1. NOMBRE DE LA INICIATIVA I circuiti del paesaggio (Circuits of the Landscape) 2.TIPO DE INICIATIVA Concertación Participación Mediación Educación de población escolar Publicación Comunicación Otros: ….. 2. ÁMBITO TEMÁTICO Espacios abiertos suburbanos Nuevos sectores de actividad económica Accesos a núcleos de población Nuevas áreas residenciales en espacios suburbanos Bordes urbanos y espacios urbanos degradados Imágenes urbanas desde el exterior Otro: Relationship between urban area and countryside taking in account new function of peri-urban agriculture 3. ÁMBITO TERRITORIAL Municipal: Todi Supramunicipal Regional Nacional Otros Formulario de petición de información – Línea de acción 4. Sensibilización 17 de Julio de 2009 4. DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA EXPERIENCIA The project “Circuits of the Landscape” was born from the development of the new General City Plan (GCP). As a matter of fact the administration has elaborated as one of its chief goals, the implementation of several hamlets in Todi’s territory suffering from ever-increasing structural decay. The main task before the administration was to devise a plan, which would benefit the outlying municipal territory. The latter is in fact rich in environmental and natural resources which are however unknown to tourists, who tend to visit only the historic centre. Using this idea as a springboard, studies carried out by experts related to agronomics, the census of the rural architectural heritage and the landscape, have been an important source of inspiration for creating “Circuits of the Landscape”. In particular some cognitive contributions have been fundamental. The agronomic studies have allowed the identification of rural land according to its use and taken a census of the farms on the territory, located the most significant firms; and the landscape studies have made the classification of characteristics particular to different territories possible, making it possible to locate its finest, as well as worst elements. Through a census of rural architectural heritage and agricultural resources they have selected the significant structures in the territory, special attention being given to the historic borghi, churches, towers and historic country houses. The main aim of the project is to promote actions, which are meant to implement the resources environmental, architectural and gastronomic - of the territory. The project also looks ahead towards building new enterprises and opportunities for development. In order to achieve these goals, the support of local people is fundamental, especially of those working, living and producing within this territory. As a matter of fact, it is not surprising that the project was sponsored by community funds such as “Leader Plus,” which is a fund created within the local development plan of one of the Umbrian LAGs (Local Action Group of the Upper Tiber valley), that have based their activities on the support of the local people. Participation has been instrumental in developping consensus in the planning phase but it will also play a key role in the management phase providing solutions to developpe the “Circuits of the Landscape” through the involvement of inhabitants. The project is meant to create six Circuits which include different types of roads (local, historical and municipal) and encompass borghi and valuable buildings, as well as farm holidays, typical produce, wine makers and oil-presses, all of which are exceptional for their beautiful locations and landscape. The six Circuits are an "integrated" project, which provides some actions (as development of green areas in small villages, creation of rest areas, organize a photographic exhibition and edit a thematic guide) to exploite the territory in particular the rural landscape. Formulario de petición de información – Línea de acción 4. Sensibilización 17 de Julio de 2009 Text from : Marini F., (2006), Introduction, on Todi Circuiti del Paesaggio, Litograf s.r.l., Todi. Gioffré L., (2006), “Il progetto dei “Circuiti del paesaggio” – Comune di Todi”, oral communication on Conference on “Paesaggio ed Agricoltura. I piani paesistici per la gestione e la valorizzazione dello spazio rurale”, organized by Federazione regionale dei dottori agronomi e dottori forestali del Lazio, Rome, 24 november 2006. 6. PROMOTOR Comune di Todi_ Servizio Urbanistica PRG progetti per la città Other institution involved • Comunità montana del Monte Peglia e Selva di Meana • Associazione SLOW FOOD • Regione dell’Umbria • Ente parco del Fiume Tevere Financing Body Gal Media Valle del Tevere 7. DESTINATARIOS City dwellers and Tourists 8. PERIODO DE DESARROLLO From February 2003 to may 2007 9. MATERIALES GENERADOS POR LA EXPERIENCIA Fotografías: 800 photos were made in order to analyse and study the territory, to complete the publication of the " Circuits of the Landscape " guide and to realize the photographic exhibition. Libros y publicaciones: a guidebook of 192 pages in A5 format with the description of the history, landscape and traditional gastronomy of Todi and finally the details of “Circuits of the Landscape” (plan, map, signs, significant structures and elements) were edited. Vídeos y materiales audiovisuals: a promotional video for two minutes and fiftyseven seconds which presents the six “Circuits of the Landscape” were produced. Sitios web o publicaciones digitales: a web site (www.todi.circuitidelpaesaggio.it) with the contents of the guidebook were created and edited but it is currently offline. Formulario de petición de información – Línea de acción 4. Sensibilización 17 de Julio de 2009 Trípticos y folletos: a brochure containing a map of the “Circuits of the Landscape” and a brief description were produced. Otros: Gadgets: T-shirt and backpack 10. DATOS DE CONTACTO : § Nombre: Comune di Todi § Dirección postal: Piazza del Popolo 29/30, 06059 Todi (PG) § Dirección de correo electrónico: § Sitio web: 2ª PARTE 1.RESULTADOS The main results of the project were three. The first has been the creation of a network consisting of the “six Circuits” aimed to enhancing the local landscape. The Circuits have been equipped (sign system, rest areas,….) to promote the enjoyment of periurban spaces by tourists and inhabitants. The second was the enhancement of green areas of the suburban villages within the municipality of Todi. Finally the project has raised the awareness of participants in relation to issues of landscape involving in planning and in management phases. 2. PUNTOS FUERTES DE LA EXPERIENCIA The first strength was that the project could benefit from the apparatus of knowledge and skills achieved during the preparation of GCP. Furthermore this project was able to involve different stakeholders in the planning phase of “Circuits of the Landscape” leading to shared outcomes. The project during that phase has succeeded in integrating different stakeholders (public and private) and different expertises. Another strength of the project was to have created an opportunity for local development based on landscape “product”. Formulario de petición de información – Línea de acción 4. Sensibilización 17 de Julio de 2009 3. PUNTOS DÉBILES DE LA EXPERIENCIA Following the completion of the project and the first phase of “territorial marketing” of “Circuits of the Landscape”, the implementation of the second phase of project concerning the management has slowed. The management has been suggested that has yet to be set. This slowdown has helped to “damp” the initial enthusiasm of the initiative. 4. EVOLUCIÓN FUTURA In the project was suggested a strong investment on management activities based on public-private partnership in order to develop awareness of the landscape and implement a local development project. Indeed, the “Circuits of the Landscape” should serve to trigger the virtuous processes for the development of local resources. 5. APLICABILIDAD A OTRAS REGIONES MEDITERRÁNEAS The project of “Circuits of the Landscape” has already been included in other GCP of other towns of Umbria region, because it falls in a programming context sensitive to this type of activity based on the enhancement of landscape and local resources. The restatement of the idea and the method has started off different projects and realizations characterized by the identity of the territories in which they were implemented. The project of “Circuits of the Landscape” could be repeated in other national and european region because the project has been shown capable of enhancing the landscape and the socio-economic and cultural resources of territories. Formulario de petición de información – Línea de acción 4. Sensibilización 17 de Julio de 2009