St. Louis Catholic School Principal’s Report Nov. 17, 2011 1. Faith Formation Charisms of St. Louis are now in each classroom and in their Leader in Me journals. “Caught Being Good” for November is Courage: patience and tolerance. Changes in The Mass have been sent to all SLCS families in a brochure. 2. Student Council Student Council officers were our lead hosts honoring our veterans at our Veterans Day assembly. We had coffee and cookies this time and gave each veteran a flower. All students participated in the assembly honoring our veterans. 3. Curriculum We have received writing curriculums from Medina Valley (Dr. Clinch). They Include 6 Traits of Writing, Step Up to Writing and Discovery Writing. An In-service will be held January 2, 2012. No school this day. 4. Prof. Development Teachers were in-serviced in Habit 3: Put First Things First by Covey. We also had an in-service on Blood Pathogens. New teachers will visit Leader in Me schools in San Antonio soon. Accreditation early out will be on faculty meeting days. Students will be released at 1:00 pm each month through the end of the year. 5. Outreach Our student body made Thanksgiving table favors for the parish Thanksgiving Dinner for the seniors in our community. 6. Technology All the technology at SLCS is second to none throughout the diocese. We need to spread the word. Much of this is due to Laura Reed and special donations. Toy R. has helped teachers set up their Wiki web pages and has set up a Home Connect account for parents. Please encourage people to get on our web page. 7. Communication The value of word of mouth for advertising our school should not be under rated. SLCS was represented at the diocesan School Showcase held at the Ingram Park Mall on Saturday, Nov. 12, 2011. Brennen Butler (4K) has been speaking at Masses in the deanery to support the Catholic Life Raffle. Well done, Brennen!! 8. Enrollment 3K 19, 4K 23, K 18, 1st 17, 2nd 10, 3rd 7, 4th 19, 5th 9. Total: 132 Total Families: 106 Parishioner: 69 Non-parishioner: 37 9. Facility Stewardship is a good way for people to help around the school campus and fulfill their hours of service. Plans are in the works to paint the inside of the main bldg. We now have a portable PA system for pick up and runners who wear crossing guard belts. On Mass day, students wear crossing guard vests to stop traffic. 10. School Spirit The fourth and fifth graders did an excellent job at the local Veterans Day celebration. 11.Other The cafeteria stove has been cleaned and looks awesome. Let’s keep it in this stellar condition. Thermometer banners are now being displayed to advertise our fundraising amounts. Comet Angel plaques are being readied in time for Catholic Schools Week. All of our decisions should be driven by our ‘vision/mission” statement. Faith, Service & Excellence