs: volba studia de: Studienwahl el: επιλογή σπουδών es: elección de estudios et: õppekavavalikud fi: opintojen valinta fr: choix des études it: scelta degli studi lt: studijų pasirinkimas nl: studiekeuze pl: wybór studiów pt: Escolha de estudos ro: alegerea studiilor tr: alan tercihi BT school career RT guidance TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 83 choice of training MT (09) cs: volba profesní přípravy de: Ausbildungswahl el: επιλογή κατάρτισης es: elección de formación et: koolitusvõimalused fi: koulutusvalinta fr: choix de la formation it: scelta della formazione lt: profesinio mokymosi pasirinkimas nl: opleidingskeuze pl: wybór kierunku kształcenia zawodowego pt: Escolha da formação ro: alegerea formarii tr: öğretim tercihi BT school career RT guidance Christianity MT (15) cs: křesťanství de: Christentum el: Χριστιανισμός es: cristianismo et: ristiusk fi: kristinusko fr: christianisme it: cristianesimo lt: krikščionybė nl: Christendom pl: chrześcijaństwo pt: Cristianismo ro: crestinism tr: Hıristiyanlık BT religion NT Catholicism NT Protestantism church USE religious organisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 84 cinema MT (06) cs: kino de: Kino el: κινηματογράφος es: cine et: kino fi: elokuvateatteri fr: cinéma it: cinema lt: kino teatras nl: bioscoop pl: kino pt: Cinema ro: cinema tr: sinema BT educational facilities citizen MT (15) cs: občan de: Bürger el: πολίτης es: ciudadano et: kodanik fi: kansalainen fr: citoyen it: cittadino lt: pilietis nl: burger pl: obywatel pt: Cidadão ro: cetatean tr: vatandaş BT population RT marital status TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 85 citizen participation MT (15) cs: občanská účast de: Bürgerbeteiligung el: συμμετοχή του πολίτη es: participación ciudadana et: kodanikuosalus fi: kansalaisten osallistuminen fr: participation du citoyen it: partecipazione dei cittadini lt: piliečių dalyvavimas nl: burgerparticipatie pl: uczestnictwo obywatelskie pt: Participação cívica ro: participarea cetatenilor tr: vatandaş katılımı UF civil society BT democracy citizenship education USE civics citizenship learning USE civics citizenship training USE civics civic education USE civics civic values MT (15) cs: občanské hodnoty de: Werte der Zivilgesellschaft el: πολιτικές αξίες es: valores cívicos et: ühiskondlikud väärtused fi: kansalaisten arvot fr: valeurs civiques it: valori civici lt: pilietinės vertybės nl: burgerschapswaarden pl: wartości obywatelskie pt: Valores cívicos ro: valoare civica tr: yurttaşlık değerleri NT democracy NT freedom NT human rights TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 86 civics MT (07) cs: výchova k občanství de: zivilgesellschaftliche Erziehung el: αγωγή του πολίτη es: educación cívica et: kodanikuõpetus fi: yhteiskuntaoppi fr: éducation civique it: educazione civica lt: pilietinis ugdymas nl: vorming tot burgerzin pl: wychowanie obywatelskie pt: Educação cívica ro: civica tr: yurttaşlık bilgisi UF citizenship education UF citizenship learning UF citizenship training UF civic education UF education for citizenship BT social sciences NT community studies NT education for peace NT law studies civil engineering MT (07) cs: stavební inženýrství de: Bauingenieurwesen el: πολιτικός μηχανικός es: ingeniería civil et: tsiviilehitus fi: rakennustekniikka fr: génie civil it: genio civile lt: civilinė inžinerija nl: civiele techniek pl: inżynieria lądowa i wodna pt: Engenharia civil ro: inginerie civila tr: inşaat mühendisliği BT engineering civil law USE legislation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 87 civil rights MT (15) cs: občanská práva de: Bürgerrechte el: πολιτικά δικαιώματα es: derechos civiles et: kodanikuõigused fi: kansalaisoikeudet fr: droits civiques it: diritti civili lt: pilietinės teisės nl: burgerrechten pl: prawa obywatelskie pt: Direitos civis ro: drepturi civile tr: yurttaşlık hakları BT human rights civil servant USE civil service civil service MT (14) cs: státní služba de: öffentlicher Dienst el: δημόσιο es: función pública et: avalik teenistus fi: virkamieskunta fr: fonction publique it: impiego pubblico lt: valstybės tarnyba nl: ambtenarij pl: służba cywilna pt: Função pública ro: servicii civile tr: kamu görevi UF civil servant BT executive power civil society USE citizen participation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 88 civilisation MT (15) cs: civilizace de: Zivilisation el: πολιτισμός es: civilización et: tsivilisatsioon fi: sivistys fr: civilisation it: civiltà lt: civilizacija nl: beschaving pl: cywilizacja pt: Civilização ro: civilizatie tr: medeniyet UF civilization RT culture civilization USE civilisation CJEC USE European Court of Justice class MT (06) cs: třída de: Klasse el: τάξη es: clase et: klass fi: koululuokka fr: classe it: classe lt: klasė nl: klas pl: klasa pt: Turma ro: lectie/ ora de predare/ clasa tr: sınıf SN: Physical and social entity comprising students/pupils following the same educational programme in the course of one school year. NT class size RT class management class composition USE grouping TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 89 class council MT (04) cs: rada třídy de: Klassenrat el: μαθητικό συμβούλιο es: equipo docente et: klassinõukogu fi: luokkaneuvosto fr: conseil de classe it: consiglio di classe lt: klasės taryba nl: klassenraad pl: rada klasowa pt: Conselho de turma ro: cosiliul clasei tr: sınıf konseyi BT governing body class management MT (08) cs: řízení třídy de: Organisation der Klasse el: διοίκηση τάξης es: organización de la clase et: klassijuhtimine fi: luokkatyöskentelyn johtaminen fr: conduite de la classe it: gestione della classe lt: klasės valdymas nl: klasmanagement pl: kierowanie klasą pt: Condução da aula ro: managementul clasei (conducerea clasei) tr: sınıf yönetimi NT grouping RT class RT classroom climate class outing USE school visit TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 90 class size MT (06) cs: počet žáků ve třídě de: Klassengröße el: μέγεθος τάξης es: tamaño de la clase et: klassitäituvus fi: luokkakoko fr: taille de la classe it: dimensione della classe lt: klasės dydis nl: klasgrootte pl: liczebność klasy pt: Dimensão da turma ro: dimensiunea clasei tr: sınıf mevcudu BT class class teacher USE form teacher class-time USE taught time classical studies MT (07) cs: klasická studia de: klassische Studien el: Κλασικές Σπουδές es: estudios clásicos et: klassikalised teadused fi: antiikintutkimus fr: études classiques it: studi classici lt: klasikinės studijos nl: klassieke studies pl: filologia klasyczna pt: Estudos clássicos ro: studii clasice tr: klasik çalışmalar UF classics BT humanities RT Ancient Greek RT Latin classics USE classical studies TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 91 classification MT (13) cs: třídění de: Klassifikation el: ταξινόμηση es: clasificación et: liigitus fi: luokitus fr: classification it: classificazione lt: klasifikavimas nl: classificatie pl: klasyfikacja pt: Classificação ro: clasificare tr: sınıflandırma SN: Arrangement of documents (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). RT documentation classroom MT (06) cs: učebna de: Klassenzimmer el: αίθουσα διδασκαλίας es: aula et: klassiruum fi: luokkahuone fr: salle de classe it: aula lt: mokymo(si) patalpa nl: klaslokaal pl: sala zajęć pt: Sala de aula ro: sala de clasa tr: derslik BT educational facilities classroom arrangement USE space arrangement TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 92 classroom climate MT (08) cs: klima třídy de: Klassenklima el: κλίμα της τάξης es: clima de la clase et: klassiõhustik fi: luokkailmasto fr: climat de la classe it: clima della classe lt: klasės klimatas nl: klasklimaat pl: atmosfera w klasie pt: Ambiente da aula ro: climatul clasei tr: sınıf iklimi UF school atmosphere UF school climate RT class management classroom practice USE teaching practice classwork MT (08) cs: práce ve třídě de: Arbeit in der Klasse el: εργασία μέσα στην τάξη es: trabajo de clase et: klassitöö fi: luokkatyöskentely fr: travail de classe it: lavoro di classe lt: klasės darbas nl: klaswerk pl: praca w klasie pt: Trabalho da aula ro: activitatea la clasa tr: sınıf çalışması BT educational activities cleaning USE maintenance and repair clerical personnel USE administrative staff CLIL USE content and language integrated learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 93 club MT (15) cs: klub de: Klub el: λέσχη es: club et: klubi fi: kerho fr: club it: club lt: klubas nl: club pl: klub pt: Clube ro: club tr: kulüp SN: A group of people united by a common interest or activity. BT group coalition MT (14) cs: koalice de: Koalition el: συνασπισμός es: coalición et: koalitsioon fi: koalitio fr: coalition it: coalizione lt: koalicija nl: coalitie pl: koalicja pt: Coligação ro: coalitie tr: koalisyon BT politics code of conduct USE professional code TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 94 coeducation MT (01) cs: koedukace de: Koedukation el: μικτή εκπαίδευση es: coeducación et: ühisharidus fi: yhteiskasvatus fr: éducation mixte it: coeducazione lt: koedukacija nl: coëducatie pl: koedukacja pt: Coeducação ro: coeducatie tr: karma eğitim BT principles of education coeducational school MT (06) cs: koedukovaná škola de: Koedukationsschule el: μικτό σχολείο es: escuela mixta et: segakool fi: yhteiskoulu fr: école mixte it: scuola mista lt: koedukacinė mokykla nl: gemengde school pl: szkoła koedukacyjna pt: Escola mista ro: scoli mixte tr: karma okul SN: School where boys and girls are educated together (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF mixed school BT school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 95 cognitive development MT (10) cs: kognitivní vývoj de: kognitive Entwicklung el: γνωστική ανάπτυξη es: desarrollo cognitivo et: tunnetuslik areng fi: kognitiivinen kehitys fr: développement cognitif it: sviluppo cognitivo lt: pažintinė raida nl: cognitieve ontwikkeling pl: rozwój poznawczy pt: Desenvolvimento cognitivo ro: dezvoltarea cognitiva tr: bilişsel gelişim UF intellectual development UF mental development BT child development NT intelligence NT mental age NT problem solving NT reasoning cognitive needs USE intellectual disability cohesive society USE economic and social cohesion cohort (statistics) MT (13) cs: kohorta de: Geburtenjahrgang el: στατιστική κατηγορία es: cohorte (estadística) et: kohort (statistika) fi: kohortti (tilastot) fr: cohorte (statistique) it: coorte (statistica) lt: amžiaus grupė (statistinė) nl: cohort (statistiek) pl: kohorta (statystyka) pt: Coorte (Estatística) ro: cohorta (termen din statistica) tr: kohort (istatistik) BT statistical analysis collaborative learning USE group learning collective learning USE group learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 96 college of education USE teacher education institution combined school and workplace course USE alternance training Comenius MT (20) cs: Comenius de: Comenius el: Κομένιους es: Comenius et: Comenius fi: Comenius fr: Comenius it: Comenius lt: Comenius nl: Comenius pl: Comenius pt: Comenius ro: Comenius tr: Komenyus Commission of the European Communities USE European Commission Committee of the Regions MT (12) cs: Výbor regionů de: Ausschuss der Regionen el: Επιτροπή Περιφερειών es: Comité de las Regiones et: Regioonide Komitee fi: alueiden komitea fr: Comité des Régions it: Comitato delle regioni lt: Regionų komitetas nl: Comité van de Regio's pl: Komitet Regionów pt: Comité das Regiões ro: Comitetul Regiunilor tr: Bölgeler Komitesi UF CoR BT European Union body TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 97 common core curriculum MT (07) cs: kurikulum společného základu de: Kerncurriculum el: κοινό αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα es: enseñanzas mínimas et: tuumõppekava fi: opetussuunnitelman perusteet fr: tronc commun it: curricolo di base lt: bendrosios ugdymo turinio programos nl: kerncurriculum pl: wspólna podstawa programowa pt: Tronco comum ro: trunchi comun tr: çekirdek müfredat SN: Set of subjects established by the central authority and taught to all students/pupils at the same level of education. UF basic subject UF core curriculum UF minimum curriculum BT curriculum commune USE local level communication MT (13) cs: komunikace de: Kommunikation el: επικοινωνία es: comunicación et: suhtlus fi: viestintä fr: communication it: comunicazione lt: bendravimas nl: communicatie pl: komunikacja pt: Comunicação ro: comunicatie tr: iletişim NT information dissemination NT mass media NT non-verbal communication NT telecommunication NT verbal communication RT ICT RT information exchange communication skills USE communicative competences TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 98 communicative competences MT (10) cs: komunikační kompetence de: Kommunikationskompetenz el: επικοινωνιακές δεξιότητες es: competencias comunicativas et: suhtluspädevus fi: viestintätaidot fr: compétence en communication it: competenze comunicative lt: komunikacinės kompetencijos nl: communicatieve competenties pl: umiejętności komunikowania się pt: Competências comunicativas ro: competente de comunicare tr: iletişimsel yeterlikler SN: Skills which permit communication with other people in a variety of ways, including listening, speaking, viewing, reading and writing (Source: Canadian Literacy Thesaurus, 1996). UF communication skills BT competence community MT (15) cs: komunita de: Gemeinschaft el: κοινότητα es: comunidad et: kogukond fi: yhteisö fr: collectivité it: comunità lt: bendruomenė nl: gemeenschap pl: społeczność pt: Comunidade ro: comunitate tr: topluluk BT socio-cultural environment NT linguistic community NT local community Community action USE European Union action Community action programme USE European Union action Community agency USE European Union agency Community body USE European Union body TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 99 community centre MT (06) cs: komunitní centrum de: Gemeinschaftszentrum el: κοινοτικό κέντρο es: centro cívico et: rahvamaja fi: monitoimitila fr: centre communautaire it: centro comunitario lt: bendruomenės centras nl: gemeenschapscentrum pl: centrum kulturalno-oświatowe pt: Centro comunitário ro: centru comunitar tr: topluluk merkezi BT educational facilities Community decision USE European Union decision Community directive USE European Union directive community education USE community studies community home USE correctional education Community initiative USE European Union action Community institution USE European Union institution community involvement USE school-community relation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 100 community language MT (15) cs: jazyk komunity de: Sprache einer Gemeinschaft el: κοινοτικές γλώσσες es: lengua de una comunidad et: kogukonna keel fi: yhteisökieli fr: langue de communauté it: lingua di una comunità lt: bendruomenės kalba nl: gemeenschapstaal pl: języki mniejszości pt: Língua da comunidade ro: limba comunitatii tr: topluluk dili SN: Language spoken by members of minority groups or communities within a majority language context. Some of these languages have been used for hundreds of years others are of more recent origin (Source: CILT, www.cilt.org.uk, 2005) BT language NT minority language NT regional language Community law USE European Union law Community legal act USE European Union law Community legislation USE European Union law Community level USE European level Community of Madrid MT (19) cs: Autonomní společenství Madrid de: autonome Körperschaft Madrid el: Κοινότητα της Μαδρίτης es: Comunidad de Madrid et: Madridi autonoomne piirkond fi: Madridin itsehallintoalue fr: Communauté de Madrid it: Comunità autonoma di Madrid lt: Madridas nl: Autonome Gemeenschap van Madrid pl: region Madrytu pt: Comunidade de Madrid ro: Comunitatea din Madrid tr: Madrit Topluluğu TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 101 Community of Valencia MT (19) cs: Autonomní společenství Valencie de: autonome Körperschaft Valencia el: Κοινότητα της Βαλένθια es: Comunidad Valenciana et: Valencia autonoomne piirkond fi: Valencian itsehallintoalue fr: Communauté de Valence it: Comunità autonoma di Valencia lt: Valensija nl: Autonome Gemeenschap van Valencia pl: region Walencji pt: Comunidade de Valença ro: Comunitatea din Valencia tr: Valensiya Topluluğu Community policy USE European Union policy Community programme USE European Union action Community recommendation USE European Union recommendation Community regulation USE European Union regulation Community resolution USE European Union resolution community studies MT (07) cs: sociální výchova de: Gemeinschaftserziehung el: κοινοτικές σπουδές es: educación social et: kodulugu fi: kansalaistaito fr: éducation sociale it: studi di comunità lt: bendruomeniškumo ugdymas nl: maatschappelijke vorming pl: wychowanie społeczne pt: Educação comunitária ro: studii comunitare tr: toplum çalışmaları SN: Enabling process through which children and adults receive a sense of identification with their community (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF community education BT civics TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 102 comparability of qualifications MT (09) cs: srovnatelnost kvalifikací de: Vergleichbarkeit von Qualifikationen el: συγκρισιμότητα προσόντων es: comparabilidad de cualificaciones et: kvalifikatsioonide võrreldavus fi: kelpoisuuksien vastaavuus fr: comparabilité des qualifications it: comparabilità dei titoli lt: kvalifikacijų palyginamumas nl: vergelijkbaarheid van kwalificaties pl: porównywalność kwalifikacji pt: Comparabilidade de qualificações ro: comparabilitatea calificarilor tr: niteliklerin karşılaştırılabilirliği SN: The extent to which it is possible to establish equivalence between the level and content of formal qualifications (certificates and diplomas) at sectoral, regional, national and international levels (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). RT Diploma Supplement RT recognition of diplomas comparative analysis MT (21) cs: srovnávací analýza de: Vergleichsstudie el: συγκριτική ανάλυση es: análisis comparativo et: võrdlev analüüs fi: vertaileva analyysi fr: analyse comparative it: analisi comparativa lt: lyginamoji analizė nl: vergelijkende analyse pl: analiza porównawcza pt: Análise comparativa ro: analiza comparativa tr: karşılaştırmalı çözümleme UF comparative study TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 103 comparative education MT (01) cs: srovnávací pedagogika de: vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft el: συγκριτική εκπαίδευση es: educación comparada et: võrdlev kasvatusteadus fi: vertaileva kasvatustiede fr: éducation comparée it: educazione comparata lt: lyginamoji edukologija nl: vergelijkende pedagogiek pl: pedagogika porównawcza pt: Educação comparada ro: educatie comparativa tr: karşılaştırmalı eğitim SN: Study of the comparison of current educational theory and practice in different countries (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT sciences of education comparative study USE comparative analysis compatibility MT (13) cs: kompatibilita de: Kompatibilität el: συμβατότητα es: compatibilidad et: ühilduvus fi: yhteensopivuus fr: compatibilité it: compatibilità lt: suderinamumas nl: compatabiliteit pl: kompatybilność pt: Compatibilidade ro: compatibilitate tr: bağdaşıklık UF interoperability RT ICT equipment TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 104 competence MT (10) cs: kompetence de: Kompetenz el: ικανότητα es: competencia et: pädevus fi: osaaminen fr: compétence it: competenza lt: kompetencija nl: competentie pl: kompetencje pt: Competência ro: competenta tr: yeterlik SN: Ability to apply knowledge, know-how and skills in an habitual or changing situation (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF expertise NT basic skills NT communicative competences NT cross-curricular competences NT entrepreneurship NT language skills NT learning to learn NT literacy NT minimum competences NT social competences NT subject-specific competences RT skill RT skills audit competent authority USE educational authority competition MT (09) cs: konkurence de: Wettbewerb el: διαγωνισμός es: competición et: võistlus fi: kilpailu fr: compétition it: competizione lt: konkursas nl: wedstrijd pl: konkurs pt: Competição ro: competitie tr: yarışma SN: Event in which entrants compete in order to receive an award (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). NT inter-institutional competition TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 105 competitive examination MT (09) cs: konkurs de: Auswahlverfahren el: συναγωνιστικός διαγωνισμός es: oposición et: võistluseksam fi: valintakokeet fr: concours it: concorso lt: konkursinis egzaminas nl: vergelijkend examen pl: egzamin konkursowy pt: Concurso ro: examen competitiv tr: yarışma sınavı BT examination complaint procedure MT (04) cs: vyřizování stížností de: Beschwerdeverfahren el: υποβολή διαμαρτυρίας es: procedimiento de reclamación et: vaidlustusprotseduur fi: valitusmenettely fr: procédure de plainte it: procedura di reclamo lt: (ap)skundimo procedūra nl: klachtenprocedure pl: procedura odwoławcza pt: Processo de reclamação ro: procedura de contestare tr: şikayet prosedürü BT school management comprehension MT (10) cs: porozumění de: Verstehen el: κατανόηση es: comprensión et: mõistmine fi: ymmärtäminen fr: compréhension it: comprensione lt: suvokimas nl: begripsvermogen pl: rozumienie pt: Compreensão ro: intelegere tr: anlama BT intelligence TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 106 comprehensive school MT (06) cs: souborná škola de: Gesamtschule el: δημόσιο δευτεροβάθμιο σχολείο es: escuela comprensiva et: ühtluskool fi: peruskoulu fr: école à programme commun it: Istituto comprensivo lt: bendrojo lavinimo mokykla nl: middenschool pl: szkoła powszechna pt: Escola unificada ro: scoala completa tr: çok amaçlı orta dereceli okul SN: School where pupils of all abilities are educated together. UF comprehensive secondary school BT school comprehensive secondary school USE comprehensive school compulsory education MT (01) cs: povinné vzdělávání de: Schulpflicht el: υποχρεωτική εκπαίδευση es: educación obligatoria et: kohustuslik haridus fi: oppivelvollisuus fr: enseignement obligatoire it: istruzione obbligatoria lt: privalomasis švietimas nl: leerplichtigonderwijs pl: kształcenie obowiązkowe pt: Escolaridade obrigatória ro: educatie obligatorie tr: zorunlu eğitim SN: The minimum legal standards and duration of mandatory instruction (Source: Adapted from Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF compulsory schooling UF mandatory schooling BT principles of education RT basic education RT duration of compulsory education compulsory schooling USE compulsory education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 107 compulsory subject MT (07) cs: povinný předmět de: Pflichtfach el: υποχρεωτικό μάθημα es: materia obligatoria et: kohustuslik õppeaine fi: pakollinen aine fr: matière obligatoire it: materia obbligatoria lt: privalomasis dalykas nl: verplicht vak pl: przedmiot obowiązkowy pt: Disciplinas obrigatórias ro: subiect obligatoriu tr: zorunlu ders UF mandatory subject UF obligatory subject UF statutory subject BT curriculum subject computer MT (06) (13) cs: počítač de: Computer el: ηλεκτρονικός υπολογιστής es: ordenador et: arvuti fi: tietokone fr: ordinateur it: computer lt: kompiuteris nl: computer pl: komputer pt: Computador ro: calculator/ computer tr: bilgisayar UF interface UF microcomputer UF personal computer UF terminal BT hardware NT home computer RT teaching resources TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 108 computer game MT (08) cs: počítačová hra de: Computerspiel el: ηλεκτρονικό παιχνίδι es: juego de ordenador et: arvutimäng fi: tietokonepeli fr: jeu vidéo it: gioco elettronico lt: kompiuterinis žaidimas nl: computerspel pl: gra komputerowa pt: Jogo de computador ro: joc pe calculator tr: bilgisayar oyunu BT educational game computer literacy MT (10) cs: počítačová gramotnost de: digitale Kompetenz el: γνώση υπολογιστή es: competencia informática et: arvutioskus fi: tietokoneen käyttötaito fr: compétence informatique it: alfabetizzazione informatica lt: kompiuterinis raštingumas nl: computergeletterdheid pl: alfabetyzacja komputerowa pt: Competência informática ro: abilitati de baza in utilizarea calculatorului tr: bilgisayar okur yazarlığı SN: The ability to use information and communication technology (ICT) proficiently (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF digital literacy UF ICT skills BT literacy TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 109 computer network MT (13) cs: počítačová síť de: Computernetzwerk el: δίκτυο es: red informática et: arvutivõrk fi: tietoliikenneverkko fr: réseau informatique it: rete informatica lt: kompiuterių tinklas nl: computernetwerk pl: sieć komputerowa pt: Rede de computadores ro: retea informatica tr: bilgisayar ağı BT telecommunication NT e-mail NT extranet NT Internet NT intranet computer penetration MT (13) cs: rozšíření počítačů de: PC-Durchdringung el: διάχυση πληροφορικής es: penetración informática et: arvutihõive fi: tietokonetiheys fr: pénétration informatique it: penetrazione informatica lt: kompiuterių skvarba nl: computerpenetratie pl: nasycenie komputerami pt: Penetração informática ro: patrunderea computerului tr: bilgisayar yaygınlığı SN: Computer ownership expressed as a percentage of total population. RT ICT TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 110 computer science MT (07) cs: informatika a výpočetní technika de: Informatik el: επιστήμη της Πληροφορικής es: informática et: informaatika fi: tietojenkäsittelytiede fr: science informatique it: informatica lt: kompiuterių mokslas nl: informatica pl: informatyka pt: Informática ro: stiinta calculatorului (IT) tr: bilgisayar bilimi BT content of learning computer usage MT (13) cs: využívání počítače de: Computernutzung el: χρήση του υπολογιστή es: uso del ordenador et: arvutikasutus fi: tietokoneen käyttö fr: utilisation de l'informatique it: uso del computer lt: naudojimasis kompiuteriais nl: computergebruik pl: użytkowanie komputerów pt: Utilização da informática ro: utilizarea calculatorului tr: bilgisayar kullanımı RT ICT computer-aided learning USE computer-assisted learning computer-assisted instruction USE computer-assisted learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 111 computer-assisted learning MT (08) cs: počítačem podporované učení de: computergestütztes Lernen el: μάθηση με τη βοήθεια υπολογιστή es: aprendizaje asistido por ordenador et: arvutipõhine õpe fi: tietokoneavusteinen oppiminen fr: apprentissage assisté par ordinateur it: apprendimento attraverso l'uso del computer lt: kompiuterinis mokymasis nl: computer ondersteund leren pl: nauczanie wspomagane komputerem pt: Aprendizagem assistida por computador ro: invatarea asistata de calculator tr: bilgisayar-destekli öğrenme SN: Education that uses information and communication technologies (ICT) as one of the teaching aids. UF computer-aided learning UF computer-assisted instruction UF computer-based learning UF didactic use of computer UF educational use of computers BT learning RT blended learning computer-based learning USE computer-assisted learning conclusion MT (21) cs: závěr de: Schlussfolgerungen el: συμπέρασμα es: conclusión et: lõppjäreldus fi: johtopäätös fr: conclusion it: conclusione lt: išvada nl: conclusie pl: wniosek pt: Conclusão ro: concluzie tr: sonuç TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 112 concurrent model MT (02) cs: souběžný model de: simultanes Modell el: μοντέλο παράλληλης εκπαίδευσης es: modelo simultáneo et: rööpõpe fi: rinnakkaismalli fr: modèle simultané it: modello simultaneo lt: lygiagretusis rengimo modelis nl: concurrent model pl: model równoległy pt: Modelo integrado ro: model concurent tr: eş zamanlı model SN: Form of teacher education which provides professional training at the same time as the subject-specific education. BT teacher education model conditions of service USE working conditions conference MT (13) cs: konference de: Konferenz el: διάσκεψη es: conferencia et: konverents fi: konferenssi fr: conférence it: conferenza lt: konferencija nl: conferentie pl: konferencja pt: Conferência ro: conferinta tr: konferans UF congress UF meeting BT information exchange TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 113 conference paper MT (21) cs: příspěvek na konferenci de: Konferenzbeitrag el: άρθρο στα πλαίσια διάσκεψης es: artículo de conferencia et: ettekanne fi: konferenssiesitelmä fr: article de conférence it: relazione congressuale lt: konferencijos pranešimas nl: conferentiebijdrage pl: artykuł konferencyjny pt: Artigo de conferência ro: lucrare realizata pentru a fi prezentata in cadrul unei conferinte tr: konferans bildirisi SN: Contribution of a speaker to a conference, congress or meeting (Source: Cedefop, European Training Thesaurus, 2001). conference report USE proceedings conflict MT (10) cs: konflikt de: Konflikt el: σύγκρουση es: conflicto et: konflikt fi: ristiriita fr: conflit it: conflitto lt: konfliktas nl: conflict pl: konflikt pt: Conflito ro: conflict tr: çatışma NT dispute settlement conflict resolution USE dispute settlement TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 114 Confucianism MT (15) cs: konfucianismus de: Konfuzianismus el: Κομφουκιανισμός es: confucianismo et: konfutsianism fi: kungfutselaisuus fr: confucianisme it: confucianesimo lt: konfucianizmas nl: Confuscianisme pl: konfucjanizm pt: Confucianismo ro: Confucianism tr: Konfüçyüsçülük BT religion congress USE conference consecutive model MT (02) cs: následný model de: konsekutives Modell el: μοντέλο διαδοχικής εκπαίδευσης es: modelo consecutivo et: järjestikõpe fi: peräkkäismalli fr: modèle consécutif it: modello consecutivo lt: nuoseklusis rengimo modelis nl: consecutive model pl: model etapowy pt: Modelo sequencial ro: model consecutiv tr: ardışık model SN: Form of teacher education which first provides a subject-specific education later followed by professional training. BT teacher education model consequence USE outcome TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 115 constitution MT (14) cs: ústava de: Verfassung el: σύνταγμα es: constitución et: põhiseadus fi: perustuslaki fr: constitution it: costituzione lt: konstitucija nl: grondwet pl: konstytucja pt: Constituição ro: constitutie tr: anayasa SN: Fundamental law setting out the principles by which a state or nation is governed. UF † European Constitution BT legislation consultation MT (09) cs: konzultace de: Konsultation el: διαβούλευση es: consulta et: konsulteerimine fi: konsultaatio fr: consultation it: consultazione lt: konsultacija nl: consultatie pl: konsultacje pt: Consulta ro: consultare tr: danışma SN: Seeking advice and input from people affected by a specific issue. BT guidance consultative body USE advisory body consultative council USE advisory body consumer education USE economics TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 116 consumption MT (16) cs: spotřeba de: Konsum el: κατανάλωση es: consumo et: tarbimine fi: kulutus fr: consommation it: consumo lt: vartojimas nl: consumptie pl: konsumpcja pt: Consumo ro: consum tr: tüketim BT economic data contact time for instruction USE teaching load content and language integrated learning MT (08) cs: obsahově a jazykově integrované učení de: fremdsprachlicher Fachunterricht el: διδασκαλία μη γλωσσικού μαθήματος μέσω μιας ξένης γλώσσας es: Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas et: lõimõpe fi: CLIL-opetus fr: Enseignement d'une Matière Intégrée à une Langue Etrangère it: apprendimento integrato di lingua e contenuto lt: keliakalbis dalykų mokymasis nl: tweetalig onderwijs pl: zintegrowane nauczanie przedmiotowo-językowe pt: Ensino Integrado de Língua Estrangeira ro: invatarea integrata din perspectiva continutului si a limbii utilizate in procesul de instruire tr: konu ve dilin bütünleştirilmesi ile öğrenme SN: The teaching of curriculum subjects other than foreign languages in more than one language of instruction. UF bilingual education UF CLIL UF language immersion BT teaching method TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 117 content of learning MT (07) cs: vzdělávací obsah de: Bildungsinhalt el: περιεχόμενο μάθησης es: contenido del aprendizaje et: hariduse sisu fi: oppimisen sisältö fr: contenu de l'éducation it: contenuto di apprendimento lt: mokymosi turinys nl: leerinhoud pl: treści kształcenia pt: Conteúdo da aprendizagem ro: continutul invatarii tr: öğrenmenin içeriği NT applied sciences NT art education NT computer science NT economics NT engineering NT environmental education NT health sciences NT humanities NT international studies NT leisure education NT mathematics NT natural sciences NT social sciences NT technology NT tourism RT curriculum development RT e-learning content RT education continuation of education USE adult education continuing education USE adult education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 118 continuing professional development MT (02) cs: další profesní rozvoj de: berufliche Fort- und Weiterbildung el: συνεχής επαγγελματική ανέλιξη es: formación profesional continua et: pidevõpe fi: jatkuva ammatillinen kehittyminen fr: formation professionnelle continue it: formazione professionale continua lt: tęstinis profesinis mokymas nl: doorlopende professionele ontwikkeling pl: ustawiczne doskonalenie zawodowe pt: Formação profissional contínua ro: dezvoltare profesionala continua tr: sürekli profesyonel gelişim SN: Professional training undertaken by members of the working age population irrespective of whether they are currently employed or not. UF professional improvement BT training type NT in-service training RT learning organisation continuity of education MT (01) cs: kontinuita vzdělávání de: Bildungskontinuität el: συνεχής εκπαίδευση es: continuidad de la educación et: õppimise järjepidevus fi: koulutuksen jatkuvuus fr: continuité de l'enseignement it: continuità didattica lt: mokymosi tęstinumas nl: continuïteit van het onderwijs pl: ciągłość kształcenia pt: Continuidade da educação ro: continuitatea educatiei tr: eğitimin devamlılığı SN: Transitional continuity in human learning development, e.g. between different elements and levels of schooling (Source: ERIC Thesaurus, 2005 online version where "continuity of education" is the non-descriptor for "developmental continuity"). UF didactic continuity UF educational continuity BT principles of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 119 continuous evaluation MT (09) cs: průběžné hodnocení de: fortlaufende Evaluation el: συνεχής αξιολόγηση es: evaluación continua et: pidevhindamine fi: jatkuva arviointi fr: évaluation continue it: valutazione continua lt: nuolatinis vertinimas nl: doorlopende evaluatie pl: ocena ciągła pt: Avaliação contínua ro: evaluare continua tr: aralıksız değerlendirme BT evaluation cooperation MT (11) cs: spolupráce de: Kooperation el: συνεργασία es: cooperación et: koostöö fi: yhteistyö fr: coopération it: cooperazione lt: bendradarbiavimas nl: samenwerking pl: współpraca pt: Cooperação ro: cooperare tr: iş birliği SN: Act of working together toward a common goal (note: use a more specific term if possible) (Source: ERIC Thesaurus, 2005 online version). NT inter-university cooperation NT international cooperation NT team work CoR USE Committee of the Regions core curriculum USE common core curriculum core skills USE basic skills TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 120 correctional education MT (02) cs: nápravná výchova de: Fürsorgeerziehung el: εκπαίδευση σε σωφρονιστικά ιδρύματα es: educación correccional et: parandusõpe fi: sopeutumattomien kasvatus fr: éducation surveillée it: educazione correzionale lt: korekcinis ugdymas nl: heropvoeding pl: resocjalizacja pt: Educação correctiva ro: educatie corectionala tr: düzeltici eğitim SN: Educational and vocational programmes provided for adults and youth in prisons or detention centres. (Source: Unesco Thesaurus, 2006 online version). UF approved school UF community home UF correctional institution UF prison education BT education system RT delinquency RT special educational needs RT special needs education correctional institution USE correctional education correspondence education USE distance learning Corsican MT (17) cs: korsičtina de: Korsisch el: Κορσικανική es: corso et: korsika keel fi: korsikan kieli fr: corse it: còrso lt: korsikiečių kalba nl: Corsicaans pl: korsykański pt: Corso ro: corsicana tr: Korsikaca BT Romance languages cost of education USE educational expenditure TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 121 cost of living MT (16) cs: životní náklady de: Lebenshaltungskosten el: κόστος διαβίωσης es: coste de la vida et: elukallidus fi: elinkustannukset fr: coût de la vie it: costo della vita lt: pragyvenimo išlaidos nl: kosten van levensonderhoud pl: koszty utrzymania pt: Custo de vida ro: costul vietii tr: hayat pahalılığı BT economic data Council conclusions MT (12) cs: závěry Rady EU de: Schlussfolgerungen des Rates el: συμπεράσματα Συμβουλίου es: conclusiones del Consejo et: Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu otsused fi: Eurooppa-neuvoston päätelmät fr: conclusions du Conseil it: conclusioni del Consiglio lt: Tarybos išvados nl: Besluiten van de Raad pl: wspólne stanowisko Rady pt: Conclusões do Conselho ro: concluziile Consiliului tr: Konsey sonuç belgesi BT Council of the European Union Council of Europe MT (20) cs: Rada Evropy de: Europarat el: Συμβούλιο της Ευρώπης es: Consejo de Europa et: Euroopa Nõukogu fi: Euroopan neuvosto fr: Conseil de l'Europe it: Consiglio d'Europa lt: Europos Taryba nl: Raad van Europa pl: Rada Europy pt: Conselho da Europa ro: Consiliul Europei tr: Avrupa Konseyi TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 122 Council of European Ministers USE Council of the European Union Council of Ministers USE Council of the European Union Council of the European Communities USE Council of the European Union Council of the European Union MT (12) cs: Rada Evropské unie de: Rat der Europäischen Union el: Συμβούλιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης es: Consejo de la Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu fi: Euroopan unionin neuvosto fr: Conseil de l'Union européenne it: Consiglio dell'Unione europea lt: Europos Sąjungos Ministrų Taryba nl: Raad van de Europese Unie pl: Rada Unii Europejskiej pt: Conselho da União Europeia ro: Consiliul Uniunii Europene tr: Avrupa Birliği Konseyi UF Council of European Ministers UF Council of Ministers UF Council of the European Communities UF Council of the Union UF EC Council UF EU Council UF European Union Council BT European Union institution NT Council conclusions NT Council Presidency (European Union) Council of the Union USE Council of the European Union TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 123 Council Presidency (European Union) MT (12) cs: předsednictví Rady EU de: EU-Ratspräsidentschaft el: Προεδρία του Συμβουλίου (Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση) es: Presidencia del Consejo de la Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu eesistuja fi: Euroopan unionin neuvoston puheenjohtajuus fr: Présidence du Conseil de l'Union européenne it: Presidenza del Consiglio dell'Unione europea lt: pirmininkavimas (Europos Sąjungos) Tarybai nl: Voorzitterschap van de Raad pl: Prezydencja Rady (Unii Europejskiej) pt: Presidência do Conselho da União Europeia ro: Presedintia Consiliului Uniunii Europene tr: Dönem Başkanlığı (Avrupa Birliği) BT Council of the European Union counselling USE guidance counsellor USE guidance officer country of origin MT (15) cs: země původu de: Herkunftsland el: χώρα καταγωγής es: país de origen et: päritolumaa fi: alkuperämaa fr: pays d'origine it: paese di origine lt: kilmės šalis nl: land van herkomst pl: kraj pochodzenia pt: País de origem ro: tara de origine tr: ülke menşei SN: Geographical area a person originates from. UF home country BT migration TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 124 country report MT (21) cs: národní zpráva de: Länderbericht el: εθνική έκθεση es: informe nacional et: riigi aruanne fi: maaraportti fr: descriptions par pays it: rapporto nazionale lt: šalies ataskaita nl: landenrapport pl: raport krajowy pt: Relatório nacional ro: raport de tara tr: ülke raporu UF national report course MT (08) cs: kurs de: Studiengang el: σειρά μαθημάτων es: curso et: kursus fi: kurssi fr: cours it: corso lt: kursas nl: cursus pl: kurs pt: Curso ro: curs tr: kurs SN: A planned series of learning activities in a particular subject area offered by an educational institution (Source: Adapted from ISCED, Glossary, 1997). NT audiovisual programme NT evening class NT higher education course NT integrated course NT intensive course NT modular course NT optional course NT preparatory class NT seminar NT summer school NT training programme RT course exemption RT course programme RT course structure TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 125 course exemption MT (08) cs: osvobození od výuky de: Befreiung von Unterrichtsfächern el: απαλλαγή από μάθημα es: exención de curso et: kursusest vabastus fi: kurssilta vapauttaminen fr: dispense de cours it: esonero da un corso lt: atleidimas nuo kurso nl: vrijstelling van cursusonderdeel pl: zwolnienie z kursu pt: Dispensa de curso ro: scutire de curs tr: ders muafiyeti RT course course programme MT (08) cs: program kursu de: Kursprogramm el: πρόγραμμα μαθημάτων es: programa del curso et: kursuse kava fi: kurssiohjelma fr: programme de cours it: programma del corso lt: kurso programa nl: cursusprogramma pl: treść kursu pt: Programa de curso ro: program de curs tr: ders programı RT course course structure MT (08) cs: struktura kursu de: Kursaufbau el: δομή μαθήματος es: estructura del curso et: kursuse ülesehitus fi: kurssin rakenne fr: structure de cours it: struttura del corso lt: kurso struktūra nl: structuur van de cursus pl: struktura kursu pt: Estrutura do curso ro: structura cursului tr: kurs yapısı RT course TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 126 courseware USE educational software court (law) MT (14) cs: soudní dvůr de: Gericht el: δικαστήριο es: tribunal et: kohus fi: tuomioistuin fr: tribunal it: tribunale lt: teismas nl: rechtbank pl: sąd pt: Tribunal ro: tribunal tr: mahkeme (hukuk) BT jurisdiction crafts MT (07) cs: řemesla de: Handwerk el: καλλιτεχνικά μαθήματα es: artesanía et: käsitöö fi: käsityö fr: artisanat it: artigianato lt: amatai nl: ambachten pl: prace ręczne pt: Trabalhos manuais ro: meserii tr: el işleri BT art education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 127 creative activities MT (08) cs: tvůrčí činnosti de: kreative Tätigkeiten el: δημιουργικές δραστηριότητες es: actividades creativas et: loovtegevus fi: luova toiminta fr: activités créatrices it: attività creative lt: kūrybinės veiklos nl: creatieve activiteiten pl: zajęcia twórcze pt: Actividades criativas ro: activitati creative tr: yaratıcı etkinlikler BT educational activities creativity MT (10) cs: tvořivost de: Kreativität el: δημιουργικότητα es: creatividad et: loovus fi: luovuus fr: créativité it: creatività lt: kūrybingumas nl: creativiteit pl: kreatywność pt: Criatividade ro: creativitate tr: yaratıcılık BT personality TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 128 credit system MT (04) cs: kreditní systém de: Leistungspunktesystem el: σύστημα πιστωτικών μονάδων es: sistema de créditos et: ainepunktide süsteem fi: opintosuoritusjärjestelmä fr: système de crédits it: sistema dei crediti lt: kreditų sistema nl: studiepuntensysteem pl: system punktów zaliczeniowych pt: Sistema de créditos ro: sistem de credite tr: kredi sistemi SN: A means of accumulating, measuring and comparing learning outcomes and study periods and transferring them between education systems or institutions. UF credits UF learning credits RT credit transfer credit transfer MT (04) cs: přenos kreditů de: Transfer von Studienleistungen el: μεταφορά πιστωτικών μονάδων es: transferencia de créditos et: ainepunktide ülekandmine fi: opintosuoritusten ja arvosanojen siirto fr: transfert de crédits it: trasferimento dei crediti lt: kreditų perkėlimas nl: studiepuntenoverdracht pl: transfer punktów zaliczeniowych pt: Transferência de créditos ro: credit transferabil tr: kredi transferi BT transfer NT European Credit Transfer System RT credit system credits USE credit system TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 129 Creole MT (17) cs: kreolština de: Kreolisch el: Κρεολός-ή es: criollo et: kreooli keel fi: kreolikieli fr: créole it: creolo lt: kreolų kalba nl: Creool pl: kreolski pt: Crioulo ro: creola tr: Kreol BT Creole languages Creole languages MT (17) cs: kreolské jazyky de: Kreolsprachen el: Κρεολή γλώσσα es: lenguas criollas et: kreooli keeled fi: kreolikielet fr: langues créoles it: lingue creole lt: kreolų kalbos nl: Creoolse talen pl: języki kreolskie pt: Línguas crioulas ro: limba creola tr: Kreol dilleri NT Creole TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 130 critical sense MT (10) cs: kritičnost de: kritisches Denken el: κριτικό πνεύμα es: sentido crítico et: kriitikameel fi: kriittinen ajattelu fr: sens critique it: senso critico lt: kritiškumas nl: kritische zin pl: krytycyzm pt: Sentido crítico ro: simt critic tr: eleştirel mantık SN: The ability to analyse, interpret and evaluate information. UF thinking skills BT intelligence Croatia MT (19) cs: Chorvatsko de: Kroatien el: Κροατία es: Croacia et: Horvaatia fi: Kroatia fr: Croatie it: Croazia lt: Kroatija nl: Kroatië pl: Chorwacja pt: Croácia ro: Croatia tr: Hırvatistan Croatian MT (17) cs: chorvatština de: Kroatisch el: Κροατική γλώσσα es: croata et: horvaadi keel fi: kroatian kieli fr: croate it: croato lt: kroatų kalba nl: Kroatisch pl: chorwacki pt: Croata ro: croat tr: Hırvatça BT Slavic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 131 cross-country evaluation USE international evaluation cross-curricular competences MT (10) cs: průřezové kompetence de: fächerübergreifende Kompetenzen el: διαθεματικές δεξιότητες es: competencias transversales et: teemapädevus fi: oppiainerajat ylittävät valmiudet fr: compétences transversales générales it: competenze trasversali lt: tarpdalykinės kompetencijos nl: vakoverstijgende competenties pl: kompetencje międzyprzedmiotowe pt: Competências transversais ao currículo ro: competente cross-curriculare tr: dersler arası müfredat yeterlikleri SN: General competences that are applied and developed across a range of teaching subjects. UF inter-curricular competences UF subject-independent competences UF transversal competences BT competence cross-curricular theme USE interdisciplinary approach cultural activities MT (08) cs: kulturní činnosti de: kulturelle Tätigkeit el: πολιτιστικές δραστηριότητες es: actividades culturales et: kultuuritegevus fi: kulttuuritoiminta fr: activités culturelles it: attività culturali lt: kultūrinės veiklos nl: culturele activiteiten pl: zajęcia kulturalne pt: Actividades culturais ro: activitati culturale tr: kültürel etkinlikler UF cultural event UF socio-cultural activities BT educational activities cultural background USE cultural identity TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 132 cultural centre MT (06) cs: kulturní středisko de: Kulturzentrum el: πολιτιστικό κέντρο es: centro cultural et: kultuurikeskus fi: kulttuurikeskus fr: centre culturel it: centro culturale lt: kultūros centras nl: cultureel centrum pl: ośrodek kultury pt: Centro cultural ro: centru cultural tr: kültür merkezi BT educational facilities cultural diversity USE cultural pluralism cultural event USE cultural activities cultural exchange USE exchange visit cultural heritage USE cultural identity cultural identity MT (15) cs: kulturní identita de: kulturelle Identität el: πολιτιστική ταυτότητα es: identidad cultural et: kultuuriidentiteet fi: kulttuuri-identiteetti fr: identité culturelle it: identità culturale lt: kultūrinė tapatybė nl: culturele identiteit pl: tożsamość kulturowa pt: Identidade cultural ro: identitate culturala tr: kültürel kimlik UF cultural background UF cultural heritage RT culture TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 133 cultural pluralism MT (15) cs: kulturní pluralismus de: kulturelle Pluralität el: πολιτιστικός πλουραλισμός es: pluralismo cultural et: kultuuripaljus fi: monikulttuurisuus fr: pluralisme culturel it: pluralismo culturale lt: daugiakultūriškumas nl: cultureel pluralisme pl: pluralizm kulturowy pt: Pluralismo cultural ro: pluralism cultural tr: kültürel çoğulculuk UF cultural diversity RT culture cultural relations USE intercultural relations culture MT (15) cs: kultura de: Kultur el: κουλτούρα es: cultura et: kultuur fi: kulttuuri fr: culture it: cultura lt: kultūra nl: cultuur pl: kultura pt: Cultura ro: cultura tr: kültür NT art NT literature RT civilisation RT cultural identity RT cultural pluralism RT intercultural relations TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 134 curriculum MT (07) cs: kurikulum de: Curriculum el: αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα es: currículo et: õppekava fi: opetussuunnitelma fr: programme d'études it: curricolo lt: ugdymo turinio programa nl: curriculum pl: program nauczania pt: Currículo ro: curriculum tr: müfredat SN: The subjects taught and the intended learning outcomes for a course of study at an educational institution. UF syllabus UF teaching programme NT common core curriculum NT curriculum subject NT hidden curriculum curriculum design USE curriculum development curriculum development MT (07) cs: tvorba kurikula de: Curriculumentwicklung el: ανάπτυξη αναλυτικού προγράμματος es: desarrollo curricular et: õppekavaarendus fi: opetussuunnitelman kehittäminen fr: élaboration de programmes d'études it: elaborazione del curricolo lt: ugdymo/mokymo/studijų programų kūrimas nl: leerplanontwikkeling pl: tworzenie programów nauczania pt: Desenvolvimento curricular ro: dezvoltarea curriculum-ului tr: müfredat geliştirme SN: Activities such as conceptualising, planning, implementing, field testing, and researching that are intended to produce new curricula or improve existing ones (Source: ERIC Thesaurus, 2005 online version). UF curriculum design UF curriculum organisation UF curriculum review NT curriculum reform RT aims of education RT content of learning curriculum organisation USE curriculum development TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 135 curriculum reform MT (07) cs: kurikulární reforma de: Curriculumreform el: μεταρρύθμιση αναλυτικού προγράμματος es: reforma del currículo et: õppekavareform fi: opetussuunnitelman uudistus fr: réforme des programmes d'études it: riforma del curricolo lt: ugdymo turinio reforma nl: curriculumhervorming pl: reforma programu nauczania pt: Reforma curricular ro: reforma curriculum-ului tr: müfredat reformu BT curriculum development curriculum review USE curriculum development curriculum subject MT (07) cs: vyučovací předmět de: Lehrfach el: διδασκόμενο μάθημα es: materia del currículo et: õppeaine fi: oppiaine fr: matière d'enseignement it: materia curricolare lt: mokomasis dalykas nl: leerplanvak pl: przedmiot nauczania pt: Disciplinas ro: curriculum-ul unui obiect de studiu tr: müfredat konusu UF subject UF subject matter UF teaching subject BT curriculum NT compulsory subject NT main subject NT optional subject NT subsidiary subject NT vocational content TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 136 curriculum support MT (03) cs: podpora žáků při učení de: Förderunterricht el: ενισχυτική διδασκαλία es: apoyo educativo et: õpiabi fi: tukiopetus fr: soutien pédagogique it: sostegno pedagogico lt: ugdymo programos pritaikymas (mokiniui) nl: remedial teaching pl: zajęcia wyrównawcze pt: Apoio educativo ro: curriculum suport tr: müfredat desteği SN: Teaching for learners with learning difficulties who are educated in mainstream schools. UF learning support UF remedial teaching BT special needs education NT language support RT curriculum support class curriculum support class MT (03) cs: podpůrná třída de: Förderklasse el: τάξη ενισχυτικής διδασκαλίας es: clase de apoyo et: õpiabiklass fi: tukiopetusluokka fr: classe séparée de soutien pédagogique it: classe di sostegno lt: specialioji klasė nl: remedial teaching klas pl: klasa wyrównawcza pt: Apoio pedagógico acrescido ro: clasa cu program educational de sprijin, remedial tr: müfredat destek sınıfı SN: Teaching for students/pupils with learning difficulties who are educated in mainstream schools but in a separate class. UF learning support class RT curriculum support cycle of education USE educational stage TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 137 Cyprus MT (19) cs: Kypr de: Zypern el: Κύπρος es: Chipre et: Küpros fi: Kypros fr: Chypre it: Cipro lt: Kipras nl: Cyprus pl: Cypr pt: Chipre ro: Cypru tr: Kıbrıs Czech MT (17) cs: čeština de: Tschechisch el: Τσεχία es: checo et: tšehhi keel fi: tšekin kieli fr: tchèque it: ceco lt: čekų kalba nl: Tsjechisch pl: czeski pt: Checo ro: ceh tr: Çek BT Slavic languages Czech Republic MT (19) cs: Česká republika de: Tschechische Republik el: Δημοκρατία της Τσεχίας es: República Checa et: Tšehhi Vabariik fi: Tšekki fr: République tchèque it: Repubblica ceca lt: Čekijos respublika nl: Tsjechische Republiek pl: Republika Czeska pt: República Checa ro: Republica Ceha tr: Çek Cumhuriyeti TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 138 Czechoslovakia MT (19) cs: Československo de: Tschechoslowakei el: Τσεχοσλοβακία es: Checoslovaquia et: Tšehhoslovakkia fi: Tšekkoslovakia fr: Tchèquoslovaquie it: Cecoslovacchia lt: Čekoslovakija nl: Tsjechoslowakije pl: Czechosłowacja pt: Checoslováquia ro: Cehoslovacia tr: Çekoslovakya SN: From 1918 till 1992. Danish MT (17) cs: dánština de: Dänisch el: Δανική γλώσσα es: danés et: taani keel fi: tanskan kieli fr: danois it: danese lt: danų kalba nl: Deens pl: duński pt: Dinamarquês ro: daneză tr: Danimarkaca BT Germanic languages data collection MT (13) cs: sběr údajů de: Datensammlung el: συλλογή δεδομένων es: recogida de datos et: andmekogumine fi: tiedonkeruu fr: collecte de données it: raccolta di dati lt: duomenų (su)rinkimas nl: dataverzameling pl: zbieranie danych pt: Recolha de dados ro: colectare de date tr: veri toplama BT data processing TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 139 data processing MT (13) cs: zpracování údajů de: Datenverarbeitung el: επεξεργασία δεδομένων es: procesamiento de datos et: andmetöötlus fi: tietojenkäsittely fr: traitement des données it: elaborazione dati lt: duomenų apdorojimas nl: dataverwerking pl: przetwarzanie danych pt: Tratamento de dados ro: procesare de date tr: veri işleme UF electronic data processing BT ICT NT data collection database MT (21) cs: databáze de: Datenbank el: βάση δεδομένων es: base de datos et: andmebaas fi: tietokanta fr: base de données it: banca dati lt: duomenų bazė nl: databank pl: baza danych pt: Base de dados ro: bază de date tr: veritabanı SN: Collection of data objects stored together, in electronic form, according to one schema and made accessible by computer (Source: Cedefop, European Training Thesaurus, 2001). TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 140 day care MT (02) cs: denní péče o děti de: außerhäusliche Kinderbetreuung el: παιδικός σταθμός es: servicio de guardería et: päevahoid fi: päivähoito fr: garderie it: centro diurno per l'infanzia lt: dieninė vaikų priežiūra nl: dagopvang pl: dzienna opieka nad dzieckiem pt: Acolhimento de crianças ro: îngrijire de zi tr: gündüz bakımı SN: Care for children under compulsory school age which is provided in settings outside the child's home and by personnel with or without a qualification in education. UF childcare centre UF day care centre UF day nursery UF playgroup BT pre-primary education day care centre USE day care day nursery USE day care day-release course USE alternance training deaf USE hearing impairment deafness USE hearing impairment TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 141 debate MT (13) cs: debata de: Debatte el: δημόσια συζήτηση es: debate et: väitlus fi: keskustelu fr: débat it: dibattito lt: debatai nl: debat pl: debata pt: Debate ro: dezbatere tr: münazara BT information exchange decentralisation MT (14) cs: decentralizace de: Dezentralisierung el: αποκέντρωση es: descentralización et: detsentraliseerimine fi: hajauttaminen fr: décentralisation it: decentramento lt: decentralizavimas nl: decentralisatie pl: decentralizacja pt: Descentralização ro: descentralizare tr: yerinden yönetme UF decentralization UF devolution BT administrative structure NT geographical decentralisation decentralised agency of the European Union USE European Union agency decentralization USE decentralisation decision-making body USE educational authority decision-making level USE educational authority TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 142 decree USE legislation degree USE higher education diploma delinquency MT (10) cs: kriminalita de: Kriminalität el: παραβατικότητα es: delincuencia et: alaealise õigusrikkumine fi: rikollisuus fr: délinquance it: delinquenza lt: delinkvencija nl: delinquentie pl: przestępczość pt: Delinquência ro: delincventă tr: kabahat UF delinquent BT misconduct RT correctional education delinquent USE delinquency demand for education MT (01) cs: poptávka po vzdělávání de: Bildungsnachfrage el: αίτημα για εκπαίδευση es: demanda de educación et: haridusnõudlus fi: koulutuskysyntä fr: demande d'éducation it: domanda di istruzione lt: švietimo poreikis nl: vraag naar onderwijs pl: popyt na kształcenie pt: Procura de educação ro: cerere privind educatia tr: eğitim talebi SN: Demand for formal education expressed by potential learners. UF educational demand BT economics of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 143 demand for graduates MT (01) cs: poptávka po absolventech vysokých škol de: Akademikerbedarf el: ζήτηση για πτυχιούχους es: demanda de titulados et: kõrgharidusega tööjõu vajadus fi: akateemisen työvoiman tarve fr: besoin de diplômés it: domanda di laureati lt: absolventų paklausa nl: vraag naar afgestudeerden pl: popyt na absolwentów pt: Procura de diplomados ro: cerere de absolventi de învătământ superior tr: diploma sahibi talebi SN: Concerning graduates from higher education (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT economics of education demand for teachers MT (01) cs: poptávka po učitelích de: Lehrerbedarf el: ζήτηση καθηγητών es: demanda de profesores et: õpetajate vajadus fi: opettajatarve fr: besoin d'enseignants it: domanda di insegnanti lt: mokytojų poreikis nl: vraag naar onderwijsgevenden pl: zapotrzebowanie na nauczycieli pt: Procura de professores ro: cerere de profesori tr: öğretmen talebi BT economics of education RT teaching profession TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 144 democracy MT (15) cs: demokracie de: Demokratie el: δημοκρατία es: democracia et: demokraatia fi: demokratia fr: démocratie it: democrazia lt: demokratija nl: democratie pl: demokracja pt: Democracia ro: democratie tr: demokrasi BT civic values NT citizen participation democratisation of education MT (04) cs: demokratizace vzdělávání de: Demokratisierung der Bildung el: εκδημοκρατισμός της εκπαίδευσης es: democratización de la educación et: hariduse demokratiseerimine fi: koulutuksen demokratisointi fr: démocratisation de l'enseignement it: democratizzazione dell'istruzione lt: švietimo demokratizavimas nl: democratisering van het onderwijs pl: demokratyzacja edukacji pt: Democratização da educação ro: democratizarea educatiei tr: eğitimin demokratikleşmesi SN: Policy ensuring equality of educational opportunity in order to achieve universal education (Source: Unesco, IBE Education Thesaurus, 2002). UF mass education BT education policy demographic data USE population statistics demographic indicator USE population statistics demography USE population TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 145 Denmark MT (19) cs: Dánsko de: Dänemark el: Δανία es: Dinamarca et: Taani fi: Tanska fr: Danemark it: Danimarca lt: Danija nl: Denemarken pl: Dania pt: Dinamarca ro: Danemarca tr: Danimarka denominational education USE denominational school denominational school MT (06) cs: církevní škola de: Konfessionsschule el: θρησκευτικό σχολείο es: escuela confesional et: konfessionaalne kool fi: uskontokunnan koulu fr: école confessionnelle it: scuola confessionale lt: religinės bendruomenės mokykla nl: confessionele school pl: szkoła wyznaniowa pt: Escola confessional ro: scoala confesionala tr: papaz okulu UF denominational education UF faith school BT school department of education USE ministry of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 146 development MT (18) cs: rozvoj de: Entwicklung el: ανάπτυξη es: desarrollo et: arendamine fi: kehitys fr: développement it: sviluppo lt: raida nl: ontwikkeling pl: rozwój pt: Desenvolvimento ro: dezvoltare tr: gelişme SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. devolution USE decentralisation dialect MT (15) cs: dialekt de: Dialekt el: διάλεκτος es: dialecto et: murre fi: murre fr: dialecte it: dialetto lt: tarmė nl: dialect pl: dialekt pt: Dialecto ro: dialect tr: lehçe BT language TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 147 dictionary MT (21) cs: slovník de: Wörterbuch el: λεξικό es: diccionario et: sõnaraamat fi: sanakirja fr: dictionnaire it: dizionario lt: žodynas nl: woordenboek pl: słownik pt: Dicionário ro: dictionar tr: sözlük SN: A reference work that lists information in alphabetical, chronological or systematic order for the identification of persons, objects, organisations or places. didactic continuity USE continuity of education didactic use of computer USE computer-assisted learning didactics MT (01) cs: didaktika de: Didaktik el: διδακτική es: didáctica et: didaktika fi: didaktiikka fr: didactique it: didattica lt: didaktika nl: didactiek pl: dydaktyka pt: Didáctica ro: didactici tr: eğitbilim BT sciences of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 148 differentiated teaching MT (08) cs: diferencované vyučování de: differenzierender Unterricht el: διαφοροποιημένη διδασκαλία es: pedagogía diferencial et: diferentseeritud õpe fi: eriytetty opetus fr: pédagogie différenciée it: didattica differenziata lt: diferencijuotasis mokymas nl: gedifferentieerd onderwijs pl: nauczanie zróżnicowane pt: Pedagogia diferencial ro: predare diferentiata tr: farklılaştırılmış öğretim BT teaching method digital literacy USE computer literacy diploma USE certificate Diploma Supplement MT (09) cs: dodatek k diplomu de: Diploma Supplement el: Παράρτημα Διπλώματος es: Suplemento Europeo al Título et: diplomi lisa fi: Korkeakoulututkintotodistuksen liite fr: Supplément au diplôme it: Supplemento al diploma lt: diplomo priedas nl: diplomasupplement pl: suplement do dyplomu pt: Suplemento ao diploma ro: Suplimentul la Diploma tr: Diploma Eki SN: A document issued with a higher education diploma describing in the national language and in English the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed. The Diploma Supplement aims at facilitating transnational recognition of higher education qualifications. RT comparability of qualifications TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 149 directed activities MT (08) cs: řízené činnosti de: gelenkte Tätigkeiten el: κατευθυνόμενες δραστηριότητες es: actividades dirigidas et: juhendatud tegevus fi: ohjattu toiminta fr: activités dirigées it: attività guidate lt: vadovaujamoji veikla nl: geleide activiteiten pl: zajęcia kierowane pt: Actividades dirigidas ro: activitati directe tr: yönlendirilmiş etkinlikler SN: Educational activities undertaken by students/pupils in line with instructions given by a teacher. BT school activities directory MT (21) cs: adresář de: Verzeichnis el: κατάσταση ονομάτων ή πραγμάτων es: repertorio et: nimistu fi: hakemisto fr: répertoire it: directory lt: žinynas nl: bestandslijst pl: wykaz pt: Repertório ro: de indrumare tr: altdizin TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 150 disability MT (03) cs: postižení de: Behinderung el: ανεπάρκεια es: discapacidad et: puue fi: vamma fr: handicap it: disabilità lt: negalia nl: beperking pl: upośledzenie pt: Deficiência ro: invaliditate tr: sakatlık UF disorder UF handicap UF impairment NT intellectual disability NT physical disability RT people with disabilities RT special educational needs RT therapy disadvantaged USE disadvantaged background disadvantaged background MT (15) cs: sociální znevýhodnění de: herkunftsbedingte Schlechterstellung el: μειονεκτικό περιβάλλον es: contexto desfavorecido et: ebasoodus taust fi: vähäosainen tausta fr: milieu défavorisé it: condizione socialmente svantaggiata lt: nepalanki (socialinė) kilmė nl: kansarme achtergrond pl: niekorzystne położenie pt: Meio desfavorecido ro: conditii dezavantajoase tr: dezavantajlı kişisel geçmiş UF disadvantaged UF socially disadvantaged BT social background disaffection from school USE school disaffection disciplinary action USE sanction TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 151 discrimination MT (15) cs: diskriminace de: Diskriminierung el: διακρίσεις es: discriminación et: diskrimineerimine fi: syrjintä fr: discrimination it: discriminazione lt: diskriminacija nl: discriminatie pl: dyskryminacja pt: Discriminação ro: discriminare tr: ayırım BT social exclusion dismissal MT (16) cs: propuštění de: Entlassung el: απόλυση es: despido et: vallandamine fi: erottaminen fr: licenciement it: licenziamento lt: atleidimas (iš darbo) nl: ontslag pl: zwolnienie z pracy pt: Despedimento ro: concediere (demitere) tr: işten çıkarma BT termination of employment disorder USE disability TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 152 dispute settlement MT (10) cs: urovnání sporu de: Konfliktbeilegung el: διευθέτηση διαφωνίας es: resolución de conflictos et: vaidluste lahendamine fi: ristiriitojen ratkaisu fr: règlement de conflit it: risoluzione di controversie lt: ginčo sprendimas nl: conflictregeling pl: rozstrzygnięcie sporu pt: Solução de conflitos ro: solutionarea litigiilor tr: uyuşmazlığı çözümleme UF conflict resolution BT conflict distance education USE distance learning distance learning MT (02) cs: distanční vzdělávání de: Fernunterricht el: εκπαίδευση από απόσταση es: educación a distancia et: kaugõpe fi: etäopiskelu fr: enseignement à distance it: apprendimento a distanza lt: nuotolinis mokymasis nl: afstandsonderwijs pl: nauczanie na odległość pt: Ensino a distância ro: invatarea la distanta tr: uzaktan öğrenme SN: Education imparted at a distance through communication media: radio, TV, telephone, correspondence, computer or video (Source: ILO Thesaurus, 1998). UF correspondence education UF distance education UF distance study UF ODL UF Open and Distance Learning BT out-of-school education NT e-learning RT open university distance study USE distance learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 153 distribution of educational institutions USE school distribution distribution of pupils USE distribution of students distribution of students MT (04) cs: rozmístění studentů de: Verteilung der Schüler el: κατανομή μαθητικού πληθυσμού es: distribución de alumnos et: üli/õpilaste jaotumus fi: oppilaiden jako fr: répartition des étudiants it: distribuzione degli studenti lt: mokinių skirstymas nl: studentenspreiding pl: podział studentów pt: Distribuição dos alunos ro: distribuirea studentilor tr: öğrencilerin dağılımı UF distribution of pupils BT educational administration doctoral degree USE doctorate doctoral programme USE doctoral studies doctoral qualification USE doctorate doctoral studies MT (02) cs: doktorské studium de: Doktoratsstudium el: σπουδές διδακτορικού es: estudios de Doctorado et: doktoriõpe fi: tohtoriopinnot fr: études de doctorat it: studi di dottorato lt: doktorantūra nl: doctoraalstudies pl: studia doktoranckie pt: Estudos superiores de terceiro ciclo ro: studii doctorale tr: doktora çalışmaları UF doctoral programme BT postgraduate studies TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 154 doctoral thesis USE thesis doctorate MT (09) cs: doktorát de: Doktorgrad el: διδακτορικό es: Doctorado et: doktorikraad fi: tohtorinarvo fr: doctorat it: dottorato lt: daktaro laipsnis nl: doctoraat pl: stopień doktorski pt: Doutoramento ro: doctorat tr: doktora UF doctoral degree UF doctoral qualification BT higher education diploma RT thesis documentalist USE librarian documentation MT (13) cs: dokumentace de: Dokumentation el: τεκμηρίωση με χρήση εγγράφων es: documentación et: dokumendikäitlus fi: dokumentaatio fr: documentation it: documentazione lt: dokumentų tvarkyba nl: documenteren pl: dokumentacja pt: Documentação ro: documentare tr: belgeleme SN: Use for document generation, processing and utilization. Do not use for collections of documents (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT information RT classification documentation centre USE information centre TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 155 donation MT (05) cs: dar de: Schenkung el: δωρεά es: donación et: annetus fi: lahjoitus fr: donation it: donazione lt: dovana nl: donatie pl: darowizna pt: Doação ro: donatie tr: bağış BT source of funding drama MT (07) cs: dramatická výchova de: Schauspielkunst el: δράμα es: arte dramático et: draama fi: näyttämötaide fr: art dramatique it: arte drammatica lt: drama nl: toneel pl: edukacja teatralna pt: Arte dramática ro: teatru tr: drama BT art education drawing MT (07) cs: výtvarná výchova de: Zeichnen el: ιχνογραφία es: dibujo et: joonistamine fi: kuvaamataito fr: dessin it: disegno lt: piešimas nl: tekening pl: edukacja plastyczna pt: Desenho ro: desen tr: çizim BT art education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 156 dropout MT (09) cs: nedokončení studia de: Schulabbruch el: εγκατάλειψη σπουδών es: abandono escolar et: väljalangemine fi: keskeyttäminen fr: abandon scolaire it: abbandono scolastico lt: iškritimas iš mokyklos nl: dropout pl: odpad szkolny pt: Abandono escolar ro: renuntare tr: okuldan ayrılma SN: Withdrawal from an education or training programme before its completion. The term designates both the process and the persons who fail to complete a course (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF learner disengagement BT interruption of studies RT underachievement drug abuse MT (15) cs: drogová závislost de: Drogenmissbrauch el: τοξικομανία es: consumo de drogas et: uimastite kuritarvitus fi: päihteiden väärinkäyttö fr: abus de drogues it: abuso di stupefacenti lt: narkotikų vartojimas nl: drugsmisbruik pl: narkomania pt: Abuso de drogas ro: abuzul de droguri tr: ilaç istismarı UF drug addiction UF drugs BT health problems drug addiction USE drug abuse drugs USE drug abuse dual education USE alternance training TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 157 duration MT (18) cs: doba trvání de: Dauer el: διάρκεια es: duración et: kestus fi: kesto fr: durée it: durata lt: trukmė nl: duur pl: czas trwania pt: Duração ro: durata tr: süre SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. duration of compulsory education MT (04) cs: délka povinného vzdělávání de: Dauer der Schulpflicht el: διάρκεια της υποχρεωτικής εκπαίδευσης es: duración de la educación obligatoria et: kohustusliku hariduse kestus fi: oppivelvollisuuden kesto fr: durée de la scolarité obligatoire it: durata della scuola dell'obbligo lt: privalomojo mokymosi trukmė nl: duur van het leerplichtig onderwijs pl: czas trwania obowiązku szkolnego pt: Duração da escolaridade obrigatória ro: durata invatamantului obligatoriu tr: zorunlu eğitim süresi UF beginning of compulsory education UF end of compulsory education UF length of compulsory education BT education policy RT compulsory education duration of education USE duration of studies TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 158 duration of studies MT (04) cs: délka studia de: Studiendauer el: διάρκεια σπουδών es: duración de los estudios et: õpingute kestus fi: opintojen kesto fr: durée des études it: durata degli studi lt: studijų trukmė nl: studieduur pl: czas trwania studiów pt: Duração dos estudos ro: durata studiilor tr: çalışmaların süresi UF duration of education UF length of studies BT education policy duration of the academic year MT (04) cs: délka akademického roku de: Dauer des akademischen Jahres el: διάρκεια του ακαδημαϊκού έτους es: duración del curso académico et: õppeaasta kestus fi: lukuvuoden kesto fr: durée de l'année académique it: durata dell'anno accademico lt: akademinių metų trukmė nl: duur van het academisch jaar pl: długość roku akademickiego pt: Duração do ano académico ro: durata anului academic (anului universitar) tr: akademik yılın süresi UF beginning of the academic year UF end of the academic year UF length of the academic year BT education policy RT academic year TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 159 duration of the school year MT (04) cs: délka školního roku de: Dauer des Schuljahres el: διάρκεια του σχολικού έτους es: duración del curso escolar et: kooliaasta kestus fi: kouluvuoden kesto fr: durée de l'année scolaire it: durata dell'anno scolastico lt: mokslo metų trukmė nl: duur van het schooljaar pl: długość roku szkolnego pt: Duração do ano escolar ro: durata anului scolar tr: okul yılının süresi UF beginning of the school year UF end of the school year UF length of the school year BT education policy RT school year Dutch MT (17) cs: nizozemština de: Niederländisch el: Ολλανδική γλώσσα es: neerlandés et: hollandi keel fi: hollannin kieli fr: néerlandais it: olandese lt: olandų kalba nl: Nederlands pl: holenderski pt: Neerlandês ro: olandeza tr: Hollandaca UF Flemish UF Nederlands UF Vlaams BT Germanic languages Dutch-speaking Community of Belgium USE Flemish Community of Belgium duties USE responsibility TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 160 e-learning MT (02) cs: e-learning de: E-Learning el: ηλεκτρονική μάθηση es: aprendizaje en línea et: e-õpe fi: verkko-oppiminen fr: apprentissage en ligne it: e-learning lt: elektroninis mokymasis nl: e-learning pl: e-kształcenie pt: E-learning ro: e-learning tr: e-öğrenme SN: Education based largely or entirely on information and communication technologies (ICT) with little or no face-to-face contact between teachers and learners. UF electronic learning BT distance learning NT e-learning content e-learning content MT (02) cs: obsah e-learningu de: E-Learning Bildungsinhalt el: περιεχόμενο της ηλεκτρονικής μάθησης es: contenido del aprendizaje en línea et: e-õppe sisu fi: verkko-oppimisen sisältö fr: contenu de la formation en ligne it: contenuti dell'e-learning lt: elektroninis mokymosi turinys nl: e-learning leermateriaal pl: treści e-kształcenia pt: Conteúdo de e-learning ro: continutul invatarii de tip e-learning tr: e-öğrenme içeriği SN: Teaching content made available in electronic form. BT e-learning NT learning object RT content of learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 161 e-mail MT (13) cs: e-mail de: E-Mail el: ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο es: correo electrónico et: e-kiri fi: sähköposti fr: messagerie électronique it: posta elettronica lt: elektroninis paštas nl: e-mail pl: e-mail pt: E-mail ro: e-mail tr: e-posta UF electronic mail BT computer network early childhood education USE pre-primary education early learning MT (08) cs: rané učení de: frühes Lernen el: πρώιμη μάθηση es: aprendizaje precoz et: varajane õpe fi: varhainen oppiminen fr: apprentissage précoce it: apprendimento precoce lt: ankstyvasis mokymasis nl: vroegtijdig leren pl: wczesna zdolność uczenia się pt: Aprendizagem precoce ro: invatare timpurie tr: erken öğrenme SN: Advancing the traditional starting age for the teaching of one or more subjects, e.g. foreign languages. BT learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 162 early retirement MT (16) cs: předčasný odchod do důchodu de: Vorruhestand el: πρόωρη συνταξιοδότηση es: jubilación anticipada et: ennetähtaegselt pensionile jäämine fi: varhaiseläke fr: retraite anticipée it: pensionamento anticipato lt: paankstintas išėjimas į pensiją nl: vervroegd pensioen pl: wcześniejsza emerytura pt: Reforma antecipada ro: retragerea timpurie din activitate tr: erken emeklilik BT retirement East Africa MT (19) cs: východní Afrika de: Ostafrika el: Ανατολική Αφρική es: África Oriental et: Ida-Aafrika fi: Itä-Afrikka fr: Afrique de l'Est it: Africa orientale lt: Rytų Afrika nl: Oost-Afrika pl: Afryka Wschodnia pt: África Oriental ro: Africa de Est tr: Doğu Afrika Eastern Europe MT (19) cs: východní Evropa de: Osteuropa el: Ανατολική Ευρώπη es: Europa Oriental et: Ida-Euroopa fi: Itä-Eurooppa fr: Europe de l'Est it: Europa orientale lt: Rytų Europa nl: Oost-Europa pl: Europa Wschodnia pt: Europa Oriental ro: Europa de Est tr: Doğu Avrupa UF CEEC UF Central and Eastern Europe UF Central and Eastern European Countries TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 163 EC agency USE European Union agency EC body USE European Union body EC Commission USE European Commission EC Council USE Council of the European Union EC Court of Auditors USE European Court of Auditors EC Court of Justice USE European Court of Justice EC Economic and Social Committee USE European Economic and Social Committee EC ESC USE European Economic and Social Committee ecology USE environmental education economic and social cohesion MT (16) cs: hospodářská a sociální soudržnost de: wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Zusammenhalt el: οικονομική και κοινωνική συνοχή es: cohesión económica y social et: majanduslik ja sotsiaalne ühtekuuluvus fi: taloudellinen ja sosiaalinen koheesio fr: cohésion économique et sociale it: coesione economico-sociale lt: ekonominė ir socialinė sanglauda nl: economische en sociale samenhang pl: spójność ekonomiczna i społeczna pt: Coesão económica e social ro: coeziunea economica si sociala tr: ekonomik ve sosyal uyum SN: A policy of balanced development reducing structural disparities between regions and promoting equal opportunities for all individuals. UF cohesive society UF inclusive society NT regional inequality NT social security TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 164 economic data MT (16) cs: ekonomické údaje de: Wirtschaftsdaten el: οικονομικά στοιχεία es: datos económicos et: majandusnäitajad fi: taloustieto fr: données économiques it: dati economici lt: ekonominiai duomenys nl: economische gegevens pl: dane gospodarcze pt: Dados económicos ro: date economice tr: ekonomik veriler UF GDP UF GNP UF gross domestic product UF gross national product NT consumption NT cost of living NT economic factor NT economic resources NT human capital NT human resources NT income distribution NT standard of living NT unemployment economic factor MT (16) cs: ekonomický faktor de: Wirtschaftsfaktor el: οικονομικός παράγοντας es: factor económico et: majandustegur fi: taloudellinen tekijä fr: facteur économique it: fattore economico lt: ekonominis veiksnys nl: economische factor pl: czynnik ekonomiczny pt: Factor económico ro: factor economic tr: ekonomik faktör BT economic data TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 165 economic resources MT (16) cs: ekonomické zdroje de: wirtschaftliche Ressourcen el: οικονομικές πηγές es: recursos económicos et: majandusressursid fi: taloudelliset voimavarat fr: ressources économiques it: risorse economiche lt: ekonominiai ištekliai nl: economische middelen pl: zasoby gospodarcze pt: Recursos económicos ro: resurse economice tr: ekonomik kaynaklar BT economic data economics MT (07) cs: ekonomie de: Wirtschaftswissenschaft el: Οικονομικά es: estudios económicos et: majandusteadus fi: taloustiede fr: sciences économiques it: economia lt: ekonomikos mokslas nl: economische wetenschappen pl: ekonomia pt: Ciências económicas ro: economie tr: ekonomi bilimi UF consumer education BT content of learning NT enterprise education NT management education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 166 economics of education MT (01) cs: ekonomie vzdělávání de: Bildungsökonomik el: οικονομικά της εκπαίδευσης es: economía de la educación et: haridusökonoomika fi: koulutuksen talous fr: économie de l'éducation it: economia dell'istruzione lt: švietimo ekonomika nl: onderwijseconomie pl: ekonomika edukacji pt: Economia da educação ro: economia educatiei tr: eğitim ekonomisi SN: The analysis of the economic and social determinants and consequences of education (European Expert Network on Economics of Education (EENEE), www.education-economics.org, 2005). UF educational economics BT sciences of education NT demand for education NT demand for graduates NT demand for teachers NT education market NT supply of teachers NT teacher shortage NT teacher surplus NT training need economy MT (16) cs: ekonomika de: Wirtschaft el: οικονομία es: economía et: majandus fi: talous fr: économie it: sistema economico lt: ekonomika nl: economie pl: gospodarka pt: Economia ro: economie /organizare tr: ekonomi SN: The complex of human activities concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services (Source: Collins English Dictionary, 2000). NT agriculture (economic sector) NT industry NT services ECTS USE European Credit Transfer System TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 167 education MT (01) cs: vzdělávání de: Bildung el: εκπαίδευση es: educación et: haridus fi: koulutus fr: éducation it: educazione lt: švietimas nl: onderwijs pl: edukacja pt: Educação ro: educatie tr: eğitim SN: If possible, use a more specific term. RT content of learning RT education policy RT educational administration RT educational institution RT financing of education RT learning RT teaching education budget USE educational expenditure education council MT (11) cs: rada pro vzdělávání de: Bildungsausschuss el: Συμβούλιο Παιδείας es: Consejo Escolar et: haridusnõukogu fi: koulutusneuvosto fr: conseil d'éducation it: Consiglio dell'educazione lt: švietimo taryba nl: Onderwijsraad pl: rada ds. edukacji pt: Conselho da educação ro: consiliul educational tr: talim ve terbiye kurulu SN: Body advising the government of its country on education (Source: European Network of Education Councils (EUNEC), www.eunec.org, 2005). BT advisory body education for a sustainable environment USE environmental education education for citizenship USE civics TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 168 education for initiative USE enterprise education education for leisure USE leisure education education for peace MT (07) cs: výchova k míru de: Friedenserziehung el: εκπαίδευση για την ειρήνη es: educación para la paz et: rahukasvatus fi: rauhankasvatus fr: éducation à la paix it: educazione alla pace lt: ugdymas taikai nl: vredesonderwijs pl: wychowanie dla pokoju pt: Educação para a paz ro: educatia pentru pace tr: barış için eğitim UF peace studies BT civics education grant MT (05) cs: příspěvek na vzdělávání de: Bildungsbeihilfe el: εκπαιδευτικό επίδομα es: ayuda al estudio et: õppetoetus fi: opintoraha fr: allocation financière aux étudiants it: aiuti finanziari per gli studenti lt: dotacija mokymuisi nl: studiebeurs pl: stypendium pt: Subsídio para estudos ro: grant educational tr: eğitim bursu SN: Award to finance an educational course. UF student grant BT financial support education in the home USE home education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 169 education market MT (01) cs: trh vzdělávání de: Bildungsmarkt el: εκπαιδευτική αγορά es: mercado educativo et: haridusturg fi: koulutusmarkkinat fr: marché de l'éducation it: mercato dell'educazione lt: švietimo rinka nl: onderwijsmarkt pl: rynek edukacyjny pt: Mercado da educação ro: piata educatiei tr: eğitim pazarı SN: Provision of education that is governed by market forces. UF education marketplace BT economics of education education marketplace USE education market education ministry USE ministry of education education officer MT (11) cs: školský úředník de: Schulverwaltungsbeamter el: στέλεχος εκπαίδευσης es: funcionario de la educación et: haridusametnik fi: koulutoimenjohtaja fr: fonctionnaire de l'éducation it: funzionario dell'istruzione lt: švietimo pareigūnas nl: onderwijsfunctionaris pl: pracownik administracji szkolnej pt: Funcionário da educação ro: ofiter de educatie tr: eğitim memuru BT administrative staff TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 170 education participation rate MT (13) cs: míra účasti na vzdělávání de: Bildungsbeteiligungsrate el: ποσοστό συμμετοχής στην εκπαίδευση es: tasa de participación en la educación et: hariduses osalemise määr fi: koulutukseen osallistumisaste fr: taux de participation à l'enseignement it: tasso di scolarizzazione lt: mokymosi aprėptis nl: onderwijsdeelnamepercentage pl: wskaźnik skolaryzacji pt: Taxa de participação na educação ro: rata de participare la educatie tr: eğitime katılım oranı UF enrolment rate UF schooling rate UF training participation rate BT statistical data TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 171 education policy MT (04) cs: vzdělávací politika de: Bildungspolitik el: εκπαιδευτική πολιτική es: política educativa et: hariduspoliitika fi: koulutuspolitiikka fr: politique en matière d'éducation it: politica educativa lt: švietimo politika nl: onderwijsbeleid pl: polityka edukacyjna pt: Política de educação ro: politica in educatie tr: eğitim politikası SN: Use a more specific term if possible. UF educational policy NT access to education NT accreditation NT democratisation of education NT duration of compulsory education NT duration of studies NT duration of the academic year NT duration of the school year NT evidence-based policy NT forecasting NT free education NT language policy NT planning NT priority area NT promotion of mobility NT reform NT school closure NT setting up a school RT education RT educational authority TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 172 education policy-maker MT (11) cs: tvůrce vzdělávací politiky de: bildungspolitischer Entscheidungsträger el: σχεδιαστής εκπαιδευτικής πολιτικής es: responsable de la política educativa et: hariduspoliitik fi: koulutuspäättäjä fr: décideurs en matière de politique éducative it: responsabili della politica educativa lt: švietimo politikos kūrėjas nl: onderwijsbeleidsverantwoordelijke pl: osoba odpowiedzialna za politykę edukacyjną pt: Decisor em matéria de política educativa ro: oganismul care elaboreaza politicile educationale tr: eğitim politikası geliştiricisi UF education policy-making BT educational authority education policy-making USE education policy-maker education provider USE organising body TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 173 education system MT (02) cs: vzdělávací systém de: Bildungswesen el: εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα es: sistema educativo et: haridussüsteem fi: koulutusjärjestelmä fr: système éducatif it: sistema educativo lt: švietimo sistema nl: onderwijssysteem pl: system edukacji pt: Sistema educativo ro: sistem educational tr: eğitim sistemi SN: The way institutions, programmes and personnel interact with the aim of providing education to part or the entire population. Use only in instances in which a more specific descriptor is not available. UF educational system UF structure of education UF structure of the education system UF system of education NT adult education NT alternative educational provision NT basic education NT correctional education NT private education NT public education NT single-structure education education voucher MT (05) cs: poukázka na vzdělávání de: Bildungsgutschein el: εκπαιδευτικό κουπόνι es: cheque escolar et: haridusosak fi: koulutusseteli fr: chèque scolaire it: buono scuola lt: švietimo čekis nl: onderwijsvoucher pl: bon edukacyjny pt: Cheque escolar ro: voucher educational tr: eğitim desteği SN: A system of monetary grants which can be used to pay for a period of education in a school or institution chosen by the candidate or his/her parents or guardians (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT financing method TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 174 education-industry relation MT (11) cs: vztah školství-průmysl de: Beziehung Bildungswesen-Wirtschaft el: σχέση εκπαίδευσης-βιομηχανίας es: relación educación-empresa et: hariduse ja tööstuse suhted fi: koulutus-teollisuus suhde fr: relation éducation-industrie it: rapporto scuola-industria lt: švietimo ir pramonės ryšiai nl: relatie school-bedrijfsleven pl: relacja szkolnictwo-przemysł pt: Relação educação-empresa ro: relatia educatie - industrie tr: eğitim-sanayi ilişkisi UF school-industry relation UF university-industry relationship BT intergroup relations education-oriented pre-primary level MT (02) cs: preprimární úroveň orientovaná na vzdělávání de: Bildungsorientierte vorschulische Erziehung el: προσχολικό στάδιο αγωγής es: educación preescolar et: lasteaiaõpe fi: esiopetus fr: niveau préprimaire à finalité éducative it: centro diurno per l'infanzia ad orientamento educativo lt: ikimokyklinio ugdymo lygmuo nl: onderwijs-georiënteerd voorschools niveau pl: poziom przedszkolny o charakterze edukacyjnym pt: Nível pré-escolar com fins educativos ro: educatia orientata nivelul pre-primar tr: eğitim amaçlı ilkokul öncesi seviye BT pre-primary education educational achievement USE learning outcome TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 175 educational activities MT (08) cs: výchovně-vzdělávací činnosti de: Bildungsaktivitäten el: εκπαιδευτικές δραστηριότητες es: actividades educativas et: õppetöö fi: koulutustoiminta fr: activités éducatives it: attività educative lt: švietimo veiklos nl: onderwijsactiviteiten pl: zajęcia edukacyjne pt: Actividades educativas ro: activitati educationale tr: eğitsel etkinlikler NT classwork NT creative activities NT cultural activities NT educational game NT exchange visit NT homework NT outdoor activities NT practical training NT school visit NT study visit NT supervised study RT educational provision RT school activities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 176 educational administration MT (04) cs: školská správa de: Bildungsverwaltung el: διοίκηση της εκπαίδευσης es: administración educativa et: hariduskorraldus fi: opetushallinto fr: administration de l'enseignement it: amministrazione dell'istruzione lt: švietimo administravimas nl: onderwijsbestuur pl: administracja edukacyjna pt: Administração da educação ro: administrare educationala tr: eğitim yönetimi UF † local administration UF † regional administration NT arrangement of school time NT distribution of students NT evaluation of the education system NT school distribution NT staggering of holidays NT student-teacher ratio NT supervision RT education educational aims USE aims of education educational attainment USE learning outcome TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 177 educational authority MT (11) cs: školský orgán de: Bildungsbehörde el: εκπαιδευτική αρχή es: autoridad educativa et: haridusorgan fi: kouluviranomainen fr: autorité éducative it: autorità educativa lt: švietimo valdžia nl: onderwijsautotiteit pl: organ władz oświatowych pt: Autoridade educativa ro: autoritate educationala tr: eğitim yetkilisi SN: The public authority responsible for educational policy. It may or may not be identical to the organising body. UF competent authority UF decision-making body UF decision-making level UF level of authority NT education policy-maker NT ministry of education NT organising body RT education policy educational childcare staff MT (11) cs: vychovatel de: Erzieher el: προσωπικό φροντίδας των παιδιών es: educador et: lasteaiapersonal fi: oppilashuoltohenkilöstö fr: éducateur it: educatori dell'infanzia lt: ugdomosios vaiko priežiūros personalas nl: personeel in de kinderopvang pl: wychowawca pt: Educador de infância ro: personalul de educare in ingrijirea copilului tr: eğitsel çocuk bakımı personeli UF caregiver UF educator BT non-teaching staff educational continuity USE continuity of education educational demand USE demand for education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 178 educational economics USE economics of education educational establishment USE educational institution educational expenditure MT (05) cs: výdaje na vzdělávání de: Bildungsaufwand el: εκπαιδευτικές δαπάνες es: gasto en educación et: hariduskulud fi: koulutuskustannukset fr: dépenses éducatives it: spesa per l'educazione lt: švietimo išlaidos nl: onderwijsuitgaven pl: wydatki na oświatę pt: Orçamento da educação ro: cheltuieli de invatamant tr: eğitim masrafları UF cost of education UF education budget NT per capita expenditure RT financing educational expert MT (11) cs: znalec v oblasti vzdělávání de: Erziehungswissenschaftler el: εμπειρογνώμονας σε ζητήματα εκπαίδευσης es: experto en educación et: haridusekspert fi: koulutusasiantuntija fr: expert en éducation it: esperto in educazione lt: švietimo ekspertas nl: onderwijsexpert pl: ekspert w dziedzinie edukacji pt: Perito em educação ro: expert educational tr: eğitim uzmanı UF educationalist RT educational research RT sciences of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 179 educational facilities MT (06) cs: výchovně-vzdělávací zařízení de: Bildungsstätte el: εκπαιδευτικές εγκαταστάσεις es: instalaciones educativas et: haridusehitised fi: koulutustilat fr: espaces éducatifs it: strutture educative lt: švietimo infrastruktūra nl: onderwijsvoorzieningen pl: baza dydaktyczna pt: Instalações educativas ro: facilitati educationale tr: eğitim tesisleri UF building NT campus NT cinema NT classroom NT community centre NT cultural centre NT housing NT information centre NT laboratory NT leisure facilities NT library NT museum NT sports facilities educational freedom MT (01) cs: svoboda vzdělávání de: Freiheit der Lehre el: εκπαιδευτική ελευθερία es: libertad de enseñanza et: akadeemiline vabadus fi: koulutuksellinen vapaus fr: liberté de l'enseignement it: libertà dell'educazione lt: mokymo(si) laisvė nl: academische vrijheid pl: niezależność szkolnictwa pt: Liberdade de ensino ro: libertate educationala tr: eğitsel özgürlük SN: The right of teachers and students to choose the content of what they teach, study and research without restrictions imposed by the public authorities. UF academic freedom UF freedom of teaching BT principles of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 180 educational game MT (08) cs: didaktická hra de: pädagogisches Spiel el: εκπαιδευτικό παιχνίδι es: juego educativo et: õppemäng fi: oppimispeli fr: jeu éducatif it: gioco educativo lt: ugdomasis žaidimas nl: educatief spel pl: gra dydaktyczna pt: Jogo educativo ro: joc educational tr: eğitsel oyun BT educational activities NT computer game educational goal USE aims of education educational guidance MT (09) cs: výchovné poradenství de: Bildungsberatung el: εκπαιδευτική καθοδήγηση es: orientación educativa et: haridusnõustamine fi: opinto-ohjaus fr: orientation pédagogique it: orientamento educativo lt: mokymosi orientavimas nl: educatieve begeleiding pl: doradztwo edukacyjne pt: Orientação pedagógica ro: indrumare educationala /orientare educationala tr: eğitsel rehberlik SN: Assisting individuals to select a programme of studies suited to their abilities, interests, future plans, and general circumstances (Source: ERIC Thesaurus, 2005 online version). BT guidance TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 181 educational innovation MT (01) cs: inovace ve vzdělávání de: Bildungsinnovation el: εκπαιδευτική καινοτομία es: innovación educativa et: haridusuuendus fi: koulutusinnovaatiot fr: innovation pédagogique it: innovazione didattica lt: švietimo naujovė nl: onderwijsvernieuwing pl: innowacja edukacyjna pt: Inovação pedagógica ro: inovatie educationala tr: eğitsel yenilik BT research results RT pilot project educational institution MT (06) cs: vzdělávací instituce de: Bildungseinrichtung el: εκπαιδευτικό ίδρυμα es: centro educativo et: haridusasutus fi: oppilaitos fr: établissement d'enseignement it: istituto di istruzione lt: švietimo įstaiga nl: onderwijsinstelling pl: placówka edukacyjna pt: Estabelecimento de ensino ro: institutie educationala tr: eğitim kurumu UF educational establishment NT adult education institution NT higher education institution NT mobile education services NT pre-primary institution NT school NT teacher education institution NT training centre RT education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 182 educational leave MT (16) cs: studijní volno de: Bildungsurlaub el: εκπαιδευτική άδεια es: licencia por estudios et: õppepuhkus fi: opintovapaa fr: congé éducatif it: congedo di studio lt: mokymosi atostogos nl: educatief verlof pl: urlop szkoleniowy pt: Licença para estudos ro: abandon educational (abandon scolar) tr: eğitim amaçlı izin SN: Paid or unpaid leave granted to employees for educational purposes (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF sabbatical leave BT leave of absence educational legislation MT (14) cs: školská legislativa de: Bildungsgesetzgebung el: εκπαιδευτική νομοθεσία es: legislación educativa et: haridusseadustik fi: koululainsäädäntö fr: législation en matière d'éducation it: Legislazione scolastica lt: švietimo įstatymai nl: onderwijswetgeving pl: ustawodawstwo oświatowe pt: Legislação da educação ro: legislatie educationala tr: eğitim mevzuatı BT legislation educational level USE level of education educational material USE teaching resources educational method USE teaching method educational objective USE aims of education educational offer USE educational provision TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 183 educational personnel USE teaching staff educational planning MT (04) cs: plánování ve školství de: Bildungsplanung el: εκπαιδευτικός προγραμματισμός es: planificación educativa et: hariduse planeerimine fi: koulutussuunnittelu fr: planification de l'éducation it: pianificazione dell'istruzione lt: švietimo planavimas nl: onderwijsplanning pl: planowanie edukacji pt: Planeamento da educação ro: planificare educationala tr: eğitim planlaması SN: In overall context of national development (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF forward planning UF planning of education BT planning NT school development plan educational policy USE education policy educational provision MT (07) cs: vzdělávací nabídka de: Bildungsangebot el: παροχή εκπαίδευσης es: oferta educativa et: hariduse andmine fi: koulutustarjonta fr: offre éducative it: offerta formativa lt: švietimo pasiūla nl: onderwijsaanbod pl: oferta edukacyjna pt: Oferta educativa ro: oferta de educatie tr: sunulan eğitim UF educational offer UF educational supply NT foreign language provision NT out-of-school-hours provision RT educational activities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 184 educational psychologist MT (11) cs: pedagogický psycholog de: pädagogischer Psychologe el: σχολικός ψυχολόγος es: psicólogo educativo et: koolipsühholoog fi: koulupsykologi fr: psychologue éducatif it: psicologo scolastico lt: ugdymo psichologas nl: onderwijspsycholoog pl: psycholog szkolny pt: Psicólogo escolar ro: psiholog educational tr: eğitim psikoloğu UF psychologist UF school psychologist BT non-teaching staff BT psychology service RT non-teaching staff educational reform MT (04) cs: školská reforma de: Bildungsreform el: εκπαιδευτική μεταρρύθμιση es: reforma educativa et: haridusreform fi: koulutusuudistus fr: réforme de l'enseignement it: riforma scolastica lt: švietimo reforma nl: onderwijshervorming pl: reforma szkolnictwa pt: Reforma da educação ro: reforma educationala tr: eğitim reformu BT reform TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 185 educational research MT (01) cs: pedagogický výzkum de: Bildungsforschung el: έρευνα στο πεδίο της εκπαίδευσης es: investigación educativa et: haridusuuring fi: kasvatustieteellinen tutkimus fr: recherche en éducation it: ricerca educativa lt: švietimo tyrimas nl: onderwijsresearch pl: badania edukacyjne pt: Investigação em educação ro: cercetare educationala tr: eğitim araştırması UF educational researcher BT research RT educational expert educational researcher USE educational research educational sociology USE sociology of education educational software MT (06) (13) cs: výukový software de: Unterrichtssoftware el: εκπαιδευτικό λογισμικό es: software educativo et: õpitarkvara fi: opetusohjelmisto fr: logiciel éducatif it: software educativo lt: švietimo programinė įranga nl: educatieve software pl: oprogramowanie dydaktyczne pt: Software educativo ro: software eductional tr: eğitsel yazılım SN: Computer software and accompanying documentation written for educational applications (Source: University of Leeds, British Education Thesaurus, 2005 online version). UF courseware UF instructional software UF learning management system UF teaching software BT software RT learning object educational staff USE teaching staff TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 186 educational stage MT (02) cs: vzdělávací stupeň de: Bildungsabschnitt el: στάδιο εκπαίδευσης es: etapa educativa et: haridusaste fi: koulutusvaihe fr: cycle d'enseignement it: ciclo di istruzione lt: švietimo pakopa nl: onderwijsfase pl: stopień edukacji pt: Ciclo de ensino ro: stagiu educational tr: eğitsel aşama SN: A predefined part of any level of education. UF cycle of education UF phase of education UF stage of education NT grade NT study cycle educational standard USE learning standard educational success USE learning outcome educational supply USE educational provision educational system USE education system educational target USE aims of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 187 educational theory MT (01) cs: pedagogika de: Bildungstheorie el: εκπαιδευτική θεωρία es: teoría de la educación et: kasvatusteooria fi: kasvatusteoria fr: théorie de l'éducation it: teoria educativa lt: švietimo teorija nl: onderwijstheorie pl: teoria wychowania pt: Teoria da educação ro: teorie educationala tr: eğitim teorisi UF pedagogical theory UF pedagogy NT learning theory RT sciences of education educational use of computers USE computer-assisted learning educationalist USE educational expert educator USE educational childcare staff EEA USE European Economic Area EESC USE European Economic and Social Committee effect USE outcome TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 188 effectiveness MT (18) cs: efektivnost de: Wirksamkeit el: αποτελεσματικότητα es: eficacia et: tõhusus fi: vaikuttavuus fr: efficacité it: efficacia lt: veiksmingumas nl: effectiviteit pl: skuteczność pt: Eficácia ro: eficacitate tr: etkililik SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. efficiency MT (18) cs: výkonnost de: Effizienz el: αποδοτικότητα es: eficiencia et: jõudlus fi: tehokkuus fr: efficience it: efficienza lt: efektyvumas nl: efficiency pl: sprawność pt: Eficiência ro: eficienta tr: verimlilik SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. EFTA MT (20) cs: ESVO de: EFTA el: ΕΖΕΣ es: AELC et: EFTA fi: EFTA fr: AELE it: AELS lt: EFTA nl: EVA pl: EFTA pt: EFTA ro: EFTA tr: ASMA UF European Free Trade Association TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 189 EHEA USE European Higher Education Area elective course USE optional course elective subject USE optional subject electronic data processing USE data processing electronic document MT (21) cs: elektronický dokument de: elektronisches Dokument el: ηλεκτρονικό έγγραφο es: documento electrónico et: elektrondokument fi: sähköinen asiakirja fr: document électronique it: documento elettronico lt: elektroninis dokumentas nl: digitaal document pl: dokument elektroniczny pt: Documento electrónico ro: document electronic tr: elektronik belge electronic learning USE e-learning electronic mail USE e-mail elementary education USE primary education elementary school USE primary school eligibility USE admission requirements TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 190 emigrant MT (15) cs: emigrant de: Auswanderer el: μετανάστης es: emigrante et: väljarändaja fi: maastamuuttaja fr: émigrant it: emigrante lt: emigrantas nl: emigrant pl: emigrant pt: Emigrante ro: emigrant tr: muhacir UF emigration BT migrant emigration USE emigrant employability MT (16) cs: zaměstnatelnost de: Beschäftigungsfähigkeit el: απασχολησιμότητα es: empleabilidad et: töölesobivus fi: työllistettävyys fr: employabilité it: occupabilità lt: įsidarbinamumas nl: inzetbaarheid van werknemers pl: dostosowanie do potrzeb rynku pracy pt: Empregabilidade ro: ocuparea fortei de munca tr: istihdam edilebilirlik SN: The capacity of an individual to find and retain employment. BT labour market TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 191 employee MT (16) cs: zaměstnanec de: Arbeitnehmer el: εργαζόμενος es: empleado et: töötaja fi: työntekijä fr: employé it: dipendente lt: darbuotojas nl: werknemer pl: pracobiorca pt: Empregado ro: angajat tr: çalışan BT trade union employer MT (16) cs: zaměstnavatel de: Arbeitgeber el: εργοδότης es: empleador et: tööandja fi: työnantaja fr: employeur it: datore di lavoro lt: darbdavys nl: werkgever pl: pracodawca pt: Empregador ro: angajator tr: işveren BT employers organisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 192 employers organisation MT (16) cs: organizace zaměstnavatelů de: Arbeitgeberverband el: οργάνωση εργοδοτών es: organización empresarial et: tööandjate organisatsioon fi: työnantajajärjestö fr: organisation patronale it: associazione imprenditoriale lt: darbdavių organizacija nl: werkgeversorganisatie pl: organizacja pracodawców pt: Organização patronal ro: organizatie angajatoare tr: işveren teşkilatı UF employers organization BT social partners NT employer employers organization USE employers organisation employment MT (16) cs: zaměstnání de: Beschäftigung el: απασχόληση es: empleo et: tööhõive fi: työllisyys fr: emploi it: occupazione lt: užimtumas nl: werkgelegenheid pl: zatrudnienie pt: Emprego ro: plasament /ocuparea fortei de munca /ocupatie /slujba tr: istihdam NT intellectual work NT manual work NT temporary work NT termination of employment NT trial period RT professional code employment conditions USE working conditions TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 193 employment contract MT (16) cs: pracovní smlouva de: Arbeitsvertrag el: επαγγελματικό συμβόλαιο es: contrato de trabajo et: tööleping fi: työsopimus fr: contrat d'embauche it: contratto di lavoro lt: darbo sutartis nl: arbeidscontract pl: umowa o pracę pt: Contrato de trabalho ro: contract de munca tr: iş akdi UF labour contract UF training-employment contract UF working contract NT fixed-term contract NT permanent contract employment law MT (14) cs: pracovní právo de: Arbeitsrecht el: επαγγελματικό δίκαιο es: legislación laboral et: tööseadustik fi: työoikeus fr: législation en matière de travail it: diritto del lavoro lt: darbo teisė nl: arbeidsrecht pl: prawo pracy pt: Direito do trabalho ro: dreptul muncii tr: çalışma kanunu UF labour law BT legislation RT labour employment level USE employment status TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 194 employment opportunities MT (16) cs: pracovní příležitosti de: Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten el: επαγγελματικές ευκαιρίες es: oportunidades de empleo et: tööhõivevõimalused fi: työnsaantimahdollisuudet fr: possibilités d'emploi it: opportunità di lavoro lt: galimybės įsidarbinti nl: werkgelegenheidsmogelijkheden pl: możliwości zatrudnienia pt: Oportunidade de emprego ro: oportunitati de ocupare a fortei de munca tr: istihdam fırsatları UF employment prospects BT labour market employment prospects USE employment opportunities employment status MT (16) cs: pracovní postavení de: berufliche Stellung el: επαγγελματική κατάσταση es: estatus profesional et: ametiseisund fi: työtilanne fr: statut professionnel it: status professionale lt: darbo statusas nl: status van de werknemer pl: status zawodowy pt: Estatuto profissional ro: statutul de ocupare a forţei de muncă tr: istihdam statüsü SN: Employment rank, position, or status achieved by an individual or group (Source: ERIC Thesaurus, 2005 online version). UF employment level UF occupational status UF professional status NT teacher status end of compulsory education USE duration of compulsory education end of the academic year USE duration of the academic year end of the school year USE duration of the school year TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 195 engineering MT (07) cs: inženýrství de: Ingenieurwesen el: Μηχανική es: ingeniería et: inseneriteadus fi: tekniikka fr: ingénierie it: ingegneria lt: inžinerija nl: techniek pl: inżynieria pt: Engenharia ro: inginerie tr: mühendislik BT content of learning NT architecture NT civil engineering England MT (19) cs: Anglie de: England el: Αγγλία es: Inglaterra et: Inglismaa fi: Englanti fr: Angleterre it: Inghilterra lt: Anglija nl: Engeland pl: Anglia pt: Inglaterra ro: Anglia tr: İngiltere English MT (17) cs: angličtina de: Englisch el: Αγγλική γλώσσα es: inglés et: inglise keel fi: englannin kieli fr: anglais it: inglese lt: anglų kalba nl: Engels pl: angielski pt: Inglês ro: engleza tr: İngilizce BT Germanic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 196 ENIC MT (20) cs: ENIC de: ENIC el: ENIC es: ENIC et: ENIC fi: ENIC fr: ENIC it: ENIC lt: ENIC nl: ENIC pl: ENIC pt: ENIC ro: ENIC tr: ABMA UF ENIC Network UF European Network of Information Centres ENIC Network USE ENIC enlargement (European Union) MT (12) cs: rozšíření (Evropské unie) de: Erweiterung (Europäische Union) el: διεύρυνση (της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης) es: ampliación (Unión Europea) et: Euroopa Liidu laienemine fi: laajentuminen (Euroopan unioni) fr: élargissement (Union européenne) it: allargamento (Unione europea) lt: plėtra (Europos Sąjungos) nl: uitbreiding (Europese Unie) pl: rozszerzenie (Unii Europejskiej) pt: Alargamento (União Europeia) ro: extindere (Uniunea Europeana) tr: genişleme (Avrupa Birliği) SN: Accession of new members to the European Union. RT candidate country RT non-EU country TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 197 ENQA MT (20) cs: ENQA de: ENQA el: ENQA es: ENQA et: ENQA fi: ENQA fr: ENQA it: ENQA lt: ENQA nl: ENQA pl: ENQA pt: ENQA ro: ENQA tr: AYKGB UF European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education UF European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education enrolment USE registration enrolment fees USE registration fees enrolment rate USE education participation rate ENTEP MT (20) cs: ENTEP de: ENTEP el: ENTEP es: ENTEP et: ENTEP fi: ENTEP fr: ENTEP it: ENTEP lt: ENTEP nl: ENTEP pl: ENTEP pt: ENTEP ro: ENTEP tr: AÖEPA UF European Network on Teacher Education Policies TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 198 enterprise MT (16) cs: podnik de: Unternehmen el: επιχείρηση es: empresa et: ettevõte fi: yritys fr: entreprise it: impresa lt: įmonė nl: onderneming pl: przedsiębiorstwo pt: Empresa ro: intreprindere tr: girişim NT small and medium-sized enterprise enterprise education MT (07) cs: výchova k podnikavosti de: Ausbildung in Unternehmertum el: εκπαίδευση για την επιχειρηματικότητα es: estudios empresariales et: ettevõtluskoolitus fi: yrittäjyyskasvatus fr: éducation à l'entrepreneuriat it: formazione imprenditoriale lt: verslumo ugdymas nl: onderwijs in ondernemerschap pl: nauczanie przedsiębiorczości pt: Educação para o empreendedorismo ro: educatie antreprenoriala tr: girişimcilik eğitimi SN: Education that teaches and encourages entrepreneurship. UF education for initiative UF enterprise skills BT economics enterprise skills USE enterprise education entrance certificate USE entry certificate entrance examination USE entry examination entrance qualification USE entry certificate TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 199 entrance requirements USE admission requirements entrepreneurship MT (10) cs: podnikavost de: Unternehmergeist el: επιχειρηματικότητα es: espíritu emprendedor et: ettevõtlikkus fi: yrittäjyys fr: esprit d'entreprise it: imprenditorialità lt: verslumas nl: ondernemingszin pl: przedsiębiorczość pt: Empreendedorismo ro: antreprenoriat tr: girişimcilik SN: The willingness to pursue new opportunities by showing initiative, taking risks and accepting responsibility for one's action. BT competence entry certificate MT (09) cs: vstupní kvalifikace de: Zugangsberechtigung el: πιστοποιητικό εισαγωγής es: certificado de acceso et: sisseastumiseks nõutav tunnistus fi: sisäänpääsytodistus fr: certificat d'accès it: certificato di accesso lt: priėmimo pažymėjimas nl: toelatingskwalificatie pl: świadectwo dopuszczające pt: Certificado de acesso ro: certificat de intrare tr: giriş sertifikası UF entrance certificate UF entrance qualification UF entry qualification BT certificate TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 200 entry examination MT (09) cs: přijímací zkouška de: Aufnahmeprüfung el: εισαγωγικές εξετάσεις es: prueba de acceso et: sisseastumiseksam fi: pääsykoe fr: examen d'entrée it: esame di ingresso lt: stojamasis egzaminas nl: toelatingsexamen pl: egzamin wstępny pt: Exame de admissão ro: examen de admitere tr: giriş sınavı UF entrance examination BT examination entry qualification USE entry certificate entry requirements USE admission requirements entry to school MT (04) cs: vstup do školy de: Schuleintritt el: εισαγωγή στο σχολείο es: ingreso en la escuela et: kooliastumine fi: kouluunmeno fr: entrée à l'école it: ingresso a scuola lt: įstojimas į mokyklą nl: toelatingsbeleid pl: przyjęcie do szkoły pt: Entrada na escola ro: intrarea la scoala tr: okula kayıt UF admissions BT access to education NT admission procedure NT registration TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 201 environment MT (16) cs: životní prostředí de: Umwelt el: περιβάλλον es: medio ambiente et: keskkond fi: ympäristö fr: environnement it: ambiente lt: aplinka nl: milieu pl: środowisko pt: Ambiente ro: mediu tr: çevre NT environmental protection environmental education MT (07) cs: environmentální výchova de: Umwelterziehung el: περιβαλλοντική εκπαίδευση es: educación ambiental et: keskkonnaharidus fi: ympäristökoulutus fr: éducation à l'environnement it: educazione ambientale lt: aplinkosauginis švietimas nl: milieuonderwijs pl: nauka o środowisku pt: Educação ambiental ro: educatia pentru mediu tr: çevre eğitimi SN: By using interdisciplinary approaches, it aims to make students/pupils aware of environmental issues (Source: Adapted from the European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF ecology UF education for a sustainable environment UF environmental study BT content of learning RT environmental protection TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 202 environmental protection MT (16) cs: ochrana životního prostředí de: Umweltschutz el: προστασία του περιβάλλοντος es: protección del medio ambiente et: keskkonnakaitse fi: luonnonsuojelu fr: protection de l'environnement it: protezione dell'ambiente lt: aplinkos apsauga nl: milieubescherming pl: ochrona środowiska pt: Protecção do ambiente ro: protectia mediului tr: çevre koruması BT environment NT sustainability RT environmental education environmental study USE environmental education EP USE European Parliament equal opportunity MT (01) cs: rovnost příležitostí de: Chancengleichheit el: ίσες ευκαιρίες es: igualdad de oportunidades et: võrdsed võimalused fi: mahdollisuuksien tasa-arvo fr: égalité des chances it: pari opportunità lt: vienodos galimybės nl: gelijkheid van kansen pl: równość szans pt: Igualdade de oportunidades ro: oportunitati egale tr: eşit fırsat UF equality of opportunity UF equity BT principles of education equality of opportunity USE equal opportunity TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 203 equipment MT (06) cs: vybavení de: Ausstattung el: εξοπλισμός es: equipamiento et: varustus fi: välineet fr: équipement it: attrezzature lt: įranga nl: uitrusting pl: wyposażenie pt: Equipamento ro: echipament tr: ekipman NT audiovisual equipment NT furniture NT ICT equipment NT sports equipment equity USE equal opportunity equivalence of certificates MT (09) cs: rovnocennost certifikátů de: Gleichwertigkeit der Qualifikationen el: ισοτιμία πτυχίων es: equivalencia de títulos et: tunnistuste samaväärsus fi: tutkintojen vastaavuus fr: équivalence des diplômes it: equipollenza dei titoli di studio lt: išsilavinimo pažymėjimų lygiavertiškumas nl: gelijkwaardigheid van diploma's pl: równoważność świadectw pt: Equivalência de diplomas ro: echivalenta certificatelor tr: sertifikaların denkliği SN: A statement testifying to the same essential value and significance of two or more different certificates. UF equivalence of qualifications RT recognition of diplomas equivalence of qualifications USE equivalence of certificates TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 204 Erasmus MT (20) cs: Erasmus de: Erasmus el: Erasmus es: Erasmus et: Erasmus fi: Erasmus fr: Erasmus it: Erasmus lt: Erasmus nl: Erasmus pl: Erasmus pt: Erasmus ro: Erasmus tr: Erasmus Erasmus Mundus MT (20) cs: Erasmus Mundus de: Erasmus Mundus el: Erasmus Mundus es: Erasmus Mundus et: Erasmus Mundus fi: Erasmus Mundus fr: Erasmus Mundus it: Erasmus Mundus lt: Erasmus Mundus nl: Erasmus Mundus pl: Erasmus Mundus pt: Erasmus Mundus ro: Erasmus Mundus tr: Erasmus Mundus ESF USE European Social Fund TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 205 Eskimo-Aleut languages MT (17) cs: eskymácko-aleutské jazyky de: Eskimo-aleutische Sprachen el: Γλώσσα των Εσκιμώων es: lenguas esquimo-aleutianas et: eskimo-aleuudi keeled fi: Eskimo-aleuttilaiset kielet fr: langue esquimo-aleute it: lingue eschimo-aleutine lt: eskimų-aleutų kalbos nl: Eskimo-Aleoetische talen pl: języki eskimo-aleuckie pt: Línguas esquimó-aleuta ro: limba eschimo - aleuta tr: Eskimo-Aleut dilleri UF Aleut NT Greenlandic Esperanto MT (17) cs: esperanto de: Esperanto el: Εσπεράντο es: esperanto et: esperanto fi: esperanto fr: espéranto it: esperanto lt: esperanto kalba nl: Esperanto pl: esperanto pt: Esperanto ro: spaniola tr: Esperanto BT artificial languages Estonia MT (19) cs: Estonsko de: Estland el: Εσθονία es: Estonia et: Eesti fi: Viro fr: Estonie it: Estonia lt: Estija nl: Estland pl: Estonia pt: Estónia ro: Estonia tr: Estonya TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 206 Estonian MT (17) cs: estonština de: Estnisch el: Εσθονική γλώσσα es: estonio et: eesti keel fi: viron kieli fr: estonien it: estone lt: estų kalba nl: Ests pl: estoński pt: Estónio ro: estonian tr: Estonyaca BT Uralic languages ETF USE European Training Foundation ethics USE moral education ethnic group MT (15) cs: etnická skupina de: Volksgruppe el: εθνοτική ομάδα es: grupo étnico et: etniline rühm fi: etninen ryhmä fr: groupe ethnique it: gruppo etnico lt: etninė grupė nl: etnische groep pl: grupa etniczna pt: Grupo étnico ro: grup etnic tr: etnik grup UF ethnic minority BT population ethnic minority USE ethnic group TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 207 ETUCE MT (20) cs: ETUCE de: ETUCE el: ETUCE es: CSEE et: ETUCE fi: ETUCE fr: CSEE it: CSEE lt: ETUCE nl: ETUCE pl: ETUCE pt: ETUCE ro: ETUCE tr: AİSEK UF European Trade Union Committee for Education EU USE European Union EU action USE European Union action EU action programme USE European Union action EU agency USE European Union agency EU body USE European Union body EU Council USE Council of the European Union TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 208 EU country MT (12) cs: země EU de: EU-Mitgliedstaat el: χώρα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης es: país de la Unión Europea et: ELi liikmesriik fi: EU-maa fr: État membre de l'Union européenne it: paese dell'UE lt: ES šalis nl: EU-lidstaat pl: kraj-członek Unii Europejskiej pt: Estado Membro da União Europeia ro: tari din UE tr: AB ülkesi UF EU Member State BT European Union EU country mean USE European average EU initiative USE European Union action EU institution USE European Union institution EU legislation USE European Union law EU level USE European level EU Member State USE EU country TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 209 EUA MT (20) cs: EUA de: EUA el: EUA es: EUA et: EUA fi: EUA fr: EUA it: EUA lt: EUA nl: EUA pl: EUA pt: Associação Europeia das Universidades ro: EUA tr: AÜB UF European University Association EURASHE MT (20) cs: EURASHE de: EURASHE el: EURASHE es: EURASHE et: EURASHE fi: EURASHE fr: EURASHE it: EURASHE lt: EURASHE nl: EURASHE pl: EURASHE pt: EURASHE ro: EURASHE tr: AYÖKB UF European Association of Institutions in Higher Education Europe MT (19) cs: Evropa de: Europa el: Ευρώπη es: Europa et: Euroopa fi: Eurooppa fr: Europe it: Europa lt: Europa nl: Europa pl: Europa pt: Europa ro: Europa tr: Avrupa TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 210 European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education MT (20) cs: Evropská agentura pro rozvoj speciálního vzdělávání de: European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education el: Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός για την Ανάπτυξη στην Εκπαίδευση για Άτομα με Ειδικές Ανάγκες es: Agencia Europea para el Desarrollo de la Educación Especial et: Erihariduse Arendamise Euroopa Agentuur fi: Euroopan erityisopetuksen kehittämiskeskus fr: Agence européenne pour le développement de l'éducation des personnes ayant des besoins particuliers it: Agenzia europea per lo sviluppo dell'istruzione degli alunni disabili lt: Europos specialiojo ugdymo plėtros agentūra nl: European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education pl: Europejska Agencja ds. Rozwoju Edukacji Osób ze Specjalnymi Potrzebami pt: Agência Europeia para o Desenvolvimento em Necessidades Educativas Especiais ro: Agentia Europeana pentru Dezvoltarea Educatiei Persoanelor cu Nevoi Speciale tr: Avrupa Özel Eğitimi Geliştirme Ajansı European Assembly USE European Parliament European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education USE ENQA European Association of Institutions in Higher Education USE EURASHE European average MT (13) cs: evropský průměr de: europäischer Durchschnitt el: Ευρωπαϊκός μέσος όρος es: media europea et: Euroopa keskmine fi: Euroopan keskiarvo fr: moyenne européenne it: media europea lt: Europos vidurkis nl: Europees gemiddelde pl: średnia europejska pt: Média europeia ro: media europeana tr: Avrupa ortalaması UF EU country mean BT statistical analysis TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 211 European Baccalaureate MT (09) cs: Evropská maturita de: Europäisches Abitur el: Ευρωπαϊκό απολυτήριο es: Bachillerato Europeo et: Euroopa bakalaureusetunnistus fi: eurooppalainen ylioppilastutkinto fr: Baccalauréat européen it: baccalaureato europeo lt: Europos bakalaureato pažymėjimas nl: Europees Baccalaureaat pl: matura europejska pt: Baccalauréat europeu ro: bacalaureat european tr: Avrupa Bakaloryası SN: Secondary school-leaving certificate issued by European Schools. BT school-leaving certificate RT intercultural education European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training USE Cedefop European citizenship MT (12) cs: občanství EU de: Unionsbürgerschaft el: ευρωπαϊκή ιθαγένεια es: ciudadanía europea et: Euroopa kodakondsus fi: Euroopan kansalaisuus fr: citoyenneté européenne it: cittadinanza europea lt: Europos pilietybė nl: Europees burgerschap pl: obywatelstwo europejskie pt: Cidadania europeia ro: cetatenie europeana tr: Avrupa vatandaşlığı SN: European Citizenship is dependent on holding the nationality of one of the Member States. European citizenship confers a number of rights to citizens, among which - the freedom to move and take up residence anywhere in the Union; - the right to non-discrimination between EU citizens on the basis of nationality and to non-discrimination on the basis of gender, race, religion, handicap, age or sexual orientation. (Source: adapted from Scadplus http://europa.eu/scadplus/glossary/citizenship_en.htm.) TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 212 European Commission MT (12) cs: Evropská komise de: Europäische Kommission el: Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή es: Comisión Europea et: Euroopa Komisjon fi: Euroopan komissio fr: Commission européenne it: Commissione europea lt: Europos Komisija nl: Europese Commissie pl: Komisja Europejska pt: Comissão Europeia ro: Comisia Europeana tr: Avrupa Komisyonu UF CEC UF Commission of the European Communities UF EC Commission BT European Union institution NT European Commissioner European Commissioner MT (12) cs: evropský komisař de: EU-Kommissar el: Ευρωπαίος Επίτροπος es: comisario europeo et: Euroopa Komisjoni volinik fi: komissaari fr: Commissaire européen it: Commissario europeo lt: Europos komisaras nl: Europees Commissaris pl: komisarz UE pt: Comissário europeu ro: Comisar European tr: Avrupa Komisyonu Üyesi BT European Commission European Communities USE European Union European Communities institution USE European Union institution European Community USE European Union European Constitution USE constitution + European Union TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 213 European cooperation MT (12) cs: evropská spolupráce de: europäische Zusammenarbeit el: Ευρωπαϊκή συνεργασία es: cooperación europea et: Euroopa koostöö fi: eurooppalainen yhteistyö fr: coopération européenne it: cooperazione europea lt: Europos bendradarbiavimas nl: Europese samenwerking pl: współpraca europejska pt: Cooperação europeia ro: cooperare europeana tr: Avrupa İşbirliği NT European Credit Transfer System NT European Economic Area NT European Higher Education Area NT European Union action NT European Union policy European Council MT (12) cs: Evropská rada de: Europäischer Rat el: Ευρωπαϊκό Συμβούλιο es: Consejo Europeo et: Euroopa Ülemkogu fi: Eurooppa-neuvosto fr: Conseil européen it: Consiglio europeo lt: Europos Vadovų Taryba nl: Europese Raad pl: Rada Europejska pt: Conselho Europeu ro: Consiliul european tr: Avrupa Devlet ve Hükümet Başkanları Konseyi SN: Assembly of the Heads of State and Heads of Government of the European Union's Member States (Source: Eurovoc Thesaurus, 2005 online version). UF European Summit BT European Union institution TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 214 European Court of Auditors MT (12) cs: Evropský účetní dvůr de: Europäischer Rechnungshof el: Ευρωπαϊκό Ελεγκτικό Συνέδριο es: Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo et: Euroopa Kontrollikoda fi: Euroopan yhteisöjen tilintarkastustuomioistuin fr: Cour des comptes européenne it: Corte dei conti europea lt: Europos Audito Rūmai nl: Europese Rekenkamer pl: Europejski Trybunał Obrachunkowy pt: Tribunal de Contas Europeu ro: Curtea Europeana a Auditorilor tr: Avrupa Sayıştayı UF EC Court of Auditors BT European Union institution European Court of Justice MT (12) cs: Evropský soudní dvůr de: Europäischer Gerichtshof el: Δικαστήριο των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων es: Tribunal de Justicia Europeo et: Euroopa Kohus fi: Euroopan yhteisöjen tuomioistuin fr: Cour de justice des Communautés européennes it: Corte di Giustizia delle Comunità europee lt: Europos Teisingumo Teismas nl: Europees Hof van Justitie pl: Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości pt: Tribunal de Justiça Europeu ro: Curtea Europeana de Justitie tr: Avrupa Adalet Divanı UF CJEC UF EC Court of Justice BT European Union institution TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 215 European Credit Transfer System MT (04) (12) cs: Evropský systém pro přenos kreditů de: Europäisches System zur Anrechnung von Studienleistungen el: Ευρωπαϊκό Σύστημα Μεταφοράς Πιστωτικών Μονάδων es: Sistema Europeo de Transferencia de Créditos et: Euroopa ainepunktide ülekande süsteem fi: Eurooppalainen opintosuoritusten ja arvosanojen siirtojärjestelmä fr: Système européen de transfert de crédits d'enseignement it: Sistema europeo di accumulazione e trasferimento dei crediti lt: Europos kreditų perkėlimo sistema nl: European Credit Transfer System pl: ECTS pt: Sistema europeu de transferência de créditos ro: Sistemul European de Credite Transferabile tr: Avrupa Kredi Transfer Sistemi UF ECTS BT credit transfer BT European cooperation European dimension MT (01) cs: evropská dimenze de: Europäische Dimension el: Ευρωπαϊκή διάσταση es: dimensión europea et: Euroopa mõõde fi: Eurooppalainen ulottuvuus fr: dimension européenne it: dimensione europea lt: Europinė dimensija nl: Europese dimensie pl: wymiar europejski pt: Dimensão europeia ro: dimensiunea europeana tr: Avrupa boyutu BT international dimension TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 216 European Economic and Social Committee MT (12) cs: Evropský hospodářský a sociální výbor de: Europäischer Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss el: Ευρωπαϊκή Οικονομική και Κοινωνική Επιτροπή es: Comité Económico y Social Europeo et: Euroopa majandus- ja sotsiaalkomitee fi: Euroopan talous- ja sosiaalikomitea fr: Comité économique et social européen it: Comitato economico e sociale europeo lt: Europos ekonomikos ir socialinių reikalų komitetas nl: Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité pl: Europejski Komitet Ekonomiczno-Społeczny pt: Comité Económico e Social Europeu ro: Comitetul Economic si Social European tr: Avrupa Ekonomi ve Sosyal Komitesi UF EC Economic and Social Committee UF EC ESC UF EESC BT European Union body European Economic Area MT (12) cs: Evropský hospodářský prostor de: Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum el: Ευρωπαϊκός Οικονομικός Χώρος es: Espacio Económico Europeo et: Euroopa majanduspiirkond fi: Euroopan talousalue fr: Espace économique européen it: Spazio economico europeo lt: Europos ekonominė erdvė nl: Europese Economische Ruimte pl: Europejski Obszar Gospodarczy pt: Espaço Económico Europeu ro: Spatiul Economic European tr: Avrupa Ekonomik Alanı UF EEA BT European cooperation European Free Trade Association USE EFTA TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 217 European Higher Education Area MT (12) cs: Evropský vysokoškolský prostor de: Europäischer Hochschulraum el: Ευρωπαϊκός Χώρος Ανώτατης Εκπαίδευσης es: Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior et: Euroopa kõrgharidusruum fi: Eurooppalainen korkeakoulualue fr: Espace européen de l'enseignement supérieur it: Spazio europeo dell'istruzione superiore lt: Europos aukštojo mokslo erdvė nl: Europese Hoger Onderwijsruimte pl: Europejski Obszar Szkolnictwa Wyższego pt: Espaço Europeu de Ensino Superior ro: Spatiul European al Invatamantului Superior tr: Avrupa Yüksek Eğitim Alanı UF EHEA BT European cooperation European level MT (14) cs: evropská úroveň de: europäische Ebene el: Ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο es: nivel europeo et: Euroopa tasand fi: eurooppalainen taso fr: niveau européen it: livello europeo lt: Europos lygmuo nl: Europees niveau pl: szczebel europejski pt: Nível europeu ro: nivel european tr: Avrupa seviyesi UF Community level UF EU level UF European Union level BT administrative level European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education USE ENQA European Network of Information Centres USE ENIC European Network on Teacher Education Policies USE ENTEP TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 218 European Parliament MT (12) cs: Evropský parlament de: Europäisches Parlament el: Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο es: Parlamento Europeo et: Euroopa Parlament fi: Euroopan parlamentti fr: Parlement européen it: Parlamento europeo lt: Europos Parlamentas nl: Europees Parlement pl: Parlament Europejski pt: Parlamento Europeu ro: Parlamentul European tr: Avrupa Parlamentosu UF EP UF European Assembly BT European Union institution European School MT (06) cs: Evropská škola de: Europäische Schule el: Ευρωπαϊκό Σχολείο es: Escuela Europea et: Euroopa Kool fi: Eurooppa-koulu fr: École Européenne it: Scuola europea lt: Europos mokykla nl: Europese school pl: Szkoła Europejska pt: Escola europeia ro: scoala europeana tr: Avrupa Birliği Okulu SN: Education institutes for children of European officials or of employees of international institutions in the Member States of the European Union (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 219 European Schoolnet MT (20) cs: European Schoolnet de: European Schoolnet el: Ευρωπαϊκό Σχολικό Δίκτυο es: European Schoolnet et: Euroopa haridusministrite võrgustik fi: Eurooppalainen kouluverkko fr: European Schoolnet it: European Schoolnet lt: Europos mokyklų tinklas nl: European Schoolnet pl: Europejska Sieć Szkolna pt: European Schoolnet ro: reteaua scolara europeana tr: Avrupa Birliği Okul Ağı SN: International partnership of European education ministries for the advancement of didactic use of ICT. European Social Fund MT (12) cs: Evropský sociální fond de: Europäischer Sozialfonds el: Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινωνικό Ταμείο es: Fondo Social Europeo et: Euroopa sotsiaalfond fi: Euroopan Sosiaalirahasto fr: Fonds social européen it: Fondo sociale europeo lt: Europos socialinis fondas nl: Europees Sociaal Fonds pl: Europejski Fundusz Społeczny pt: Fundo Social Europeu ro: Fondul Social European tr: Avrupa Sosyal Fonu SN: Financial tool of the European Union to develop people's skills and employability. UF ESF BT structural funds TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 220 European standards MT (09) cs: evropské standardy de: europäische Standards el: Ευρωπαϊκά πρότυπα es: estándares europeos et: Euroopa standard fi: eurooppalaiset standardit fr: normes européennes it: standard europei lt: Europos standartai nl: Europese standaarden pl: standardy europejskie pt: Norma europeia ro: standarde europene tr: Avrupa standartları BT standard European Summit USE European Council European Trade Union Committee for Education USE ETUCE European Training Foundation MT (12) cs: Evropská nadace odborného vzdělávání de: Europäische Stiftung für Berufsbildung el: ETF es: Fundación Europea de Formación et: Euroopa koolitusfond fi: Euroopan koulutussäätiö fr: Fondation européenne pour la formation it: Fondazione europea per la formazione professionale lt: Europos mokymo fondas nl: European Training Foundation pl: Europejska Fundacja Kształcenia pt: Fundação Europeia para a Formação ro: Fundaţia Europeană pentru Formare Profesională tr: Avrupa Eğitim Vakfı UF ETF BT European Union agency TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 221 European treaty MT (12) cs: Evropská smlouva de: Europäischer Vertrag el: Ευρωπαϊκή Συνθήκη es: tratado europeo et: Euroopa leping fi: Euroopan unionin perustamissopimus fr: traité européen it: trattato europeo lt: Europos sutartis nl: Europees verdrag pl: traktat europejski pt: Tratado europeu ro: tratatul european tr: Avrupa antlaşması BT European Union law European Union MT (12) cs: Evropská unie de: Europäische Union el: Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση es: Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liit fi: Euroopan unioni fr: Union européenne it: Unione europea lt: Europos Sąjunga nl: Europese Unie pl: Unia Europejska pt: União Europeia ro: Uniunea Europeana tr: Avrupa Birliği UF EU UF European Communities UF European Community UF † European Constitution NT EU country TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 222 European Union action MT (12) cs: iniciativa Evropské unie de: Gemeinschaftsaktion el: Δράση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης es: acción de la Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liidu meetmed fi: Euroopan unionin toiminta fr: action de l'Union européenne it: azione comunitaria lt: Europos Sąjungos veiksmai nl: EU-actie pl: wspólnotowy plan działań pt: Acção da União Europeia ro: Actiune a Uniunii Europene tr: Avrupa Birliği eylemi SN: Refers to any specific initiative, action and programme initiated by any of the European institutions. UF Community action UF Community action programme UF Community initiative UF Community programme UF EU action UF EU action programme UF EU initiative UF European Union action programme UF European Union initiative UF European Union programme BT European cooperation European Union action programme USE European Union action TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 223 European Union agency MT (12) cs: agentura Evropské unie de: Gemeinschaftsagentur el: Υπηρεσία της Ευρωπαϊκής 'Ενωσης es: agencia de la Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liidu amet fi: Euroopan unionin erillisvirastot fr: agence de l'Union européenne it: agenzia dell'Unione europea lt: Europos Sąjungos agentūra nl: EU-Agentschap pl: agencja Unii Europejskiej pt: Agência da União Europeia ro: Agentia Uniunii Europene tr: Avrupa Birliği ajansı SN: A body set up by European secondary legislation (as opposed to a European Treaty), in order to accomplish a specific technical, scientific or managerial task. UF Community agency UF decentralised agency of the European Union UF EC agency UF EU agency NT Cedefop NT European Training Foundation European Union body MT (12) cs: orgán Evropské unie de: Einrichtung der Gemeinschaft el: Οργανισμός της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης es: organismo de la Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liidu organ fi: Euroopan unionin toimielin fr: organisme de l'Union européenne it: organismo dell'Unione europea lt: Europos Sąjungos įstaiga nl: EU-orgaan pl: organ Unii Europejskiej pt: Órgão da União Europeia ro: Organism al Uniunii Europene tr: Avrupa Birliği teşekkülü SN: A consultative, financial or interinstitutional body that advises and supports the EU institutions in their tasks. UF Community body UF EC body UF EU body NT Committee of the Regions NT European Economic and Social Committee NT Eurostat European Union Council USE Council of the European Union TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 224 European Union decision MT (12) cs: rozhodnutí Evropské unie de: Entscheidung der Gemeinschaft el: απόφαση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης es: decisión de la Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liidu otsus fi: Euroopan unionin päätös fr: décision de l'Union européenne it: decisione dell'Unione europea lt: Europos Sąjungos sprendimas nl: EU-besluit pl: postanowienia Unii Europejskiej pt: Decisão da União Europeia ro: Decizia (hotararea) Uniunii Europene tr: Avrupa Birliği kararı UF Community decision BT European Union law European Union directive MT (12) cs: směrnice Evropské unie de: Richtlinie der Gemeinschaft el: οδηγία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης es: directiva de la Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liidu direktiiv fi: Euroopan unionin direktiivi fr: directive de l'Union européenne it: direttiva dell'Unione europea lt: Europos Sąjungos direktyva nl: EU-richtlijn pl: dyrektywa Unii Europejskiej pt: Directiva da União Europeia ro: Directiva Uniunii Europene tr: Avrupa Birliği talimatı SN: An EU ruling that is binding on Member States as regards the objective to be achieved. Member states are free to determine how they transform Community objectives into national legislation in order to achieve the desired results. UF Community directive BT European Union law European Union initiative USE European Union action TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 225 European Union institution MT (12) cs: instituce Evropské unie de: Gemeinschaftsorgan el: ίδρυμα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης es: institución de la Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liidu institutsioon fi: Euroopan unionin instituutiot fr: institution de l'Union européenne it: Istituzione dell'Unione europea lt: Europos Sąjungos institucija nl: EU-instelling pl: instytucja Unii Europejskiej pt: Instituição da União Europeia ro: Institutie a Uniunii Europene tr: Avrupa Birliği kurumu SN: A body set up by European primary legislation (European Treaties) with the task of producing European policies and laws, upholding the rule of European law or controlling the financing of EU activities. UF Community institution UF EU institution UF European Communities institution NT Council of the European Union NT European Commission NT European Council NT European Court of Auditors NT European Court of Justice NT European Parliament TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 226 European Union law MT (12) cs: právo Evropské unie de: Gemeinschaftsrecht el: νομοθεσία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης es: legislación de la Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liidu õigus fi: Euroopan unionin oikeus fr: législation de l'Union européenne it: Diritto comunitario lt: Europos Sąjungos teisė nl: EU-recht pl: prawo Unii Europejskiej pt: Legislação da União Europeia ro: legea Uniunii Europene tr: Avrupa Birliği mevzuatı UF Community law UF Community legal act UF Community legislation UF EU legislation UF European Union legal act UF European Union legislation NT European treaty NT European Union decision NT European Union directive NT European Union recommendation NT European Union regulation NT European Union resolution RT international law RT subsidiarity (European Union) European Union legal act USE European Union law European Union legislation USE European Union law European Union level USE European level TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 227 European Union policy MT (12) cs: politika Evropské unie de: Gemeinschaftspolitik el: πολιτική της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης es: política de la Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liidu poliitika fi: Euroopan unionin politiikka fr: politique de l'Union européenne it: politica comunitaria lt: Europos Sąjungos politika nl: EU-beleid pl: polityka Unii Europejskiej pt: Política da União Europeia ro: politica Uniunii Europene tr: Avrupa Birliği politikası SN: Which is based on legal instruments. Combine with the field to which the policy applies (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF Community policy BT European cooperation European Union programme USE European Union action European Union recommendation MT (12) cs: doporučení Evropské unie de: Empfehlung der Gemeinschaft el: σύσταση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης es: recomendación de la Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liidu soovitus fi: Euroopan unionin suositus fr: recommandation de l'Union européenne it: raccomandazione dell'Unione europea lt: Europos Sąjungos rekomendacija nl: EU-aanbeveling pl: zalecenie Unii Europejskiej pt: Recomendação da União Europeia ro: recomandarea Uniunii Europene tr: Avrupa Birliği önerisi UF Community recommendation BT European Union law TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 228 European Union regulation MT (12) cs: nařízení Evropské unie de: Verordnung der Gemeinschaft el: Κανονισμός της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης es: reglamento de la Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liidu määrus fi: Euroopan unionin asetus fr: règlement de l'Union européenne it: regolamento dell'Unione europea lt: Europos Sąjungos reglamentas nl: EU-regeling pl: rozporządzenie Unii Europejskiej pt: Regulamento da União Europeia ro: Regulament al Uniunii uropene tr: Avrupa Birliği yönetmeliği SN: An EU ruling that is directly and fully binding in all EU Member States. UF Community regulation BT European Union law European Union resolution MT (12) cs: rezoluce Evropské unie de: Entschließung der Gemeinschaft el: Ψήφισμα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης es: resolución de la Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liidu avaldus fi: Euroopan unionin päätöslauselma fr: résolution de l'Union européenne it: risoluzione dell'Unione europea lt: Europos Sąjungos rezoliucija nl: EU-resolutie pl: rezolucja Unii Europejskiej pt: Resolução da União Europeia ro: rezolutia Uniunii Europene tr: Avrupa Birliği çözümü SN: Non-binding EU measure that sets out views and intentions shared by all Member States. UF Community resolution BT European Union law European University Association USE EUA TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 229 Eurostat MT (12) cs: Eurostat de: Eurostat el: Eurostat es: Eurostat et: Eurostat fi: Eurostat fr: Eurostat it: Eurostat lt: Eurostatas nl: Eurostat pl: Eurostat pt: Eurostat ro: Eurostat (Oficiul Statistic al Uniunii Europene) tr: Eurostat UF SOEC UF Statistical Office of the European Communities BT European Union body Eurydice MT (20) cs: Eurydice de: Eurydice el: Ευρυδίκη es: Eurydice et: Eurydice fi: Eurydice fr: Eurydice it: Eurydice lt: Eurydice nl: Eurydice pl: Eurydice pt: Eurydice ro: Eurydice tr: Eurydice SN: The information network on education in Europe. Euskera USE Basque TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 230 evaluation MT (09) cs: hodnocení de: Evaluation el: αξιολόγηση es: evaluación et: hindamine fi: arviointi fr: évaluation it: valutazione lt: vertinimas nl: evaluatie pl: ewaluacja pt: Avaliação ro: evaluare tr: değerlendirme UF appraisal UF assessment NT continuous evaluation NT evaluation by headteachers NT evaluation by students NT evaluation by teachers NT evaluation of an educational institution NT evaluation of headteachers NT evaluation of students NT evaluation of teachers NT external evaluation NT formative evaluation NT initial evaluation NT internal evaluation NT international evaluation NT summative evaluation RT certification RT examination RT learning standard RT quality of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 231 evaluation by headteachers MT (09) cs: hodnocení řediteli škol de: Evaluation durch den Schulleiter el: αξιολόγηση από διευθυντές σχολείων es: evaluación realizada por los directores et: direktorihindamine fi: rehtorien suorittama arviointi fr: évaluation par les chefs d'établissement it: valutazione da parte dei capi d'istituto lt: (mokyklų) direktorių (atliekamas) vertinimas nl: evaluatie door schoolleiders pl: ewaluacja przez dyrekcję szkoły pt: Avaliação pelos directores dos estabelecimentos de ensino ro: evaluarea de către directori tr: başöğretmenlerce değerlendirme BT evaluation RT headteacher evaluation by pupils USE evaluation by students evaluation by students MT (09) cs: hodnocení studenty de: Evaluation durch die Lernenden el: αξιολόγηση από μαθητές es: evaluación realizada por los alumnos et: üli/õpilashindamine fi: oppilaiden suorittama arviointi fr: évaluation par les étudiants it: valutazione da parte degli studenti lt: mokinių (atliekamas) vertinimas nl: evaluatie door studenten pl: ewaluacja przez słuchaczy pt: Avaliação pelos estudantes ro: evaluarea de către elevi /evaluarea de către studenti tr: öğrencilerin değerlendirmesi UF evaluation by pupils BT evaluation RT pupil RT student TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 232 evaluation by teachers MT (09) cs: hodnocení učiteli de: Evaluation durch die Lehrer el: αξιολόγηση από καθηγητές es: evaluación realizada por los profesores et: õpetajahindamine fi: opettajien suorittama arviointi fr: évaluation par les enseignants it: valutazione da parte degli insegnanti lt: mokytojų (atliekamas) vertinimas nl: evaluatie door leraren pl: ewaluacja przez nauczycieli pt: Avaliação pelos professores ro: evaluarea de către profesori tr: öğretmenlerin değerlendirmesi BT evaluation NT marking evaluation criterion MT (09) cs: hodnotící kritérium de: Bewertungskriterium el: κριτήριο αξιολόγησης es: criterio de evaluación et: hindamiskriteerium fi: arviointikriteerit fr: critère d'évaluation it: criterio di valutazione lt: vertinimo kriterijus nl: evaluatiecriterium pl: kryterium oceny pt: Critério de avaliação ro: evaluare criteriala tr: değerlendirme kıstası BT evaluation method TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 233 evaluation method MT (09) cs: metoda hodnocení de: Evaluationsverfahren el: μέθοδος αξιολόγησης es: método de evaluación et: hindamismeetod fi: arviointimenetelmä fr: méthode d'évaluation it: metodo di valutazione lt: vertinimo metodas nl: evaluatiemethode pl: sposób oceny pt: Método de avaliação ro: metoda de evaluare tr: değerlendirme yöntemi SN: Objective or subjective procedure used to obtain and organise information for appraisal in relation to stated objectives, standards or criteria (Source: University of Leeds, British Education Thesaurus, 2005 online version). UF assessment method UF evaluation procedure UF evaluation process UF type of evaluation NT evaluation criterion evaluation of an educational institution MT (09) cs: hodnocení vzdělávací instituce de: Evaluation einer Bildungseinrichtung el: αξιολόγηση ενός εκπαιδευτικού ιδρύματος es: evaluación de un centro educativo et: õppeasutuse hindamine fi: oppilaitoksen arviointi fr: évaluation d'un établissement d'enseignement it: valutazione di istituto lt: švietimo įstaigos vertinimas nl: evaluatie van een onderwijsinstelling pl: ewaluacja placówki edukacyjnej pt: Avaliação do estabelecimento de ensino ro: evaluarea unei institutii de invatamant tr: bir eğitim kurumunun değerlendirilmesi UF school evaluation BT evaluation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 234 evaluation of headteachers MT (09) cs: hodnocení ředitelů škol de: Evaluation des Schulleiters el: αξιολόγηση διευθυντών σχολείων es: evaluación de los directores et: direktorite hindamine fi: rehtorien arviointi fr: évaluation des chefs d'établissement it: valutazione dei capi d'istituto lt: (mokyklų) direktorių vertinimas nl: evaluatie van schoolleiders pl: ewaluacja dyrekcji szkoły pt: Avaliação dos directores dos estabelecimentos de ensino ro: evaluarea directorilor tr: başöğretmenlerin değerlendirmesi UF performance review of headteachers BT evaluation RT headteacher evaluation of pupils USE evaluation of students evaluation of students MT (09) cs: hodnocení studentů de: Evaluation der Lernenden el: αξιολόγηση μαθητών es: evaluación de los alumnos et: üli/õpilaste hindamine fi: oppilaiden arviointi fr: évaluation des étudiants it: valutazione degli studenti lt: mokinių vertinimas nl: evaluatie van studenten pl: ocena uczących się pt: Avaliação dos estudantes ro: evaluarea elevilor /evaluarea studentilor tr: öğrencilerin değerlendirilmesi UF achievement control UF evaluation of pupils UF pupil assessment UF student assessment BT evaluation RT pupil RT student TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 235 evaluation of teachers MT (09) cs: hodnocení učitelů de: Evaluation der Lehrer el: αξιολόγηση εκπαιδευτικών es: evaluación de los profesores et: õpetajate hindamine fi: opettajien arviointi fr: évaluation des enseignants it: valutazione degli insegnanti lt: mokytojų vertinimas nl: evaluatie van leraren pl: ocena nauczycieli pt: Avaliação dos professores ro: evaluarea profesorilor tr: öğretmenin değerlendirilmesi UF performance review of teachers UF teacher appraisal BT evaluation evaluation of the education system MT (04) cs: hodnocení vzdělávacího systému de: Evaluation des Bildungswesens el: αξιολόγηση του εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος es: evaluación del sistema educativo et: haridussüsteemi hindamine fi: koulutusjärjestelmän arviointi fr: évaluation du système éducatif it: valutazione del sistema educativo lt: švietimo sistemos vertinimas nl: evaluatie van het onderwijssysteem pl: ewaluacja systemu edukacji pt: Avaliação do sistema educativo ro: evaluarea sistemului educational tr: eğitim sisteminin değerlendirilmesi SN: The process of collecting and analysing information in order to check the performance of the education system in relation to its goals and to take corrective action where necessary. UF monitoring of the education system BT educational administration evaluation procedure USE evaluation method evaluation process USE evaluation method TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 236 evaluation report MT (09) cs: hodnotící zpráva de: Evaluationsbericht el: έκθεση αξιολόγησης es: informe de evaluación et: hinneteleht fi: arviointiraportti fr: rapport d'évaluation it: scheda di valutazione lt: vertinimo ataskaita nl: evaluatierapport pl: sprawozdanie z oceny pt: Relatório de avaliação ro: raport de evaluare tr: değerlendirme raporu SN: For reports on the evaluation results of students/pupils use school report. NT school report NT skills audit RT evaluation result evaluation result MT (09) cs: výsledek hodnocení de: Evaluationsergebnis el: αποτέλεσμα αξιολόγησης es: resultado de la evaluación et: hindamistulemus fi: arviointitulos fr: résultat d'évaluation it: risultato della valutazione lt: vertinimo rezultatai nl: evaluatieresultaat pl: wynik oceny pt: Resultado da avaliação ro: rezultatul evaluarii tr: değerlendirme sonucu UF assessment result NT institutional ranking RT evaluation report RT indemnity RT sanction TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 237 evaluator MT (11) cs: hodnotitel de: Evaluator el: αξιολογητής es: evaluador et: hindaja fi: arvioija fr: évaluateur it: valutatore lt: vertintojas nl: evaluator pl: ewaluator pt: Avaliador ro: evaluator tr: değerlendirme uzmanı SN: Any individual, group, or public or other authority that carries out an evaluation. UF examiner BT non-teaching staff NT awarding body NT board of examiners NT inspectorate evening class MT (08) cs: večerní kurs de: Abendschule el: νυχτερινό σχολείο es: curso nocturno et: õhtuõpe fi: iltaopiskelu fr: cours du soir it: scuola serale lt: vakarinis mokymasis nl: avondopleiding pl: zajęcia wieczorowe pt: Curso nocturno ro: seral tr: akşam sınıfı UF evening course UF evening institute BT course evening course USE evening class evening institute USE evening class evidence-based education USE evidence-based policy TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 238 evidence-based policy MT (04) cs: politika založená na důkazech de: Faktenbasierte Politik el: ανάπτυξη πολιτικής βάσει εμπειρικών δεδομένων es: política basada en la evidencia et: tõenduspõhine poliitika fi: tietoperustainen politiikka fr: politique basée sur la recherche it: politiche basate sull'evidenza empirica lt: įrodymais pagrįsta politika nl: evidence-based policy pl: polityka oparta na badaniach pt: Política baseada na evidência ro: politica bazata pe dovezi tr: kanıt temelli politika SN: A policy of which the effectiveness has been demonstrated by extensive research. UF evidence-based education UF evidence-informed policy BT education policy evidence-informed policy USE evidence-based policy ex-cathedra teaching USE formal lecturing exact sciences USE natural sciences TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 239 examination MT (09) cs: zkouška de: Prüfung el: εξέταση es: examen et: eksam fi: koe fr: examen it: esame lt: egzaminas nl: examen pl: egzamin pt: Exame ro: examinare tr: sınav UF achievement test UF attainment test UF test NT competitive examination NT entry examination NT final examination NT intelligence test NT oral examination NT placement examination NT standardised test NT written examination RT certification RT evaluation examination body USE board of examiners examiner USE evaluator examining board USE board of examiners examining body USE board of examiners TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 240 exchange visit MT (08) cs: výměnná návštěva de: Austauschbesuch el: επίσκεψη ανταλλαγής es: intercambio et: vahetuskülastus fi: vaihtovierailu fr: visite d'échange it: visita di scambio lt: mainų vizitas nl: uitwisselingsbezoek pl: wizyta w ramach wymiany pt: Visita de intercâmbio ro: vizita de schimb tr: değişim ziyareti UF cultural exchange UF linguistic exchange UF linguistic visit BT educational activities RT mobility exclusion from school MT (09) cs: vyloučení ze školy de: Schulausschluss el: αποκλεισμός από το σχολείο es: expulsión del centro et: koolist väljaheitmine fi: koulusta syrjäytyminen fr: exclusion scolaire it: espulsione dalla scuola lt: pašalinimas iš mokyklos nl: uitsluiting pl: relegowanie ze szkoły pt: Exclusão escolar ro: excludere din scoala tr: okuldan uzaklaştırma UF expulsion UF school exclusion UF student excluded from school BT sanction excursion USE school visit TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 241 executive power MT (14) cs: výkonná moc de: ausführende Gewalt el: εκτελεστική εξουσία es: poder ejecutivo et: täidesaatev võim fi: toimeenpanovalta fr: pouvoir exécutif it: potere esecutivo lt: vykdomoji valdžia nl: uitvoerende macht pl: władza wykonawcza pt: Poder executivo ro: putere executiva tr: yürütme erki BT government NT civil service NT ministry exemption from service USE leave of absence exercise MT (08) cs: cvičení de: Übung el: άσκηση es: ejercicio et: harjutamine fi: harjoitus fr: exercice it: esercizio lt: pratybos nl: oefening pl: ćwiczenie pt: Exercício ro: exercitiu tr: alıştırma SN: Repetitive application of a method or study designated to consolidate a physical or intellectual capacity (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT school activities NT oral work NT written work experiential learning USE practical training expertise USE competence expulsion USE exclusion from school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 242 extended family USE family extended school USE out-of-school-hours provision external evaluation MT (09) cs: externí hodnocení de: externe Evaluation el: εξωτερική αξιολόγηση es: evaluación externa et: välishindamine fi: ulkoinen arviointi fr: évaluation externe it: valutazione esterna lt: išorinis vertinimas nl: externe evaluatie pl: ocena zewnętrzna pt: Avaliação externa ro: evaluare externa tr: harici değerlendirme uzmanı SN: An evaluation carried out by evaluators external to the entity evaluated. BT evaluation NT inspection NT peer evaluation extra-curricular activities MT (07) cs: mimotřídní činnost de: außercurriculare Aktivitäten el: εξωσχολικές δραστηριότητες es: actividades extracurriculares et: õppekavaväline tegevus fi: vapaa-ajan toiminta fr: activités hors programme it: attività extracurricolari lt: papildomosios veiklos nl: buitenschoolse activiteiten pl: zajęcia pozaprogramowe pt: Actividades extracurriculares ro: activitati extra-curriculare (activitati extrascolare) tr: müfredat dışı etkinlikler SN: Activities organised and supervised by the school without being part of the curriculum. BT out-of-school-hours provision NT play TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 243 extranet MT (13) cs: extranet de: Extranet el: extranet es: extranet et: suhtevõrk fi: extranet fr: extranet it: extranet lt: ekstranetas nl: extranet pl: extranet pt: Extranet ro: extranet tr: extranet BT computer network Extremadura MT (19) cs: Extremadura de: Estremadura el: Εξτρεμαδούρα es: Extremadura et: Extremadura fi: Extremadura fr: Estrémadure it: Estremadura lt: Ekstremadūra nl: Extremadura pl: Estremadura pt: Estremadura (Espanha) ro: Extremadura tr: Extremadura UF Autonomous Community of Extremadura faith school USE denominational school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 244 family MT (11) cs: rodina de: Familie el: οικογένεια es: familia et: perekond fi: perhe fr: famille it: famiglia lt: šeima nl: familie pl: rodzina pt: Família ro: familie tr: aile UF brother UF extended family UF kinship UF sister NT one-parent family NT parents family allowance MT (05) cs: finanční podpora rodiny de: Familienbeihilfe el: οικογενειακό επίδομα es: ayuda familiar et: peretoetus fi: lapsilisä fr: allocations familiales it: assegno familiare lt: šeimos pašalpa nl: kinderbijslag pl: dodatek rodzinny pt: Prestações familiares ro: alocatie pentru familie tr: aile yardımı BT financial support TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 245 family education MT (02) cs: výchova v rodině de: Erziehung in der Familie el: οικογενειακή αγωγή es: educación familiar et: kodune kasvatus fi: kotikasvatus fr: éducation par la famille it: educazione familiare lt: ugdymas šeimoje nl: opvoeding binnen het gezin pl: wychowanie w rodzinie pt: Educação familiar ro: educatie în familie tr: aile eğitimi SN: Indicates education given by the family and not education of or about the family (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT out-of-school education RT informal learning Far East MT (19) cs: Dálný východ de: Ostasien el: Άπω Ανατολή es: Extremo Oriente et: Kaug-Ida fi: Kaukoitä fr: Extrême Orient it: Estremo Oriente lt: Tolimieji Rytai nl: Verre Oosten pl: Daleki Wschód pt: Extremo Oriente ro: Extremul Orient tr: Uzak Doğu TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 246 Faroese MT (17) cs: faerština de: Färöisch el: Φεροϊκή γλώσσα es: feroés et: fääri keel fi: fäärin kieli fr: féroien it: faroese lt: farerų kalba nl: Faeröers pl: farerski pt: Feroês ro: faroeze (limbaj scandinav) tr: Faroca BT Germanic languages father USE parents father-child relation USE parent-child relation Federal Republic of Germany USE Germany federalism MT (14) cs: federalismus de: Föderalismus el: φεντεραλισμός es: federalismo et: föderalism fi: federalisimi fr: fédéralisme it: federalismo lt: federalizmas nl: federalisme pl: federalizm pt: Federalismo ro: federalism tr: federalizm SN: A political system where responsibilities are divided between central or federal government and the states or other territorial entities forming the federal state (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT politics TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 247 fee-paying school MT (06) cs: škola požadující školné de: gebührenerhebende Schule el: σχολείο με δίδακτρα es: escuela de pago et: õppemaksuga kool fi: maksullinen koulu fr: école payante it: scuola a pagamento lt: nevalstybinė mokykla nl: privé-school pl: szkoła płatna pt: Escola paga ro: scoală particulară tr: ücretli okul BT school RT fees feedback MT (13) cs: zpětná vazba de: Rückmeldung el: ανατροφοδότηση es: respuesta et: tagasiside fi: palaute fr: informations en retour it: feedback lt: grįžtamasis ryšys nl: terugkoppeling pl: informacja zwrotna pt: Informação de retorno ro: feedback tr: dönüt BT information exchange TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 248 fees MT (05) cs: poplatky de: Gebühren el: δίδακτρα es: tasas et: lõivud fi: maksut fr: droits (financement) it: tasse lt: mokesčiai nl: schoolgelden pl: opłaty pt: Propinas ro: taxe tr: ücretler BT source of funding NT registration fees NT tuition fees RT fee-paying school RT non-grant-aided private school female MT (15) cs: žena de: weibliches Geschlecht el: γυναικείο φύλο es: mujer et: naisfi: nainen fr: sexe féminin it: femmina lt: moteris nl: vrouwelijk pl: płeć żeńska pt: Sexo feminino ro: gen feminin tr: bayan UF woman BT gender NT girl field of study USE branch of education field trip USE school visit TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 249 figure MT (21) cs: obrázek de: Abbildung el: διάγραμμα es: gráfico et: joonis fi: luku fr: figure it: figura lt: skaitmuo nl: figuur pl: diagram pt: Figura ro: cifra tr: şekil final examination MT (09) cs: závěrečná zkouška de: Abschlussprüfung el: τελικές εξετάσεις es: examen final et: lõpueksam fi: päättökoe fr: examen de sortie it: esame finale lt: baigiamasis egzaminas nl: eindexamen pl: egzamin końcowy pt: Exame final ro: examinare finala tr: final sınavı SN: Test that assesses the knowledge, skills and competences at the end of an educational course or stage. UF qualifying examination BT examination financial administration USE financial management financial aid USE financial support TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 250 financial autonomy MT (14) cs: finanční autonomie de: Finanzautonomie el: οικονομική αυτονομία es: autonomía financiera et: finantsautonoomia fi: taloudellinen autonomia fr: autonomie financière it: autonomia finanziaria lt: finansinis savarankiškumas nl: financiële autonomie pl: niezależność finansowa pt: Autonomia financeira ro: autonomie financiara tr: mali özerklik BT autonomy financial contribution by parents USE parental contribution financial control MT (05) cs: finanční kontrola de: Finanzkontrolle el: οικονομικός έλεγχος es: control financiero et: finantskontroll fi: varainhoidon valvonta fr: contrôle financier it: controllo finanziario lt: finansų kontrolė nl: financiële controle pl: kontrola finansowa pt: Controlo financeiro ro: control financiar tr: mali kontrol UF budgetary control BT financial management financial flows USE transfer of funds TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 251 financial incentive MT (16) cs: finanční pobídka de: finanzieller Anreiz el: οικονομικό κίνητρο es: incentivo financiero et: rahaline stiimul fi: taloudellinen kannustin fr: incitation financière it: incentivo finanziario lt: piniginis skatinimas nl: financiële prikkel pl: motywacja finansowa pt: Incentivo financeiro ro: stimulent financiar tr: mali teşvik UF incentive pay RT incentive financial management MT (05) cs: řízení financí de: Finanzmanagement el: οικονομική διαχείριση es: gestión financiera et: finantsjuhtimine fi: varainhoito fr: gestion financière it: gestione finanziaria lt: finansų valdymas nl: financieel beheer pl: zarządzanie finansami pt: Gestão financeira ro: management financiar tr: mali yönetim UF financial administration NT financial control financial resources USE financing TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 252 financial support MT (05) cs: finanční podpora de: finanzielle Unterstützung el: οικονομική ενίσχυση es: ayuda financiera et: rahaline toetus fi: taloudellinen tuki fr: soutien financier it: sostegno finanziario lt: finansinė parama nl: financiële steun pl: wsparcie finansowe pt: Apoio financeiro ro: suport financiar tr: mali destek UF benefit UF financial aid UF subsidy UF support in cash BT support measure NT education grant NT family allowance NT loan NT scholarship NT tax relief financial transfer USE transfer of funds financing MT (05) cs: financování de: Finanzierung el: χρηματοδότηση es: financiación et: rahastamine fi: rahoitus fr: financement it: finanziamento lt: finansavimas nl: financiering pl: finansowanie pt: Financiamento ro: finantare tr: finansman UF financial resources UF funding NT financing of education NT investment RT educational expenditure RT financing method RT transfer of funds TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 253 financing method MT (05) cs: metoda financování de: Finanzierungsart el: μέθοδος χρηματοδότησης es: método de financiación et: rahastamismeetod fi: rahoitusmuoto fr: mode de financement it: metodo di finanziamento lt: finansavimo metodas nl: financieringsmethode pl: sposób finansowania pt: Método de financiamento ro: metode financiare tr: finansman yöntemi UF funding method NT block grant NT education voucher NT per capita funding NT performance-based funding RT financing financing of education MT (05) cs: financování vzdělávání de: Bildungsfinanzierung el: χρηματοδότηση της παιδείας es: financiación de la educación et: hariduse rahastamine fi: koulutuksen rahoitus fr: financement de l'éducation it: finanziamento dell'educazione lt: švietimo finansavimas nl: onderwijsfinanciering pl: finansowanie edukacji pt: Financiamento da educação ro: finantarea educatiei tr: eğitimin finansmanı BT financing RT education RT free education RT resource allocation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 254 Finland MT (19) cs: Finsko de: Finnland el: Φινλανδία es: Finlandia et: Soome fi: Suomi fr: Finlande it: Finlandia lt: Suomija nl: Finland pl: Finlandia pt: Finlândia ro: Finlanda tr: Finlandiya Finnish MT (17) cs: finština de: Finnisch el: Φινλανδική γλώσσα es: finés et: soome keel fi: suomen kieli fr: finnois it: finlandese lt: suomių kalba nl: Fins pl: fiński pt: Finlandês ro: finlandeza tr: Fince BT Uralic languages first study cycle USE bachelor degree studies first-cycle studies USE bachelor degree studies fixed assets USE capital resources TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 255 fixed-term contract MT (16) cs: pracovní smlouva na dobu určitou de: befristeter Arbeitsvertrag el: συμβόλαιο ορισμένου χρόνου es: contrato temporal et: tähtajaline leping fi: määräaikainen sopimus fr: contrat à durée déterminée it: contratto a tempo determinato lt: terminuotoji darbo sutartis nl: tijdelijk contract pl: umowa na czas określony pt: Contrato a termo certo ro: contract pe durată determinată tr: süreli sözleşme UF limited-term contract BT employment contract Flanders USE Flemish Community of Belgium Flemish USE Dutch Flemish Community USE Flemish Community of Belgium Flemish Community of Belgium MT (19) cs: Vlámské společenství Belgie de: Flämische Gemeinschaft Belgiens el: Φλαμανδική Κοινότητα του Βελγίου es: comunidad flamenca de Bélgica et: Belgia flaami kogukond fi: Flanderi fr: Communauté Flamande de Belgique it: Comunità fiamminga del Belgio lt: Belgijos flamandų bendruomenė nl: Vlaamse Gemeenschap van België pl: Wspólnota Flamandzka Belgii pt: Comunidade Flamenga da Bélgica ro: Belgia - Comunitatea Flamanda tr: Belçika Flaman Cemiyeti UF Dutch-speaking Community of Belgium UF Flanders UF Flemish Community UF Flemish Region Flemish Region USE Flemish Community of Belgium TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 256 flexibility MT (10) cs: pružnost de: Flexibilität el: ευελιξία es: flexibilidad et: paindlikkus fi: joustavuus fr: flexibilité it: flessibilità lt: lankstumas nl: flexibiliteit pl: elastyczność pt: Flexibilidade ro: flexibilitate tr: esneklik BT attitude flexible timetable MT (04) cs: pružný učební plán de: flexibles Stundenvolumen el: ευέλικτο πρόγραμμα es: horario flexible et: paindlik õppekava fi: joustava lukujärjestys fr: horaire flexible it: orario flessibile lt: lankstus tvarkaraštis nl: flexibele lessentabel pl: autonomiczny plan zajęć pt: Horário flexível ro: orar flexibil tr: esnek zaman çizelgesi SN: A timetable for compulsory subjects which is only partially fixed by the central authority (if at all), leaving schools free to allocate the remaining amount of time to the subjects of their choice. BT timetable flyer USE leaflet TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 257 forecasting MT (04) cs: prognóza de: Vorausschau el: πρόβλεψη es: previsión et: prognoosimine fi: ennakointi fr: prévision it: previsione lt: prognozavimas nl: voorspelling pl: prognozowanie pt: Previsão ro: prognoza tr: tahmin BT education policy foreign language instruction USE foreign language teaching foreign language learning USE foreign language teaching foreign language offer USE foreign language provision foreign language provision MT (07) cs: nabídka cizích jazyků de: Fremdsprachenangebot el: παροχή δεύτερης ξένης γλώσσας es: oferta de lenguas extranjeras et: võõrkeelevalikud fi: vieraiden kielten tarjonta fr: offre en langues étrangères it: offerta di lingue straniere lt: užsienio kalbų pasiūla nl: aanbod vreemde talen pl: oferta języków obcych pt: Oferta de línguas estrangeiras ro: pregatirea intr-o limba straina tr: yabancı dil hizmeti UF foreign language offer BT educational provision NT number of languages taught TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 258 foreign language teaching MT (07) cs: výuka cizích jazyků de: Fremdsprachenunterricht el: διδασκαλία ξένης γλώσσας es: enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras et: võõrkeeleõpe fi: vieraiden kielten opetus fr: enseignement des langues étrangères it: insegnamento delle lingue straniere lt: užsienio kalbų mokymas nl: onderwijs moderne vreemde talen pl: nauczanie języków obcych pt: Ensino de línguas estrangeiras ro: predarea unei limbi straine tr: ana dili yabancı olan öğrenci UF foreign language instruction UF foreign language learning UF foreign languages UF modern languages BT language teaching RT immersion foreign languages USE foreign language teaching foreign mother tongue pupil USE foreign mother tongue student foreign mother tongue student MT (11) cs: student s cizím mateřským jazykem de: Student fremder Muttersprache el: σπουδαστής ξένης γλώσσας es: alumno de lengua materna extranjera et: muu emakeelega üli/õpilane fi: vieraskielinen opiskelija fr: étudiant de langue maternelle étrangère it: studente di lingua madre straniera lt: kitakalbis mokinys nl: anderstalige student pl: student obcojęzyczny pt: Estudante de língua materna estrangeira ro: student a carui limba materna este straina tr: yabancı ana dil öğrencisi UF foreign mother tongue pupil BT student RT immigrant RT language support TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 259 foreign policy MT (14) cs: zahraniční politika de: Außenpolitik el: εξωτερική πολιτική es: política exterior et: välispoliitika fi: ulkopolitiikka fr: politique étrangère it: politica estera lt: užsienio politika nl: buitenlands beleid pl: polityka zagraniczna pt: Política externa ro: politica externa tr: dış politika BT politics NT international relations foreigner MT (15) cs: cizinec de: Ausländer el: ξένος es: extranjero et: välismaalane fi: ulkomaalainen fr: étranger it: straniero lt: užsienietis nl: vreemdeling pl: cudzoziemiec pt: Estrangeiro ro: străin tr: yabancı BT population TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 260 form teacher MT (11) cs: třídní učitel de: Klassenvorstand el: υπεύθυνος καθηγητής es: tutor et: klassijuhataja fi: luokanopettaja fr: titulaire de classe it: docente coordinatore lt: klasės vadovas nl: klasleraar pl: wychowawca klasy pt: Director de turma ro: profesor diriginte tr: sınıf öğretmeni SN: Teachers who not only have teaching but also administrative, organisational and pastoral duties for a specific class. UF class teacher BT teacher formal education MT (02) cs: formální vzdělávání de: formale Bildung el: τυπική εκπαίδευση es: educación formal et: formaalõpe fi: virallinen koulutus fr: éducation formelle it: istruzione formale lt: formalusis švietimas nl: formeel onderwijs pl: kształcenie formalne pt: Educação formal ro: educatia formala tr: formel eğitim SN: Learning that occurs in an organised and structured environment (in a school/training centre or on the job) and is explicitly designated as learning (in terms of objectives, time or resources). Formal learning is intentionally from the learner's point of view. It typically leads to certification (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF formal learning UF school system BT lifelong learning NT schooling formal learning USE formal education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 261 formal lecturing MT (08) cs: frontální vyučování de: Frontalunterricht el: τυπική διάλεξη es: clase magistral et: loengupidamine fi: luennointi fr: enseignement magistral it: insegnamento frontale lt: formalusis dėstymas nl: frontaalonderwijs pl: nauczanie ex-cathedra pt: Ensino magistral ro: discurs formal tr: formel öğretim UF ex-cathedra teaching BT teaching method formal qualification MT (09) cs: formální kvalifikace de: formeller Abschluss el: τυπικό προσόν es: cualificación formal et: ametlik kvalifikatsioon fi: muodollinen pätevyys fr: qualification formelle it: qualifica formale lt: formalioji kvalifikacija nl: formele kwalificatie pl: kwalifikacje formalne pt: Qualificação formal ro: calificare formala tr: formel nitelik BT qualification formative evaluation MT (09) cs: formativní hodnocení de: formative Evaluation el: διαμορφωτική αξιολόγηση es: evaluación formativa et: protsessihindamine fi: formatiivinen arviointi fr: évaluation formative it: valutazione formativa lt: formuojamasis vertinimas nl: formatieve evaluatie pl: ocena formatywna pt: Avaliação formativa ro: evaluare formativa tr: formatif değerlendirme BT evaluation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 262 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia USE FYROM forum MT (21) cs: fórum de: Forum el: τόπος δημόσιας συζήτησης es: foro et: foorum fi: foorumi fr: forum it: forum lt: forumas nl: forum pl: forum pt: Fórum ro: forum tr: forum forward planning USE educational planning founder USE organising body France MT (19) cs: Francie de: Frankreich el: Γαλλία es: Francia et: Prantsusmaa fi: Ranska fr: France it: Francia lt: Prancūzija nl: Frankrijk pl: Francja pt: França ro: Franta tr: Fransa TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 263 free education MT (04) cs: bezplatné vzdělávání de: Schulgeldfreiheit el: δωρεάν παιδεία es: enseñanza gratuita et: tasuta haridus fi: ilmainen koulutus fr: enseignement gratuit it: istruzione gratuita lt: nemokamas mokslas nl: kosteloos onderwijs pl: nauczanie bezpłatne pt: Ensino gratuito ro: educatie libera tr: parasız eğitim SN: Education that does not require the payment of fees. (Source: adapted from ERIC 2005 online version) UF free schooling BT education policy RT financing of education free movement MT (04) cs: volný pohyb de: Freizügigkeit von Personen el: ελεύθερη πρόσβαση es: libre circulación et: liikumisvabadus fi: vapaa liikkuvuus fr: libre circulation it: libera circolazione lt: judėjimo laisvė nl: bewegingsvrijheid pl: swobodny przepływ osób pt: Livre circulação ro: libera circulaţie tr: serbest hareketlilik BT mobility NT occupational mobility NT student mobility free schooling USE free education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 264 freedom MT (15) cs: svoboda de: Freiheit el: ελευθερία es: libertad et: vabadus fi: vapaus fr: liberté it: libertà lt: laisvė nl: vrijheid pl: wolność pt: Liberdade ro: libertate tr: özgürlük BT civic values freedom of teaching USE educational freedom French MT (17) cs: francouzština de: Französisch el: Γαλλική γλώσσα es: francés et: prantsuse keel fi: ranskan kieli fr: français it: francese lt: prancūzų kalba nl: Frans pl: francuski pt: Francês ro: franceza tr: Fransızca BT Romance languages French Community USE French Community of Belgium TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 265 French Community of Belgium MT (19) cs: Francouzské společenství Belgie de: Französische Gemeinschaft Belgiens el: Γαλλική Κοινότητα του Βελγίου es: comunidad francesa de Bélgica et: Belgia prantsuse kogukond fi: Belgian ranskankielinen yhteisö fr: Communauté Française de Belgique it: Comunità francese del Belgio lt: Belgijos prancūzų bendruomenė nl: Franse Gemeenschap van België pl: Wspólnota Francuska Belgii pt: Comunidade Francófona da Bélgica ro: Belgia - Comunitatea Franceza tr: Belçika Fransız Cemiyeti UF French Community UF French-speaking Belgium UF Walloon Region French-speaking Belgium USE French Community of Belgium Frisian MT (17) cs: fríština de: Friesisch el: Φρισλανδικά es: frisón et: friisi keel fi: friisin kieli fr: frison it: frisone lt: fryzų kalba nl: Fries pl: fryzyjski pt: Frísio ro: Frizian tr: Frizce BT Germanic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 266 full-day school MT (06) cs: škola s celodenním provozem de: Ganztagsschule el: ολοήμερο σχολείο es: centro de enseñanza a tiempo completo et: päevakool fi: kokopäiväkoulu fr: enseignement à temps plein it: scuola a tempo pieno lt: visos dienos mokykla nl: volledig dagonderwijs pl: szkoła dzienna pt: Escola a tempo inteiro ro: scoala cu cursuri de zi tr: tam gün okul SN: School delivering education to the same pupils during morning and afternoon sessions. UF all-day school BT school full-time MT (18) cs: plný de: Vollzeit el: πλήρης απασχόληση es: a tiempo completo et: täiskoormusega fi: kokopäivä fr: plein temps it: tempo pieno lt: viso laiko nl: voltijds pl: w pełnym wymiarze godzin pt: Tempo inteiro ro: full-time tr: tam zamanlı SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. function USE responsibility TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 267 functional literacy MT (10) cs: funkční gramotnost de: funktionale Alphabetisierung el: λειτουργικός αλφαβητισμός es: alfabetización funcional et: funktsionaalne kirjaoskus fi: toiminnallinen lukutaito fr: alphabétisation fonctionnelle it: alfabetizzazione funzionale lt: funkcinis raštingumas nl: functionele geletterdheid pl: alfabetyzacja funkcjonalna pt: Literacia funcional ro: alfabetizare functionala tr: işlevsel okur yazarlık SN: The minimum level of literacy needed to function in a given environment. BT literacy fundamental education USE basic education funding USE financing funding method USE financing method furniture MT (06) cs: nábytek de: Mobiliar el: επίπλωση es: mobiliario et: mööbel fi: kalusteet fr: mobilier it: mobilio lt: baldai nl: meubilair pl: meble pt: Mobiliário ro: mobilier tr: mobilya BT equipment further education of teachers USE in-service teacher training TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 268 FYROM MT (19) cs: Makedonská republika de: FYROM el: FYROM es: ARYM et: endine Jugoslaavia Makedoonia vabariik fi: Entinen Jugoslavian tasavalta Makedonia fr: FYROM it: FYROM lt: buvusi Jugoslavijos respublika Makedonija nl: Voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek Macedonië pl: była Jugosłowiańska Republika Macedonii pt: FYROM ro: FYROM tr: EYMC UF Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Gaelic languages USE Celtic languages Galicia MT (19) cs: Galicie de: Galicien el: Γαλικία es: Galicia et: Galiitsia fi: Galicia fr: Galice it: Galizia lt: Galicija nl: Galicië pl: Galicja pt: Galiza ro: Galitia tr: Galiçya TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 269 Galician MT (17) cs: galicijština de: Galicisch el: Γαλικιανά es: gallego et: galeegi keel fi: galego fr: galicien it: galiziano lt: galisų kalba nl: Galisisch pl: galicyjski pt: Galego ro: galiciana tr: Galiçyaca BT Romance languages GDP USE economic data GDR USE German Democratic Republic gender MT (15) cs: gender de: Geschlecht el: γένος es: sexo et: sugu fi: sukupuoli fr: sexe it: sesso lt: lytis nl: geslacht pl: płeć pt: Sexo ro: gen tr: cinsiyet UF sex NT female NT male gender differences USE gender equality gender discrepancy USE gender equality TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 270 gender equality MT (15) cs: rovnost pohlaví de: Gleichstellung der Geschlechter el: ισότητα φύλων es: igualdad de género et: sooline võrdsus fi: sukupuolten tasa-arvo fr: égalité des sexes it: uguaglianza dei sessi lt: lyčių lygybė nl: gelijkheid van de geslachten pl: równość płci pt: Igualdade dos sexos ro: egalitate sexelor tr: cinsiyet eşitliği UF gender differences UF gender discrepancy UF gender gap UF gender mainstreaming BT social structure gender gap USE gender equality gender mainstreaming USE gender equality general education MT (02) cs: všeobecné vzdělávání de: allgemeinbildendes Schulwesen el: Γενική Παιδεία es: educación general et: üldharidus fi: yleissivistävä koulutus fr: enseignement général it: istruzione generale lt: bendrasis lavinimas nl: algemeen onderwijs pl: kształcenie ogólne pt: Ensino geral ro: educatie generala tr: genel eğitim SN: Education which, in its choice of subject matter, does not envisage any kind of specialisation with a view to preparing students/pupils for work in a particular sector (Source: Adapted from European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF † general higher education BT branch of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 271 general education certificate MT (09) cs: doklad o všeobecném vzdělání de: Abschlusszeugnis der Allgemeinbildung el: πιστοποιητικό γενικής παιδείας es: certificado de educación general et: üldharidustunnistus fi: yleissivistävän koulutuksen todistus fr: certificat de l'enseignement général it: diploma di istruzione generale lt: bendrojo išsilavinimo pažymėjimas nl: diploma algemeen vormend onderwijs pl: świadectwo wykształcenia ogólnego pt: Certificado de conclusão do ensino básico ro: certificat de educatie generala tr: genel eğitim sertifikası UF academic qualification UF general education qualification BT certificate general education qualification USE general education certificate general higher education USE general education + higher education generalist teacher MT (11) cs: učitel univerzalista de: Lehrer ohne Fachspezialisierung el: εκπαιδευτικός γενικής κατάρτισης es: profesor generalista et: klassiõpetaja fi: yleisopettaja fr: enseignant généraliste it: docente generalista lt: universalus mokytojas nl: niet-vakleerkracht pl: nauczyciel przedmiotów zintegrowanych pt: Professor generalista ro: profesor generalist tr: genel kültür öğretmeni SN: Teachers qualified to teach all subjects at the educational level for which they are qualified. UF non-specialist teacher BT teacher TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 272 geographical decentralisation MT (14) cs: geografická decentralizace de: räumliche Dezentralisierung el: γεωγραφική αποκέντρωση es: descentralización geográfica et: piirkondlik detsentraliseerimine fi: maantieteellinen hajauttaminen fr: décentralisation géographique it: decentramento geografico lt: geografinis decentralizavimas nl: geografische decentralisatie pl: decentralizacja geograficzna pt: Descentralização geográfica ro: descentralizare geografica tr: coğrafi ademi merkeziyet SN: Presence or representation of the central authority at regional or local level. UF geographical decentralization BT decentralisation geographical decentralization USE geographical decentralisation geography MT (07) cs: zeměpis de: Geografie el: γεωγραφία es: geografía et: maateadus fi: maantiede fr: géographie it: geografia lt: geografija nl: aardrijkskunde pl: geografia pt: Geografia ro: geografie tr: coğrafya BT natural sciences geometry USE mathematics TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 273 Georgia MT (19) cs: Gruzie de: Georgien el: Γεωργία es: Georgia et: Gruusia fi: Georgia fr: Géorgie it: Georgia lt: Gruzija nl: Georgië pl: Gruzja pt: Geórgia ro: Georgia tr: Gürcistan German MT (17) cs: němčina de: Deutsch el: Γερμανική γλώσσα es: alemán et: saksa keel fi: saksan kieli fr: allemand it: tedesco lt: vokiečių kalba nl: Duits pl: niemiecki pt: Alemão ro: german tr: Almanca BT Germanic languages NT Alemannic NT Moselle Franconian TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 274 German Democratic Republic MT (19) cs: Německá demokratická republika de: Deutsche Demokratische Republik el: Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία της Γερμανίας es: República Democrática de Alemania et: Saksa Demokraatlik Vabariik fi: Saksan demokraattinen tasavalta fr: République démocratique d'Allemagne it: Repubblica democratica tedesca lt: Vokietijos Demokratinė Respublika nl: Duitse Democratische Republiek pl: Niemiecka Republika Demokratyczna pt: República Democrática da Alemanha ro: Republica Democrata Germana tr: Demoktatik Alman Cumhuriyeti SN: From 1949 till 1990. UF GDR German Federal Republic USE Germany German speaking Community USE German-speaking Community of Belgium German-speaking Community of Belgium MT (19) cs: Německy mluvící společenství Belgie de: Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Belgiens el: Γερμανόφωνη Κοινότητα του Βελγίου es: comunidad germanófona de Bélgica et: Belgia saksa kogukond fi: Belgian saksankielinen yhteisö fr: Communauté germanophone de Belgique it: Comunità tedesca del Belgio lt: Belgijos vokiečiakalbių bendruomenė nl: Duitstalige Gemeenschap van België pl: Wspólnota Niemieckojęzyczna Belgii pt: Comunidade Germanófona da Bélgica ro: Belgia - Comunitatea germana tr: Almanca Konuşan Belçikalılar Topluluğu UF German speaking Community TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 275 Germanic languages MT (17) cs: germánské jazyky de: germanische Sprachen el: Γερμανικές γλώσσες es: lenguas germánicas et: germaani keeled fi: germaaniset kielet fr: langues germaniques it: lingue germaniche lt: germanų kalbos nl: Germaanse talen pl: języki germańskie pt: Línguas germânicas ro: limbi germanice tr: Germanik diller BT Indo-European languages NT Danish NT Dutch NT English NT Faroese NT Frisian NT German NT Icelandic NT Norwegian NT Swedish NT Yiddish Germany MT (19) cs: Německo de: Deutschland el: Γερμανία es: Alemania et: Saksamaa fi: Saksa fr: Allemagne it: Germania lt: Vokietija nl: Duitsland pl: Niemcy pt: Alemanha ro: Germania tr: Almanya UF Federal Republic of Germany UF German Federal Republic TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 276 gifted MT (10) cs: nadaný de: begabt el: προικισμένος es: superdotado et: andekas fi: lahjakas fr: doué it: dotato lt: gabus nl: begaafd pl: uzdolniony pt: Dotado ro: talentat /supradotat /genial tr: yetenekli UF highly gifted UF talented RT intelligence girl MT (15) cs: dívka de: Mädchen el: κορίτσι es: chica et: tüdruk fi: tyttö fr: jeune fille it: ragazza lt: mergaitė nl: meisje pl: dziewczynka pt: Rapariga ro: fata tr: kız BT female TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 277 girls' school MT (06) cs: dívčí škola de: Mädchenschule el: σχολείο θηλέων es: escuela femenina et: tütarlastekool fi: tyttökoulu fr: école de filles it: scuola femminile lt: mergaičių mokykla nl: meisjesschool pl: szkoła żeńska pt: Escola feminina ro: scoala de fete tr: kız okulu BT school globalisation MT (15) cs: globalizace de: Globalisierung el: παγκοσμιοποίηση es: globalización et: maailmastumine fi: globalisaatio fr: globalisation it: globalizzazione lt: globalizacija nl: globalisering pl: globalizacja pt: Globalização ro: globarizare tr: küreselleşme NT globalisation of education globalisation of education MT (15) cs: globalizace vzdělávání de: Globalisierung der Bildung el: παγκοσμιοποίηση της εκπαίδευσης es: globalización de la educación et: hariduse maailmastumine fi: koulutuksen globalisaatio fr: globalisation de l'éducation it: globalizzazione dell'educazione lt: švietimo globalizacija nl: globalisering van onderwijs pl: globalizacja edukacji pt: Globalização da educação ro: globarizarea educatiei tr: eğitimin küreselleşmesi BT globalisation RT international dimension TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 278 glossary MT (21) cs: glosář de: Glossar el: γλωσσάριο es: glosario et: seletussõnastik fi: sanasto fr: glossaire it: glossario lt: glosarijus nl: glossarium pl: glosariusz pt: Glossário ro: glosar tr: terimler sözlüğü SN: A list of terms and their definition in a specified context. GNP USE economic data good practice USE best practice governance MT (14) cs: správa věcí veřejných de: Governance el: διακυβέρνηση es: gobernanza et: valitsemine fi: hallintotapa fr: gouvernance it: governance lt: valdžia nl: governance pl: rządzenie pt: Governança ro: guvernare /conducere /autoritate tr: yönetişim SN: Refers to the process whereby elements in society wield power and authority, and influence and enact policies and decisions concerning public life (Source: Eurovoc Thesaurus, 2005 online version). NT accountability NT autonomy NT subsidiarity (European Union) RT supervision governing board USE governing body TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 279 governing body MT (04) cs: řídící orgán de: Leitungsgremium el: κυβερνών σώμα es: órgano de gobierno et: valitsusorgan fi: johtokunta fr: conseil d'administration it: organo di governo lt: valdymo taryba nl: bestuursorgaan pl: organ kierowniczy pt: Direcção administrativa ro: organismul de conducere tr: idari organ SN: Group charged with the responsibility for some degree of control over managing the affairs of a public or private institution (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF board of governors UF governing board UF management body UF supervisory body NT class council NT school board NT school council government MT (14) cs: vláda de: Regierung el: κυβέρνηση es: gobierno et: valitsus fi: hallitus fr: gouvernement it: governo lt: vyriausybė nl: regering pl: rząd pt: Governo ro: guvern /guvernare tr: hükümet NT executive power NT judicial power NT legislative power government spending USE public funds government-dependent private school USE grant-aided private school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 280 grade MT (02) cs: ročník de: Jahrgangsstufe el: βαθμίδα es: curso escolar et: aastakäik fi: vuosiluokka fr: année de scolarité it: anno di scolarità lt: klasė / kursas nl: leerjaar pl: rok nauki pt: Ano de escolaridade ro: grad tr: seviye SN: All pupils or students/pupils following the same educational programme during the course of one school year. UF grade level BT educational stage grade level USE grade grading USE marking graduate MT (11) cs: absolvent vysoké školy de: Hochschulabsolvent el: απόφοιτος es: titulado et: kõrgharitu fi: tutkinnon suorittanut fr: diplômé de l'enseignement supérieur it: laureato lt: absolventas nl: afgestudeerde in het hoger onderwijs pl: absolwent szkoły wyższej pt: Diplomado de ensino superior ro: absolvent /licentiat tr: mezun BT student TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 281 grammar MT (07) cs: gramatika de: Grammatik el: γραμματική es: gramática et: grammatika fi: kielioppi fr: grammaire it: grammatica lt: gramatika nl: grammatica pl: gramatyka pt: Gramática ro: gramatica tr: dilbilgisi BT language teaching grant-aided private school MT (06) cs: subvencovaná soukromá škola de: subventionierte Privatschule el: ιδιωτικό σχολείο που χρηματοδοτείται από το δημόσιο es: centro privado concertado et: tegevustoetusega erakool fi: julkisrahoitteinen yksityiskoulu fr: école subventionnée it: scuola privata sovvenzionata lt: dotuojama privati mokykla nl: niet-openbare door de overheid bekostigde school pl: subsydiowana szkoła prywatna pt: Escola subvencionada ro: scoala particulara cu ajutor de la stat tr: devlet destekli özel okul UF government-dependent private school BT private school Greece MT (19) cs: Řecko de: Griechenland el: Ελλάδα es: Grecia et: Kreeka fi: Kreikka fr: Grèce it: Grecia lt: Graikija nl: Griekenland pl: Grecja pt: Grécia ro: Grecia tr: Yunanistan TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 282 Greek MT (17) cs: řečtina de: Griechisch el: Ελληνική Γλώσσα es: griego et: kreeka keel fi: kreikan kieli fr: grec it: greco lt: graikų kalba nl: Grieks pl: grecki pt: Grego ro: grec tr: Yunanca UF Modern Greek BT Indo-European languages NT Ancient Greek green paper MT (21) cs: zelená kniha de: Grünbuch el: πράσινη βίβλος es: libro verde et: roheline raamat fi: vihreä kirja fr: livre vert it: libro verde lt: žalioji knyga nl: groenboek pl: Zielona Księga pt: Livro verde ro: cartea verde tr: yeşil kitap SN: Document setting out proposals for action in a given policy area in order to stimulate discussion. Greenland MT (19) cs: Grónsko de: Grönland el: Γροιλανδία es: Groenlandia et: Gröönimaa fi: Grönlanti fr: Groenland it: Groenlandia lt: Grenlandija nl: Groenland pl: Grenlandia pt: Gronelândia ro: Groenlanda tr: Grönland TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 283 Greenlandic MT (17) cs: grónština de: Grönländisch el: Γροιλανδική γλώσσα es: groenlandés et: grööni keel fi: grönlannin kieli fr: groenlandais it: groenlandese lt: grenlandų kalba nl: Groenlands pl: grenlandzki pt: Gronelandês ro: Groenlandez tr: Grönlandca UF Inuktitut UF Kalaallisut BT Eskimo-Aleut languages gross domestic product USE economic data gross national product USE economic data group MT (15) cs: skupina de: Gruppe el: ομάδα es: grupo et: rühm fi: ryhmä fr: groupe it: gruppo lt: grupė nl: groep pl: grupa pt: Grupo ro: grup tr: grup NT club NT working group TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 284 group learning MT (08) cs: skupinové vyučování de: Gruppenlernen el: ομαδική μάθηση es: aprendizaje en grupo et: rühmaõpe fi: ryhmäoppiminen fr: apprentissage en groupe it: apprendimento di gruppo lt: grupinis mokymasis nl: groepsleren pl: uczenie się grupowe pt: Pedagogia de grupo ro: grup de invatare tr: grup öğrenme UF collaborative learning UF collective learning BT learning grouping MT (08) cs: vytváření skupin de: Gruppenbildung el: ομαδοποίηση es: agrupamiento et: rühmitamine fi: ryhmittely fr: groupement it: raggruppamento lt: grupavimas nl: groepering pl: podział na grupy pt: Agrupamento ro: grupare tr: gruplama SN: Refers to the grouping of learners. UF class composition UF setting UF streaming BT class management NT heterogeneous class NT homogeneous class TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 285 Grundtvig MT (20) cs: Grundtvig de: Grundtvig el: Grundtvig es: Grundtvig et: Grundtvig fi: Grundtvig fr: Grundtvig it: Grundtvig lt: Grundtvig nl: Grundtvig pl: Grundtvig pt: Grundtvig ro: Grundtvig tr: Grundtvig guardian USE parents guidance MT (09) cs: poradenství de: Beratung el: καθοδήγηση es: orientación et: nõustamine fi: ohjaus fr: orientation it: orientamento lt: orientavimas nl: leerlingbegeleiding pl: poradnictwo pt: Orientação ro: indrumare /orientare tr: rehberlik SN: A range of activities designed to help individuals take educational, vocational or personal decisions (Source: Adapted from Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF advising UF counselling UF pastoral care NT consultation NT educational guidance NT mentoring NT vocational guidance RT choice of school RT choice of studies RT choice of training RT guidance officer TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 286 guidance officer MT (11) cs: výchovný poradce de: Beratungsbeauftragter el: σύμβουλος es: orientador et: nõustaja fi: opinto-ohjaaja fr: conseiller d'orientation it: consulente di orientamento lt: orientavimo tarnautojas nl: adviseur pl: doradca pt: Orientador ro: ofiter de indrumare /ofiter de orientare tr: rehberlik görevlileri UF counsellor BT guidance service BT non-teaching staff RT guidance guidance service MT (11) cs: poradenská služba de: Beratungsstelle el: υπηρεσία συμβουλευτικής es: servicio de orientación et: nõuandetalitus fi: oppilaanohjaus fr: service d'orientation it: servizio di orientamento lt: orientavimo tarnyba nl: leerlingenbegeleidingsdienst pl: poradnia pt: Serviço de orientação ro: serviciu de indrumare /serviciu de orientare tr: rehberlik servisi SN: Body offering advice and guidance to individual learners. NT guidance officer NT psychology service TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 287 guide MT (21) cs: metodický návod de: Handbuch el: οδηγός es: guía et: juhend fi: opas fr: guide it: guida lt: vadovas nl: handleiding pl: poradnik pt: Guia ro: ghid tr: rehber SN: Document containing introductory information comprehensive enough for a user to carry out an operation (Source: Cedefop, European Training Thesaurus, 2001). UF handbook UF manual gypsy language USE Romani hall of residence USE student housing Hamburg MT (19) cs: Hamburk de: Hamburg el: Αμβούργο es: Hamburgo et: Hamburg fi: Hampuri fr: Hambourg it: Amburgo lt: Hamburgas nl: Hamburg pl: Hamburg pt: Hamburgo ro: Hamburg tr: Hamburg handbook USE guide handicap USE disability handicapped USE people with disabilities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 288 hardware MT (06) (13) cs: hardware de: Hardware el: υλικό υπολογιστικού συστήματος es: hardware et: riistvara fi: laitteisto fr: matériel informatique it: hardware lt: techninė įranga nl: hardware pl: sprzęt komputerowy pt: Equipamento informático ro: hardware tr: donanım BT ICT equipment NT computer headmaster USE headteacher headmistress USE headteacher headteacher MT (11) cs: ředitel školy de: Schulleiter el: διευθυντής του σχολείου es: director et: direktor fi: rehtori fr: chef d'établissement scolaire it: dirigente scolastico lt: (mokyklos) direktorius nl: schoolleider pl: dyrektor szkoły pt: Responsável pelo estabelecimento de ensino ro: rector? tr: okul müdürü UF headmaster UF headmistress UF principal UF school head BT teacher RT evaluation by headteachers RT evaluation of headteachers RT managerial staff TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 289 headteacher salary MT (16) cs: plat ředitele školy de: Schulleitergehalt el: αμοιβή διευθυντού σχολείου es: salario del director et: direktori palk fi: rehtorin palkka fr: salaire de chef d'établissement it: stipendio del capo d'istituto lt: (mokyklos) direktoriaus atlyginimas nl: salaris schoolleider pl: wynagrodzenie dyrektora szkoły pt: Salário do responsável pelo estabelecimento de ensino ro: salariul rectorului tr: okul müdürü maaşı UF headteachers' pay BT salary headteachers' pay USE headteacher salary health MT (15) cs: zdraví de: Gesundheit el: υγεία es: salud et: tervis fi: terveys fr: santé it: salute lt: sveikata nl: gezondheid pl: zdrowie pt: Saúde ro: sanatate tr: sağlık NT well-being RT health problems RT safety TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 290 health care MT (15) cs: zdravotní péče de: Gesundheitsvorsorge el: ιατρική περίθαλψη es: asistencia sanitaria et: tervishoid fi: terveydenhuolto fr: soins de santé it: assistenza sanitaria lt: sveikatos priežiūra nl: gezondheidszorg pl: opieka zdrowotna pt: Cuidados de saúde ro: ocrotirea sanatatii tr: sağlık bakımı RT health service health education MT (07) cs: výchova ke zdraví de: Gesundheitserziehung el: αγωγή υγείας es: educación para la salud et: tervisekasvatus fi: terveyskasvatus fr: éducation à la santé it: educazione alla salute lt: sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas nl: gezondheidsonderwijs pl: edukacja zdrowotna pt: Educação para a saúde ro: educatie pentru sanatate tr: sağlık eğitimi BT health sciences TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 291 health problems MT (15) cs: zdravotní potíže de: Gesundheitsprobleme el: προβλήματα υγείας es: problemas de salud et: terviseprobleemid fi: terveysongelmat fr: problèmes de santé it: problemi di salute lt: sveikatos problemos nl: gezondheidsproblemen pl: problemy zdrowotne pt: Problemas de saúde ro: probleme de sanatate tr: sağlık problemleri NT drug abuse NT illness RT health RT prevention health sciences MT (07) cs: zdravotnické vědy de: Gesundheitswissenschaften el: επιστήμες υγείας es: ciencias de la salud et: terviseteadused fi: terveystieteet fr: sciences de la santé it: scienze della salute lt: sveikatos mokslai nl: gezondheidswetenschappen pl: nauki o zdrowiu pt: Ciências da saúde ro: stiintele sanatatii tr: sağlık bilimleri BT content of learning NT health education NT human medicine NT nutrition education NT physical education NT safety education NT sex education NT veterinary medicine TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 292 health service MT (15) cs: zdravotnictví de: Gesundheitsdienst el: Υγειονομική Υπηρεσία es: sistema de salud et: tervishoiuteenus fi: terveyspalvelu fr: système de santé it: servizio sanitario lt: sveikatos priežiūros tarnyba nl: gezondheidsdienst pl: usługi zdrowotne pt: Serviço de saúde ro: servicii de sanatate tr: sağlık hizmeti NT health service staff RT health care health service personnel USE health service staff health service staff MT (15) cs: zdravotnický personál de: Personal im Gesundheitsdienst el: προσωπικό Υγειονομικής Υπηρεσίας es: personal sanitario et: tervishoiutöötajad fi: terveydenhoitohenkilökunta fr: personnel médical it: personale sanitario lt: sveikatos priežiūros darbuotojai nl: gezondheidspersoneel pl: personel medyczny pt: Pessoal médico ro: conducerea serviciului de sanatate tr: sağlık hizmeti çalışanları UF health service personnel BT health service NT school doctor hearing disability USE hearing impairment TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 293 hearing impairment MT (03) cs: sluchové postižení de: Hörschädigung el: ακουστική ανεπάρκεια es: discapacidad auditiva et: kuulmispuue fi: kuulovamma fr: déficience auditive it: disabilità uditiva lt: klausos sutrikimas nl: gehoorbeperking pl: upośledzenie słuchu pt: Deficiência auditiva ro: deprecierea auzului tr: işitme bozukluğu UF auditory impairment UF deaf UF deafness UF hearing disability BT sensory impairment RT lip-reading Hebrew MT (17) cs: hebrejština de: Hebräisch el: εβραϊκή γλώσσα es: hebreo et: heebrea keel fi: heprea fr: hébreu it: ebraico lt: hebrajų kalba nl: Hebreeuws pl: hebrajski pt: Hebreu ro: evreu tr: İbranice BT Canaanite TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 294 Hesse MT (19) cs: Hesensko de: Hessen el: Έσση es: Hesse et: Hessen fi: Hessen fr: Hesse it: Assia lt: Hesenas nl: Hessen pl: Hesja pt: Hessen ro: Hesse tr: Hesse UF Hessen Hessen USE Hesse heterogeneous class MT (08) cs: heterogenní třída de: heterogene Klasse el: ανομοιογενής τάξη es: clase heterogénea et: heterogeenne klass fi: heterogeeninen luokka fr: classe hétérogène it: classe eterogenea lt: heterogeniška klasė nl: heterogene klas pl: klasa heterogeniczna pt: Turma heterogénea ro: clasa eterogena tr: heterojen sınıf UF mixed-group class BT grouping NT mixed age class TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 295 hidden curriculum MT (07) cs: skryté kurikulum de: heimliches Curriculum el: παράπλευρη εκπαίδευση es: currículo oculto et: peitõppekava fi: piilo-opetussuunnitelma fr: éducation sous-jacente it: curricolo implicito lt: paslėptoji programa nl: verborgen curriculum pl: program ukryty pt: Currículo oculto ro: curriculum ascuns tr: gizli müfredat SN: Refers to the often unchallenged societal values and beliefs learnt by children because they are part of the culture of school rather than of the formal curriculum. BT curriculum higher education MT (02) cs: vysokoškolské vzdělávání de: Hochschulbildung el: ανώτατη εκπαίδευση es: educación superior et: kõrgharidus fi: korkea-asteen koulutus fr: enseignement supérieur it: istruzione superiore lt: studijos (aukštojoje mokykloje) nl: hoger onderwijs pl: szkolnictwo wyższe pt: Ensino superior ro: invatamant superior tr: yüksek öğrenim UF ISCED 5 UF ISCED 6 UF tertiary education UF vocational higher education UF † general higher education BT level of education NT bachelor degree studies NT postgraduate studies RT academic year RT higher education institution RT mature student TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 296 higher education course MT (08) cs: vysokoškolský kurs de: Hochschulstudiengang el: πρόγραμμα σπουδών ανώτατης εκπαίδευσης es: curso de educación superior et: kõrghariduskursus fi: korkea-asteen opinnot fr: cours de l'enseignement supérieur it: corso di istruzione superiore lt: aukštosios mokyklos kursas nl: cursus hoger onderwijs pl: studia wyższe pt: Curso de ensino superior ro: curs de invatamant superior tr: yüksek öğrenim dersi UF higher education study UF tertiary education course UF university course BT course higher education diploma MT (09) cs: vysokoškolský diplom de: Hochschulabschluss el: πτυχίο ανώτατης εκπαίδευσης es: título de educación superior et: kõrgharidusdiplom fi: korkeakoulututkinto fr: diplôme de l'enseignement supérieur it: diploma d'istruzione superiore lt: aukštojo mokslo diplomas nl: diploma hoger onderwijs pl: dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych pt: Diploma de ensino superior ro: diploma de invatamant superior tr: yüksek öğrenim diploması UF degree UF higher education qualification BT certificate NT bachelor's degree NT doctorate NT joint degree NT master's degree TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 297 higher education institution MT (06) cs: vysoká škola de: Hochschule el: ίδρυμα ανώτατης εκπαίδευσης es: institución de educación superior et: kõrgkool fi: korkeakoulu fr: établissement d'enseignement supérieur it: istituto di istruzione superiore lt: aukštoji mokykla nl: instelling voor hoger onderwijs pl: szkoła wyższa pt: Estabelecimento de ensino superior ro: institutie de invatamant superior tr: yüksek öğrenim kurumu BT educational institution NT non-university higher education institution NT open university NT university RT higher education higher education qualification USE higher education diploma higher education study USE higher education course highly gifted USE gifted Hinduism MT (15) cs: hinduismus de: Hinduismus el: Ινδουισμός es: hinduismo et: hinduism fi: hindulaisuus fr: hindouisme it: induismo lt: induizmas nl: Hindoeïsme pl: hinduizm pt: Hinduísmo ro: hinduism tr: Hinduizm BT religion historical overview USE historical perspective TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 298 historical perspective MT (01) cs: historické hledisko de: geschichtliche Perspektive el: ιστορική προοπτική es: perspectiva histórica et: ajalooline ülevaade fi: historiallinen näkökulma fr: perspective historique it: prospettiva storica lt: istorinė perspektyva nl: historisch perspectief pl: perspektywa historyczna pt: Perspectiva histórica ro: perspectiva istorica tr: tarihi bakış açısı UF historical overview RT research history MT (07) cs: dějiny de: Geschichte (Lehrfach) el: ιστορία es: historia et: ajalugu fi: historia fr: histoire it: storia lt: istorija nl: geschiedenis pl: historia pt: História ro: istorie tr: tarih BT humanities history of education MT (01) cs: dějiny pedagogiky de: Bildungsgeschichte el: ιστορία της εκπαίδευσης es: historia de la educación et: pedagoogika ajalugu fi: kasvatushistoria fr: histoire de l'éducation it: storia dell'educazione lt: švietimo istorija nl: onderwijsgeschiedenis pl: historia edukacji pt: História da educação ro: istoria educatiei tr: eğitim tarihi BT sciences of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 299 holiday arrangements USE school calendar holiday regulations USE school calendar holidays MT (04) cs: prázdniny de: Ferien el: διακοπές es: vacaciones et: koolivaheaeg fi: loma fr: vacances it: vacanza lt: atostogos nl: vakantie pl: wakacje pt: Férias ro: vacante tr: tatiller UF vacation BT school calendar RT leisure Holland USE Netherlands home computer MT (06) (13) cs: domácí počítač de: privater Computer el: προσωπικός υπολογιστής es: ordenador de uso doméstico et: koduarvuti fi: kotitietokone fr: ordinateur familial it: computer di casa lt: namų kompiuteris nl: huiscomputer pl: komputer domowy pt: Computador em casa ro: calculator personal tr: ev bilgisayarı SN: Computer in the learner's home. UF home PC UF household computer BT computer home country USE country of origin TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 300 home education MT (02) cs: domácí vzdělávání de: Hauserziehung el: κατ' οίκον διδασκαλία es: educación en casa et: koduõpe fi: kotiopetus fr: éducation à domicile it: istruzione a domicilio lt: ugdymas namuose nl: thuisonderwijs pl: edukacja domowa pt: Educação domiciliária ro: educatia de acasa tr: evde eğitim UF education in the home UF home schooling UF home tuition BT out-of-school education home PC USE home computer home schooling USE home education home tuition USE home education homework MT (08) cs: domácí příprava de: Hausaufgabe el: εργασία για το σπίτι es: deberes et: kodutöö fi: kotitehtävät fr: devoirs it: compiti a casa lt: namų darbas nl: huiswerk pl: praca domowa pt: Trabalho de casa ro: tema de casa tr: ev ödevi BT educational activities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 301 homogeneous class MT (08) cs: homogenní třída de: homogene Klasse el: ομοιογενής τάξη es: clase homogénea et: homogeenne klass fi: homogeeninen luokka fr: classe homogène it: classe omogenea lt: homogeniška klasė nl: homogene klas pl: klasa homogeniczna pt: Turma homogénea ro: clasa omogena tr: homojen sınıf BT grouping hospital teaching MT (02) cs: výuka v nemocnici de: Unterricht im Krankenhaus el: διδασκαλία στο νοσοκομείο es: atención educativa hospitalaria et: haiglaõpe fi: sairaalaopetus fr: enseignement en milieu hospitalier it: scuola in ospedale lt: mokymas gydymo įstaigoje nl: ziekenhuisonderwijs pl: nauczanie w szpitalu pt: Ensino em ambiente hospitalar ro: predare la spital tr: hastane öğretimi BT out-of-school education host country MT (15) cs: hostitelská země de: Gastland el: χώρα υποδοχής es: país de acogida et: vastuvõttev maa fi: vastaanottava maa fr: pays d'accueil it: paese ospitante lt: priimančioji šalis nl: gastland pl: kraj przyjmujący pt: País de acolhimento ro: tara gazda tr: ev sahibi ülke UF receiving country BT migration TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 302 hours of work USE working time household computer USE home computer housing MT (06) cs: ubytování de: Unterkunft el: στέγαση es: alojamiento et: majutus fi: asuminen fr: logement it: alloggi lt: būstas nl: huisvesting pl: mieszkanie pt: Habitação ro: locuinta tr: barınma BT educational facilities NT student housing human capital MT (16) cs: lidský kapitál de: Humankapital el: ανθρώπινο κεφάλαιο es: capital humano et: inimkapital fi: inhimmillinen pääoma fr: capital humain it: capitale umano lt: žmogiškasis kapitalas nl: menselijk kapitaal pl: kapitał ludzki pt: Capital humano ro: capital uman tr: insan sermayesi SN: Knowledge, skills, competencies and attributes embodied in individuals that facilitate personal, social and economic wellbeing (Official Journal of the European Union, 24.7.2003, p.4). BT economic data TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 303 human medicine MT (07) cs: humánní lékařství de: Humanmedizin el: ιατρική es: medicina humana et: humaanmeditsiin fi: lääketiede fr: médecine humaine it: medicina umana lt: medicina nl: menselijke geneeskunde pl: medycyna człowieka pt: Medicina humana ro: medicina umana tr: insan tebabeti BT health sciences human resources MT (16) cs: lidské zdroje de: Humanressourcen el: ανθρώπινο δυναμικό es: recursos humanos et: inimressursid fi: henkilöstövoimavarat fr: ressources humaines it: risorse umane lt: žmogiškieji ištekliai nl: human resources pl: zasoby ludzkie pt: Recursos humanos ro: resurse umane tr: insan kaynakları SN: The actual workforce of an individual company or organisation. UF manpower UF personnel UF staff BT economic data TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 304 human rights MT (15) cs: lidská práva de: Menschenrechte el: ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα es: derechos humanos et: inimõigused fi: ihmisoikeudet fr: droits de l'homme it: diritti umani lt: žmogaus teisės nl: mensenrechten pl: prawa człowieka pt: Direitos humanos ro: drepturile omului tr: insan hakları BT civic values NT civil rights NT parents' right NT rights of the child human sciences USE humanities humanities MT (07) cs: humanitní vědy de: Geisteswissenschaften el: ανθρωπιστικές επιστήμες es: humanidades et: humanitaarteadused fi: humanistiset tieteet fr: études littéraires it: studi umanistici lt: humanitariniai mokslai nl: alfawetenschappen pl: nauki humanistyczne pt: Estudos humanísticos ro: umanitate tr: beşeri bilimler UF human sciences UF liberal arts BT content of learning NT classical studies NT history NT journalism NT language teaching NT linguistics NT media education NT moral education NT philosophy NT religious education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 305 Hungarian MT (17) cs: maďarština de: Ungarisch el: Ουγγρική γλώσσα es: húngaro et: ungari keel fi: unkarin kieli fr: hongrois it: ungherese lt: vengrų kalba nl: Hongaars pl: węgierski pt: Húngaro ro: ungar tr: Macarca BT Uralic languages Hungary MT (19) cs: Maďarsko de: Ungarn el: Ουγγαρία es: Hungría et: Ungari fi: Unkari fr: Hongrie it: Ungheria lt: Vengrija nl: Hongarije pl: Węgry pt: Hungria ro: Ungaria tr: Macaristan IB Diploma USE International Baccalaureate TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 306 IBE MT (20) cs: IBE de: IBE el: ΙΒΕ es: OIE et: IBE fi: IBE fr: BIE it: IBE lt: IBE nl: IBE pl: IBE pt: GIE ro: IBE tr: UEB UF International Bureau of Education Iceland MT (19) cs: Island de: Island el: Ισλανδία es: Islandia et: Island fi: Islanti fr: Islande it: Islanda lt: Islandija nl: IJsland pl: Islandia pt: Islândia ro: Islanda tr: İzlanda Icelandic MT (17) cs: islandština de: Isländisch el: Ισλανδική γλώσσα es: islandés et: islandi keel fi: islannin kieli fr: islandais it: islandese lt: islandų kalba nl: IJslands pl: islandzki pt: Islandês ro: islandez tr: İzlandaca BT Germanic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 307 ICT MT (13) cs: IKT de: Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie el: Τεχνολογία της Πληροφορίας και Επικοινωνίας es: TIC et: IKT fi: tieto- ja viestintäteknologia fr: TIC it: TIC lt: IKT nl: ICT pl: technologia informacyjno-komunikacyjna pt: TIC ro: ICT (Informatica si Tehnica de Calcul) tr: BİT SN: Technology which provides for the electronic input, storage, retrieval, processing, transmission and dissemination of information (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF information and communication technology UF information technology UF IT NT artificial intelligence NT data processing RT communication RT computer penetration RT computer usage RT information ICT equipment MT (06) (13) cs: informačně-technologické vybavení de: IKT-Ausstattung el: ηλεκτρονικός εξοπλισμός es: equipamiento TIC et: IKT varustus fi: tietotekniikkalaitteet fr: équipement TIC it: attrezzature informatiche lt: IKT įranga nl: ICT-uitrusting pl: sprzęt informatyczny pt: Equipamento de TIC ro: echipament ICT tr: BİT malzemesi BT equipment NT hardware NT server NT software RT compatibility ICT skills USE computer literacy TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 308 IEA MT (20) cs: IEA de: IEA el: ΙΕΑ es: IEA et: IEA fi: IEA fr: IEA it: IEA lt: IEA nl: IEA pl: IEA pt: IEA ro: IEA tr: EBDUK UF International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement illiteracy USE literacy illness MT (15) cs: nemoc de: Krankheit el: ασθένεια es: enfermedad et: haigus fi: sairaus fr: maladie it: malattia lt: liga nl: ziekte pl: choroba pt: Doença ro: boala tr: hastalık BT health problems TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 309 ILO MT (20) cs: ILO de: IAO el: ΔΟΕ es: OIT et: ILO fi: ILO fr: OIT it: OIL lt: ILO nl: ILO pl: ILO pt: OIT ro: ILO tr: UÇÖ UF International Labour Organisation immersion MT (08) cs: kulturní vnoření de: Immersion el: γλωσσική εμβάπτιση es: inmersión et: keelekümblus fi: kielikylpy fr: immersion it: immersione lt: natūralusis kalbos mokymas nl: onderdompeling pl: immersja pt: Imersão ro: imersie tr: daldırma BT teaching method RT foreign language teaching TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 310 immigrant MT (15) cs: přistěhovalec de: Einwanderer el: εισερχόμενος μετανάστης es: inmigrante et: sisserändaja fi: maahanmuuttaja fr: immigrant it: immigrante lt: imigrantas nl: immigrant pl: imigrant pt: Imigrante ro: imigrant tr: göçmen UF immigration BT migrant RT foreign mother tongue student immigration USE immigrant impairment USE disability in-company training USE in-service training in-plant training USE in-service training in-service teacher training MT (02) cs: další vzdělávání učitelů de: Lehrerfortbildung el: επιμόρφωση καθηγητών es: formación continua del profesorado et: õpetajate täienduskoolitus fi: opettajien täydennyskoulutus fr: formation continue des enseignants it: formazione in servizio degli insegnanti lt: mokytojų kvalifikacijos kėlimas nl: in-service lerarenopleiding pl: doskonalenie zawodowe nauczycieli pt: Formação contínua de professores ro: in serviciul formarii profesorilor tr: hizmet içi öğretmen eğitimi UF further education of teachers UF teacher improvement BT teacher education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 311 in-service training MT (02) cs: profesní příprava při zaměstnání de: innerbetriebliche Fortbildung el: επιμόρφωση es: formación continua et: täienduskoolitus fi: täydennyskoulutus fr: formation en cours d'emploi it: formazione in servizio lt: kvalifikacijos tobulinimas nl: in-serviceopleiding pl: doskonalenie zawodowe w toku pracy pt: Formação em serviço ro: la locul de muncă tr: hizmet içi eğitim SN: Training of persons in employment with a view to updating and upgrading their professional skills. For in-service training of teachers use in-service teacher training. UF in-company training UF in-plant training UF on the job training UF staff development UF workplace training BT continuing professional development incentive MT (16) cs: pobídka de: Anreiz el: πρωτοβουλία es: incentivo et: ergutustasu fi: kannustin fr: incitation it: incentivo lt: skatinimas nl: incentive pl: bodziec motywujący pt: Incentivo ro: stimulent /imbold tr: teşvik BT promotional activity RT financial incentive RT motivation incentive pay USE financial incentive TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 312 inclusive education MT (03) cs: inkluzivní vzdělávání de: Integration in Regelschulen el: εκπαιδευτική ενσωμάτωση es: educación inclusiva et: kaasav haridus fi: inklusiivinen opetus fr: approche inclusive it: educazione inclusiva lt: inkliuzinis ugdymas nl: inclusief onderwijs pl: kształcenie integracyjne pt: Educação inclusiva ro: educatie incluziva tr: kapsamlı eğitim SN: Integration of students/pupils with special educational needs into mainstream education. UF mainstreaming UF school for all BT special needs education RT student integration inclusive society USE economic and social cohesion income distribution MT (16) cs: rozdělení příjmů de: Einkommensverteilung el: κατανομή εισοδήματος es: distribución de la renta et: sissetulekute jaotus fi: tulonjako fr: répartition des revenus it: distribuzione del reddito lt: pajamų paskirstymas nl: inkomensverdeling pl: podział dochodu pt: Distribuição do rendimento ro: distribuţia veniturilor tr: gelir dağılımı BT economic data TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 313 indemnity MT (09) cs: náhrada škody de: Entschädigung el: αποζημίωση es: indemnización et: hüvitus fi: korvaus fr: indemnité it: indennità lt: žalos atlyginimas nl: schadeloosstelling pl: odszkodowanie pt: Indemnização ro: indemnizaţie tr: tazminat RT evaluation result independent learning MT (08) cs: samostatné učení de: selbständiges Lernen el: αυτόνομη μάθηση es: aprendizaje individual et: iseseisev õppimine fi: itsenäinen oppiminen fr: éducation indépendante it: apprendimento indipendente lt: savarankiškas mokymasis nl: zelfstandig leren pl: samodzielne uczenie się pt: Aprendizagem autónoma ro: invatare independenta tr: bağımsız öğrenme UF autonomous learning UF learner autonomy BT learning independent private school USE non-grant-aided private school independent school USE non-grant-aided private school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 314 index MT (21) cs: rejstřík de: Index el: ευρετήριο es: índice et: indeks fi: aakkosellinen luettelo fr: indice it: indice lt: indeksas nl: index pl: indeks pt: Índice ro: index tr: dizin indicator MT (13) cs: ukazatel de: Indikator el: δείκτης es: indicador et: näitaja fi: indikaattori fr: indicateur it: indicatore lt: rodiklis nl: indicator pl: wskaźnik pt: Indicador ro: indicator tr: gösterge BT statistical analysis NT input indicator NT output indicator NT process indicator TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 315 indigenous language MT (15) cs: autochtonní jazyk de: einheimische Sprache el: αυτόχθονη γλώσσα es: lengua autóctona et: põliskeel fi: alkuperäiskieli fr: langue autochtone it: lingua autoctona lt: vietos kalba nl: inheemse taal pl: język miejscowy pt: Língua autóctone ro: limba indigena /limba materna tr: yerli dil SN: A language spoken by a population that has been settled in a specific region for several generations and which is closely associated with the geographical area where it is spoken. BT language individualised instruction USE individualised teaching individualised teaching MT (08) cs: individualizovaná výuka de: individualisierter Unterricht el: εξατομικευμένη διδασκαλία es: enseñanza individualizada et: individualiseeritud õpe fi: yksilöllinen opetus fr: enseignement individualisé it: insegnamento individualizzato lt: individualusis mokymas nl: individueel onderwijs pl: nauczanie zindywidualizowane pt: Ensino individualizado ro: invatare individualizata tr: bireyselleştirilmiş öğretim SN: Educational device to help learners improve their educational progress in the framework of a one-to-one relationship with a teacher. UF individualised instruction UF one-to-one teaching UF personalised instruction BT teaching method RT tutor TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 316 individualism MT (10) cs: individualismus de: Individualismus el: ατομικισμός es: individualismo et: individualism fi: yksilöllisyys fr: individualisme it: individualismo lt: individualizmas nl: individualisme pl: indywidualizm pt: Individualismo ro: individualism tr: bireycilik BT personality Indo-European languages MT (17) cs: indoevropské jazyky de: indogermanische Sprachen el: Ινδο-ευρωπαϊκές γλώσσες es: lenguas indoeuropeas et: indoeuroopa keeled fi: indoeurooppalaiset kielet fr: langues indo-européennes it: lingue indoeuropee lt: indoeuropiečių kalbos nl: Indo-Europese talen pl: języki indoeuropejskie pt: Línguas indo-europeias ro: limbi indo-europena tr: Hint-Avrupa Dilleri NT Albanian NT Armenian NT Baltic languages NT Celtic languages NT Germanic languages NT Greek NT Indo-Iranian languages NT Italic languages NT Slavic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 317 Indo-Iranian languages MT (17) cs: indoíránské jazyky de: indoiranische Sprachen el: Ινδο-ιρανικές γλώσσες es: lenguas indoiraníes et: indoiraani keeled fi: indoiranilaiset kielet fr: langues indo-iraniennes it: lingue indo-iraniane lt: indoiranėnų kalbos nl: Indo-Iraanse talen pl: języki indo-irańskie pt: Línguas indo-iranianas ro: limbi indo-iraniene tr: Hint-İran Dilleri BT Indo-European languages NT Romani induction for teachers USE qualifying phase industrial relations USE labour relations industry MT (16) cs: průmysl de: Industrie el: βιομηχανία es: industria et: tööstus fi: teollisuus fr: industrie it: industria lt: pramonė nl: bedrijfsleven pl: przemysł pt: Indústria ro: industrie tr: sanayi BT economy informal education USE informal learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 318 informal learning MT (02) cs: informální učení de: informelles Lernen el: άτυπη μάθηση es: aprendizaje informal et: vabahariduslik õpe fi: arkioppiminen fr: apprentissage informel it: apprendimento informale lt: savaiminis mokymasis nl: informeel leren pl: kształcenie nieformalne pt: Aprendizagem informal ro: invatare informala tr: enformel öğrenme SN: Learning resulting from daily activities related to work, family or leisure. It is not organised or structured (in terms of objectives, time or learning support). Informal learning is in most cases unintentional from the learner's perspective. It typically does not lead to certification (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF informal education BT lifelong learning RT family education RT out-of-school education information MT (13) cs: informace de: Information el: πληροφορίες es: información et: teave fi: informaatio fr: information it: informazione lt: informacija nl: informatie pl: informacja pt: Informação ro: informatie tr: enformasyon NT documentation NT information to parents RT ICT RT information centre information and communication technology USE ICT TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 319 information centre MT (06) cs: informační středisko de: Informationszentrum el: κέντρο πληροφοριών es: centro de información et: teabekeskus fi: tietopalvelukeskus fr: centre d'information it: centro informazioni lt: informacijos centras nl: informatiecentrum pl: ośrodek informacji pt: Centro de informação ro: centru de informatie tr: bilgi merkezi UF documentation centre BT educational facilities RT information information dissemination MT (13) cs: šíření informací de: Informationsverbreitung el: διάδοση της πληροφορίας es: difusión de la información et: teabelevi fi: tiedonvälitys fr: diffusion de l'information it: diffusione delle informazioni lt: informacijos sklaida nl: informatieverspreiding pl: rozpowszechnianie informacji pt: Difusão da informação ro: diseminarea informatiei tr: bilgi yayılımı BT communication TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 320 information exchange MT (13) cs: výměna informací de: Informationsaustausch el: ανταλλαγή πληροφοριών es: intercambio de información et: teabevahetus fi: tiedonvaihto fr: échange d'informations it: scambio di informazioni lt: keitimasis informacija nl: informatieuitwisseling pl: wymiana informacji pt: Troca de informação ro: schimb de informatie tr: bilgi alışverişi NT conference NT debate NT feedback RT communication information literacy MT (10) cs: informační gramotnost de: Informationskompetenz el: ικανότητα διαχείρισης της πληροφορίας es: competencia en información et: teabepädevus fi: informaatiolukutaito fr: maîtrise de l’information it: abilità d'uso dell'informazione lt: informacinis raštingumas nl: informatie geletterdheid pl: alfabetyzacja informacyjna pt: Literacia da informação ro: informaţii de alfabetizare tr: bilgi okur yazarlığı SN: The capacity to retrieve, evaluate, assimilate and apply information. BT literacy information society USE knowledge society information technology USE ICT TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 321 information to parents MT (11) (13) cs: informace pro rodiče de: Elterninformation el: πληροφορίες στους γονείς es: información a los padres et: vanemate teavitamine fi: tieto vanhemmille fr: information aux parents it: informazione ai genitori lt: tėvų informavimas nl: informatie naar ouders pl: informacja dla rodziców pt: Informação aos pais ro: informaţii pentru părinţi tr: ebeveynlere bilgi BT information BT parent-school relation initial education USE initial training initial evaluation MT (09) cs: vstupní hodnocení de: Erstevaluation el: αρχική αξιολόγηση es: evaluación inicial et: prognoosiv hindamine fi: lähtötason arviointi fr: évaluation initiale it: valutazione iniziale lt: pradinis vertinimas nl: aanvangsniveaubepaling pl: ewaluacja wstępna pt: Avaliação inicial ro: evaluare initiala tr: ilk değerlendirme BT evaluation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 322 initial teacher education MT (02) cs: přípravné vzdělávání učitelů de: Lehrererstausbildung el: αρχική εκπαίδευση των καθηγητών es: formación inicial del profesorado et: õpetajate esmakoolitus fi: opettajan peruskoulutus fr: formation initiale des enseignants it: formazione iniziale degli insegnanti lt: pirminis mokytojų rengimas nl: initiële lerarenopleiding pl: kształcenie przygotowawcze nauczycieli pt: Formação inicial de professores ro: educatia initiala a profesorilor tr: temel öğretmen eğitimi UF initial teacher training UF pre-service teacher training BT teacher education NT qualifying phase NT teaching practice initial teacher training USE initial teacher education initial training MT (02) cs: počáteční profesní příprava de: Erstausbildung el: αρχική κατάρτιση es: formación inicial et: esmakoolitus fi: ammatillinen peruskoulutus fr: formation initiale it: formazione iniziale lt: pirminis profesinis mokymas nl: initiële opleiding pl: szkolenie wstępne pt: Formação inicial ro: formare initiala tr: ilk öğretim SN: Specially organised training, given at the start of production activities of an undertaking, and aimed at imparting the necessary knowledge and skill required for that undertaking. UF initial education BT training type TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 323 input indicator MT (13) cs: vstupní ukazatel de: Input-Indikator el: δείκτης εισροής es: indicador de entrada et: lähteandmete näitaja fi: panosindikaattori fr: indicateur d'entrée it: indicatore di input lt: indėlio rodiklis nl: input indicator pl: wskaźnik wkładu pt: Indicador de entrada ro: indicatorul de intrare tr: girdi göstergesi BT indicator inspection MT (09) cs: inspekce de: Schulaufsicht el: επιθεώρηση es: inspección et: inspekteerimine fi: tarkastus fr: inspection it: ispezione lt: inspektavimas nl: inspectie pl: wizytacja pt: Inspecção ro: inspectie tr: teftiş BT external evaluation RT inspectorate TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 324 inspector MT (11) cs: inspektor de: Schulaufsichtsbeamter el: επιθεωρητής es: inspector et: inspektor fi: tarkastaja fr: inspecteur it: ispettore lt: inspektorius nl: inspecteur pl: wizytator pt: Inspector ro: inspector tr: müfettiş UF lay inspector BT inspectorate inspectorate MT (11) cs: inspektorát de: Schulaufsichtsbehörde el: σώμα επιθεωρητών es: cuerpo de inspectores et: järelevalveüksus fi: tarkastustoimi fr: inspectorat it: ispettorato lt: inspektūra nl: onderwijsinspectie pl: inspektorat pt: Inspectorado ro: inspectorat tr: teftiş heyeti BT evaluator NT inspector RT inspection TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 325 institutional autonomy MT (14) cs: institucionální autonomie de: Autonomie der Bildungseinrichtung el: θεσμική αυτοτέλεια es: autonomía institucional et: õppeasutuse autonoomia fi: oppilaitosten autonomia fr: autonomie institutionnelle it: autonomia istituzionale lt: institucijos savarankiškumas nl: institutionele autonomie pl: autonomia instytucjonalna pt: Autonomia institucional ro: autonomie institutionala tr: kurumsal özerklik UF school autonomy BT autonomy institutional level MT (14) cs: institucionální úroveň de: Ebene der Bildungseinrichtung el: επίπεδο ιδρυμάτων es: nivel institucional et: õppeasutuse tasand fi: institutionaalinen taso fr: niveau institutionnel it: livello istituzionale lt: institucijos lygmuo nl: institutioneel niveau pl: szczebel instytucjonalny pt: Nível institucional ro: nivel institutional tr: kurumsal seviye UF school level BT administrative level TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 326 institutional ranking MT (09) cs: žebříček institucí de: Rangliste der Bildungseinrichtungen el: διαβάθμιση ιδρυμάτων es: clasificación de centros et: õppeasutuste paremusjärjestamine fi: oppilaitosten paremmuusjärjestys fr: palmarès des établissements it: graduatoria degli istituti lt: mokyklų reitingavimas nl: scholenranking pl: ranking szkół pt: Ranking das escolas ro: ierarhizare institutionala /clasament institutional tr: kurumsal derecelendirme SN: Listings of educational institutions according to certain performance criteria. UF league table UF performance table UF school ranking UF school table BT evaluation result RT inter-institutional competition instruction USE teaching instruction time USE taught time instructional aids USE teaching resources instructional material USE teaching resources instructional software USE educational software TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 327 insurance MT (16) cs: pojištění de: Versicherung el: διασφάλιση es: seguro et: kindlustus fi: vakuutus fr: assurance it: assicurazione lt: draudimas nl: verzekering pl: ubezpieczenie pt: Seguros ro: asigurare tr: sigorta BT services Integrated Action Programme for Lifelong Learning USE Lifelong Learning Programme integrated course MT (08) cs: integrovaný kurs de: integrierter Kurs el: ολοκληρωμένο μάθημα es: curso integrado et: lõimitud kursus fi: integroitu opetus fr: cours intégré it: corso integrato lt: integruotas kursas nl: geïntegreerde cursus pl: przedmiot zintegrowany pt: Curso integrado ro: curs integrat tr: entegre ders BT course integrated curriculum USE interdisciplinary approach intellectual development USE cognitive development TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 328 intellectual disability MT (03) cs: mentální postižení de: geistige Behinderung el: νοητική ανεπάρκεια es: discapacidad intelectual et: vaimupuue fi: kehitysvamma fr: déficience intellectuelle it: disabilità intellettiva lt: intelekto sutrikimas nl: verstandelijke beperking pl: niepełnosprawność intelektualna pt: Deficiência intelectual ro: dizabilitati intelectuale tr: entelektüel yetersizlik UF cognitive needs BT disability NT autism NT language impairment intellectual work MT (16) cs: duševní práce de: geistige Arbeit el: πνευματική εργασία es: trabajo intelectual et: vaimne töö fi: henkinen työ fr: travail intellectuel it: lavoro intellettuale lt: protinis darbas nl: intellectueel werk pl: praca intelektualna pt: Trabalho intelectual ro: muncă intelectuală tr: entelektüel çalışma BT employment TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 329 intelligence MT (10) cs: inteligence de: Intelligenz el: νοημοσύνη es: inteligencia et: intelligentsus fi: älykkyys fr: intelligence it: intelligenza lt: intelektas nl: intelligentie pl: inteligencja pt: Inteligência ro: inteligenta tr: zeka BT cognitive development NT comprehension NT critical sense RT gifted intelligence assessment USE intelligence test intelligence measurement USE intelligence test intelligence test MT (09) cs: test inteligence de: Intelligenztest el: τεστ νοημοσύνης es: test de inteligencia et: intelligentsustest fi: älykkyystesti fr: test d'intelligence it: test di intelligenza lt: intelekto testas nl: intelligentietest pl: test inteligencji pt: Teste de inteligência ro: test de inteligenta tr: zeka testi UF intelligence assessment UF intelligence measurement BT examination TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 330 intensive course MT (08) cs: intenzivní kurs de: Intensivkurs el: εντατικό μάθημα es: curso intensivo et: intensiivkursus fi: intensiivikurssi fr: cours intensif it: corso intensivo lt: intensyvus kursas nl: spoedcursus pl: kurs intensywny pt: Curso intensivo ro: curs intensiv tr: yoğun kurs UF accelerated course BT course inter-curricular competences USE cross-curricular competences inter-institutional competition MT (09) cs: konkurence mezi institucemi de: Wettbewerb der Bildungseinrichtungen el: δι-ιδρυματικός ανταγωνισμός es: competición interinstitucional et: asutustevaheline võistlus fi: oppilaitosten välinen kilpailu fr: concurrence inter-établissements it: concorrenza tra istituti lt: tarpinstitucinis konkursas nl: interscolaire competitie pl: współzawodnictwo międzyszkolne pt: Competição interinstitucional ro: competitie inter-institutionala tr: kurumlar arası yarışma UF inter-school competition BT competition RT institutional ranking inter-school competition USE inter-institutional competition TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 331 inter-school relations MT (11) cs: vztahy mezi školami de: zwischenschulische Beziehungen el: δια-σχολικές σχέσεις es: relaciones interescolares et: koolidevahelised suhted fi: koulujen väliset suhteet fr: relations inter-écoles it: relazioni interistituto lt: tarpmokykliniai ryšiai nl: interscolaire relaties pl: relacje między szkołami pt: Relação entre estabelecimentos de ensino ro: relatii intre scoli tr: okullar arası ilişkiler NT school correspondence NT school partnership inter-university cooperation MT (11) cs: spolupráce mezi univerzitami de: Hochschulzusammenarbeit el: διαπανεπιστημιακή συνεργασία es: cooperación interuniversitaria et: ülikoolidevaheline koostöö fi: yliopistojen välinen yhteistyö fr: coopération inter-universités it: cooperazione interuniversitaria lt: universitetų bendradarbiavimas nl: interuniversitaire samenwerking pl: współpraca międzyuczelniana pt: Cooperação interuniversitária ro: cooperare intre universitati tr: üniversiteler arası işbirliği BT cooperation NT joint study programme TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 332 intercultural education MT (01) cs: interkulturní vzdělávání de: interkulturelle Erziehung el: διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση es: educación intercultural et: mitmekultuuriline haridus fi: kulttuurienvälinen kasvatus fr: éducation interculturelle it: educazione interculturale lt: tarpkultūrinis ugdymas nl: intercultureel onderwijs pl: edukacja międzykulturowa pt: Educação intercultural ro: educatie interculturala tr: kültürler arası eğitim UF multicultural education BT principles of education RT European Baccalaureate RT International Baccalaureate RT international school intercultural relations MT (11) cs: mezikulturní vztahy de: interkulturelle Beziehungen el: διαπολιτισμικές σχέσεις es: relaciones interculturales et: kultuuridevahelised suhted fi: kulttuurienväliset suhteet fr: relations interculturelles it: relazioni interculturali lt: tarpkultūriniai ryšiai nl: interculturele relaties pl: stosunki międzykulturowe pt: Relações interculturais ro: relatii interculturale tr: kültürler arası ilişkiler UF cultural relations BT intergroup relations RT culture TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 333 interdisciplinary approach MT (08) cs: mezioborový přístup de: interdisziplinärer Ansatz el: διεπιστημονική θεώρηση es: enfoque interdisciplinar et: temaatiline vaatlus fi: poikkitieteellisyys fr: approche interdisciplinaire it: approccio interdisciplinare lt: tarpdalykinė integracija nl: interdisciplinaire benadering pl: badania interdyscyplinarne pt: Interdisciplinaridade ro: abordare interdisciplinara tr: disiplinler arası yaklaşım UF cross-curricular theme UF integrated curriculum BT teaching method interest rate MT (05) cs: úroková míra de: Zinssatz el: τόκος δανεισμού es: tipo de interés et: intressimäär fi: korkotaso fr: taux d'intérêt it: tasso d'interesse lt: palūkanų norma nl: rentevoet pl: stopa procentowa pt: Taxa de juro ro: rata de interes tr: faiz oranı RT loan interface USE computer TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 334 intergroup relations MT (11) cs: meziskupinové vztahy de: Intergruppenbeziehungen el: διαομαδικές σχέσεις es: relaciones intergrupales et: rühmadevahelised suhted fi: ryhmien väliset suhteet fr: relation intergroupes it: relazioni tra gruppi lt: ryšiai tarp grupių nl: onderlinge groepsverhoudingen pl: relacje międzygrupowe pt: Relações intergrupais ro: relatii intre grupuri tr: gruplar arası ilişkiler NT education-industry relation NT intercultural relations NT school-community relation NT training-employment relation internal evaluation MT (09) cs: interní hodnocení de: interne Evaluation el: εσωτερική αξιολόγηση es: evaluación interna et: sisehindamine fi: sisäinen arviointi fr: évaluation interne it: valutazione interna lt: vidinis vertinimas nl: interne evaluatie pl: ocena wewnętrzna pt: Avaliação interna ro: evaluare interna tr: iç değerlendirme SN: Evaluation during which one or more persons assess the performance of an entity for whose activities they are fully or partially responsible. BT evaluation NT self-evaluation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 335 internal regulation MT (04) cs: interní předpis de: interne Regelung el: εσωτερικός κανονισμός es: reglamento interno et: kodukord fi: järjestyssäännöt fr: règlement intérieur it: regolamento interno lt: nuostatai nl: interne regeling pl: regulamin wewnętrzny pt: Regulamento interno ro: regulamentul intern tr: iç yönetmelik BT school management NT school rules international agreement MT (14) cs: mezinárodní smlouva de: internationales Abkommen el: διεθνής συμφωνία es: acuerdo internacional et: rahvusvaheline kokkulepe fi: kansainvälinen sopimus fr: accord international it: accordo internazionale lt: tarptautinė sutartis nl: internationale overeenkomst pl: porozumienie międzynarodowe pt: Acordo internacional ro: acord internaţional tr: uluslar arası anlaşma BT international relations international assessment USE international evaluation International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement USE IEA TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 336 International Baccalaureate MT (09) cs: Mezinárodní maturita de: Internationales Bakkalaureat el: Διεθνές Δίπλωμα es: Bachillerato Internacional et: rahvusvaheline bakalaureusetunnistus fi: International Baccalaureate -tutkinto fr: Baccalauréat international it: baccalaureato internazionale lt: tarptautinio balalaureato pažymėjimas nl: internationaal baccalaureaat pl: Matura Międzynarodowa pt: Baccalauréat internacional ro: bacalaureat international tr: Uluslar arası Bakalorya SN: Secondary school-leaving certificate issued by the International Baccalaureate Organization. UF IB Diploma BT school-leaving certificate RT intercultural education International Bureau of Education USE IBE international cooperation MT (11) cs: mezinárodní spolupráce de: internationale Zusammenarbeit el: διεθνής συνεργασία es: cooperación internacional et: rahvusvaheline koostöö fi: kansainvälinen yhteistyö fr: coopération internationale it: cooperazione internazionale lt: tarptautinis bendradarbiavimas nl: internationale samenwerking pl: współpraca międzynarodowa pt: Cooperação internacional ro: cooperare internationala tr: uluslar arası iş birliği BT cooperation RT international relations RT OECD country TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 337 international dimension MT (01) cs: mezinárodní dimenze de: internationale Dimension el: διεθνής διάσταση es: dimensión internacional et: rahvusvaheline mõõde fi: kansainvälinen ulottuvuus fr: dimension internationale it: dimensione internazionale lt: tarptautinė dimensija nl: internationale dimensie pl: wymiar międzynarodowy pt: Dimensão internacional ro: dimensiune internationala tr: uluslar arası boyut BT principles of education NT European dimension RT globalisation of education RT international studies international education USE international studies international evaluation MT (09) cs: mezinárodní hodnocení de: internationale Vergleichsstudie el: διεθνής αξιολόγηση es: evaluación internacional et: rahvusvaheline hindamine fi: kansainvälinen arviointi fr: évaluation internationale it: valutazione internazionale lt: tarptautinis vertinimas nl: internationale evaluatie pl: międzynarodowa ewaluacja pt: Avaliação internacional ro: evaluare internationala tr: uluslar arası değerlendirme UF cross-country evaluation UF international assessment UF transnational evaluation BT evaluation international exchange USE international relations International Labour Organisation USE ILO TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 338 international law MT (14) cs: mezinárodní právo de: internationales Recht el: διεθνές δίκαιο es: derecho internacional et: rahvusvaheline õigus fi: kansainvälinen oikeus fr: loi internationale it: diritto internazionale lt: tarptautinė teisė nl: internationaal recht pl: prawo międzynarodowe pt: Direito internacional ro: drept international tr: uluslar arası hukuk BT legislation RT European Union law international level MT (14) cs: mezinárodní úroveň de: internationale Ebene el: διεθνές επίπεδο es: nivel internacional et: rahvusvaheline tasand fi: kansainvälinen taso fr: niveau international it: livello internazionale lt: tarptautinis lygmuo nl: internationaal niveau pl: szczebel międzynarodowy pt: Nível internacional ro: nivel international tr: uluslar arası seviye BT administrative level TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 339 international organisation MT (11) cs: mezinárodní organizace de: internationale Organisation el: διεθνής οργανισμός es: organización internacional et: rahvusvaheline organisatsioon fi: kansainvälinen järjestö fr: organisation internationale it: organizzazione internazionale lt: tarptautinė organizacija nl: internationale organisatie pl: organizacja międzynarodowa pt: Organização internacional ro: organizatie internationala tr: uluslar arası örgüt UF international organization BT organisation international organization USE international organisation International Organization for Standardization USE ISO international relations MT (14) cs: mezinárodní vztahy de: internationale Beziehungen el: διεθνείς σχέσεις es: relaciones internacionales et: rahvusvahelised suhted fi: kansainväliset suhteet fr: relations internationales it: relazioni internazionali lt: tarptautiniai ryšiai nl: internationale relaties pl: stosunki międzynarodowe pt: Relações internacionais ro: relatii internationale tr: uluslar arası ilişkiler UF international exchange BT foreign policy NT international agreement RT international cooperation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 340 international school MT (06) cs: mezinárodní škola de: internationale Schule el: διεθνές σχολείο es: escuela internacional et: rahvusvaheline kool fi: kansainvälinen koulu fr: école internationale it: scuola internazionale lt: tarptautinė mokykla nl: internationale school pl: szkoła międzynarodowa pt: Escola internacional ro: scoala internationala tr: uluslar arası okul SN: Schools with the statutory commitment to an international curricular content. BT school RT intercultural education international studies MT (07) cs: studium mezinárodních vztahů de: internationale Erziehung el: διεθνείς σπουδές es: estudios internacionales et: rahvusvahelisuse kasvatus fi: kansainvälisyysopinnot fr: études internationales it: studi internazionali lt: tarptautinių santykių studijos nl: internationale studies pl: studia międzynarodowe pt: Estudos internacionais ro: studiii internationale tr: uluslar arası çalışmalar SN: Study of the educational, social, political, environmental and economic forces in international relations (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF international education BT content of learning RT international dimension TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 341 Internet MT (13) cs: internet de: Internet el: διαδίκτυο es: Internet et: Internet fi: Internet fr: Internet it: Internet lt: internetas nl: internet pl: Internet pt: Internet ro: Internet tr: İnternet BT computer network RT Internet access RT Internet usage Internet access MT (13) cs: přístup k internetu de: Internetzugang el: πρόσβαση στο διαδίκτυο es: acceso a Internet et: Interneti-juurdepääs fi: Internetin käyttömahdollisuus fr: accès Internet it: accesso Internet lt: interneto prieinamumas nl: internettoegang pl: dostęp do Internetu pt: Acesso à Internet ro: acces la Internet tr: İnternet erişimi RT Internet TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 342 Internet usage MT (13) cs: využívání internetu de: Internetnutzung el: χρήση του διαδικτύου es: uso de Internet et: Interneti-kasutus fi: Internetin käyttö fr: usage Internet it: uso di Internet lt: naudojimasis internetu nl: internetgebruik pl: korzystanie z Internetu pt: Utilização da Internet ro: utilizarea Internet-ului tr: İnternet kullanımı SN: Refers to the frequency and type of use. UF Internet use RT Internet Internet use USE Internet usage interoperability USE compatibility interpersonal relations MT (11) cs: mezilidské vztahy de: zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen el: διαπροσωπικές σχέσεις es: relaciones interpersonales et: isikutevahelised suhted fi: sosiaaliset suhteet fr: relations interpersonnelles it: relazioni interpersonali lt: tarpasmeniniai ryšiai nl: intermenselijke relaties pl: relacje interpersonalne pt: Relações interpessoais ro: relatii interpersonale tr: kişiler arası ilişkiler NT adult-child relation NT parent-child relation NT parent-school relation NT teacher-student relation interpersonal skills USE social competences TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 343 interruption of studies MT (09) cs: přerušení studia de: Unterbrechung der Bildungslaufbahn el: διακοπή σπουδών es: interrupción de los estudios et: õpingute katkemine fi: opintojen keskeyttäminen fr: interruption des études it: interruzione degli studi lt: studijų pertrauka nl: studieonderbreking pl: przerwa w nauce pt: Interrupção de estudos ro: intreruperea studiilor tr: çalışmaların kesilmesi BT school career NT dropout intranet MT (13) cs: intranet de: Intranet el: εσωτερικό δίκτυο es: intranet et: siseveeb fi: intranet fr: intranet it: intranet lt: intranetas nl: intranet pl: intranet pt: Intranet ro: intranet tr: intranet BT computer network introductory course USE preparatory class Inuktitut USE Greenlandic inventory of competences USE skills audit TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 344 investment MT (05) cs: investice de: Investition el: επένδυση es: inversión et: investeering fi: sijoitus fr: investissement it: investimento lt: investavimas nl: investering pl: inwestycja pt: Investimento ro: investitie tr: yatırım BT financing Ireland MT (19) cs: Irsko de: Irland el: Ιρλανδία es: Irlanda et: Iirimaa fi: Irlanti fr: Irlande it: Irlanda lt: Airija nl: Ierland pl: Irlandia pt: Irlanda ro: Irlanda tr: İrlanda UF Irish Republic Irish USE Irish Gaelic TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 345 Irish Gaelic MT (17) cs: irština de: irisches Gälisch el: Ιρλανδική Γαλικιανή es: gaélico irlandés et: iiri gaeli keel fi: iiri fr: irlandais gaélique it: gaelico irlandese lt: Airijos gėlų kalba nl: Iers-Gaelisch pl: irlandzki gaelicki pt: Gaélico irlandês ro: Irlandeză Gaelică tr: İrlandaca UF Irish BT Celtic languages Irish Republic USE Ireland ISCED 0 USE pre-primary education-oriented institution ISCED 1 USE primary education ISCED 2 USE lower secondary ISCED 3 USE upper secondary ISCED 4 USE post-secondary non-tertiary education ISCED 5 USE higher education ISCED 6 USE higher education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 346 Islam MT (15) cs: islám de: Islam el: Ισλάμ es: islam et: islam fi: islam fr: islam it: Islam lt: islamas nl: Islam pl: Islam pt: Islamismo ro: islam tr: İslam BT religion ISO MT (20) cs: ISO de: ISO el: ISO es: ISO et: ISO fi: ISO fr: ISO it: ISO lt: ISO nl: ISO pl: ISO pt: ISO ro: ISO tr: ISO UF International Organization for Standardization IT USE ICT TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 347 Italian MT (17) cs: italština de: Italienisch el: Ιταλική γλώσσα es: italiano et: itaalia keel fi: italian kieli fr: italien it: italiano lt: italų kalba nl: Italiaans pl: włoski pt: Italiano ro: italian tr: İtalyanca BT Romance languages Italic languages MT (17) cs: italické jazyky de: italische Sprachen el: Ιταλικές γλώσσες es: lenguas itálicas et: itali keeled fi: itaaliset kielet fr: langues italiques it: lingue italiche lt: italikų kalbos nl: Italische talen pl: języki italskie pt: Línguas itálicas ro: limba italiana tr: İtalik diller BT Indo-European languages NT Latin NT Romance languages Italy MT (19) cs: Itálie de: Italien el: Ιταλία es: Italia et: Itaalia fi: Italia fr: Italie it: Italia lt: Italija nl: Italië pl: Włochy pt: Itália ro: Italia tr: İtalya TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 348 itinerant MT (15) cs: migrující pracovník de: Fahrender el: εργαζόμενος χωρίς μόνιμη έδρα es: itinerante et: rändtööline fi: kiertävä työntekijä fr: travailleur itinérant it: lavoratore itinerante lt: klajoklis nl: rondreizende pl: pracownik wędrowny pt: Trabalhador itinerante ro: itinerant tr: işçi SN: A person who travels from place to place to work. UF occupational traveller BT migrant janitor USE caretaker Japan MT (19) cs: Japonsko de: Japan el: Ιαπωνία es: Japón et: Jaapan fi: Japani fr: Japon it: Giappone lt: Japonija nl: Japan pl: Japonia pt: Japão ro: Japonia tr: Japonya TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 349 Japanese MT (17) cs: japonština de: Japanisch el: Ιαπωνική γλώσσα es: japonés et: jaapani keel fi: japanin kieli fr: japonais it: giapponese lt: japonų kalba nl: Japans pl: japoński pt: Japonês ro: japonez tr: Japonca BT Japanese languages Japanese languages MT (17) cs: japonské jazyky de: Japanische Sprachen el: Ιαπωνικές γλώσσες es: lenguas japónicas et: Jaapani keeled fi: japanilaiset kielet fr: langues japonaises it: lingue giapponesi lt: japonų kalbos nl: Japanse talen pl: języki japońskie pt: Línguas japonesas ro: limba japoneza tr: Japon dilleri NT Japanese job experience USE work experience job satisfaction USE occupational satisfaction TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 350 job security MT (16) cs: ochrana pracovních příležitostí de: Arbeitsplatzsicherheit el: επαγγελματική ασφάλεια es: seguridad en el trabajo et: tööturvalisus fi: työsuhdeturva fr: sécurité de l'emploi it: sicurezza del posto di lavoro lt: darbo saugumas nl: arbeidszekerheid pl: pewność zatrudnienia pt: Segurança no trabalho ro: siguranta muncii tr: iş güvenliği BT working conditions joint degree MT (09) cs: společný titul de: Gemeinsamer Abschluss el: κοινό πτυχίο es: título conjunto et: ühiskraad fi: yhteistutkinto fr: diplôme commun it: Diploma congiunto lt: jungtinis laipsnis nl: gemeenschappelijke graad pl: wspólny tytuł pt: Diploma conjunto ro: grad comun tr: birleşik derece SN: Degree awarded jointly by several institutions on the basis of a joint study programme (Source: adapted brom the Bologna Process official website 2007-2009). BT higher education diploma RT joint study programme TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 351 joint study programme MT (11) cs: společný studijní program de: Joint Study Programm el: κοινό πρόγραμμα σπουδών es: programa de estudios conjunto et: ühisõppekava fi: yhteiseurooppalainen opinto-ohjelma fr: programme européen d'études it: programma comune di studio lt: jungtinės studijų programos nl: gemeenschappelijk studieprogramma pl: wspólny program studiów pt: Programa comum de estudos ro: programe de studii comune tr: birleşik çalışma programı SN: Study programme elaborated, organised and recognised by higher education institutes in two or more member states of the European Union (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT inter-university cooperation RT joint degree journalism MT (07) cs: novinářství de: Journalistik el: δημοσιογραφία es: periodismo et: ajakirjandus fi: journalistiikka fr: journalisme it: giornalismo lt: žurnalistika nl: jounalistiek pl: dziennikarstwo pt: Jornalismo ro: jurnalism tr: gazetecilik BT humanities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 352 Judaism MT (15) cs: judaismus de: Judaismus el: Ιουδαισμός es: judaísmo et: judaism fi: juutalaisuus fr: judaïsme it: giudaismo lt: judaizmas nl: Jodendom pl: judaizm pt: Judaísmo ro: iudaism tr: Musevilik BT religion judicial power MT (14) cs: soudní moc de: rechtsprechende Gewalt el: δικαστική εξουσία es: poder judicial et: kohtuvõim fi: tuomiovalta fr: pouvoir judiciaire it: potere giudiziario lt: teisminė valdžia nl: rechterlijke macht pl: władza sądownicza pt: Poder judicial ro: putere judiciara tr: yargı erki BT government NT jurisdiction TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 353 jurisdiction MT (14) cs: jurisdikce de: Gerichtsbarkeit el: δικαιοδοσία es: jurisdicción et: õiguspädevus fi: tuomioistuimen toimivalta fr: juridiction it: giurisdizione lt: jurisdikcija nl: rechtsbevoegdheid pl: jurysdykcja pt: Jurisdição ro: jurisdictie tr: yargı BT judicial power NT court (law) Kalaallisut USE Greenlandic Kashubian MT (17) cs: kašubština de: Kaschubisch el: Κασουβιανή es: casubio et: kašuubi keel fi: kašubi fr: cachoube it: casciubo lt: kašubų kalba nl: Kasjoebisch pl: kaszubski pt: Cassúbio ro: Kashubian tr: Kaşubça BT Slavic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 354 Kazakhstan MT (19) cs: Kazachstán de: Kasachstan el: Καζακστάν es: Kazajistán et: Kasahstan fi: Kazakstan fr: Kazakhstan it: Kazakistan lt: Kazachstanas nl: Kazachstan pl: Kazachstan pt: Cazaquistão ro: Kazacstan tr: Kazakistan key competences USE basic skills key competencies USE basic skills kinship USE family know-how MT (08) cs: know-how de: Know-How el: τεχνογνωσία es: saber hacer et: oskusteave fi: tietotaito fr: savoir-faire it: know-how lt: praktinės žinios nl: knowhow pl: know-how pt: Saber fazer ro: pricepere tr: know how SN: Practical knowledge or expertise (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). BT knowledge TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 355 knowledge MT (08) cs: znalost de: Wissen el: γνώση es: conocimiento et: teadmised fi: tieto fr: savoir it: conoscenza lt: žinios nl: kennis pl: wiedza pt: Conhecimento ro: cunostinte tr: bilgi NT know-how RT knowledge management RT knowledge transfer knowledge economy USE knowledge society knowledge management MT (08) cs: znalostní management de: Wissensmanagement el: διαχείριση της γνώσης es: gestión del conocimiento et: teadmusjuhtimine fi: tiedonhallinta fr: gestion des connaissances it: gestione della conoscenza lt: žinių vadyba nl: kennisbeheer pl: zarządzanie wiedzą pt: Gestão do conhecimento ro: managementul cunoaşterii tr: bilgi yönetimi RT knowledge TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 356 knowledge society MT (15) cs: znalostní společnost de: Wissensgesellschaft el: κοινωνία της γνώσης es: sociedad del conocimiento et: teadmusühiskond fi: osaamisyhteiskunta fr: société de la connaissance it: società della conoscenza lt: žinių visuomenė nl: kennismaatschappij pl: społeczeństwo wiedzy pt: Sociedade do conhecimento ro: societatea cunoasterii tr: bilgi toplumu SN: A society whose processes and practices are based on the production, distribution and use of knowledge (Source: Communication from the European Commission, Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality, COM (2001) 678 final). UF information society UF knowledge economy UF knowledge-based society BT society knowledge transfer MT (04) cs: přenos znalostí de: Wissenstransfer el: μεταφορά της γνώσης es: transferencia de conocimientos et: teadmiste ülekandmine fi: tietämyksen siirto fr: transfert des connaissances it: trasferimento delle conoscenze lt: žinių perkėlimas nl: kennisoverdracht pl: transfer wiedzy pt: Transferência de conhecimentos ro: transfer de cunostinte tr: bilgi transferi SN: The transfer of knowledge and expertise from one professional or study area to another. BT transfer RT knowledge knowledge-based society USE knowledge society TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 357 Kyrgyzstan MT (19) cs: Kyrgyzstán de: Kirgisistan el: Κιρζικιστάν es: Kirguistán et: Kõrgõzstan fi: Kirgisia fr: Kirghizistan it: Kirghizistan lt: Kirgizija nl: Kirgizië pl: Kirgistan pt: Quirguistão ro: Kirghistan tr: Kırgızistan laboratory MT (06) cs: odborná učebna de: Labor el: εργαστήριο es: laboratorio et: labor fi: laboratorio fr: laboratoire it: laboratorio lt: laboratorija nl: laboratorium pl: laboratorium pt: Laboratório ro: laborator tr: laboratuar BT educational facilities NT language laboratory TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 358 labour MT (16) cs: práce de: Arbeit el: εργασία es: trabajo et: töö fi: työ fr: travail it: lavoro lt: darbas nl: werk pl: praca pt: Trabalho ro: lucru tr: iş gücü NT child labour RT employment law RT labour relations labour contract USE employment contract labour law USE employment law labour market MT (16) cs: trh práce de: Arbeitsmarkt el: αγορά εργασίας es: mercado de trabajo et: tööturg fi: työmarkkinat fr: marché du travail it: mercato del lavoro lt: darbo rinka nl: arbeidsmarkt pl: rynek pracy pt: Mercado de trabalho ro: piata muncii / piata fortei de munca tr: iş gücü piyasası NT access to employment NT employability NT employment opportunities RT transition from school to work labour market entry USE transition from school to work TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 359 labour relations MT (16) cs: pracovní vztahy de: Arbeitsbeziehungen el: εργασιακές σχέσεις es: relaciones laborales et: tööturusuhted fi: työmarkkinasuhteet fr: relations industrielles it: relazioni industriali lt: darbo santykiai nl: arbeidsverhoudingen pl: stosunki w zakładzie pracy pt: Relações de trabalho ro: relatii de munca tr: işçi işveren ilişkileri SN: Covers broad relations between: employers and employees; management and organised labour; labour, management and the government (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF industrial relations RT labour Ladin MT (17) cs: dolomitská ladinština de: Ladinisch el: Λαδινική es: ladino et: ladiino fi: ladino (retoromaani) fr: ladin it: ladino lt: ladinų kalba nl: Ladin pl: ladyński pt: Ladino ro: Ladin tr: Ladince BT Romance languages laicism USE secularism TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 360 language MT (15) cs: jazyk de: Sprache el: γλώσσα es: lengua et: keel fi: kieli fr: langue it: lingua lt: kalba nl: taal pl: język pt: Linguagem ro: limba tr: dil SN: Systematic means of communicating ideas and feelings through the use of signs, gestures, words and/or auditory symbols (Source: ERIC Thesaurus, 2005 online version). NT community language NT dialect NT indigenous language NT mother tongue NT official language NT state language RT non-verbal communication RT verbal communication language barrier MT (15) cs: jazyková bariéra de: Sprachbarriere el: γλωσσικός φραγμός es: barrera lingüística et: keelebarjäär fi: kielimuuri fr: barrière des langues it: barriera linguistica lt: kalbos barjeras nl: taalbarrière pl: bariera językowa pt: Barreira linguística ro: bariera lingvistica tr: dil engeli RT linguistic diversity language community USE linguistic community language diversity USE linguistic diversity language immersion USE content and language integrated learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 361 language impairment MT (03) cs: řečové postižení de: Sprachstörung el: προβλήματα γλώσσας es: trastornos del lenguaje et: kõnepuue fi: kielihäiriö fr: troubles du language it: disturbo del linguaggio lt: kalbos sutrikimas nl: spraakstoornis pl: zaburzenia rozwoju języka pt: Perturbações da linguagem ro: depreciere lingvistica? tr: dil bozukluğu UF speech impairment UF speech, language and communication needs BT intellectual disability language laboratory MT (06) cs: jazyková učebna de: Sprachlabor el: γλωσσικό εργαστήριο es: laboratorio de idiomas et: keelelabor fi: kielistudio fr: laboratoire de langues it: laboratorio linguistico lt: kalbų mokymo laboratorija nl: talenpracticum pl: laboratorium językowe pt: Laboratório de línguas ro: laborator lingvistic? tr: dil laboratuarı BT laboratory language learning USE language teaching TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 362 language minority MT (15) cs: jazyková menšina de: sprachliche Minderheit el: γλωσσική μειονότητα es: minoría lingüística et: keelevähemus fi: kielivähemmistö fr: minorité linguistique it: minoranza linguistica lt: kalbinė mažuma nl: taalminderheid pl: mniejszość językowa pt: Minoria linguística ro: minoritate lingvistica tr: dilsel azınlık UF linguistic minority BT population language of instruction USE teaching language language of Moselle region USE Moselle Franconian Language of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia MT (17) cs: jazyk Makedonské republiky de: Sprache der ehemaligen jugoslawischen Republik von Mazedonien el: γλώσσα της Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβικής Δημοκρατίας της Μακεδονίας es: lengua de la Antigua República Yugoslava de Macedonia (ARYM) et: endise Jugoslaavia Makedoonia vabariigi keel fi: entisen Jugoslavian tasavallan Makedonian kieli fr: langue de l'ancienne République yougoslave de Macédoine it: macedone lt: Jugoslavijai priklausiusios Makedonijos kalba nl: taal van de voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek Macedonië pl: język byłej Jugosłowiańskiej Republiki Macedonii pt: Língua da Antiga República Jugoslava da Macedónia ro: Limba din Fosta Republică Iugoslavă a Macedoniei (FYROM) tr: Eski Yugoslavya Makedonya Cumhuriyeti'nin dili UF Macedonian UF Slav-Macedonian language BT Slavic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 363 language policy MT (04) (14) cs: jazyková politika de: Sprachpolitik el: γλωσσική πολιτική es: política lingüística et: keelepoliitika fi: kielipolitiikka fr: politique linguistique it: politica linguistica lt: kalbų politika nl: taalpolitiek pl: polityka językowa pt: Política linguística ro: politica lingvistica tr: dil politikası SN: Policy relating to the use and teaching of languages (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT education policy BT politics NT teaching language language sciences USE linguistics language skills MT (10) cs: jazykové dovednosti de: Sprachkompetenz el: γλωσσικές δεξιότητες es: competencias lingüísticas et: keeleoskus fi: kielitaito fr: compétences linguistiques it: competenze linguistiche lt: kalbiniai gebėjimai nl: taalvaardigheden pl: kompetencje językowe pt: Competências linguísticas ro: abilitati lingvistice tr: dil becerileri BT competence NT oral skills NT written skills RT language teaching TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 364 language support MT (03) cs: podpora při učení jazyka de: Sprachförderung el: γλωσσική υποστήριξη es: apoyo lingüístico et: keeleabi fi: kielituki fr: aide à l'apprentissage des langues it: supporto linguistico lt: pagalba mokantis kalbos nl: taalondersteuning pl: wsparcie językowe pt: Apoio na aprendizagem de línguas ro: suport lingvistic tr: dil desteği BT curriculum support RT foreign mother tongue student language teaching MT (07) cs: jazyková výuka de: Sprachunterricht el: διδασκαλία γλωσσών es: enseñanza de lenguas et: keeleõpe fi: kieltenopetus fr: enseignement d'une langue it: insegnamento di una lingua lt: kalbų mokymas nl: taalonderwijs pl: nauczanie języka pt: Ensino de línguas ro: limba de predare tr: dil öğretimi UF language learning BT humanities NT foreign language teaching NT grammar NT listening NT mother tongue instruction NT reading NT speaking NT spelling NT terminology NT writing RT language skills Languedocien USE Oc TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 365 Latin MT (17) cs: latina de: Latein el: Λατινικά es: latín et: ladina keel fi: latina fr: latin it: latino lt: lotynų kalba nl: Latijns pl: łacina pt: Latim ro: latina tr: Latince BT Italic languages RT classical studies Latin America MT (19) cs: Latinská Amerika de: Lateinamerika el: Λατινική Αμερική es: América Latina et: Ladina-Ameerika fi: Latinalainen Amerikka fr: Amérique Latine it: America latina lt: Lotynų Amerika nl: Latijns-Amerika pl: Ameryka Łacińska pt: América Latina ro: America Latina tr: Latin Amerika Latvia MT (19) cs: Lotyšsko de: Lettland el: Λετονία es: Letonia et: Läti fi: Latvia fr: Lettonie it: Lettonia lt: Latvija nl: Letland pl: Łotwa pt: Letónia ro: Letonia tr: Letonya TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 366 Latvian MT (17) cs: lotyština de: Lettisch el: Λετονική γλώσσα es: letón et: läti keel fi: latvian kieli fr: letton it: lettone lt: latvių kalba nl: Lets pl: łotewski pt: Letão ro: letonian tr: Letonyaca BT Baltic languages law USE legislation law studies MT (07) cs: studium práv de: Rechtswissenschaft el: νομική επιστήμη es: estudios jurídicos et: õigusteadus fi: oikeustieteelliset opinnot fr: études de droit it: studi giuridici lt: teisės studijos nl: rechtenstudie pl: studia prawnicze pt: Estudos jurídicos ro: studii de drept tr: hukuk çalışmaları BT civics lay inspector USE inspector TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 367 leaflet MT (21) cs: leták de: Faltblatt el: φυλλάδιο es: folleto et: reklaamleht fi: esite fr: dépliant it: opuscolo lt: lankstinukas nl: folder pl: ulotka pt: Folheto ro: prospect /foaie volanta tr: broşür SN: One or several sheets of paper, often unbound, providing information on a specific topic. UF flyer league table USE institutional ranking learner autonomy USE independent learning learner disengagement USE dropout learning MT (08) cs: učení de: Lernen el: μάθηση es: aprendizaje et: õppimine fi: oppiminen fr: apprentissage it: apprendimento lt: mokymasis nl: leren pl: uczenie się pt: Aprendizagem ro: invatare tr: öğrenme SN: A cumulative process whereby individuals gradually assimilate increasingly complex and abstract entities (concepts, categories, and patterns of behaviour or models) and/or acquire skills and competences (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). NT blended learning NT computer-assisted learning NT early learning NT group learning NT independent learning NT self-instruction RT education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 368 learning conditions USE learning context learning context MT (08) cs: podmínky učení de: Lernumfeld el: πλαίσιο μάθησης es: contexto de aprendizaje et: õpikeskkond fi: oppimisympäristö fr: milieu d'apprentissage it: contesto di apprendimento lt: mokymosi kontekstas nl: leeromgeving pl: warunki kształcenia pt: Contexto de aprendizagem ro: context de învăţare tr: öğrenme bağlamı UF learning conditions UF learning environment BT learning process learning credits USE credit system learning difficulty MT (03) cs: porucha učení de: Lernschwierigkeit el: μαθησιακή δυσκολία es: dificultades de aprendizaje et: õpiraskus fi: oppimisvaikeus fr: difficulté d'apprentissage it: difficoltà di apprendimento lt: mokymosi sunkumai nl: leerprobleem pl: trudności w nauce pt: Dificuldade de aprendizagem ro: dificultati de invatare tr: öğrenme zorluğu UF learning needs BT special educational needs NT reading difficulty learning environment USE learning context learning management system USE educational software TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 369 learning module USE modular course learning needs USE learning difficulty learning object MT (02) cs: elektronický učební materiál de: Lernobjekt el: αντικείμενο μάθησης es: recurso didáctico electrónico et: teabeplokk fi: oppimisaihio fr: objet pédagogique numérique it: oggetto didattico lt: elektroninė mokymosi priemonė nl: leerobjecten pl: pakiet dydaktyczny pt: Objecto de aprendizagem ro: obiectul invatarii tr: öğrenme nesnesi SN: Reusable ICT-based teaching materials. BT e-learning content RT educational software learning objective USE teaching objective learning organisation MT (11) cs: učící se organizace de: Lernende Organisation el: οργανισμός παροχής γνώσης es: institución educativa et: õppiv organisatsioon fi: oppiva organisaatio fr: organisation apprenante it: learning organisation lt: besimokančioji organizacija nl: lerende organisatie pl: organizacja ucząca się pt: Organização aprendente ro: organizatie pentru invatare tr: öğrenmenin düzenlenmesi SN: An organisation that encourages learning at all levels (individually and collectively), that uses and applies new knowledge acquired through learning activities and continually transforms itself as a result. BT organisation RT continuing professional development TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 370 learning outcome MT (09) cs: výsledky vzdělávání de: Lernergebnis el: αποτέλεσμα μάθησης es: resultado de aprendizaje et: õpitulemus fi: oppimistulos fr: résultats de l'éducation it: rendimento scolastico lt: mokymosi pasiekimai nl: leerresultaat pl: efekt uczenia się pt: Resultado da aprendizagem ro: rezultatele învăţării tr: öğrenme sonucu SN: A written statement of the competences a learner is expected to have acquired at the end of a specific learning activity. UF educational achievement UF educational attainment UF educational success UF performance NT study progress NT underachievement learning pace MT (08) cs: učební tempo de: Lerntempo el: ρυθμός μάθησης es: ritmo de aprendizaje et: õpikiirus fi: oppimisnopeus fr: rythme d'apprentissage it: velocità di apprendimento lt: mokymosi tempas nl: leertempo pl: tempo uczenia się pt: Ritmo de aprendizagem ro: ritmul de învăţare tr: öğrenme hızı BT learning process learning pathway USE school career TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 371 learning process MT (08) cs: proces učení de: Lernprozess el: διαδικασία μάθησης es: proceso de aprendizaje et: õppeprotsess fi: oppimisprosessi fr: processus d'apprentissage it: processo di apprendimento lt: mokymosi procesas nl: leerproces pl: proces uczenia się pt: Processo de aprendizagem ro: procesul de invatare tr: öğrenme süreci SN: The way in which learning is achieved and the methods by which learning is organised (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). NT learning context NT learning pace NT learning strategy learning standard MT (09) cs: vzdělávací standard de: Bildungsstandards el: επίπεδο μάθησης es: nivel de aprendizaje et: haridusstandard fi: oppimistaso fr: normes éducatives it: standard di apprendimento lt: mokymosi (pasiekimų) standartas nl: kerndoel pl: standardy kształcenia pt: Nível de aprendizagem ro: învatare standard tr: öğrenme standardı SN: Required or expected level of educational achievement. UF achievement level UF attainment level UF educational standard UF performance standard BT standard RT evaluation RT quality of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 372 learning strategy MT (08) cs: strategie učení de: Lernstrategie el: στρατηγική μάθησης es: estrategia de aprendizaje et: õpistrateegia fi: oppimisstrategia fr: stratégie d'apprentissage it: strategia di apprendimento lt: mokymosi strategija nl: leerstrategie pl: strategia uczenia się pt: Estratégia da aprendizagem ro: strategia de invatare tr: öğrenme stratejisi BT learning process NT self-instruction learning support USE curriculum support learning support class USE curriculum support class learning theory MT (01) cs: teorie učení de: Lerntheorie el: θεωρία μάθησης es: teoría del aprendizaje et: õpiteooria fi: oppimisteoria fr: théorie d'apprentissage it: teoria dell'apprendimento lt: mokymosi teorija nl: leertheorie pl: metodyka pt: Teoria da aprendizagem ro: teoria invatarii tr: öğrenme teorisi BT educational theory TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 373 learning to learn MT (10) cs: učení jak se učit de: Lernkompetenz el: μεθοδολογία μάθησης es: aprender a aprender et: õppima õppimine fi: oppimaan oppiminen fr: apprendre à apprendre it: imparare ad imparare lt: mokėjimas mokytis nl: leren leren pl: kompetencja uczenia się pt: Aprender a aprender ro: a invata sa inveti tr: öğrenmeyi öğrenme SN: The competence to identify and adopt the learning strategy best suited to one's personal needs. BT competence leave MT (16) cs: volno de: Urlaub el: άδεια es: permiso et: puhkus fi: vapaa fr: congé it: permesso lt: (darbo) atostogos nl: verlof pl: urlop pt: Licença ro: parasi tr: izin SN: Refers to all types of leave granted for other than educational purposes. BT working conditions NT leave of absence TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 374 leave of absence MT (16) cs: omluvená nepřítomnost de: Beurlaubung el: άδεια απουσίας es: ausencia justificada et: vabastus fi: virkavapaa fr: autorisation d'absence it: assenza giustificata lt: (mokyklinės) atostogos nl: geoorloofde afwezigheid pl: nieobecność usprawiedliwiona pt: Dispensa de presença ro: permisie tr: izne ayrılma SN: Authorised absence or vacation from duty or employment (teacher) or from attendance at an educational institution (pupil, student) (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF exemption from service BT leave NT educational leave NT parental leave NT sick leave leaving certificate USE school-leaving certificate lecture MT (08) cs: přednáška de: Vorlesung el: διάλεξη es: ponencia et: loeng fi: luento fr: cours magistral it: lezione magistrale lt: paskaita nl: lezing pl: wykład pt: Exposição oral ro: lectura tr: konferans usulü ders vermek BT teaching method TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 375 legal status MT (14) cs: právní status de: Rechtsstatus el: νομικό καθεστώς es: situación jurídica et: õiguslik staatus fi: oikeudellinen asema fr: statut juridique it: stato giuridico lt: teisinis statusas nl: rechtspositie pl: status prawny pt: Estatuto jurídico ro: statut legal tr: yasal statü RT legislation legal text MT (21) cs: právní text de: Rechtsdokument el: νομικό κείμενο es: texto jurídico et: õigustekst fi: lakiteksti fr: texte juridique it: testo giuridico lt: teisinis dokumentas nl: wetstekst pl: dokument prawny pt: Texto jurídico ro: text legal tr: hukuk metni TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 376 legislation MT (14) cs: legislativa de: Gesetzgebung el: νομοθεσία es: legislación et: seadusandlus fi: lainsäädäntö fr: législation it: legislazione lt: teisėkūra nl: wetgeving pl: ustawodawstwo pt: Legislação ro: legislatie tr: mevzuat UF act UF bill UF civil law UF decree UF law UF penal law UF public law NT constitution NT educational legislation NT employment law NT international law NT regulation RT legal status RT legislative power legislative body MT (14) cs: zákonodárný orgán de: gesetzgebende Körperschaft el: νομοθετικό σώμα es: órgano legislativo et: seadusandja fi: lainsäädäntöelin fr: corps législatif it: organo legislativo lt: įstatymus leidžiančioji institucija nl: wetgevend lichaam pl: organ ustawodawczy pt: Órgão legislativo ro: corp legislativ tr: yasama organı BT legislative power NT parliament TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 377 legislative power MT (14) cs: zákonodárná moc de: gesetzgebende Gewalt el: νομοθετική εξουσία es: poder legislativo et: seadusandlik võim fi: lainsäädäntövalta fr: pouvoir législatif it: potere legislativo lt: įstatymų leidžiamoji valdžia nl: wetgevende macht pl: władza ustawodawcza pt: Poder legislativo ro: putere legislativa tr: yasama erki BT government NT legislative body RT legislation leisure MT (07) cs: volný čas de: Freizeit el: ελεύθερος χρόνος es: ocio et: vaba aeg fi: vapaa-aika fr: loisir it: tempo libero lt: laisvalaikis nl: vrijetijd pl: wypoczynek pt: Tempos livres ro: timp liber tr: boş vakit UF leisure time NT leisure activities RT holidays RT leisure education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 378 leisure activities MT (07) cs: činnosti ve volném čase de: Freizeitaktivitäten el: δραστηριότητες για τον ελεύθερο χρόνο es: actividades de ocio et: huvitegevus fi: harrastustoiminta fr: activités de loisir it: attività ricreative lt: laisvalaikio veiklos nl: vrijetijdsbesteding pl: zajęcia rekreacyjne pt: Actividades de tempos livres ro: activitati de agrement tr: boş vakit etkinlikleri UF recreational activities BT leisure RT leisure facilities leisure education MT (07) cs: výchova pro volný čas de: Freizeitpädagogik el: εκπαίδευση για την ψυχαγωγία es: educación para el ocio et: huviharidus fi: vapaa-ajan koulutus fr: éducation des loisirs it: educazione al tempo libero lt: laisvalaikio ugdymas nl: vrijetijdseducatie pl: pedagogika czasu wolnego pt: Ocupação de tempos livres ro: educatie in agrement tr: boş vakit eğitimi SN: Preparing people for the enjoyable and rewarding use of their free time; the descriptor also denotes the training of leisure instructors. UF education for leisure BT content of learning RT leisure TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 379 leisure facilities MT (06) cs: zařízení pro volný čas de: Freizeiteinrichtung el: εγκαταστάσεις ψυχαγωγίας es: instalaciones de ocio et: huvikeskus fi: vapaa-ajan mahdollisuudet fr: installations de loisirs it: strutture ricreative lt: laisvalaikio infrastruktūra nl: vrijetijdsvoorzieningen pl: pomieszczenia rekreacyjne pt: Equipamentos para tempos livres ro: facilitati pentru recreere tr: boş vakit tesisleri UF recreation centre UF recreational facilities BT educational facilities NT playground RT leisure activities leisure time USE leisure length of compulsory education USE duration of compulsory education length of service MT (16) cs: délka zaměstnání de: Länge der Dienstzeit el: χρόνος υπηρεσίας es: antigüedad en el servicio et: tööstaaž fi: palvelusaika fr: durée de service it: anzianità di servizio lt: tarnybos trukmė nl: diensttijd pl: wysługa lat pt: Tempo de serviço ro: vechime în câmpul muncii tr: hizmetin süresi BT professional profile length of studies USE duration of studies length of the academic year USE duration of the academic year TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 380 length of the school year USE duration of the school year Leonardo da Vinci MT (20) cs: Leonardo da Vinci de: Leonardo da Vinci el: Λεονάρντο Ντα Βίντσι es: Leonardo da Vinci et: Leonardo da Vinci fi: Leonardo da Vinci fr: Leonardo da Vinci it: Leonardo da Vinci lt: Leonardo da Vinci nl: Leonardo da Vinci pl: Leonardo da Vinci pt: Leonardo da Vinci ro: Leonardo da Vinci tr: Leonardo da Vinci lesson MT (04) cs: vyučovací hodina de: Unterrichtsstunde el: μάθημα es: período lectivo et: õppetund fi: oppitunti fr: leçon it: lezione lt: pamoka nl: les pl: lekcja pt: Aula ro: lectie tr: ders UF teaching period BT school day RT teaching load TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 381 lesson preparation MT (11) cs: příprava na vyučování de: Unterrichtsvorbereitung el: προετοιμασία μαθήματος es: preparación de clases et: õppetundide ettevalmistamine fi: oppituntien valmistelu fr: préparation de leçon it: preparazione della lezione lt: pasiruošimas pamokoms nl: lesvoorbereiding pl: przygotowanie do lekcji pt: Preparação da lição ro: pregatirea lectiei tr: ders hazırlığı BT teacher working time RT teaching Lëtzebuergesch USE Luxembourgeois Letzeburgesch USE Luxembourgeois level of authority USE educational authority level of education MT (02) cs: vzdělávací úroveň de: Stufe im Bildungswesen el: βαθμίδα εκπαίδευσης es: nivel educativo et: haridustase fi: koulutustaso fr: niveau d'enseignement it: livello di istruzione lt: švietimo lygmuo nl: onderwijsniveau pl: poziom kształcenia pt: Nível de ensino ro: nivelul educatiei tr: eğitim seviyesi UF educational level UF level of study NT higher education NT post-compulsory education NT post-secondary non-tertiary education NT pre-primary education NT primary education NT secondary education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 382 level of qualification MT (09) cs: kvalifikační úroveň de: Qualifikationsgrad el: επίπεδο προσόντων es: nivel de cualificación et: kvalifikatsioonitase fi: pätevyystaso fr: niveau de qualification it: livello di qualifica lt: kvalifikacijos lygmuo nl: kwalificatieniveau pl: poziom kwalifikacji pt: Nível de qualificação ro: nivelul calificarii tr: nitelik seviyesi UF qualification level RT qualification level of study USE level of education lexicon MT (21) cs: lexikon de: Lexikon el: τράπεζα γλωσσικών δεδομένων es: léxico et: leksikon fi: sanaluettelo fr: lexique it: lessico lt: žodynas (leksikonas) nl: lexicon pl: leksykon pt: Léxico ro: lexicon tr: lügat liberal arts USE humanities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 383 librarian MT (11) cs: knihovník de: Bibliothekar el: βιβλιοθηκονόμος es: bibliotecario et: raamatukoguhoidja fi: kirjastonhoitaja fr: bibliothécaire it: blibliotecario lt: bibliotekininkas nl: bibliothecaris pl: bibliotekarz pt: Bibliotecário ro: bibliotecar tr: kütüphaneci UF documentalist BT non-teaching staff RT library library MT (06) cs: knihovna de: Bibliothek el: βιβλιοθήκη es: biblioteca et: raamatukogu fi: kirjasto fr: bibliothèque it: biblioteca lt: biblioteka nl: bibliotheek pl: biblioteka pt: Biblioteca ro: biblioteca tr: kütüphane BT educational facilities RT librarian TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 384 Liechtenstein MT (19) cs: Lichtenštejnsko de: Liechtenstein el: Λιχτενστάιν es: Liechtenstein et: Liechtenstein fi: Liechtenstein fr: Liechtenstein it: Liechtenstein lt: Lichtenšteinas nl: Liechtenstein pl: Liechtenstein pt: Liechtenstein ro: Liechtenstein tr: Lihtenştayn lifelong learning MT (02) cs: celoživotní učení de: lebenslanges Lernen el: δια βίου εκπαίδευση es: aprendizaje permanente et: elukestev õpe fi: elinikäinen oppiminen fr: apprentissage tout au long de la vie it: apprendimento permanente lt: mokymasis visą gyvenimą nl: levenlang leren pl: uczenie się przez całe życie pt: Aprendizagem ao longo da vida ro: învăţare pe tot parcursul vieţii tr: hayat boyu öğrenme SN: All learning, with the aim of improving knowledge, skills and/or qualifications, that takes place across the full range of live activities (personal, social and/or professional) and at any stage (Source: Adapted from the Communication from the European Commission, Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality, COM (2001) 678 final). UF lifewide learning NT formal education NT informal learning NT non-formal learning NT out-of-school education RT adult education RT return to learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 385 Lifelong Learning Programme MT (20) cs: program celoživotního učení de: Programm für lebenslanges Lernen el: Ολοκληρωμένη Δράση Προγράμματος για τη Δια Βίου Μάθηση es: Programa de Aprendizaje Permanente et: elukestva õppe programm fi: Elinikäisen oppimisen ohjelma fr: programme d'apprentissage et de formation tout au long de la vie it: Programma d'azione nel campo dell'apprendimento permanente lt: Mokymosi visą gyvenimą programa nl: Programma voor Levenslang Leren pl: program " Uczenie się przez całe życie " pt: Programa de Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida ro: programul de învăţare pe tot parcursul vieţii tr: Hayat boyu Öğrenme Programı UF Integrated Action Programme for Lifelong Learning UF LLP lifewide learning USE lifelong learning limited-term contract USE fixed-term contract Lingua MT (20) cs: Lingua de: Lingua el: Lingua es: Lingua et: Lingua fi: Lingua fr: Lingua it: L.I.N.G.U.A. lt: Lingua nl: Lingua pl: Lingua pt: Lingua ro: Lingua tr: Lingua TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 386 linguistic community MT (15) cs: jazyková komunita de: Sprachgemeinschaft el: γλωσσική κοινότητα es: comunidad lingüística et: keelekogukond fi: kieliyhteisö fr: communauté de langue it: comunità linguistica lt: kalbinė bendruomenė nl: taalgemeenschap pl: wspólnota językowa pt: Comunidade linguística ro: comunitate lingvistica tr: dilsel topluluk SN: Groups of people using a common language, either as mother tongue, teaching language, official language or second language (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF language community BT community linguistic diversity MT (15) cs: jazyková rozmanitost de: Sprachenvielfalt el: γλωσσική ποικιλομορφία es: diversidad lingüística et: keeleline mitmekesisus fi: kielellinen moninaisuus fr: diversité linguistique it: diversità linguistica lt: kalbinė įvairovė nl: taalkundige diversiteit pl: zróżnicowanie językowe pt: Diversidade linguística ro: diversitate lingvistica tr: dilsel çeşitlilik UF language diversity NT multilingualism RT language barrier linguistic exchange USE exchange visit linguistic minority USE language minority linguistic visit USE exchange visit TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 387 linguistics MT (07) cs: lingvistika de: Linguistik el: Γλωσσολογία es: lingüística et: keeleteadus fi: kielitiede fr: linguistique it: linguistica lt: lingvistika nl: taalkunde pl: lingwistyka pt: Linguística ro: lingvistică tr: dilbilimi UF language sciences BT humanities linked work and training USE alternance training lip-reading MT (03) cs: odezírání de: Lippenlesen el: οπτική πρόσληψη es: lectura labial et: suultlugemine fi: huuliltaluku fr: lecture labiale it: lettura labiale lt: skaitymas iš lūpų nl: liplezen pl: czytanie z ruchu warg pt: Leitura labial ro: citirea pe buze tr: dudak okuma RT hearing impairment TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 388 Lisbon Strategy MT (20) cs: Lisabonská strategie de: Lissabon-Strategie el: Στρατηγική της Λισσαβώνας es: Estrategia de Lisboa et: Lissaboni strateegia fi: Lissabonin strategia fr: Stratégie de Lisbonne it: strategia di Lisbona lt: Lisabonos strategija nl: Lissabon Strategie pl: Strategia Lizbońska pt: Estratégia de Lisboa ro: Strategia de la Lisabona tr: Lizbon Statejisi listening MT (07) cs: poslech de: Zuhören el: ακρόαση es: escucha et: kuulamine fi: kuunteleminen fr: écoute it: ascolto lt: klausymas nl: luisteren pl: słuchanie pt: Escuta ro: ascultare tr: dinleme BT language teaching TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 389 literacy MT (10) cs: gramotnost de: Alphabetisierung el: αλφαβητισμός es: alfabetización et: kirjaoskus fi: luku- ja kirjoitustaito fr: alphabétisation it: alfabetizzazione lt: raštingumas nl: geletterdheid pl: alfabetyzacja pt: Literacia ro: alfabetizare tr: okur yazarlık UF illiteracy BT competence NT adult literacy NT computer literacy NT functional literacy NT information literacy literature MT (15) cs: literatura de: Literatur el: λογοτεχνία es: literatura et: kirjandus fi: kirjallisuus fr: littérature it: letteratura lt: literatūra nl: literatuur pl: literatura pt: Literatura ro: literatura tr: edebiyat BT culture NT children's and youth literature TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 390 Lithuania MT (19) cs: Litva de: Litauen el: Λιθουανία es: Lituania et: Leedu fi: Liettua fr: Lituanie it: Lituania lt: Lietuva nl: Litouwen pl: Litwa pt: Lituânia ro: Lituania tr: Litvanya Lithuanian MT (17) cs: litevština de: Litauisch el: Λιθουανική γλώσσα es: lituano et: leedu keel fi: liettuan kieli fr: lituanien it: lituano lt: lietuvių kalba nl: Litouws pl: litewski pt: Lituânio ro: lituanian tr: Litvanyaca BT Baltic languages living standard USE standard of living LLP USE Lifelong Learning Programme TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 391 loan MT (05) cs: půjčka de: Darlehen el: δάνειο es: préstamo et: laen fi: laina fr: emprunt it: prestito lt: paskola nl: lening pl: pożyczka pt: Empréstimo ro: împrumut tr: kredi BT financial support RT interest rate local administration USE educational administration + local level local authority USE local level local community MT (15) cs: místní komunita de: Örtliche Gemeinschaft el: τοπική κοινότητα es: comunidad local et: kohalik kogukond fi: paikallisyhteisö fr: collectivité locale it: comunità locale lt: vietos bendruomenė nl: lokale gemeenschap pl: społeczność lokalna pt: Comunidade local ro: comunitate locala tr: yerel topluluk SN: The immediate community in which an educational institution is operating. UF local environment BT community local environment USE local community TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 392 local level MT (14) cs: místní úroveň de: örtliche Ebene el: τοπικό επίπεδο es: nivel local et: kohalik tasand fi: paikallistaso fr: niveau local it: livello locale lt: vietos lygmuo nl: lokaal niveau pl: szczebel lokalny pt: Nível local ro: nivel local tr: yerel seviye UF commune UF local authority UF municipality UF † local administration BT administrative level looked after children USE children in public care Lower Saxony MT (19) cs: Dolní Sasko de: Niedersachsen el: Κάτω Σαξονία es: Baja Sajonia et: Alam-Saksimaa fi: Ala-Saksi fr: Basse Saxe it: Bassa Sassonia lt: Žemutinė Saksonija nl: Nedersaksen pl: Dolna Saksonia pt: Baixa Saxónia ro: Saxonia Inferioară tr: Aşağı Saksonya TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 393 lower secondary MT (02) cs: nižší sekundární úroveň de: Sekundarstufe 1 el: α' κύκλος δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης es: secundaria inferior et: keskkooli 1 aste fi: yläaste fr: secondaire inférieur it: secondario inferiore lt: pagrindinis (ugdymas) nl: lager secundair onderwijs pl: szkolnictwo średnie pierwszego stopnia pt: Secundário inferior ro: secundar inferior tr: ortaokul UF ISCED 2 BT secondary education RT single-structure education Luxembourg MT (19) cs: Lucembursko de: Luxemburg el: Λουξεμβούργο es: Luxemburgo et: Luksemburg fi: Luxemburg fr: Luxembourg it: Lussemburgo lt: Liuksemburgas nl: Luxemburg pl: Luksemburg pt: Luxemburgo ro: Luxemburg tr: Lüksemburg TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 394 Luxembourgeois MT (17) cs: lucemburština de: Luxemburgisch el: Λουξεμβουργιανή γλώσσα es: luxemburgués et: letseburgi keel fi: luxemburgin kieli fr: luxembourgeois it: lussemburghese lt: liuksemburgiečių kalba nl: Luxemburgs pl: luksemburski pt: Luxemburguês ro: luxemburghez tr: Lüksemburgca UF Lëtzebuergesch UF Letzeburgesch UF Luxembourgish UF Luxemburgish BT Moselle Franconian Luxembourgish USE Luxembourgeois Luxemburgish USE Luxembourgeois Macedonian USE Language of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia main subject MT (07) cs: hlavní předmět de: Hauptfach el: κυρίως θέμα es: materia principal et: põhiõppeaine fi: pääaine fr: matière principale it: materia principale lt: pagrindinis dalykas nl: hoofdvak pl: przedmiot główny pt: Disciplinas nucleares ro: principalul subiect tr: ana konu BT curriculum subject mainstreaming USE inclusive education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 395 maintenance and repair MT (06) cs: údržba a opravy de: Wartung und Reparatur el: συντήρηση και επισκευή es: mantenimiento y reparación et: hooldus ja parandus fi: huolto fr: entretien et réparation it: manutenzione e riparazione lt: priežiūra ir remontas nl: onderhoud en reparatie pl: konserwacja i naprawy pt: Manutenção e reparação ro: întreţinere şi reparaţii tr: bakım ve onarım UF cleaning RT maintenance staff maintenance personnel USE maintenance staff maintenance staff MT (11) cs: pracovníci údržby de: Wartungspersonal el: προσωπικό συντήρησης es: personal de mantenimiento et: hooldustöötajad fi: huoltohenkilöstö fr: personnel d'entretien it: personale di manutenzione lt: pagalbinis personalas nl: onderhoudspersoneel pl: personel techniczny pt: Pessoal de manutenção ro: personalul de întreţinere tr: bakım ekibi UF maintenance personnel BT non-teaching staff NT caretaker RT maintenance and repair TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 396 male MT (15) cs: muž de: männliches Geschlecht el: άρρεν es: hombre et: meesfi: mies fr: sexe masculin it: maschile lt: vyras nl: mannelijk pl: płeć męska pt: Sexo masculino ro: barbatesc /masculin tr: erkek UF man BT gender NT boy Malta MT (19) cs: Malta de: Malta el: Μάλτα es: Malta et: Malta fi: Malta fr: Malte it: Malta lt: Malta nl: Malta pl: Malta pt: Malta ro: Malta tr: Malta Maltese MT (17) cs: maltština de: Maltesisch el: Μαλτέζικη γλώσσα es: maltés et: malta keel fi: maltan kieli fr: maltais it: maltese lt: maltiečių kalba nl: Maltees pl: maltański pt: Maltês ro: maltez tr: Maltaca BT Arabic TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 397 man USE male management MT (16) cs: hospodaření de: Management el: διαχείριση es: gestión et: juhtimine fi: johtaminen fr: gestion it: gestione lt: vadyba nl: management pl: zarządzanie pt: Gestão ro: management tr: idarecilik NT management of resources management body USE governing body management education MT (07) cs: manažerské vzdělávání de: Managementausbildung el: εκπαίδευση της διοίκησης es: estudios de gestión et: juhtimiskoolitus fi: johtamiskoulutus fr: formation à la gestion it: formazione manageriale lt: vadybos pagrindų mokymas nl: managementonderwijs pl: edukacja menedżerska pt: Formação para a gestão ro: management educational tr: yönetim eğitimi BT economics TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 398 management of resources MT (16) cs: hospodaření se zdroji de: Mittelbewirtschaftung el: διαχείριση πόρων es: gestión de recursos et: ressursside juhtimine fi: resurssien hallinta fr: gestion des ressources it: gestione delle risorse lt: išteklių valdymas nl: beheer van middelen pl: zarządzanie zasobami pt: Gestão de recursos ro: managementul resurselor tr: kaynak yönetimi UF resource management BT management NT resource allocation managerial staff MT (11) cs: řídící pracovníci de: Führungskräfte el: διευθυντικό προσωπικό es: personal directivo et: juhtivtöötajad fi: johtohenkilöstö fr: personnel d'encadrement it: personale dirigente lt: vadybos personalas nl: kaderpersoneel pl: kadra kierownicza pt: Pessoal dirigente ro: personalul de conducere tr: idari çalışanlar SN: Persons holding posts of responsibility or entrusted with the management of teams, belonging to a senior category in a firm, an administration, etc (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT non-teaching staff RT headteacher mandatory schooling USE compulsory education mandatory subject USE compulsory subject manpower USE human resources manual USE guide TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 399 manual work MT (16) cs: manuální práce de: manuelle Arbeit el: χειρωνακτική εργασία es: trabajo manual et: kehaline töö fi: ruumiillinen työ fr: travail manuel it: lavoro manuale lt: rankų darbas nl: handenarbeid pl: praca fizyczna pt: Trabalho manual ro: lucru manual/munca bruta tr: beden işi BT employment marital status MT (15) cs: manželský stav de: Familienstand el: οικογενειακή κατάσταση es: estado civil et: perekonnaseis fi: siviilisääty fr: état civil it: stato civile lt: šeiminė padėtis nl: huwelijkse staat pl: stan cywilny pt: Estado civil ro: stare civila tr: medeni durum RT citizen TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 400 marking MT (09) cs: klasifikace de: Benotung el: βαθμολόγηση es: calificación et: hindepunktide andmine fi: arvostelu fr: notation it: votazione lt: vertinimas taškais nl: cijfertoekenning pl: ocenianie pt: Notação ro: marcare tr: not verme UF grading UF marks BT evaluation by teachers marks USE marking mass education USE democratisation of education mass media MT (13) cs: hromadné sdělovací prostředky de: Massenmedien el: μέσα μαζικής επικοινωνίας es: medios de comunicación de masas et: meedia fi: joukkoviestimet fr: médias de masse it: mass media lt: visuomenės informavimo priemonės nl: massamedia pl: środki masowego przekazu pt: Meios de comunicação social ro: mass - media tr: kitle iletişim araçları UF press UF radio UF television BT communication TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 401 master degree studies MT (02) cs: magisterské studium de: Masterstudiengang el: σπουδές μεταπτυχιακού επιπέδου es: estudios de Máster et: magistriõpe fi: maisterin opinnot fr: études supérieures de deuxième cycle it: studi superiori di secondo livello lt: magistrantūra nl: masteropleidingen pl: studia wyższe drugiego stopnia pt: Estudos superiores de segundo ciclo ro: Studii de masterat tr: yüksek lisans çalışmaları SN: Higher education course leading to a master's degree in accordance with the Bologna Process. UF second study cycle UF second-cycle studies BT postgraduate studies RT master's degree master's USE master's degree master's degree MT (09) cs: magistr de: Masterdiplom el: μεταπτυχιακός τίτλος es: título de Máster Universitario et: magistrikraad fi: maisterin tutkinto fr: diplôme Master it: laurea di secondo livello lt: magistro laipsnis nl: master graad pl: tytuł zawodowy magistra pt: Mestrado ro: masterat tr: yüksek lisans SN: A second academic degree within the two-cycle higher education system encouraged by the Bologna Process. UF master's UF master's qualification BT higher education diploma RT master degree studies master's qualification USE master's degree maternity leave USE parental leave TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 402 mathematics MT (07) cs: matematika de: Mathematik el: μαθηματικά es: matemáticas et: matemaatika fi: matematiikka fr: mathématiques it: matematica lt: matematika nl: wiskunde pl: matematyka pt: Matemática ro: matematica tr: matematik UF algebra UF arithmetic UF geometry BT content of learning mature student MT (11) cs: dospělý student de: Student an einer tertiären Bildungseinrichtung el: ενήλικας μαθητής es: estudiante adulto et: täiskasvanud õppur fi: aikuisopiskelija fr: étudiant adulte it: studente maturo lt: brandus studentas nl: volwassen student pl: dorosły student pt: Estudante adulto ro: student matur tr: olgun öğrenci SN: Student enroled in a higher education programme. BT student RT higher education meal USE school meal TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 403 means-tested support MT (05) cs: podpora závislá na příjmech de: Bedarfsabhängige Unterstützung el: επίδομα βάσει εισοδήματος es: ayuda concedida según recursos et: sotsiaaltoetus fi: ansiosidonnainen tuki fr: soutien sous condition de ressources it: sussidio finanziario lt: tikslinė parama nl: inkomensafhankelijke ondersteuning pl: stypendium socjalne pt: Apoio sob condição de recursos ro: metode testate tr: mali duruma göre destek SN: Assistance awarded on the basis of individual or household income/resources. BT support measure measurement MT (01) cs: měření de: Messung el: μέτρηση es: medida et: mõõtmine fi: mittaaminen fr: mesure it: misurazione lt: matavimas nl: meting pl: pomiar pt: Medida ro: măsurare tr: ölçme RT research Mecklenburg West Pomerania USE Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 404 Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania MT (19) cs: Meklenbursko-Přední Pomořany de: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern el: Μεκλεμβούργο-Δυτική Πομερανία es: Mecklemburgo-Pomerania Occidental et: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern fi: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern fr: Mecklembourg-Poméranie occidentale it: Meclenburgo-Pomerania Occidentale lt: Meklenburgas - Pomeranija nl: Mecklenburg-Voor-Pommeren pl: Meklemburgia-Pomorze Przednie pt: Mecklemburgo-Pomerânia Ocidental ro: Mecklenburg-Pomerania de Vest tr: Meklenburg-Batı Pomeranya UF Mecklenburg West Pomerania media education MT (07) cs: mediální výchova de: Medienerziehung el: εκπαίδευση στα μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης es: enseñanza de los medios de comunicación et: meediakasvatus fi: mediakasvatus fr: éducation aux médias it: educazione ai media lt: žiniasklaidos studijos nl: media-onderwijs pl: edukacja medialna pt: Educação para os média ro: educatie prin mass - media tr: basın eğitimi BT humanities mediator MT (11) cs: mediátor de: Mediator el: διαμεσολαβητής es: mediador et: vahendaja fi: sovittelija fr: médiateur it: mediatore lt: tarpininkas nl: bemiddelaar pl: mediator pt: Mediador ro: mediator tr: arabulucu SN: A person or organisation that helps two conflicting parties resolve their differences. BT advisory body TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 405 Mediterranean countries MT (19) cs: Středomořské země de: Mittelmeerländer el: Μεσογειακές χώρες es: países mediterráneos et: Vahemeremaad fi: Välimeren maat fr: pays méditerranéens it: paesi mediterranei lt: Viduržemio jūros šalys nl: Middellandse Zeelanden pl: kraje śródziemnomorskie pt: Países mediterrânicos ro: tari mediteraneene tr: Akdeniz ülkeleri UF Mediterranean Region Mediterranean Region USE Mediterranean countries medium of instruction USE teaching language meeting USE conference meeting report MT (21) cs: zápis z jednání de: Sitzungsbericht el: έκθεση συνάντησης es: acta de una reunión et: koosolekuettekanne fi: kokousraportti fr: compte-rendu d'une réunion it: verbale di riunione lt: posėdžio protokolas nl: verslag van de vergadering pl: protokół zebrania pt: Relatório de reunião ro: raportul întâlnirii tr: toplantı raporu TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 406 member MT (18) cs: člen de: Mitglied el: μέλος es: miembro et: liige fi: jäsen fr: membre it: membro lt: narys nl: lid pl: członek pt: Membro ro: membru tr: üye SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. mental age MT (10) cs: mentální věk de: geistiges Alter el: διανοητική ηλικία es: edad mental et: vaimne vanus fi: älykkyysikä fr: âge mental it: età mentale lt: protinis amžius nl: mentale leeftijd pl: wiek umysłowy pt: Idade mental ro: varsta mentala tr: zihinsel yaş BT cognitive development RT reasoning mental development USE cognitive development TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 407 mentoring MT (09) cs: mentorství de: Mentoring el: εποπτεία es: tutoría et: mentorinõustamine fi: mentorointi fr: mentorat it: mentoring lt: naujokų globa nl: mentorschap pl: mentoring pt: Mentorado ro: mentorat tr: yol göstericilik SN: Guidance, support and expertise provided by a trusted and experienced person to a junior person in a learning or professional environment. BT guidance methodology MT (01) cs: metodologie de: Methodologie el: μεθοδολογία es: metodología et: metoodika fi: metodologia fr: méthodologie it: metodologia lt: metodologija nl: methodologie pl: metodologia pt: Metodologia ro: metodologie tr: metodoloji RT research Mexico MT (19) cs: Mexiko de: Mexiko el: Μεξικό es: México et: Mehhiko fi: Meksiko fr: Mexique it: Messico lt: Meksika nl: Mexico pl: Meksyk pt: México ro: Mexic tr: Meksika TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 408 microcomputer USE computer Middle East MT (19) cs: Střední východ de: Naher Osten el: Μέση Ανατολή es: Oriente Medio et: Kesk-Ida fi: Lähi-itä fr: Moyen-Orient it: Medio Oriente lt: Vidurio Rytai nl: Midden-Oosten pl: Bliski Wschód pt: Médio Oriente ro: Orientul Mijlociu tr: Orta Doğu migrant MT (15) cs: migrant de: Migrant el: απόδημος es: migrante et: rändaja fi: siirtolainen fr: migrant it: migrante lt: migrantas nl: migrant pl: migrant pt: Migrante ro: migrant tr: göçebe NT emigrant NT immigrant NT itinerant NT refugee NT second generation migrant TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 409 migration MT (15) cs: migrace de: Migration el: μετανάστευση es: migración et: ränne fi: siirtolaisuus fr: migration it: migrazione lt: migracija nl: migratie pl: migracja pt: Migração ro: migrare tr: göçme NT country of origin NT host country RT brain drain military school MT (06) cs: vojenská škola de: Militärschule el: στρατιωτική σχολή es: academia militar et: sõjakool fi: sotakoulu fr: école militaire it: scuola militare lt: karinė mokykla nl: militaire school pl: szkoła wojskowa pt: Escola militar ro: scoala militara tr: askeri okul BT school Minerva MT (20) cs: Minerva de: Minerva el: Minerva es: Minerva et: Minerva fi: Minerva fr: Minerva it: Minerva lt: Minerva nl: Minerva pl: Minerva pt: Minerva ro: Minerva tr: Minerva TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 410 minimum competences MT (10) cs: minimální kompetence de: Kompetenzminimum el: στοιχειώδεις δεξιότητες es: competencias mínimas et: miinimumpädevus fi: vähimmäistaidot fr: compétences minimales it: competenze minime lt: minimaliosios kompetencijos nl: minimum competenties pl: kompetencje minimalne pt: Conhecimentos básicos ro: competente minimale tr: asgari yeterlikler SN: Skills and knowledge that are deemed essential for a given age, grade or performance level (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF minimum competencies BT competence RT basic education minimum competencies USE minimum competences minimum curriculum USE common core curriculum minister of education MT (11) cs: ministr školství de: Bildungsminister el: Υπουργός Παιδείας es: ministro de educación et: haridusminister fi: opetusministeri fr: ministre de l'Éducation it: ministro dell'educazione lt: švietimo ministras nl: minister van onderwijs pl: minister edukacji pt: Ministro da Educação ro: ministrul educatiei tr: eğitim bakanı UF secretary of state for education BT ministry of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 411 ministry MT (14) cs: ministerstvo de: Ministerium el: υπουργείο es: ministerio et: ministeerium fi: ministeriö fr: ministère it: ministero lt: ministerija nl: ministerie pl: ministerstwo pt: Ministério ro: ministerul tr: bakanlık SN: Term used to designate all ministries other than the education ministry. BT executive power ministry of education MT (11) cs: ministerstvo školství de: Bildungsministerium el: Υπουργείο Παιδείας es: ministerio de educación et: haridusministeerium fi: opetusministeriö fr: ministère de l'Éducation it: Ministero dell'educazione lt: švietimo ministerija nl: ministerie van onderwijs pl: ministerstwo edukacji pt: Ministério da Educação ro: ministerul educatiei tr: eğitim bakanlığı UF department of education UF education ministry BT educational authority NT minister of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 412 minority language MT (15) cs: menšinový jazyk de: Minderheitssprache el: μειονοτική γλώσσα es: lengua minoritaria et: vähemuskeel fi: vähemmistökieli fr: langue minoritaire it: lingua minoritaria lt: mažumos kalba nl: minderheidstaal pl: język mniejszości narodowej pt: Língua minoritária ro: limba minoritara tr: azınlık dili SN: A language that is traditionally used by a minority of a country's population. BT community language Mirandês MT (17) cs: mirandština de: Mirandês el: Mirandes es: mirandés et: miranda keel fi: Mirandeesi fr: mirandais it: mirandese lt: mirandiečių kalba nl: Mirandês pl: mirandyjski pt: Mirandês ro: Mirandes tr: Mirandca UF Mirandese BT Romance languages Mirandese USE Mirandês TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 413 misconduct MT (10) cs: nekázeň de: schlechtes Betragen el: κακή διαγωγή es: mala conducta et: väärkäitumine fi: häiriökäyttäytyminen fr: mauvaise conduite it: cattiva condotta lt: netinkamas elgesys nl: wangedrag pl: złe sprawowanie pt: Mau comportamento ro: proastă conducere /abatere tr: kötü davranış BT behaviour NT absenteeism NT bullying NT cheating NT delinquency NT violence mixed age class MT (08) cs: věkově smíšená třída de: altersheterogene Klasse el: τάξη μικτών ηλικιών es: clase heterogénea por edad et: erivanuseliste klass fi: yhdysluokka fr: classe d'âges mixtes it: classe eterogenea per età lt: mišraus amžiaus klasė nl: combinatieklas pl: klasa mieszana wiekowo pt: Turma mista ro: clasa cu varste amestecate? tr: karma yaş sınıfı BT heterogeneous class mixed school USE coeducational school mixed-group class USE heterogeneous class TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 414 mobile education services MT (06) cs: mobilní vzdělávací služby de: mobile pädagogische Einrichtung el: κινητές εκπαιδευτικές υπηρεσίες es: servicios educativos itinerantes et: mobiilne haridusteenus fi: kiertävät koulutuspalvelut fr: services éducatifs itinérants it: servizi educativi itineranti lt: mobiliosios švietimo paslaugos nl: mobiele onderwijsvoorzieningen pl: mobilne służby edukacyjne pt: Serviços educativos itinerantes ro: servicii mobile de educatie tr: gezici eğitim hizmetleri UF mobile school BT educational institution mobile school USE mobile education services mobility MT (04) cs: mobilita de: Mobilität el: κινητικότητα es: movilidad et: liikuvus fi: liikkuvuus fr: mobilité it: mobilità lt: judumas nl: mobiliteit pl: mobilność pt: Mobilidade ro: mobilitate tr: hareketlilik NT free movement RT exchange visit RT recognition of diplomas Modern Greek USE Greek modern languages USE foreign language teaching TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 415 modular course MT (08) cs: modulární kurs de: modularer Bildungsgang el: διδακτική ενότητα es: curso de formación por módulos et: moodulkursus fi: moduuliopetus fr: programme modulaire it: corso modulare lt: modulinis kursas nl: modulaire cursus pl: kurs modułowy pt: Curso por módulos ro: curs modular /curs pe module tr: modüler ders UF learning module UF modular programme UF modular training BT course modular programme USE modular course modular training USE modular course Moldova USE Republic of Moldova Monaco MT (19) cs: Monako de: Monaco el: Μονακό es: Mónaco et: Monaco fi: Monaco fr: Monaco it: Monaco lt: Monakas nl: Monaco pl: Monako pt: Mónaco ro: Monaco tr: Monako monitoring of the education system USE evaluation of the education system Montenegro USE Republic of Montenegro TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 416 moral education MT (07) cs: mravní výchova de: ethische Erziehung el: ηθική αγωγή es: educación moral et: kõlbluskasvatus fi: moraalikasvatus fr: éducation morale it: educazione morale lt: dorinis ugdymas nl: morele vorming pl: wychowanie moralne pt: Educação moral ro: educatie morala tr: ahlak eğitimi UF ethics BT humanities Moselle Franconian MT (17) cs: moselskofrancké dialekty de: Moselfränkisch el: Moselle Franconian es: franco-moselano et: moseli-frangi keeled fi: moselfrankki fr: francique mosellan it: mosellano-francone lt: Mozelio frankų kalba nl: Moezel-Frankisch pl: języki mozelsko-frankońskie pt: Frâncico moselano ro: Moselle Franconian tr: Mozel Frankancası UF language of Moselle region BT German NT Luxembourgeois mother USE parents TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 417 mother tongue MT (15) cs: mateřský jazyk de: Muttersprache el: μητρική γλώσσα es: lengua materna et: emakeel fi: äidinkieli fr: langue maternelle it: madrelingua lt: gimtoji kalba nl: moedertaal pl: język ojczysty pt: Língua materna ro: limba materna tr: anadil UF native language UF native tongue BT language RT mother tongue instruction mother tongue instruction MT (07) cs: výuka mateřského jazyka de: muttersprachlicher Unterricht el: διδασκαλία της μητρικής γλώσσας es: enseñanza de la lengua materna et: emakeeleõpe fi: äidinkielen opetus fr: apprentissage de la langue maternelle it: insegnamento della lingua materna lt: mokymas gimtąja kalba nl: moedertaalonderwijs pl: nauczanie w języku ojczystym pt: Ensino da língua materna ro: limba materna de instruire tr: anadil eğitimi BT language teaching RT mother tongue mother-child relation USE parent-child relation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 418 motivation MT (16) cs: motivace de: Motivation el: παρότρυνση es: motivación et: motiveerimine fi: motivaatio fr: motivation it: motivazione lt: motyvacija nl: motivatie pl: motywacja pt: Motivação ro: motivare tr: motivasyon RT incentive motive USE cause motor development MT (10) cs: pohybový vývoj de: motorische Entwicklung el: κινητική ανάπτυξη es: desarrollo motor et: motoorne areng fi: motorinen kehitys fr: développement moteur it: sviluppo motorio lt: motorinių gebėjimų raida nl: motorische ontwikkeling pl: rozwój motoryczny pt: Desenvolvimento motor ro: dezvoltare motrica tr: devimsel gelişim UF psychomotor development BT physical development motor disorder USE physical disability multicultural education USE intercultural education multilingual USE multilingualism TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 419 multilingualism MT (15) cs: vícejazyčnost de: Mehrsprachigkeit el: πολυγλωσσία es: multilingüismo et: mitmekeelsus fi: monikielisyys fr: multilinguisme it: multilinguismo lt: daugiakalbystė nl: meertaligheid pl: wielojęzyczność pt: Multilinguismo ro: multilingualism tr: çok dillilik UF multilingual UF plurilingual BT linguistic diversity NT bilingualism municipality USE local level Murcia MT (19) cs: Murcie de: Murcia el: Μούρσια es: Murcia et: Murcia fi: Murcia fr: Murcie it: Murcia lt: Mursija nl: Murcia pl: Murcja pt: Múrcia ro: Murcia tr: Mürsiye UF Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia UF Region of Murcia TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 420 museum MT (06) cs: muzeum de: Museum el: μουσείο es: museo et: muuseum fi: museo fr: musée it: museo lt: muziejus nl: museum pl: muzeum pt: Museu ro: muzeu tr: müze BT educational facilities music MT (15) cs: hudba de: Musik el: μουσική es: música et: muusika fi: musiikki fr: musique it: musica lt: muzika nl: muziek pl: muzyka pt: Música ro: muzica tr: müzik BT art music education MT (07) cs: hudební výchova de: Musikerziehung el: μουσική παιδεία es: educación musical et: muusikakasvatus fi: musiikkikasvatus fr: éducation musicale it: educazione musicale lt: muzikinis ugdymas nl: muziekonderwijs pl: edukacja muzyczna pt: Educação musical ro: educatie muzicala tr: müzik eğitimi BT art education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 421 music school MT (06) cs: hudební škola de: Ausbildungseinrichtung für Musik el: μουσικό σχολείο es: escuela de música et: muusikakool fi: musiikkiopisto fr: école de musique it: scuola di musica lt: muzikos mokykla nl: muziekschool pl: szkoła muzyczna pt: Escola de música ro: scoala de muzica tr: müzik okulu SN: Special institution where music is taught (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT art school mutual recognition of diplomas USE recognition of diplomas NARIC MT (20) cs: NARIC de: NARIC el: ΔΟΑΤΑΠ es: NARIC et: NARIC fi: NARIC fr: NARIC it: NARIC lt: NARIC nl: NARIC pl: NARIC pt: NARIC ro: NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centre) tr: UAGBM UF NARIC network UF National Academic Recognition Information Centres NARIC network USE NARIC National Academic Recognition Information Centres USE NARIC national authority USE national level national language USE state language TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 422 national level MT (14) cs: národní úroveň de: staatliche Ebene el: εθνικό επίπεδο es: nivel nacional et: riigitasand fi: kansallinen taso fr: niveau national it: livello nazionale lt: nacionalinis lygmuo nl: nationaal niveau pl: szczebel krajowy pt: Nível nacional ro: nivel national tr: ulusal seviye UF central authority UF central level UF national authority UF top level authority BT administrative level national report USE country report native language USE mother tongue native tongue USE mother tongue natural sciences MT (07) cs: přírodní vědy de: Naturwissenschaften el: φυσικές επιστήμες es: ciencias de la naturaleza et: loodusteadused fi: luonnontieteet fr: sciences naturelles it: scienze naturali lt: gamtos mokslai nl: natuurwetenschappen pl: nauki przyrodnicze pt: Ciências da natureza ro: stiinte naturale tr: fen ve doğa bilimleri UF exact sciences BT content of learning NT biology NT chemistry NT geography NT physics TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 423 Navarre MT (19) cs: Navarra de: Navarra el: Ναβάρα es: Navarra et: Navarra fi: Navarra fr: Navarre it: Navarra lt: Navara nl: Navarra pl: Nawarra pt: Navarra ro: Navarra tr: Navarre UF Autonomous Community of Navarre Nederlands USE Dutch Netherlands MT (19) cs: Nizozemsko de: Niederlande el: Κάτω Χώρες es: Países Bajos et: Madalmaad fi: Alankomaat fr: Pays-Bas it: Paesi Bassi lt: Nyderlandai nl: Nederland pl: Holandia pt: Países Baixos ro: Olanda tr: Hollanda UF Holland new basic skills USE basic skills TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 424 New Zealand MT (19) cs: Nový Zéland de: Neuseeland el: Νέα Ζηλανδία es: Nueva Zelanda et: Uus-Meremaa fi: Uusi-Seelanti fr: Nouvelle-Zélande it: Nuova Zelanda lt: Naujoji Zelandija nl: Nieuw-Zeeland pl: Nowa Zelandia pt: Nova Zelândia ro: Noua Zeelanda tr: Yeni Zelanda newly qualified teacher USE qualified teacher newsletter MT (21) cs: zpravodaj de: Mitteilungsblatt el: εγκύκλιος es: boletín informativo et: teabeleht fi: tiedotuslehti fr: lettre d'information it: bollettino lt: informacinis biuletenis nl: nieuwsbrief pl: biuletyn pt: Boletim de informação ro: stiri tr: haber bülteni newspaper MT (21) cs: noviny de: Zeitung el: εφημερίδα es: periódico et: ajaleht fi: sanomalehti fr: journal it: giornale lt: laikraštis nl: krant pl: gazeta pt: Jornal ro: ziar tr: gazete TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 425 NGO USE non-governmental organisation nomenclature of territorial units for statistics USE NUTS regions non-enrolled student MT (11) cs: mimořádný student de: Gasthörer el: μη εγγεγραμμένος σπουδαστής es: alumno libre et: vabakuulaja fi: kuunteluoppilas fr: auditeur libre it: uditore lt: laisvasis klausytojas nl: extraneus pl: wolny słuchacz pt: Estudante não matriculado ro: studenti neinmatriculati tr: kayıtsız öğrenci SN: Interested individuals who are admitted to follow selected higher education course without being enrolled in the entire programme. As a consequence they do not enjoy the same rights as enrolled students. UF associate student BT student non-EU country MT (12) cs: nečlenská země EU de: Nicht-EU-Land el: χώρα που δεν ανήκει στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση es: país no perteneciente a la Unión Europea et: Euroopa Liitu mittekuuluv riik fi: ei EU-maa fr: pays hors UE it: paese non UE lt: nepriklausančios ES šalys nl: niet-EU land pl: kraj nie należący do UE pt: País de fora da UE ro: tari non - UE tr: AB üyesi olmayan ülke RT enlargement (European Union) non-formal education USE non-formal learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 426 non-formal learning MT (02) cs: neformální vzdělávání de: nicht formales Lernen el: μη τυπική μάθηση es: aprendizaje no formal et: mitteformaalõpe fi: epävirallinen oppiminen fr: apprentissage non formel it: apprendimento non formale lt: neformalusis mokymasis nl: niet-formeel leren pl: kształcenie pozaformalne pt: Aprendizagem não-formal ro: invatare nonformala tr: formel olmayan öğrenme SN: Learning which is embedded in planned activities not explicitly designated as learning (in terms of learning objectives, learning time or learning support), but which contain an important learning element. Non-formal learning is intentional from the learner's point of view. It normally does not lead to certification (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF non-formal education UF semi-structured learning BT lifelong learning RT out-of-school education RT skills audit non-governmental organisation MT (11) cs: nevládní organizace de: Nichtregierungsorganisation el: μη κυβερνητικός οργανισμός es: organización no gubernamental et: vabaühendus fi: kansalaisjärjestö fr: organisation non-gouvernementale it: organizzazione non governativa lt: nevyriausybinė organizacija nl: niet-gouvernementele organisatie pl: organizacja pozarządowa pt: Organização não-governamental ro: organizatie nonguvernamentala tr: sivil toplum örgütü UF NGO UF non-governmental organization BT organisation non-governmental organization USE non-governmental organisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 427 non-grant-aided private school MT (06) cs: nesubvencovaná soukromá škola de: nicht subventionierte Privatschule el: μη χρηματοδοτούμενο ιδιωτικό σχολείο es: centro privado no concertado et: tegevustoetuseta erakool fi: valtionapujärjestelmän ulkopuolella oleva yksityiskoulu fr: école privée non subventionnée it: scuola privata non sovvenzionata lt: nedotuojama privati mokykla nl: niet door de overheid bekostigd privé onderwijs pl: niesubsydiowana szkoła prywatna pt: Escola particular não subvencionada ro: scoala particulara fara ajutor de stat tr: devlet yardımı almayan özel okul UF independent private school UF independent school BT private school RT fees non-private school USE public-sector school non-public education USE private education non-qualified teacher MT (11) cs: nekvalifikovaný učitel de: Lehrkraft ohne Lehrbefähigung el: καθηγητής χωρίς τα τυπικά προσόντα es: profesor no cualificado et: kvalifitseerimata õpetaja fi: epäpätevä opettaja fr: personnel enseignant non qualifié it: insegnante non qualificato lt: nekvalifikuotas mokytojas nl: niet-gekwalificeerde leerkracht pl: nauczyciel bez kwalifikacji pt: Professor não-qualificado ro: profesori necalificati tr: formasyonsuz öğretmen BT teacher non-specialist teacher USE generalist teacher non-state school USE private school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 428 non-teaching staff MT (11) cs: nepedagogičtí pracovníci de: nichtunterrichtendes Personal el: μη διδακτικό προσωπικό es: personal no docente et: õppeabitöötajad fi: muu kuin opetushenkilökunta fr: personnel non-enseignant it: personale non docente lt: nepedagoginis personalas nl: niet-onderwijzend personeel pl: personel niepedagogiczny pt: Pessoal não-docente ro: perosnal auxiliar din institutiile de invatamant tr: öğretim kadrosu dışı personel NT activity coordinator NT administrative staff NT educational childcare staff NT educational psychologist NT evaluator NT guidance officer NT librarian NT maintenance staff NT managerial staff NT scientific staff NT vice-chancellor NT youth worker RT educational psychologist non-university higher education institution MT (06) cs: neuniverzitní vysoká škola de: nichtuniversitäre Hochschuleinrichtung el: μη πανεπιστημιακό ίδρυμα ανώτατης εκπαίδευσης es: institución de educación superior no universitaria et: rakenduskõrgkool fi: ammattikorkeakoulu fr: établissement d'enseignement supérieur non universitaire it: istituto d'istruzione superiore non universitario lt: neuniversitetinė aukštoji mokykla nl: niet-universitair hoger onderwijs instelling pl: uczelnia nieakademicka pt: Estabelecimento de ensino superior não-universitário ro: institutie de invatamant superior non-universitara tr: üniversite dışı yüksek eğitim kurumu BT higher education institution TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 429 non-verbal communication MT (13) cs: neverbální komunikace de: nichtverbale Kommunikation el: μη λεκτική επικοινωνία es: comunicación no verbal et: mitteverbaalne suhtlus fi: sanaton viestintä fr: communication non-verbale it: comunicazione non verbale lt: nežodinis bendravimas nl: non-verbale communicatie pl: komunikacja niewerbalna pt: Comunicação não-verbal ro: comunicare nonverbala tr: sözsüz iletişim BT communication NT sign language NT symbol RT language Nordic Council countries USE Nordic countries Nordic countries MT (19) cs: severské země de: nordische Staaten el: Σκανδιναβικές χώρες es: países nórdicos et: Põhjamaad fi: Pohjoismaat fr: pays nordiques it: paesi nordici lt: Šiaurės šalys nl: Noordelijke landen pl: kraje nordyckie pt: Países nórdicos ro: tarile Nordice tr: İskandinav ülkeleri UF Nordic Council countries UF Scandinavia norm USE regulation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 430 North Africa MT (19) cs: severní Afrika de: Nordafrika el: Βόρεια Αφρική es: África del Norte et: Põhja-Aafrika fi: Pohjois-Afrikka fr: Afrique du Nord it: Africa del Nord lt: Šiaurės Afrika nl: Noord-Afrika pl: Afryka Północna pt: Norte de África ro: Africa de Nord tr: Kuzey Afrika North America MT (19) cs: Severní Amerika de: Nordamerika el: Βόρεια Αμερική es: América del Norte et: Põhja-Ameerika fi: Pohjois-Amerikka fr: Amérique du Nord it: America del Nord lt: Šiaurės Amerika nl: Noord-Amerika pl: Ameryka Północna pt: América do Norte ro: America de Nord tr: Kuzey Amerika North Rhine Westphalia USE North Rhine-Westphalia TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 431 North Rhine-Westphalia MT (19) cs: Severní Porýní-Vestfálsko de: Nordrhein-Westfalen el: Βόρειος Ρηνανία-Βεστφαλία es: Renania del Norte-Westfalia et: Nordrhein-Westfalen fi: Nordrhein-Westfalen fr: Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie it: Nord Reno-Westfalia lt: Šiaurės Reinas-Vestfalija nl: Noordrijn-Westfalen pl: Nadrenia Północna-Westfalia pt: Renânia do Norte-Vestefália ro: Rinul de Nord-Westfalia tr: Kuzey Ren-Vestfalya UF North Rhine Westphalia Northern Europe MT (19) cs: severní Evropa de: Nordeuropa el: Βόρεια Ευρώπη es: Europa del Norte et: Põhja-Euroopa fi: Pohjois-Eurooppa fr: Europe du Nord it: Europa settentrionale lt: Šiaurės Europa nl: Noord-Europa pl: Europa Północna pt: Europa do Norte ro: Europa de Nord tr: Kuzey Avrupa Northern Ireland MT (19) cs: Severní Irsko de: Nordirland el: Βόρεια Ιρλανδία es: Irlanda del Norte et: Põhja-Iirimaa fi: Pohjois-Irlanti fr: Irlande du Nord it: Irlanda del Nord lt: Šiaurės Airija nl: Noord-Ierland pl: Irlandia Północna pt: Irlanda do Norte ro: Irlanda de Nord tr: Kuzey İrlanda TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 432 Norway MT (19) cs: Norsko de: Norwegen el: Νορβηγία es: Noruega et: Norra fi: Norja fr: Norvège it: Norvegia lt: Norvegija nl: Noorwegen pl: Norwegia pt: Noruega ro: Norvegia tr: Norveç Norwegian MT (17) cs: norština de: Norwegisch el: Νορβηγική γλώσσα es: noruego et: norra keel fi: norjan kieli fr: norvégien it: norvegese lt: norvegų kalba nl: Noors pl: norweski pt: Norueguês ro: norvegian tr: Norveçce UF Nynorsk BT Germanic languages number of hours taught USE taught time TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 433 number of languages taught MT (07) cs: počet vyučovaných jazyků de: Anzahl der unterrichteten Fremdsprachen el: αριθμός διδασκόμενων γλωσσών es: número de lenguas impartidas et: õpetatavate keelte arv fi: opetettujen kielten määrä fr: nombre de langues enseignées it: numero di lingue insegnate lt: mokomų kalbų skaičius nl: aantal gegeven moderne vreemde talen pl: liczba nauczanych języków (obcych) pt: Número de línguas ensinadas ro: numarul limbilor vorbite tr: öğretilen dillerin sayısı BT foreign language provision number of pupils USE number of students number of students MT (13) cs: počet studentů de: Anzahl Studierender el: αριθμός σπουδαστών es: número de estudiantes et: üli/õpilaste arv fi: opiskelijamäärä fr: effectif des élèves it: numero di studenti lt: mokinių skaičius nl: studentenaantal pl: liczba studentów pt: Efectivos escolares ro: numarul studentilor tr: öğrenci sayısı UF number of pupils BT statistical data RT school size TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 434 numerus clausus MT (04) cs: numerus clausus de: Numerus Clausus el: κλειστός αριθμός es: númerus clausus et: suurim lubatud õpilaste arv (klassis) fi: numerus clausus fr: numerus clausus it: numero chiuso lt: stojančiųjų atranka nl: numerus clausus pl: numerus clausus pt: Numerus clausus ro: numerus clausus tr: sınırlı sayıda BT admission procedure nursery school USE pre-primary education-oriented institution nutrition education MT (07) cs: výchova ke správné výživě de: Ernährungserziehung el: διαιτητική αγωγή es: educación nutricional et: toitumiskasvatus fi: ravitsemuskasvatus fr: éducation nutritionnelle it: educazione alimentare lt: mitybos mokymas nl: voedingsonderwijs pl: edukacja żywieniowa pt: Educação alimentar ro: educatie nutritionala tr: beslenme eğitimi BT health sciences NUTS classification USE NUTS regions TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 435 NUTS regions MT (13) cs: regiony NUTS de: NUTS-Regionen el: NUTS regions es: regiones NUTS et: NUTSi regioonid fi: NUTS-alueet fr: régions NUTS it: regioni NUTS lt: NUTS regionai nl: NUTS regio's pl: regiony statystyczne NUTS pt: Regiões NUTS ro: regiunile NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) tr: NUTS bölgeleri SN: Nomenclature designed by Eurostat to provide a single, uniform breakdown of territorial units for the production of regional statistics for the European Union and candidate countries. UF nomenclature of territorial units for statistics UF NUTS classification BT statistical data Nynorsk USE Norwegian object lesson MT (08) cs: názorné vyučování de: Anschauungsunterricht el: μάθημα με εποπτικά μέσα es: lección práctica et: avastusõpe fi: havainto-opetus fr: leçon de choses it: lezione pratica lt: mokymas pavyzdžiu nl: aanschouwelijk onderwijs pl: lekcja poglądowa pt: Lição de coisas ro: obiectul lectiei tr: gerçek nesnelerle ders UF realia BT teaching method obligatory subject USE compulsory subject TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 436 Oc MT (17) cs: okcitánština de: Okzitanisch el: Οξιτανικά es: lengua de oc et: oksitaani keel fi: oksitaani fr: langue d'oc it: lingua d'oc lt: oksitanų kalba nl: Occitaans pl: oksytański pt: Língua d' Oc ro: Oc tr: Oc dili UF Languedocien UF Occitan UF Provençal BT Romance languages Occitan USE Oc occupational integration USE transition from school to work occupational mobility MT (04) cs: pracovní mobilita de: berufliche Mobilität el: επαγγελματική κινητικότητα es: movilidad profesional et: tööränne fi: ammatillinen liikkuvuus fr: mobilité professionnelle it: mobilità professionale lt: profesinis judumas nl: beroepsmobiliteit pl: mobilność zawodowa pt: Mobilidade profissional ro: mobilitate ocupationala tr: mesleki hareketlilik SN: Changes of job (Source: Cedefop, European Training Thesaurus, 2001). BT free movement NT teacher mobility TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 437 occupational satisfaction MT (16) cs: spokojenost v zaměstnání de: Befriedigung im Beruf el: επαγγελματική ικανοποίηση es: satisfacción profesional et: tööga rahulolu fi: työtyytyväisyys fr: satisfaction professionnelle it: soddisfazione professionale lt: pasitenkinimas darbu nl: arbeidsvoldoening pl: satysfakcja zawodowa pt: Satisfação profissional ro: satisfactie ocupationala tr: mesleki tatmin UF job satisfaction UF professional satisfaction RT professional profile occupational status USE employment status occupational therapy MT (03) cs: ergoterapie de: Beschäftigungstherapie el: επαγγελματική θεραπεία es: terapia ocupacional et: tööteraapia fi: työterapia fr: ergothérapie it: terapia occupazionale lt: užimtumo terapija nl: bezigheidstherapie pl: terapia zajęciowa pt: Terapia ocupacional ro: terapie ocupationala tr: mesleki terapi BT therapy occupational traveller USE itinerant TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 438 Oceania MT (19) cs: Oceánie de: Ozeanien el: Ωκεανία es: Oceanía et: Okeaania fi: Oseania fr: Océanie it: Oceania lt: Okeanija nl: Oceanië pl: Oceania pt: Oceânia ro: Oceania tr: Okyanusya ODL USE distance learning OECD MT (20) cs: OECD de: OECD el: ΟΟΣΑ es: OCDE et: OECD fi: OECD fr: OCDE it: OCSE lt: EBPO nl: OESO pl: OECD pt: OCDE ro: OECD tr: OECD UF Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 439 OECD country MT (11) cs: země OECD de: OECD-Land el: Κράτος-Μέλος του ΟΟΣΑ es: país miembro de la OCDE et: OECD riik fi: OECD-maa fr: pays de l'OCDE it: paesi membri dell'OCSE lt: EBPO šalis nl: OESO lidstaat pl: kraj OECD pt: País da OCDE ro: tari din cadrul OECD tr: OECD ülkesi RT international cooperation official language MT (15) cs: úřední jazyk de: Amtssprache el: επίσημες γλώσσες es: lengua oficial et: ametlik keel fi: viralliset kielet fr: langue officielle it: lingua ufficiale lt: oficialioji kalba nl: officiële taal pl: języki oficjalne pt: Língua oficial ro: limba oficiala tr: resmi dil BT language on the job training USE in-service training TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 440 one-parent family MT (11) cs: neúplná rodina de: Einelternfamilie el: μονογονεϊκή οικογένεια es: familia monoparental et: üksikhooldaja perekond fi: yksinhuoltajaperhe fr: famille monoparentale it: famiglia monoparentale lt: nepilna šeima nl: éénoudergezin pl: rodzina niepełna pt: Família monoparental ro: familie monoparentala tr: tek ebeveynli aile BT family one-to-one teaching USE individualised teaching open access MT (04) cs: volný přístup de: freier Zugang el: ανοιχτή πρόσβαση es: acceso abierto et: avatud juurdepääs fi: vapaa pääsy fr: accès ouvert it: accesso aperto lt: neribojamas prieinamumas nl: vrij toegankelijk pl: wolny dostęp pt: Acesso livre ro: acces liber tr: açık erişim BT access to education open air activities USE outdoor activities Open and Distance Learning USE distance learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 441 open university MT (06) cs: otevřená univerzita de: Fernuniversität el: ανοιχτό πανεπιστήμιο es: universidad a distancia et: avatud ülikool fi: avoin yliopisto fr: université ouverte it: università aperta lt: atvirasis universitetas nl: Open Universiteit pl: uniwersytet otwarty pt: Universidade aberta ro: universitate deschisa tr: açık üniversite BT higher education institution RT distance learning opening hours USE school day operational resources MT (16) cs: provozní zdroje de: Betriebsmittel el: λειτουργικοί πόροι es: recursos operativos et: tegevuskulud fi: toimintaresurssit fr: ressources opérationnelles it: risorse operative lt: veiklos ištekliai nl: operationele middelen pl: zasoby operacyjne pt: Recursos operacionais ro: resurse operationale tr: işlemsel kaynaklar RT resource allocation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 442 optional course MT (08) cs: volitelný kurs de: fakultativer Bildungsgang el: προαιρετικό πρόγραμμα σπουδών es: curso opcional et: valikkursus fi: valinnaiskurssi fr: cours à option it: corso opzionale lt: pasirenkamasis kursas nl: keuzecursus pl: kurs fakultatywny pt: Curso de opção ro: curs optional tr: seçmeli ders UF elective course BT course optional subject MT (07) cs: volitelný předmět de: Wahlfach el: μάθημα επιλογής es: materia optativa et: valikaine fi: valinnaisaine fr: matière à option it: materia opzionale lt: pasirenkamasis dalykas nl: keuzevak pl: przedmiot fakultatywny pt: Disciplinas de opção ro: subiect optional tr: seçmeli konu UF elective subject BT curriculum subject TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 443 oral examination MT (09) cs: ústní zkouška de: mündliche Prüfung el: προφορική εξέταση es: examen oral et: suuline eksam fi: suullinen koe fr: examen oral it: esame orale lt: egzaminas žodžiu nl: mondeling examen pl: egzamin ustny pt: Exame oral ro: examinare orala tr: sözel sınav BT examination oral expression USE oral skills oral skills MT (10) cs: ústní projev de: mündliche Sprachkompetenz el: προφορικές δεξιότητες es: competencias orales et: suulise väljenduse oskus fi: puhetaito fr: compétences orales it: competenze orali lt: kalbėjimo gebėjimai nl: mondelinge vaardigheden pl: umiejętność mówienia pt: Competências orais ro: aptitudini orale tr: sözel beceriler UF oral expression BT language skills TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 444 oral work MT (08) cs: ústní cvičení de: mündliche Übung el: προφορική εργασία es: ejercicio oral et: suuline töö fi: suulliset harjoitukset fr: exercice oral it: esercizio orale lt: žodinis darbas nl: mondeling werk pl: ćwiczenie ustne pt: Exercício oral ro: activitati orale tr: sözlü çalışma BT exercise organisation MT (11) cs: organizace de: Organisation el: οργάνωση es: organización et: organisatsioon fi: organisaatio fr: organisation it: organizzazione lt: organizacija nl: organisatie pl: organizacja pt: Organização ro: organizatie tr: teşkilat UF organization NT association NT charity NT international organisation NT learning organisation NT non-governmental organisation NT religious organisation NT student organisation NT voluntary organisation NT youth organisation Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development USE OECD organisation of school time USE arrangement of school time TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 445 organising body MT (11) cs: zřizovatel de: Bildungsträger el: οργανωτικός φορέας es: órgano competente et: pidaja fi: järjestävä taho fr: organisme d'éducation it: organismo educativo lt: administruojanti institucija nl: inrichtende macht pl: organ założycielski pt: Órgão de administração ro: corp organizational tr: düzenleme kurulu SN: Public or private body responsible for providing formal education and administering the schools used for this purpose. UF education provider UF founder BT educational authority organization USE organisation orphan MT (11) cs: sirotek de: Waise el: ορφανός es: huérfano et: orb fi: orpo fr: orphelin it: orfano lt: našlaitis nl: wees pl: sierota pt: Órfão ro: orfan tr: yetim UF orphanage BT child orphanage USE orphan TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 446 out-of-school education MT (02) cs: vzdělávání mimo školu de: Außerschulische Bildung el: εξωσχολική εκπαίδευση es: educación extraescolar et: kooliväline haridus fi: koulun ulkopuolinen opetus fr: éducation extra-scolaire it: formazione extrascolastica lt: nemokyklinis švietimas nl: buitenschoolse vorming pl: edukacja pozaszkolna pt: Educação extra-escolar ro: educatie in afara scolii tr: okul dışı eğitim SN: All education delivered outside an educational institution. BT lifelong learning NT distance learning NT family education NT home education NT hospital teaching RT informal learning RT non-formal learning out-of-school-hours provision MT (07) cs: mimovyučovací činnosti de: Betreuung außerhalb der Schulzeiten el: παροχή εξωσχολικών ωρών es: actividades fuera del horario escolar et: kooliväline tegevus fi: koulun ulkopuolinen toiminta fr: accueil extra-scolaire it: assistenza in orario extrascolastico lt: popamokinės veiklos pasiūla nl: buitenschoolse opvang pl: zajęcia pozaszkolne pt: Acolhimento extra-escolar ro: furnizarea de ore in afara scolii tr: okul saatleri dışında etkinlik imkanı SN: Provision of activities for school children out of school hours but not necessarily supervised by the school (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF extended school BT educational provision NT extra-curricular activities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 447 outcome MT (18) cs: výsledek de: Ergebnis el: έκβαση es: resultado et: tulemus fi: tulos fr: résultat it: risultato lt: rezultatas nl: uitkomst pl: wynik pt: Resultado ro: rezultat tr: netice SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. UF consequence UF effect UF result outdoor activities MT (08) cs: venkovní činnosti de: Betätigung im Freien el: υπαίθριες δραστηριότητες es: actividades al aire libre et: vabaõhuüritused fi: ulkoilu fr: activités de plein air it: attività all'aperto lt: ugdymas lauke nl: openlucht activiteiten pl: zajęcia na wolnym powietrzu pt: Actividades de ar livre ro: activităţi în aer liber tr: açık hava etkinlikleri UF open air activities BT educational activities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 448 output indicator MT (13) cs: výkonový ukazatel de: Output-Indikator el: δείκτης αποτελέσματος es: indicador de resultados et: tulemusnäitaja fi: tuotosindikaattori fr: indicateur d'outpout it: indicatore di output lt: rezultatų rodiklis nl: output indicator pl: wskaźnik produktu pt: Indicador de desempenho ro: indicator de ieşire tr: verim göstergesi UF performance indicator BT indicator overtime MT (16) cs: přesčas de: Überstunden el: υπερωρία es: horas extraordinarias et: ületunnitöö fi: ylityö fr: heures supplémentaires it: lavoro straordinario lt: viršvalandžiai nl: overwerk pl: nadgodziny pt: Horas extraordinárias ro: ore suplimentare tr: fazla mesai BT working time parent involvement USE parent participation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 449 parent participation MT (10) cs: účast rodičů de: Elternbeteiligung el: συμμετοχή γονέων es: participación de los padres et: laste/vanemate osalus fi: vanhempien osallistuminen fr: participation des parents it: partecipazione dei genitori lt: tėvų dalyvavimas nl: ouderparticipatie pl: uczestnictwo rodziców pt: Participação dos pais ro: participarea parintilor tr: ebeveyn katılımı UF parent involvement UF parent representation BT participation RT parent-school relation RT parents' association parent representation USE parent participation parent-child relation MT (11) cs: vztah rodič-dítě de: Eltern-Kind-Beziehung el: σχέση γονέα-παιδιού es: relación padres-hijo et: lapse/vanema ja lapse suhted fi: vanhempi-lapsisuhde fr: relation parents-enfant it: rapporto genitori-figli lt: tėvų ir vaiko ryšiai nl: ouder-kind relatie pl: relacja rodzice-dziecko pt: Relação pais-filho ro: relatia parinte - copil tr: ebeveyn çocuk ilişkisi UF father-child relation UF mother-child relation UF parent-pupil relation UF parent-student relation BT interpersonal relations parent-pupil relation USE parent-child relation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 450 parent-school relation MT (11) cs: vztah rodič-škola de: Eltern-Schule-Beziehung el: σχέση γονέα-σχολείου es: relación padres-escuela et: lapse/vanema ja kooli suhted fi: kodin ja koulun yhteistyö fr: relation parents-école it: rapporti scuola-famiglia lt: mokyklos ryšiai su tėvais nl: ouder-school relatie pl: relacja rodzice-szkoła pt: Relação pais-escola ro: relatia parinte - scoala tr: ebeveyn okul ilişkisi UF parent-teacher relation UF school-home relation BT interpersonal relations NT information to parents RT parent participation parent-student relation USE parent-child relation parent-teacher relation USE parent-school relation parental choice MT (01) cs: rodičovská volba de: Wahlfreiheit der Eltern el: επιλογή των γονέων es: elección de los padres et: lapse/vanema valikuvõimalus fi: vanhempien valintaoikeus fr: choix des parents it: scelta dei genitori lt: tėvų pasirinkimas nl: keuze van ouders pl: decyzja rodziców pt: Escolha parental ro: alegere parentala tr: ebeveynin seçimi BT principles of education RT choice of school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 451 parental contribution MT (05) cs: příspěvek rodičů de: Elternbeitrag el: οικονομική συνεισφορά των γονέων es: contribución de los padres et: lapse/vanema osalustasu fi: vanhempien osuus fr: contribution des parents it: contributo dei genitori lt: tėvų indėlis nl: ouderbijdrage pl: wkład rodziców pt: Contribuição dos pais ro: contributia parintilor tr: ebeveyn katkısı UF financial contribution by parents BT private funds parental leave MT (16) cs: rodičovská dovolená de: Elternurlaub el: γονική άδεια es: permiso parental et: vanemapuhkus fi: vanhempainvapaa fr: congé parental it: congedo parentale lt: vaiko priežiūros atostogos nl: ouderschapsverlof pl: urlop rodzicielski pt: Licença parental ro: concediu parental tr: annelik babalık izni UF maternity leave UF paternity leave BT leave of absence parental right USE parents' right TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 452 parents MT (11) cs: rodiče de: Eltern el: γονείς es: padres et: lapse/vanemad fi: vanhemmat fr: parents it: genitori lt: tėvai nl: ouders pl: rodzice pt: Pais ro: parinti tr: ebeveyn UF father UF guardian UF mother BT family parents' association MT (11) cs: sdružení rodičů de: Elternvereinigung el: σύλλογος γονέων es: asociación de padres et: lastevanemate ühendus fi: vanhempainyhdistys fr: association de parents it: associazione dei genitori lt: tėvų asociacija nl: oudervereniging pl: stowarzyszenie rodziców pt: Associação de pais ro: asociatia parintilor tr: okul aile birliği BT association RT parent participation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 453 parents' right MT (15) cs: práva rodičů de: Rechte der Eltern el: δικαιώματα γονέων es: derecho de los padres et: laste/vanemate õigused fi: vanhemman oikeus fr: droits des parents it: diritti dei genitori lt: tėvų teisė nl: ouderrechten pl: prawa rodzicielskie pt: Direito dos pais ro: drepturile parintilor tr: ebeveynin hakkı UF parental right BT human rights parliament MT (14) cs: parlament de: Parlament el: κοινοβούλιο es: parlamento et: parlament fi: eduskunta fr: parlement it: parlamento lt: parlamentas nl: parlement pl: parlament pt: Parlamento ro: parlament tr: parlemento BT legislative body part-time MT (18) cs: částečný de: Teilzeit el: μερική απασχόληση es: a tiempo parcial et: osakoormusega fi: osa-aika fr: temps partiel it: part-time lt: ne viso laiko nl: parttime pl: w niepełnym wymiarze godzin pt: Tempo parcial ro: part-time tr: yarı zamanlı SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 454 participation MT (10) cs: účast de: Beteiligung el: συμμετοχή es: participación et: osalus fi: osallistuminen fr: participation it: partecipazione lt: dalyvavimas nl: participatie pl: uczestnictwo pt: Participação ro: participare tr: katılım BT social behaviour NT parent participation NT student participation NT teacher participation pastoral care USE guidance paternity leave USE parental leave pay USE salary peace studies USE education for peace pedagogical theory USE educational theory pedagogy USE educational theory TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 455 peer evaluation MT (09) cs: hodnocení prováděné kolegy de: Evaluierung durch Fachkollegen el: αξιολόγηση από ομότιμους es: evaluación por pares et: kaaslaste hindamine fi: vertaisarviointi fr: évaluation par les pairs it: valutazione reciproca lt: kolegų vertinimas nl: peerevaluatie pl: ocena koleżeńska pt: Avaliação pelos pares ro: evaluare reciproca tr: akran değerlendirmesi UF peer review BT external evaluation peer review USE peer evaluation penal law USE legislation pension MT (16) cs: důchod de: Ruhegehalt el: σύνταξη es: pensión de jubilación et: pension fi: eläke fr: pension de retraite it: pensione lt: pensija nl: pensioen pl: świadczenie emerytalne pt: Pensão de aposentação ro: pensie tr: emekli aylığı UF retirement pay UF teacher pension RT retirement TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 456 people with disabilities MT (03) cs: osoby s postižením de: Behinderte el: άτομα με κινητικά προβλήματα es: persona con discapacidad et: puuetega inimesed fi: vammaiset henkilöt fr: personne présentant un handicap it: persona con disabilità lt: neįgalusis nl: gehandicapten pl: osoby niepełnosprawne pt: Pessoa portadora de deficiência ro: elevi cu dizabilitati tr: engelli insanlar UF handicapped RT disability per capita expenditure MT (05) cs: výdaje na osobu de: Pro-Kopf-Ausgaben el: κατα κεφαλή δαπάνες es: gasto per cápita et: kulutused ühe õppuri kohta fi: kulutus henkeä kohti fr: dépenses per capita it: spesa pro-capite lt: lėšos vienam asmeniui nl: besteding per capita pl: wydatki per capita pt: Despesa per capita ro: cheltuielile pe cap de locuitor tr: kişi başına gider SN: Refers to expenditure per student. BT educational expenditure TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 457 per capita funding MT (05) cs: financování na osobu de: Pro-Kopf-Zuwendungen el: κατά κεφαλή χρηματοδότηση es: financiación per cápita et: pearahastus fi: rahoitus henkeä kohti fr: allocation financière per capita it: finanziamento pro-capite lt: asmens finansavimas nl: financiering per capita pl: finansowanie per capita pt: Financiamento per capita ro: finantare pe cap de locuitor tr: kişi başı finansman BT financing method performance USE learning outcome performance indicator USE output indicator performance review of headteachers USE evaluation of headteachers performance review of teachers USE evaluation of teachers performance standard USE learning standard performance table USE institutional ranking TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 458 performance-based funding MT (05) cs: financování podle výkonu de: ergebnisgebundene Finanzierung el: χρηματοδότηση βάσει επίδοσης es: financiación en función del rendimiento et: tulemuspõhine rahastamine fi: tulosrahoitus fr: financement basé sur la performance it: finanziamento basato sui risultati lt: finansavimas pagal rezultatus nl: outputfinanciering pl: finansowanie proporcjonalne do osiąganych wyników pt: Financiamento baseado no desempenho ro: finantare bazata pe performanta tr: performans temelli finansman SN: An approach to funding that awards payments in line with the achieved outcome. UF result-based funding BT financing method performance-related salary MT (16) cs: plat podle výkonu de: leistungsgebundenes Gehalt el: αμοιβή βάσει επίδοσης es: salario en función del rendimiento et: tulemuspalk fi: tulospalkkaus fr: salaire au mérite it: salario al merito lt: išdirbiu pagrįstas atlyginimas nl: prestatie gerelateerd salaris pl: wynagrodzenie proporcjonalne do osiąganych wyników pt: Salário baseado no desempenho ro: salariu pe baza rezultatelor tr: performansa bağlı aylık BT salary TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 459 period of notice MT (16) cs: výpovědní lhůta de: Kündigungsfrist el: περίοδος ειδοποίησης es: plazo de preaviso et: etteteatamisaeg fi: irtisanomisaika fr: délai de préavis it: termine di preavviso lt: įspėjimo laikotarpis nl: opzegtermijn pl: okres wypowiedzenia pt: Período de pré-aviso ro: perioada de preaviz tr: ihbar süresi BT working conditions periodical MT (21) cs: periodikum de: periodische Druckschrift el: περιοδικό es: publicación periódica et: perioodikaväljaanne fi: aikakausilehti fr: périodique it: periodico lt: periodinis leidinys nl: tijdschrift pl: czasopismo pt: Publicação periódica ro: periodic tr: süreli yayın UF serial permanent contract MT (16) cs: pracovní smlouva na dobu neurčitou de: unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag el: μόνιμο συμβόλαιο es: contrato indefinido et: alaline tööleping fi: vakituinen työsopimus fr: contrat à durée indéterminée it: contratto a tempo indetermintato lt: neterminuotoji darbo sutartis nl: vast contract pl: umowa na czas nieokreślony pt: Contrato de trabalho por tempo indeterminado ro: contract permanent tr: daimi sözleşme BT employment contract TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 460 permeability USE transfer between branches of education personal autonomy MT (10) cs: osobní autonomie de: persönliche Autonomie el: προσωπική αυτονομία es: autonomía personal et: isiku autonoomia fi: itsemääräämisoikeus fr: autonomie personnelle it: autonomia personale lt: asmens autonomija nl: persoonlijke autonomie pl: autonomia osobista pt: Autonomia pessoal ro: autonomie personala tr: bireysel özerklik BT personality personal computer USE computer personalised instruction USE individualised teaching personality MT (10) cs: osobnost de: Persönlichkeit el: προσωπικότητα es: personalidad et: isiksus fi: persoonallisuus fr: personnalité it: personalità lt: asmenybė nl: persoonlijkheid pl: osobowość pt: Personalidade ro: personalitate tr: kişilik NT creativity NT individualism NT personal autonomy NT self-confidence personnel USE human resources TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 461 personnel management MT (04) cs: personální řízení de: Personalverwaltung el: διοίκηση προσωπικού es: gestión de personal et: personalijuhtimine fi: henkilöstöhallinto fr: gestion du personnel it: gestione del personale lt: personalo vadyba nl: personeelsbeleid pl: zarządzanie personelem pt: Gestão de pessoal ro: gestionarea personalului tr: personel yönetimi BT school management NT assignment of staff NT teacher recruitment phase of education USE educational stage philosophy MT (07) cs: filozofie de: Philosophie el: Φιλοσοφία es: filosofía et: filosoofia fi: filosofia fr: philosophie it: filosofia lt: filosofija nl: filosofie pl: filozofia pt: Filosofia ro: filozofie tr: felsefe BT humanities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 462 philosophy of education MT (01) cs: filozofie výchovy de: Erziehungsphilosophie el: φιλοσοφία της εκπαίδευσης es: filosofía de la educación et: kasvatusfilosoofia fi: kasvatusfilosofia fr: philosophie de l'éducation it: filosofia dell'educazione lt: švietimo filosofija nl: onderwijsfilosofie pl: filozofia edukacji pt: Filosofia da educação ro: filozofia educatiei tr: eğitim felsefesi BT sciences of education physical development MT (10) cs: tělesný vývoj de: körperliche Entwicklung el: σωματική ανάπτυξη es: desarrollo físico et: kehaline areng fi: fyysinen kehitys fr: développement physique it: sviluppo fisico lt: fizinė raida nl: lichamelijke ontwikkeling pl: rozwój fizyczny pt: Desenvolvimento físico ro: dezvoltare fizica tr: fiziksel gelişme BT child development NT motor development TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 463 physical disability MT (03) cs: tělesné postižení de: körperliche Behinderung el: σωματική αναπηρία es: discapacidad física et: kehapuue fi: liikuntavamma fr: déficience physique it: disabilità fisica lt: judėjimo negalia nl: lichamelijke beperking pl: upośledzenie fizyczne pt: Deficiência física ro: dizabilitate fizica tr: fiziksel yetersizlik UF motor disorder UF physical impairment BT disability NT sensory impairment physical education MT (07) cs: tělesná výchova de: Leibeserziehung el: φυσική αγωγή es: educación física et: kehaline kasvatus fi: liikuntakasvatus fr: éducation physique it: educazione fisica lt: fizinis lavinimas nl: lichamelijke opvoeding pl: wychowanie fizyczne pt: Educação física ro: educatie fizica tr: beden eğitimi UF sport BT health sciences physical impairment USE physical disability TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 464 physics MT (07) cs: fyzika de: Physik el: Φυσική es: física et: füüsika fi: fysiikka fr: physique it: fisica lt: fizika nl: natuurkunde pl: fizyka pt: Física ro: fizica tr: fizik BT natural sciences physiotherapy MT (03) cs: fyzioterapie de: Physiotherapie el: φυσιοθεραπεία es: fisioterapia et: füsioteraapia fi: fysioterapia fr: physiothérapie it: fisioterapia lt: kineziterapija nl: fysiotherapie pl: fizjoterapia pt: Fisioterapia ro: fizioterapie tr: fizyoterapi UF remedial gymnastics BT therapy pilot institution USE pilot project TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 465 pilot project MT (01) cs: pilotní projekt de: Pilotprojekt el: πιλοτικό πρόγραμμα es: proyecto piloto et: juhtprojekt fi: pilottiprojekti fr: projet pilote it: progetto pilota lt: bandomasis projektas nl: proefproject pl: projekt pilotażowy pt: Projecto piloto ro: proiect pilot tr: pilot proje UF pilot institution UF pilot school RT educational innovation pilot school USE pilot project PIRLS MT (20) cs: PIRLS de: IGLU el: PIRLS es: PIRLS et: PIRLS fi: PIRLS fr: PIRLS it: PIRLS lt: PIRLS nl: PIRLS pl: PIRLS pt: PIRLS ro: PIRLS tr: PIRLS UF Progress in International Reading Literacy Study TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 466 PISA MT (20) cs: PISA de: PISA el: Πρόγραμμα για Διεθνή Αξιολόγηση Σπουδαστών es: PISA et: PISA fi: PISA fr: PISA it: PISA lt: PISA nl: PISA pl: PISA pt: PISA ro: PISA tr: PISA UF Programme for International Student Assessment place of residence MT (15) cs: bydliště de: Wohnort el: τόπος κατοικίας es: lugar de residencia et: elukoht fi: asuinpaikka fr: lieu de résidence it: luogo di residenza lt: buveinė nl: verblijfplaats pl: miejsce zamieszkania pt: Local de residência ro: loc de domiciliu tr: ikametgah RT change of residence place of work MT (16) cs: pracoviště de: Arbeitsplatz el: χώρος εργασίας es: lugar de trabajo et: töökoht fi: työpaikka fr: lieu de travail it: luogo di lavoro lt: darbo vieta nl: werkplek pl: miejsce pracy pt: Local de trabalho ro: locul de munca tr: iş yeri UF workplace NT sheltered workshop TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 467 placement examination MT (09) cs: rozřazovací zkouška de: Einstufungsprüfung el: κατατακτήριες εξετάσεις es: prueba de nivel et: tasemeeksam fi: tasokoe fr: examen de placement it: test di piazzamento lt: nukreipiamasis egzaminas nl: plaatsingsexamen pl: egzamin kwalifikujący pt: Teste de colocação ro: examinare in vederea plasamentului tr: yerleştirme sınavı SN: An examination that determines the grade or course level at which a student/pupil should be placed. BT examination planned reform USE reform proposal planning MT (04) (14) cs: plánování de: Planung el: σχεδιασμός es: planificación et: planeerimine fi: suunnittelu fr: planification it: pianificazione lt: planavimas nl: planning pl: planowanie pt: Planeamento ro: planificare tr: planlama BT education policy BT politics NT educational planning planning of education USE educational planning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 468 play MT (07) cs: hra de: Spiel el: παιχνίδι es: juego et: mäng fi: leikki fr: jeu it: gioco lt: žaidimas nl: spel pl: zabawa pt: Jogo ro: joc tr: oyun BT extra-curricular activities playground MT (06) cs: hřiště de: Spielplatz el: παιδική χαρά es: patio de recreo et: mänguväljak fi: leikkikenttä fr: aire de jeu it: spazio gioco lt: žaidimų aikštelė nl: speelplaats pl: plac zabaw pt: Pátio de recreio ro: loc de joaca tr: oyun alanı BT leisure facilities playgroup USE day care playtime USE break plurilingual USE multilingualism TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 469 Poland MT (19) cs: Polsko de: Polen el: Πολωνία es: Polonia et: Poola fi: Puola fr: Pologne it: Polonia lt: Lenkija nl: Polen pl: Polska pt: Polónia ro: Polonia tr: Polonya policy MT (18) cs: strategie de: politische Maßnahme el: δέσμη μέτρων es: directriz et: poliitika* fi: politiikka fr: ligne de conduite it: indirizzo politico lt: politika* nl: beleid pl: strategia pt: Política de acção ro: politica tr: politika SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. Polish MT (17) cs: polština de: Polnisch el: Πολωνική γλώσσα es: polaco et: poola keel fi: puolan kieli fr: polonais it: polacco lt: lenkų kalba nl: Pools pl: polski pt: Polaco ro: polonez tr: Lehce BT Slavic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 470 political party MT (14) cs: politická strana de: politische Partei el: πολιτικό κόμμα es: partido político et: erakond fi: poliittinen puolue fr: parti politique it: partito politico lt: politinė partija nl: politieke partij pl: partia polityczna pt: Partido político ro: partid politic tr: siyasi parti RT politics political situation MT (14) cs: politická situace de: politische Lage el: πολιτική κατάσταση es: situación política et: poliitiline olukord fi: poliittinen tilanne fr: situation politique it: situazione politica lt: politinė padėtis nl: politieke situatie pl: sytuacja polityczna pt: Situação política ro: situatie politica tr: siyasal durum RT politics TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 471 politics MT (14) cs: politika de: Politik el: πολιτική es: política et: poliitika fi: politiikka (poliittinen elämä) fr: politique it: politica lt: politika nl: politiek pl: polityka pt: Política ro: politici tr: siyaset bilimi SN: Use in connection with political life as a whole (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). NT coalition NT federalism NT foreign policy NT language policy NT planning NT reform RT political party RT political situation poor USE poverty population MT (15) cs: obyvatelstvo de: Bevölkerung el: πληθυσμός es: población et: rahvastik fi: väestö fr: population it: popolazione lt: gyventojai nl: bevolking pl: ludność pt: População ro: populatie tr: nüfus UF demography NT citizen NT ethnic group NT foreigner NT language minority RT population statistics TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 472 population density USE population distribution population distribution MT (13) cs: rozložení obyvatelstva de: Bevölkerungsverteilung el: κατανομή πληθυσμού es: distribución de la población et: rahvastiku tihedus fi: väestön jakautuminen fr: répartition de la population it: distribuzione della popolazione lt: gyventojų pasiskirstymas nl: bevolkingsspreiding pl: rozmieszczenie ludności pt: Distribuição da população ro: distributia populatiei tr: nüfus dağılımı UF population density BT population statistics population statistics MT (13) cs: demografická statistika de: Bevölkerungsstatistik el: δημογραφικά στατιστικά es: estadística de población et: rahvastikustatistika fi: väestötilastot fr: statistique démographique it: statistica demografica lt: gyventojų statistika nl: bevolkingsstatistiek pl: statystyka demograficzna pt: Estatísticas demográficas ro: statistici despre populatie tr: nüfus istatistiği UF demographic data UF demographic indicator BT statistical data NT birth rate NT population distribution RT population TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 473 portability of qualifications MT (09) cs: přenositelnost kvalifikací de: Mitnahmefähigkeit von Qualifikationen el: μεταφορά προσόντων es: transferibilidad de cualificaciones et: kvalifikatsioonide porditavus fi: tutkintojen siirrettävyys fr: portabilité de qualification it: trasferibilità delle qualifiche lt: kvalifikacijų perkeliamumas nl: meeneembaarheid van kwalificaties pl: przenośność kwalifikacji pt: Portabilidade de qualificações ro: portabilitatea calificarilor tr: niteliklerin denk oluşu RT recognition of diplomas Portugal MT (19) cs: Portugalsko de: Portugal el: Πορτογαλία es: Portugal et: Portugal fi: Portugali fr: Portugal it: Portogallo lt: Portugalija nl: Portugal pl: Portugalia pt: Portugal ro: Portugalia tr: Portekiz Portuguese MT (17) cs: portugalština de: Portugiesisch el: Πορτογαλική γλώσσα es: portugués et: portugali keel fi: portugalin kieli fr: portugais it: portoghese lt: portugalų kalba nl: Portugees pl: portugalski pt: Português ro: portughez tr: Portekizce BT Romance languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 474 positive discrimination MT (01) cs: pozitivní diskriminace de: positive Diskriminierung el: θετική διάκριση es: discriminación positiva et: positiivne diskrimineerimine fi: positiivinen erityiskohtelu fr: discrimination positive it: discriminazione positiva lt: pozityvioji diskriminacija nl: positieve discriminatie pl: dyskryminacja pozytywna pt: Discriminação positiva ro: discriminare pozitiva tr: pozitif ayrımcılık SN: Concerning actions undertaken to redress the inequalities between groups. BT student integration RT social inequality post-compulsory education MT (02) cs: postobligatorní vzdělávání de: nachschulpflichtige Bildung el: μετα-υποχρεωτική εκπαίδευση es: educación postobligatoria et: kohustusliku hariduse järgne haridus fi: oppivelvollisuuden jälkeinen koulutus fr: enseignement post-obligatoire it: istruzione post-obbligatoria lt: poprivalomasis švietimas nl: niet-verplicht vervolgonderwijs pl: kształcenie po zakończeniu obowiązku szkolnego pt: Escolaridade pós-obrigatória ro: post educatie obligatorie tr: zorunlu eğitim sonrası BT level of education post-secondary non-higher education USE post-secondary non-tertiary education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 475 post-secondary non-tertiary education MT (02) cs: postsekundární neterciární vzdělávání de: postsekundare nichttertiäre Bildung el: μεταδευτεροβάθμια μη πανεπιστημιακή εκπαίδευση es: educación postsecundaria no superior et: keskharidusjärgne kutsekeskharidus fi: toisen asteen jälkeinen koulutus, joka ei ole korkea-asteen koulutusta fr: enseignement post-secondaire non-supérieur it: istruzione post-secondaria non terziaria lt: povidurinis neaukštasis švietimas nl: post-secundair niet-hoger onderwijs pl: szkolnictwo policealne pt: Pós-secundário não-superior ro: educatie nontertiara post-secundara tr: orta dereceli sonrası yüksek öğretim harici eğitim UF ISCED 4 UF post-secondary non-higher education BT level of education postgraduate studies MT (02) cs: postgraduální studium de: Postgraduiertenstudium el: μεταπτυχιακά es: estudios de Posgrado et: kraadiõpe fi: jatko-opinnot fr: études postgraduées it: studi post-laurea lt: podiplominės studijos nl: derde cyclus hoger onderwijs pl: studia po uzyskaniu pierwszego tytułu zawodowego pt: Estudos de pós-graduação ro: studii postuniversitare tr: lisans üstü çalışmalar BT higher education NT doctoral studies NT master degree studies TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 476 poverty MT (16) cs: chudoba de: Armut el: φτώχεια es: pobreza et: vaesus fi: köyhyys fr: pauvreté it: povertà lt: skurdas nl: armoede pl: ubóstwo pt: Pobreza ro: sărăcie tr: fakirlik UF poor BT standard of living practical training MT (08) cs: praktické vyučování de: praktische Ausbildung el: εμπειρική κατάρτιση es: formación práctica et: tööpraktika fi: käytännön harjoittelu fr: formation pratique it: formazione pratica lt: praktinis mokymas nl: praktische vorming pl: szkolenie praktyczne pt: Formação prática ro: formare practica tr: staj UF experiential learning UF practical work UF work placement UF work-based learning BT educational activities practical work USE practical training pre-accession country USE candidate country TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 477 pre-primary education MT (02) cs: preprimární vzdělávání de: Vorschulerziehung el: προσχολική εκπαίδευση es: educación infantil et: alusharidus fi: varhaiskasvatus fr: éducation pré-primaire it: educazione prescolare lt: ikimokyklinis ugdymas nl: pre-primair onderwijs pl: edukacja przedszkolna pt: Educação pré-escolar ro: educatie pre-primara tr: ilkokul öncesi eğitim UF early childhood education UF pre-school education BT level of education NT day care NT education-oriented pre-primary level RT pre-primary education-oriented institution RT pre-primary institution pre-primary education-oriented institution MT (06) cs: preprimární vzdělávací instituce de: Bildungsorientierte vorschulische Einrichtung el: εκπαιδευτικό ίδρυμα προ-σχολικής αγωγής es: escuela de educación infantil et: lasteaed fi: esiopetusta järjestävä koulu/päiväkoti fr: établissement pré-primaire à finalité éducative it: istituto prescolare a finalità educativa lt: ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaiga nl: instelling voor pre-primair onderwijs pl: placówka przedszkolna o charakterze opiekuńczym pt: Estabelecimento pré-escolar com fins educativos ro: institutie de invatamant pre-primara tr: ilkokul öncesi eğitime yönelik kurum SN: Settings outside the child's home providing care for children under compulsory school age. The main objective of this type of institution is education/learning. UF ISCED 0 UF nursery school BT pre-primary institution RT pre-primary education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 478 pre-primary institution MT (06) cs: preprimární instituce de: vorschulische Einrichtung el: ίδρυμα προσχολικής εκπαίδευσης es: centro de educación infantil et: koolieelne lasteasutus fi: esikoulu fr: établissement pré-primaire it: istituto prescolare lt: ikimokyklinė įstaiga nl: voorschoolse instelling pl: placówka przedszkolna pt: Estabelecimento de educação pré-escolar ro: institutie pre-primara tr: ilkokul öncesi kurum UF pre-primary school BT educational institution NT pre-primary education-oriented institution NT pre-primary non-education oriented institution RT pre-primary education pre-primary non-education oriented institution MT (06) cs: preprimární instituce nezaměřená na vzdělávání de: Nicht bildungsorientierte vorschulische Einrichtung el: προσχολικό μη εκπαιδευτικό ίδρυμα es: guardería infantil et: lastehoiuasutus fi: päiväkoti fr: établissement préprimaire à finalité non-éducative it: istituto prescolare con finalità non educativa lt: ikimokyklinė neugdančioji įstaiga nl: voorschoolse niet-onderwijs georiënteerde instelling pl: placówka przedszkolna o charakterze nieedukacyjnym pt: Estabelecimento pré-escolar sem fins educativos ro: institutie non educativa pre-primara tr: eğitim amaçlı olmayan ilkokul öncesi kurum SN: Settings outside the child's home providing care for children under compulsory school age. The main objective of this type of institution is childcare. BT pre-primary institution pre-primary school USE pre-primary institution pre-school education USE pre-primary education pre-service teacher training USE initial teacher education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 479 preparatory class MT (08) cs: přípravný ročník de: Vorbereitungsunterricht el: προπαρασκευαστική τάξη es: curso preparatorio et: ettevalmistusklass fi: valmistava luokka fr: classe préparatoire it: classe preparatoria lt: parengiamoji klasė nl: voorbereidende klas pl: kurs przygotowawczy pt: Curso preparatório ro: clasa pregatitoare tr: hazırlık sınıfı SN: Any course that provides a learner with the knowledge required to undertake a specific form of education. UF introductory course UF preparatory course BT course preparatory course USE preparatory class prerequisites MT (08) cs: osobní předpoklady de: persönliche Voraussetzungen el: προυποθέσεις es: requisitos previos et: eeltingimused fi: oppimisedellytys fr: prérequis it: prerequisiti lt: pasirengimo reikalavimai nl: leervoorwaarden pl: wymagania wstępne pt: Pré-requisitos ro: premise tr: ön koşullar SN: What is required to achieve a given end, for example, to solve a problem or for a profitable approach to a new learning process (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). RT prior learning presence USE attendance press USE mass media TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 480 press release MT (21) cs: tisková zpráva de: Pressemitteilung el: δελτίο τύπου es: comunicado de prensa et: pressiteade fi: lehdistötiedote fr: communiqué de presse it: comunicato stampa lt: pranešimas spaudai nl: persbericht pl: komunikat prasowy pt: Comunicado de imprensa ro: comunicat de presa tr: basın bildirisi prevention MT (15) cs: prevence de: Vorbeugung el: πρόληψη es: prevención et: vältimine fi: ennaltaehkäisy fr: prévention it: prevenzione lt: prevencija nl: preventie pl: profilaktyka pt: Prevenção ro: preventie tr: öneleme UF preventive action RT health problems preventive action USE prevention TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 481 primary education MT (02) cs: primární vzdělávání de: Primarbildung el: πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση es: educación primaria et: algharidus fi: ala-aste fr: enseignement primaire it: istruzione primaria lt: pradinis ugdymas nl: primair onderwijs pl: szkolnictwo podstawowe pt: Ensino básico ro: educatie primara tr: ilköğretim UF elementary education UF ISCED 1 UF † primary teacher BT level of education RT primary school RT single-structure education primary school MT (06) cs: primární škola de: Primarschule el: δημοτικό σχολείο es: colegio de educación primaria et: algkool fi: alakoulu fr: école primaire it: scuola primaria lt: pradinė mokykla nl: school voor primair onderwijs pl: szkoła podstawowa pt: Escola básica ro: scoala primara tr: ilkokul UF elementary school BT school RT primary education primary teacher USE primary education + teacher principal USE headteacher TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 482 Principality of Asturias MT (19) cs: Asturské knížectví de: Fürstentum Asturien el: Πριγκηπάτο της Αστούρια es: Asturias et: Astuuria fi: Asturia fr: Principauté des Asturies it: Principato delle Asturie lt: Astūrijos kunigaikštystė nl: Prinsdom Asturië pl: księstwo Asturii pt: Principado das Astúrias ro: Principatul Asturias tr: Asturyas Prensliği UF Asturia UF Asturias UF Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias principles of education MT (01) cs: vzdělávací principy de: Bildungsprinzipien el: αρχές της εκπαίδευσης es: principios de la educación et: kasvatuspõhimõtted fi: koulutusperiaatteet fr: principes d'éducation it: principi educativi lt: švietimo principai nl: onderwijsprincipes pl: zasady polityki edukacyjnej pt: Princípios de educação ro: principiile educatiei tr: eğitim ilkeleri NT coeducation NT compulsory education NT continuity of education NT educational freedom NT equal opportunity NT intercultural education NT international dimension NT parental choice NT right to education NT student integration prior knowledge USE prior learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 483 prior learning MT (08) cs: předchozí vzdělání de: Vorbildung el: προαπαιτούμενη γνώση es: conocimientos previos et: varasemad õpingud fi: aiemmin opittu fr: acquis antérieur it: competenze acquisite lt: ankstesnis mokymasis nl: eerder opgedane kennis pl: wcześniej nabyta wiedza pt: Aprendizagem anterior ro: invatarea anterioara tr: önceki öğrenme SN: The educational achievement for which a learner can receive credit in order to enter a given educational programme or job. UF prior knowledge RT accreditation of prior learning RT prerequisites priority area MT (04) cs: prioritní oblast de: Schwerpunktgebiet el: περιοχή προτεραιότητας es: zona prioritaria et: prioriteetne piirkond fi: erityistukialue fr: zone d'éducation prioritaire it: area di intervento prioritario lt: pirmenybinė sritis nl: voorrangsgebied pl: obszar priorytetowy pt: Zona prioritária ro: zona prioritara tr: öncelikli alan SN: Geographical zone designated to benefit from special educational measures because of its disadvantaged economic or social situation (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT education policy prison education USE correctional education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 484 private MT (18) cs: soukromý de: privat el: ιδιωτικός es: privado et: erafi: yksityinen fr: privé it: privato lt: privatus nl: niet-openbaar pl: prywatny pt: Privado ro: particular /privat tr: özel SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. private education MT (02) cs: soukromé školství de: privates Bildungswesen el: ιδιωτική εκπαίδευση es: educación privada et: eraharidus fi: yksityinen koulutus fr: enseignement privé it: istruzione privata lt: nevalstybinis švietimas nl: niet-openbaar onderwijs pl: szkolnictwo prywatne pt: Ensino particular ro: educatie particulara /educatie privata tr: özel eğitim UF non-public education BT education system RT private school private financing USE private funds private funding USE private funds TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 485 private funds MT (05) cs: soukromé zdroje de: private Mittel el: ιδιωτικά κονδύλια es: fondos privados et: eraraha fi: yksityiset varat fr: fonds privés it: fondi privati lt: privačios lėšos nl: private bekostiging pl: środki prywatne pt: Fundos privados ro: fonduri private tr: özel fonlar UF private financing UF private funding BT source of funding NT parental contribution NT sponsorship private school MT (06) cs: soukromá škola de: Privatschule el: ιδιωτικό σχολείο es: centro privado et: erakool fi: yksityiskoulu fr: école privée it: scuola privata lt: privati mokykla nl: niet-openbare school pl: szkoła prywatna pt: Escola particular ro: scoala particulara tr: özel okul UF non-state school BT school NT grant-aided private school NT non-grant-aided private school RT private education probation period USE trial period probationary period USE trial period TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 486 problem solving MT (10) cs: řešení problémů de: Problemlösen el: επίλυση προβλήματος es: resolución de problemas et: probleemõpe fi: ongelmanratkaisu fr: résolution de problème it: risoluzione di problemi lt: problemų sprendimas nl: probleemoplossend pl: rozwiązywanie problemów pt: Resolução de problemas ro: rezolvare de probleme tr: problem çözme BT cognitive development proceedings MT (21) cs: sborník de: Konferenzakten el: πρακτικά es: actas de una conferencia et: toimetised fi: konferenssijulkaisu fr: actes de conférence it: atti di convegno lt: konferencijos medžiaga nl: conferentieverslagen pl: materiały konferencyjne pt: Actas de conferência ro: proceduri tr: bildiri kitabı SN: Collection of papers at a conference and, generally, a report of the discussions (Source: Cedefop, European Training Thesaurus, 2001). UF conference report TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 487 process indicator MT (13) cs: vývojový ukazatel de: Prozessindikator el: δείκτης απόδοσης es: indicador de proceso et: protsessinäitaja fi: prosessi-indikaattori fr: indicateur de processus it: indicatore di processo lt: procesų rodiklis nl: procesindicator pl: wskaźnik procesu pt: Indicador de processo ro: indicator de proces tr: işlem göstergesi BT indicator professional association MT (11) cs: profesní sdružení de: Berufsverband el: επαγγελματική σχέση es: asociación profesional et: kutseühing fi: ammattiyhdistys fr: association professionnelle it: associazione professionale lt: profesinė asociacija nl: beroepsvereniging pl: stowarzyszenie zawodowe pt: Associação profissional ro: asociatie profesionala tr: mesleki dernek BT association TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 488 professional code MT (16) cs: profesní kodex de: Berufsordnung el: επαγγελματικός κώδικας es: código profesional et: kutse-eetika fi: ammattikäytäntö fr: code professionnel it: codice deontologico lt: profesinis kodeksas nl: beroepscode pl: etyka zawodowa pt: Código profissional ro: cod profesinal tr: meslek kuralları UF code of conduct UF professional ethics RT employment professional ethics USE professional code professional experience MT (16) cs: praxe v oboru de: Berufserfahrung el: επαγγελματική πείρα es: experiencia profesional et: kutsealased kogemused fi: ammattikokemus fr: expérience professionnelle it: esperienza professionale lt: profesinė patirtis nl: beroepservaring pl: doświadczenie zawodowe pt: Experiência profissional ro: experienta profesionala tr: mesleki deneyim BT professional profile professional improvement USE continuing professional development TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 489 professional profile MT (16) cs: profesní profil de: berufliches Anforderungsprofil el: επαγγελματικές προδιαγραφές es: perfil profesional et: töökäigu kirjeldus fi: ammattiprofiili fr: profil professionnel it: profilo professionale lt: profesinis aprašas nl: beroepsprofiel pl: profil zawodowy pt: Perfil profissional ro: profil profesional tr: mesleki profil NT length of service NT professional experience NT recruitment NT seniority RT occupational satisfaction professional qualification USE vocational qualification professional satisfaction USE occupational satisfaction professional status USE employment status Programme for International Student Assessment USE PISA Progress in International Reading Literacy Study USE PIRLS TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 490 project work MT (08) cs: projektové vyučování de: Projektarbeit el: στοχοθετημένη δράση es: trabajo por proyectos et: projektitöö fi: projektityö fr: travail sur projet it: lavoro a progetto lt: projektinis darbas nl: projectwerk pl: praca nad projektem pt: Trabalho de projecto ro: activitate de proiect tr: proje çalışması BT school activities promotion of mobility MT (04) cs: podpora mobility de: Mobilitätsförderung el: ανάπτυξη της κινητικότητας es: promoción de la movilidad et: liikuvuse edendamine fi: liikkuvuuden edistäminen fr: promotion de la mobilité it: promozione della mobilità lt: judumo skatinimas nl: mobiliteitsbevordering pl: promocja mobilności pt: Promoção da mobilidade ro: promovarea mobilitatii tr: hareketliliğin teşviki BT education policy promotion to the next class MT (09) cs: postup do vyššího ročníku de: Versetzung in die nächsthöhere Jahrgangsstufe el: προαγωγή στην επόμενη τάξη es: promoción de curso et: järgmisse klassi üleviimine fi: luokaltapääsy fr: passage de classe it: promozione lt: kėlimas į aukštesnę klasę nl: bevordering naar het volgende leerjaar pl: promocja do następnej klasy pt: Transição de ano ro: promovarea pentru clasa urmatoare tr: üst sınıfa geçme BT study progress TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 491 promotional activity MT (16) cs: propagace de: Werbemaßnahmen el: δραστηριότητα προώθησης es: actividad promocional et: esitlus fi: markkinointitoimenpiteet fr: activité promotionnelle it: attività promozionale lt: reklaminė veikla nl: promotieactiviteit pl: działania promocyjne pt: Actividade promocional ro: activitate promotionala tr: tanıtım faaliyeti NT advertising NT incentive protest MT (10) cs: protest de: Protest el: διαμαρτυρία es: protesta et: protest fi: protesti fr: contestation it: protesta lt: protestas nl: protest pl: protest pt: Contestação ro: protest tr: protesto BT behaviour Protestantism MT (15) cs: protestantismus de: Protestantismus el: Προτεσταντισμός es: protestantismo et: protestantlus fi: protestantismi fr: protestantisme it: protestantesimo lt: protestantizmas nl: Protestantisme pl: protestantyzm pt: Protestantismo ro: Protestantism tr: Protestanlık BT Christianity TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 492 Provençal USE Oc psychologist USE educational psychologist psychology MT (07) cs: psychologie de: Psychologie el: ψυχολογία es: psicología et: psühholoogia fi: psykologia fr: psychologie it: psicologia lt: psichologija nl: psychologie pl: psychologia pt: Psicologia ro: psihologie tr: psikoloji BT social sciences psychology service MT (11) cs: psychologická služba de: Psychologischer Beratungsdienst el: ψυχολογική υπηρεσία es: servicio de psicología et: psühholoogiatalitus fi: psykologipalvelut fr: service psychologique it: servizio psicologico lt: psichologinė tarnyba nl: psychologische dienst pl: poradnictwo psychologiczne pt: Serviço de psicologia ro: serviciu psihologic tr: psikolojik hizmet BT guidance service NT educational psychologist psychomotor development USE motor development psychotherapist USE psychotherapy TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 493 psychotherapy MT (03) cs: psychoterapie de: Psychotherapie el: ψυχοθεραπεία es: psicoterapia et: psühhoteraapia fi: psykoterapia fr: psychothérapie it: psicoterapia lt: psichoterapija nl: psychotherapie pl: psychoterapia pt: Psicoterapia ro: psihoterapie tr: psikoterapi UF psychotherapist BT therapy public MT (18) cs: veřejný de: öffentlich el: δημόσιος es: público et: avalik fi: julkinen fr: public it: pubblico lt: viešas nl: openbaar pl: publiczny pt: Público ro: public tr: kamu SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. public education MT (02) cs: veřejné školství de: öffentliches Bildungswesen el: δημόσια εκπαίδευση es: educación pública et: avalik haridus fi: julkinen koululaitos fr: enseignement public it: istruzione pubblica lt: valstybinis švietimas nl: openbaar onderwijs pl: szkolnictwo publiczne pt: Ensino oficial ro: educatie publica tr: devlet okullarındaki eğitim BT education system TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 494 public expenditure USE public funds public financing USE public funds public funding USE public funds public funds MT (05) cs: veřejné prostředky de: öffentliche Mittel el: δημόσια κονδύλια es: fondos públicos et: riigiraha fi: julkiset varat fr: fonds publics it: fondi pubblici lt: viešosios lėšos nl: openbare middelen pl: środki publiczne pt: Dinheiros públicos ro: fonduri publice tr: kamu fonları UF government spending UF public expenditure UF public financing UF public funding BT source of funding public law USE legislation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 495 public-sector school MT (06) cs: veřejná škola de: öffentliche Schule el: δημόσιο σχολείο es: escuela pública et: avaliku sektori kool fi: julkinen koulu fr: école publique it: scuola pubblica lt: valstybinė mokykla nl: openbare school pl: szkoła publiczna pt: Escola pública ro: scoala din sectorul public tr: devlet okulu SN: School financed and administered by a public authority. UF non-private school UF state school UF state-funded school BT school publication MT (21) cs: publikace de: Veröffentlichung el: δημοσίευση es: publicación et: väljaanne fi: julkaisu fr: publication it: pubblicazione lt: publikacija nl: publicatie pl: publikacja pt: Publicação ro: publicatie tr: yayın SN: Use a more specific term if possible. punishment USE sanction TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 496 pupil MT (11) cs: žák de: Schüler el: μαθητής es: alumno et: õpilane fi: oppilas fr: élève it: alunno lt: mokinys nl: leerling pl: uczeń pt: Aluno ro: elev tr: talebe SN: For learners beyond compulsory education see also "student". NT school leaver RT evaluation by students RT evaluation of students RT student pupil assessment USE evaluation of students pupil empowerment USE student empowerment pupil housing USE boarding school pupil integration USE student integration pupil mobility USE student mobility pupil organisation USE student organisation pupil participation USE student participation pupil record USE student record pupil-teacher ratio USE student-teacher ratio pupils per adult USE student-teacher ratio TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 497 qualification MT (09) cs: kvalifikace de: Qualifikation el: προσόν es: cualificación et: kvalifikatsioon fi: pätevyys fr: qualification it: qualifica lt: kvalifikacija nl: kwalificatie pl: kwalifikacje pt: Qualificação ro: calificare tr: nitelik SN: The requirements for an individual to enter or progress within an occupation. NT formal qualification NT teaching qualification NT vocational qualification RT certificate RT certification RT level of qualification qualification level USE level of qualification qualified teacher MT (11) cs: kvalifikovaný učitel de: Lehrkraft mit Lehrbefähigung el: προσοντούχος καθηγητής es: profesor cualificado et: kvalifitseeritud õpetaja fi: pätevä opettaja fr: enseignant de métier it: insegnante abilitato all'insegnamento lt: kvalifikuotas mokytojas nl: bevoegd leraar pl: nauczyciel z kwalifikacjami pt: Professor qualificado ro: profesor calificat tr: nitelikli öğretmen UF newly qualified teacher BT teacher qualifying examination USE final examination TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 498 qualifying phase MT (02) cs: kvalifikační fáze de: berufsqualifizierende Ausbildungsphase el: στάδιο κατάρτισης es: fase de prácticas et: kutsesaamisperiood fi: pätevöityminen fr: phase finale qualifiante it: fase qualificante lt: kvalifikacijos įgijimo laikotarpis nl: kwalificerende fase pl: okres zdobywania kwalifikacji pt: Fase de qualificação ro: faza de calificare tr: nitelik kazandırma UF induction for teachers UF qualifying stage BT initial teacher education qualifying stage USE qualifying phase quality assurance MT (09) cs: zajišťování kvality de: Qualitätssicherung el: διασφάλιση ποιότητας es: garantía de calidad et: kvaliteedi kindlustamine fi: laadunvarmistus fr: assurance qualité it: assicurazione di qualità lt: kokybės užtikrinimas nl: kwaliteitsborging pl: zapewnianie jakości pt: Garantia da qualidade ro: asigurarea calitatii tr: kalite güvencesi UF quality control BT quality of education quality control USE quality assurance TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 499 quality of education MT (09) cs: kvalita vzdělávání de: Qualität der Bildung el: ποιότητα της παιδείας es: calidad de la educación et: hariduse kvaliteet fi: koulutuksen laatu fr: qualité de l'éducation it: qualità dell'istruzione lt: švietimo kokybė nl: onderwijskwaliteit pl: jakość kształcenia pt: Qualidade da educação ro: calitatea educatiei tr: eğitimin kalitesi NT quality assurance NT teaching quality RT evaluation RT learning standard questionnaire MT (13) cs: dotazník de: Fragebogen el: ερωτηματολόγιο es: cuestionario et: küsimustik fi: kyselylomake fr: questionnaire it: questionario lt: klausimynas nl: questionnaire pl: ankieta pt: Questionário ro: chestionar tr: anket BT statistical analysis racial discrimination USE racism TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 500 racism MT (15) cs: rasismus de: Rassismus el: ρατσισμός es: racismo et: rassism fi: rasismi fr: racisme it: razzismo lt: rasizmas nl: racisme pl: rasizm pt: Racismo ro: rasism tr: ırkçılık UF racial discrimination BT social exclusion radio USE mass media Raeto-Romance USE Romansch rate (statistics) MT (18) cs: míra de: Rate (Statistik) el: ποσοστό es: tasa (estadística) et: määr fi: aste (tilastot) fr: taux it: tasso (statistico) lt: lygis nl: ratio pl: odsetek (statystyka) pt: Taxa (estatística) ro: rata (statistica) tr: oran (istatistik) SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 501 raw data MT (13) cs: hrubé údaje de: Rohdaten el: πρωτογενή δεδομένα es: datos brutos et: toorandmed fi: raakadata fr: données brutes it: dati grezzi lt: neapdoroti duomenys nl: ruwe data pl: dane nieprzetworzone pt: Dados brutos ro: date brute tr: ham veri BT statistical data re-assessment MT (09) cs: opravná zkouška de: Prüfungswiederholung el: επαναξιολόγηση es: examen de recuperación et: uuestihindamine fi: uusintasuoritus fr: réévaluation it: bocciatura di un esame lt: pakartotinis vertinimas nl: re-assessment pl: egzamin poprawkowy pt: Reavaliação ro: reevaluare tr: yeniden ölçme BT underachievement readability of qualifications USE transparency of qualifications TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 502 reading MT (07) cs: čtení de: Lesen el: ανάγνωση es: lectura et: lugemine fi: lukeminen fr: lecture it: lettura lt: skaitymas nl: lezen pl: czytanie pt: Leitura ro: citire tr: okuma BT language teaching reading difficulty MT (03) cs: obtíže při čtení de: Leseschwierigkeit el: δυσκολία στην ανάγνωση es: dificultad lectora et: vaeglugemine fi: lukemisvaikeus fr: difficultés de lecture it: difficoltà di lettura lt: skaitymo sunkumai nl: leesprobleem pl: trudności w czytaniu pt: Dificuldade de leitura ro: citire dificila tr: okuma zorluğu BT learning difficulty realia USE object lesson TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 503 reasoning MT (10) cs: usuzování de: schlussfolgerndes Denken el: σκεπτικό es: razonamiento et: arutlemine fi: päättely fr: raisonnement it: ragionamento lt: mąstymas nl: redeneren pl: rozumowanie pt: Raciocínio ro: rationament tr: akıl yürütme BT cognitive development RT mental age reassignment of staff MT (04) cs: přeřazení zaměstnance de: Neuzuweisung von Personal el: επανατοποθέτηση του προσωπικού es: reorganización del personal et: töötajatele uute ülesannete andmine fi: henkilöstön uudelleensijoittaminen fr: réaffectation du personnel it: riassegnazione del personale lt: pareigų perskirstymas nl: herplaatsing van personeel pl: przesunięcie pracownika pt: Reafectação de pessoal ro: realocare de personal tr: personelin yeniden atanması SN: Changes of job within the same enterprise, either for redeployment or as a career move. Do not confuse with occupational mobility (Source: Cedefop, European Training Thesaurus, 2001). UF redeployment BT assignment of staff receiving country USE host country recess USE break TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 504 recognition of diplomas MT (09) cs: uznávání dokladů o vzdělání de: Anerkennung von Bildungsabschlüssen el: αναγνώριση πτυχίων es: reconocimiento de títulos et: diplomite tunnustamine fi: tutkintojen tunnustaminen fr: reconnaissance de diplôme it: riconoscimento dei diplomi lt: diplomų pripažinimas nl: erkenning van diploma's pl: uznawanie dyplomów pt: Reconhecimento de diplomas ro: recunoasterea diplomelor tr: diplomaların tanınması UF mutual recognition of diplomas UF recognition of educational achievement UF recognition of qualifications UF validation of educational achievement RT comparability of qualifications RT equivalence of certificates RT mobility RT portability of qualifications RT transparency of qualifications recognition of educational achievement USE recognition of diplomas recognition of qualifications USE recognition of diplomas recreation USE break recreation centre USE leisure facilities recreational activities USE leisure activities recreational facilities USE leisure facilities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 505 recruitment MT (16) cs: přijímání zaměstnanců de: Anwerbung el: διορισμός es: contratación et: värbamine fi: rekrytointi fr: recrutement it: reclutamento lt: įdarbinimas nl: werving pl: rekrutacja pracowników pt: Recrutamento ro: recrutare tr: işe başlatma BT professional profile RT access to employment RT recruitment procedure RT teacher recruitment recruitment channel USE recruitment procedure recruitment method USE recruitment procedure recruitment procedure MT (16) cs: postup při přijímání zaměstnanců de: Anwerbungsverfahren el: διαδικασία πρόσληψης es: procedimiento de contratación et: värbamistoimingud fi: rekrytointikäytäntö fr: procédure de recrutement it: procedura di reclutamento lt: įdarbinimo procedūra nl: wervingsprocedure pl: procedura rekrutacji pt: Processo de recrutamento ro: procedura de recrutare tr: işe alma prosedürü UF recruitment channel UF recruitment method RT recruitment rector USE vice-chancellor redeployment USE reassignment of staff TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 506 redoing a school year USE repeating reference level USE benchmark reference material MT (21) cs: informační materiál de: Referenzmaterial el: έντυπα αναφοράς es: material de referencia et: teatmematerjal fi: lähdeaineisto fr: matériel de référence it: materiale di consultazione lt: nuorodų šaltiniai nl: referentie materiaal pl: materiały informacyjne pt: Material de referência ro: material de referinta tr: başvuru kaynakları SN: Documents providing factual information and/or leading to other information sources. Use a more specific term if possible. ReferNet MT (20) cs: ReferNet de: ReferNet el: ReferNet es: ReferNet et: ReferNet fi: ReferNet fr: ReferNet it: ReferNet lt: ReferNet nl: ReferNet pl: ReferNet pt: ReferNet ro: ReferNet tr: ReferNet SN: The European network of reference and expertise established by Cedefop. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 507 reform MT (04) (14) cs: reforma de: Reform el: μεταρρύθμιση es: reforma et: reform fi: uudistus fr: réforme it: riforma lt: reforma nl: hervorming pl: reforma pt: Reforma ro: reforma tr: reform BT education policy BT politics NT educational reform RT reform proposal reform proposal MT (04) cs: návrh reformy de: Reformvorhaben el: πρόταση μεταρρύθμισης es: proyecto de reforma et: reformikava fi: uudistusehdotus fr: projet de réforme it: progetto di riforma lt: reformos projektas nl: hervormingsvoorstel pl: projekt reformy pt: Projecto de reforma ro: propunere de reformă tr: reform önerisi SN: Preparatory work or text of a reform (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF planned reform RT reform TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 508 refugee MT (15) cs: uprchlík de: Flüchtling el: πρόσφυγας es: refugiado et: pagulane fi: pakolainen fr: réfugié it: rifugiato lt: pabėgėlis nl: vluchteling pl: uchodźca pt: Refugiado ro: refugiat tr: mülteci SN: Population fleeing the normal area of habitation for political or other reasons (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF asylum seeker BT migrant Region of Murcia USE Murcia regional administration USE educational administration + regional level regional authority USE regional level regional inequality MT (16) cs: regionální rozdíly de: regionale Ungleichheit el: ανισότητα σε περιφερειακό επίπεδο es: desigualdad regional et: piirkondlik ebavõrdsus fi: alueellinen eriarvoisuus fr: disparité régionale it: divario regionale lt: regionų nelygybė nl: regionale ongelijkheid pl: nierówności regionalne pt: Assimetria regional ro: inegalitate regionala tr: bölgesel eşitsizlik BT economic and social cohesion TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 509 regional language MT (15) cs: regionální jazyk de: regionale Sprache el: τοπική γλώσσα es: lengua regional et: piirkondlik keel fi: alueellinen kieli fr: langue régionale it: lingua regionale lt: regioninė kalba nl: regionale taal pl: język regionalny pt: Língua regional ro: limba regionala tr: bölgesel dil SN: A language that is traditionally used by the population of a particular region. BT community language regional languages of Alsace USE Alemannic regional level MT (14) cs: regionální úroveň de: regionale Ebene el: περιφερειακό επίπεδο es: nivel regional et: maakonnatasand fi: alueellinen taso fr: niveau régional it: livello regionale lt: regioninis lygmuo nl: regionaal niveau pl: szczebel regionalny pt: Nível regional ro: nivel regional tr: bölgesel düzey UF regional authority UF † regional administration BT administrative level TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 510 registration MT (04) cs: zápis de: Einschreibung el: εγγραφή es: matrícula et: nimekirja (registrisse) kandmine fi: ilmoittautuminen fr: inscription it: iscrizione lt: registravimas nl: inschrijving pl: rejestracja pt: Matrícula ro: inregistrare tr: kayıt UF enrolment BT entry to school registration fees MT (05) cs: zápisné de: Einschreibgebühren el: δίδακτρα εγγραφής es: tasas de matrícula et: sisseastumislõiv fi: ilmoittautumismaksut fr: droits d'inscription it: tasse di iscrizione lt: registravimo mokestis nl: inschrijvingsgeld pl: opłata rejestracyjna pt: Propina de matrícula ro: taxa de inregistrare tr: kayıt ücretleri SN: Payment made by students/pupils for registering at an educational institution. UF enrolment fees BT fees TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 511 regulation MT (14) cs: směrnice de: Vorschriften el: κανονισμός es: normativa et: määrus fi: määräys fr: réglementation it: regolamentazione lt: reglamentas nl: regeling pl: przepis pt: Regulamentação ro: regulament tr: tüzük UF norm BT legislation reinstatement of a pupil USE reintegration into school reinstatement of a student USE reintegration into school reintegration into school MT (09) cs: znovuzařazení do školy de: Wiedereingliederung in das Schulsystem el: επανένταξη στο σχολείο es: reincorporación al centro et: ennistamine (kooli) fi: kouluun palaaminen fr: réintégration dans l'école it: reinserimento lt: reintegravimas(is) mokykloje nl: re-integratie in het onderwijs pl: przywrócenie w prawach ucznia pt: Reintegração escolar ro: reintegrarea în şcoală tr: okula yeniden yerleştirme UF reinstatement of a pupil UF reinstatement of a student BT school career relief teacher USE substitute staff TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 512 religion MT (15) cs: náboženství de: Religion el: θρησκεία es: religión et: usk fi: uskonto fr: religion it: religione lt: religija nl: godsdienst pl: religia pt: Religião ro: religie tr: din NT Buddhism NT Christianity NT Confucianism NT Hinduism NT Islam NT Judaism NT secularism NT Sikhism NT Taoism religious education MT (07) cs: náboženská výchova de: religiöse Erziehung el: θρησκευτική αγωγή es: educación religiosa et: usuõpetus fi: uskontokasvatus fr: éducation religieuse it: educazione religiosa lt: religinis ugdymas nl: godsdienstonderwijs pl: edukacja religijna pt: Educação religiosa ro: educatie religioasa tr: dini eğitim UF theology BT humanities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 513 religious organisation MT (11) cs: náboženská organizace de: religiöse Vereinigung el: θρησκευτική οργάνωση es: organización religiosa et: usuühing fi: uskonnollinen järjestö fr: organisation religieuse it: organizzazione religiosa lt: religinė organizacija nl: godsdienstige organisatie pl: organizacja religijna pt: Organização religiosa ro: organizatie religioasa tr: dini kuruluş UF church UF religious organization BT organisation religious organization USE religious organisation remedial gymnastics USE physiotherapy remedial teacher USE SEN teacher remedial teaching USE curriculum support remuneration USE salary TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 514 repeating MT (09) cs: opakování ročníku de: Sitzenbleiben el: επανάληψη τάξης es: repetición de curso et: klassikordamine fi: luokallejäänti fr: redoublement it: ripetenza lt: kurso kartojimas nl: zittenblijven pl: drugoroczność pt: Repetência ro: repetare tr: yıl tekrarı SN: To stay in a grade a second year. UF redoing a school year UF repetition of a school year BT study progress repetition of a school year USE repeating replacement teacher USE substitute staff report MT (21) cs: zpráva de: Bericht el: έκθεση es: informe et: raport fi: raportti fr: rapport it: rapporto lt: ataskaita nl: rapport pl: sprawozdanie pt: Relatório ro: raport tr: rapor SN: Published findings. representative sample USE sample TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 515 Republic of Korea MT (19) cs: Korejská republika de: Republik Korea el: Δημοκρατία της Κορέας es: República de Corea et: Korea Vabariik fi: Korean tasavalta fr: République de Corée it: Repubblica di Corea lt: Korėjos Respublika nl: Republiek Korea pl: Republika Korei pt: República da Coreia ro: Republica Corea tr: Kore Cumhuriyeti UF South Korea Republic of Moldova MT (19) cs: Moldavská republika de: Republik Moldau el: Δημοκρατία της Μολδαβίας es: República de Moldavia et: Moldova Vabariik fi: Moldova fr: République de Moldavie it: Repubblica moldova lt: Moldovos Respublika nl: Republiek Moldavië pl: Republika Mołdowy pt: República da Moldova ro: Republica Moldova tr: Moldovya Cumhuriyeti UF Moldova Republic of Montenegro MT (19) cs: Černá Hora de: Montenegro el: Δημοκρατία του Μαυροβουνίου es: República de Montenegro et: Montenegro Vabariik fi: Montenegro fr: Monténégro it: Montenegro lt: Juodkalnijos Respublika nl: Montenegro pl: Republika Czarnogóry pt: Montenegro ro: Republica Muntenegru tr: Karadağ Cumhuriyeti UF Montenegro TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 516 Republic of Serbia MT (19) cs: Srbská republika de: Republik Serbien el: Δημοκρατία της Σερβίας es: República de Serbia et: Serbia Vabariik fi: Serbia fr: République de Serbie it: Serbia lt: Serbijos Respublika nl: Republiek Servië pl: Republika Serbii pt: Sérvia ro: Republica Serbia tr: Sırbistan Cumhuriyeti UF Serbia research MT (01) cs: výzkum de: Forschung el: έρευνα es: investigación et: teaduslik uurimine fi: tutkimus fr: recherche it: ricerca lt: (mokslinis) tyrimas nl: research pl: badania naukowe pt: Investigação ro: cercetare tr: araştırma UF researcher NT educational research RT historical perspective RT measurement RT methodology RT research centre TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 517 research centre MT (01) cs: výzkumné středisko de: Forschungszentrum el: ερευνητικό κέντρο es: centro de investigación et: uurimiskeskus fi: tutkimuslaitos fr: centre de recherche it: istituto di ricerca lt: tyrimų centras nl: onderzoeksinstituut pl: ośrodek badawczy pt: Centro de investigação ro: centru de cercetare tr: araştırma merkezi RT research research results MT (01) cs: výsledky výzkumu de: Forschungsergebnisse el: πορίσματα έρευνας es: resultados de la investigación et: uurimistulemused fi: tutkimustulokset fr: résultats de recherche it: risultato di ricerca lt: tyrimų rezultatai nl: onderzoeksresultaten pl: wyniki badań naukowych pt: Resultado da investigação ro: rezultatele cercetarii tr: araştırma sonuçları NT educational innovation researcher USE research reserve pool of teachers USE teacher recruitment residential school USE boarding school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 518 resource allocation MT (16) cs: přidělení prostředků de: Mittelzuteilung el: κατανομή πόρων es: distribución de recursos et: ressursijaotus fi: resurssien jako fr: affectation de ressources it: distribuzione delle risorse lt: išteklių (pa)skirstymas nl: middelentoewijzing pl: przydział środków pt: Afectação de recursos ro: alocarea resurselor tr: kaynak tahsisi SN: The setting apart, assigning, or allotting of money, materials, personnel, or services for a particular purpose (Source: ERIC Thesaurus, 2005 online version). BT management of resources RT capital resources RT financing of education RT operational resources resource management USE management of resources responsibility MT (18) cs: odpovědnost de: Verantwortung el: αρμοδιότητα es: responsabilidad et: vastutus fi: vastuu fr: responsabilités it: responsabilità lt: atsakomybė nl: verantwoordelijkheid pl: odpowiedzialność pt: Responsabilidade ro: raspundere tr: sorumluluk SN: The process or act of fulfilling a duty, obligation, burden, or trust (Source: ERIC Thesaurus, 2005 online version). Must be used together with another descriptor. UF duties UF function UF role UF task TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 519 restricted access MT (04) cs: omezený přístup de: beschränkter Zugang el: περιορισμένη πρόσβαση es: acceso limitado et: piiratud juurdepääs fi: rajoitettu pääsy fr: accès limité it: accesso limitato lt: ribojamas prieinamumas nl: beperkte toegang pl: ograniczony dostęp pt: Acesso limitado ro: acces restrictionat tr: sınırlı erişim BT access to education result USE outcome result-based funding USE performance-based funding retired teacher MT (11) cs: učitel-důchodce de: Lehrer im Ruhestand el: συνταξιούχος εκπαιδευτικός es: profesor jubilado et: pensionil õpetaja fi: eläkkeellä oleva opettaja fr: enseignant à la retraite it: insegnante in pensione lt: mokytojas pensininkas nl: gepensioneerde leraar pl: nauczyciel emerytowany pt: Professor aposentado ro: profesor pensionar tr: emekli öğretmen RT teacher TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 520 retirement MT (16) cs: odchod do důchodu de: Ruhestand el: συνταξιοδότηση es: jubilación et: pensionile jäämine fi: eläkkeelle siirtyminen fr: retraite it: pensionamento lt: išėjimas į pensiją nl: pensionering pl: emerytura pt: Aposentação ro: pensionare tr: emeklilik BT termination of employment NT early retirement RT pension retirement pay USE pension retraining MT (02) cs: rekvalifikace de: Umschulung el: επανεκπαίδευση es: reconversión profesional et: ümberõpe fi: uudelleenkoulutus fr: formation de reconversion it: riqualificazione lt: per(si)kvalifikavimas nl: herscholing pl: przekwalifikowanie pt: Formação de reconversão ro: retraining tr: bilgi yenileme eğitimi SN: Training for the acquisition of skills and knowledge for practicing an occupation other than the one for which the worker was originally trained (Source: Shortened from Cedefop, European Training Thesaurus, 2001). BT training type return to education USE return to learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 521 return to learning MT (02) cs: návrat ke vzdělávání de: Wiederaufnahme des Bildungswegs el: επιστροφή στην εκπαίδευση es: retomar la formación et: õpingute taasalustamine fi: paluu opintoihin fr: reprendre une formation it: ripresa degli studi lt: grįžimas mokytis nl: hervatten van onderwijs pl: powrót do edukacji pt: Regresso à aprendizagem ro: intoarcere la invatare tr: öğrenime geri dönüş UF return to education UF return to studies RT lifelong learning return to studies USE return to learning return to teaching MT (11) cs: návrat k učitelské profesi de: Wiederaufnahme der Lehrtätigkeit el: επιστροφή στη διδασκαλία es: retomar la docencia et: õpetajaametisse naasmine fi: paluu opettamiseen fr: reprendre la profession d'enseignant it: ritorno all'insegnamento lt: grįžimas mokytojauti nl: herintreden in het lerarenberoep pl: powrót do nauczania pt: Regresso à docência ro: reintoarcere la predare tr: öğretmenliğe geri dönüş RT teaching profession Rhineland Palatinate USE Rhineland-Palatinate TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 522 Rhineland-Palatinate MT (19) cs: Porýní-Falc de: Rheinland-Pfalz el: Ρηνανία-Παλατινάτο es: Renania-Palatinado et: Rheinland-Pfaltz fi: Rheinland-Pfalz fr: Rhénanie-Palatinat it: Renania-Palatinato lt: Reino kraštas - Pfalcas nl: Rijnland-Palts pl: Nadrenia-Palatynat pt: Renânia-Palatinado ro: Palatinatul Renania tr: Rhineland-Palatinate UF Rhineland Palatinate right to education MT (01) cs: právo na vzdělání de: Recht auf Bildung el: δικαίωμα στην εκπαίδευση es: derecho a la educación et: õigus haridusele fi: oikeus koulutukseen fr: droit à l'éducation it: diritto all'educazione lt: teisė mokytis nl: recht op onderwijs pl: prawo do edukacji pt: Direito à educação ro: dreptul la educatie tr: eğitim hakkı BT principles of education rights MT (18) cs: práva de: Rechte el: δικαιώματα es: derechos et: õigus(ed) fi: oikeudet fr: droits it: diritti lt: teisės nl: rechten pl: prawa pt: Direitos ro: drepturi tr: haklar SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 523 rights of the child MT (15) cs: práva dítěte de: Rechte des Kindes el: δικαιώματα των παιδιών es: derechos del niño et: lapse õigused fi: lapsen oikeudet fr: droits de l'enfant it: diritti dei bambini lt: vaiko teisės nl: rechten van het kind pl: prawa dziecka pt: Direitos da criança ro: drepturile copilului tr: çocuk hakları BT human rights Rioja MT (19) cs: La Rioja de: La Rioja el: Ριόχα es: La Rioja et: La Rioja fi: La Rioja fr: Rioja it: La Rioja lt: Rioja nl: Rioja pl: La Rioja pt: Rioja ro: Rioja tr: Rioja UF Autonomous Community of la Rioja road safety USE safety education road safety education USE safety education role USE responsibility TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 524 Romance languages MT (17) cs: románské jazyky de: romanische Sprachen el: Ρωμανικές γλώσσες es: lenguas romances et: romaani keeled fi: romaaniset kielet fr: langues romanes it: lingue romanze lt: romanų kalbos nl: Romaanse talen pl: języki romańskie pt: Línguas românicas ro: Limbi romanice tr: Latin dilleri BT Italic languages NT Asturian NT Castilian NT Catalan NT Corsican NT French NT Galician NT Italian NT Ladin NT Mirandês NT Oc NT Portuguese NT Romanian NT Romansch NT Valencian Romani MT (17) cs: romština de: Romani el: Ρωμανική γλώσσα (αθίγγανοι) es: romaní et: romi keel fi: romanikieli fr: romani it: lingua rom lt: romų kalba nl: Romani pl: romski pt: Romani ro: Rromani tr: Roman Dili UF gypsy language UF Romany BT Indo-Iranian languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 525 Romania MT (19) cs: Rumunsko de: Rumänien el: Ρουμανία es: Rumanía et: Rumeenia fi: Romania fr: Roumanie it: Romania lt: Rumunija nl: Roemenië pl: Rumunia pt: Roménia ro: Romania tr: Romanya Romanian MT (17) cs: rumunština de: Rumänisch el: Ρουμανική γλώσσα es: rumano et: rumeenia keel fi: romanian kieli fr: roumain it: rumeno lt: rumunų kalba nl: Roemeens pl: rumuński pt: Romeno ro: roman tr: Romence BT Romance languages Romansch MT (17) cs: romanši de: Romanisch el: Ρωμανική γλώσσα es: retorrománico et: retoromaani keel fi: retoromaanin kieli fr: romanche it: romancio lt: retoromanų kalba nl: Romansch pl: retoromański pt: Romanche ro: Romansch tr: Romanşça UF Raeto-Romance BT Romance languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 526 Romany USE Romani rural area MT (15) cs: venkovská oblast de: ländliches Gebiet el: αγροτική περιοχή es: zona rural et: maapiirkond fi: maaseutualue fr: espace rural it: zona rurale lt: kaimo vietovė nl: platteland pl: obszar wiejski pt: Zona rural ro: zona rurala tr: kırsal alan UF † rural school BT socio-cultural environment rural school USE rural area + school Russia USE Russian Federation Russian MT (17) cs: ruština de: Russisch el: Ρωσική es: ruso et: vene keel fi: venäjän kieli fr: russe it: russo lt: rusų kalba nl: Russisch pl: rosyjski pt: Russo ro: rus tr: Rusça BT Slavic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 527 Russian Federation MT (19) cs: Ruská federace de: Russische Föderation el: Ρωσική Ομοσπονδία es: Federación Rusa et: Vene Föderatsioon fi: Venäjä fr: Fédération de Russie it: Federazione Russa lt: Rusijos Federacija nl: Russische Federatie pl: Federacja Rosyjska pt: Federação da Rússia ro: Federatia Rusa tr: Rusya Federasyonu UF Russia Rusyn MT (17) cs: rusínština de: Ruthenisch el: Rusyn es: ruteno et: russiini keel fi: ruteeni fr: ruthène it: ruteno lt: rusinų kalba nl: Roetheens pl: rusiński pt: Ruteno ro: Rusyn tr: Rusince UF Ruthenian BT Slavic languages Ruthenian USE Rusyn TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 528 Saarland MT (19) cs: Sársko de: Saarland el: Σάαρ es: Sarre et: Saarimaa fi: Saarland fr: Sarre it: Saarland lt: Saro kraštas nl: Saarland pl: Saara pt: Sarre ro: Saarland tr: Saarland sabbatical leave USE educational leave safety MT (15) cs: bezpečnost de: Sicherheit el: ασφάλεια es: seguridad et: ohutus fi: turvallisuus fr: sécurité it: sicurezza lt: saugumas nl: veiligheid pl: bezpieczeństwo pt: Segurança ro: siguranta tr: güvenlik UF accident RT health TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 529 safety education MT (07) cs: výchova k bezpečnosti de: Sicherheitserziehung el: εκπαίδευση για την ασφάλεια es: educación para la seguridad et: ohutuskasvatus fi: turvallisuuskasvatus fr: éducation à la sécurité it: educazione alla sicurezza lt: saugaus elgesio mokymas nl: verkeersonderwijs pl: edukacja w zakresie bezpieczeństwa pt: Educação para a segurança ro: siguranta educatiei tr: güvenlik eğitimi UF road safety UF road safety education BT health sciences salary MT (16) cs: plat de: Gehalt el: πρόσοδος es: salario et: palk fi: palkka fr: salaire it: trattamento economico lt: atlyginimas nl: salaris pl: wynagrodzenie pt: Ordenado ro: salariu tr: maaş UF pay UF remuneration UF wage BT working conditions NT basic salary NT headteacher salary NT performance-related salary NT teacher salary RT salary scale TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 530 salary scale MT (16) cs: platová stupnice de: Gehaltstabelle el: μισθολογική κλίμακα es: escala salarial et: palgaskaala fi: palkkataulukko fr: barème de salaire it: scala salariale lt: atlyginimų skalė nl: salarisschaal pl: tabela wynagrodzeń pt: Escala de salários ro: marimea salariului tr: maaş baremi RT salary Sami languages MT (17) cs: sámština de: samische Sprachen el: Λαπωνική es: lenguas sami et: saami keel fi: saamelaiskielet fr: langues sames it: lingue sami lt: samių kalbos nl: Samische talen pl: języki lapońskie pt: Línguas sami ro: limbile Sami tr: Sami dilleri BT Uralic languages sample MT (13) cs: vzorek de: Stichprobe el: δείγμα es: muestra et: valim fi: otos fr: échantillon it: campione lt: (statistinė) imtis nl: steekproef pl: próba badawcza pt: Amostra ro: esantion tr: numune UF representative sample BT statistical analysis TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 531 San Marino MT (19) cs: San Marino de: San Marino el: Σαν Μαρίνο es: San Marino et: San Marino fi: San Marino fr: Saint-Marin it: San Marino lt: San Marinas nl: San Marino pl: San Marino pt: São Marino ro: San Marino tr: San Marino sanction MT (09) cs: sankce de: Sanktion el: τιμωρία es: sanción et: sanktsioon fi: sanktio fr: sanction it: sanzione lt: sankcija nl: sanctie pl: sankcja pt: Pena disciplinar ro: sanctiune tr: yaptırım UF disciplinary action UF punishment NT exclusion from school RT evaluation result sandwich course USE alternance training TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 532 Saxony MT (19) cs: Sasko de: Sachsen el: Σαξωνία es: Sajonia et: Saksimaa fi: Saksi fr: Saxe it: Sassonia lt: Saksonija nl: Saksen pl: Saksonia pt: Saxónia ro: Saxonia tr: Saksonya Saxony Anhalt USE Saxony-Anhalt Saxony-Anhalt MT (19) cs: Sasko-Anhaltsko de: Sachsen-Anhalt el: Σαξονία-Ανχαλτ es: Sajonia-Anhalt et: Saksi-Anhalt fi: Saksi-Anhalt fr: Saxe-Anhalt it: Sassonia-Anhalt lt: Saksonija - Anhaltas nl: Saksen-Anhalt pl: Saksonia-Anhalt pt: Saxónia-Anhalt ro: Regiunea Saxonia tr: Saksonya-Anhalt UF Saxony Anhalt Scandinavia USE Nordic countries Schleswig Holstein USE Schleswig-Holstein TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 533 Schleswig-Holstein MT (19) cs: Šlevicko-Holštýnsko de: Schleswig-Holstein el: Σλέσβιχ-Χόλσταιν es: Schleswig-Holstein et: Schleswig-Holstein fi: Schleswig-Holstein fr: Schleswig-Holstein it: Schleswig-Holstein lt: Šlėzvigas - Holšteinas nl: Schleeswijk-Holstein pl: Szlezwik-Holsztyn pt: Schleswig-Holstein ro: Schleswig-Holstein tr: Schleswig-Holstein UF Schleswig Holstein scholarship MT (05) cs: stipendium de: Stipendium el: υποτροφία es: beca et: stipendium fi: stipendi fr: bourse d'études it: borsa di studio lt: stipendija nl: scholarship pl: stypendium naukowe pt: Bolsa de estudo ro: bursa tr: burs SN: Award of a grant based on academic merit. BT financial support TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 534 school MT (06) cs: škola de: Schule el: σχολείο es: escuela et: kool fi: koulu fr: école it: scuola lt: mokykla nl: school pl: szkoła pt: Escola ro: scoala tr: okul UF † rural school BT educational institution NT art school NT boarding school NT boys' school NT coeducational school NT comprehensive school NT denominational school NT European School NT fee-paying school NT full-day school NT girls' school NT international school NT military school NT primary school NT private school NT public-sector school NT secondary school NT special school NT specialist school NT vocational school RT school size TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 535 school activities MT (08) cs: školní činnosti de: schulische Aktivitäten el: σχολικές δραστηριότητες es: actividades escolares et: koolitöö fi: koulun toiminnat fr: activités scolaires it: attività scolastiche lt: mokyklos ugdomosios veiklos nl: schoolactiviteiten pl: zajęcia szkolne pt: Actividades escolares ro: activitati scolare tr: okul faaliyetleri NT directed activities NT exercise NT project work RT educational activities school administration USE school management school atmosphere USE classroom climate school attendance USE attendance school autonomy USE institutional autonomy school board MT (04) cs: správní rada školy de: Schulverwaltungsrat el: σχολική επιτροπή es: consejo escolar local et: hoolekogu fi: koulun johtokunta fr: conseil d'école it: consiglio d'amministrazione scolastico lt: mokyklų valdyba nl: schoolbestuur pl: zarząd szkoły pt: Conselho directivo ro: consiliul de conducere al scolii tr: okul yönetim kurulu SN: Governing body that is mainly external and that may have consultative and/or governing duties. BT governing body TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 536 school book USE textbook school calendar MT (04) cs: organizace školního roku de: Schulkalender el: σχολικό ημερολόγιο es: calendario escolar et: kooliaasta korraldus fi: koulujen työ- ja loma-ajat fr: calendrier scolaire it: calendario scolastico lt: mokyklos kalendorius nl: schoolkalender pl: kalendarz szkolny pt: Calendário escolar ro: calendar scolar tr: okul takvimi UF holiday arrangements UF holiday regulations BT arrangement of school time NT holidays NT term (period) school career MT (09) cs: vzdělávací dráha de: Bildungslaufbahn el: σχολική σταδιοδρομία es: trayectoria académica et: õpingud fi: koulutusura fr: parcours scolaire it: carriera scolastica lt: mokymosi istorija nl: schoolloopbaan pl: kariera szkolna pt: Percurso escolar ro: cariera scolara tr: eğitim durumu SN: The whole of a student's/pupil's career to date, up to the end of her or his studies (Source: Adapted from the European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF learning pathway NT choice of school NT choice of studies NT choice of training NT interruption of studies NT reintegration into school NT specialisation NT student record TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 537 school climate USE classroom climate school closure MT (04) cs: uzavření školy de: Schulschließung el: κλείσιμο του σχολείου es: cierre de un centro et: kooli sulgemine fi: koulun sulkeminen fr: fermeture d'école it: chiusura della scuola lt: mokyklos uždarymas nl: schoolsluiting pl: zamknięcie szkoły pt: Encerramento da escola ro: inchiderea scolii tr: okulun kapanması SN: Permanent or temporary closure of a school for reasons other than school holidays. BT education policy school construction MT (06) cs: budova školy de: Schulbau el: κατασκευή σχολικών κτιρίων es: construcción escolar et: kooliehitus fi: koulurakentaminen fr: architecture scolaire it: edilizia scolastica lt: mokyklos pastatai nl: scholenbouw pl: architektura szkoły pt: Construção escolar ro: constructia scolii tr: okul inşaatı NT space arrangement RT setting up a school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 538 school correspondence MT (11) cs: školní korespondence de: Schülerbriefwechsel el: σχολική αλληλογραφία es: correspondencia escolar et: kooli kirjavahetus fi: koulujen välinen yhteistyö fr: correspondance scolaire it: corrispondenza scolastica lt: mokyklos susirašinėjimas nl: schoolcorrespondentie pl: korespondencja międzyszkolna pt: Correspondência escolar ro: acord scolar tr: okulla haberleşme BT inter-school relations school council MT (04) cs: rada školy de: Schulberatungsgremium el: σχολικό συμβούλιο es: consejo escolar de centro et: koolinõukogu fi: kouluneuvosto fr: conseil scolaire it: consiglio di istituto lt: mokyklos taryba nl: schoolraad pl: rada szkoły pt: Conselho de escola ro: cosiliul scolar tr: okul konseyi SN: Governing body that is mainly internal and charged with the responsibility for some degree of control over management of the affairs of a public or private institution. BT governing body TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 539 school day MT (04) cs: školní den de: Schultag el: σχολική μέρα es: jornada escolar et: koolipäev fi: koulupäivä fr: journée scolaire it: giornata scolastica lt: mokslo diena nl: schooldag pl: dzień szkolny pt: Dia escolar ro: zi scolara tr: okulun açık olduğu gün SN: Division of teaching time (and time for out-of-school activities) over the day (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF opening hours UF school hours BT arrangement of school time NT break NT lesson school development plan MT (04) cs: plán rozvoje školy de: Schulentwicklungsplan el: σχέδιο ανάπτυξης του σχολείου es: proyecto educativo de centro et: kooli arengukava fi: koulun kehittämissuunnitelma fr: projet d'école it: piano dell'offerta formativa lt: mokyklos raidos planas nl: schoolwerkplan pl: plan rozwoju szkoły pt: Projecto educativo de escola ro: planul de dezvoltare al scolii tr: okul geliştirme planı SN: Document in which a particular school outlines its specific educational objectives and how it is planning to realise them. BT educational planning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 540 school disaffection MT (10) cs: odpor ke škole de: Schulverdrossenheit el: σχολική αποχή es: desinterés por la escuela et: koolivõõrandumus fi: kouluhaluttomuus fr: désintérêt pour l'école it: disaffezione scolastica lt: nepasitenkinimas mokykla nl: schoolmoeheid pl: niezadowolenie ze szkoły pt: Desinteresse pela escola ro: nemultumire scolara tr: okuldan soğuma UF disaffection from school BT attitude towards school RT absenteeism school discipline MT (10) cs: školní kázeň de: Schuldisziplin el: σχολική πειθαρχία es: disciplina escolar et: koolikord fi: koulun järjestyssäännöt fr: discipline à l'école it: disciplina scolastica lt: mokyklos tvarka nl: schooldiscipline pl: dyscyplina szkolna pt: Disciplina na escola ro: disciplina scolara tr: okul disiplini SN: A system of behavioural rules and their enforcement. BT behaviour RT school rules TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 541 school distribution MT (04) cs: rozmístění škol de: Schuldichte el: κατανομή των σχολείων es: mapa escolar et: koolivõrk fi: koulutiheys fr: carte scolaire it: distribuzione delle scuole lt: mokyklų tinklas nl: schoolspreiding pl: rozmieszczenie szkół pt: Carta escolar ro: distributie scolara tr: okul dağılımı UF distribution of educational institutions UF school mapping BT educational administration school doctor MT (15) cs: školní lékař de: Schularzt el: σχολικός γιατρός es: médico escolar et: kooliarst fi: koululääkäri fr: médecin scolaire it: medico scolastico lt: mokyklos gydytojas nl: schoolarts pl: lekarz szkolny pt: Médico escolar ro: medic scolar tr: okul doktoru BT health service staff school entry age USE school starting age school evaluation USE evaluation of an educational institution school exchange USE school partnership school exclusion USE exclusion from school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 542 school failure MT (09) cs: školní neúspěch de: Schulversagen el: σχολική αποτυχία es: fracaso escolar et: läbikukkumine fi: heikko koulumenestys fr: échec scolaire it: insuccesso scolastico lt: mokymosi nesėkmė nl: mislukken op school pl: niepowodzenie szkolne pt: Insucesso escolar ro: esec scolar tr: okulda başarısızlık BT underachievement school for all USE inclusive education school head USE headteacher school hours USE school day school leaver MT (11) cs: absolvent školy de: Schulabgänger el: τελειόφοιτος es: alumno que finaliza la escolaridad et: koolilõpetaja fi: koulunsa päättänyt fr: élève sortant it: licenziando lt: abiturientas nl: schoolverlater pl: absolwent pt: Aluno que concluiu a escolaridade ro: absolvent tr: okuldan mezun olan BT pupil school level USE institutional level TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 543 school life MT (06) cs: školní život de: Schulleben el: σχολική ζωή es: vida escolar et: koolielu fi: kouluelämä fr: vie scolaire it: vita scolastica lt: mokyklos gyvenimas nl: schoolleven pl: życie szkolne pt: Vida escolar ro: viata scolara tr: okul hayatı NT school meal NT school transport school management MT (04) cs: řízení školy de: Schulleitung el: διοίκηση του σχολείου es: gestión del centro et: koolijuhtimine fi: koulun johto fr: gestion d'établissement scolaire it: gestione dell'istituto scolastico lt: mokyklos valdymas nl: schoolmanagement pl: zarządzanie szkołą pt: Gestão escolar ro: management scolar tr: okul yönetimi UF school administration UF school organisation NT cancellation of lesson NT complaint procedure NT internal regulation NT personnel management school mapping USE school distribution TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 544 school meal MT (06) cs: školní stravování de: Schulmahlzeit el: σχολικό γεύμα es: comida escolar et: koolitoit fi: kouluateria fr: repas scolaire it: refezione scolastica lt: maitinimas mokykloje nl: schoolmaaltijd pl: posiłek szkolny pt: Refeição escolar ro: cantina scolara tr: okul yemeği UF canteen UF meal UF subsidised meal BT school life school organisation USE school management school partnership MT (11) cs: spolupráce mezi školami de: Schulpartnerschaft el: συνεταιρισμός των σχολείων es: asociación entre centros et: koolipartnerlus fi: koulukumppanuus fr: partenariat d'écoles it: parternariato scolastico lt: mokyklų partnerystė nl: schoolpartnerschap pl: partnerstwo szkół pt: Parceria entre escolas ro: parteneriat scolar tr: okul ortaklığı UF school exchange BT inter-school relations NT twinning of schools school psychologist USE educational psychologist school ranking USE institutional ranking school record USE student record TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 545 school report MT (09) cs: vysvědčení de: Schulzeugnis el: έλεγχος μαθητή es: boletín de calificaciones et: klassitunnistus fi: koulutodistus fr: bulletin scolaire it: libretto scolastico lt: pranešimas apie mokymosi rezultatus nl: schoolrapport pl: świadectwo szkolne pt: Registo de avaliação ro: raport scolar tr: okul karnesi SN: Report recording a student's/pupil's assessment results. BT evaluation report school rules MT (04) cs: školní řád de: Schulordnung el: σχολικοί κανόνες es: reglamento de régimen interior et: kooli kodukord fi: koulun säännöt fr: règlement intérieur de l'école it: regolamento interno della scuola lt: mokyklos taisyklės nl: schoolregels pl: regulamin szkoły pt: Regulamento interno da escola ro: reguli scolare tr: okul kuralları BT internal regulation RT school discipline TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 546 school size MT (06) cs: velikost školy de: Schulgröße el: μέγεθος σχολείου es: tamaño del centro et: kooli suurus fi: koulun koko fr: taille de l'école it: dimensione della scuola lt: mokyklos dydis nl: schoolgrootte pl: wielkość szkoły pt: Dimensão da escola ro: marimea scolii tr: okul büyüklüğü RT number of students RT school school starting age MT (04) cs: věk vstupu do školy de: Schuleintrittsalter el: ηλικία εισόδου στο σχολείο es: edad de escolarización et: kooliminekuiga fi: koulunaloitusikä fr: âge de scolarisation it: età di scolarizzazione lt: privalomo mokymosi pradžia nl: leerplichtige leeftijd pl: wiek wstępowania do szkoły pt: Idade de escolarização ro: inceputul vârstei şcolare tr: okula başlama yaşı UF school entry age RT admission procedure school system USE formal education school table USE institutional ranking TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 547 school transport MT (06) cs: školní doprava de: Schülertransport el: σχολική μεταφορά es: transporte escolar et: koolitransport fi: koulukuljetus fr: transport scolaire it: trasporto scolastico lt: mokyklos transportas nl: schoolvervoer pl: transport szkolny pt: Transporte escolar ro: transport scolar tr: okul ulaşımı BT school life school trip USE school visit school visit MT (08) cs: školní výlet de: Schulausflug el: σχολική επίσκεψη es: salida escolar et: kooliekskursioon fi: opintokäynti fr: voyage scolaire it: gita scolastica lt: mokyklos išvyka nl: schoolexcursie pl: wycieczka szkolna pt: Viagem escolar ro: vizita scolara tr: okul gezisi SN: Excursion outside the school made by groups of pupils or students accompanied by teachers for educational purposes (Source: University of Leeds, British Education Thesaurus, 2005 online version). UF class outing UF excursion UF field trip UF school trip BT educational activities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 548 school week MT (04) cs: školní týden de: Schulwoche el: σχολική εβδομάδα es: semana escolar et: koolinädal fi: kouluviikko fr: semaine scolaire it: settimana scolastica lt: mokslo savaitė nl: schoolweek pl: tydzień szkolny pt: Semana escolar ro: saptamana scolara tr: ders haftası BT arrangement of school time school year MT (04) cs: školní rok de: Schuljahr el: σχολικό έτος es: año escolar et: kooliaasta fi: kouluvuosi fr: année scolaire it: anno scolastico lt: mokslo metai nl: schooljaar pl: rok szkolny pt: Ano escolar ro: an scolar tr: ders yılı BT arrangement of school time NT taught time RT duration of the school year RT teaching load school-based education USE schooling TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 549 school-community relation MT (11) cs: vztah škola-komunita de: Beziehung Schule-Gemeinwesen el: σχέση σχολείου-κοινότητας es: relación escuela-comunidad et: kooli ja kogukonna suhted fi: koulun ja lähiyhteisön yhteydet fr: relation école-collectivité it: rapporto scuola-territorio lt: mokyklos ir vietos bendruomenės ryšiai nl: relatie school-samenleving pl: relacja szkoła-społeczność lokalna pt: Relação escola-comunidade ro: relatia scoala - comunitate tr: okul-toplum ilişkisi UF community involvement UF school-community relationship BT intergroup relations school-community relationship USE school-community relation school-home relation USE parent-school relation school-industry relation USE education-industry relation school-leaving certificate MT (09) cs: závěrečné vysvědčení de: Schulabschlusszeugnis el: πιστοποιητικό αποφοίτησης es: certificado de fin de estudios et: kooli lõputunnistus fi: päättötodistus fr: certificat de fin de scolarité it: certificato di fine studi lt: mokyklos baigimo pažymėjimas nl: diploma pl: świadectwo ukończenia szkoły pt: Certificado de conclusão da escolaridade ro: cetificat de absolvire a scolii tr: mezuniyet belgesi UF leaving certificate UF school-leaving qualification BT certificate NT European Baccalaureate NT International Baccalaureate school-leaving qualification USE school-leaving certificate TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 550 schooling MT (02) cs: školní vzdělávání de: Schulzeit el: χρόνος φοίτησης στο σχολείο es: escolarización et: kooliharidus fi: koulukasvatus fr: scolarisation it: scolarità lt: mokyklinis ugdymas nl: scholing pl: nauka szkolna pt: Escolaridade ro: şcolarizare tr: okul eğitimi SN: The fact of being educated at school. UF school-based education BT formal education schooling rate USE education participation rate Schwyzerdütsch MT (17) cs: švýcarská němčina de: Schwyzerdütsch el: Ελβετογερμανικά es: dialecto suizo-alemán et: Šveitsi saksa keel fi: sveitsinsaksa fr: schwyzerdütsch it: svizzero tedesco lt: Šveicarijos vokiečių kalba nl: Schwyzerdütsch pl: schweitzerdeutsch pt: Schwyzerdütsch ro: Limba Germana vorbita in Elvetia tr: Schwyzerdütsch BT Alemannic TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 551 sciences of education MT (01) cs: pedagogické vědy de: Bildungswissenschaft el: επιστήμες της εκπαίδευσης es: ciencias de la educación et: kasvatusteadus fi: kasvatustieteet fr: sciences de l'éducation it: scienze dell'educazione lt: edukologijos mokslai nl: onderwijswetenschappen pl: nauki o wychowaniu pt: Ciências da educação ro: stiintele educatiei tr: eğitim bilimleri NT comparative education NT didactics NT economics of education NT history of education NT philosophy of education NT sociology of education RT educational expert RT educational theory scientific personnel USE scientific staff scientific staff MT (11) cs: vědečtí pracovníci de: wissenschaftliches Personal el: επιστημονικό προσωπικό es: personal investigador et: teadustöötajad fi: tieteellinen henkilökunta fr: équipe scientifique it: personale tecnico-scientifico lt: mokslinis personalas nl: wetenschappelijk personeel pl: kadra naukowa pt: Equipa científica ro: conducerea stiintifica tr: bilimle uğraşan personel UF scientific personnel BT non-teaching staff TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 552 Scotland MT (19) cs: Skotsko de: Schottland el: Σκωτία es: Escocia et: Šotimaa fi: Skotlanti fr: Écosse it: Scozia lt: Škotija nl: Schotland pl: Szkocja pt: Escócia ro: Scotia tr: İskoçya Scots Gaelic MT (17) cs: skotská gaelština de: Schottisch-Gälisch el: Γαελικά Σκωτίας es: gaélico escocés et: šoti gaeli keel fi: gaeli fr: gaélique écossais it: gaelico scozzese lt: Škotijos gėlų kalba nl: Schots-Gaelisch pl: szkocki gaelicki pt: Gaélico escocês ro: Scotia Gaelica tr: İskoç Galcesi UF Scottish Gaelic BT Celtic languages Scottish Gaelic USE Scots Gaelic seamless movement between branches of education USE transfer between branches of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 553 second generation migrant MT (15) cs: migrant druhé generace de: Migrant der zweiten Generation el: δεύτερη γενιά μεταναστών es: migrante de segunda generación et: teise põlve rändaja fi: toisen polven siirtolainen fr: migrant de la deuxième génération it: migrante di seconda generazione lt: antros kartos migrantas nl: tweede generatie migrant pl: migrant w drugim pokoleniu pt: Migrante de segunda geração ro: a doua generaţie de imigranţi tr: ikinci kuşak göçmen SN: Children or descendants of migrant workers born in the country of immigration (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT migrant second study cycle USE master degree studies second-cycle studies USE master degree studies secondary education MT (02) cs: sekundární vzdělávání de: Sekundarbildung el: δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση es: educación secundaria et: keskharidus fi: toisen asteen koulutus fr: enseignement secondaire it: istruzione secondaria lt: vidurinis ugdymas nl: secundair onderwijs pl: szkolnictwo średnie pt: Ensino secundário ro: gimnaziu tr: orta öğretim UF † secondary teacher BT level of education NT lower secondary NT upper secondary RT secondary school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 554 secondary school MT (06) cs: sekundární škola de: Sekundarschule el: σχολείο δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης es: centro de educación secundaria et: keskkool fi: toisen asteen koulu fr: école secondaire it: scuola secondaria lt: vidurinė mokykla nl: school voor secundair onderwijs pl: szkoła średnia pt: Escola secundária ro: scoala gimnaziala tr: orta öğretim okulu BT school RT secondary education secondary teacher USE secondary education + teacher secretary of state for education USE minister of education secularism MT (15) cs: sekularismus de: Laizismus el: κοσμικότητα es: laicismo et: ilmalikustamine fi: sekularismi fr: laïcité it: secolarismo lt: sekuliarizmas nl: secularisme pl: laicyzm pt: Secularismo ro: secularism tr: laiklik UF laicism BT religion selection procedure USE admission procedure self-assessment USE self-evaluation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 555 self-confidence MT (10) cs: sebedůvěra de: Selbstvertrauen el: αυτοπεποίθηση es: confianza en sí mismo et: eneseusaldus fi: itseluottamus fr: confiance en soi it: fiducia in sé lt: pasitikėjimas savimi nl: zelfvertrouwen pl: pewność siebie pt: Autoconfiança ro: incredere in sine tr: öz güven UF self-esteem BT personality self-directed learning USE self-instruction self-esteem USE self-confidence self-evaluation MT (09) cs: sebehodnocení de: Selbstevaluation el: αυτοαξιολόγηση es: autoevaluación et: enesehindamine fi: itsearviointi fr: auto-évaluation it: autovalutazione lt: savęs vertinimas nl: zelfevaluatie pl: samoocena pt: Auto-avaliação ro: autoevaluare tr: öz değerlendirme SN: Evaluation during which an individual assesses his or her own performance. For the self-evaluation of educational institutions use internal evaluation. UF self-assessment BT internal evaluation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 556 self-instruction MT (08) cs: sebevzdělávání de: autodidaktisches Lernen el: αυτοδιδασκαλία es: autoaprendizaje et: iseõppimine fi: itseopiskelu fr: auto-enseignement it: autoistruzione lt: savimoka nl: zelfstudie pl: samokształcenie pt: Autodidáctica ro: autoinstruire tr: kendi kendine öğrenme UF self-directed learning BT learning BT learning strategy semester USE term (period) semi-specialist teacher MT (11) cs: učitel s širší aprobací de: Fachlehrer für eine Fächerkombination el: καθηγητής μερικής εξειδίκευσης es: profesor semiespecialista et: sidusainete õpetaja fi: aineenopettaja (useamman oppiaineen pätevyys) fr: enseignant semi-spécialiste it: insegnante semispecialista lt: kelių dalykų mokytojas nl: semi-specialistische leraar pl: nauczyciel kilku przedmiotów pt: Professor semi-especializado ro: profesor semispecialist tr: yarı uzman öğretmen SN: Teachers qualified to teach a number of related subjects at the educational level for which they are qualified. BT teacher semi-structured learning USE non-formal learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 557 seminar MT (08) cs: seminář de: Seminar el: σεμινάριο es: seminario et: seminar fi: seminaari fr: séminaire it: seminario lt: seminaras nl: seminarie pl: seminarium pt: Seminário ro: seminar tr: seminer SN: a small group of students meeting regularly for their studies under the guidance of a tutor, professor etc. BT course SEN USE special educational needs SEN specialist teacher USE SEN teacher SEN teacher MT (11) cs: speciální pedagog de: Stützlehrer el: καθηγητής ειδικής αγωγής es: profesor de apoyo et: eriõppe õpetaja fi: erityisopettaja fr: enseignant de soutien it: insegnante di sostegno lt: specialusis pedagogas nl: SEN-leraar pl: nauczyciel kształcenia specjalnego pt: Professor de apoio educativo ro: profesor pentru persoane cu nevoi speciale tr: ÖEİ öğretmeni SN: Teaching staff who provide curriculum support for young people with special educational needs. UF remedial teacher UF SEN specialist teacher UF special school teacher UF support teacher BT teacher TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 558 seniority MT (16) cs: služební věk de: Dienstalter el: αρχαιότητα es: antigüedad et: vanemus fi: virkaikä fr: ancienneté it: anzianità lt: darbo stažas nl: anciënniteit pl: staż pracy pt: Antiguidade ro: vechime tr: kıdem SN: The rank of employees due to their extended period of service. BT professional profile sensory impairment MT (03) cs: smyslové postižení de: sensorische Behinderung el: αισθητηριακή αναπηρία es: discapacidad sensorial et: meelepuue fi: aistivamma fr: trouble sensoriel it: handicap sensoriale lt: jutiminis sutrikimas nl: zintuiglijke beperking pl: upośledzenie percepcji pt: Deficiência sensorial ro: dereciere senzoriala tr: duyu engeli BT physical disability NT hearing impairment NT visual impairment TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 559 separate special education MT (03) cs: speciální školství de: Sonderschulwesen el: ειδική αγωγή es: educación especial en centros específicos et: eriõpe erikoolis või erirühmas fi: erillinen erityisopetus fr: enseignement spécial séparé it: educazione speciale separata lt: ugdymas specialiojoje ugdymo įstaigoje nl: gescheiden speciaal onderwijs pl: szkolnictwo specjalne pt: Educação especial separada ro: educatie speciala separata tr: ayrılmış özel eğitim UF special education BT special needs education RT special school Serbia USE Republic of Serbia Serbian MT (17) cs: srbština de: Serbisch el: Σερβική γλώσσα es: serbio et: serbia keel fi: serbian kieli fr: serbe it: serbo lt: serbų kalba nl: Servisch pl: serbski pt: Sérvio ro: sarb tr: Sırpça BT Slavic languages serial USE periodical TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 560 series MT (21) cs: edice de: Serie el: σειρά es: colección et: seeria fi: julkaisusarja fr: collection it: collana lt: serijos nl: serie pl: seria wydawnicza pt: Colecção ro: serie tr: seri SN: Series consisting of a group (sequence) of publications related to one another by the fact that each, in addition to its own title, bears also a title applying to the group as a whole. Series usually have an ISSN (Source: Cedefop, European Training Thesaurus, 2001). server MT (06) (13) cs: server de: Server el: διακομιστής es: servidor et: server fi: palvelin fr: serveur it: server lt: serveris nl: server pl: serwer pt: Servidor da rede ro: server tr: sunucu BT ICT equipment service industry USE services TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 561 services MT (16) cs: služby de: Dienstleistungen el: υπηρεσίες es: sector servicios et: teenused fi: palvelut fr: services it: servizi lt: paslaugos nl: diensten pl: usługi pt: Sector terciário ro: servicii tr: hizmetler UF service industry BT economy NT insurance setting USE grouping setting up a school MT (04) cs: zřízení školy de: Schulgründung el: ίδρυση ενός σχολείου es: creación de un centro et: kooli asutamine fi: koulun perustaminen fr: créer une école it: istituzione di una scuola lt: mokyklos (į)steigimas nl: school stichten pl: założenie szkoły pt: Criação de escolas ro: înfiinţare a unei şcoli tr: okul açmak BT education policy RT school construction sex USE gender TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 562 sex education MT (07) cs: sexuální výchova de: Sexualerziehung el: σεξουαλική διαπαιδαγώγηση es: educación sexual et: seksuaalkasvatus fi: seksuaalikasvatus fr: éducation sexuelle it: educazione sessuale lt: lytinis švietimas nl: sexuele opvoeding pl: wychowanie seksualne pt: Educação sexual ro: educatie sexuala tr: cinsel eğitim BT health sciences sheltered workshop MT (16) cs: chráněná dílna de: geschützte Werkstatt el: στεγασμένο εργαστήριο es: taller protegido et: turvatud töökoht fi: suojatyökeskus fr: atelier protégé it: laboratorio protetto lt: socialinė įmonė nl: beschutte werkplaats pl: zakład pracy chronionej pt: Oficina protegida ro: atelier adapostit tr: korumalı atölye BT place of work sick leave MT (16) cs: absence pro nemoc de: Krankenstand el: άδεια ασθένειας es: baja por enfermedad et: haiguspuhkus fi: sairausloma fr: congé de maladie it: assenza per malattia lt: laikinojo nedarbingumo atostogos nl: ziekteverlof pl: urlop zdrowotny pt: Licença por doença ro: concediu medical tr: hastalık izni BT leave of absence TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 563 sign language MT (13) cs: znaková řeč de: Zeichensprache el: νοηματική γλώσσα es: lengua de signos et: viipekeel fi: viittomakieli fr: langage des signes it: lingua dei segni lt: gestų kalba nl: gebarentaal pl: język migowy pt: Linguagem gestual ro: limbajul semnelor tr: işaret dili BT non-verbal communication Sikhism MT (15) cs: sikhismus de: Sikhismus el: Σιχισμός es: sijismo et: sikhism fi: sikhiläisyys fr: sikhisme it: sikhismo lt: sikizmas nl: Sikhisme pl: sikhism pt: Siquismo ro: Sikhism tr: Sihism BT religion TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 564 single-structure education MT (02) cs: jednotná struktura vzdělávání de: durchgängiges Pflichtschulwesen el: ενιαίο εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα es: sistema educativo de estructura única et: ühetsükliline haridus fi: yhtenäinen perusopetus fr: enseignement organisé en structure unique it: ciclo a struttura unica lt: vientisasis švietimas nl: comprehensief leerplicht(ig) onderwijs pl: jednolita struktura kształcenia obowiązkowego pt: Ensino organizado em estrutura única ro: structura unica de educatie tr: ilköğretim eğitimi SN: Schooling that is provided within a single, continuous structure that can apply to any combination of consecutive levels of education (for example, a structure with no distinction between primary and lower secondary education) and which offers a common education to all without streaming. UF all through school UF unified education system BT education system RT lower secondary RT primary education Sino-Tibetan languages MT (17) cs: tibetočínské jazyky de: sino-tibetische Sprachen el: Σινο-Θιβετιανή es: lenguas sino-tibetanas et: hiina-tiibeti keeled fi: sinotiibetiläiset kielet fr: langues sino-tibétaines it: lingue sinotibetane lt: kinų-tibetiečių kalbos nl: Sino-Tibetaanse talen pl: języki chińsko-tybetańskie pt: Línguas sino-tibetanas ro: limbaj sino-tibetan tr: Çin-Tibet dilleri NT Chinese sister USE family TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 565 skill MT (10) cs: dovednost de: berufliche Fachkenntnis el: δεξιότητα es: destreza et: oskus fi: ammattitaito fr: capacités professionnelles it: abilità lt: gebėjimas nl: vaardigheid pl: umiejętności zawodowe pt: Competências profissionais ro: indemanare tr: beceri SN: The knowledge and experience needed to perform a specific job (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF ability UF aptitude UF capability UF capacity NT skill development RT competence RT skills audit skill acquisition USE skill development skill development MT (10) cs: rozvoj dovedností de: Entwicklung beruflicher Fachkenntnisse el: ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων es: desarrollo de competencias et: oskuste arendamine fi: ammattitaidon kehittäminen fr: développement des capacités professionnelles it: sviluppo delle competenze lt: gebėjimų raida nl: vaardigheidsontwikkeling pl: rozwój umiejętności zawodowych pt: Desenvolvimento das competências profissionais ro: dezvoltarea abilitatilor tr: beceri gelişimi UF skill acquisition UF skill evolution UF skill training BT skill skill evolution USE skill development TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 566 skill training USE skill development skills audit MT (09) cs: audit dovedností de: Kompetenzbilanz el: αξιολόγηση δεξιοτήτων es: evaluación de competencias et: oskuste hindamine fi: kykykartoitus fr: bilan des compétences it: verifica delle competenze acquisite lt: gebėjimų patikrinimas nl: inventaris van vaardigheden pl: bilans umiejętności pt: Balanço de competências ro: verificarea abilitatilor tr: beceri denetimi SN: Evaluation of adult competences with a view to professional reorientation or further training. UF inventory of competences UF skills portfolio BT evaluation report RT adult education RT competence RT non-formal learning RT skill skills portfolio USE skills audit Slav-Macedonian language USE Language of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 567 Slavic languages MT (17) cs: slovanské jazyky de: slawische Sprachen el: Σλαβικές γλώσσες es: lenguas eslavas et: slaavi keeled fi: slaavilaiset kielet fr: langues slaves it: lingue slave lt: slavų kalbos nl: Slavische talen pl: języki słowiańskie pt: Línguas eslavas ro: limbi slave tr: Slav dilleri BT Indo-European languages NT Belarusan NT Bosnian NT Bulgarian NT Croatian NT Czech NT Kashubian NT Language of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia NT Polish NT Russian NT Rusyn NT Serbian NT Slavonic NT Slovak NT Slovenian NT Sorbian NT Ukrainian Slavonic MT (17) cs: církevní slovanština de: Slawonisch el: Σλαβονική es: eslavo et: vanaslaavi keel fi: Katso slaavilaiset kielet fr: slavon it: slavo lt: senoji slavų kalba nl: Slavisch pl: słowiański pt: Eslavo ro: slavona tr: Slavonca BT Slavic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 568 Slovak MT (17) cs: slovenština de: Slowakisch el: Σλοβακική γλώσσα es: eslovaco et: slovaki keel fi: slovakki fr: slovaque it: slovacco lt: slovakų kalba nl: Slowaaks pl: słowacki pt: Eslovaco ro: slovaca tr: Slovak BT Slavic languages Slovak Republic MT (19) cs: Slovenská republika de: Slowakische Republik el: Δημοκρατία της Σλοβακίας es: República Eslovaca et: Slovaki Vabariik fi: Slovakia fr: République de Slovaquie it: Repubblica slovacca lt: Slovakijos Respublika nl: Slowaakse Republiek pl: Republika Słowacka pt: República da Eslováquia ro: Republica Slovaca tr: Slovak Cumhuriyeti UF Slovakia Slovakia USE Slovak Republic TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 569 Slovenia MT (19) cs: Slovinsko de: Slowenien el: Σλοβενία es: Eslovenia et: Sloveenia fi: Slovenia fr: Slovénie it: Slovenia lt: Slovėnija nl: Slovenië pl: Słowenia pt: Eslovénia ro: Slovenia tr: Slovenya Slovenian MT (17) cs: slovinština de: Slowenisch el: Σλοβενική γλώσσα es: esloveno et: sloveeni keel fi: sloveeni fr: slovène it: sloveno lt: slovėnų kalba nl: Sloveens pl: słoweński pt: Esloveno ro: sloven tr: Slovence BT Slavic languages small and medium-sized enterprise MT (16) cs: malý a střední podnik de: kleine und mittlere Unternehmen el: Μικρομεσαίες Επιχειρήσεις es: pequeña y mediana empresa et: väike- ja keskmise suurusega ettevõte fi: pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset fr: petites et moyennes entreprises it: piccole e medie imprese lt: maža arba vidutinė įmonė nl: kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen pl: małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa pt: Pequenas e médias empresas ro: intreprinderi mici si mijlocii tr: küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmeler UF SME BT enterprise TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 570 SME USE small and medium-sized enterprise SNE USE special needs education social assistance USE social service social background MT (15) cs: sociální zázemí de: soziales Umfeld el: κοινωνικό υπόβαθρο es: contexto social et: sotsiaalne taust fi: sosiaalinen tausta fr: situation sociale it: condizione sociale lt: socialinė kilmė nl: sociale achtergrond pl: pochodzenie społeczne pt: Situação social ro: conditii sociale tr: sosyal geçmiş UF social class NT disadvantaged background social behaviour MT (10) cs: sociální chování de: Sozialverhalten el: κοινωνική συμπεριφορά es: conducta social et: sotsiaalne käitumine fi: sosiaalinen käyttäytyminen fr: comportement social it: comportamento sociale lt: socialinis elgesys nl: sociaal gedrag pl: zachowania społeczne pt: Comportamento social ro: comportament social tr: sosyal davranış BT behaviour NT attendance NT participation social class USE social background TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 571 social competences MT (10) cs: sociální kompetence de: Sozialkompetenz el: κοινωνικές δεξιότητες es: competencias sociales et: sotsiaalne pädevus fi: sosiaalinen osaaminen fr: compétences sociales it: competenze sociali lt: socialinės kompetencijos nl: sociale vaardigheden pl: kompetencje społeczne pt: Competências sociais ro: competente sociale tr: sosyal yeterlik UF interpersonal skills UF social skills BT competence social development USE socialisation social equality USE social inequality social exclusion MT (15) cs: sociální vyloučení de: soziale Ausgrenzung el: κοινωνικός αποκλεισμός es: exclusión social et: sotsiaalne tõrjutus fi: sosiaalinen syrjäytyminen fr: exclusion sociale it: esclusione sociale lt: socialinė atskirtis nl: sociale uitsluiting pl: wykluczenie społeczne pt: Exclusão social ro: excluziune sociala tr: sosyal dışlama SN: The conditions and process whereby an individual, a group, groups or a part of a population are denied access to benefits or beneficial circumstances (Source: Cedefop, European Training Thesaurus, 2001). UF social segregation BT social structure NT discrimination NT racism NT social inequality social inclusion USE social integration TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 572 social inequality MT (15) cs: sociální nerovnost de: soziale Ungleichheit el: κοινωνική ανισότητα es: desigualdad social et: sotsiaalne ebavõrdsus fi: sosiaalinen eriarvoisuus fr: inégalité sociale it: diseguaglianza sociale lt: socialinė nelygybė nl: sociale ongelijkheid pl: nierówność społeczna pt: Desigualdade social ro: inechitate sociala tr: sosyal eşitsizlik UF social equality BT social exclusion RT positive discrimination social integration MT (15) cs: sociální integrace de: soziale Integration el: κοινωνική ενσωμάτωση es: integración social et: sotsiaalne integreerimine fi: sosiaalinen integraatio fr: intégration sociale it: integrazione sociale lt: socialinė integracija nl: sociale integratie pl: integracja społeczna pt: Integração social ro: integrare sociala tr: sosyal bütünleşme SN: The integration of individuals, or groups of individuals, into society as citizens or as members of various public social networks (Source: Shortened from Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF social inclusion BT social structure TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 573 social partners MT (16) cs: sociální partneři de: Sozialpartner el: κοινωνικοί εταίροι es: agentes sociales et: sotsiaalpartnerid fi: työmarkkinaosapuolet fr: partenaires sociaux it: parti sociali lt: socialiniai partneriai nl: sociale partners pl: partnerzy społeczni pt: Parceiro social ro: parteneri sociali tr: sosyal ortaklar SN: Employers' associations and trade unions forming the two sides of (bipartite) social dialogue (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). NT employers organisation NT trade union social policy USE society social sciences MT (07) cs: společenské vědy de: Sozialwissenschaften el: κοινωνικές επιστήμες es: ciencias sociales et: sotsiaalteadused fi: yhteiskuntatieteet fr: sciences sociales it: scienze sociali lt: socialiniai mokslai nl: sociale wetenschappen pl: nauki społeczne pt: Ciências sociais ro: stiintele sociale tr: sosyal bilimler BT content of learning NT civics NT psychology TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 574 social security MT (16) cs: sociální zabezpečení de: Sozialversicherung el: κοινωνική ασφάλιση es: seguridad social et: sotsiaalkindlustus fi: sosiaaliturva fr: sécurité sociale it: sicurezza sociale lt: socialinė apsauga nl: sociale zekerheid pl: bezpieczeństwo socjalne pt: Segurança social ro: securitate sociala tr: sosyal güvenlik BT economic and social cohesion RT social service social segregation USE social exclusion social service MT (11) cs: sociální služby de: Sozialdienst el: κοινωνική υπηρεσία es: servicios sociales et: sotsiaalteenus fi: sosiaalipalvelu fr: services sociaux it: servizi sociali lt: socialinė tarnyba nl: maatschappelijke dienstverlening pl: pomoc społeczna pt: Serviço social ro: servicii sociale tr: sosyal hizmet UF social assistance NT child protection NT youth protection RT social security RT youth worker social skills USE social competences TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 575 social structure MT (15) cs: společenská struktura de: Gesellschaftsstruktur el: κοινωνική δομή es: estructura social et: sotsiaalne struktuur fi: yhteiskuntarakenne fr: structure sociale it: struttura sociale lt: socialinė struktūra nl: sociale structuur pl: struktura społeczna pt: Estrutura social ro: structura sociala tr: sosyal yapı UF social system NT gender equality NT social exclusion NT social integration social system USE social structure socialisation MT (10) cs: socializace de: Sozialisierung el: κοινωνικοποίηση es: socialización et: sotsialiseerimine fi: sosialisaatio fr: socialisation it: socializzazione lt: socializacija nl: socialisatie pl: socjalizacja pt: Socialização ro: socializare tr: sosyalleşme UF social development UF socialization BT child development socialization USE socialisation socially disadvantaged USE disadvantaged background TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 576 society MT (15) cs: společnost de: Gesellschaft el: κοινωνία es: sociedad et: ühiskond fi: yhteiskunta fr: société it: società lt: visuomenė nl: samenleving pl: społeczeństwo pt: Sociedade ro: societate tr: toplum UF social policy NT knowledge society socio-cultural activities USE cultural activities socio-cultural environment MT (15) cs: socio-kulturní prostředí de: soziokulturelle Umgebung el: κοινωνικοπολιτιστικό περιβάλλον es: contexto sociocultural et: sotsiaalkultuuriline keskkond fi: sosiokulttuurinen ympäristö fr: environnement socioculturel it: ambiente socioculturale lt: sociokultūrinė aplinka nl: sociaal-culturele omgeving pl: środowisko społeczno-kulturowe pt: Meio sociocultural ro: mediu socio-cultural tr: sosyo-kültürel çevre UF socio-cultural influences NT community NT rural area NT urban area socio-cultural influences USE socio-cultural environment TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 577 sociology of education MT (01) cs: sociologie výchovy de: Bildungssoziologie el: κοινωνιολογία της εκπαίδευσης es: sociología de la educación et: haridussotsioloogia fi: kasvatussosiologia fr: sociologie de l'éducation it: sociologia dell'educazione lt: švietimo sociologija nl: onderwijssociologie pl: socjologia edukacji pt: Sociologia da educação ro: sociologia educatiei tr: eğitim sosyolojisi UF educational sociology BT sciences of education Socrates MT (20) cs: Socrates de: Sokrates el: Socrates es: Sócrates et: Socrates fi: Sokrates fr: Socrates it: Socrates lt: Socrates nl: Socrates pl: Socrates pt: Socrates ro: Socrates tr: Sokrat SOEC USE Eurostat TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 578 software MT (06) (13) cs: software de: Software el: λογισμικό es: software et: tarkvara fi: ohjelmisto fr: logiciel it: software lt: programinė įranga nl: software pl: oprogramowanie pt: Software ro: software tr: yazılım BT ICT equipment NT educational software RT user-friendliness Sorbian MT (17) cs: lužická srbština de: Sorbisch el: Σορβική es: sorabo et: sorbi keel fi: sorbi fr: sorabe it: lingue lusaziane lt: sorbų kalba nl: Sorbisch pl: łużycki pt: Sorábio ro: sorbian tr: Sorbca BT Slavic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 579 source of funding MT (05) cs: finanční zdroje de: Finanzquelle el: πηγή χρηματοδότησης es: fuente de financiación et: rahastamisallikas fi: rahoituslähde fr: source de financement it: fonte di finanziamento lt: lėšų šaltinis nl: financieringsbron pl: źródło finansowania pt: Fonte de financiamento ro: sursă de finanţare tr: fon kaynağı NT donation NT fees NT private funds NT public funds South America MT (19) cs: Jižní Amerika de: Südamerika el: Νότια Αμερική es: América del Sur et: Lõuna-Ameerika fi: Etelä-Amerikka fr: Amérique du Sud it: Sudamerica lt: Pietų Amerika nl: Zuid-Amerika pl: Ameryka Południowa pt: América do Sul ro: America de Sud tr: Güney Amerika South East Asia USE South-East Asia South Korea USE Republic of Korea TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 580 South-East Asia MT (19) cs: jihovýchodní Asie de: Südostasien el: Νοτιο-Ανατολική Ασία es: Sudeste Asiático et: Kagu-Aasia fi: Kaakkois-Aasia fr: Asie du Sud-Est it: Sudest asiatico lt: Pietryčių Azija nl: Zuid-Oost-Azië pl: Azja Południowo-Wschodnia pt: Sueste asiático ro: Asia de Sud-Est tr: Güney-Doğu Asya UF South East Asia UF Southeast Asia Southeast Asia USE South-East Asia Southern Africa MT (19) cs: jižní Afrika de: südliches Afrika el: Νότια Αφρική es: África del Sur et: Lõuna-Aafrika fi: eteläinen Afrikka fr: Afrique du Sud it: Africa meridionale lt: Pietų Afrika nl: Zuidelijk Afrika pl: Afryka Południowa pt: África Austral ro: Africa de Sud tr: Güney Afrika TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 581 Southern Asia MT (19) cs: jižní Asie de: Südasien el: Νότια Ασία es: Asia del Sur et: Lõuna-Aasia fi: Etelä-Aasia fr: Asie du Sud it: Asia meridionale lt: Pietų Azija nl: Zuid-Azië pl: Azja Południowa pt: Sul da Ásia ro: Asia de Sud tr: Güney Asya Southern Europe MT (19) cs: jižní Evropa de: Südeuropa el: Νότια Ευρώπη es: Europa del Sur et: Lõuna-Euroopa fi: Etelä-Eurooppa fr: Europe du Sud it: Europa meridionale lt: Pietų Europa nl: Zuid-Europa pl: Europa Południowa pt: Europa do Sul ro: Europa de Sud tr: Güney Avrupa space arrangement MT (06) cs: prostorové uspořádání de: Raumaufteilung el: διευθέτηση χώρου es: distribución del espacio et: klassiruumi korraldus fi: tilajärjestely fr: aménagement de l'espace it: organizzazione dello spazio lt: patalpų išdėstymas nl: ruimtelijkeschikking pl: aranżacja przestrzeni pt: Organização do espaço ro: aranjarea spatiului tr: alan düzenlemesi UF classroom arrangement BT school construction NT access for the disabled TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 582 Spain MT (19) cs: Španělsko de: Spanien el: Ισπανία es: España et: Hispaania fi: Espanja fr: Espagne it: Spagna lt: Ispanija nl: Spanje pl: Hiszpania pt: Espanha ro: Spania tr: İspanya Spanish USE Castilian speaking MT (07) cs: mluvení de: Sprechen el: προφορικός λόγος es: habla et: kõnelemine fi: puhuminen fr: parole it: espressione orale lt: kalbėjimas nl: spreken pl: mowa pt: Oralidade ro: vorbire tr: konuşma BT language teaching special education USE separate special education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 583 special educational needs MT (03) cs: speciální vzdělávací potřeby de: sonderpädagogischer Förderbedarf el: ειδικές εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες es: necesidades educativas especiales et: hariduslikud erivajadused fi: erityisopetustarpeet fr: besoins éducatifs particuliers it: bisogni educativi speciali lt: specialieji ugdymo(si) poreikiai nl: speciale onderwijs behoeften pl: specjalne potrzeby edukacyjne pt: Necessidades educativas especiais ro: cerinţe educaţionale speciale tr: özel eğitim ihtiyaçları SN: The needs that a student/pupil has in accessing education as a result of disabilities or difficulties. UF SEN NT learning difficulty RT correctional education RT disability RT special needs education special needs education MT (03) cs: speciální vzdělávání de: sonderpädagogische Förderung el: εκπαίδευση ειδικής αγωγής es: educación de personas con necesidades educativas especiales et: eriharidus fi: erityisopetus fr: éducation des jeunes à besoins éducatifs particuliers it: educazione speciale lt: specialusis ugdymas nl: onderwijs aan leerlingen met speciale behoeften pl: kształcenie specjalne pt: Educação especial ro: nevoile speciale de educaţie tr: özel ihtiyaçlılar eğitimi SN: Relates to educational interventions which help students/pupils to access education/learning. This type of education may be integrated with or separate from mainstream education. UF SNE NT curriculum support NT inclusive education NT separate special education RT correctional education RT special educational needs RT special school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 584 special school MT (06) cs: speciální škola de: Sonderschule el: ειδικό σχολείο es: centro de educación especial et: erikool fi: erityiskoulu fr: centre d'éducation spéciale it: scuola speciale lt: specialioji mokykla nl: school voor speciaal onderwijs pl: szkoła specjalna pt: Estabelecimento de educação especial ro: scoala speciala tr: özel amaçlı okul SN: School providing separate special education for children with special educational needs. BT school RT separate special education RT special needs education special school teacher USE SEN teacher specialisation MT (09) cs: specializace de: Spezialisierung el: εξειδίκευση es: especialización et: spetsialiseerumine fi: erikoistuminen fr: spécialisation it: specializzazione lt: specializacija nl: specialisatie pl: specjalizacja pt: Especialização ro: specializare tr: uzmanlaşma UF specialization BT school career NT technical education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 585 specialist school MT (06) cs: specializovaná škola de: Fachschule el: σχολείο ειδικού τύπου es: centro especializado et: süvakool fi: erikoiskoulu fr: école de spécialisation it: scuola di specializzazione lt: specializuotoji mokykla nl: gespecialiseerde school pl: szkoła profilowana pt: Escola especializada ro: scoala specializata tr: uzmanlık okulu SN: School that places particular emphasis on selected subjects. BT school specialist teacher MT (11) cs: specializovaný učitel de: Fachlehrer el: ειδικευμένος καθηγητής es: profesor especialista et: aineõpetaja fi: aineenopettaja fr: enseignant spécialiste it: insegnante specialista lt: mokytojas dalykininkas nl: vakleraar pl: nauczyciel przedmiotu pt: Professor especializado ro: profesor de specialitate tr: uzman öğretmen SN: Teachers qualified to teach one subject and possibly a subsidiary subject at the educational level for which they are qualified. UF subject specialist UF subject teacher BT teacher specialization USE specialisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 586 speech MT (21) cs: projev de: Rede el: ομιλία es: discurso et: kõne fi: puhe fr: discours it: discorso lt: (pra)kalba nl: spraak pl: przemówienie pt: Discurso ro: discurs tr: söylev speech impairment USE language impairment speech therapist USE speech therapy speech therapy MT (03) cs: logopedie de: Sprechtherapie el: λογοθεραπεία es: logopedia et: kõneravi fi: puheterapia fr: orthophonie it: logopedia lt: logopedija nl: spraaktherapie pl: logopedia pt: Terapia da fala ro: discutie terapeutica tr: konuşma terapisi UF speech therapist BT therapy speech, language and communication needs USE language impairment TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 587 spelling MT (07) cs: pravopis de: Rechtschreibung el: Ορθογραφία es: ortografía et: õigekiri fi: oikeinkirjoitus fr: orthographe it: ortografia lt: rašyba nl: spelling pl: ortografia pt: Ortografia ro: ortografie tr: imla BT language teaching sponsor USE sponsorship sponsorship MT (05) cs: sponzorství de: Sponsoring el: χορηγία es: patrocinio et: sponsorlus fi: sponsorointi fr: parrainage it: sponsorizzazione lt: finansinis rėmimas nl: sponsoring pl: sponsorowanie pt: Patrocínio ro: sponsorizare tr: finansörlük UF sponsor BT private funds sport USE physical education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 588 sports equipment MT (06) cs: sportovní vybavení de: Sportausrüstung el: αθλητικός εξοπλισμός es: equipamiento deportivo et: spordivarustus fi: urheiluvälineet fr: équipement sportif it: attrezzature sportive lt: sportavimo įranga nl: sportuitrusting pl: sprzęt sportowy pt: Equipamento desportivo ro: echipament sportiv tr: spor techizatları BT equipment sports facilities MT (06) cs: sportovní zařízení de: Sportanlagen el: αθλητικές εγκαταστάσεις es: instalaciones deportivas et: spordirajatised fi: liikuntatilat fr: installations sportives it: impianti sportivi lt: sporto infrastruktūra nl: sportfaciliteiten pl: obiekty sportowe pt: Instalações desportivas ro: facilitati sportive tr: spor tesisleri BT educational facilities staff USE human resources staff development USE in-service training staffing ratio USE student-teacher ratio stage of education USE educational stage staggered holidays USE staggering of holidays TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 589 staggering of holidays MT (04) cs: plán dovolených de: gestaffelte Ferien el: κυλιόμενες διακοπές es: escalonamiento de las vacaciones et: koolivaheaegade paigutamine fi: loma-aikojen porrastaminen fr: étalement des vacances it: scaglionamento delle vacanze lt: atostogų išdėstymas nl: vakantiespreiding pl: planowanie wakacji pt: Escala de férias ro: programarea concediilor tr: tatillerin bölünmesi UF staggered holidays BT educational administration standard MT (09) cs: standard de: Norm el: προδιαγραφή es: estándar et: standard fi: standardi fr: norme it: standard lt: standartas nl: standaard pl: norma pt: Norma ro: standard tr: standart NT benchmark NT best practice NT European standards NT learning standard RT standardisation RT standardised test TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 590 standard of living MT (16) cs: životní úroveň de: Lebensstandard el: επίπεδο διαβίωσης es: nivel de vida et: elatustase fi: elintaso fr: niveau de vie it: qualità della vita lt: gyvenimo lygis nl: levensstandaard pl: poziom życia pt: Nível de vida ro: standard de viata tr: yaşam standartı UF living standard BT economic data NT poverty standardisation MT (09) cs: standardizace de: Standardisierung el: τυποποίηση es: estandarización et: standardimine fi: standardointi fr: normalisation it: standardizzazione lt: standartizacija nl: standaardisatie pl: normalizacja pt: Normalização ro: standardizare tr: standartlaştırma RT standard TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 591 standardised test MT (09) cs: standardizovaný test de: standardisierte Prüfung el: τυποποιημένο διαγώνισμα es: prueba estandarizada et: standarditud test fi: standardoitu testi fr: test normalisé it: test standardizzato lt: standartizuotas testas nl: gestandaardiseerde test pl: test standaryzowany pt: Teste normalizado ro: test standardizat tr: standart test SN: Test or examination set and marked in line with an agreed standard. UF standardized test BT examination RT standard standardized test USE standardised test state language MT (15) cs: státní jazyk de: Landessprache el: εθνική γλώσσα es: lengua de un Estado et: riigikeel fi: kansalliskieli fr: langue nationale it: lingua nazionale lt: valstybinė kalba nl: nationale taal pl: język urzędowy pt: Língua nacional ro: limba de stat tr: devlet dili UF national language BT language state school USE public-sector school state-funded school USE public-sector school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 592 statistical analysis MT (13) cs: statistická analýza de: statistische Analyse el: ανάλυση στατιστικών δεδομένων es: análisis estadístico et: statistiline analüüs fi: tilastollinen analyysi fr: analyse statistique it: analisi statistica lt: statistinė analizė nl: statistische analyse pl: analiza statystyczna pt: Análise estatística ro: analize statistice tr: istatistiksel analiz NT breakdown (statistics) NT cohort (statistics) NT European average NT indicator NT questionnaire NT sample RT statistical data statistical data MT (13) cs: statistické údaje de: statistische Angaben el: στατιστικά δεδομένα es: datos estadísticos et: statistilised andmed fi: tilastotiedot fr: données statistiques it: dati statistici lt: statistiniai duomenys nl: statistische gegevens pl: dane statystyczne pt: Dados estatísticos ro: date statistice tr: istatistiksel veri UF statistics NT average income NT education participation rate NT number of students NT NUTS regions NT population statistics NT raw data RT statistical analysis Statistical Office of the European Communities USE Eurostat TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 593 statistics USE statistical data statutory subject USE compulsory subject streaming USE grouping structural funds MT (12) cs: strukturální fondy de: Strukturfonds el: διαρθρωτικά ταμεία es: fondos estructurales et: tõukefondid fi: rakennerahasto fr: fonds structurels it: fondi strutturali lt: struktūriniai fondai nl: structuurfondsen pl: fundusze strukturalne pt: Fundos estruturais ro: fonduri structurale tr: yapısal fonlar SN: Financial instruments administered by the European Commission. Includes the European Social Fund, the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund, the European Regional Development Fund and the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance. NT European Social Fund structure of education USE education system structure of the education system USE education system TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 594 student MT (11) cs: student de: Studierende el: μαθητής πρωτοβάθμιας ή δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης es: estudiante et: üli/õpilane fi: opiskelija fr: étudiant it: studente lt: mokinys/studentas nl: student pl: student pt: Estudante ro: studentesc tr: öğrenci SN: For learners up to the end of secondary education see also "pupil". NT adult learner NT foreign mother tongue student NT graduate NT mature student NT non-enrolled student NT trainee NT undergraduate NT working student RT evaluation by students RT evaluation of students RT pupil RT student housing RT student life RT student organisation RT student participation student accommodation USE student housing student assessment USE evaluation of students student association USE student organisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 595 student empowerment MT (01) cs: posilování sebeodpovědnosti studentů de: Befähigung zur Selbstbestimmung el: ενδυνάμωση των μαθητών es: responsabilización del estudiante et: üli/õpilasele oma elu juhtimise oskuse andmine fi: opiskelijoiden voimaannuttaminen fr: responsabilisation des étudiants it: responsabilizzazione degli studenti lt: savikliovos ugdymas nl: mondig maken van studenten pl: usamodzielnianie ucznia pt: Responsabilização do estudante ro: imputernicirea studentului tr: öğrenciyi yetkilendirme SN: Educating students/pupils so that they can take control of their own lives. UF pupil empowerment BT student integration student exchange USE student mobility student excluded from school USE exclusion from school student grant USE education grant student housing MT (06) cs: ubytování studentů de: Studentenheim el: στέγαση σπουδαστών es: alojamiento para estudiantes et: üli/õpilasmajutus fi: opiskelija-asunnot fr: logement d'étudiant it: residenza studentesca lt: mokinių/studentų bendrabutis nl: studentenhuisvesting pl: zakwaterowanie studentów pt: Alojamento de estudantes ro: camin studentesc tr: öğrencinin barınması UF hall of residence UF student accommodation UF student residence BT housing RT boarding school RT student TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 596 student integration MT (01) cs: integrace studentů de: schulische Integration el: ενσωμάτωση μαθητών es: integración de los estudiantes et: üli/õpilaste integreerimine fi: oppilaiden integrointi fr: intégration des élèves it: integrazione degli studenti lt: mokinių/studentų integravimas(is) nl: studentenintegratie pl: integracja studentów pt: Integração escolar ro: integrarea studentului tr: öğrenci entegrasyonu UF pupil integration BT principles of education NT positive discrimination NT student empowerment RT inclusive education student involvement USE student participation student life MT (11) cs: studentský život de: Studentenleben el: μαθητική ζωή es: vida estudiantil et: üli/õpilaselu fi: opiskelijaelämä fr: vie estudiantine it: vita studentesca lt: studento gyvenimas nl: studentenleven pl: życie studenckie pt: Vida estudantil ro: viata studenteasca tr: öğrencilik hayatı RT student TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 597 student mobility MT (04) cs: mobilita studentů de: Mobilität der Studierenden el: κινητικότητα σπουδαστών es: movilidad de estudiantes et: üli/õpilase liikuvus fi: opiskelijoiden liikkuvuus fr: mobilité des étudiants it: mobilità degli studenti lt: mokinių/studentų judumas nl: studentenmobiliteit pl: mobilność studentów pt: Mobilidade dos estudantes ro: mobilitatea studentului tr: öğrenci hareketliliği UF pupil mobility UF student exchange BT free movement NT study abroad student organisation MT (11) cs: studentská organizace de: Studentenorganisation el: μαθητική οργάνωση es: organización estudiantil et: üli/õpilasorganisatsioon fi: opiskelijajärjestö fr: organisation d'étudiants it: organizzazione studentesca lt: mokinių/studentų organizacija nl: studentenorganisatie pl: organizacja studencka pt: Organização estudantil ro: organizatie studenteasca tr: öğrenci kuruluşu UF pupil organisation UF student association UF student organization BT organisation RT student student organization USE student organisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 598 student participation MT (10) cs: účast studentů de: Studentenbeteiligung el: μαθητική συμμετοχή es: participación de los alumnos et: üli/õpilasosalus fi: opiskelijoiden osallistuminen fr: participation des étudiants it: partecipazione degli studenti lt: mokinio/studento dalyvavimas nl: studentenparticipatie pl: uczestnictwo studentów pt: Participação do estudante ro: participarea studentilor tr: öğrenci katılımı UF pupil participation UF student involvement BT participation RT student student record MT (09) cs: dokumentace studenta de: Schülerbogen el: μητρώο μαθητή es: expediente académico et: õpinguraamat fi: opintosuoritukset fr: dossier de l'étudiant it: portfolio dell'alunno lt: mokinio/studento byla nl: studentendossier pl: dokumentacja studencka pt: Processo do estudante ro: inregistrarea studentilor tr: öğrenci kayıt dosyası SN: File containing the data on the curriculum studied and/or administrative data concerning the student/pupil (Source: Adapted from the European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF pupil record UF school record BT school career student residence USE student housing student teacher USE trainee teacher TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 599 student-teacher ratio MT (04) cs: počet studentů na učitele de: Lehrer-Schüler-Verhältniszahl el: αναλογία μαθητών-καθηγητών es: ratio alumno-profesor et: õpilasi õpetaja kohta fi: opettaja-oppilassuhde fr: proportion maître-élèves it: rapporto numerico insegnante-alunni lt: mokinių skaičius vienam mokytojui nl: studenten-leraren ratio pl: liczba uczniów na jednego nauczyciela pt: Rácio professor-alunos ro: raportul student - profesor tr: öğrenci öğretmen oranı UF adult-child ratio UF child-adult ratio UF pupil-teacher ratio UF pupils per adult UF staffing ratio BT educational administration study abroad MT (04) cs: zahraniční studium de: Auslandsstudium el: σπουδές στο εξωτερικό es: estudios en el extranjero et: välisõpingud fi: opiskelu ulkomailla fr: études à l'étranger it: studio all'estero lt: studijos užsienyje nl: studie in het buitenland pl: studia za granicą pt: Estudos no estrangeiro ro: studii în străinătate tr: yurtdışında eğitim UF study period abroad BT student mobility TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 600 study cycle MT (02) cs: studijní cyklus de: Studienabschnitt el: κύκλος σπουδών es: ciclo de estudios et: õpitsükkel fi: opintojakso fr: cycle d'études it: ciclo di studio lt: studijų ciklas nl: studiecyclus pl: cykl studiów pt: Ciclo de estudos ro: ciclu de studiu tr: çalışma dönemi BT educational stage study period abroad USE study abroad study progress MT (09) cs: průběh vzdělávání de: Lernfortschritt el: πρόοδος σπουδών es: progreso en el aprendizaje et: õpiedukus fi: opintojen edistyminen fr: progrès scolaire it: progresso scolastico lt: mokymosi pažanga nl: studievooruitgang pl: postępy w nauce pt: Progresso escolar ro: progresul studiului tr: okulda aşama kaydetme BT learning outcome NT promotion to the next class NT repeating study support USE supervised study study tour USE study visit TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 601 study visit MT (08) cs: studijní cesta de: Studienreise el: εκπαιδευτική επίσκεψη es: visita de estudios et: õppekäik fi: opintovierailu fr: visite d'études it: visita di studio lt: pažintinis vizitas nl: studiebezoek pl: wizyta studyjna pt: Visita de estudo ro: vizita de studii tr: çalışma ziyaretleri UF ARION UF study tour BT educational activities subject USE curriculum subject subject matter USE curriculum subject subject specialist USE specialist teacher subject teacher USE specialist teacher subject-independent competences USE cross-curricular competences subject-specific competences MT (10) cs: předmětové kompetence de: fachspezifische Kompetenzen el: θεματικά προσδιορισμένες δεξιότητες es: competencias específicas de una disciplina et: ainepädevus fi: ainekohtainen osaaminen fr: compétences spécifiques liées au sujet it: competenze disciplinari specifiche lt: dalykinės kompetencijos nl: vakspecifieke competenties pl: kompetencje przedmiotowe pt: Competências disciplinares específicas ro: obiectul competenţelor specifice tr: konuya özel yeterlikler BT competence TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 602 subsidiarity (European Union) MT (14) cs: subsidiarita (Evropská unie) de: Subsidiarität (Europäische Union) el: αρχή της επικουρικότητας es: subsidiariedad (Unión Europea) et: lähimus fi: toissijaisuusperiaate fr: subsidiarité (Union européenne) it: sussidiarietà (Unione europea) lt: subsidiarumas (Europos Sąjungos) nl: subsidariteit (Europese Unie) pl: subsydiarność (Unia Europejska) pt: Subsidariedade (União Europeia) ro: subsidiar (Uniunea Europeana) tr: yerinde hizmet (Avrupa Birliği) SN: The principle whereby the Union does not take any action (except in the areas which fall within its exclusive competence) unless it is more effective than action taken at national, regional or local level (Source: SCADplus Glossary, 2005 online version). BT governance RT European Union law subsidiary subject MT (07) cs: vedlejší předmět de: Nebenfach el: δευτερεύον μάθημα es: materia secundaria et: kõrvalaine fi: sivuaine fr: matière secondaire it: materia secondaria lt: papildomasis dalykas nl: bijvak pl: przedmiot poboczny pt: Disciplinas secundárias ro: subiect secundar tr: takviye ders SN: Curriculum subject that is studied at a lower level and for shorter periods of time than core subjects. BT curriculum subject subsidised meal USE school meal subsidy USE financial support substandard performance USE underachievement TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 603 substitute staff MT (11) cs: zastupující pracovník de: vorübergehende Vertretung el: αναπληρωτής es: personal suplente et: asendustöötajad fi: sijaistyovoima fr: personnel de remplacement it: personale supplente lt: pavaduojantis personalas nl: tijdelijke vervanging pl: czasowe zastępstwo pt: Substituição temporária ro: personal de inlocuire tr: yedek personel SN: Temporary assignment of a person to work in another's place (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF relief teacher UF replacement teacher UF substitute teacher UF supply teacher UF teacher replacement BT teaching staff substitute teacher USE substitute staff summary MT (21) cs: shrnutí de: Zusammenfassung el: σύνοψη es: reseña et: kokkuvõte fi: yhteenveto fr: note de synthèse it: riassunto lt: turinys nl: samenvatting pl: streszczenie pt: Resumo ro: sumar tr: öz UF abstract TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 604 summative evaluation MT (09) cs: sumativní hodnocení de: summative Evaluation el: συνοπτική αξιολόγηση es: evaluación sumativa et: kokkuvõttev hindamine fi: summatiivinen arviointi fr: évaluation sommative it: valutazione sommativa lt: apibendrinamasis vertinimas nl: summatieve evaluatie pl: ocena sumatywna pt: Avaliação sumativa ro: evaluare sumativa tr: dönem sonu değerlendirmesi BT evaluation summer course USE summer school summer school MT (08) cs: letní škola de: Sommerschule el: θερινό σχολείο es: curso de verano et: suvekursus fi: kesäkurssi fr: école d'été it: scuola estiva lt: vasaros mokykla nl: zomerschool pl: szkoła letnia pt: Curso de Verão ro: scoala de vara tr: yaz okulu SN: Course that takes place outside term time. UF summer course BT course TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 605 supervised study MT (08) cs: studium pod dohledem de: Hausaufgabenbetreuung el: επιτηρούμενη μελέτη es: estudio dirigido et: pikapäevaõpe fi: valvottu kotitehtävien teko fr: étude surveillée it: studio individuale guidato lt: mokymasis su konsultantu nl: huiswerkklas pl: zajęcia pozalekcyjne pt: Estudo orientado ro: studiu supravegheat tr: gözetimli çalışma SN: Work done by the student/pupil on the school premises, outside school hours, with the support of a teacher (Source: Adapted from the European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF study support BT educational activities supervision MT (04) cs: dozor de: Aufsicht el: επίβλεψη es: supervisión et: järelevalve fi: valvonta fr: surveillance it: supervisione lt: priežiūra nl: supervisie pl: nadzór pt: Supervisão ro: supraveghere tr: gözetim BT educational administration RT administration RT governance supervisory body USE governing body TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 606 supply of teachers MT (01) cs: nabídka učitelů de: Lehrerangebot el: διάθεση καθηγητών es: oferta de profesores et: õpetajatega varustamine fi: opettajavaranto fr: offre d'enseignants it: offerta di insegnanti lt: mokytojų pasiūla nl: lerarenaanbod pl: podaż nauczycieli pt: Oferta de professores ro: furnizarea de profesori tr: öğretmen temini BT economics of education RT teaching profession supply teacher USE substitute staff support for teachers MT (11) cs: podpora učitelů de: Unterstützung für Lehrer el: υποστήριξη καθηγητών es: apoyo al profesorado et: toetusmeetmed õpetajale fi: tuki opettajille fr: soutien pour enseignants it: sostegno per gli insegnanti lt: pagalba mokytojams nl: lerarenbegeleiding pl: wsparcie dla nauczycieli pt: Apoio aos professores ro: suport pentru profesori tr: öğretmenlere destek BT support service support in cash USE financial support TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 607 support in kind MT (05) cs: materiální podpora de: materielle Unterstützung el: ενίσχυση σε είδος es: ayuda en especie et: natuuras toetus fi: tuki luontaissuorituksena fr: aide en nature it: supporto materiale lt: parama natūra nl: ondersteuning in natura pl: pomoc w naturze pt: Ajuda em géneros ro: sprijin în natură tr: ayni yardım SN: Support in the form of goods (e.g., housing, transport, meals) rather than money. BT support measure support measure MT (05) cs: podpůrná opatření de: Unterstützungsmaßnahme el: ενισχυτικό μέτρο es: medida de apoyo et: toetusmeede fi: tukitoimi fr: dispositif de soutien it: misura di sostegno lt: paramos priemonės nl: ondersteuningsmaatregel pl: środki wsparcia pt: Medida de apoio ro: măsură de sprijin tr: destekleme tedbiri NT financial support NT means-tested support NT support in kind TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 608 support service MT (11) cs: podpůrné služby de: Unterstützungsdienst el: υποστηρικτική υπηρεσία es: servicio de apoyo et: tugiteenus fi: tukipalvelu fr: service de soutien it: assistenza tecnica lt: pagalbos tarnyba nl: schoolbegeleidingsdienst pl: służba pomocnicza pt: Serviço de apoio ro: serviciu suport tr: destek hizmeti UF support system BT advisory body NT support for teachers support system USE support service support teacher USE SEN teacher survey MT (21) cs: průzkum de: Umfrage el: μελέτη es: encuesta et: uuring fi: kartoitustutkimus fr: enquête it: inchiesta lt: apklausa nl: enquête pl: badanie ankietowe pt: Inquérito ro: sondaj tr: araştırma çalışması SN: Administering standardised questions to obtain a comprehensive view based on opinions or factual information. TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 609 sustainability MT (16) cs: udržitelnost de: Nachhaltigkeit el: βιωσιμότητα es: sostenibilidad et: jätkusuutlikkus fi: kestävyys fr: durabilité it: sostenibilità lt: tvarumas nl: houdbaarheid pl: trwałość pt: Sustentabilidade ro: durabilitate tr: sürdürülebilirlik BT environmental protection Sweden MT (19) cs: Švédsko de: Schweden el: Σουηδία es: Suecia et: Rootsi fi: Ruotsi fr: Suède it: Svezia lt: Švedija nl: Zweden pl: Szwecja pt: Suécia ro: Suedia tr: İsveç Swedish MT (17) cs: švédština de: Schwedisch el: Σουηδική es: sueco et: rootsi keel fi: ruotsin kieli fr: suédois it: svedese lt: švedų kalba nl: Zweeds pl: szwedzki pt: Sueco ro: suedez tr: İsveççe BT Germanic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 610 Switzerland MT (19) cs: Švýcarsko de: Schweiz el: Ελβετία es: Suiza et: Šveits fi: Sveitsi fr: Suisse it: Svizzera lt: Šveicarija nl: Zwitserland pl: Szwajcaria pt: Suíça ro: Elvetia tr: İsviçre syllabus USE curriculum symbol MT (13) cs: symbol de: Symbol el: σύμβολο es: símbolo et: sümbol fi: symboli fr: symbole it: simbolo lt: simbolis nl: symbool pl: symbol pt: Símbolo ro: simbol tr: sembol BT non-verbal communication system of education USE education system TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 611 Tajikistan MT (19) cs: Tádžikistán de: Tadschikistan el: Τατζικιστάν es: Tayikistán et: Tadžikistan fi: Tadžikistan fr: Tadjikistan it: Tagikistan lt: Tadžikistanas nl: Tadzjikistan pl: Tadżykistan pt: Tajiquistão ro: Tadjikistan tr: Tacikistan talented USE gifted Taoism MT (15) cs: taoismus de: Taoismus el: Ταoϊσμός es: taoismo et: taoism fi: taolaisuus fr: taoïsme it: taoismo lt: taoizmas nl: Taoïsme pl: taoizm pt: Taoísmo ro: taoism tr: Taoizm BT religion TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 612 target group MT (18) cs: cílová skupina de: Zielgruppe el: ομάδα-στόχος es: grupo objetivo et: sihtrühm fi: kohderyhmä fr: groupe-cible it: gruppo target lt: tikslinė grupė nl: doelgroep pl: grupa docelowa pt: Grupo-alvo ro: grup tinta tr: hedef grup task USE responsibility taught time MT (04) cs: vyučovací doba de: Unterrichtszeit el: διδακτικές ώρες es: horario lectivo et: õppetundide arv fi: opetusaika fr: temps d'enseignement it: ore di insegnamento lt: mokymo laikas nl: lestijd pl: wymiar czasu nauki pt: Tempo lectivo ro: timp de predare tr: öğretim yapılan süre SN: Prescribed, intended or actual number of hours students/pupils are taught or ought to be taught. UF class-time UF instruction time UF number of hours taught UF time taught BT school year tax exemption USE tax relief TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 613 tax relief MT (05) cs: daňová úleva de: Steuererleichterung el: φοροαπαλλαγή es: desgravación fiscal et: maksuvabastus fi: veronkevennys fr: allègement fiscal it: sgravio fiscale lt: mokesčių nuolaida nl: belastingvermindering pl: zwolnienie podatkowe pt: Dedução fiscal ro: scutirea de impozit tr: vergi indirimi UF tax exemption BT financial support teacher MT (11) cs: učitel de: Lehrer el: εκπαιδευτικός es: profesor et: õpetaja fi: opettaja fr: enseignant it: insegnante lt: mokytojas nl: leraar pl: nauczyciel pt: Professor ro: profesor tr: öğretmen UF † primary teacher UF † secondary teacher BT teaching staff NT form teacher NT generalist teacher NT headteacher NT non-qualified teacher NT qualified teacher NT semi-specialist teacher NT SEN teacher NT specialist teacher NT trainee teacher RT retired teacher RT teacher education RT teacher transfer RT teaching profession teacher appraisal USE evaluation of teachers TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 614 teacher association MT (11) cs: učitelská asociace de: Lehrervereinigung el: σύλλογος καθηγητών es: asociación de profesores et: õpetajate ühendus fi: opettajayhdistys fr: association d'enseignants it: associazione degli insegnanti lt: mokytojų asociacija nl: lerarenvereniging pl: stowarzyszenie nauczycieli pt: Associação de professores ro: asociatia profesorilor tr: öğretmenler derneği BT association teacher autonomy MT (08) cs: autonomie učitele de: Lehrerautonomie el: αυτονομία καθηγητών es: autonomía del profesorado et: õpetaja autonoomia fi: opettajan autonomia fr: autonomie des enseignants it: libertà di insegnamento lt: mokytojo autonomija nl: autonomie van de leraar pl: autonomia nauczyciela pt: Autonomia do professor ro: autonomia profesorilor tr: öğretmen özerkliği SN: Freedom of teachers or groups of teachers to function independently (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). RT teaching TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 615 teacher education MT (02) cs: vzdělávání učitelů de: Lehrerbildung el: εκπαίδευση καθηγητών es: formación del profesorado et: õpetajaharidus fi: opettajankoulutus fr: formation des enseignants it: formazione degli insegnanti lt: mokytojų rengimas nl: lerarenopleiding pl: kształcenie nauczycieli pt: Formação de professores ro: educarea profesorilor tr: öğretmen eğitimi UF teacher training NT in-service teacher training NT initial teacher education RT teacher RT teacher education institution RT teacher education model teacher education institution MT (06) cs: instituce pro vzdělávání učitelů de: Lehrerbildungsanstalt el: εκπαιδευτικό ίδρυμα για την εκπαίδευση καθηγητών es: centro de formación del profesorado et: õpetajakoolitusasutus fi: opettajankoulutuslaitos fr: établissement de formation des enseignants it: istituto di formazione degli insegnanti lt: mokytojų rengimo įstaiga nl: instituut voor lerarenopleiding pl: centrum kształcenia nauczycieli pt: Estabelecimento de formação de professores ro: institutia educarii profesorilor tr: öğretmen eğitimi kurumu UF college of education UF teacher training college UF teacher training institution BT educational institution RT teacher education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 616 teacher education model MT (02) cs: model vzdělávání učitelů de: Lehrerbildungsmodell el: εκπαιδευτικό μοντέλο καθηγητή es: modelo de formación del profesorado et: õpetajakoolitusmudel fi: opettajankoulutusmalli fr: modèle de formation des enseignants it: modello di formazione degli insegnanti lt: mokytojų rengimo modelis nl: model voor lerarenopleiding pl: model kształcenia nauczycieli pt: Modelo de formação de professores ro: modelul educatiei profesorilor tr: öğretmen eğitimi modeli NT concurrent model NT consecutive model RT teacher education teacher improvement USE in-service teacher training teacher mobility MT (04) cs: mobilita učitelů de: Lehrermobilität el: κινητικότητα καθηγητών es: movilidad del profesorado et: õpetaja liikuvus fi: opettajien liikkuvuus fr: mobilité des enseignants it: mobilità degli insegnanti lt: mokytojų/dėstytojų judumas nl: mobiliteit van leraren pl: mobilność nauczycieli pt: Mobilidade dos professores ro: mobilitatea profesorilor tr: öğretmen hareketliliği BT occupational mobility teacher oversupply USE teacher surplus TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 617 teacher participation MT (10) cs: účast učitelů de: Lehrerbeteiligung el: συμμετοχή καθηγητών es: participación de los profesores et: õpetaja osalus fi: opettajan osallistuminen fr: participation des enseignants it: partecipazione degli insegnanti lt: mokytojo dalyvavimas nl: deelname leraren pl: uczestnictwo nauczycieli pt: Participação do professor ro: participarea profesorilor tr: öğretmen katılımı BT participation teacher pension USE pension teacher placement USE teacher recruitment teacher recruitment MT (04) cs: přijímání učitelů de: Lehrereinstellung el: διορισμός καθηγητών es: contratación de profesores et: õpetajate töölevõtmine fi: opettajien rekrytointi fr: recrutement d'enseignants it: reclutamento degli insegnanti lt: mokytojų įdarbinimas nl: werving van leraren pl: rekrutacja nauczycieli pt: Recrutamento de professores ro: recrutarea profesorilor tr: öğretmen alımı UF reserve pool of teachers UF teacher placement BT personnel management RT recruitment teacher replacement USE substitute staff TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 618 teacher salary MT (16) cs: plat učitele de: Lehrergehalt el: μισθός καθηγητή es: salario del profesor et: õpetaja palk fi: opettajan palkka fr: salaire d'enseignant it: stipendio degli insegnanti lt: mokytojo atlyginimas nl: lerarensalaris pl: wynagrodzenie nauczyciela pt: Ordenado do professor ro: salariul profesorului tr: öğretmen maaşı UF teachers' pay BT salary teacher shortage MT (01) cs: nedostatek učitelů de: Lehrermangel el: έλλειμμα καθηγητών es: escasez de profesores et: õpetajate puudus fi: opettajapula fr: pénurie d'enseignants it: mancanza di insegnanti lt: mokytojų trūkumas nl: lerarentekort pl: niedobór nauczycieli pt: Escassez de professores ro: deficit de profesori tr: öğretmen kıtlığı BT economics of education RT teaching profession TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 619 teacher status MT (16) cs: postavení učitele de: Lehrerstatus el: κατάσταση καθηγητών es: estatus del profesor et: õpetaja staatus fi: opettajan asema fr: statut de l'enseignant it: status di insegnante lt: mokytojo statusas nl: lerarenstatus pl: status nauczyciela pt: Estatuto do professor ro: statutul profesorilor tr: öğretmenin statüsü BT employment status teacher surplus MT (01) cs: nadbytek učitelů de: Lehrerüberschuss el: πλεόνασμα καθηγητών es: excedente de profesores et: õpetajate ülejääk fi: opettajien ylitarjonta fr: surplus d'enseignants it: sovrannumero di insegnanti lt: mokytojų perteklius nl: lerarenoverschot pl: nadmiar nauczycieli pt: Excesso de professores ro: excedent de profesori tr: öğretmen fazlalığı UF teacher oversupply BT economics of education RT teaching profession teacher training USE teacher education teacher training college USE teacher education institution teacher training institution USE teacher education institution TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 620 teacher transfer MT (04) cs: přeložení učitele de: Versetzung von Lehrern el: μεταφορά καθηγητών es: reasignación del profesorado et: õpetaja (teise haridusasutusse) üleviimine fi: opettajan siirto fr: transfert d'enseignants it: trasferimento degli insegnanti lt: mokytojo perkėlimas nl: overplaatsing leraren pl: przeniesienie nauczyciela pt: Transferência de professores ro: transferul profesorilor tr: öğretmen nakli SN: Decision by the competent authority to assign teachers to an educational institution other than the one they are currently working at. BT transfer RT teacher teacher working time MT (11) cs: pracovní doba učitele de: Lehrerarbeitszeit el: χρόνος εργασίας των καθηγητών es: tiempo de trabajo del profesorado et: õpetaja tööaeg fi: opettajien työaika fr: temps de travail des enseignants it: carico di lavoro degli insegnanti lt: mokytojo darbo laikas nl: werkbelasting leraren pl: czas pracy nauczyciela pt: Tempo de trabalho docente ro: timpul de lucru al profesorului tr: öğretmen çalışma saatleri SN: Amount of time spent by teachers carrying out their duties. Do not confuse with teaching load. UF teacher workload NT lesson preparation NT teaching load teacher workload USE teacher working time teacher-pupil-relation USE teacher-student relation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 621 teacher-student relation MT (11) cs: vztah učitel-student de: Lehrer-Schüler-Beziehung el: σχέση καθηγητή-μαθητή es: relación profesor-estudiante et: õpetaja ja üli/õpilase suhted fi: opettajan ja opiskelijan suhde fr: relation enseignant-étudiant it: rapporto insegnante-studente lt: mokytojo ir mokinio ryšys nl: relatie leraar-student pl: relacja nauczyciel-uczeń pt: Relação professor-aluno ro: relatia profesor-student tr: öğretmen-öğrenci ilişkisi UF teacher-pupil-relation BT interpersonal relations teachers' guide MT (08) cs: metodická příručka učitele de: Lehrerhandreichung el: οδηγός καθηγητή es: libro del profesor et: õpetajaraamat fi: opettajan opas fr: guide de l'enseignant it: guida per l'insegnante lt: mokymo gairės nl: lerarengids pl: przewodnik dla nauczycieli pt: Guia do professor ro: ghidul profesorului tr: öğretmen rehberi BT teaching resources teachers' pay USE teacher salary TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 622 teaching MT (08) cs: výuka de: Unterricht el: διδασκαλία es: enseñanza et: õpetamine fi: opetus fr: enseignement it: insegnamento lt: mokymas/ugdymas nl: lesgeven pl: nauczanie pt: Ensino ro: predare tr: öğretme UF instruction NT teaching method NT teaching resources RT education RT lesson preparation RT teacher autonomy RT teaching load RT teaching profession RT teaching quality teaching aid USE teaching resources teaching equipment USE teaching resources teaching experience USE teaching practice TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 623 teaching language MT (04) cs: vyučovací jazyk de: Unterrichtssprache el: γλώσσα διδασκαλίας es: lengua de enseñanza et: õppekeel fi: opetuskieli fr: langue d'enseignement it: lingua di insegnamento lt: mokymo kalba nl: onderwijstaal pl: język nauczania pt: Língua de ensino ro: limba in care se preda tr: öğretme dili SN: Language in which teaching is carried out (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF language of instruction UF medium of instruction BT language policy teaching load MT (11) cs: přímá vyučovací činnost de: Lehrverpflichtung el: ώρες διδασκαλίας es: carga lectiva et: õpetamisaeg fi: opetustuntimäärä fr: charge d'enseignement it: carico di insegnamento lt: mokymo krūvis nl: contacturen pl: pensum dydaktyczne pt: Carga horária ro: timpul de predare tr: ders yükü SN: The number of hours teachers are formally required to teach. UF contact time for instruction UF teaching time BT teacher working time RT lesson RT school year RT teaching teaching material USE teaching resources teaching media USE teaching resources TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 624 teaching method MT (08) cs: vyučovací metoda de: Unterrichtsmethode el: μέθοδος διδασκαλίας es: método de enseñanza et: õpetamismeetod fi: opetusmenetelmä fr: méthode d'enseignement it: metodo di insegnamento lt: mokymo/ugdymo metodas nl: lesmethode pl: metoda nauczania pt: Método de ensino ro: metoda de predare tr: öğretim metodu UF educational method UF teaching methodology BT teaching NT activity method NT block teaching NT content and language integrated learning NT differentiated teaching NT formal lecturing NT immersion NT individualised teaching NT interdisciplinary approach NT lecture NT object lesson NT tutorial system RT blended learning teaching methodology USE teaching method teaching objective MT (08) cs: cíl výuky de: Lernziel el: στόχος διδασκαλίας es: objetivo de la enseñanza et: õppe-eesmärk fi: opetustavoite fr: objectifs pédagogiques it: obiettivi dell'insegnamento lt: mokymo/ugdymo tikslas nl: leerdoel pl: cel dydaktyczny pt: Objectivo do ensino ro: obiectivele predarii tr: öğretim hedefi UF learning objective UF teaching target BT aims of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 625 teaching period USE lesson teaching personnel USE teaching staff teaching practice MT (02) cs: pedagogická praxe de: Unterrichtspraxis el: διδακτική εμπειρία es: práctica docente et: koolipraktika fi: opetusharjoittelu fr: pratique pédagogique it: pratica di insegnamento lt: pedagoginė praktika nl: lespraktijk pl: praktyka pedagogiczna pt: Prática pedagógica ro: practica de predare tr: öğretmenlik uygulaması UF classroom practice UF teaching experience BT initial teacher education teaching profession MT (11) cs: učitelské povolání de: Lehrerberuf el: το επάγγελμα του καθηγητή es: profesión docente et: õpetaja elukutse fi: opettajan ammatti fr: profession d'enseignant it: professione docente lt: pedagogo profesija nl: lerarenberoep pl: zawód nauczyciela pt: Profissão docente ro: profesia de predare tr: öğretmenlik mesleği RT demand for teachers RT return to teaching RT supply of teachers RT teacher RT teacher shortage RT teacher surplus RT teaching teaching programme USE curriculum TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 626 teaching qualification MT (09) cs: učitelská kvalifikace de: Lehrbefähigung el: διδακτικά προσόντα es: cualificación docente et: õpetaja kvalifikatsioon fi: opettajan pätevyys fr: aptitude à l'enseignement it: abilitazione all'insegnamento lt: pedagoginė kvalifikacija nl: onderwijsbevoegdheid pl: kwalifikacje pedagogiczne pt: Qualificação para a docência ro: calificarea de predare tr: öğretmenlik niteliği BT qualification teaching quality MT (09) cs: kvalita výuky de: Unterrichtsqualität el: ποιότητα της διδασκαλίας es: calidad de la enseñanza et: õpetamise kvaliteet fi: opetuksen laatu fr: qualité de l'enseignement it: qualità dell'insegnamento lt: mokymo/ugdymo kokybė nl: leskwaliteit pl: jakość nauczania pt: Qualidade do ensino ro: calitatea predarii tr: öğretimin kalitesi BT quality of education RT teaching TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 627 teaching resources MT (08) cs: didaktické prostředky de: Unterrichtsmaterial el: διδακτικοί πόροι es: recursos educativos et: õppevahendid fi: oppimateriaali fr: moyens d'enseignement it: risorse per l'insegnamento lt: mokymo/ugdymo ištekliai nl: lesmaterialen pl: środki dydaktyczne pt: Meios de ensino ro: resursele predarii tr: öğretim kaynakları UF educational material UF instructional aids UF instructional material UF teaching aid UF teaching equipment UF teaching material UF teaching media BT teaching NT teachers' guide NT textbook RT audiovisual equipment RT computer teaching software USE educational software TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 628 teaching staff MT (11) cs: pedagogičtí pracovníci de: Lehrkörper el: διδακτικό προσωπικό es: personal docente et: õpetajad fi: opetushenkilökunta fr: corps enseignant it: corpo docente lt: mokymo personalas nl: onderwijzend personeel pl: kadra pedagogiczna pt: Pessoal docente ro: personal de predare tr: öğretim personeli UF educational personnel UF educational staff UF teaching personnel NT assistant NT substitute staff NT teacher NT trainer NT tutor teaching subject USE curriculum subject teaching target USE teaching objective teaching time USE teaching load team work MT (11) cs: týmová práce de: Teamarbeit el: ομαδική εργασία es: trabajo en equipo et: rühmatöö fi: ryhmätyö fr: travail en équipe it: lavoro di gruppo lt: grupinis darbas nl: teamwerk pl: praca zespołowa pt: Trabalho de equipa ro: lucru in echipa tr: takım çalışması SN: Work undertaken in groups where each worker's duties depend on those of other members of the group (Source: Cedefop, European Training Thesaurus, 2001). BT cooperation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 629 technical education MT (02) cs: technické vzdělávání de: Technische Bildung el: τεχνική εκπαίδευση es: formación técnica et: tehnikaharidus fi: teknologiakoulutus fr: enseignement technique it: istruzione tecnica lt: techninis švietimas nl: technisch onderwijs pl: kształcenie techniczne pt: Ensino técnico ro: educatie tehnica tr: teknik eğitim SN: Education, which in its choice of subject matter, envisages a specialisation with a view of preparing students/pupils for employment in the technical field. BT branch of education BT specialisation technological sciences USE technology technology MT (07) cs: technologie de: Technologie el: τεχνολογία es: tecnología et: tehnoloogia fi: teknologia fr: technologie it: tecnologia lt: technologijos nl: technologie pl: technika pt: Tecnologia ro: tehnologie tr: teknoloji UF technological sciences BT content of learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 630 telecommunication MT (13) cs: telekomunikace de: Telekommunikation el: τηλεπικοινωνίες es: telecomunicación et: telekommunikatsioon fi: tietoliikenne fr: télécommunication it: telecomunicazioni lt: telekomunikacija nl: telecommunicatie pl: telekomunikacja pt: Telecomunicação ro: telecomunicatii tr: telekominikasyon BT communication NT computer network television USE mass media temporary employment USE temporary work temporary job USE temporary work temporary work MT (16) cs: dočasná práce de: befristetes Arbeitsverhältnis el: προσωρινή εργασία es: trabajo temporal et: ajutine töö(tamine) fi: tilapäistyö fr: travail temporaire it: lavoro interinale lt: laikinas darbas nl: tijdelijk werk pl: praca tymczasowa pt: Trabalho temporário ro: munca temporara tr: geçici iş UF temporary employment UF temporary job BT employment TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 631 Tempus MT (20) cs: Tempus de: Tempus el: Tempus es: Tempus et: Tempus fi: Tempus fr: Tempus it: Tempus lt: Tempus nl: Tempus pl: Tempus pt: Tempus ro: Tempus tr: Tempus term (period) MT (04) cs: období výuky de: Schuljahresabschnitt el: εκπαιδευτική περίοδος es: período de enseñanza et: semester fi: lukukausi (jakso) fr: trimestre it: scansione dell'anno scolastico e accademico lt: mokymosi periodas nl: onderwijsperiode pl: semestr pt: Período lectivo ro: termen (perioada) tr: dönem SN: Periods of the school/academic year separated by holidays. UF academic term UF semester UF trimester BT school calendar terminal USE computer TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 632 termination of employment MT (16) cs: ukončení pracovního poměru de: Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses el: λήξη απασχόλησης es: finalización del empleo et: töösuhte lõpetamine fi: työsuhteen päättyminen fr: fin de carrière it: cessazione del rapporto di lavoro lt: darbo sutarties nutraukimas nl: beëindiging van het dienstverband pl: rozwiązanie stosunku pracy pt: Fim da carreira ro: Terminarea angajarii tr: istihdamın sona ermesi BT employment NT dismissal NT retirement terminology MT (07) cs: terminologie de: Terminologie el: ορολογία es: terminología et: terminoloogia fi: terminologia fr: terminologie it: terminologia lt: terminologija nl: terminologie pl: terminologia pt: Terminologia ro: terminologie tr: terminoloji BT language teaching TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 633 Territories of the former Yugoslavia MT (19) cs: Území bývalé Jugoslávie de: Nachfolgestaaten Jugoslawiens el: περιοχές της πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβίας es: territorios de la antigua Yugoslavia et: endise Jugoslaavia alad fi: entisen Jugoslavian alueet fr: territoires de l'ancienne Yougoslavie it: territori dell'ex Jugoslavia lt: buvusios Jugoslavijos teritorija nl: Gebieden van het voormalige Joegoslavië pl: terytorium byłej Jugosławii pt: Territórios da antiga Jugoslávia ro: Teritoriile din fosts Yugoslavie tr: Eski Yugoslavya toprakları UF Yugoslavia tertiary education USE higher education tertiary education course USE higher education course test USE examination textbook MT (08) cs: učebnice de: Lehrbuch el: σχολικό βιβλίο es: libro de texto et: õpik fi: oppikirja fr: manuel d'enseignement it: libro di testo lt: vadovėlis nl: leerboek pl: podręcznik pt: Manual escolar ro: carte de scoala tr: ders kitabı UF school book BT teaching resources theology USE religious education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 634 therapy MT (03) cs: terapie de: Therapie el: θεραπεία es: terapia et: ravi fi: terapia fr: thérapie it: terapia lt: terapija nl: therapie pl: terapia pt: Terapia ro: terapie tr: terapi NT occupational therapy NT physiotherapy NT psychotherapy NT speech therapy RT disability thesaurus MT (21) cs: tezaurus de: Thesaurus el: θησαυρός es: tesauro et: thesaurus fi: tesaurus fr: thésaurus it: thesaurus lt: tezauras nl: thesaurus pl: tezaurus pt: Thesaurus ro: tezaurus tr: eşanlamlılar sözlüğü SN: The vocabulary of a controlled indexing language, formally organized so that the a priori relationships between concepts (for example as "broader" and "narrower") are made explicit (Source: ISO 2788). TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 635 thesis MT (09) cs: disertace de: Doktorarbeit el: διατριβή es: tesis et: väitekiri fi: opinnäyte fr: thèse it: tesi lt: disertacija nl: proefschrift pl: rozprawa naukowa pt: Tese ro: teza tr: tez UF doctoral thesis RT doctorate thinking skills USE critical sense Third International Mathematics and Science Study USE TIMSS Thuringia MT (19) cs: Durynsko de: Thüringen el: Θουριγκία es: Turingia et: Tüüring fi: Thüringen fr: Thuringe it: Turingia lt: Tiuringija nl: Thüringen pl: Turyngia pt: Turíngia ro: Turingia tr: Thuringia TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 636 time series MT (18) cs: časové řady de: Zeitreihe el: χρονοσειρά es: serie temporal et: trend fi: aikasarja fr: série temporelle it: serie temporale lt: atsitiktinė seka nl: tijdreeks pl: szereg czasowy pt: Série temporal ro: serii de timp tr: zaman dizileri SN: Must be used together with another descriptor. UF trend time taught USE taught time timetable MT (04) cs: učební plán de: Stundentafel el: ωρολόγιο πρόγραμμα es: horario et: tunniplaan fi: lukujärjestys fr: emploi du temps it: orario lt: tvarkaraštis nl: rooster pl: rozkład zajęć pt: Horário ro: orar tr: ders zaman çizelgesi SN: The number of hours devoted to teaching individual subjects at a specific educational level or grade. BT arrangement of school time NT flexible timetable TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 637 TIMSS MT (20) cs: TIMSS de: TIMSS el: TIMSS es: TIMSS et: TIMSS fi: TIMSS fr: TIMSS it: TIMSS lt: TIMSS nl: TIMMS pl: TIMSS pt: TIMSS ro: TIMSS tr: TIMSS UF Third International Mathematics and Science Study top level authority USE national level tourism MT (07) cs: cestovní ruch de: Tourismus el: τουρισμός es: turismo et: turism fi: matkailu fr: tourisme it: turismo lt: turizmas nl: toerisme pl: turystyka pt: Turismo ro: turism tr: turizm BT content of learning TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 638 trade union MT (16) cs: odborová organizace de: Gewerkschaft el: συνδικάτο es: sindicato et: ametiühing fi: ammattiliitto fr: syndicat it: sindacato lt: profesinė sąjunga nl: vakbond pl: związek zawodowy pt: Sindicato ro: sindicat tr: sendika BT social partners NT employee trainee MT (11) cs: účastník profesní přípravy de: Praktikant el: εκπαιδευόμενος es: aprendiz et: praktikant fi: harjoittelija fr: stagiaire it: tirocinante lt: praktikantas nl: stagiair(e) pl: uczestnik szkolenia pt: Formando ro: stagiar tr: eğitilen SN: Use to mean a person undergoing training in occupational skills (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). BT student TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 639 trainee teacher MT (11) cs: učitel-praktikant de: angehender Lehrer el: εκπαιδευόμενος καθηγητής es: profesor en prácticas et: õpetajapraktikant fi: opetusharjoittelija fr: enseignant stagiaire it: insegnante tirocinante lt: mokytojas praktikantas nl: leraar in opleiding pl: nauczyciel praktykant pt: Professor estagiário ro: profesor stagiar tr: eğitilen öğretmen SN: Someone who has undergone or is undergoing initial teacher education and is gaining teaching experience in order to obtain full teaching qualifications. UF candidate teacher UF student teacher BT teacher traineeship USE apprenticeship trainer MT (11) cs: instruktor de: Ausbilder el: εκπαιδευτής es: formador et: koolitaja fi: kouluttaja fr: formateur it: formatore lt: instruktorius nl: opleider pl: trener pt: Formador ro: instructor tr: eğitici SN: Anyone who fulfils one or more activities linked to the (theoretical or practical) training function, either in an institution for education or training, or at the workplace (Source: Cedefop, Glossary, 2004). UF training personnel BT teaching staff TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 640 training centre MT (06) cs: středisko profesní přípravy de: Ausbildungszentrum el: κέντρο κατάρτισης es: centro de formación et: koolituskeskus fi: koulutuskeskus fr: centre de formation it: centro di formazione lt: profesinio mokymo centras nl: opleidingscentrum pl: ośrodek szkoleniowy pt: Centro de formação ro: centru de instruire tr: eğitim merkezi BT educational institution training course USE training programme training need MT (01) cs: potřeba profesní přípravy de: Ausbildungsbedarf el: ανάγκη κατάρτισης es: necesidad de formación et: koolitusvajadus fi: koulutustarve fr: besoins en formation it: bisogno di formazione lt: praktinio mokymo poreikis nl: opleidingsbehoefte pl: potrzeby szkoleniowe pt: Necessidade de formação ro: nevoie de instruire tr: eğitim ihtiyacı BT economics of education training participation rate USE education participation rate training personnel USE trainer TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 641 training programme MT (08) cs: program profesní přípravy de: Ausbildungsprogramm el: πρόγραμμα κατάρτισης es: programa de formación et: koolituskava fi: koulutusohjelma fr: programme de formation it: programma di formazione lt: praktinio mokymo programa nl: opleidingsprogramma pl: program szkolenia pt: Programa de formação ro: program de formare tr: eğitim programı SN: Training activities defined in terms of objectives, target population, contents and results (Source: Cedefop, European Training Thesaurus, 2001). UF training course BT course training type MT (02) cs: typ profesní přípravy de: Ausbildungsart el: είδος κατάρτισης es: tipo de formación et: koolitustüüp fi: ammatillinen koulutusmuoto fr: type de formation it: tipo di formazione professionale lt: praktinio mokymo rūšis nl: opleidingstype pl: forma szkolenia pt: Tipo de formação ro: tip de formare tr: eğitim tipi NT alternance training NT apprenticeship NT basic training NT continuing professional development NT initial training NT retraining NT vocationally-oriented course RT vocational education and training training-employment contract USE employment contract TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 642 training-employment relation MT (11) cs: vztah profesní příprava-zaměstnání de: Beziehung Beschäftigung-Ausbildung el: σχέση κατάρτισης-απασχόλησης es: relación formación-empleo et: koolituse ja tööhõive suhe fi: koulutuksen ja työllistymisen välinen suhde fr: relation formation-emploi it: rapporto formazione-lavoro lt: mokymo ir darbo rinkos ryšiai nl: relatie opleiding-werk pl: związek między szkoleniem a zatrudnieniem pt: Relação formação-emprego ro: relatia formare-ocupare a fortei de munca tr: eğitim-istihdam ilişkisi UF training-employment relationship BT intergroup relations training-employment relationship USE training-employment relation transfer MT (04) cs: přenos de: Transfer el: μεταφορά es: transferencia et: ülekandmine fi: siirto fr: transfert it: trasferimento lt: perkėlimas nl: overdracht pl: transfer pt: Transferência ro: transfer tr: nakil NT credit transfer NT knowledge transfer NT teacher transfer NT transfer between branches of education NT transfer of funds TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 643 transfer between branches of education MT (04) cs: přechod mezi obory vzdělávání de: Durchlässigkeit im Bildungssystem el: μετάβαση σε διαφορετικό εκπαιδευτικό κλάδο es: pasarelas entre ramas de la educación et: üleminek ühest haridusvaldkonnast teise fi: siirtyminen koulutusalalta toiselle fr: passerelles entre filières d'éducation it: passerelle lt: perkėlimas į kitą švietimo sritį nl: overstap tussen onderwijsvormen pl: drożność między dziedzinami kształcenia pt: Transferência entre ramos de ensino ro: transfer intre ramurile educationale tr: eğitim branşları arasında geçiş UF bridging UF permeability UF seamless movement between branches of education BT transfer RT branch of education transfer of funds MT (04) cs: přesun financí de: Finanztransfer el: μεταφορά κεφαλαίων es: transferencia de fondos et: ressursside ülekandmine fi: varojen siirto fr: transfert de fonds it: trasferimento di fondi lt: lėšų pervedimas nl: overdracht van gelden pl: transfer środków finansowych pt: Transferência de verba ro: transfer de fonduri tr: fonların transferi UF financial flows UF financial transfer BT transfer RT financing TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 644 transition between levels of education MT (02) cs: přechod mezi úrovněmi vzdělávání de: Übergang in eine andere Bildungsstufe el: μετάβαση από ένα εκπαιδευτικό επίπεδο σε άλλο es: transición entre niveles de educación et: üleminek ühelt haridustasemelt teisele fi: siirtyminen koulutustasojen välillä fr: transition entre niveaux d'enseignement it: transizione tra livelli di istruzione lt: perėjimas tarp švietimo lygmenų nl: overgang tussen onderwijsniveaus pl: drożność między poziomami kształcenia pt: Transição entre níveis de ensino ro: tranziţie între nivelurile de învăţământ tr: eğitim kademeleri arasında geçiş NT transition from lower to upper secondary education NT transition from pre-primary to primary education NT transition from primary to lower secondary education NT transition from upper secondary to higher education transition from lower to upper secondary education MT (02) cs: přechod z nižšího na vyšší sekundární vzdělávání de: Übergang vom Sekundarbereich 1 in den Sekundarbereich 2 el: μετάβαση από τον α' κύκλο στον β' κύκλο δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης es: transición de la educación secundaria inferior a la secundaria superior et: üleminek põhikoolist keskkooli fi: siirtyminen yläasteelta lukioon fr: transition entre l'enseignement secondaire inférieur et le secondaire supérieur it: transizione secondaria inferiore-secondaria superiore lt: perėjimas iš pagrindinio į vidurinį ugdymą nl: overgang van lager naar hoger secundair onderwijs pl: przejście z gimnazjum do liceum/technikum pt: Transição secundário primeiro ciclo - secundário segundo ciclo ro: tranzitia de la nivelul secundar inferior la nivelul secundar superior tr: ortaokuldan liseye geçiş UF transition from lower to upper secondary school BT transition between levels of education transition from lower to upper secondary school USE transition from lower to upper secondary education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 645 transition from pre-primary to primary education MT (02) cs: přechod z preprimárního na primární vzdělávání de: Übergang vom Elementarbereich in den Primarbereich el: μετάβαση από την προσχολική στην πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση es: transición de la educación infantil a la educación primaria et: üleminek koolieelsest lasteasutusest kooli fi: siirtyminen esikoulusta ala-asteelle fr: transition entre l'enseignement pré-primaire et l'enseignement primaire it: transizione scuola dell'infanzia-scuola primaria lt: perėjimas iš ikimokyklinio į pradinį ugdymą nl: overgang van pre-primair naar primair onderwijs pl: przejście z przedszkola do szkoły podstawowej pt: Transição educação pré-escolar - ensino básico ro: tarnzitia de la invatamantul prescolar la invamantul primar tr: ana okulundan ilköğretime geçiş UF transition from pre-school to primary school BT transition between levels of education transition from pre-school to primary school USE transition from pre-primary to primary education transition from primary to lower secondary education MT (02) cs: přechod z primárního na nižší sekundární vzdělávání de: Übergang vom Primarbereich in den Sekundarbereich el: μετάβαση από την πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση στον α' κύκλο δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης es: transición de la educación primaria a la secundaria inferior et: üleminek algkoolist keskkooli 1. astmesse fi: siirtyminen ala-asteelta yläasteelle fr: transition de l'enseignement primaire à l'enseignement secondaire inférieur it: transizione scuola primaria-secondaria inferiore lt: perėjimas iš pradinio į pagrindinį ugdymą nl: overgang van basis- naar lager voortgezet onderwijs pl: przejście ze szkoły podstawowej do gimnazjum pt: Transição ensino básico - secundário primeiro ciclo ro: tranzitia de la invatamantul primar la cel secundar tr: ilköğretimden ortaokula geçiş UF transition from primary to lower secondary school BT transition between levels of education transition from primary to lower secondary school USE transition from primary to lower secondary education transition from school to employment USE transition from school to work TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 646 transition from school to work MT (16) cs: přechod ze školy do zaměstnání de: Übergang zur Arbeitswelt el: μετάβαση από το σχολείο στην εργασία es: transición de la escuela al trabajo et: koolist tööle siirdumine fi: siirtyminen koulusta työelämään fr: transition de l'école au travail it: transizione scuola-lavoro lt: perėjimas iš mokyklos į darbo rinką nl: overgang school-maatschappij pl: start zawodowy absolwentów pt: Passagem à vida activa ro: tranzitia de la scoala la munca tr: okuldan çalışma hayatına geçiş UF labour market entry UF occupational integration UF transition from school to employment UF transition to working life RT labour market transition from upper secondary to higher education MT (02) cs: přechod z vyššího sekundárního na terciární vzdělávání de: Übergang vom Sekundarbereich in den Hochschulbereich el: μετάβαση από την δευτεροβάθμια στην ανώτατη εκπαίδευση es: transición de la educación secundaria superior a la educación superior et: üleminek keskkoolist kõrgkooli fi: siirtyminen lukiosta korkea-asteen koulutukseen fr: transition de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur à l'enseignement supérieur it: transizione scuola secondaria-istruzione superiore lt: perėjimas iš vidurinio ugdymo į studijas nl: overgang van hoger secundair naar hoger onderwijs pl: przejście ze szkoły średniej do szkoły wyższej pt: Transição ensino secundário - ensino superior ro: tranzitia de la liceu la facultate tr: liseden yüksek öğrenime geçiş BT transition between levels of education transition to working life USE transition from school to work transnational evaluation USE international evaluation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 647 transparency of qualifications MT (09) cs: transparentnost kvalifikací de: Transparenz von Qualifikationen el: διαφάνεια των προσόντων es: transparencia de las cualificaciones et: kvalifikatsioonide läbipaistvus fi: tutkintojen läpinäkyvyys fr: transparence des qualifications it: trasparenza delle qualifiche lt: kvalifikacijų skaidrumas nl: transparantie van kwalificaties pl: przejrzystość kwalifikacji pt: Transparência de qualificações ro: transparenta calificarilor tr: niteliklerin şeffaflığı SN: The degree of visibility necessary to identify and compare the value of qualifications at sectoral as well as national and international level (Source: Cedefop, European Training Thesaurus, 2001). UF readability of qualifications UF visibility of qualifications RT recognition of diplomas transversal competences USE cross-curricular competences treaty MT (21) cs: smlouva de: Vertrag el: συνθήκη es: tratado et: leping fi: sopimus fr: traité it: trattato lt: sutartis nl: verdrag pl: traktat pt: Tratado ro: tratat tr: antlaşma trend USE time series TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 648 trial period MT (16) cs: zkušební doba de: Probezeit el: δοκιμαστική περίοδος es: período de prueba et: katseaeg fi: koeaika fr: période probatoire it: periodo di prova lt: bandomasis laikotarpis nl: proefperiode pl: okres próbny pt: Período de experiência ro: perioada de proba tr: deneme süresi UF probation period UF probationary period BT employment trimester USE term (period) truancy USE absenteeism tuition fees MT (05) cs: školné de: Studiengebühren el: καταβολή χρημάτων για εκπαιδευτικές υπηρεσίες es: tasas académicas et: õppemaks fi: lukukausimaksut fr: droits de scolarité it: tasse scolastiche lt: mokestis už mokslą nl: lesgelden pl: opłaty za naukę pt: Propina de frequência ro: taxele scolare tr: okul ücretleri SN: Financial contribution of students/pupils toward the cost of education. BT fees TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 649 Turkey MT (19) cs: Turecko de: Türkei el: Τουρκία es: Turquía et: Türgi fi: Turkki fr: Turquie it: Turchia lt: Turkija nl: Turkije pl: Turcja pt: Turquia ro: Turcia tr: Türkiye Turkic languages MT (17) cs: turkické jazyky de: Turksprachen el: Τουρκογενείς γλώσσες es: lenguas túrquicas et: turgi keeled fi: turkkilaiset kielet fr: langues turques it: lingue turche lt: tiurkų kalbos nl: Turkse talen pl: języki turkijskie pt: Línguas turcas ro: limba turca tr: Türki diller BT Altaic languages NT Turkish Turkish MT (17) cs: turečtina de: Türkisch el: Τουρκική γλώσσα es: turco et: türgi keel fi: turkin kieli fr: turc it: turco lt: turkų kalba nl: Turks pl: turecki pt: Turco ro: turcesc tr: Türkçe BT Turkic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 650 Turkmenistan MT (19) cs: Turkmenistán de: Turkmenistan el: Τουρκμενιστάν es: Turkmenistán et: Turkmeenia fi: Turkmenistan fr: Turkménistan it: Turkmenistan lt: Turkmėnistanas nl: Turkmenistan pl: Turkmenistan pt: Turquemenistão ro: Turkmenistan tr: Türkmenistan tutor MT (11) cs: tutor de: Tutor el: καθοδηγητής μελέτης es: profesor particular et: tuutor fi: tutor fr: tuteur it: tutor lt: mokymosi vadovas nl: studiebegeleider pl: tutor pt: Tutor ro: meditator/preparator tr: özel öğretmen SN: Person engaged, often privately, to instruct an individual or small group in a particular subject (Source: ERIC Thesaurus, 2005 online version). BT teaching staff RT individualised teaching tutorial USE tutorial system TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 651 tutorial system MT (08) cs: tutorský systém de: Tutorat el: σύστημα εξατομικευμένης μάθησης es: sistema tutorial et: tuutorisüsteem fi: tutorjärjestelmä fr: tutorat it: tutoraggio lt: korepetitorinė sistema nl: studiebegeleidingssysteem pl: system tutorialny pt: Sistema tutorial ro: sistem de pregatire tr: birebir ders sistemi SN: Educational device to help learners improve their educational progress, in the framework of a personalised relationship with a tutor. UF tutorial BT teaching method twinning of schools MT (11) cs: partnerství škol de: Schul-Twinning el: αδελφοποίηση σχολείων es: hermanamiento de centros et: koolide mestimine fi: ystävyyskoulutoiminta fr: jumelage scolaire it: gemellaggio scolastico lt: mokyklų susigiminiavimas nl: twinning pl: międzynarodowe partnerstwo szkół pt: Geminação de escolas ro: înfrăţire a şcolilor tr: kardeş okul işbirliği SN: Formalised cooperation between schools of different countries or regions with the aim of fostering cultural, linguistic or curriculum subjects competences. BT school partnership type of education USE branch of education type of evaluation USE evaluation method TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 652 Ukraine MT (19) cs: Ukrajina de: Ukraine el: Ουκρανία es: Ucrania et: Ukraina fi: Ukraina fr: Ukraine it: Ucraina lt: Ukraina nl: Oekraïne pl: Ukraina pt: Ucrânia ro: Ucraina tr: Ukrayna Ukrainian MT (17) cs: ukrajinština de: Ukrainisch el: Ουκρανική γλώσσα es: ucraniano et: ukraina keel fi: ukrainan kieli fr: ukrainien it: ucraino lt: ukrainiečių kalba nl: Oekraïens pl: ukraiński pt: Ucraniano ro: ucrainian tr: Ukraynaca BT Slavic languages UN USE United Nations TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 653 underachievement MT (09) cs: nedostatečný výkon de: mangelnde Leistung el: χαμηλότερη απόδοση από την προσδοκούμενη es: bajo rendimiento et: edasijõudmatus fi: alisuoriutuminen fr: résultats insuffisants it: rendimento scarso lt: nepažangumas nl: onderpresteren pl: niedostateczne osiągnięcia w nauce pt: Rendimento escolar insuficiente ro: subachizitie tr: yetersiz başarı UF substandard performance UF underperformance BT learning outcome NT re-assessment NT school failure RT dropout undergraduate MT (11) cs: student bakalářského studia de: Undergraduate-Student el: φοιτητής es: estudiante universitario et: bakalaureuseõppe üliõpilane fi: alemman korkeakoulututkinnon opiskelija fr: étudiant du premier cycle des études supérieures it: studente universitario lt: paskutinio kurso studentas nl: student eerste fase hoger onderwijs pl: student studiów wyższych pierwszego stopnia pt: Estudante do primeiro ciclo dos estudos superiores ro: student tr: lisans öğrencisi BT student undergraduate studies USE bachelor degree studies underperformance USE underachievement unemployed USE unemployment TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 654 unemployment MT (16) cs: nezaměstnanost de: Arbeitslosigkeit el: ανεργία es: paro et: töötus fi: työttömyys fr: chômage it: disoccupazione lt: nedarbas nl: werkloosheid pl: bezrobocie pt: Desemprego ro: somaj tr: işsizlik UF unemployed BT economic data UNESCO MT (20) cs: UNESCO de: UNESCO el: UNESCO es: UNESCO et: UNESCO fi: UNESCO fr: UNESCO it: UNESCO lt: UNESCO nl: UNESCO pl: UNESCO pt: UNESCO ro: UNESCO tr: UNESCO UF United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF MT (20) cs: UNICEF de: UNICEF el: UNICEF es: UNICEF et: UNICEF fi: UNICEF fr: UNICEF it: UNICEF lt: UNICEF nl: UNICEF pl: UNICEF pt: UNICEF ro: UNICEF tr: UNICEF UF United Nations Children's Fund TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 655 unified education system USE single-structure education United Kingdom MT (19) cs: Spojené království de: Vereinigtes Königreich el: Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο es: Reino Unido et: Suurbritannia fi: Iso-Britannia fr: Royaume-Uni it: Regno Unito lt: Jungtinė Karalystė nl: Verenigd Koninkrijk pl: Zjednoczone Królestwo pt: Reino Unido ro: United Kingdom tr: Birleşik Krallık United Nations MT (20) cs: OSN de: Vereinte Nationen el: Ηνωμένα Έθνη es: Naciones Unidas et: ÜRO fi: Yhdistyneet Kansakunnat fr: Nations Unies it: Nazioni Unite lt: Jungtinės Tautos nl: Verenigde Naties pl: Narody Zjednoczone pt: ONU ro: Natiunile Unite tr: Birleşmiş Milletler UF UN UF UNO United Nations Children's Fund USE UNICEF United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USE UNESCO TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 656 United States MT (19) cs: Spojené státy americké de: Vereinigte Staaten el: Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής es: Estados Unidos et: Ameerika Ühendriigid fi: Yhdysvallat fr: États-Unis it: Stati Uniti lt: Jungtinės Valstijos nl: Verenigde Staten pl: Stany Zjednoczone pt: EUA ro: Statele Unite tr: Birleşik Devletler UF United States of America UF USA United States of America USE United States university MT (06) cs: univerzita de: Universität el: πανεπιστήμιο es: universidad et: ülikool fi: yliopisto fr: université it: università lt: universitetas nl: universiteit pl: uniwersytet pt: Universidade ro: universitate tr: üniversite UF university institution BT higher education institution NT university faculty university course USE higher education course TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 657 university faculty MT (06) cs: fakulta de: Fakultät el: πανεπιστημιακή σχολή es: facultad universitaria et: ülikooli teaduskond fi: tiedekunta fr: faculté universitaire it: facoltà universitaria lt: universiteto fakultetas nl: universiteitsfaculteit pl: wydział uniwersytecki pt: Faculdade ro: facultate tr: üniversite akademik personeli BT university NT university institute university institute MT (06) cs: vysokoškolský ústav de: Universitätsinstitut el: πανεπιστημιακό ινστιτούτο es: instituto universitario et: ülikooli instituut fi: yliopiston laitos fr: institut universitaire it: istituto universitario lt: universiteto institutas nl: universitair instituut pl: instytut uniwersytecki pt: Instituto universitário ro: institut universitar tr: enstitü (üniversite) BT university faculty university institution USE university university-industry relationship USE education-industry relation UNO USE United Nations TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 658 unqualified young people MT (11) cs: nekvalifikovaná mládež de: unqualifizierte Jugendliche el: νέοι χωρίς τυπικά προσόντα es: jóvenes sin cualificación et: erihariduseta noored fi: ammattitaidottomat nuoret fr: jeune sans qualification it: giovani senza qualifica lt: nekvalifikuotas jaunuolis nl: ongeschoolde jeugd pl: młodzież bez kwalifikacji pt: Jovens sem qualificação ro: tineri necalificati tr: niteliksiz genç nüfus BT youth upper secondary MT (02) cs: vyšší sekundární úroveň de: Sekundarstufe 2 el: δεύτερος κύκλος δευτεροβάθμιας es: secundaria superior et: keskkooli 2 aste fi: lukio fr: secondaire supérieur it: secondario superiore lt: vidurinis nl: hoger secundair onderwijs pl: szkolnictwo średnie drugiego stopnia pt: Secundário superior ro: învăţământul secundar tr: lise UF ISCED 3 BT secondary education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 659 Uralic languages MT (17) cs: uralské jazyky de: uralische Sprachen el: Ουραλικές γλώσσες es: lenguas urálicas et: Uurali keeled fi: uralilaiset kielet fr: langues ouraliennes it: lingue uraliche lt: Uralo kalbos nl: uralische talen pl: języki uralskie pt: Línguas urálicas ro: limbile din Urali tr: Ural dilleri NT Estonian NT Finnish NT Hungarian NT Sami languages urban USE urban area urban area MT (15) cs: městská oblast de: städtisches Gebiet el: αστική περιοχή es: zona urbana et: linnapiirkond fi: kaupunkialue fr: zone urbaine it: zona urbana lt: miesto vietovė nl: stedelijk gebied pl: obszar miejski pt: Zona urbana ro: zona urbana tr: kentsel alan UF urban BT socio-cultural environment RT urbanisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 660 urbanisation MT (15) cs: urbanizace de: Verstädterung el: αστικοποίηση es: urbanización et: linnastumine fi: kaupungistuminen fr: urbanisation it: urbanizzazione lt: urbanizacija nl: urbanisatie pl: urbanizacja pt: Urbanização ro: urbanizare tr: şehirleşme UF urbanization RT urban area urbanization USE urbanisation USA USE United States user-friendliness MT (06) (13) cs: uživatelská přívětivost de: Benutzerfreundlichkeit el: φιλικό περιβάλλον es: facilidad de uso et: kasutajasõbralikkus fi: käyttäjäystävällisyys fr: convivialité it: user friendly lt: draugiškumas vartotojui nl: gebruiksvriendelijkheid pl: łatwość użytkowania pt: Amigabilidade ro: utilizare prietenoasa tr: kullanım kolaylığı SN: Restricted to computer applications or products (Source: European Education Thesaurus, 1998). RT software TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 661 USSR MT (19) cs: SSSR de: UdSSR el: USSR es: URSS et: Nõukogude Liit fi: Neuvostoliitto fr: URSS it: URSS lt: SSRS nl: USSR pl: ZSRR pt: URSS ro: URSS tr: SSCB SN: From 1922 till 1991. Uzbekistan MT (19) cs: Uzbekistán de: Usbekistan el: Ουζμπεκιστάν es: Uzbekistán et: Usbekistan fi: Uzbekistan fr: Ouzbékistan it: Uzbekistan lt: Uzbekistanas nl: Oezbekistan pl: Uzbekistan pt: Uzbequistão ro: Uzbechistan tr: Özbekistan vacation USE holidays TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 662 Valencian MT (17) cs: valencijština de: Valencianisch el: Βαλενσιανά es: valenciano et: valenciá keel fi: valencian kieli fr: valencien it: valenciano lt: valensiečių kalba nl: Valenciaans pl: walencki pt: Valenciano ro: din Valencia tr: Valensiyaca BT Romance languages validation of educational achievement USE recognition of diplomas Vatican City USE Vatican City State Vatican City State MT (19) cs: Vatikán de: Staat Vatikanstadt el: Βατικανό es: Estado de la Ciudad del Vaticano et: Vatikani Linnriik fi: Vatikaanivaltio fr: État de la Cité du Vatican it: Città del Vaticano lt: Vatikanas nl: Vaticaanstad pl: Państwo Watykan pt: Estado da Cidade do Vaticano ro: Statul Cetate a Vaticanului tr: Vatikan Şehir Devleti UF Vatican City UF Vatican Holy See Vatican Holy See USE Vatican City State TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 663 verbal communication MT (13) cs: verbální komunikace de: verbale Kommunikation el: λεκτική επικοινωνία es: comunicación verbal et: verbaalne suhtlus fi: sanallinen viestintä fr: communication verbale it: comunicazione verbale lt: žodinis bendravimas nl: mondelinge communicatie pl: komunikacja werbalna pt: Comunicação verbal ro: comunicare verbala tr: sözlü iletişim BT communication RT language VET USE vocational education and training veterinary medicine MT (07) cs: veterinární lékařství de: Veterinärmedizin el: κτηνιατρική es: veterinaria et: veterinaarmeditsiin fi: eläinlääketiede fr: médecine vétérinaire it: medicina veterinaria lt: veterinarija nl: diergeneeskunde pl: medycyna weterynaryjna pt: Medicina veterinária ro: medicina veterinara tr: veterinerlik BT health sciences TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 664 vice-chancellor MT (11) cs: rektor de: Rektor el: αντιπρύτανης es: rector et: asekantsler fi: varakansleri fr: recteur it: rettore lt: prorektorius nl: rector magnificus pl: prorektor pt: Reitor ro: vicecancelar tr: rektör yardımcısı UF rector BT non-teaching staff violence MT (10) cs: násilí de: Gewalt el: βία es: violencia et: vägivald fi: väkivalta fr: violence it: violenza lt: smurtas nl: geweld pl: przemoc pt: Violência ro: violenta tr: şiddet UF aggression BT misconduct RT child abuse visibility of qualifications USE transparency of qualifications visual disability USE visual impairment TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 665 visual impairment MT (03) cs: zrakové postižení de: Sehschädigung el: οπτική ανεπάρκεια es: discapacidad visual et: nägemispuue fi: näkövamma fr: déficience visuelle it: disabilità visiva lt: regos sutrikimas nl: gezichtsbeperking pl: upośledzenie widzenia pt: Deficiência visual ro: depreciere vizuala tr: görme engeli UF blindness UF visual disability BT sensory impairment RT braille Vlaams USE Dutch vocational content MT (07) cs: odborná složka vzdělávání de: berufsbildender Bildungsinhalt el: περιεχόμενο επαγγελματικών σπουδών es: contenido profesional et: kutsesisu fi: ammatillinen aines fr: dimension professionnelle du contenu it: dimensione professionale del contenuto lt: profesinio mokymo turinys nl: beroepsinhoud pl: wymiar zawodowy w nauczaniu pt: Conteúdo profissionalizante ro: continut vocational tr: mesleki içerik BT curriculum subject RT vocational education and training vocational education USE vocational education and training TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 666 vocational education and training MT (02) cs: odborné vzdělávání a profesní příprava de: Berufsbildung el: επαγγελματική εκπαίδευση και κατάρτιση es: educación y formación profesional et: kutseharidus ja -koolitus fi: ammatillinen koulutus fr: formation et enseignement professionnels it: istruzione e formazione professionale lt: profesinis mokymas nl: beroepsopleiding en -training pl: kształcenie i szkolenie zawodowe pt: Ensino e formação profissional ro: educatie si formare profesionala tr: mesleki eğitim ve öğretim UF VET UF vocational education UF vocational training BT branch of education RT training type RT vocational content RT vocational qualification RT vocational school vocational guidance MT (09) cs: profesní poradenství de: Berufsberatung el: επαγγελματική καθοδήγηση es: orientación profesional et: kutsesuunitlus fi: ammatinvalinnanohjaus fr: orientation professionnelle it: orientamento professionale lt: profesinis orientavimas nl: beroepskeuzebegeleiding pl: poradnictwo zawodowe pt: Orientação profissional ro: consiliere profesionala tr: mesleki rehberlik SN: Assisting individuals to select their future occupation. UF career guidance BT guidance vocational higher education USE higher education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 667 vocational qualification MT (09) cs: profesní kvalifikace de: berufliche Qualifikation el: επαγγελματικά προσόντα es: cualificación profesional et: kutsekvalifikatsioon fi: ammattitutkinto fr: qualification professionnelle it: qualifica professionale lt: profesinė kvalifikacija nl: beroepskwalificatie pl: kwalifikacje zawodowe pt: Qualificação profissional ro: calificare profesionala tr: mesleki nitelik UF professional qualification BT qualification RT vocational education and training vocational school MT (06) cs: odborná škola de: berufsbildende Schule el: επαγγελματική σχολή es: centro de formación profesional et: kutsekool fi: ammattioppilaitos fr: école professionnelle it: scuola professionale lt: profesinė mokykla nl: school voor beroepsopleiding pl: szkoła średnia o profilu zawodowym pt: Escola profissional ro: scoala profesionala tr: meslek okulu BT school RT vocational education and training vocational training USE vocational education and training TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 668 vocationally-oriented course MT (02) cs: profesně zaměřený kurs de: Berufsbezogener Studiengang el: πρόγραμμα σπουδών με τεχνολογική κατεύθυνση es: curso de cualificación profesional et: kutsesuunitlusega kursus fi: ammatilliset opinnot fr: programme à vocation professionnelle it: programma di orientamento professionale lt: profesinės veiklos kursai nl: beroepsgeoriënteerde opleiding pl: przedmiot zawodowy pt: Curso de vocação profissionalizante ro: curs orientat profesional tr: mesleğe yönelik ders SN: An education programme providing an essentially general education with some elements of vocational training. BT training type voluntary organisation MT (11) cs: dobrovolnická organizace de: Freiwilligenorganisation el: εθελοντικός οργανισμός es: organización de voluntariado et: vabatahtlik ühendus fi: vapaaehtoisjärjestö fr: organisation volontaire it: organizzazione volontaria lt: savanoriška organizacija nl: vrijwilligersorganisatie pl: organizacja ochotnicza pt: Organização voluntária ro: organizatie de voluntariat tr: gönüllü örgütü UF voluntary organization BT organisation voluntary organization USE voluntary organisation wage USE salary TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 669 Wales MT (19) cs: Wales de: Wales el: Ουαλία es: Gales et: Wales fi: Wales fr: Pays de Galles it: Galles lt: Velsas nl: Wales pl: Walia pt: País de Gales ro: Ţara Galilor tr: Galler Walloon Region USE French Community of Belgium webpage USE website website MT (21) cs: webová stránka de: Website el: ιστοσελίδα es: sitio web et: veebileht fi: Internet-sivusto fr: site internet it: sito web lt: tinklalapis nl: webstek pl: portal internetowy pt: Sítio na internet ro: site web tr: internet sitesi UF webpage TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 670 well-being MT (15) cs: osobní pohoda de: Wohlbefinden el: ευημερία es: bienestar et: heaolu fi: hyvinvointi fr: bien-être it: benessere lt: gerovė nl: welzijn pl: dobre samopoczucie pt: Bem-estar ro: bunăstare tr: refah BT health Welsh MT (17) cs: velština de: Walisisch el: Ουαλική γλώσσα es: galés et: kõmri keel fi: kymri fr: gallois it: gallese lt: valų kalba nl: Welsh pl: walijski pt: Galês ro: din ţara galilor tr: Gal dili BT Celtic languages West Africa MT (19) cs: západní Afrika de: Westafrika el: Δυτική Αφρική es: África Occidental et: Lääne-Aafrika fi: Länsi-Afrikka fr: Afrique de l'Ouest it: Africa occidentale lt: Vakarų Afrika nl: West-Afrika pl: Afryka Zachodnia pt: África Ocidental ro: Africa de Vest tr: Batı Afrika TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 671 Western Europe MT (19) cs: západní Evropa de: Westeuropa el: Δυτική Ευρώπη es: Europa Occidental et: Lääne-Euroopa fi: Länsi-Eurooppa fr: Europe de l'Ouest it: Europa occidentale lt: Vakarų Europa nl: West-Europa pl: Europa Zachodnia pt: Europa Ocidental ro: Europa de Vest tr: Batı Avrupa white paper MT (21) cs: bílá kniha de: Weißbuch el: λευκή βίβλος es: libro blanco et: valge raamat fi: valkoinen kirja fr: livre blanc it: libro bianco lt: baltoji knyga nl: witboek pl: biała księga pt: Livro branco ro: Cartea albă tr: eylem raporu SN: A document that outlines the planned action in a given policy area. woman USE female TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 672 work experience MT (02) cs: odborná praxe de: Arbeitserfahrung el: επαγγελματική εμπειρία es: experiencia de trabajo et: töökogemused fi: työharjoittelu fr: expérience du travail it: esperienza di lavoro lt: darbo patirtis nl: werkervaring pl: staż zawodowy pt: Experiência de trabalho ro: experienta de munca tr: iş deneyimi SN: Indicates programmes whereby students/pupils participate, for a fixed period, in work in industry, commerce or other fields (Source: Adapted from European Education Thesaurus, 1998). UF job experience BT apprenticeship work placement USE practical training work programme MT (21) cs: plán práce de: Arbeitsprogramm el: πρόγραμμα εργασίας es: programa de trabajo et: töökava fi: työohjelma fr: programme de travail it: programma di lavoro lt: veiklos programa nl: werkprogramma pl: program pracy pt: Programa de trabalho ro: program de munca tr: çalışma programı work-based learning USE practical training TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 673 working conditions MT (16) cs: pracovní podmínky de: Arbeitsbedingungen el: συνθήκες εργασίας es: condiciones de trabajo et: töötingimused fi: työolosuhteet fr: conditions de travail it: condizioni di lavoro lt: darbo sąlygos nl: werkomstandigheden pl: warunki pracy pt: Condições de trabalho ro: conditii de munca tr: çalışma şartları SN: Physical and contractual conditions of a job. UF conditions of service UF employment conditions NT job security NT leave NT period of notice NT salary NT working time working contract USE employment contract working group MT (15) cs: pracovní skupina de: Arbeitsgruppe el: ομάδα εργασίας es: grupo de trabajo et: töörühm fi: työryhmä fr: groupe de travail it: gruppo di lavoro lt: darbo grupė nl: werkgroep pl: grupa robocza pt: Grupo de trabalho ro: grup de lucru tr: çalışma grubu BT group TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 674 working paper MT (21) cs: pracovní materiál de: Arbeitspapier el: κείμενο εργασίας es: documento de trabajo et: töövariant (dokumendi) fi: valmisteluasiakirja fr: document de travail it: documento di lavoro lt: darbo dokumentas nl: werkdocument pl: dokument roboczy pt: Documento de trabalho ro: document de lucru tr: çalışma belgesi working student MT (11) cs: pracující student de: Werkstudent el: εργαζόμενος φοιτητής es: estudiante trabajador et: töötav üliõpilane fi: työssäkäyvä opiskelija fr: étudiant travailleur it: studente lavoratore lt: dirbantis studentas nl: werkstudent pl: student pracujący pt: Estudante trabalhador ro: activitatea studentului tr: çalışan öğrenci BT student TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 675 working time MT (16) cs: pracovní doba de: Arbeitszeit el: χρόνος απασχόλησης es: jornada laboral et: tööaeg fi: työaika fr: temps de travail it: tempo di lavoro lt: darbo laikas nl: werktijd pl: czas pracy pt: Horário de trabalho ro: timp de lucru tr: çalışma zamanı UF hours of work UF workload BT working conditions NT overtime workload USE working time workplace USE place of work workplace training USE in-service training World Bank MT (20) cs: Světová banka de: Weltbank el: Παγκόσμια Τράπεζα es: Banco Mundial et: Maailmapank fi: Maailmanpankki fr: Banque mondiale it: Banca Mondiale lt: Pasaulio Bankas nl: Wereldbank pl: Bank Światowy pt: Banco Mundial ro: Banca Mondiala tr: Dünya Bankası TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 676 writing MT (07) cs: psaní de: Schreiben el: γραφή es: escritura et: kirjutamine fi: kirjoittaminen fr: écriture it: scrittura lt: rašymas nl: schrijven pl: pisanie pt: Escrita ro: scriere tr: yazma BT language teaching written examination MT (09) cs: písemná zkouška de: schriftliche Prüfung el: γραπτή εξέταση es: examen escrito et: kirjalik eksam fi: kirjallinen koe fr: examen écrit it: esame scritto lt: egzaminas raštu nl: schriftelijk examen pl: egzamin pisemny pt: Exame escrito ro: examinare scrisa tr: yazılı sınav BT examination written skills MT (10) cs: písemný projev de: schriftliche Sprachkompetenz el: δεξιότητες γραφής es: competencias de escritura et: kirjutamisoskus fi: kirjalliset taidot fr: compétences d'écriture it: competenze di scrittura lt: rašymo gebėjimai nl: schrijfvaardigheden pl: umiejętności pisania pt: Competências de escrita ro: abilitati de scriere tr: yazma becerileri BT language skills TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 677 written work MT (08) cs: písemná práce de: schriftliche Arbeit el: γραπτή εργασία es: ejercicio escrito et: kirjalik töö fi: kirjallinen työ fr: exercice écrit it: esercizio scritto lt: rašto darbas nl: schriftelijk werk pl: praca pisemna pt: Exercício escrito ro: lucrare scrisa tr: yazılı ödev BT exercise yearbook MT (21) cs: ročenka de: Jahrbuch el: επετηρίδα es: anuario et: aastaraamat fi: vuosikirja fr: annuaire it: annuario lt: metinė knyga nl: jaarboek pl: rocznik pt: Anuário ro: anuar tr: yıllık Yiddish MT (17) cs: jidiš de: Jiddisch el: εβραιογερμανική διάλεκτος es: yidis et: jidiš fi: Jiddiš fr: yiddish it: yiddish lt: jidiš kalba nl: Jiddisch pl: jidysz pt: Yiddish ro: Idiş tr: Alman İbranicesi BT Germanic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 678 youth MT (11) cs: mládež de: Jugend el: νεότητα es: juventud et: noored fi: nuoriso fr: jeunesse it: giovane lt: jaunuolis nl: jeugd pl: młodzież pt: Juventude ro: tineret tr: gençlik NT adolescent NT unqualified young people youth organisation MT (11) cs: organizace mládeže de: Jugendorganisation el: οργάνωση νεολαίας es: organización juvenil et: noorteorganisatsioon fi: nuorisojärjestö fr: organisation de jeunesse it: organizzazione giovanile lt: jaunimo organizacija nl: jeugdorganisatie pl: organizacja młodzieżowa pt: Organização juvenil ro: organizatie de tineret tr: gençlik kuruluşu UF youth organization BT organisation youth organization USE youth organisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 679 youth protection MT (11) cs: ochrana mládeže de: Jugendschutz el: προστασία της νεότητας es: protección del menor et: noortekaitse fi: nuorten suojelu fr: protection de la jeunesse it: protezione della gioventù lt: jaunimo apsauga nl: jeugdbescherming pl: opieka nad młodzieżą pt: Protecção à juventude ro: protectia tinerilor tr: gençliğin korunması BT social service youth worker MT (11) cs: pracovník s mládeží de: Jugendbetreuer el: νεαρός εργάτης es: animador sociocultural et: noortetöötaja fi: nuorisotyöntekijä fr: animateur socio-éducatif it: animatore socio-educativo lt: jaunimo darbuotojas nl: jeugdwerker pl: pracownik młodociany pt: Animador socioeducativo ro: tanar lucrator tr: gençlere hizmet görevlisi BT non-teaching staff RT social service Yugoslavia USE Territories of the former Yugoslavia TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Alphabetic display 680 ability USE skill study study period leave of abroad abroad USE study abroad absence absenteeism abstract USE summary child abuse drug abuse academic freedom USE educational freedom academic qualification USE general education certificate academic term USE term (period) academic year beginning of the duration of the academic year USE duration of the academic year academic year end of the academic year USE duration of the academic year length of the academic year USE duration of the academic year National Academic Recognition Information Centres USE NARIC acceding country USE candidate country accelerated course USE intensive course access for the disabled access to education access to employment Internet access open access restricted access accession country USE candidate country pre- accession country USE candidate country accident USE safety student accommodation USE student housing accountability accreditation accreditation of prior learning achievement control USE evaluation of students achievement level USE learning standard achievement test USE examination educational achievement USE learning outcome International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement USE IEA recognition of educational achievement USE recognition of diplomas validation of educational achievement USE recognition of diplomas skill acquisition USE skill development TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 1 act USE legislation Community legal act USE European Union law European Union legal act USE European Union law action Community action USE European Union action Community action programme USE European Union action disciplinary action USE sanction EU action USE European Union action EU action programme USE European Union action European Union action European Union action programme USE European Union action Integrated Action Programme for Lifelong Learning USE Lifelong Learning Programme preventive action USE prevention artistic activities USE art education creative activities cultural activities directed activities educational activities extra-curricular activities leisure activities open air activities USE outdoor activities outdoor activities recreational school socio-cultural activities USE leisure activities activities activities USE cultural activities activity coordinator activity method promotional drug activity addiction USE drug abuse administration educational financial local regional school administration administration USE financial management administration USE educational administration + local level administration USE educational administration + regional level administration USE school management administrative document administrative level administrative personnel USE administrative staff administrative staff administrative structure admission procedure TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 2 admission requirements admissions USE entry to school adolescence USE adolescent adolescent adopted child USE adoption adoption adult education adult education institution adult illiteracy USE adult literacy adult learner adult learning USE adult education adult literacy adult-child interaction USE adult-child relation adult-child ratio USE student-teacher ratio adult-child relation child- adult ratio USE student-teacher ratio pupils per career adult USE student-teacher ratio advancement advertising advertising campaign USE advertising adviser USE advisory body advising USE guidance advisory body Africa Central Africa East Africa North Africa Southern Africa West Africa Afro-Asiatic languages looked after children USE children in public care age mental mixed school entry school starting Community decentralised age age class age USE school starting age age agency USE European Union agency agency of the European Union USE European Union agency EC agency USE European Union agency EU agency USE European Union agency European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 3 European Union agency agenda aggression USE violence international agreement agriculture (economic sector) audiovisual aid USE audiovisual equipment financial aid USE financial support teaching aid USE teaching resources instructional aids USE teaching resources aims of education educational open aims USE aims of education air activities USE outdoor activities Albania Albanian Alemannic Alemannisch USE Alemannic Aleut USE Eskimo-Aleut languages Eskimo- Aleut languages algebra USE mathematics all through school USE single-structure education all-day school USE full-day school school for all USE inclusive education resource allocation family allowance regional languages of Alsace USE Alemannic Alsatian USE Alemannic Altaic languages alternance training alternate work and learning USE alternance training alternating training USE alternance training alternative educational offer USE alternative educational provision alternative educational provision alternative school USE alternative educational provision America Central America Latin America North America South America United States of America USE United States comparative analysis statistical analysis TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 4 Ancient Greek Andalusia Autonomous Community of Andalusia USE Andalusia Andorra Saxony Anhalt USE Saxony-Anhalt Saxony- Anhalt animateur USE activity coordinator annual report Antarctica APL USE accreditation of prior learning applied arts applied sciences appraisal USE evaluation teacher appraisal USE evaluation of teachers apprentice USE apprenticeship apprenticeship interdisciplinary approach approved school USE correctional education aptitude USE skill Arabic Aragon Autonomous Community of Aragon USE Aragon architecture archives European Economic Area European Higher Education Area priority area rural area urban area ARION USE study visit arithmetic USE mathematics Armenia Armenian arrangement of school time classroom space holiday arrangement USE space arrangement arrangement arrangements USE school calendar art art education art school article TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 5 artificial intelligence artificial languages artistic activities USE art education applied liberal arts arts USE humanities Asia Central Asia South East Asia USE South-East Asia South-East Asia Southeast Southern Asia USE South-East Asia Asia Afro- Asiatic languages European Assembly USE European Parliament assessment USE evaluation assessment method USE evaluation method assessment result USE evaluation result certified intelligence international Programme for International Student pupil assessment USE certification assessment USE intelligence test assessment USE international evaluation Assessment USE PISA assessment USE evaluation of students re- assessment self- assessment USE self-evaluation student fixed assessment USE evaluation of students assets USE capital resources assignment of staff social assistance USE social service assistant associate student USE non-enrolled student association Association for Teacher Education in Europe USE ATEE European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education USE ENQA European Association of Institutions in Higher Education USE EURASHE European Free Trade Association USE EFTA European University Association USE EUA International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement USE IEA parents' association professional association student association USE student organisation teacher association European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education USE ENQA TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 6 European Network for Quality quality Assurance in Higher Education USE ENQA assurance Asturia USE Principality of Asturias Asturian Asturias USE Principality of Asturias Autonomous Community of the Principality of Principality of Asturias USE Principality of Asturias Asturias asylum seeker USE refugee ATEE school atmosphere USE classroom climate attainment level USE learning standard attainment target USE aims of education attainment test USE examination educational attainment USE learning outcome attendance school attendance USE attendance attitude attitude towards learning USE attitude towards school attitude towards school audiovisual aid USE audiovisual equipment audiovisual equipment audiovisual programme skills EC Court of European Court of audit Auditors USE European Court of Auditors Auditors auditory impairment USE hearing impairment Australia Austria central competent educational level of local authority USE national level authority USE educational authority authority authority USE educational authority authority USE local level national authority USE national level regional authority USE regional level top level authority USE national level autism autistic USE autism Autonomous Community of Andalusia USE Andalusia Autonomous Community of Aragon USE Aragon Autonomous Community of Canary Islands USE Canary Islands TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 7 Autonomous Community of Cantabria USE Cantabria Autonomous Community of Castile-La Mancha USE Castile-La Mancha Autonomous Community of Castile-Leon USE Castile-Leon Autonomous Community of Catalonia USE Catalonia Autonomous Community of Extremadura USE Extremadura Autonomous Community of la Rioja USE Rioja Autonomous Community of Navarre USE Navarre Autonomous Community of the Basque Country USE Basque Country Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias USE Principality of Asturias Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia USE Murcia autonomous learning USE independent learning autonomy financial autonomy institutional autonomy learner personal school teacher autonomy USE independent learning autonomy autonomy USE institutional autonomy autonomy average income European average awarding body Azerbaijan BA/MA reform USE Bologna Process Bable USE Asturian European Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate bachelor degree studies bachelor's USE bachelor's degree bachelor's degree bachelor's qualification USE bachelor's degree cultural background USE cultural identity disadvantaged background social background Baden-Wurtemberg Baden-Württemberg USE Baden-Wurtemberg Balearic Islands Balkans Baltic languages Baltic States World Bank TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 8 language barrier basic education basic salary basic skills basic subject USE common core curriculum basic training new Autonomous Community of the basic skills USE basic skills Basque Country USE Basque Country Basque Basque Country Basque languages battered child USE child abuse Bavaria beginning of compulsory education USE duration of compulsory education beginning of the academic year USE duration of the academic year beginning of the school year USE duration of the school year behaviour social behaviour well- being Belarus Belarusan Belarusian USE Belarusan Belarussian USE Belarusan Belgium Dutch-speaking Community of Belgium USE Flemish Community of Belgium Flemish Community of Belgium French Community of Belgium French-speaking German-speaking Community of Belgium USE French Community of Belgium Belgium benchmark benchmarking USE benchmark benefit USE financial support Berlin best practice best procedure USE best practice bibliography bilingual education USE content and language integrated learning bilingualism bill USE legislation biology birth rate TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 9 blended learning blindness USE visual impairment block grant block release USE alternance training block teaching board of examiners board of governors USE governing body examining board USE board of examiners governing board USE governing body school board boarder USE boarding school boarding school advisory body awarding body Community body USE European Union body consultative body USE advisory body decision-making body USE educational authority EC body USE European Union body EU body USE European Union body European Union body examination body USE board of examiners examining body USE board of examiners governing body legislative body management organising supervisory body USE governing body body body USE governing body Bologna Process school book USE textbook Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia Herzegovina USE Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina USE Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnian boy boys' school braille brain drain branch of education branch of schooling USE branch of education branch of study USE branch of education seamless movement between branches of education USE transfer between branches of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 10 transfer between branches of education Brandenburg break career break breakdown (statistics) Bremen Breton bridging USE transfer between branches of education brother USE family Brussels Capital Region Brussels Region USE Brussels Capital Region Buddhism education budget USE educational expenditure budgetary control USE financial control building USE educational facilities Bulgaria Bulgarian bullying International Bureau of Education USE IBE calendar school advertising calendar campaign USE advertising campus Canaanite Canada Autonomous Community of Canary Islands USE Canary Islands Canary Islands cancellation of lesson candidate country candidate teacher USE trainee teacher Autonomous Community of Cantabria USE Cantabria Cantabria canteen USE school meal capability USE skill capacity USE skill per capita expenditure per capita funding Brussels Capital Region capital resources human children in public capital care TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 11 day care day care centre USE day care health pastoral care care USE guidance career career advancement career break career change career development USE career advancement career guidance USE vocational guidance career profile USE career structure career structure school career caregiver USE educational childcare staff caretaker Caribbean USE Caribbean Islands Caribbean Islands case study support in cash USE financial support Autonomous Community of Castile-La Mancha USE Castile-La Mancha Autonomous Community of Castile-Leon USE Castile-Leon Castile and La Mancha USE Castile-La Mancha Castile and Leon USE Castile-Leon Castile-La Mancha Castile-Leon Castilian Catalan catalogue Autonomous Community of Catalonia USE Catalonia Catalonia ex- cathedra teaching USE formal lecturing Catholicism cause CEC USE European Commission Cedefop CEEC USE Eastern Europe Celtic languages Central Africa Central America Central and Eastern Europe USE Eastern Europe Central and Eastern European Countries USE Eastern Europe TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 12 Central Asia central authority USE national level central level USE national level centralisation centralization USE centralisation childcare centre USE day care community centre cultural centre day care documentation European information recreation centre USE day care centre USE information centre Centre for the Development of Vocational Training USE Cedefop centre centre USE leisure facilities research centre training centre European Network of Information National Academic Recognition Information Centres USE ENIC Centres USE NARIC certificate entrance certificate USE entry certificate entry certificate general education certificate leaving certificate USE school-leaving certificate school-leaving certificate equivalence of certificates certification certified assessment USE certification certified evaluation USE certification vice- chancellor career change change of residence recruitment channel USE recruitment procedure charitable institution USE charity charity cheating chemistry adopted child USE adoption adult- child interaction USE adult-child relation adult- child ratio USE student-teacher ratio adult- child relation battered child USE child abuse child TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 13 child abuse child at risk child development child labour child placement child protection child rearing child-adult ratio USE student-teacher ratio father- child relation USE parent-child relation mother- child relation USE parent-child relation parent- child relation rights of the child childcare childcare centre USE day care childcare facilities USE childcare childcare provision USE childcare educational childcare staff childhood USE child early childhood education USE pre-primary education children in public care children's and youth literature looked after United Nations children USE children in public care Children's Fund USE UNICEF China Chinese choice of school choice of studies choice of training parental choice Christianity church USE religious organisation cinema citizen citizen participation citizenship education USE civics citizenship learning USE civics citizenship training USE civics education for European citizenship USE civics citizenship Vatican City USE Vatican City State Vatican City State TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 14 civic education USE civics civic values civics civil engineering civil law USE legislation civil rights civil servant USE civil service civil service civil society USE citizen participation civilisation civilization USE civilisation CJEC USE European Court of Justice class class composition USE grouping class council class management class outing USE school visit class size class teacher USE form teacher class-time USE taught time curriculum support class evening class heterogeneous class homogeneous class learning support mixed age mixed-group class USE curriculum support class class class USE heterogeneous class preparatory class promotion to the next class social class USE social background classical studies classics USE classical studies classification NUTS classification USE NUTS regions classroom classroom arrangement USE space arrangement classroom climate classroom practice USE teaching practice classwork numerus clausus cleaning USE maintenance and repair TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 15 clerical personnel USE administrative staff CLIL USE content and language integrated learning classroom climate school climate USE classroom climate school closure club Organisation for E conomic Co-operation and Development USE OECD coalition code of conduct USE professional code professional code coeducation coeducational school cognitive development cognitive needs USE intellectual disability economic and social cohesion cohesive society USE economic and social cohesion cohort (statistics) collaborative learning USE group learning data collection collective learning USE group learning college of education USE teacher education institution teacher training college USE teacher education institution combined school and workplace course USE alternance training Comenius Commission of the European Communities USE European Commission EC Commission USE European Commission European Commission European Commissioner Committee of the Regions EC Economic and Social European Economic and Social European Trade Union Committee USE European Economic and Social Committee Committee Committee for Education USE ETUCE common core curriculum commune USE local level communication communication skills USE communicative competences information and non-verbal speech, language and verbal communication technology USE ICT communication communication needs USE language impairment communication communicative competences TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 16 Commission of the European Council of the European Communities USE European Commission Communities USE Council of the European Union European Communities USE European Union European Communities institution USE European Union institution Statistical Office of the European Communities USE Eurostat Autonomous Community of Andalusia USE Andalusia Autonomous Community of Aragon USE Aragon Autonomous Community of Canary Islands USE Canary Islands Autonomous Community of Cantabria USE Cantabria Autonomous Community of Castile-La Mancha USE Castile-La Mancha Autonomous Community of Castile-Leon USE Castile-Leon Autonomous Community of Catalonia USE Catalonia Autonomous Community of Extremadura USE Extremadura Autonomous Community of la Rioja USE Rioja Autonomous Community of Navarre USE Navarre Autonomous Community of the Basque Country USE Basque Country Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias USE Principality of Asturias Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia USE Murcia community Community action USE European Union action Community action programme USE European Union action Community agency USE European Union agency Community body USE European Union body community centre Community decision USE European Union decision Community directive USE European Union directive community education USE community studies community home USE correctional education Community initiative USE European Union action Community institution USE European Union institution community involvement USE school-community relation community language Community law USE European Union law Community legal act USE European Union law Community legislation USE European Union law Community level USE European level Community of Madrid Community of Valencia Community policy USE European Union policy Community programme USE European Union action Community recommendation USE European Union recommendation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 17 Community regulation USE European Union regulation Community resolution USE European Union resolution community studies Dutch-speaking European Community of Belgium USE Flemish Community of Belgium Community USE European Union Flemish Community USE Flemish Community of Belgium Flemish Community of Belgium French Community USE French Community of Belgium French Community of Belgium German speaking Community USE German-speaking Community of Belgium German-speaking Community of Belgium language community USE linguistic community linguistic community local community school- community relation school- community relationship USE school-community relation in- company training USE in-service training comparability of qualifications comparative analysis comparative education comparative study USE comparative analysis compatibility competence communicative competences cross-curricular competences inter-curricular competences USE cross-curricular competences inventory of competences USE skills audit key competences USE basic skills minimum competences social competences subject-independent subject-specific transversal key minimum competences USE cross-curricular competences competences competences USE cross-curricular competences competencies USE basic skills competencies USE minimum competences competent authority USE educational authority competition inter-institutional inter-school competition competition USE inter-institutional competition competitive examination complaint procedure TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 18 class composition USE grouping comprehension comprehensive school comprehensive secondary school USE comprehensive school beginning of compulsory education USE duration of compulsory education compulsory education compulsory schooling USE compulsory education compulsory subject duration of compulsory education end of compulsory education USE duration of compulsory education length of compulsory education USE duration of compulsory education post- compulsory education computer computer game computer literacy computer network computer penetration computer science computer usage computer-aided learning USE computer-assisted learning computer-assisted instruction USE computer-assisted learning computer-assisted learning computer-based learning USE computer-assisted learning didactic use of home household personal educational use of computer USE computer-assisted learning computer computer USE home computer computer USE computer computers USE computer-assisted learning conclusion Council conclusions concurrent model conditions of service USE working conditions employment conditions USE working conditions learning conditions USE learning context working conditions code of conduct USE professional code conference conference paper conference report USE proceedings self- confidence conflict TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 19 conflict resolution USE dispute settlement Confucianism congress USE conference consecutive model consequence USE outcome constitution European school Constitution USE European Union + constitution construction consultation consultative body USE advisory body consultative council USE advisory body consumer education USE economics consumption contact time for instruction USE teaching load content and language integrated learning content of learning e-learning content vocational content learning context continuation of education USE adult education continuing education USE adult education continuing professional development continuity of education didactic continuity USE continuity of education educational continuity USE continuity of education continuous evaluation employment contract fixed-term contract labour limited-term permanent contract USE employment contract contract USE fixed-term contract contract training-employment contract USE employment contract working contract USE employment contract financial contribution by parents USE parental contribution parental contribution achievement budgetary financial quality control USE evaluation of students control USE financial control control control USE quality assurance cooperation European cooperation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 20 inter-university cooperation international cooperation activity coordinator CoR USE Committee of the Regions common core curriculum core curriculum USE common core curriculum core skills USE basic skills correctional education correctional institution USE correctional education correspondence education USE distance learning school correspondence Corsican cost of education USE educational expenditure cost of living class consultative council council USE advisory body Council conclusions Council of Europe Council of European Ministers USE Council of the European Union Council of Ministers USE Council of the European Union Council of the European Communities USE Council of the European Union Council of the European Union Council of the Union USE Council of the European Union Council Presidency (European Union) EC education EU European European Union Council USE Council of the European Union council Council USE Council of the European Union Council Council USE Council of the European Union Nordic Council countries USE Nordic countries school council counselling USE guidance counsellor USE guidance officer Central and Eastern European Countries USE Eastern Europe Mediterranean countries Nordic Council countries USE Nordic countries Nordic countries acceding country USE candidate country accession country USE candidate country Autonomous Community of the Basque Basque Country USE Basque Country Country TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 21 candidate country country of origin country report cross- country evaluation USE international evaluation EU country EU country mean USE European average home country USE country of origin host country non-EU country OECD country pre-accession receiving accelerated combined school and workplace country USE candidate country country USE host country course USE intensive course course USE alternance training course course exemption course programme course structure day-release course USE alternance training elective course USE optional course evening course USE evening class higher education course integrated course intensive course introductory course USE preparatory class modular course optional course preparatory sandwich summer tertiary education training university vocationally-oriented course USE preparatory class course USE alternance training course USE summer school course USE higher education course course USE training programme course USE higher education course course courseware USE educational software court (law) EC Court of Auditors USE European Court of Auditors EC Court of Justice USE European Court of Justice European Court of Auditors European Court of Justice crafts TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 22 creative activities creativity credit system credit transfer European Credit Transfer System credits USE credit system learning credits USE credit system Creole Creole languages evaluation criterion critical sense Croatia Croatian cross-country evaluation USE international evaluation cross-curricular competences cross-curricular theme USE interdisciplinary approach cultural activities cultural background USE cultural identity cultural centre cultural diversity USE cultural pluralism cultural event USE cultural activities cultural exchange USE exchange visit cultural heritage USE cultural identity cultural identity cultural pluralism cultural relations USE intercultural relations socio- cultural activities USE cultural activities socio- cultural environment socio- cultural influences USE socio-cultural environment United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USE UNESCO culture cross- curricular competences cross- curricular theme USE interdisciplinary approach extra- curricular activities inter- curricular competences USE cross-curricular competences common core core curriculum curriculum USE common core curriculum curriculum curriculum design USE curriculum development curriculum development curriculum organisation USE curriculum development TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 23 curriculum reform curriculum review USE curriculum development curriculum subject curriculum support curriculum support class hidden curriculum integrated curriculum USE interdisciplinary approach minimum curriculum USE common core curriculum cycle of education USE educational stage first study cycle USE bachelor degree studies first- cycle studies USE bachelor degree studies second study cycle USE master degree studies second- cycle studies USE master degree studies study cycle Cyprus Czech Czech Republic Czechoslovakia Danish data collection data processing demographic data USE population statistics economic data electronic data processing USE data processing raw data statistical data database all- day school USE full-day school day care day care centre USE day care day nursery USE day care day-release course USE alternance training full- day school school day deaf USE hearing impairment deafness USE hearing impairment debate decentralisation geographical decentralisation decentralised agency of the European Union USE European Union agency decentralization USE decentralisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 24 geographical Community decentralization USE geographical decentralisation decision USE European Union decision decision-making body USE educational authority decision-making level USE educational authority European Union decision decree USE legislation bachelor bachelor's degree studies degree degree USE higher education diploma doctoral joint master master's degree USE doctorate degree degree studies degree delinquency delinquent USE delinquency demand for education demand for graduates demand for teachers educational demand USE demand for education democracy German Democratic Republic democratisation of education demographic data USE population statistics demographic indicator USE population statistics demography USE population Denmark denominational education USE denominational school denominational school population density USE population distribution department of education USE ministry of education government- dependent private school USE grant-aided private school curriculum career design USE curriculum development development USE career advancement child development cognitive development continuing professional development curriculum development development European Agency for European Centre for the intellectual Development in Special Needs Education Development of Vocational Training USE Cedefop development USE cognitive development TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 25 mental motor Organisation for Economic Co-operation and physical psychomotor school skill social staff development USE cognitive development development Development USE OECD development development USE motor development development plan development development USE socialisation development USE in-service training devolution USE decentralisation dialect dictionary didactic continuity USE continuity of education didactic use of computer USE computer-assisted learning didactics gender differences USE gender equality differentiated teaching learning difficulty reading difficulty digital literacy USE computer literacy European dimension international dimension diploma USE certificate Diploma Supplement higher education IB mutual recognition of recognition of diploma Diploma USE International Baccalaureate diplomas USE recognition of diplomas diplomas directed activities self- directed learning USE self-instruction Community European Union directive USE European Union directive directive directory people with disabilities disability hearing disability USE hearing impairment intellectual disability physical disability visual access for the disability USE visual impairment disabled disadvantaged USE disadvantaged background TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 26 disadvantaged background socially disadvantaged USE disadvantaged background disaffection from school USE school disaffection school disaffection disciplinary action USE sanction school discipline gender discrepancy USE gender equality discrimination positive racial learner discrimination discrimination USE racism disengagement USE dropout dismissal disorder USE disability motor disorder USE physical disability dispute settlement information dissemination distance education USE distance learning distance learning distance study USE distance learning Open and Distance Learning USE distance learning distribution of educational institutions USE school distribution distribution of pupils USE distribution of students distribution of students income distribution population distribution school distribution cultural diversity USE cultural pluralism language diversity USE linguistic diversity linguistic diversity school doctor doctoral degree USE doctorate doctoral programme USE doctoral studies doctoral qualification USE doctorate doctoral studies doctoral thesis USE thesis doctorate administrative document electronic document documentalist USE librarian documentation documentation centre USE information centre TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 27 gross domestic product USE economic data donation brain drain drama drawing dropout drug abuse drug addiction USE drug abuse drugs USE drug abuse dual education USE alternance training duration duration of compulsory education duration of education USE duration of studies duration of studies duration of the academic year duration of the school year Dutch Dutch-speaking Community of Belgium USE Flemish Community of Belgium duties USE responsibility e-learning e-learning content e-mail early childhood education USE pre-primary education early learning early retirement East Africa Far East Middle East South East Asia USE South-East Asia South- East Asia Central and Eastern Europe USE Eastern Europe Central and Eastern European Countries USE Eastern Europe Eastern Europe EC agency USE European Union agency EC body USE European Union body EC Commission USE European Commission EC Council USE Council of the European Union EC Court of Auditors USE European Court of Auditors EC Court of Justice USE European Court of Justice EC Economic and Social Committee USE European Economic and Social Committee TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 28 EC ESC USE European Economic and Social Committee ecology USE environmental education agriculture ( economic sector) EC Economic and Social Committee USE European Economic and Social Committee economic and social cohesion economic data economic factor economic resources European Economic and Social Committee European Economic Area Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development USE OECD economics economics of education educational economics USE economics of education economy knowledge economy USE knowledge society ECTS USE European Credit Transfer System access to education adult education adult education institution aims of education art education Association for Teacher basic beginning of compulsory bilingual branch of Education in Europe USE ATEE education education USE duration of compulsory education education USE content and language integrated learning education citizenship education USE civics civic education USE civics college of community education USE teacher education institution education USE community studies comparative education compulsory education consumer education USE economics continuation of education USE adult education continuing education USE adult education continuity of education correctional education correspondence cost of education USE distance learning education USE educational expenditure TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 29 cycle of education USE educational stage demand for education democratisation of education denominational department of distance dual duration of compulsory duration of early childhood economics of education USE denominational school education USE ministry of education education USE distance learning education USE alternance training education education USE duration of studies education USE pre-primary education education education education budget USE educational expenditure education council education for a sustainable environment USE environmental education education for citizenship USE civics education for initiative USE enterprise education education for leisure USE leisure education education for peace education grant education in the home USE home education education market education marketplace USE education market education ministry USE ministry of education education officer education participation rate education policy education policy-maker education policy-making USE education policy-maker education provider USE organising body education system education voucher education-industry relation education-oriented pre-primary level elementary end of compulsory education USE primary education education USE duration of compulsory education enterprise education environmental education European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education European Association for Quality Assurance in TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 30 Higher European Association of Institutions in Higher European Higher Education USE ENQA Education USE EURASHE Education Area European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher European Network on Teacher European Trade Union Committee for Education USE ENQA Education Policies USE ENTEP Education USE ETUCE evaluation of the education system evidence-based education USE evidence-based policy family education financing of education formal education free education fundamental further education USE basic education education of teachers USE in-service teacher training general education general education certificate general education qualification USE general education certificate general higher education USE general education + higher education globalisation of education health education higher education higher education course higher education diploma higher education institution higher education qualification USE higher education diploma higher education study USE higher education course history of education home education inclusive education informal education USE informal learning initial education USE initial training initial teacher education intercultural education International Bureau of international leisure length of compulsory Education USE IBE education USE international studies education education USE duration of compulsory education level of education management education mass education USE democratisation of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 31 media education minister of education ministry of education mobile monitoring of the moral multicultural music education services education system USE evaluation of the education system education education USE intercultural education education non-formal education USE non-formal learning non-public education USE private education non-university higher education institution nutrition education out-of-school education phase of education USE educational stage philosophy of education physical education planning of post-compulsory education USE educational planning education post-secondary non-higher education USE post-secondary non-tertiary education post-secondary non-tertiary education pre-primary education pre-primary education-oriented institution pre-primary non- education oriented institution pre-school education USE pre-primary education primary education principles of education prison education USE correctional education private education public education quality of education religious education return to education USE return to learning right to road safety safety school-based sciences of seamless movement between branches of secondary secretary of state for separate special education education USE safety education education education USE schooling education education USE transfer between branches of education education education USE minister of education education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 32 sex education single-structure education sociology of education special special needs education USE separate special education education stage of education USE educational stage structure of education USE education system structure of the system of education system USE education system education USE education system teacher education teacher education institution teacher education model technical education tertiary education USE higher education tertiary education course USE higher education course transfer between branches of education transition between levels of education transition from lower to upper secondary education transition from pre-primary to primary education transition from primary to lower secondary education transition from upper secondary to higher education type of education USE branch of education unified education system USE single-structure education vocational education USE vocational education and training vocational education and training vocational higher education USE higher education alternative educational offer USE alternative educational provision alternative educational provision distribution of educational institutions USE school distribution educational achievement USE learning outcome educational activities educational administration educational aims USE aims of education educational attainment USE learning outcome educational authority educational childcare staff educational continuity USE continuity of education educational demand USE demand for education educational economics USE economics of education educational establishment USE educational institution educational expenditure TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 33 educational expert educational facilities educational freedom educational game educational goal USE aims of education educational guidance educational innovation educational institution educational leave educational legislation educational level USE level of education educational material USE teaching resources educational method USE teaching method educational objective USE aims of education educational offer USE educational provision educational personnel USE teaching staff educational planning educational policy USE education policy educational provision educational psychologist educational reform educational research educational researcher USE educational research educational sociology USE sociology of education educational software educational staff USE teaching staff educational stage educational standard USE learning standard educational success USE learning outcome educational supply USE educational provision educational system USE education system educational target USE aims of education educational theory educational use of computers USE computer-assisted learning evaluation of an International Association for the Evaluation of recognition of special validation of United Nations educational institution Educational Achievement USE IEA educational achievement USE recognition of diplomas educational needs educational achievement USE recognition of diplomas Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USE UNESCO educationalist USE educational expert TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 34 educator USE educational childcare staff EEA USE European Economic Area EESC USE European Economic and Social Committee effect USE outcome effectiveness efficiency EFTA EHEA USE European Higher Education Area elective course USE optional course elective subject USE optional subject electronic data processing USE data processing electronic document electronic learning USE e-learning electronic mail USE e-mail elementary education USE primary education elementary school USE primary school eligibility USE admission requirements emigrant emigration USE emigrant employability employee employer employers organisation employers organization USE employers organisation access to employment employment employment conditions USE working conditions employment contract employment law employment level USE employment status employment opportunities employment prospects USE employment opportunities employment status temporary termination of employment USE temporary work employment training- employment contract USE employment contract training- employment relation training- employment relationship USE training-employment relation transition from school to pupil student employment USE transition from school to work empowerment USE student empowerment empowerment TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 35 end of compulsory education USE duration of compulsory education end of the academic year USE duration of the academic year end of the school year USE duration of the school year civil engineering engineering England English ENIC ENIC Network USE ENIC enlargement (European Union) ENQA non- enrolled student enrolment USE registration enrolment fees USE registration fees enrolment rate USE education participation rate ENTEP enterprise enterprise education enterprise skills USE enterprise education small and medium-sized enterprise entrance certificate USE entry certificate entrance examination USE entry examination entrance qualification USE entry certificate entrance requirements USE admission requirements entrepreneurship entry certificate entry examination entry qualification USE entry certificate entry requirements USE admission requirements entry to school labour market school education for a sustainable entry USE transition from school to work entry age USE school starting age environment USE environmental education environment learning environment USE learning context local environment USE local community socio-cultural environment environmental education environmental protection environmental study USE environmental education EP USE European Parliament TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 36 equal opportunity equality of opportunity USE equal opportunity gender social audiovisual equality equality USE social inequality equipment equipment ICT equipment sports equipment teaching equipment USE teaching resources equity USE equal opportunity equivalence of certificates equivalence of qualifications USE equivalence of certificates Erasmus Erasmus Mundus EC ESC USE European Economic and Social Committee ESF USE European Social Fund Eskimo-Aleut languages Esperanto educational establishment USE educational institution self- esteem USE self-confidence Estonia Estonian ETF USE European Training Foundation ethics USE moral education professional ethics USE professional code ethnic group ethnic minority USE ethnic group ETUCE EU USE European Union EU action USE European Union action EU action programme USE European Union action EU agency USE European Union agency EU body USE European Union body EU Council USE Council of the European Union EU country EU country mean USE European average EU initiative USE European Union action EU institution USE European Union institution EU legislation USE European Union law EU level USE European level EU Member State USE EU country TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 37 non- EU country EUA EURASHE Association for Teacher Education in Central and Eastern Europe USE ATEE Europe USE Eastern Europe Council of Europe Eastern Europe Europe Northern Europe Southern Europe Western Europe Central and Eastern Commission of the Council of European Countries USE Eastern Europe European Communities USE European Commission European Ministers USE Council of the European Union Council of the European Communities USE Council of the European Union Council of the European Union Council Presidency ( European Union) decentralised agency of the European Union USE European Union agency enlargement ( European Union) European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education European Assembly USE European Parliament European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education USE ENQA European Association of Institutions in Higher Education USE EURASHE European average European Baccalaureate European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training USE Cedefop European citizenship European Commission European Commissioner European Communities USE European Union European Communities institution USE European Union institution European Community USE European Union European Constitution USE European Union + constitution European cooperation European Council European Court of Auditors European Court of Justice European Credit Transfer System European dimension European Economic and Social Committee European Economic Area TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 38 European Free Trade Association USE EFTA European Higher Education Area European level European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education USE ENQA European Network of Information Centres USE ENIC European Network on Teacher Education Policies USE ENTEP European Parliament European School European Schoolnet European Social Fund European standards European Summit USE European Council European Trade Union Committee for Education USE ETUCE European Training Foundation European treaty European Union European Union action European Union action programme USE European Union action European Union agency European Union body European Union Council USE Council of the European Union European Union decision European Union directive European Union initiative USE European Union action European Union institution European Union law European Union legal act USE European Union law European Union legislation USE European Union law European Union level USE European level European Union policy European Union programme USE European Union action European Union recommendation European Union regulation European Union resolution European University Association USE EUA Indo- European languages Statistical Office of the European Communities USE Eurostat subsidiarity ( European Union) Eurostat Eurydice Euskera USE Basque TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 39 certified continuous cross-country evaluation USE certification evaluation evaluation USE international evaluation evaluation evaluation by headteachers evaluation by pupils USE evaluation by students evaluation by students evaluation by teachers evaluation criterion evaluation method evaluation of an educational institution evaluation of headteachers evaluation of pupils USE evaluation of students evaluation of students evaluation of teachers evaluation of the education system evaluation procedure USE evaluation method evaluation process USE evaluation method evaluation report evaluation result external evaluation formative evaluation initial evaluation internal evaluation International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement USE IEA international evaluation peer evaluation school evaluation USE evaluation of an educational institution self- evaluation summative transnational type of evaluation evaluation USE international evaluation evaluation USE evaluation method evaluator evening class evening course USE evening class evening institute USE evening class cultural event USE cultural activities evidence-based education USE evidence-based policy evidence-based policy evidence-informed policy USE evidence-based policy skill evolution USE skill development TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 40 ex-cathedra teaching USE formal lecturing exact sciences USE natural sciences competitive entrance entry examination examination USE entry examination examination examination examination body USE board of examiners final examination oral examination placement examination qualifying written examination USE final examination examination examiner USE evaluator board of examiners examining board USE board of examiners examining body USE board of examiners cultural exchange USE exchange visit exchange visit information international linguistic school exchange exchange USE international relations exchange USE exchange visit exchange USE school partnership student exchange USE student mobility student excluded from school USE exclusion from school exclusion from school school social exclusion USE exclusion from school exclusion excursion USE school visit executive power course exemption exemption from service USE leave of absence tax exemption USE tax relief exercise educational expenditure per capita expenditure public job professional teaching work expenditure USE public funds experience USE work experience experience experience USE teaching practice experience experiential learning USE practical training TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 41 educational expert expertise USE competence oral expression USE oral skills expulsion USE exclusion from school extended family USE family extended school USE out-of-school-hours provision external evaluation extra-curricular activities extranet Autonomous Community of Extremadura USE Extremadura Extremadura childcare facilities USE childcare educational facilities leisure facilities recreational sports facilities USE leisure facilities facilities economic factor university faculty school failure faith school USE denominational school extended family USE family family family allowance family education one-parent family Far East Faroese father USE parents father-child relation USE parent-child relation Federal Republic of Germany USE Germany German Federal Republic USE Germany federalism Russian Federation fee-paying school feedback enrolment fees USE registration fees fees registration fees tuition fees female field of study USE branch of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 42 field trip USE school visit figure final examination financial administration USE financial management financial aid USE financial support financial autonomy financial contribution by parents USE parental contribution financial control financial flows USE transfer of funds financial incentive financial management financial resources USE financing financial support financial transfer USE transfer of funds financing financing method financing of education private financing USE private funds public financing USE public funds Finland Finnish first study cycle USE bachelor degree studies first-cycle studies USE bachelor degree studies fixed assets USE capital resources fixed-term contract Flanders USE Flemish Community of Belgium Flemish USE Dutch Flemish Community USE Flemish Community of Belgium Flemish Community of Belgium Flemish Region USE Flemish Community of Belgium flexibility flexible timetable financial flows USE transfer of funds flyer USE leaflet forecasting foreign language instruction USE foreign language teaching foreign language learning USE foreign language teaching foreign language offer USE foreign language provision foreign language provision foreign language teaching foreign languages USE foreign language teaching TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 43 foreign mother tongue pupil USE foreign mother tongue student foreign mother tongue student foreign policy foreigner form teacher formal education formal learning USE formal education formal lecturing formal qualification non- formal education USE non-formal learning non- formal learning formative evaluation Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia USE FYROM Language of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Territories of the former Yugoslavia forum forward planning USE educational planning European Training Foundation founder USE organising body France Moselle European Franconian Free Trade Association USE EFTA free education free movement free schooling USE free education academic educational freedom USE educational freedom freedom freedom freedom of teaching USE educational freedom French French Community USE French Community of Belgium French Community of Belgium French-speaking Belgium USE French Community of Belgium user- friendliness Frisian full-day school full-time function USE responsibility functional literacy European Social United Nations Children's Fund Fund USE UNICEF TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 44 fundamental education USE basic education state- funded school USE public-sector school funding USE financing funding method USE financing method per capita funding performance-based funding private funding USE private funds public funding USE public funds result-based source of funding USE performance-based funding funding private funds public funds structural funds transfer of funds furniture further education of teachers USE in-service teacher training FYROM Gaelic languages USE Celtic languages Irish Gaelic Scots Gaelic Scottish Gaelic USE Scots Gaelic Galicia Galician computer game educational game gender gap USE gender equality GDP USE economic data GDR USE German Democratic Republic gender gender differences USE gender equality gender discrepancy USE gender equality gender equality gender gap USE gender equality gender mainstreaming USE gender equality general education general education certificate general education qualification USE general education certificate general higher education USE general education + higher education generalist teacher second generation migrant geographical decentralisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 45 geographical decentralization USE geographical decentralisation geography geometry USE mathematics Georgia German German Democratic Republic German Federal Republic USE Germany German speaking Community USE German-speaking Community of Belgium German-speaking Community of Belgium Germanic languages Federal Republic of Germany USE Germany Germany gifted highly gifted USE gifted girl girls' school globalisation globalisation of education glossary GNP USE economic data educational goal USE aims of education good practice USE best practice governance governing board USE governing body governing body government government spending USE public funds government-dependent private school USE grant-aided private school non- governmental organisation non- governmental organization USE non-governmental organisation board of governors USE governing body grade grade level USE grade grading USE marking graduate demand for graduates grammar block grant education grant grant-aided private school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 46 non- grant-aided private school student grant USE education grant Greece Ancient Greek Greek Modern Greek USE Greek green paper Greenland Greenlandic gross domestic product USE economic data gross national product USE economic data ethnic group group group learning mixed- group class USE heterogeneous class target group working group grouping Grundtvig guardian USE parents career educational guidance USE vocational guidance guidance guidance guidance officer guidance service vocational guidance guide teachers' guide remedial gymnastics USE physiotherapy gypsy language USE Romani hall of residence USE student housing Hamburg handbook USE guide handicap USE disability handicapped USE people with disabilities hardware school head USE headteacher headmaster USE headteacher headmistress USE headteacher headteacher headteacher salary TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 47 evaluation by headteachers evaluation of headteachers headteachers' pay USE headteacher salary performance review of headteachers USE evaluation of headteachers health health care health education health problems health sciences health service health service personnel USE health service staff health service staff hearing disability USE hearing impairment hearing impairment Hebrew cultural Bosnia and Bosnia heritage USE cultural identity Herzegovina Herzegovina USE Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia- Herzegovina USE Bosnia and Herzegovina Hesse Hessen USE Hesse heterogeneous class hidden curriculum European Association for Quality Assurance in European Association of Institutions in European European Network for Quality Assurance in general Higher Education USE ENQA Higher Education USE EURASHE Higher Education Area Higher Education USE ENQA higher education USE general education + higher education higher education higher education course higher education diploma higher education institution higher education qualification USE higher education diploma higher education study USE higher education course non-university higher education institution post-secondary non- higher education USE post-secondary non-tertiary education transition from upper secondary to vocational higher education higher education USE higher education highly gifted USE gifted Hinduism historical overview USE historical perspective TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 48 historical perspective history history of education holiday arrangements USE school calendar holiday regulations USE school calendar holidays staggered staggering of holidays USE staggering of holidays holidays Holland USE Netherlands Schleswig Holstein USE Schleswig-Holstein Schleswig- Holstein Vatican Holy See USE Vatican City State community home USE correctional education education in the home USE home education home computer home country USE country of origin home education home PC USE home computer home schooling USE home education home tuition USE home education school- home relation USE parent-school relation homework homogeneous class hospital teaching host country hours of work USE working time number of opening hours taught USE taught time hours USE school day out-of-school- hours provision school hours USE school day household computer USE home computer housing pupil student housing USE boarding school housing know- how human capital human medicine human resources human rights human sciences USE humanities humanities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 49 Hungarian Hungary IB Diploma USE International Baccalaureate IBE Iceland Icelandic ICT ICT equipment ICT skills USE computer literacy cultural identity IEA adult illiteracy USE adult literacy illiteracy USE literacy illness ILO immersion language immersion USE content and language integrated learning immigrant immigration USE immigrant auditory impairment USE hearing impairment hearing impairment impairment USE disability language impairment physical impairment USE physical disability sensory impairment speech impairment USE language impairment visual professional teacher financial impairment improvement USE continuing professional development improvement USE in-service teacher training incentive incentive incentive pay USE financial incentive social inclusion USE social integration inclusive education inclusive society USE economic and social cohesion average income income distribution indemnity independent learning independent private school USE non-grant-aided private school independent school USE non-grant-aided private school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 50 subject- independent competences USE cross-curricular competences index demographic indicator USE population statistics indicator input indicator output indicator performance process indicator USE output indicator indicator indigenous language individualised instruction USE individualised teaching individualised teaching individualism Indo-European languages Indo-Iranian languages induction for teachers USE qualifying phase industrial relations USE labour relations education- industry relation industry school- industry relation USE education-industry relation service industry USE services university- industry relationship USE education-industry relation regional inequality social inequality socio-cultural influences USE socio-cultural environment informal education USE informal learning informal learning European Network of Information Centres USE ENIC information information and communication technology USE ICT information centre information dissemination information exchange information literacy information society USE knowledge society information technology USE ICT information to parents National Academic Recognition Information Centres USE NARIC evidence- informed policy USE evidence-based policy initial education USE initial training initial evaluation initial teacher education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 51 initial teacher training USE initial teacher education initial training Community education for initiative USE European Union action initiative USE enterprise education EU initiative USE European Union action European Union initiative USE European Union action educational innovation input indicator inspection inspector lay inspector USE inspector inspectorate evening university adult education charitable institute USE evening class institute institution institution USE charity Community institution USE European Union institution correctional institution USE correctional education educational institution EU institution USE European Union institution European Communities institution USE European Union institution European Union institution evaluation of an educational institution higher education institution non-university higher education institution pilot institution USE pilot project pre-primary education-oriented institution pre-primary institution pre-primary non-education oriented institution teacher education institution teacher training university institution USE teacher education institution institution USE university institutional autonomy institutional level institutional ranking inter- institutional competition distribution of educational European Association of computer-assisted contact time for foreign language institutions USE school distribution Institutions in Higher Education USE EURASHE instruction USE computer-assisted learning instruction USE teaching load instruction USE foreign language teaching TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 52 individualised instruction USE individualised teaching instruction USE teaching instruction time USE taught time language of instruction USE teaching language medium of instruction USE teaching language mother tongue personalised instruction instruction USE individualised teaching self- instruction instructional aids USE teaching resources instructional material USE teaching resources instructional software USE educational software insurance content and language integrated learning Integrated Action Programme for Lifelong Learning USE Lifelong Learning Programme integrated course integrated curriculum USE interdisciplinary approach occupational pupil integration USE transition from school to work integration USE student integration social integration student integration intellectual development USE cognitive development intellectual disability intellectual work artificial intelligence intelligence intelligence assessment USE intelligence test intelligence measurement USE intelligence test intelligence test intensive course inter-curricular competences USE cross-curricular competences inter-institutional competition inter-school competition USE inter-institutional competition inter-school relations inter-university cooperation adult-child interaction USE adult-child relation intercultural education intercultural relations interdisciplinary approach interest rate interface USE computer TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 53 intergroup relations internal evaluation internal regulation international agreement international assessment USE international evaluation International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement USE IEA International Baccalaureate International Bureau of Education USE IBE international cooperation international dimension international education USE international studies international evaluation international exchange USE international relations International Labour Organisation USE ILO international law international level international organisation international organization USE international organisation International Organization for Standardization USE ISO international relations international school international studies Programme for Progress in Third International Student Assessment USE PISA International Reading Literacy Study USE PIRLS International Mathematics and Science Study USE TIMSS Internet Internet access Internet usage Internet use USE Internet usage interoperability USE compatibility interpersonal relations interpersonal skills USE social competences interruption of studies intranet introductory course USE preparatory class Inuktitut USE Greenlandic inventory of competences USE skills audit investment community parent involvement USE school-community relation involvement USE parent participation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 54 student involvement USE student participation Indo- Iranian languages Ireland Northern Ireland Irish USE Irish Gaelic Irish Gaelic Irish Republic USE Ireland ISCED 0 USE pre-primary education-oriented institution ISCED 1 USE primary education ISCED 2 USE lower secondary ISCED 3 USE upper secondary ISCED 4 USE post-secondary non-tertiary education ISCED 5 USE higher education ISCED 6 USE higher education Islam Autonomous Community of Canary Islands USE Canary Islands Balearic Islands Canary Islands Caribbean Islands ISO IT USE ICT Italian Italic languages Italy itinerant janitor USE caretaker Japan Japanese Japanese languages job experience USE work experience job satisfaction USE occupational satisfaction job security on the temporary job training USE in-service training job USE temporary work joint degree joint study programme journalism Judaism judicial power jurisdiction EC Court of Justice USE European Court of Justice TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 55 European Court of Justice Kalaallisut USE Greenlandic Kashubian Kazakhstan key competences USE basic skills key competencies USE basic skills support in United kind Kingdom kinship USE family know-how knowledge knowledge economy USE knowledge society knowledge management knowledge society knowledge transfer knowledge-based society USE knowledge society prior Republic of South knowledge USE prior learning Korea Korea USE Republic of Korea Kyrgyzstan Autonomous Community of Castile- La Mancha USE Castile-La Mancha Autonomous Community of Castile and la Rioja USE Rioja La Mancha USE Castile-La Mancha Castile- La Mancha laboratory language child International laboratory labour Labour Organisation USE ILO labour labour contract USE employment contract labour law USE employment law labour market labour market entry USE transition from school to work labour relations Ladin laicism USE secularism community content and language language integrated learning foreign language instruction USE foreign language teaching foreign language learning USE foreign language teaching foreign language offer USE foreign language provision TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 56 foreign language provision foreign language teaching gypsy indigenous language USE Romani language language language barrier language community USE linguistic community language diversity USE linguistic diversity language immersion USE content and language integrated learning language impairment language laboratory language learning USE language teaching language minority language of instruction USE teaching language language of Moselle region USE Moselle Franconian Language of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia language policy language sciences USE linguistics language skills language support language teaching minority language national language USE state language native language USE mother tongue official language regional language sign language Slav-Macedonian speech, language USE Language of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia language and communication needs USE language impairment state language teaching language Afro-Asiatic languages Altaic languages artificial languages Baltic languages Basque languages Celtic languages Creole languages Eskimo-Aleut languages foreign languages USE foreign language teaching Gaelic languages USE Celtic languages TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 57 Germanic languages Indo-European languages Indo-Iranian languages Italic languages Japanese languages modern number of regional languages USE foreign language teaching languages taught languages of Alsace USE Alemannic Romance languages Sami languages Sino-Tibetan languages Slavic languages Turkic languages Uralic languages Languedocien USE Oc Latin Latin America Latvia Latvian civil Community law USE legislation law USE European Union law court ( law) employment law European Union law international law labour law USE employment law law USE legislation law studies penal law USE legislation public law USE legislation lay inspector USE inspector leaflet league table USE institutional ranking learning to learn adult learner learner autonomy USE independent learning learner disengagement USE dropout accreditation of prior adult alternate work and attitude towards learning learning USE adult education learning USE alternance training learning USE attitude towards school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 58 autonomous blended citizenship learning USE independent learning learning learning USE civics collaborative learning USE group learning collective learning USE group learning computer-aided computer-assisted computer-based learning USE computer-assisted learning learning learning USE computer-assisted learning content and language integrated learning content of learning distance learning e- learning e- learning content early electronic experiential foreign language learning learning USE e-learning learning USE practical training learning USE foreign language teaching formal learning USE formal education group learning independent learning informal learning Integrated Action Programme for Lifelong language Learning USE Lifelong Learning Programme learning USE language teaching learning learning conditions USE learning context learning context learning credits USE credit system learning difficulty learning environment USE learning context learning management system USE educational software learning module USE modular course learning needs USE learning difficulty learning object learning objective USE teaching objective learning organisation learning outcome learning pace learning pathway USE school career learning process learning standard learning strategy TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 59 learning support USE curriculum support learning support class USE curriculum support class learning theory learning to learn lifelong learning Lifelong Learning Programme lifewide learning USE lifelong learning non-formal Open and Distance learning Learning USE distance learning prior learning return to learning self-directed semi-structured learning USE self-instruction learning USE non-formal learning work-based learning USE practical training educational leave leave leave of absence maternity leave USE parental leave parental leave paternity leave USE parental leave sabbatical sick school leave USE educational leave leave leaver leaving certificate USE school-leaving certificate school- leaving certificate school- leaving qualification USE school-leaving certificate lecture formal lecturing Community legal act USE European Union law European Union legal act USE European Union law legal status legal text Community legislation USE European Union law educational legislation EU legislation USE European Union law European Union legislation USE European Union law legislation legislative body legislative power education for leisure USE leisure education leisure TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 60 leisure activities leisure education leisure facilities leisure time USE leisure length of compulsory education USE duration of compulsory education length of service length of studies USE duration of studies length of the academic year USE duration of the academic year length of the school year USE duration of the school year Autonomous Community of Castile- Leon USE Castile-Leon Castile and Leon USE Castile-Leon Castile- Leon Leonardo da Vinci cancellation of lesson lesson lesson preparation object lesson Lëtzebuergesch USE Luxembourgeois Letzeburgesch USE Luxembourgeois achievement administrative attainment central Community decision-making education-oriented pre-primary level USE learning standard level level USE learning standard level USE national level level USE European level level USE educational authority level educational level USE level of education employment level USE employment status EU European European Union grade level USE European level level level USE European level level USE grade institutional level international level level of authority USE educational authority level of education level of qualification level of study USE level of education local level national level qualification level USE level of qualification TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 61 reference regional school top transition between level USE benchmark level level USE institutional level level authority USE national level levels of education lexicon liberal arts USE humanities librarian library Liechtenstein school life student life transition to working Integrated Action Programme for life USE transition from school to work Lifelong Learning USE Lifelong Learning Programme lifelong learning Lifelong Learning Programme lifewide learning USE lifelong learning limited-term contract USE fixed-term contract Lingua linguistic community linguistic diversity linguistic exchange USE exchange visit linguistic minority USE language minority linguistic visit USE exchange visit linguistics linked work and training USE alternance training lip-reading Lisbon Strategy listening adult literacy computer literacy digital literacy USE computer literacy functional literacy information literacy literacy Progress in International Reading children's and youth Literacy Study USE PIRLS literature literature Lithuania Lithuanian cost of living TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 62 living standard USE standard of living standard of living LLP USE Lifelong Learning Programme teaching load loan local administration USE educational administration + local level local authority USE local level local community local environment USE local community local level looked after children USE children in public care Lower Saxony lower secondary transition from lower to upper secondary education transition from lower to upper secondary school USE transition from lower to upper secondary education transition from primary to lower secondary education transition from primary to lower secondary school USE transition from primary to lower secondary education Luxembourg Luxembourgeois Luxembourgish USE Luxembourgeois Luxemburgish USE Luxembourgeois Former Yugoslav Republic of Language of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia USE FYROM Macedonia Macedonian USE Language of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Slav- Macedonian language USE Language of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Community of Madrid e- mail electronic mail USE e-mail main subject gender mainstreaming USE gender equality mainstreaming USE inclusive education maintenance and repair maintenance personnel USE maintenance staff maintenance staff education policy- maker decision- making body USE educational authority decision- making level USE educational authority education policy- making USE education policy-maker TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 63 male Malta Maltese man USE male class management financial management knowledge management learning management system USE educational software management management body USE governing body management education management of resources personnel resource school management management USE management of resources management managerial staff Autonomous Community of Castile-La Mancha USE Castile-La Mancha Castile and La Mancha USE Castile-La Mancha Castile-La Mancha mandatory schooling USE compulsory education mandatory subject USE compulsory subject manpower USE human resources manual USE guide manual work school San mapping USE school distribution Marino marital status education market labour market labour market entry USE transition from school to work education marketplace USE education market marking marks USE marking mass education USE democratisation of education mass media master degree studies master's USE master's degree master's degree master's qualification USE master's degree educational material USE teaching resources instructional material USE teaching resources TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 64 reference teaching material material USE teaching resources maternity leave USE parental leave mathematics Third International subject Mathematics and Science Study USE TIMSS matter USE curriculum subject mature student meal USE school meal school meal subsidised meal USE school meal EU country mean USE European average means-tested support support intelligence measure measurement USE intelligence test measurement Mecklenburg West Pomerania USE Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania mass media media education teaching media USE teaching resources mediator human medicine veterinary medicine Mediterranean countries Mediterranean Region USE Mediterranean countries medium of instruction USE teaching language small and medium-sized enterprise meeting USE conference meeting report EU Member State USE EU country member mental age mental development USE cognitive development mentoring activity method assessment method USE evaluation method educational method USE teaching method evaluation method financing method funding recruitment method USE financing method method USE recruitment procedure TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 65 teaching method methodology teaching methodology USE teaching method Mexico microcomputer USE computer Middle East migrant second generation migrant migration military school Minerva minimum competences minimum competencies USE minimum competences minimum curriculum USE common core curriculum minister of education Council of European Ministers USE Council of the European Union Council of Ministers USE Council of the European Union education ministry USE ministry of education ministry ministry of education ethnic minority USE ethnic group language minority linguistic minority USE language minority minority language Mirandês Mirandese USE Mirandês misconduct mixed age class mixed school USE coeducational school mixed-group class USE heterogeneous class mobile education services mobile school USE mobile education services mobility occupational mobility promotion of mobility pupil mobility USE student mobility student mobility teacher mobility concurrent model consecutive model teacher education model TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 66 Modern Greek USE Greek modern languages USE foreign language teaching modular course modular programme USE modular course modular training USE modular course learning module USE modular course Moldova USE Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Monaco monitoring of the education system USE evaluation of the education system Montenegro USE Republic of Montenegro Republic of Montenegro moral education language of Moselle region USE Moselle Franconian Moselle Franconian foreign mother tongue pupil USE foreign mother tongue student foreign mother tongue student mother USE parents mother tongue mother tongue instruction mother-child relation USE parent-child relation motivation motive USE cause motor development motor disorder USE physical disability free seamless movement movement between branches of education USE transfer between branches of education multicultural education USE intercultural education multilingual USE multilingualism multilingualism Erasmus Mundus municipality USE local level Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia USE Murcia Murcia Region of Murcia USE Murcia museum music music education music school mutual recognition of diplomas USE recognition of diplomas TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 67 NARIC NARIC network USE NARIC gross national product USE economic data National Academic Recognition Information Centres USE NARIC national authority USE national level national language USE state language national level national report USE country report United Nations United Nations Children's Fund USE UNICEF United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USE UNESCO native language USE mother tongue native tongue USE mother tongue natural sciences Autonomous Community of Navarre USE Navarre Navarre Nederlands USE Dutch training cognitive European Agency for Development in Special learning special educational special speech, language and communication need needs USE intellectual disability Needs Education needs USE learning difficulty needs needs education needs USE language impairment Netherlands computer ENIC network Network USE ENIC European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education USE ENQA European Network of Information Centres USE ENIC European Network on Teacher Education Policies USE ENTEP NARIC network USE NARIC new basic skills USE basic skills New Zealand newly qualified teacher USE qualified teacher newsletter newspaper promotion to the next class NGO USE non-governmental organisation nomenclature of territorial units for statistics USE NUTS regions non-enrolled student non-EU country TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 68 non-formal education USE non-formal learning non-formal learning non-governmental organisation non-governmental organization USE non-governmental organisation non-grant-aided private school non-private school USE public-sector school non-public education USE private education non-qualified teacher non-specialist teacher USE generalist teacher non-state school USE private school non-teaching staff non-university higher education institution non-verbal communication post-secondary non-higher education USE post-secondary non-tertiary education post-secondary non-tertiary education pre-primary non-education oriented institution Nordic Council countries USE Nordic countries Nordic countries norm USE regulation North Africa North America North Rhine Westphalia USE North Rhine-Westphalia North Rhine-Westphalia Northern Europe Northern Ireland Norway Norwegian period of notice number of hours taught USE taught time number of languages taught number of pupils USE number of students number of students numerus clausus day nursery USE day care nursery school USE pre-primary education-oriented institution nutrition education NUTS classification USE NUTS regions NUTS regions Nynorsk USE Norwegian learning object object lesson TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 69 educational objective USE aims of education learning objective USE teaching objective teaching objective obligatory subject USE compulsory subject Oc Occitan USE Oc occupational integration USE transition from school to work occupational mobility occupational satisfaction occupational status USE employment status occupational therapy occupational traveller USE itinerant Oceania ODL USE distance learning OECD OECD country alternative educational educational foreign language offer USE alternative educational provision offer USE educational provision offer USE foreign language provision Statistical Office of the European Communities USE Eurostat education officer guidance officer official language European Network on Teacher Education Policies USE ENTEP on the job training USE in-service training one-parent family one-to-one teaching USE individualised teaching open access open air activities USE outdoor activities Open and Distance Learning USE distance learning open university opening hours USE school day Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Development USE OECD operational resources employment equal equality of opportunities opportunity opportunity USE equal opportunity optional course optional subject oral examination oral expression USE oral skills TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 70 oral skills oral work curriculum organisation USE curriculum development employers organisation International Labour Organisation USE ILO international organisation learning organisation non-governmental organisation organisation Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development USE OECD organisation of school time USE arrangement of school time pupil religious school organisation USE student organisation organisation organisation USE school management student organisation voluntary organisation youth organisation organising body employers organization USE employers organisation international organization USE international organisation International Organization for Standardization USE ISO non-governmental organization USE non-governmental organisation organization USE organisation religious organization USE religious organisation student organization USE student organisation United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural voluntary youth Organization USE UNESCO organization USE voluntary organisation organization USE youth organisation education- oriented pre-primary level pre-primary education- oriented institution pre-primary non-education oriented institution vocationally- oriented course country of origin orphan orphanage USE orphan out-of-school education out-of-school-hours provision learning outcome outcome outdoor activities TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 71 class outing USE school visit output indicator teacher oversupply USE teacher surplus overtime historical learning Rhineland overview USE historical perspective pace Palatinate USE Rhineland-Palatinate Rhineland- Palatinate conference paper green paper white paper working paper one- parent family parent involvement USE parent participation parent participation parent representation USE parent participation parent-child relation parent-pupil relation USE parent-child relation parent-school relation parent-student relation USE parent-child relation parent-teacher relation USE parent-school relation parental choice parental contribution parental leave parental right USE parents' right financial contribution by information to parents USE parental contribution parents parents parents' association parents' right European Parliament parliament part-time citizen education parent participation participation rate participation participation pupil participation USE student participation student participation teacher participation training participation rate USE education participation rate TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 72 social school political partners partnership party pastoral care USE guidance paternity leave USE parental leave learning headteachers' incentive pathway USE school career pay USE headteacher salary pay USE financial incentive pay USE salary retirement teachers' pay USE pension pay USE teacher salary fee- paying school home education for PC USE home computer peace peace studies USE education for peace pedagogical theory USE educational theory pedagogy USE educational theory peer evaluation peer review USE peer evaluation penal law USE legislation computer penetration pension teacher pension USE pension people with disabilities unqualified young people per capita expenditure per capita funding pupils per adult USE student-teacher ratio performance USE learning outcome performance indicator USE output indicator performance review of headteachers USE evaluation of headteachers performance review of teachers USE evaluation of teachers performance standard USE learning standard performance table USE institutional ranking performance-based funding performance-related salary substandard performance USE underachievement period of notice probation period USE trial period probationary period USE trial period study period abroad USE study abroad TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 73 teaching period USE lesson term ( period) trial period periodical permanent contract permeability USE transfer between branches of education personal autonomy personal computer USE computer personalised instruction USE individualised teaching personality administrative personnel USE administrative staff clerical personnel USE administrative staff educational personnel USE teaching staff health service personnel USE health service staff maintenance personnel USE maintenance staff personnel USE human resources personnel management scientific personnel USE scientific staff teaching personnel USE teaching staff training historical personnel USE trainer perspective phase of education USE educational stage qualifying phase philosophy philosophy of education physical development physical disability physical education physical impairment USE physical disability physics physiotherapy pilot institution USE pilot project pilot project pilot school USE pilot project PIRLS PISA place of residence place of work child placement placement examination teacher placement USE teacher recruitment TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 74 work school development placement USE practical training plan planned reform USE reform proposal educational forward planning planning USE educational planning planning planning of education USE educational planning in- plant training USE in-service training play playground playgroup USE day care playtime USE break cultural pluralism plurilingual USE multilingualism Poland European Network on Teacher Education Community Policies USE ENTEP policy USE European Union policy education policy education policy-maker education policy-making USE education policy-maker educational policy USE education policy European Union policy evidence-based policy evidence-informed policy USE evidence-based policy foreign policy language policy policy social policy USE society Polish political party political situation politics Mecklenburg West Mecklenburg-Western reserve Pomerania USE Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Pomerania pool of teachers USE teacher recruitment poor USE poverty population population density USE population distribution population distribution population statistics portability of qualifications TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 75 skills portfolio USE skills audit Portugal Portuguese positive discrimination post-compulsory education post-secondary non-higher education USE post-secondary non-tertiary education post-secondary non-tertiary education postgraduate studies poverty executive power judicial power legislative power practical training practical work USE practical training best classroom good teaching education-oriented practice practice USE teaching practice practice USE best practice practice pre-primary level pre-accession country USE candidate country pre-primary education pre-primary education-oriented institution pre-primary institution pre-primary non-education oriented institution pre-primary school USE pre-primary institution pre-school education USE pre-primary education pre-service teacher training USE initial teacher education transition from pre-primary to primary education transition from pre-school to primary school USE transition from pre-primary to primary education lesson preparation preparatory class preparatory course USE preparatory class prerequisites presence USE attendance Council Presidency (European Union) press USE mass media press release prevention preventive action USE prevention TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 76 education-oriented pre- primary level pre- primary education pre- primary education-oriented institution pre- primary institution pre- primary non-education oriented institution pre- primary school USE pre-primary institution primary education primary school primary teacher USE teacher + primary education transition from pre- primary to primary education transition from pre-school to primary school USE transition from pre-primary to primary education transition from primary to lower secondary education transition from primary to lower secondary school USE transition from primary to lower secondary education principal USE headteacher Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias USE Principality of Asturias Principality of Asturias principles of education accreditation of prior learning prior knowledge USE prior learning prior learning priority area prison education USE correctional education government-dependent grant-aided independent non-grant-aided private school USE grant-aided private school private school private school USE non-grant-aided private school private school non- private school USE public-sector school private private education private financing USE private funds private funding USE private funds private funds private school probation period USE trial period probationary period USE trial period problem solving health admission best complaint problems procedure procedure USE best practice procedure TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 77 evaluation recruitment selection procedure USE evaluation method procedure procedure USE admission procedure proceedings Bologna evaluation learning Process process USE evaluation method process process indicator data processing electronic data processing USE data processing gross domestic product USE economic data gross national product USE economic data teaching continuing profession professional development professional association professional code professional ethics USE professional code professional experience professional improvement USE continuing professional development professional profile professional qualification USE vocational qualification professional satisfaction USE occupational satisfaction professional status USE employment status career professional audiovisual profile USE career structure profile programme Community action programme USE European Union action Community programme USE European Union action course doctoral programme programme USE doctoral studies EU action programme USE European Union action European Union action programme USE European Union action European Union programme USE European Union action Integrated Action Programme for Lifelong Learning USE Lifelong Learning Programme joint study programme Lifelong Learning Programme modular programme USE modular course Programme for International Student Assessment USE PISA teaching programme USE curriculum training programme work programme TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 78 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study USE PIRLS study pilot progress project project work promotion of mobility promotion to the next class promotional activity reform employment proposal prospects USE employment opportunities child protection environmental protection youth protection protest Protestantism Provençal USE Oc education alternative educational childcare provider USE organising body provision provision USE childcare educational provision foreign language provision out-of-school-hours provision educational psychologist psychologist USE educational psychologist school psychologist USE educational psychologist psychology psychology service psychomotor development USE motor development psychotherapist USE psychotherapy psychotherapy children in public care non- public education USE private education public public education public expenditure USE public funds public financing USE public funds public funding USE public funds public funds public law USE legislation public-sector school publication punishment USE sanction TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 79 foreign mother tongue pupil USE foreign mother tongue student parent- pupil relation USE parent-child relation pupil pupil assessment USE evaluation of students pupil empowerment USE student empowerment pupil housing USE boarding school pupil integration USE student integration pupil mobility USE student mobility pupil organisation USE student organisation pupil participation USE student participation pupil record USE student record pupil-teacher ratio USE student-teacher ratio reinstatement of a pupil USE reintegration into school teacher- pupil-relation USE teacher-student relation distribution of pupils USE distribution of students evaluation by pupils USE evaluation by students evaluation of pupils USE evaluation of students number of pupils USE number of students pupils per adult USE student-teacher ratio academic qualification USE general education certificate bachelor's qualification USE bachelor's degree doctoral qualification USE doctorate entrance qualification USE entry certificate entry qualification USE entry certificate formal general education higher education level of master's professional qualification qualification USE general education certificate qualification USE higher education diploma qualification qualification USE master's degree qualification USE vocational qualification qualification qualification level USE level of qualification school-leaving qualification USE school-leaving certificate teaching qualification vocational qualification comparability of equivalence of qualifications qualifications USE equivalence of certificates portability of qualifications readability of qualifications USE transparency of qualifications recognition of transparency of qualifications USE recognition of diplomas qualifications TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 80 visibility of newly qualifications USE transparency of qualifications qualified teacher USE qualified teacher non- qualified teacher qualified teacher qualifying examination USE final examination qualifying phase qualifying stage USE qualifying phase European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education USE ENQA European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education USE ENQA quality assurance quality control USE quality assurance quality of education teaching quality questionnaire racial discrimination USE racism racism radio USE mass media Raeto-Romance USE Romansch institutional school ranking ranking USE institutional ranking birth rate education participation rate enrolment interest rate USE education participation rate rate rate (statistics) schooling rate USE education participation rate training participation rate USE education participation rate adult-child ratio USE student-teacher ratio child-adult ratio USE student-teacher ratio pupil-teacher ratio USE student-teacher ratio staffing ratio USE student-teacher ratio student-teacher ratio raw data re-assessment readability of qualifications USE transparency of qualifications lip- reading Progress in International Reading Literacy Study USE PIRLS reading reading difficulty realia USE object lesson child rearing TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 81 reasoning reassignment of staff receiving country USE host country recess USE break mutual National Academic recognition of diplomas USE recognition of diplomas Recognition Information Centres USE NARIC recognition of diplomas recognition of educational achievement USE recognition of diplomas recognition of qualifications USE recognition of diplomas Community European Union recommendation USE European Union recommendation recommendation pupil record USE student record school record USE student record student record recreation USE break recreation centre USE leisure facilities recreational activities USE leisure activities recreational facilities USE leisure facilities recruitment recruitment channel USE recruitment procedure recruitment method USE recruitment procedure recruitment procedure teacher recruitment rector USE vice-chancellor redeployment USE reassignment of staff redoing a school year USE repeating reference level USE benchmark reference material ReferNet BA/MA reform USE Bologna Process curriculum reform educational reform planned reform USE reform proposal reform reform proposal refugee Autonomous Community of the Brussels Capital Brussels Flemish language of Moselle Region of Murcia USE Murcia Region Region USE Brussels Capital Region Region USE Flemish Community of Belgium region USE Moselle Franconian TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 82 Mediterranean Region USE Mediterranean countries Region of Murcia USE Murcia Walloon Region USE French Community of Belgium regional administration USE educational administration + regional level regional authority USE regional level regional inequality regional language regional languages of Alsace USE Alemannic regional level Committee of the NUTS Regions regions registration registration fees Community regulation USE European Union regulation European Union regulation internal regulation regulation holiday regulations USE school calendar reinstatement of a pupil USE reintegration into school reinstatement of a student USE reintegration into school reintegration into school performance- related salary adult-child relation education-industry relation father-child relation USE parent-child relation mother-child relation USE parent-child relation parent-child relation parent-pupil relation USE parent-child relation parent-school relation parent-student relation USE parent-child relation parent-teacher relation USE parent-school relation school-community school-home school-industry relation relation USE parent-school relation relation USE education-industry relation teacher-pupil- relation USE teacher-student relation teacher-student relation training-employment relation cultural industrial relations USE intercultural relations relations USE labour relations inter-school relations intercultural relations TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 83 intergroup relations international relations interpersonal relations labour relations school-community training-employment university-industry block relationship USE school-community relation relationship USE training-employment relation relationship USE education-industry relation release USE alternance training day- release course USE alternance training press release relief teacher USE substitute staff tax relief religion religious education religious organisation religious organization USE religious organisation remedial gymnastics USE physiotherapy remedial teacher USE SEN teacher remedial teaching USE curriculum support remuneration USE salary maintenance and repair repeating repetition of a school year USE repeating replacement teacher USE substitute staff teacher annual conference replacement USE substitute staff report report USE proceedings country report evaluation report meeting report national report USE country report report school report parent representation USE parent participation representative sample USE sample Czech Republic Federal Republic of Germany USE Germany Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia USE FYROM German Democratic German Federal Irish Republic Republic USE Germany Republic USE Ireland TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 84 Language of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Republic of Montenegro Republic of Serbia Slovak admission Republic requirements entrance requirements USE admission requirements entry requirements USE admission requirements educational research research research centre research results educational researcher USE educational research researcher USE research reserve pool of teachers USE teacher recruitment change of hall of residence residence USE student housing place of residence student residence USE student housing residential school USE boarding school Community conflict European Union resolution USE European Union resolution resolution USE dispute settlement resolution resource allocation resource management USE management of resources capital resources economic resources financial resources USE financing human resources management of resources operational resources teaching resources responsibility restricted access assessment evaluation result USE evaluation result result result USE outcome result-based funding USE performance-based funding research results retired teacher TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 85 early retirement retirement retirement pay USE pension retraining return to education USE return to learning return to learning return to studies USE return to learning return to teaching curriculum peer review USE curriculum development review USE peer evaluation performance review of headteachers USE evaluation of headteachers performance review of teachers USE evaluation of teachers North Rhine Westphalia USE North Rhine-Westphalia North Rhine-Westphalia Rhineland Palatinate USE Rhineland-Palatinate Rhineland-Palatinate parental right USE parents' right parents' right right to education civil rights human rights rights rights of the child Autonomous Community of la Rioja USE Rioja Rioja child at risk road safety USE safety education road safety education USE safety education role USE responsibility Raeto- Romance USE Romansch Romance languages Romani Romania Romanian Romansch Romany USE Romani school rules rural area rural school USE rural area + school Russia USE Russian Federation Russian TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 86 Russian Federation Rusyn Ruthenian USE Rusyn Saarland sabbatical leave USE educational leave road safety USE safety education road safety education USE safety education safety safety education basic salary headteacher salary performance-related salary salary salary scale teacher salary Sami languages representative sample USE sample sample San Marino sanction sandwich course USE alternance training job satisfaction USE occupational satisfaction occupational satisfaction professional satisfaction USE occupational satisfaction Lower Saxony Saxony Saxony Anhalt USE Saxony-Anhalt Saxony-Anhalt salary scale Scandinavia USE Nordic countries Schleswig Holstein USE Schleswig-Holstein Schleswig-Holstein scholarship all through all-day alternative approved arrangement of school USE single-structure education school USE full-day school school USE alternative educational provision school USE correctional education school time art school attitude towards school beginning of the school year USE duration of the school year TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 87 boarding school boys' school choice of school coeducational school combined comprehensive comprehensive secondary denominational disaffection from duration of the elementary end of the school and workplace course USE alternance training school school USE comprehensive school school school USE school disaffection school year school USE primary school school year USE duration of the school year entry to school European School exclusion from school extended faith school USE out-of-school-hours provision school USE denominational school fee-paying school full-day school girls' school government-dependent private grant-aided private school USE grant-aided private school school independent private school USE non-grant-aided private school independent school USE non-grant-aided private school inter- school competition USE inter-institutional competition inter- school relations international school length of the school year USE duration of the school year military school mixed school USE coeducational school mobile school USE mobile education services music school non-grant-aided private school non-private non-state nursery organisation of school USE public-sector school school USE private school school USE pre-primary education-oriented institution school time USE arrangement of school time out-of- school education out-of- school-hours provision parent- school relation pilot school USE pilot project TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 88 pre-primary school USE pre-primary institution pre- school education USE pre-primary education primary school private school public-sector school redoing a reintegration into repetition of a residential rural school year USE repeating school school year USE repeating school USE boarding school school USE rural area + school school school activities school administration USE school management school atmosphere USE classroom climate school attendance USE attendance school autonomy USE institutional autonomy school board school book USE textbook school calendar school career school climate USE classroom climate school closure school construction school correspondence school council school day school development plan school disaffection school discipline school distribution school doctor school entry age USE school starting age school evaluation USE evaluation of an educational institution school exchange USE school partnership school exclusion USE exclusion from school school failure school for all USE inclusive education school head USE headteacher school hours USE school day school leaver school level USE institutional level TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 89 school life school management school mapping USE school distribution school meal school organisation USE school management school partnership school psychologist USE educational psychologist school ranking USE institutional ranking school record USE student record school report school rules school size school starting age school system USE formal education school table USE institutional ranking school transport school trip USE school visit school visit school week school year school-based education USE schooling school-community relation school-community relationship USE school-community relation school-home relation USE parent-school relation school-industry relation USE education-industry relation school-leaving certificate school-leaving qualification USE school-leaving certificate secondary school setting up a school special school special school teacher USE SEN teacher specialist school state school USE public-sector school state-funded school USE public-sector school student excluded from summer transition from lower to upper secondary school USE exclusion from school school school USE transition from lower to upper secondary education transition from pre- school to primary school USE transition from pre-primary to primary education transition from primary to lower secondary transition from school USE transition from primary to lower secondary education school to employment USE transition from school to work TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 90 transition from vocational branch of compulsory free home mandatory school to work school schooling USE branch of education schooling USE compulsory education schooling USE free education schooling USE home education schooling USE compulsory education schooling schooling rate USE education participation rate European twinning of Schoolnet schools Schwyzerdütsch computer Third International Mathematics and applied exact health human language natural science Science Study USE TIMSS sciences sciences USE natural sciences sciences sciences USE humanities sciences USE linguistics sciences sciences of education social technological sciences sciences USE technology scientific personnel USE scientific staff scientific staff United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USE UNESCO Scotland Scots Gaelic Scottish Gaelic USE Scots Gaelic seamless movement between branches of education USE transfer between branches of education second generation migrant second study cycle USE master degree studies second-cycle studies USE master degree studies comprehensive lower secondary school USE comprehensive school secondary post- secondary non-higher education USE post-secondary non-tertiary education post- secondary non-tertiary education secondary education secondary school secondary teacher USE teacher + secondary education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 91 transition from lower to upper secondary education transition from lower to upper secondary school USE transition from lower to upper secondary education transition from primary to lower secondary education transition from primary to lower secondary school USE transition from primary to lower secondary education transition from upper upper secondary to higher education secondary secretary of state for education USE minister of education agriculture (economic sector) public- sector school secularism job security social security Vatican Holy asylum social See USE Vatican City State seeker USE refugee segregation USE social exclusion selection procedure USE admission procedure self-assessment USE self-evaluation self-confidence self-directed learning USE self-instruction self-esteem USE self-confidence self-evaluation self-instruction semester USE term (period) semi-specialist teacher semi-structured learning USE non-formal learning seminar SEN USE special educational needs SEN specialist teacher USE SEN teacher SEN teacher seniority critical sense sensory impairment separate special education Republic of Serbia Serbia USE Republic of Serbia Serbian serial USE periodical series time series civil servant USE civil service server TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 92 civil conditions of exemption from service service USE working conditions service USE leave of absence guidance service health service health service personnel USE health service staff health service staff in- service teacher training in- service training length of service pre- service teacher training USE initial teacher education psychology service service industry USE services social service support service mobile education services services setting USE grouping setting up a school dispute settlement sex USE gender sex education sheltered workshop teacher shortage sick leave sign language Sikhism single-structure education Sino-Tibetan languages sister USE family political situation class size school size small and medium- sized enterprise skill skill acquisition USE skill development skill development skill evolution USE skill development skill training USE skill development basic communication skills skills USE communicative competences TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 93 core enterprise ICT interpersonal language new basic oral skills USE basic skills skills USE enterprise education skills USE computer literacy skills USE social competences skills skills USE basic skills skills skills audit skills portfolio USE skills audit social thinking written skills USE social competences skills USE critical sense skills Slav-Macedonian language USE Language of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Slavic languages Slavonic Slovak Slovak Republic Slovakia USE Slovak Republic Slovenia Slovenian small and medium-sized enterprise SME USE small and medium-sized enterprise SNE USE special needs education EC Economic and economic and European Economic and European Social Committee USE European Economic and Social Committee social cohesion Social Committee Social Fund social assistance USE social service social background social behaviour social class USE social background social competences social development USE socialisation social equality USE social inequality social exclusion social inclusion USE social integration social inequality social integration social partners social policy USE society TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 94 social sciences social security social segregation USE social exclusion social service social skills USE social competences social structure social system USE social structure socialisation socialization USE socialisation socially disadvantaged USE disadvantaged background civil society USE citizen participation cohesive society USE economic and social cohesion inclusive society USE economic and social cohesion information society USE knowledge society knowledge society knowledge-based society USE knowledge society society socio-cultural activities USE cultural activities socio-cultural environment socio-cultural influences USE socio-cultural environment educational sociology USE sociology of education sociology of education Socrates SOEC USE Eurostat educational software instructional software USE educational software software teaching software USE educational software problem solving Sorbian source of funding South America South East Asia USE South-East Asia South Korea USE Republic of Korea South-East Asia Southeast Asia USE South-East Asia Southern Africa Southern Asia Southern Europe space arrangement Spain TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 95 Spanish USE Castilian Dutch- speaking Community of Belgium USE Flemish Community of Belgium French- speaking Belgium USE French Community of Belgium German speaking Community USE German-speaking Community of Belgium German- speaking Community of Belgium speaking European Agency for Development in separate Special Needs Education special education special education USE separate special education special educational needs special needs education special school special school teacher USE SEN teacher specialisation non- specialist teacher USE generalist teacher semi- specialist teacher SEN specialist teacher USE SEN teacher specialist school specialist teacher subject specialist USE specialist teacher specialization USE specialisation subject- specific competences speech speech impairment USE language impairment speech therapist USE speech therapy speech therapy speech, language and communication needs USE language impairment spelling government spending USE public funds sponsor USE sponsorship sponsorship sport USE physical education sports equipment sports facilities administrative staff assignment of staff educational childcare staff educational staff USE teaching staff health service staff maintenance staff managerial staff TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 96 non-teaching staff reassignment of staff scientific staff staff USE human resources staff development USE in-service training substitute staff teaching staff staffing ratio USE student-teacher ratio educational qualifying stage stage USE qualifying phase stage of education USE educational stage staggered holidays USE staggering of holidays staggering of holidays educational learning standard USE learning standard standard living standard USE standard of living performance standard USE learning standard standard standard of living standardisation standardised test International Organization for Standardization USE ISO standardized test USE standardised test European school EU Member standards starting age State USE EU country non- state school USE private school secretary of state for education USE minister of education state language state school USE public-sector school state-funded school USE public-sector school Vatican City State Baltic States United States United States of America USE United States statistical analysis statistical data Statistical Office of the European Communities USE Eurostat breakdown ( statistics) cohort ( statistics) nomenclature of territorial units for statistics USE NUTS regions TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 97 population statistics rate ( statistics) statistics USE statistical data employment status legal status marital status occupational status USE employment status professional status USE employment status teacher status statutory subject USE compulsory subject learning strategy Lisbon Strategy streaming USE grouping structural funds administrative structure career structure course structure single- structure education social structure structure of education USE education system structure of the education system USE education system semi- structured learning USE non-formal learning associate student USE non-enrolled student foreign mother tongue student mature student non-enrolled student parent- student relation USE parent-child relation Programme for International reinstatement of a Student Assessment USE PISA student USE reintegration into school student student accommodation USE student housing student assessment USE evaluation of students student association USE student organisation student empowerment student exchange USE student mobility student excluded from school USE exclusion from school student grant USE education grant student housing student integration student involvement USE student participation student life TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 98 student mobility student organisation student organization USE student organisation student participation student record student residence USE student housing student teacher USE trainee teacher student-teacher ratio teacher- student relation working student distribution of students evaluation by students evaluation of students number of students bachelor degree studies choice of studies classical studies community studies doctoral studies duration of studies first-cycle studies USE bachelor degree studies international studies interruption of studies law studies length of master degree peace postgraduate return to second-cycle undergraduate branch of case comparative distance environmental field of first higher education joint level of studies USE duration of studies studies studies USE education for peace studies studies USE return to learning studies USE master degree studies studies USE bachelor degree studies study USE branch of education study study USE comparative analysis study USE distance learning study USE environmental education study USE branch of education study cycle USE bachelor degree studies study USE higher education course study programme study USE level of education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 99 Progress in International Reading Literacy second Study USE PIRLS study cycle USE master degree studies study abroad study cycle study period abroad USE study abroad study progress study support USE supervised study study tour USE study visit study visit supervised Third International Mathematics and Science basic study Study USE TIMSS subject USE common core curriculum compulsory subject curriculum subject elective main subject USE optional subject subject mandatory subject USE compulsory subject obligatory subject USE compulsory subject optional statutory subject subject USE compulsory subject subject USE curriculum subject subject matter USE curriculum subject subject specialist USE specialist teacher subject teacher USE specialist teacher subject-independent competences USE cross-curricular competences subject-specific competences subsidiary teaching subject subject USE curriculum subject subsidiarity (European Union) subsidiary subject subsidised meal USE school meal subsidy USE financial support substandard performance USE underachievement substitute staff substitute teacher USE substitute staff educational success USE learning outcome summary summative evaluation summer course USE summer school summer school European Summit USE European Council TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 100 supervised study supervision supervisory body USE governing body Diploma educational Supplement supply USE educational provision supply of teachers supply teacher USE substitute staff curriculum support curriculum support class financial support language support learning support USE curriculum support learning support class USE curriculum support class means-tested study support support USE supervised study support for teachers support in cash USE financial support support in kind support measure support service support system USE support service support teacher USE SEN teacher teacher surplus survey sustainability education for a sustainable environment USE environmental education Sweden Swedish Switzerland syllabus USE curriculum symbol credit system education system educational system USE education system European Credit Transfer System evaluation of the education system learning management monitoring of the education school social structure of the education system USE educational software system USE evaluation of the education system system USE formal education system USE social structure system USE education system TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 101 support system USE support service system of education USE education system tutorial unified education system system USE single-structure education league table USE institutional ranking performance table USE institutional ranking school table USE institutional ranking Tajikistan talented USE gifted Taoism attainment target USE aims of education educational target USE aims of education target group teaching target USE teaching objective task USE responsibility number of hours number of languages taught USE taught time taught taught time time taught USE taught time tax exemption USE tax relief tax relief Association for candidate class European Network on Teacher Education in Europe USE ATEE teacher USE trainee teacher teacher USE form teacher Teacher Education Policies USE ENTEP form teacher generalist teacher in-service teacher training initial teacher education initial teacher training USE initial teacher education newly qualified non-qualified non-specialist teacher USE qualified teacher teacher teacher USE generalist teacher parent- teacher relation USE parent-school relation pre-service primary teacher training USE initial teacher education teacher USE teacher + primary education pupil- teacher ratio USE student-teacher ratio qualified relief remedial replacement teacher teacher USE substitute staff teacher USE SEN teacher teacher USE substitute staff TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 102 retired secondary teacher teacher USE teacher + secondary education semi-specialist teacher SEN specialist teacher USE SEN teacher SEN special school specialist student teacher teacher USE SEN teacher teacher teacher USE trainee teacher student- teacher ratio subject teacher USE specialist teacher substitute teacher USE substitute staff supply teacher USE substitute staff support teacher USE SEN teacher teacher teacher appraisal USE evaluation of teachers teacher association teacher autonomy teacher education teacher education institution teacher education model teacher improvement USE in-service teacher training teacher mobility teacher oversupply USE teacher surplus teacher participation teacher pension USE pension teacher placement USE teacher recruitment teacher recruitment teacher replacement USE substitute staff teacher salary teacher shortage teacher status teacher surplus teacher training USE teacher education teacher training college USE teacher education institution teacher training institution USE teacher education institution teacher transfer teacher working time teacher workload USE teacher working time teacher-pupil-relation USE teacher-student relation teacher-student relation trainee teacher TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 103 demand for teachers evaluation by teachers evaluation of teachers further education of induction for performance review of reserve pool of teachers USE in-service teacher training teachers USE qualifying phase teachers USE evaluation of teachers teachers USE teacher recruitment supply of teachers support for teachers teachers' guide teachers' pay USE teacher salary block teaching differentiated teaching ex-cathedra foreign language freedom of teaching USE formal lecturing teaching teaching USE educational freedom hospital teaching individualised teaching language teaching non- teaching staff one-to-one teaching USE individualised teaching remedial teaching USE curriculum support return to teaching teaching teaching aid USE teaching resources teaching equipment USE teaching resources teaching experience USE teaching practice teaching language teaching load teaching material USE teaching resources teaching media USE teaching resources teaching method teaching methodology USE teaching method teaching objective teaching period USE lesson teaching personnel USE teaching staff teaching practice teaching profession teaching programme USE curriculum teaching qualification teaching quality TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 104 teaching resources teaching software USE educational software teaching staff teaching subject USE curriculum subject teaching target USE teaching objective teaching time USE teaching load team work technical education technological sciences USE technology information and communication technology USE ICT information technology USE ICT technology telecommunication television USE mass media temporary employment USE temporary work temporary job USE temporary work temporary work Tempus academic term USE term (period) fixed- term contract limited- term contract USE fixed-term contract term (period) terminal USE computer termination of employment terminology nomenclature of territorial units for statistics USE NUTS regions Territories of the former Yugoslavia post-secondary non- tertiary education tertiary education USE higher education tertiary education course USE higher education course achievement test USE examination attainment test USE examination intelligence test standardised test standardized test USE standardised test test USE examination means- tested support legal text textbook cross-curricular theme USE interdisciplinary approach theology USE religious education TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 105 educational theory learning theory pedagogical theory USE educational theory speech therapist USE speech therapy occupational therapy speech therapy therapy thesaurus doctoral thesis USE thesis thesis thinking skills USE critical sense Third International Mathematics and Science Study USE TIMSS all through school USE single-structure education Thuringia Sino- Tibetan languages arrangement of school time class- time USE taught time contact time for instruction USE teaching load full- time instruction leisure organisation of school time USE taught time time USE leisure time USE arrangement of school time part- time taught time teacher working time teaching time USE teaching load time series time taught USE taught time working flexible time timetable timetable TIMSS foreign mother tongue pupil USE foreign mother tongue student foreign mother tongue student mother tongue mother tongue instruction native tongue USE mother tongue top level authority USE national level study tour USE study visit tourism attitude towards learning USE attitude towards school TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 106 attitude European Free European towards school Trade Association USE EFTA Trade Union Committee for Education USE ETUCE trade union trainee trainee teacher traineeship USE apprenticeship trainer alternance training alternating training USE alternance training basic training choice of training citizenship training USE civics European Centre for the Development of Vocational European Training USE Cedefop Training Foundation in-company training USE in-service training in-plant training USE in-service training in-service teacher training in-service training initial teacher initial linked work and modular on the job practical pre-service teacher training USE initial teacher education training training USE alternance training training USE modular course training USE in-service training training training USE initial teacher education skill training USE skill development teacher training USE teacher education teacher training college USE teacher education institution teacher training institution USE teacher education institution training centre training course USE training programme training need training participation rate USE education participation rate training personnel USE trainer training programme training type training-employment contract USE employment contract training-employment relation training-employment relationship USE training-employment relation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 107 vocational education and training vocational training USE vocational education and training workplace training USE in-service training credit European Credit financial transfer Transfer System transfer USE transfer of funds knowledge transfer teacher transfer transfer transfer between branches of education transfer of funds transition between levels of education transition from lower to upper secondary education transition from lower to upper secondary school USE transition from lower to upper secondary education transition from pre-primary to primary education transition from pre-school to primary school USE transition from pre-primary to primary education transition from primary to lower secondary education transition from primary to lower secondary school USE transition from primary to lower secondary education transition from school to employment USE transition from school to work transition from school to work transition from upper secondary to higher education transition to working life USE transition from school to work transnational evaluation USE international evaluation transparency of qualifications school transport transversal competences USE cross-curricular competences occupational European traveller USE itinerant treaty treaty trend USE time series trial period trimester USE term (period) field trip USE school visit school trip USE school visit truancy USE absenteeism home tuition USE home education tuition fees Turkey TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 108 Turkic languages Turkish Turkmenistan tutor tutorial USE tutorial system tutorial system twinning of schools training type type of education USE branch of education type of evaluation USE evaluation method Ukraine Ukrainian UN USE United Nations underachievement undergraduate undergraduate studies USE bachelor degree studies underperformance USE underachievement unemployed USE unemployment unemployment UNESCO UNICEF unified education system USE single-structure education Council of the European Council of the Council Presidency (European decentralised agency of the European enlargement (European European Trade Union Union USE Council of the European Union Union) Union USE European Union agency Union) Union Committee for Education USE ETUCE European Union European Union action European Union action programme USE European Union action European Union agency European Union body European Union Council USE Council of the European Union European Union decision European Union directive European Union initiative USE European Union action European Union institution European Union law European Union legal act USE European Union law European Union legislation USE European Union law TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 109 European Union level USE European level European Union policy European Union programme USE European Union action European Union recommendation European Union regulation European Union resolution subsidiarity (European trade Union) union United Kingdom United Nations United Nations Children's Fund USE UNICEF United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USE UNESCO United States United States of America USE United States nomenclature of territorial European units for statistics USE NUTS regions University Association USE EUA inter- university cooperation non- university higher education institution open university university university course USE higher education course university faculty university institute university institution USE university university-industry relationship USE education-industry relation UNO USE United Nations unqualified young people transition from lower to upper secondary education transition from lower to upper secondary school USE transition from lower to upper secondary education transition from upper secondary to higher education upper secondary Uralic languages urban USE urban area urban area urbanisation urbanization USE urbanisation USA USE United States computer usage Internet usage TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 110 didactic educational Internet use of computer USE computer-assisted learning use of computers USE computer-assisted learning use USE Internet usage user-friendliness USSR Uzbekistan vacation USE holidays Community of Valencia Valencian validation of educational achievement USE recognition of diplomas civic values Vatican City USE Vatican City State Vatican City State Vatican Holy See USE Vatican City State non- verbal communication verbal communication VET USE vocational education and training veterinary medicine vice-chancellor Leonardo da Vinci violence visibility of qualifications USE transparency of qualifications exchange linguistic visit visit USE exchange visit school visit study visit visual disability USE visual impairment visual impairment Vlaams USE Dutch European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training USE Cedefop vocational content vocational education USE vocational education and training vocational education and training vocational guidance vocational higher education USE higher education vocational qualification vocational school vocational training USE vocational education and training vocationally-oriented course voluntary organisation voluntary organization USE voluntary organisation TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 111 education voucher wage USE salary Wales Walloon Region USE French Community of Belgium webpage USE website website school week well-being Welsh Mecklenburg West Pomerania USE Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania West Africa Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania Western Europe North Rhine Westphalia USE North Rhine-Westphalia North Rhine- Westphalia white paper woman USE female alternate work and learning USE alternance training hours of work USE working time intellectual linked work work and training USE alternance training manual work oral work place of work practical work USE practical training project work team work temporary work transition from school to work work experience work placement USE practical training work programme work-based learning USE practical training written youth teacher transition to work worker working time working life USE transition from school to work working conditions working contract USE employment contract working group working paper TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 112 working student working time teacher workload USE teacher working time workload USE working time combined school and workplace course USE alternance training workplace USE place of work workplace training USE in-service training sheltered workshop World Bank writing written examination written skills written work Baden- Wurtemberg Baden- Württemberg USE Baden-Wurtemberg academic beginning of the academic beginning of the school year year USE duration of the academic year year USE duration of the school year duration of the academic year duration of the school year end of the academic end of the school length of the academic length of the school year USE duration of the academic year year USE duration of the school year year USE duration of the academic year year USE duration of the school year redoing a school year USE repeating repetition of a school year USE repeating school year yearbook Yiddish unqualified children's and young people youth literature youth youth organisation youth organization USE youth organisation youth protection youth worker Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia USE FYROM Language of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Territories of the former Yugoslavia Yugoslavia USE Territories of the former Yugoslavia New Zealand TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version - Rotated display 113 LIST OF 2009 DESCRIPTOR CHANGES Descriptor ID 46 150 496 812 1294 1370 1634 2046 2098 44513 44522 44559 44568 44605 44651 44690 44867 44889 44891 44894 44900 44924 Descriptors in TESE edition 2006 Date of change Type of change New descriptor ID abstract ARION comprehensive secondary school educationalist ICT skills Integrated Action Programme for Lifelong Learning Programme Macedonian 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 Change of status Change of status Change of status Change of status Change of status Change of status 2009 Change of status 44863 psychological service referral blended learning crafts European citizenship evidence-based policy information literacy joint degree learning organisation Canaanite education-oriented pre-primary level pre-primary non-education oriented institution quality assurance re-assessment target group 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 Amendment of descriptor Deletion of descriptor Addition of concept Addition of concept Addition of concept Addition of concept Addition of concept Addition of concept Addition of concept Addition of concept Addition of concept Addition of concept 2046 2009 2009 2009 Addition of concept Addition of concept Addition of concept TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe - Edition 2009 - English version 44518 1370 Descriptors in TESE edition 2009 Deleted descriptor is now non-descriptor of: summary (ID 2488) study visit (ID 2478) comprehensive school comprehensive school (ID 44518) educational expert (ID 778) computer literacy (ID 506) Lifelong Learning Programme Lifelong Learning Programme (ID 1370) Language of the Former Language of the Former Yugoslav Yugoslav Republic of Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) Macedonia (FYROM) (ID 44863) psychology service Descriptors present in the Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe (TESE, 2006) but not in the European Education Thesaurus (EET, 1998) accountability accreditation of prior learning action activity coordinator administrative level administrative staff admission procedure adult education institution adult learner adult literacy Afro-Asiatic languages agenda agriculture (economic sector) Albanian Alemannic Altaic languages alternance training alternative educational provision Ancient Greek Aragon ARION Armenian art school article artificial languages Asturian ATEE awarding body bachelor degree studies bachelor's degree Balearic Islands Balkans basic salary basic skills Basque Basques languages Belarusan benchmark best practice block grant Bologna Process Bosnian branch of education break -1- breakdown (statistics) Breton Brussels Capital Region Buddhism Bulgarian calendar cancellation of lesson candidate country Cantabria capital resources career advancement career break career structure Carribbean Islands Castile-La Mancha Castile-Leon Castilian Catalan cause centralisation charity child abuse childcare children in public care Chinese citizen civic values civilisation class council cohort (statistics) Comenius Committee of the Regions communicative competences community languages Community of Madrid Community of Valencia community studies comparability of qualifications competence complaint procedure computer penetration computer usage computer-assisted learning conclusion concurrent model conference paper Confucianism consecutive model Content and Language Integrated Learning content of learning continuing profesional development continuity of education continuous evaluation Corsican cost of living Council conclusions -2- Council of the European Union Council Presidency (European Union) country of origin country report course structure court (law) credit system credit transfer Creole languages Croatian cross-curricular competences cultural activities curriculum reform curriculum support curriculum support class Czech Danish decentralisation democratisation of education development Diploma Supplement disability disadvantaged background distance learning distribution of students doctoral studies drug abuse duration duration of compulsory education duration of the academic year duration of the school year Dutch early retirement Eastern Europe economic and social cohesion economic data economy education council education grant education market education participation rate education policy education policy-maker educational activities educational authority educational childcare staff educational expenditure educational expert educational facilities educational freedom educational psychologist educational stage education-industry relation effectiveness efficiency EFTA -3- e-learning e-learning content electronic document e-mail employability employers organisation employment contract employment law employment status English ENIC enlargement (European Union) ENQA ENTEP enterprise education entrepreneurship entry certificate entry examination equivalence of certificates Erasmus Erasmus Mundus Eskimo-Aleut languages Estonian ETUCE EU country EUA EURASHE European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education European average European Baccalaureate European Commission European Commissioner European cooperation European Council European Court of Auditors European Court of Justice European Credit Transfer System European Economic and Social Committee European Economic Area European Higher Education Area European level European Schoolnet European standards European Training Foundation European treaty European Union European Union action European Union agency European Union body European Union decision European Union directive European Union institution European Union law European Union policy European Union recommendation European Union regulation -4- European Union resolution Eurostat evaluation by headteachers evaluation by students evaluation by teachers evaluation method evaluation of an educational institution evaluation of headteachers evaluation of students evaluation of teachers evaluation of the education system evaluation report evaluation result evaluator evening class exchange visit exclusion from school executive power external evaluation extranet Extremadura Faroese figure financial autonomy financial control financial incentive financial management financial support financing method financing of education Finnish fixed-term contract Flemish Community of Belgium flexible timetable foreign language provision foreign language teaching foreign mother tongue student form teacher formal education formal lecturing formal qualification forum French French Community of Belgium Frisian full-day school FYROM Galician gender gender equality general education certificate generalist teacher geographical decentralisation German German Democratic Republic German-speaking Community of Belgium -5- globalisation globalisation of education governance grade graduate grant-aided private school Greek green paper Greenlandic Grundtvig guide headteacher salary health care health problems health sciences health service staff hearing impairment Hebrew higher education course higher education diploma higher education institution Hinduism home computer human capital human medicine human resources Hungarian Icelandic ICT ICT equipment ICT skills IEA illness immersion incentive inclusive education independent learning indigenous language individualised teaching Indo-European languages Indo-Iranian languages informal learning information exchange information to parents initial education initial teacher education input indicator in-service teacher training inspectorate institutional autonomy institutional level institutional ranking Integrated Action Programme for Lifelong Learning intellectual disability intensive course intercultural relations -6- interest rate inter-institutional competition internal evaluation International Baccalaureate international dimension international evaluation international level Internet Internet access Internet usage inter-school relations inter-university cooperation intranet Irish Gaelic Italian Italic languages Japanese Japanese languages job security journalism judicial power Kashubian knowledge management knowledge society knowledge transfer Ladin language impairment language minority language skills language support Latvian law studies leaflet learning context learning object learning outcome learning standard learning to learn legal text legislative body legislative power leisure activities leisure facilities length of service Leonardo da Vinci Lingua linguistic diversity lip-reading Lisbon Strategy Lithuanian local level Luxembourgeois Macedonian maintenance staff Maltese management of resources -7- master degree studies master's degree mature student means-tested support mediator Mediterranean countries meeting report member mentoring Minerva minimum competences Mirandês mixed age class mobile education services mobility modular course Moselle Franconian mother tongue instruction Murcia NARIC national level Navarre newsletter newspaper non-EU country non-formal learning non-governmental organisation non-grant-aided private school non-qualified teacher non-university higher education institution Northern Europe Norwegian number of languages taught number of students NUTS regions Oc occupational therapy OECD country one-parent family open access operational resources optional course optional subject oral skills outcome outdoor activities out-of-school education out-of-school-hours provision output indicator parental choice parental contribution parental leave parents' right peer evaluation people with disabilities per capita expenditure -8- per capita funding performance-base funding performance-related salary period of notice permanent contract personal autonomy physical disability PIRLS PISA placement examination policy Polish political situation population statistics portability of qualifications Portuguese postgraduate studies post-secondary non-tertiary education practical training preparatory class pre-primary education pre-primary education-oriented institution pre-primary institution prerequisites press release Principality of Asturias prior learning private proceedings process indicator professional code professional experience professional profile project work promotion of mobility promotional activity public public-sector school qualified teacher qualifying phase rate (statistics) raw data reassignement of staff recognition of diplomas recruitment procedure ReferNet regional level registration fees reintegration into school Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova research results restricted access retired teacher return to learning return to teaching -9- rights Rioja Romani Romanian Romansch Russian Rusyn salary scale school board school calendar school closure school council school development plan school disaffection school discipline school partnership school rules school starting age school-community relation school-leaving certificate Schwyzerdütsch scientific staff Scots Gaelic secularism semi-specialist teacher SEN teacher sensory impairment separate special education Serbia and Montenegro Serbian series setting up a school Sikhism single-structure education Sino-Tibetan languages skill development skills audit Slavonic Slovak Slovak Republic Slovenian small and medium-sized entreprise social background social competences social exclusion socialisation socio-cultural environment sociology of education Socrates Sorbian source of funding Southern Asia Southern Europe speaking special educational needs special needs education - 10 - specialisation specialist school specialist teacher sponsorship sports facilities standardisation standardised test state language structural funds student empowerment student housing student integration student-teacher ratio study cycle study progress study visit subject-specific competences subsidiarity (European Union) summary support for teachers support in kind support measure support service sustainability Swedish Taoism taught time tax relief teacher association teacher education institution teacher education model teacher salary teacher shortage teacher surplus teacher transfer teacher working time teacher-student relation teaching load teaching qualification teaching resources teaching staff team work Tempus term (period) termination of employment Territories of the former Yugoslavia time series timetable TIMSS trainee teacher training-employment relation transfer between branches of education transfer of funds transition between levels of education transition from lower to upper secondary education transition from pre-primary to primary education - 11 - transition from primary to lower secondary education transparency of qualifications treaty trial period tuition fees Turkish Ukrainian undergraduate United Nations United States Uralic languages urbanisation Valencian Vatican City State veterinary medicine vice-chancellor visual impairment vocational content vocational education and training vocationally-oriented course website well-being Welsh white paper work programme working paper working time World Bank written skills Yiddish youth worker - 12 - Descriptors present in the European Education Thesaurus (EET, 1998) but not imported into the Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe (TESE, 2006) act action research adaptability ADION adjustement adl-training administrative district administrative personnel administrative sciences administrator admission adolescence adopted child adoptive parents adult adult education institute advancement aesthetic education aesthetics affection affection need affective behaviour affective deprivation Aargovia abandoned child ability ability grouping abortion abroad abstraction academic degree academic freedom acalculia accelerated course acceleration accident accountant acculturation achievement achievement control achievement gain achievement measurement achievement motivation achievement test acoustics ACP countries -1- affective development affective education affectivity affiliation need Afghanistan African languages age difference age exemption age limit aggression aggressiveness agricultural science agricultural training agricultural worker agriculture AIDS air conditioning Albanian language alcohol alcoholism algebra Algeria algorithm alienation alphabet alphabet book alternating training alternative school altruism amalgation of schools ambition amblyopia American English language anarchism anatomy ancient history Angola animal animateur animation of groups annotated bibliography anorexia answer anthology anthropology of education anti-authoritarian behaviour anti-authoritarian education Antigua antisemitism antisocial behaviour anxiety apathy aphasia Appenzell Inner-Rhodes -2- Appenzell Outer-Rhodes applied linguistics applied mathematics applied psychology applied research appointment apprentice apprenticeship contract aptitude aptitude test Arab countries archaelogy architect Argentina argumentation arithmetic armed forces art activity artificial language artist artistic ability artistic creation arts studies Aruba aspiration aspiration level assembly hall assessment asthma asthmatic astronomy atheism athletics atlas attachment attention attitude change attitude scale audiometry audiovisual aid audiovisual method auditory perception aurally handicapped author authoring language authoring system authoritarian behaviour authoritarian education authoritarianism authority autistic autoinstructional aid automatic teaching automation -3- average achievement aversion Azores bachelors degree backward child backwardness Bahamas Bahrain ball game Bangladesh Barbados basic personality basic subject Basle-Country Basle-Town Basque language battered child beginning learning beginning of the academic year beginning of the school year behaviour disorder behavioural objective behavioural sciences behaviourism belief Belize Benelux Benin Bermuda Berne Bhutan bilingual education bill biochemistry biography biological science biotechnology birth birth control birth order blind blind deafness blindness board of governors boarder body image Bolivia book book for youth book review bookkeeping bookshop boredom botanical garden -4- botany Botswana bourgeoisie brain brain injury branch of study branch programme Brazil British Virgin Islands broadcasting brother Brunei budget budgetary control building Bulgarian language bureaucracy Burkina Faso Burundi business creation business management calculation calculator Cambodia Cameroon camping cancer candidate Cape Verde capital capitalism care career development career profile caregiver Caribbean cartography cartography library cartoons casework Catalan language cataloguing catharsis Cayman Islands CD ROM censorship census Central African Republic Central and Eastern Europe central government central processing unit centralization cerebral palsy ceremony -5- Chad chalkboard chapel character chauvinism child care child of divorced parents child of foreign national child psychiatry child psychology childhood children's book children's library Chile Chinese language Christian education church cinema club circular civil law civilization civilization crisis class composition class conflict class struggle Classical Greek classics classroom arrangement cleaning clerical worker climate climbing clinical psychology closed circuit television coaching cognition cognitive ability cognitive dissonance cognitive process cognitive psychology cognitive style cognitive test collection college of education colloquial language Colombia colonialism colour colour blindness combat sport comics commerce commercial training committee -6- communication theory communications satellite communicative competence communism community action programme community development community education community home community law community policy Comoros compact disc comparative achievement comparative psychology comparative research compensatory education competitive sport completion test complex composition composure compulsory work computer application computer centre computer engineering computer graphics computer-assisted design computer-assisted examination concept concept analysis concept formation conceptual imagery concomitant learning concrete operational thinking conditioning confidence conflict of generations conformity Congo PR congress conscience consciousness conservatism construction industry construction programme construction set construction technique consumer education contempt content analysis content of education continuation of education continuous assessment contraception -7- control group control technology convalescence convalescent home convergence of education systems convergent-divergent thinking conversation copyright corporal punishment correlation analysis correspondence education cost cost analysis cost of education Costa Rica cost-benefit analysis Council for Cultural Co-operation Council of Europe countries Council of Europe policy countryside court covariance analysis craft creation of teaching aids creative workshop creativity test credits crime criminology crisis of education criterion-referenced evaluation criterion-referenced test critical theory Croation language cross-cultural research cross-curricular theme cross-national research cruelty Cuba cultural agreement cultural association cultural background cultural behaviour cultural change cultural crisis cultural development cultural environment cultural exchange cultural fund (Council of Europe) cultural heritage cultural immersion cultural industry cultural integration cultural pattern -8- cultural policy cultural relations cultural revolution cultural rights culturally unbiased test culture of origin current research curriculum research cybernetics Czech language dance dancing school Danish language darkness data transfer database management system daughter day nursery day release day school day student deaf deaf-dumbness deafness death death rate decentralization decision (Council of Europe) decision (European Communities) decision making decree deductive method delinquent democratization demography demonstration dental inspection dental service dentist dentistry depression deprived deschooling desegregation detention centre developed country developing area developing country development aid development of education development policy developmental psychology deviance deviant behaviour -9- diabetes diagnosis diagnostic test diagram dialectical materialism dialectics dialogue dictation diction didactic continuity didactic use of computers diet dietetics differentiation diligence dining hall direct method directed exercises directive (European Communities) directivity director discipline discouragement discovery learning discussion disease dishonesty dissatisfaction distance study division of labour divorce Djibouti docimology doctor document documentalist documentary film dogmatism Dominica Dominican Republic DOPAED dormitory Down's syndrome dramatization dream drive drug drug addiction dumb dumbness Dutch language Dutch-speaking Belgium dysgraphia dyslexia - 10 - dysorthography early childhood education early reading earth sciences Eastern religion eating habit EC Commission EC Committee of the Regions EC Council EC Court of Auditors EC Court of Justice EC Economic and Social Committee ecology economic conditions economic development economic recession economic studies ECOSOC ECSC Ecuador educability education budget educational building educational deficit educational film educational information educational method educational need educational opportunities educational policy educational psychology educational radio educational sociology educational technology educational television EEC egocentrism egoism Egypt El Salvador eldery person election elective course electrical engineering electronic camera electronic data processing electronic equipment electronic mail electronics elite emancipation emigration emotion emotional adjustement - 11 - emotional disorder emotionality empathy empirical research employers' organisation employment policy employment service encouragement encyclopedia engineer English language English-speaking Africa entrance examination enuresis environmenal study epidemic epidiascope epilepsy episcope epistemology Equatorial Guinea equivalence ergonomics ergotherapy ERIC eroticism error Estonian language ethics Ethiopa ethnic minority ethnic origin ethnic relations ethnology EUDISED EURATOM European Communities (institutions) European Communities (treaties) European community European studies European Youth Foundation evening institute examination phobia examination programme examination system examiner ex-cathedra teaching exceptional excursion exhibition existentialism expectancy expenditures experiential learning - 12 - experiment experimental class experimental education experimental psychology experimental research experimental school experimentation expert system expressivity expulsion extended family extroversion eye movement factor analysis failure fairy tale Falkland Islands falling birth rates family budget family environment family life family planning family size FAO Faroe Islands Faroese language fascism father father-child-relation fatigue fear feeling fiction FID field research Fiji film film camera film education film industry film library film projector filming filmstrip financial resources fine arts finger reading Finnish language Finno-Ugric languages first aid first foreign language flannelgraph floppy disc flow chart - 13 - folk art folk culture folk dance folk music folk song follow-up study food food deficiency foreign country foreign language assistant foreign languages foreign literature foreign pupil foreign relations foreign school foreign student foreign teacher foreign worker formal operational thinking foundation free expression free time freedom of speech French Guiana French language French Polynesia French-speaking Africa French-speaking Belgium French-speaking Switzerland Fribourg friendship frustration full-time work functional reading fundamental research further education of teachers further training futurology Gabon Galician language Gambia gang garden generalization genetics Geneva genius geographic distribution geographic location geographic origin geology geometry German DR German language - 14 - German-speaking Belgium German-speaking Switzerland Germany - Federal Republic gerontology gesture gesture education Ghana Gibraltar Glarus global education government policy graduate study graduate unemployment gramophone grandparents grant graph graphic arts graphology graphomotor activity Greenlandic language Grenada Grisons gross national product group behaviour group counselling group dynamics group membership group psychotherapy group work growth Guadeloupe Guatemala guidance period guiltiness Guinea Guinea-Bissau Gulf States Guyana gymnasium gymnastics gypsy habit haemophilia Haiti hall of residence handicap handicapped hard disc hardware configuration hardware interface hate Hawaii health certificate - 15 - health insurance health policy health report health service personnel hearing hearing defect heart disease heating Hebrew language heredity hermeneutics heuristic method high achievement high risk group higher education graduate highly gifted historical method historical research historiography history of art history of philosophy history of sciences and humanities holiday regulation holistic perception Holy See home home country home economics home student homebound homosexuality Honduras Hong Kong hospital hospitalized host hostility hours of work housewife human biology human body human dignity human relations humanism Hungarian language hunger husband hygiene hyperactivity hyperlexia hypertext hypnosis hysteria IBRD - 16 - Icelandic language ICSSD idelalism identification identity ideology IFIP IFLA illegitimate child illiteracy illiterate illustrated paper illustration image imagination imitation immaturity immigration immunization imprisonment improvement improvisation impulsiveness inability inaptitude inattention income independent work indexing India indigenous person individual characteristics individual psychology individual work individuality individualization individualized teaching Indochina indoctrination Indonesia inductive method industrial psychology industrial sociology industrial training industrial worker industrialization infancy infant infant mortality infantilism infectious disease influence informal education information need - 17 - information network information policy information processing information retrieval information science information service information skills information source information storage information system information technology information theory inhibition initial assessment initial employment initiation rite innovation in-plant training input-output analysis input-output device instinct institutional research integrated curriculum integration intellectual intellectual development intelligence level intelligence measurement intelligence quotient intensive reading intentional learning interaction interactive video interest interest profile interests test interface international education international exchange international understanding international university internationalism interpersonal distance interplant training interpreter interpreting interschool relations interuniversity cooperation intervention interview intolerance introspection introversion intuition - 18 - invalid Iran Iraq Irish language irritability Israel Italian language Italian-speaking Switzerland item analysis ITU Ivory coast Jamaica Japanese language jealousy job classification job creation job description job experience job requirements job search Jordan joy judgement Jura justice juvenile court juvenile delinquency juvenile detention juvenile gang Kenya kindness kinship kitchen knowledge level Korea Korea DPR Korea R Kuwait labelling laboratory apparatus laboratory equipment laboratory experiment laboratory personnel laboratory work labour contract labour law labour shortage lack of interest Ladin language language development language for special purposes language learning language sciences language skill - 19 - languages Laos large familiy late developing laterality Latvian language law lawyer laziness leader leardership learning aptitude learning by doing learning conditions learning habit learning interference learning kit learning module learning pyschology learning support class learning test learning time leaving certificate Lebanon lecture theatre left-handed legal majority legal minority legal sciences legend Lesotho lexicology liberal education liberalism Liberia library science library work Libya life cycle life story lighting linear programme linguistic visit lipreading listening comprehension literacy criticism literacy genre literary history Lithuanian language local area network local finance local government local studies local taxation - 20 - logic logic blocks logical thinking LOGO long-term unemployment love lower class Lucerne Luxembourgish language lying Macao Macedonian language machine translation Madagascar Madeira magnetic blackboard magnetic storage maintenance personnel maladjusted maladjustment Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali malnutrition Maltese language man-machine interface manpower manpower need manual skill manual worker map marginal marginal group marine sciences marketing marriage married married student Martinique Marxism mass education masters degree mastery learning materialism maternal behaviour maternal deprivation mathematical model maturity Mauritania Mauritius meal meaning measurement technique - 21 - measuring instrument mechanical engineering media library media technology medical inspection medical rehabilitation medical service medical treatment medicine medieval history meeting memorizing memory memory test menopause menstruation mental deficiency mental development mental handicap mental health mental health education mental hospital mental illness mental retardation mental stress mentally handicapped mentally sick message message reception metabolism metabolism disorder metric system microcomputer microfiche microfilm microscope microteaching middle class migrant worker migrant worker's child military military service mime minimum age minimum competencies mistake mnemonics mobile classroom mobile educational services model model construction modelling Modern Greek modern history - 22 - modern languages modernization modesty modular training Moldova money Mongolia PR monograph monopoly of education Montenegro Montserrat moral development moral value morality Morocco morphology mortality mother mother-child relation motion motivation for studies motor activity motor disorder motor handicapped Mozambique multidimensional analysis multimedia method multimedia system multiple choice test multiple disability multiple employment multipurpose classroom multipurpose equipment multivariate analysis muscular dystrophy museum education music and movement music therapy musicability musical instrument musicology mutism Myanmar myopia mythology Namibia narcissism narcotic narration national budget national minority national planning nationalism nationality - 23 - nationalization natural resources Nauru navigation need neglect neglected child neighbourhood neocolonialism Nepal nervousness Netherlands Antilles network analysis Neuchâtel neurology neurophysiology neuropsychiatry neurosis New Caledonia new mathematics new technologies new town NGO Nicaragua Nidwalden Niger Nigeria night work noise pollution nomad nomenclature non-directivity non-formal education non-graded system non-private school non-state school non-verbal learning non-verbal test norm-referenced evaluation norm-referenced test Norwegian language novel nuclear family number number concept number of pupils number system nurse nursery rhyme nursery school nutrition OAS OAU obedience - 24 - obesity objectivity observation observation schedule observatory Obwalden OCAS occupation occupational aspiration occupational choice occupational disease occupational environment occupational failure occupational integration occupational prognosis occupational research occupational status occupational success oceanography office office automation office equipment official text old age one parent family one teacher school only child open air activities open air school open curriculum open education open environment open plan school openings operating system operational research opinion opinion (Council of Europe) opinion (European Communities) opposition optical storage optics optional subjects oral culture oral expression order (Council of Europe) organigramme organisation of research originality orphanage out of school education out of school hours provision overhead projector overtaxing - 25 - Pacific Islands Aus Pacific Islands Fr Pacific Islands NZ Pacific Islands UK Pacific Islands USA paediatrician paediatrics pain painting Pakistan Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay parallel class para-medical instruction paraplegic parent education parent responsibility parent role parental attitude parental deprivation parent-pupil relation parent-teacher relation part-time course part-time work paternal behaviour paternal deprivation pathology patience patient peace studies pedagogical theory pedantry peer group peer group teaching penal law perception perception of others perception test perceptual development perceptual handicap perceptual training perceptually handicapped performance peripatetic teacher peripheral device personal interest personality assessment personality development personality test personnel personnel regrading persuasion - 26 - Peru perversion pharmaceutics phenomenology Philippines philology phonetic transcription phonetics phornology photocopier photograph photography physical anthropology physical characteristics physical education apparatus physical expression physical geography physical handicap physical sciences physically handicapped physiology physique picture picture book picture library pilot school plan plant play centre play therapy plotter poetry police policy for foreigners poliomyelitis Polish language political affiliation political behaviour political education political philosophy political power political propaganda political science political socialization pollution polytechnic education poor popularization population density population increase population trends portability Portuguese-speaking Africa Portuguse language - 27 - positivism poster postgraduate student postgraduate study post-secondary education posture pottery power practical examination practical intelligence practical work practice period pragmatism praise pre-adolescence precocity predictive evaluation prefect pregnancy prejudice premature baby preparation for adult life pre-reading prerequisite pre-school age pre-school child pre-school education press pressure group prestige pre-university course preventive medicine pre-writing price printer printing prior knowledge prison prison welfare prisoner private tutor prize prize-giving probability probation probation officer probation period probation service probationary teacher problem child productivity professional ethics professor programmed learning - 28 - programmed text programmed textbook programming programming environment programming language progress report project project method projection equipment projective test projector prolonged schooling pronunciation propaganda property proposal (Council of Europe) proposal (European Communities) prosody prosthesis prostitution psychiatric service psychiatrist psychiatry psychoanalysis psychoanalyst psychodiagnostics psychodrama psycho-educational method psycholinguistics psychological characteristics psychological examination psychologist psychology of behaviour psychometry psychomotor activity psychomotor development psychomotor test psychopathology psychophysiology psychosis psychosomatics psychotherapist psychotic puberty public administration public health public law public library public opinion public opinion research public relations publishing industry Puerto Rico punishment - 29 - pupil attitude pupil behaviour pupil equipment pupil integration puppertry pure mathematics Qatar qualitative analysis qualitative research quality circle question questioning race race relations racial discrimination racial integration racial segregation radio radio broadcast radio lecture radio play radio set readability reading aloud reading machine reading speed reading strategy reading taste realia recidivism recitation recognition recognition of qualifications recollection recommendation (Council of Europe) recommendation (European Communities) record record library recording recreation recreation centre recreational activities recreational facilities reference book reference group regional administration regional cooperation regional development regional planning regression regression analysis regulation (Council of Europe) regulation (European Communities) rehabilitation - 30 - reinforcement relaxation reliability religious affiliation religious behaviour religious minority remand in custody remedial gymnastics remedial instruction sciences remedial teaching repititon repression reprimand research fellowship research method research of academic literature research policy research programme research project research report research result research technique researcher resignation resistance to change resolution (Council of Europe) resolution (European Communities) resource centre rest resurgent illiteracy return to country of origin Réunion revolution reward Rhaeto-Romance languages rhythm riding rigidity rising birth rates rivalry road safety road safety education robotics role role conflict role expectation role perception role playing Romanian language Romansch language Romany language rote learning rule ruling class - 31 - running away rural rural development rural environment rural population rural school rural youth Russian language Rwanda sabbatical leave Samoa San Tome and Principe sanitary facilities sanitary inspection satisfaction Saudi Arabia Schaffhausen schizophrenia scholarship holder school accident school age population school autonomy school based management school camp school district school effectiveness school entry age school environment school exchange school health services school industry relation school leaving school library school magazine school personnel school phobia school play school psychologist school record school success school system school travel school workshop school-community relationship schooling rate Schwys science education science fiction science policy scientific board scientific personnel scientific studies Scots Gaelic language scouting - 32 - screening scripture sculpture second foreign language secondment secretariat secretary sect secular education segregation selection selection criterion self self-awareness self-concept self-control self-disclosure self-employed person self-esteem self-management self-perception self-realization semantics semester seminary (ecclesiastical) semiology Semitic languages Senegal sensation sense of smell sense of taste sensibility sensorimotor activity sensorimotor coordination sensorimotor learning sentence sequential learning Serbia Serbian language service accommodation severely mentally handicapped sex sex difference sex discrimination sex role sexism sexology sexual behaviour sexual development sexual ethics sexual offence sexuality sexually transmitted disease Seychelles - 33 - shyness sibling sickroom Sierra Leone sight sight method sign silent reading simulation simulation game Singapore singing Single European Act sister slang sleep sleep teaching slide slide projection slide projector Slovak language Slovakia Slovene language slow learner slow learning small and medium entreprise small group small school small town smoking sociability social adjustment social change social class social conflict social control social development social discrimination social environment social geography social guarantee social handicap social history social influence social interaction social learning social mobility social origin social perception social policy social promotion social psychology social research social role - 34 - social status social studies social success social system social work social worker socialism socialization socially handicapped socio-cultural activities sociodrama socio-economic status sociolinguistics sociologist sociology sociology of family sociometry socio-occupational category software interface software library Solothurn Somalia son sound sound archive sound tape South Africa R South Tyrol space perception space sciences Spanish language spastic special education special school teacher specialization specimen spectacles speech defect speech habit speech handicapped speech skill speech therapist speech training speed reading spoken language spontaneity sport sports club sports event sports ground sports policy spread sheet Sri Lanka St Gall - 35 - St Helena St Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla St Lucia St Pierre and Miquelon St Vincent staff room stammer state state aid state of the art review state school statistical method statistical model statistical service statistical table statistics statute stay abroad stereotype storage system store story telling strike structural analysis structural fund structuralism student behaviour student demonstration student exchange student handbook student loan student movement student protest student sociology student teacher student unrest studio study circle study method study tour style subculture subject ability grouping subjectivity subsidy success Sudan suicide Surinam survey report suspension Swaziland Swedish language swimming - 36 - swimming pool symbolic logic sympathy syntax Syria system design systems analysis tactual perception Taiwan tale talent talking book Tanzania tape recorder tape recording target group target groups of education tax taxation taxonomy taxonomy of objectives teacher abroad teacher appraisal teacher behaviour teacher centre teacher exchange teacher role teacher-pupil ratio teacher-pupil relation teachers' library teachers' organisation teaching abroad teaching aid teaching aptitude teaching by objectives teaching experience teaching machine teaching model teaching personnel teaching post teaching programme teaching style teaching technique teaching time team teaching technical ability technical assistance technical design technical equipment technical personnel technician technological change technological education technological sciences - 37 - technology transfer telematics televised teaching television television broadcast television play television programme television set terminal test test construction text comprehension textual analysis T-group Thailand The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia theatre theft theology theoretical research theory theory of science therapist thinking threshold level (language) Ticino time perception time-budget time-factor time-table Timor Togo tolerance Tonga top form town toy toy library trade unionism tradition traffic traffic accident training allowance training cost training course training of teachers training of trainers training personnel training supply training workshop training-employment contract training-employment relationship transfer of learning transference - 38 - transition from lower to upper secondary school transition from pre-school to primary school transition from primary to lower secondary school transitional class translation translator transparency transport travel Treaty on European Union trend trend report trimester Trinidad and Tobago truancy truth tuberculosis Tunisia Turgovia Turkish language Turks and Caicos Islands tutorial twentieth century history twin typology Uganda Ukrainian language UN unconscious unconscious repression undergraduate student undergraduate study UNDP unemployed UNIDO UNITAR United Arab Emirates United States Virgin Islands university library university refectory university studies university-industry relationship unmarried couple unmarried mother UNRISD unskilled worker upper class uproar urban urban development urban environment urban planning urban population urban renewal - 39 - urban school urban youth urbanization Uri Uruguay USA user user profile vacation course vaccination vagrancy Valais Valencia validity value value system vandalism variance analysis Vatican Vaud Venezuela ventilation verbal behaviour verbal interaction verbal learning verbal test verbalization verdict vertical grouping vice-chancellor of university video library videocassette videodisc videorecorder videorecording videotape videotex Vietnam village vision defect visiting teacher visual capacity visual habit visual learning visual perception visually handicapped vocabulary vocal music vocational education vocational information vocational preparation vocational rehabilitation vocational training voluntary work - 40 - wage wage index walk wall map war wastage water sport way to school WCC wealth well being Welsh language West Indies Associated States WHO wife will winter sport women's education women's employment women's movement women's organisation women's profession women's work word word frequency word processing word recognition work attitude work environment worker workers' education working class working conditions of teachers working life working mother working time arrangement workshop written expression written language written test Yemen young adult young worker youth attitude youth centre youth club youth employment youth group youth hostel youth movement youth office youth policy youth unemployment youth unrest - 41 - youth welfare youth workcamp Yugoslavia Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe zoology Zug Zurich - 42 - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS EURYDICE NETWORK A. P9 EURYDICE Education Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency Avenue du Bourget 1 BOU2 BE-1140 Brussels (http://www.eurydice.org) Project Coordinator Wim Vansteenkiste Information and thesaurus Officers Andrea Puhl Mirella Rossi Colette Vanandruel -----------------------------External Thesaurus Authors Angelika Harvey Clarisse Maillot B. TESE MANAGEMENT GROUP Eurydice National Unit Contact person Stanislava Brožová Czech Republic Marcela Petrovičová (national expert) Jana Halamová Greece Athina Plessa-Papadakii Italy Silvia Panzavolta Austria Elfriede Tajalli Poland United Kingdom (ENG/WLS/NIR) Anna Smoczyńska Beata Płatos Claire Sargent Anne Byrne TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe – Edition 2009 – English version – Acknowledgements 1 C. TESE LINGUISTIC EQUIVALENTS GROUP LANGUAGE EDITOR TESE LANGUAGE VERSION LANGUAGE CODE Eurydice National Unit(s) of Czech cs Czech Republic German de Austria Greek el Greece English en United Kingdom (ENG/WLS/NIR) Spanish es Spain Estonian et Estonia Finnish fi Finland French fr Italian it Italy Lithuanian lt Lithuania Latvian lv Latvia Dutch nl Polish pl Poland Portuguese pt Portugal Romanian ro Romania Turkish tr Turkey France Belgium (French Community) Belgium (Flemish Community) Netherlands TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe – Edition 2009 – English version – Acknowledgements 2 D. EURYDICE NATIONAL UNITS BELGIQUE / BELGIË DANMARK Unité francophone d’Eurydice Ministère de la Communauté française Direction des Relations internationales Boulevard Léopold II, 44 – Bureau 6A/002 1080 Bruxelles Eurydice Unit CIRIUS Fiolstræde 44 1171 København K DEUTSCHLAND Eurydice Vlaanderen / Afdeling Internationale Relaties Ministerie Onderwijs Hendrik Consciencegebouw 7C10 Koning Albert II – laan 15 1210 Brussel Contribution of the Unit: Ilse Scheirlinckx Eurydice-Informationsstelle der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Agentur für Europäische Bildungsprogramme VoG Postfach 72 4700 Eupen Contribution of the Unit: Leonhard Schifflers (expert) BULGARIA Eurydice Unit European Integration and International Organisations Division European Integration and International Cooperation Department Ministry of Education and Science 2A, Kniaz Dondukov Blvd. 1000 Sofia ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA Eurydice Unit Institute for Information on Education Senovážné nám. 26 P.O. 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Volano g. 2/7 01516 Vilnius Contribution of the Unit: Vilma Kardauskienė (coordination of the unit); experts: Dr. Vaiva Vaicekauskienė (chief methodologist, Education Development Centre), Dr. Albina Auksoriūtė (head of Centre of Terminology, Institute of the Lithuanian Language), Prof.Hab.Dr. Vincentas Dienys (deputy director, Methodological Centre for Vocational Education and Training), dr. Eugenijus Stumbrys (director, Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education). LUXEMBOURG Unité d’Eurydice Ministère de l’Éducation nationale et de la Formation professionnelle (MENFP) 29, Rue Aldringen 2926 Luxembourg MAGYARORSZÁG Eurydice Unit Ministry of Education and Culture Szalay u. 10-14 1055 Budapest MALTA Eurydice Unit Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Great Siege Rd Floriana VLT 2000 TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe – Edition 2009 – English version – Acknowledgements 4 NEDERLAND Eurydice Nederland Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap Directie Internationaal Beleid IPC 2300 / Kamer 08.047 Postbus 16375 2500 BJ Den Haag Contribution of the Unit: Raymond van der Ree NORGE Eurydice Unit Ministry of Education and Research Department of Policy Analysis, Lifelong Learning and International Affairs Akersgaten 44 0032 Oslo ÖSTERREICH ROMÂNIA Eurydice Unit National Agency for Community Programmes in the Field of Education and Vocational Training rd Calea Serban Voda, no. 133, 3 floor Sector 4 040205 Bucharest Contribuţia Unităţii: Veronica – Gabriela Chirea; Alexandru şi Tinca Modrescu (până în anul 2008) SLOVENIJA Eurydice Unit Ministry of Education and Sport Office for Development of Education (ODE) Masarykova 16/V 1000 Ljubljana Eurydice-Informationsstelle Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur – I/6b Minoritenplatz 5 1014 Wien Contribution of the Unit: Elfriede Tajalli SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA POLSKA SUOMI / FINLAND Eurydice Unit Foundation for the Development of the Education System Mokotowska 43 00-551 Warsaw Contribution of the Unit: Anna Smoczyńska and Beata Płatos Eurydice Finland Finnish National Board of Education P.O. Box 380 00531 Helsinki Contribution of the Unit: Joint responsibility PORTUGAL Unidade Portuguesa da Rede Eurydice (UPRE) Ministério da Educação Gabinete de Estatística e Planeamento da Educação (GEPE) Av. 24 de Julho, 134 – 4.º 1399-54 Lisboa Contribuição da Unidade: Isabel Almeida e Luísa Lacerda; Perita: Ana Luísa Viseu Grupo de verificação do ME: Edite Prada, Lourenço Ferreira, Paulo Barata, Regina Reis Eurydice Unit Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation Staré grunty 52 842 44 Bratislava SVERIGE Eurydice Unit Ministry of Education and Research 103 33 Stockholm TÜRKIYE Eurydice Unit Türkiye MEB, Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı (SGB) Eurydice Türkiye Birimi, Merkez Bina 4. Kat B-Blok Bakanlıklar 06648 ANKARA Contribution of the Unit: Osman Yıldırım Ugur, Bilal Aday, Dilek Güleçyüz TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe – Edition 2009 – English version – Acknowledgements 5 UNITED KINGDOM Eurydice Unit for England, Wales and Northern Ireland National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) The Mere, Upton Park Slough SL1 2DQ Contribution of the Unit: Claire Sargent, Anne Byrne Eurydice Unit Scotland International Team Schools Directorate 2B South Victoria Quay Edinburgh EH6 6QQ TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe – Edition 2009 – English version – Acknowledgements 6 TESE – Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe – English version 2009 Edition Eurydice Brussels: Eurydice EC-80-09-800-EN-N ISBN 978-92-9201-047-8 DOI 10.2797/24822 TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe – Edition 2009 – English version – Acknowledgements 7