Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as

First Baptist Church of Horizon City
First Baptist Church of Horizon City
17018 Darrington Rd.
Horizon City, TX 79928
A Little Church with a BIG Love
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up,
just as you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
September 2015
. . . From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
First Baptist Church of Horizon City
17018 Darrington Road, Horizon City, TX 79928
915 852-3027
Worship Service
Bible Study (all ages)
Worship Service
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Escuela Dominical
Servico de Adoracion
1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
Celula Femenil
6:30 p.m.
Women’s Bible Study
6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Children’s Ministry
Bible Study & Prayer
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Nursery Provided
Estudio Biblico
Wes Phillips, Pastor
Norman Torres, Associate Pastor,
Pastor Hispano
God continues to be gracious to us in many
ways, and we are always trying to catch up to
Him (we are Christ followers, so this is where
we should be positioned). As a response to
His blessing in our church, we will be reintroducing a second English language service on Sunday mornings. Our new schedule
of Sunday morning activities will be: Early
service in English at 8:00 a.m., Bible Study
for all ages at 9:00 a.m., Regular Service in
English at 10:00 a.m., Spanish Language
Bible Study at 1:00 p.m. and Spanish Worship Service at 2:00 p.m.
We will be shuffling several things in relation
to our praise team(s) in coming weeks, and
would like to thank Jason Olmos for joining
us with this responsibility. The early service
will be condensed in some ways, but will feature more traditional hymns. We will probably
have a box or offering plate available, instead
of the usual offertory, and a few little nuances
to give it a unique identity, but the sermon will
usually be the same (on Sundays when Pastor Wes is gone, the pulpit supply may be the
same person for both services or different
people for the two English language services). Please be patient with us as we work
out the kinks in the schedule. There are always
some little hiccups along the way.
In order to become an effective, growing follower of
Christ, there are three different kinds of worship/
study/devotional activities that you should be participating in on a regular basis. These are large corporate worship (the main church service), a small
group study, and a personal time alone with God
each day. Reading through the gospels will quickly
show you that Jesus was often with the multitude,
more often with his group of 12, with his inner group
of three (Peter, James and John) at strategic times,
and consistently alone with God for personal devotion and prayer. As a Christian, you can grow if you
leave one of these three out, but your growth will be
a little twisted and it will be less
than what Christ expects of His
Attending the church service is
something you are already familiar
with. As a church family, there are
things that we can do to encourage your personal devotion time,
but that is largely something you
have to be passionate about.
Youth News
Our involvement in youth
camp is continuing to
results. Since camp, Miquel Castorena has
been leading a youth
study on Thursday night
with the youth from our
English and Spanish
Miguel & Margie Castorena
congregations. This has
included several ministry
projects already, and
there are some big
events coming up in the
next few weeks. On the
weekend of September
11-13, the youth will be
traveling to Cloudcroft,
NM to do work on a ministry retreat property
known as God’s House.
and preparation for the
winter (cutting logs for
firewood, etc.) will be the
work focus of the trip.
You can call the church
office for more details.
The following Saturday,
September 19, we will
be attending a youth rally for the kids that went
to camp and a number
of new churches and
friends as well. We will
meet at our church to
travel to a farm in the
Clint area and then have
an evening of volleyball,
basketball, outdoor grilling, music and worship,
a hay ride and several
other surprises.
thanks go to Kenny Wilson for making his property available for this
event. This will also be
a time of preparation for
See You At the Pole
which will be happening
the following Wednesday morning. SYATP is
a grass roots program
encouraging Christian
youth to meet at 7:00
a.m. around the flag
pole of their school and
pray for the school.
In other news, we are
proud of Brianna Edwards and her influence
in helping the
Fellowship of
Socorro High School. Our
Church Council has
made a move to come
along-side this group
and be an encouragement to them. If you
would like to provide
bottled water or maybe
just some bread, peanut
butter and
jelly, it will
be put to
The group is
growing and
we will be excited to see
what develops from this
Our church will be working with four interns that
are part of the DECCA
program at Socorro.
The details for this partnership will be ironed
out in the first couple of
weeks of this month, but
pray for these four students, that we can make
an investment in their
lives that will make a difference and help them
develop into the business leaders they would
like to become.
Also, a quick shout-out
to A. J. Barber for mowing our yard. Paul
McGee usually takes
care of this responsibility, but has recently had
eye-surgery, and we did
not want to aggravate
his recovery, so A. J.
was willing to step up.
A resource you might be
interested in:
What is IAM?
After what seems a very long
time, the certification of this
institution to assist Undocumented Immigrants, and to
build a ministry from it, is close
to becoming fact. In my estimation it will be about 180
days of waiting after the final
packet is submitted for approval. The packet will be ready to
be submitted no later than 30
September '15.
As a starting point, IAM
(Immigration Assistance
Ministry) will provide unbiased immigration information,
from a Christian Perspective,
and provide motivation to bring
immigrant community members out of the shadows. Also
IAM’s intention is to provide
technical application assistance and provide the necessary opportunity to members
of the community to pursue
"legal status" through a nonattorney staff of non-profit religious organization such as we
Secondly, we are an organization that can provide direction
and guidance to community
members when a family crisis
occurs, and they find themselves in need of social services. And last but certainly
not least, we are an organization that "... doth execute the
judgment of the fatherless and
widow, and loves the stranger,
in giving him food and raiment".
We are called to
"Love ye therefore the
stranger: for ye were strangers
in the land of Egypt." (Deut 10:
Wait for it, remember our Government moves slowly!!
Pastor Norman Torres
(Continued from front page )
For many, the next big step after coming to Sunday
morning worship is to be involved in a small group
study. If this has not been your pattern in the past
or if your Christian walk has gotten a little stale and
rusty, there are new studies that will be available
this September.
All studies will be held at the
church unless stated:
Sun. 9:00 a.m.
Sun. 1:00 p.m.
Sun. 6:30 p.m.
Mon.7:00 p.m.
Tue. 7:00 p.m.
In Are We Ready for Jesus, author Nelson Walters
offers an explanation, and challenges the Church
to wake-up and begin preparing for the most important event the world will ever see. Many Christians are apathetic because they believe, “Hard
times won’t affect me.”
Find out exactly how the end times will affect
you, and what to do about it.
Discover the role that Christians are to play prior to Christ’s return
Recognize the importance of attitude in enduring the coming storm.
Discern what will be important and what will be
worthless during those days.
Uncover THE sign of Jesus’ Return.
Learn how to evade deception from within the
Church and from false messiahs and how to
avoid “falling away.”
Discover the signs leading to the rise of the Antichrist and learn where we ought to be looking
for him.
Realize the key role of Israel, and how we need
to respond to God’s people.
You can purchase the book at: or go to to read more.
Wed. 9:30 a.m.
Wed. 6:30 p.m.
Thu. 7:00 p.m.
Growth as a Christian
In Spanish, various studies for
men, women and children
Pastor Wes and Julie’s house,
a study of Romans, a chapter
each week
Study for women in Spanish
Women’s study of Ephesians
Teacher, Julie Phillips
Romans, a chapter each week
“Are We Ready for Jesus?”
Bible study in Spanish
In addition to these studies, Joseph and Lori Kyle
will be hosting a study in their home on the East
side of El Paso. Contact them at 307-7947 for
more information
Pastor Wes
A man fell into a pit and couldn't get himself out.
A SUBJECTIVE person came along and said: "I feel for
you down there"!
An OBJECTIVE person came along and said: "It is logical
that someone would fall down there".
A PHARISEE said: "Only bad people fall into a pit".
A MATHEMATICIAN calculated how he fell into the pit.
A NEWS REPORTER wanted the exclusive story on his
A FUNDAMENTALIST said: "You deserve your pit".
An I.R.S. man asked if he was paying taxes on the pit.
A SELF-PITYING person said: "You haven't seen anything until you've seen MY PIT"!
A CHARISMATIC said: "Just confess that you're not IN a
An OPTIMIST said: "Things could be worse".
A PESSIMIST said: "Things will get worse"!
JESUS, seeing the man, took him by the hand and
LIFTED HIM OUT of the pit.
-Source Unknown-
Church Chatter
Gospel Under the Stars
John Chavez, 9-1
Tina Mayberry, 9-1
Veronica Espinoza, 9-3
Jesus Jimenez, 9-3
Mary Navarrete, 9-5
Brandon Brown, 9-7
Diana Chavez, 9-8
Anita Oswalt, 9-8
Jason Lopez, 9-9
Noah Remes, 9-10
Owen Sampson, 9-10
Alberto Guerrero, 9-11
William Hamilton, 9-12
Rosie Edwards 9-14
Devon Nilsson, 9-16
Kayce Brown, 9-17
Manuel Zubia, 9-18
Tylar Barry, 9-19
Emmanuel Rojero, 9-19
Yvonne Castorena, 9-21
Elizabeth Johnson, 9-21
Hillary Arias, 9-22
Raphael Broughts, 9-23
Cassandra Davis, 9-24
Ana Estrada, 9-25
Cassandra Del Real, 9-26
Samantha Del Real, 9-28
Alfonso Yanez, 9-29
Leilani Luna, 9-30
If we missed your birthday, please let us know
so we can enter it next year.
Our Missionaries
Mark and Roxanne Davis
It has been a joy to share in the ministry of Mark
and Roxanne Davis, our missionary family to Mexico. They did have a little time to stop by the
church in August, and share an update of their
ministry. As a church, we would also like to congratulate Crystal on passing her test for the G.E.D.
This is an important milestone for her as they are
home-schooled because of the travel between the
U.S. and Mexico. This is a challenging test and
has been upgraded in recent days. At present,
less than 35% of the people who take the test will
pass the test. If you would like to receive a newsletter detailing their ministry, you can contact them
at and asked to be added to
their e-mail list.
Our second year of Gospel under the Stars will begin on Saturday, September 5. We often
emphasize the idea of reading
Scripture, but the Bible also
tells us that Scripture should be
read aloud and be heard. On
six consecutive Saturday evenings, we will listen to an audio
recording of Scripture. The schedule is Matthew 111 (9/5), Matthew 12-20 (9/12), Matthew 21-28
(9/19), Luke 1-7 (9/26), Luke 8-16 (10/3) and Luke
17-24 (10/10). Bring your favorite umbrella chair
(we will furnish some extra chairs) and settle in
around the fire pit for a time of fellowship and encouragement. The recording will begin at 7:00 p.m.
and we will have something available to drink.
Pastor Franklin Nandigam
Pastor Franklin Nandigam was able to join us on
August 30 and spoke to both our English and Spanish
language congregations. The orphanage he sponsors is
on the bottom floor of his house and has grown from the
35 children that were there when Pastor Wes and Pastor
Norman visited in October of 2014, to 50 children at present. Each child can be fed for $1.00 each day, but this
means the bill for feeding them is also $50 every day, and
there is little money available in the rural areas of India.
Your gifts and prayers are important. In addition to this
ministry, he is also a pastor and is working to bring encouragement and training to a large number of pastors in
the area, as well as extending the gospel reach into primitive tribal areas.
Pastors in the remote areas have extremely limited access to Biblical based training or anything that would resemble seminary training. In some cases, the pastors
may have a limited ability to read and write. When Wes
and Norman visited, they were able to lead a conference
for more than 380 pastors
that came from a wide area
around Markapur, India.
We have the ability to get
money to Franklin within a
day and any support you
want to send that direction
will be made available to
him. The need for training
is great, and at least one pastor from the El Paso area is
planning on making a visit to be of help to Franklin in January. Your help will be appreciated.
Spanish Ministry
Les quiero reportar que en el mes de Agosto apoyamos a la Nueva Obra en Agua Dulce. Ellos tuvieron
una escuela biblica de vacaciones, por tres dias, y al
final hubo varias profesiones de fe. Los padres de los
niños que ivan se quedaban y se les presentó el evangelio de Jesucristo a varios y el resultado está en las
manos del Señor. Continuemos orando por esa obra y
que El Señor la Bendiga.
De parte del Ministerio Femenil: Han echo un cambio
de horario para ofrecer mas oportunidad a otras damas
para que puedan estar en las reunuiones. Aparentemente los Lunes a las 6:30 PM es un tiempo mas conveniente para todas. Tambien se anuncia una pequeña conferencia que se actualizará el Sabado 26 de
Septiempbre, entre las horas 9am a 2pm. Se servira
desayuno continental y un lunch. Mas detalles se publicaran pero si necesita mas informacion llame a la
Hermana Patricia Gutierrez (# en el directorio de la
A proposito, si Ud. no ha recibido su directorio es porque no vino al Servicio de Oración el Domingo 29 de
Agosto. Nos hiso falta. Vuelva, y reclame su directorio!!
Goal to next
building phase
Matthew Answer Key (from July)
Luke Answer Key
Luke Answer Key
Mark Answer Key (from August)
End of August Building Fund
Total $64,816.21
El ministerio de parejas sigue muy bien bajo el liderasgo
de Rubén y Dolores Mendoza; se planea un retiro para
Octubre en Cloudcroft. Los detalles todavia no se han
confirmado. Entusiamese para estar con ellos y pasar
un tiempo de edificación juntos con Dios, en el bosque
de Cloudcroft (los Ozos no están invitados).
En Octubre esta congregación cumple los nueve años
de estar aqui en Horizon City. Han sido nueve años de
gran bendición y nos preparamos para continuar trabajando para el Reino de Dios. Hen esto 9 años hemos
comisionado a dos hombres para Su Reino; uno esta
en Odessa, TX., y el otro es lider de una nueva obra en
Agua Dulce. Tambien apoyamos a la obra de Fort Hancock y apoyamos al ministerio entre los prisioneros, que
esta aqui en la "safe houe" de Horizon City. El Pastor
Mani Corral es el encargado y nosotros lo apoyamos
con algunos recursos y oración. El Pastor Torres a estado en Guatemala, Mejico y en India para llevar el
Evangelio de Jesucristo a esas Naciones. Las oraciones del pueblo han sido muy valiosas en todo esto, y se
les pide que continuen orando para que el evangelio se
continue llevando a regiones necesitadas. Cumpla su
parte de la "Gran Comision" hablandole a su vecino.
El 25 de Octubre celebraremos nuestro aniversario, con
un servicio especial. El Pastor
Ezequiel San Martín nos traerá el mensaje ese dia. Se planea un servicio de Adoración
enfocado en la musica de parte de Nuestro Lider Musical,
Guillermo Borunda. Comienze
a invitar a otros para que participen con nosotros
Annual Church Business Meeting
We do have business
meetings on a regular schedule, but the business meeting
held in September is the official Annual Meeting legally
required by our charter as a
non-profit corporation. This
meeting will be held on September 23 at 6:30 and will be
the meeting where we approve the budget, our teachers and officers, our trustees,
and our committee members
for the coming year. This is
an important meeting, and
the slate of positions and
suggested budget for the
coming year have already
been approved by the Church
Council. If you would like to
see any of this before the
meeting, please contact the
church office for a copy. You
may also contact any member
of the Administrative Committee to ask questions that
you may have. The people on
the Administrative Committee
include Pastor Wes and Pastor
Norman as ex-officio members, Harry Bruntz as chair,
Debra Armes, Mike Gray,
Matsuda, Ruben Mendoza, and
Rosie Edwards.