QUESTION: ¿Nos puede especificar la diferencia entre “proofreading”, “modification” y “copy editing”? ANSWER: This query was covered in the replies to two questions already posted in the Contracts, grants and vacancies section of the IOC website Proofreading will normally be of texts translated by the service providers. Past examples are the Arabic proofs of the IOC magazine, the articles for which had already been translated by the external translation team. Modification will normally entail translating amended or new text in documents either translated by the service providers (current or past) or drafted inhouse. Some past instances of modification have included the adaptation of testing methods, rules of procedure, staff regulations etc to incorporate minor and/or scattered amendments to the texts. Copy editing will normally be of texts drafted by non-native/native speakers which require polishing. QUESTION: ¿Nos puede aclarar a qué se hacen referencia las “1st proofs” y “2nd proofs”? ANSWER: To take the example of the Arabic version of the IOC magazine again, the 1st set of proofs usually entail in-depth checking against the original manuscript to make sure everything is in the right place, there are no typos, widows and orphans, etc. The 2nd set of proofs should normally be much less time consuming because they will merely involve checking that the printers have done all the corrections properly. QUESTION: ¿Podemos ofrecer nuestro propio baremo de tarifas y no rellenar las tablas que figuran en la licitación? ANSWER: No. For the sake of comparison, ALL bidders must use the Financial Offer Annex.