LIST OF PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS IN MALTA as at 27th April 2015 The following is a list of Plant Protection Products, together with their relevant details, that are presently authorized for use on crops in the Maltese islands in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 12 of Legal Notice No. 358 of 2009 (Plant Protection Products Regulations, 2009) issued under the Pesticides’ Control Act (Cap. 430). Shaded cells refer to products which are included in the list of products which will be revoked. LISTA TA’ PRODOTTI GĦALL-ĦARSIEN TAL-PJANTI F’MALTA sa-27 ta’ April 2015. Il-lista li ġejja hija lista ta’ Prodotti għall-Ħarsien talPjanti, flimkien mad-dettalji relevanti tagħhom, li huma preżentement awtorizzati biex jintużaw fuq xtieli fil-gżejjer Maltin skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-Regolament 12 ta’ l-Avviż Legali Nru. 358 ta’ l-2009 (Regolamenti ta’ l-2009 dwar Prodotti għall-ħarsien tal-Pjanti) maħruġ taħt l-Att dwar il-Kontroll tal-Pestiċidi (Kap. 430). Kaxxi skuri jirreferu għal prodotti li huma inklużi fil-lista ta' prodotti li se jiġu revokati. Registration Number Product name Active Substance Company 2011-10-28 P01 2010-12-15 P01 (a) 2010-12-15 P01 (PI 01) 2015-03-03 P01 Activus Afalon DS Afalon DS Afepasa Sulphur Dust Makhteshim-Agan Holland B.V. Agan Chemical Manufacturers Ltd. Agriculture Co-Operative Ltd., Zebbug – Malta Azufrera y Fertilizantes Pallares, S.A. (AFEAPASA) 2015-03-03 P03 Agrosan B 2013-10-28 P01 2012-07-16 P01 2012-08-02 P02 Aliette Altacor Antracol 70 WG 2009-06-12 P01 Bagnante AC Pendimethalin 40% Linuron 37.6% Linuron 37.6% Sulphur 95% Metaldehyde 5%; Denatonium Benzoate 0.03% Fosetyl Aluminium 80% Chlorantraniliprole 35% Propineb 70% Sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate 2009-05-14 P02 578/2003/19 MT 2008-10-28-P01 (a) Bagnante Agricolo Bagnante Antischiuma S Bordo Mix 20 WP Sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate Isotridecyl Alcohol 20% Copper-calcium sulphate 25% 2013-10-03 P01 Centurio Chlorpyriphos 1% 2009-03-20 P02 (a) Chikara 25 WG 2015-02-18 P02 (SZ) Comrade MT 2011-02-09 P01 (A) 2012-08-13 P 02 Confidor 200 O-TEQ Confidor AL Flazasulfuron 25% Azoxystrobin (200g/l); Cyproconazole (80g/l) Imidacloprid 19.42% Imidacloprid 0,0125% Kollant SpA, Via Trieste 49/53, Padova Sipcam S.P.A. Pero (MI), Italy Industrias Quimicas Del Valles, Spain Makhteshim Chemical Works Ltd represented in Italy by Makhteshim Agan Italia SrL ISK Biosciences Europe SA, Brussels. Kollant SrL Bayer Crop Science, Italy Du Pont De Nemours Italiana Srl Bayer Crop Science SrL Chemia S.P.A. Ferrara, Italy Sharda Europe b.v.b.a Bayer CropScience S.r.L. Bayer Crop Science SrL 2012-11-26 P03 Copet 20-10 2010-04-27 P01 (C) 2012-11-26 P01 Coragen Cotran 30-20 400/2004/21 Cuprofix C. Disperss 2012-10-22 P01 2010-03-16 P01 2014-01-27 P02 2009-10-12 P01 (PI) Curzate M White Cymbal Cymonil Cyren 44 EC Bordeaux Mixture (expressed as copper) 20%; Folpet 10%; Chlorantraniliprole 18.4% Mancozeb 20%, Copper Oxychloride 30% Copper Sulfate + Lime 20%, Cymoxanil 4% Cymoxanil 4 %; Mancozeb 40%. Cymoxanil 45% Cymoxanil 4.2%; Chlorothalonil 31.5%; Chlorpyriphos 44.55% 2009-02-19 P01 (A) Decis Deltamethrine 2.81% 2014-04-28 P01 2009-02 18 P01 (PI) Decis Evo Decis Jet Deltamethrine 2.42%; Deltamethrine 1.63% 2009-02-18 P01 (A) Decis Jet Deltamethrine 1.63% 2013-10-28 P04 2014-11-18 P01 (SZ) 2010-04-05 P01 2015-02-18 P01 (PI 01) 2009-04-21 P02 (A) 2014-02-22 PI 01 MT 2011-05-11 P01 577/2003/9 2013-10-28 P02 2011-07-12 P01 2011-12-05 P02 (a) 2008-08-07-P01 (B) 2008-04-29-P01 (A) 2013-04-12 P01 2012-12-07 P01 Dessicash 200 SL Dimbo Diqua Direx 7.5 GR Dithane DG Neotec Dithane M-45 Dursban Eagle Elios Endogerme Enovit-Metil Fl Equation Pro Fantic M Feinzin DF Flint 2012-08-02 P02 Flint Max AL 2010-05-03 P01 (a) 2014-03-25 P01 2014-01-27 P01 2010-04-27 P02 (A) Folicur SE Fontelis Fusilade Max 125 EC Galben M 8-65 Blu Diquat 17% Dicamba 480g/L Diquat 16.7% Chlorpyriphos 7.5% Mancozeb 75% Mancozeb 80% Chlorpyrifos 45% Cypermethrin 10% Mancozeb, Metalaxyl Clorpropham 1% Thiophanate-methyl 43% Famoxadone 22.5%, cymoxanil 30% Benalaxil-M 4%, Mancozeb 65% Metribuzin 70% Trifloxystrobin 50% Tebuconazole 0.012%; Trifloxystrobin 0.012% Tebuconazole 4.35% Penthiopyrad 20.4% Fluazifop-b-butyl 13.4% Mancozeb 65%, Benalaxyl 8% 2013-10-23 P01 Galigan EC Oxyfluorfen 23.8% Industrias Químicas del Vallés. S.A. (IQV, S.A.). Du Pont de Nemours Italiana Srl Industrias Químicas del Vallés. S.A. (IQV, S.A.). Cerexagri Italia S.R.L, San Carlo di Cesena, Italy Du Pont De Nemours Italiana SrL Belchim Crop Protection Italia S.p.A. Italy Sipcam SpA Agricultural Co-operative Ltd., Zebbug Malta Bayer Crop Science SRL Viale Vertosa 130, 20156 – Milano Italy. Bayer CropScience Srl Agricultural Co-Operative Ltd., Zebbug Bayer Crop Science SRL Viale Vertosa 130, 20156 – Milano Italy. Sharda Europe b.v.b.a Gaytan Agrochem S.L. Sharda Europe b.v.b.a, Belgium Kollant SrL Dow AgroSciences Italia SRL, Italy Agriculture Co-Operative Ltd., Zebbug, Malta Dow AgroSciences Italia SrL, Italy Sepran S.A.S, Vicentina, Italy (Tragusa), Tratamientos Guadalquivir , Sevilla, Spain Agriphar S.A. Sipcam S.P.A. Du Pont de Nemours Italiana SRL (MI) Italy Isagro S.P.A. Milan, Italy Feinchemie Schwebda GMBH, Eschwege, Germany. Bayer Crop Science, Italy Bayer Crop Science SrL, Bayer Crop Scince SrL, Milan Du Pont De Nemours Italiana SrL Syngenta Crop Protection AG FMC Chemical sprl, Belgium Agan Chemical Manufacturers Ltd., rapresented in Italy by Maktheshim Agan Italia SrL. 2014-01-13 P01 232/2004/11 261/2006/14 2013-06-05 P01 2008-07-01-P01 2012-12-07 P03 (A) 2008-06-03-P01 2012-10-26 P01 2014-03-28 P03 (SZ) 2014-03-28 P02 (SZ) 232/2004/5 2012-12-07 P02 Grisu Hopper Blu Iram 025 Karate 10 CS Karathane Star Karbel Kerb Flo Kocide 2000 Lannate 20 WP Lannate 25 WP Laser Lentagran 45 WP Iprodione 40,96% Glyphosate 31% Copper Hydroxide 25% Lambda-cyhalothrin 9,48% Meptyldinocap 35.71% Iprodione 50%; Propizamide 36% Copper Hydroxide 35% Methomyl 20% Methomyl 25% Spinosad 44% Pyridate 50% 2013-10-10 P01 Leopard 5 EC Quizalofop – p – ethyl 5% 2012-03-20 P01 578/2003/11 2012-08-23 P01 Lumachicida Vebi Matacar FL Match 050 EC Metaldehyde 5% Hexythiazox 24% Lufenuron 50% 2014-01-13 P02 Mavrik 20 EW Tau – Fluvalineae 21,4% 2012-07-30 P01 400/2004/16 2009-04-22 P01 (a) 2015-03-03 P01 SZ 2008-12-17-P01 2014-06-02 P01 2012-08-28 P02 400/2004/6 2010-03-30 P01 2009-01-29 P01 (a) 2008-05-05-P01 (a) MT 2011-02-14 P01 261/2006/12 400/2004/14 400/2004/3 2014-03-28 P01 (SZ) 2012-10-02 P01 Metric Microthiol Dispress Mildicut Misha 20 EW Mospilan 20SG Movento 48 SC Multirose Bug Killer Nautile DG. Nemasol Nemathorin 10G Nimrod 250EW Nocthrine Noidio Gold 10EC Ovipron Top Penncozeb DG. Phostoxin Poleci Poltiglia Bordolese Disperss Blu Previter Metribuzin 19.3% Sulphur 80% Cyazofamid 2.03% Myclobutanil 200g/L Acetamiprid 20% Spirotetramat 4,53%; Thiacloprid 0.015% Mancozeb 68%, Cymoxanil 5% Metam-Sodium 51% Fosthiazate 10% Bupirimate 23.8% Cypermethrin 0.125% Penconazole 10.2% Mineral Oil 96.5% Mancozeb 75% Aluminium phosphide 560g/kg Deltamethrin 2.81% Sipcam SpA Dow AgroSciences, Valbonne, France Agrimix S.r.l. Viale di Citta d’Europa, 681, Roma Italy Syngenta Crop Protection AG Dow AgroSciences, Valbonne, France Probelte S.A. Dow AgroSciences, Valbonne, France Du Pont, DeNemours Italiana S.R.L, Balzono, Italy DuPont De Nemours and Company DuPont De Nemours and Company Dow AgroSciences, Valbonne, France Belchim Crop Protection Italia SpA Agan Chemical Manufacturers Ltd. Represented in Italy by Makhteshim Agan Italia SrL. Sharda Europa b.v.b.a., Belgium Sipcam S.P.A. Pero (MI), Italy Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Switzerland Irvita Plant Protection NV represented in Italy by Makhteshim Agan Italia Srl Belchim Crop Protection Italia S.p.A. Cerexagri Italia S.R.L, San Carlo di Cesena, Italy ISK Biosciences Europe S.A., Belgium Sharda Europe b.v.b.a. Nisso Chemical Europe, Dusseldorf, Germany. Bayer CropScience S.r.l. Bayer Crop Science Ltd. Cerexagri Italia S.R.L, San Carlo di Cesena, Italy Taminco BVBA ISK Biosciences Europe NV. Makhteshim Agan Italia S.r.l. SBM Développement SAS Agrimix S.r.l. Viale di Citta d’Europa, 681, Roma, Italy Cerexagri Italia S.R.L, San Carlo di Cesena, Italy Cerexagri Italia S.R.L, San Carlo di Cesena, Italy Detia Freyberg GmbH Sharda Worldwide Exports Pvt. Ltd. Copper Sulfate 20% Cerexagri Italia S.R.L, San Carlo di Cesena, Italy Propamocarb 66.5% Agriphar S.A. , Belgium. 400/2004/19 2009-12-23 P01 2015-07-04 P02 Metobromuraon 41% Belchim Crop Protection Italia SpA Thiacloprid 0.015% Bayer Crop Science Ltd. 2011-11-11 P02 (A) 2014-12-09 P02 2009-03-09 P01 (B) 2012-11-20 P01 2014-12-09 P01 2011-03-11 P02 (A) 2008-06-19-P01 (a) 2010-05-31 P01 (A) 2013-08-09 P01 Proman Provado Ultimate Bug Killer Ready to Use Pyrinex Quick Quad Glob 200 SL Ranman Ranman Top Rapsan Reglone Reldan 22 Revus MZ Ridomil Gold MZ Deltamethrin 54%, Chlorpyrifos 22.6% Diquat 200g/L Cyazofamid 34.78% Cyafozamid 14,8% Metazachlor 500g/L Diquat 20% Chlorpyrifos 22.1% Mandipropamid 5%; Mancozeb 60% Mancozeb 64%, Metalaxil-M 4% Makhteshim Agan Italia, Bergamo, Italy Globachem N.V. ISK Biosciences Europe S.A. ISK Biosciences Europe S.A. Globachem N.V. Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Switzerland Dow AgroSciences, Valbonne, France Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Switzerland Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Switzerland 2014-11-21 P01 Ridomil Gold MZ WG 64% Mancozeb; 3,9% Metalaxyl-M Syngenta Crop Protection AG 2012-10-03 P01 2012-08-13 P01 2012-08-13 P01 (PI 01) 2011-12-05 P01 2011-11-10 P01 (A) 2012-10-31 P01 2009-09-01 P01 Ridomil Gold SL RogorL-40 RogorL-40 Roundup Roundup Max Roundup RTU Rufast E Flo Metamix-m 43.88% Dimethoate 38% Dimethoate 38% Glyphosate 30.7% Glyphosate 68% Isopropylamine salt of glyphosate 0.96% Acrinathrin 7.01% MT 2011-04-06 P01 Scala Pyrimethanil 37.4% MT 2011-04-06 P01 (PI 01) 2010-12-07 P03 261/2006/4 Scala Score 250 EC Seccherba Respect 2012-01-30 P01 (A) Sepralim 2014-10-28 P01 2014-01-29 P01 (SZ) 2014-01-29 P02 (SZ) 2011-06-23 P01 2015-03-20 P01 2008-05-23-P01 (a) 2014-04-22 P01 2013-07-10 P01 2012-12-04 P01 2008-11-03-P01 (B) 2011-08-11 P01 (A) Shamal MK Plus CL Sharpen 33 EC Sharpen 40 SC Signum Spotlight Plus Steward Sultan Swat Drip Switch 62.5 WG Talendo Teldor Plus Pyrimethanil 37.4% Difenoconazole 23.9% Glyphosate 30.4% Metaldehyde 5%; Denatonium Benzoate 0,01% Glyphosate 30,8% Pendimethalin 33% Pendimethalin 40% Boscalid 26.7%; Piraclostrobin 6.7% Carfentrazone-ethyl 6.45% Indoxacarb 30% Metazaclor 44.3% Fenamiphos 40% Cyprodinil 37.5%, Fludioxonyl 25% Proquinazid 20.53% Fenexamid 42.8% Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Switzerland Cheminova A/S Agriculture Co-Operative Limited, Zebbug Monsanto Europe SA Monsanto Europe SA Monsanto Europe SA Cheminova Agro Italia SrL, Italy BASF Italia SrL, Via Marconato, 8, Cesano Maderno (MB) Italy Agriculture Co-Operative Limited, Zebbug Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Switzerland Agrimix S.r.l. Viale di Citta d’Europa, 681, Roma, Italy 2012-08-28 P01 Sharda Europe BVBA Feinchemie Schwebda GmbH Sharda Worldwide Exports Pvt. Ltd Sharda Worldwide Exports Pvt. Ltd BASF Italia SrL FMC Chemical Sprl, Belgium Du Pont, DeNemours Italiana S.R.L, Balzono, Italy Agan Chemicals Manufacturers Ltd. Makhteshim Agan Italis SrL Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Switzerland Du Pont, DeNemours Italiana S.R.L, Balzono, Italy Bayer CropScience SrL 2009-03-20 P01 (B) 2011-01-19 P01 (A) 2014-12-19 P01 (SZ) 2012-11-26 P02 (A) 2014-01-31 P01 400/2004/4 2010-09-09 P01 2010-09-09 P01 (PI 01) 2015-03-03 P04 2011-06-03 P01 (A) Teppeki Topas 100 EC Tribe 75 WG Traxi Trebon Up Triscabol DG U 46 M Star U 46 M Star Valis M Vertimec 018 EC Flonicamid Penconazole 10.2% Tribenuron –methyl 75% Copper Oxychloride 50% Etofenprox 30% Ziram 75% MCPA 24.8% MCPA 24.8% Valifenalate 6%; Mancozeb 60% Abamectin 18% 2011-01-10 P01 Vydate 10L Oxamyl 10% 2008-06-05-P01 (a) Vydate 5G Oxamyl 5% 2008-03-06-P01 2008-03-06-P01 (PI 01) 2015-03-03 P03 2011-06-28 P01 (A) Chlorpyrifos 7.5% Chlorpyrifos 7.5% Abamectic 1.9% Sulphur Wettable 80% 2009-07-28 P01 (A) Zelig GR Zelig GR Zetor Zolfo 80 Micronizzato Zolfo Scorrevole Triventillato 95% S Zolfo Ventilato 99% 2009-08-24 P02 (A) Zolfo Ventilato Ramato 5% Sulphur 95% 2009-07-28 P02 (B) Zolfo Ventilato Scorrevole 96% Sulphur 96% 2009-08-24 P01 (A) Sulphur 95% Sulphur 99% ISK Biosciences Europe SA, Brussels. Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Switzerland Sharda Europe b.v.b.a Industrias Químicas del Vallés. S.A. (IQV, S.A.). Sipcam S.P.A. Pero (MI), Italy Cerexagri Italia S.R.L, San Carlo di Cesena, Italy Nufarm Italia SrL, Ravenna, Italy Agriculture co-operative Ltd., Zebbug, Malta Belchim Crop Protection Italia SpA Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Switzerland Du Pont De Nemours,Italiana S.r.l. via A Volta, 16, 20093 Cologno Monzese MI Italy Du Pont De Nemours,Italiana S.r.l. via A Volta, 16, 20093 Cologno Monzese MI Italy Makhteshim Chemical Works Ltd Agriculture co-operative Ltd., Zebbug, Malta Makhateshim Agan Italia Srl Zolfindustria S.R.L San Martino di Trecate (NO), Italy Zolfi Ventilati Mannino SPA, C.da Corsa Cianciana (AG), Italy. Zolfindustria SrL Zolfi Ventilati Mannino SPA, C.da Corsa Cianciana (AG), Italy. Zolfindustria SrL