Soporte de ventas Desde kits de demostración profesionales hasta folletos y hojas de datos de alta calidad para los usuarios finales, Honeywell apoya sus esfuerzos y le proporciona una serie de materiales que le ayudarán a hacer crecer su empresa. ESTA SECCIÓN INCLUYE: — Kits de demostración ADEMCO Literatura para el usuario final 104 Sales Support DEMO KITS ADEMCO LYNXDEMO2 Tabletop LYNX Demo Complete working LYNXR-2 Wireless Security System enclosed in a sleek carrying case that easily becomes a tabletop display when opened. Demonstrate voice prompt programming, voice chime, speakerphone, a window door transmitter and wireless remote controls. An eye-catching promotion display describes each feature of the LYNX system. Includes LYNXR-2 Demo, 5816 Transmitter, 5804 Wireless Key and 5804BDV Bidirectional Remote. 6150RFHD/6160RFHD Handheld RF Keypad Demo Demonstrate all the functions of a 6150RF or 6160RF Keypad/Receiver, including the convenience of remote control operation. Includes the 5804 keyfob and the 5804BDV bidirectional voice remote control. Uses a standard 9V battery (included) and comes in an attractive carrying case. 6150VHD Handheld Fixed English Voice Keypad Demo The 6150VHD Handheld Keypad Demo allows you to demonstrate virtually all of the functions of a 6150V Fixed English Voice Keypad. Listen as the demo annunciates system status, zone information and recorded playback messages with the Family Message Center. Toggle switches allow you to simulate entry/exit delays and zone bypassing. Uses a standard 9V battery (included) and comes in an attractive carrying case. 6160VHD Handheld Custom English Voice Keypad Demo The 6160VHD Handheld Keypad Demo allows you to demonstrate virtually all of the functions of a 6160V Custom English Voice keypad. Listen as the demo annunciates system status, zone information and recorded playback messages with the Family Message Center. Toggle switches allow you to simulate entry/exit delays and zone bypassing. Uses a standard 9V battery (included) and comes in an attractive carrying case. 6150HD Handheld Keypad Demo Unit The 6150HD Handheld Keypad Demo allows you to demonstrate virtually all of the functions of a 6150 Fixed English Keypad. Toggle switches allow you to simulate entry/exit delays and zone bypassing. Uses a standard 9V battery (included). 6160HD Handheld Keypad Demo Unit The 6160HD Handheld Keypad Demo allows you to demonstrate virtually all of the functions of a 6160 Custom English Keypad. Toggle switches allow you to simulate entry/exit delays and zone bypassing. Uses a standard 9V battery (included). 105 Soporte Comercial EL SECURITY CHANNEL SINTONÍCESE A UN SITIO WEB DINÁMICO El Security Channel es el nuevo sitio web de Honeywell que ofrece a los visitantes la capacidad de mirar reportajes de mucho interés, y a la vez aprender sobre tecnologías innovadoras. Es una gran oportunidad mercadológica para nuestros concesionarios, puesto que les puede ayudar a agregar un valioso contenido en vídeo al sitio web de su propia empresa. Ahora usted puede, con mucha facilidad, incorporar estos vídeos e informar a sus clientes y prospectos sobre una variedad de temas – y todo sin costo alguno para usted. En el Security Channel, usted puede seccionar diferentes canales, con base en el contenido que desea ver. Desde información de producto, hasta entrevistas con líderes de la industria. Hay mucho que podrá encontrar con respecto al negocio de la seguridad. • Case Studies Un vistazo a todos los tipos de interesantes proyectos de seguridad • The Product Spot Emocionantes vídeos sobre los productos más gustados de Honeywell • Industry Profiles Convincentes entrevistas con las personas más exitosas en la industria de la seguridad • Teach Me About Detalles acerca de las últimas tecnologías en el negocio de la seguridad • Homeowners Importante información sobre seguridad en el hogar para las familias • Security Stories Una perspectiva del mundo real con respecto al universo de la seguridad Aproveche las oportunidades de mercado que usted puede alcanzar con The Security Channel. Descubra The Security Channel hoy en Asegúrese de unirse a la comunidad para recibir las últimas actualizaciones sobre la más reciente programación. “Los concesionarios deben aprovechar los diferentes vídeos disponibles para ellos (¡sin costo alguno!), usándolos para optimizar sus propios sitios web, para hacer mejores presentaciones a clientes potenciales, e incluso para entrenar a su personal sobre nuevos productos. Es muy fácil.” “The Security Channel” da a todos la oportunidad de compartir y comparar pensamientos e ideas para el beneficio de nuestra industria.” - Joe Nuccio, Presidente de ASG Security - Shandon Harbour, Presidente de SDA Security 106 Sales Support DEMO KITS ADEMCO 6271CHD Handheld Color Graphic Touchcenter Keypad Demo The 6271CHD Handheld Keypad Demo allows you to demonstrate virtually all of the 6271C Keypad functions as well as the bright, colorful display and the ability to customize the homescreen. A toggle switch allows you to simulate entry/exit delays and alarm conditions. Uses a standard 9V battery (included) or AC adapter and comes in an attractive carrying case. 6271CVHD Handheld Graphic TouchCenter Keypad with Voice Demo The 6271CVHD Handheld Keypad Demo allows you to demonstrate virtually all of the 6271CV Keypad functions as well as the bright, colorful display and the ability to customize the homescreen. Demonstrate the voice annunciation of system events and the recording and playback of messages in the family message center. A toggle switch allows you to simulate entry/exit delays and alarm conditions. Uses a standard 9V battery (included) or AC adapter and comes in an attractive carrying case. 6271VHD Handheld Graphic Touchcenter Keypad with Voice Demo The 6271VHD Handheld Keypad Demo allows you to demonstrate virtually all of the 6271V Keypad functions as well as the ability to customize the homescreen. Demonstrate the voice annunciation of system events and the recording and playback of messages in the family message center. A toggle switch allows you to simulate entry/exit delays and alarm conditions. Uses a standard 9V battery (included) or AC adapter and comes in an attractive carrying case. 6270HD Handheld Graphic TouchCenter Keypad Demo The 6270HD Handheld Keypad Demo allows you to demonstrate virtually all of the functions of a 6270 TouchCenter keypad. The toggle switch allows you to simulate entry/exit delays and zone bypassing. The Family Message Center allows you to record and playback a message. Uses a standard 9V battery (included) or AC adapter and comes in an attractive carrying case. UKDB Universal Keypad Demo Box This unit makes virtually any keypad a demo with a simple four wire connector. The keypad demo allows you to fault both an exit/entry zone and perimeter zone through the use of toggle switches to simulate the opening and closing of doors, windows or other types of protection devices. There is an on/off switch to provide power to the demo and the unit itself is powered with two user-replaceable 9VDC batteries. Basic keypad operations include: user-code arming and disarming, quick arming, bypassing, forced bypass, etc. 107 Sales Support SELL SHEETS END-USER LITERATURE L/5821TRI/D L/6270EUB1/D L/6271EUKB/D L/ALCMBDVD/D L/ALFIRDVD/D L/ALRMRESB/D L/APEXEUBR/D L/COMEURR/D L/EUBROCH/D L/FLXGDEUB/D L/LYNX2EUB/D L/OPTCOBR/D L/OPTREBR/D L/SYMCOBR/D L/SYMREBR/D L/TLCTCMB/D L/TLCTRSB/D L/TLCTVSB/D L/VDSVRESB/D L/WRLSFL/D Flood and Temperature End-User Brochure 6270 TouchCenter Brochure 6271 TouchCenter Brochure AlarmNet Commercial Burglary End-User Brochure AlarmNet Fire End-User Brochure AlarmNet Residential End-User Brochure Apex/ICM End-User Brochure Commercial End-User Brochure Residential End-User Brochure FlexGuard Glassbreak End-User Brochure LYNXR-2 End-User Brochure Optiflex Commercial End-User Brochure Optiflex Residential End-User Brochure Symphony Commercial End-User Brochure Symphony Residential End-User Brochure Total Connect End-User Commercial Brochure Total Connect End-User Residential Brochure Total Connect Video Services End-User Commercial Brochure Total Connect Video Services End-User Residential Brochure Wireless Keypads End-User Flyer L/5804BDV/D L/6149EXF/D L/6165EXF/D L/EU4286/D L/EU5800COD/D L/EU5804/D L/EU5805-6/D L/EU5828V/D L/EU6150/D L/EU6150V/D L/EU6160/D L/EU6160V/D L/EU6270DS/D L/EUWRLSMK/D L/SSWIRTRI/D L/VICMEUD/D 5804BDV End-User Sell Sheet Fixed-English Portrait Keypad End-User Sell Sheet Custom Alpha Portrait Keypad End-User Sell Sheet 4286 End-User Sell Sheet 5800CO End-User Sell Sheet 5804 End-User Sell Sheet Wireless Six-Button Remote Control End-User Sell Sheet 5828V End-User Sell Sheet 6150 End-User Sell Sheet 6150V End-User Sell Sheet 6160 End-User Sell Sheet 6160V End-User Sell Sheet 6270 End-User Sell Sheet Wireless Smoke End-User Sell Sheet CE2Y-LX2B End-User Sell Sheet VISTA ICM End-User Sell Sheet For dealer literature and data sheets please visit: 108 Sales Support END-USER LITERATURE MISCELLANEOUS COMMERCIAL L/BANKVERT/D Commercial Vertical Marketing/Bank L/JEWLVERT/D Commercial Vertical Marketing/Jewelry Store L/MEDVERT/D Commercial Vertical Marketing/Medical L/RESTVERT/D Commercial Vertical Marketing/Restaurant L/RETVERT/D Commercial Vertical Marketing/Retail L/SCHVERT/D Commercial Vertical Marketing/School L/WRHSVERT/D Commercial Vertical Marketing/Warehouse DIE-CUTS These die-cuts are true-to-size cut-outs of the keypads. They are valuable sales tools and include end-user features and benefits on the inside. L/6148MLR/D 6148 Fixed English Display Keypad Die-cut L/6150MLR/D L/6150VMLR/D 6150 Fixed English Display Keypad Die-cut 6150V Talking Fixed English Display Keypad Die-cut L/6160MLR/D 6160 Alpha Display Keypad Die-cut L/6160VMLR/D L/6270DIE/D 6160V Talking Alpha Display Keypad Die-cut 6270 Black and White Graphic Touchscreen Keypad Die-cut 6271CV Color Graphic Touchscreen Keypad with Voice Die-cut L/6271CVDM/D L/LYNXR2D/D LYNXR-2 Enhanced Security System Die-cut LITERATURE XPRESS AND PROMO BUILDER Honeywell’s Literature XPress online service lets you quickly and easily personalize polished, professionally designed marketing materials with your company logos, addresses, telephone numbers and even the names of your salespeople. Choose from a wide range of brochures, sell sheets, posters and targeted collateral designed to help you address the unique needs of restaurants, schools, retailers, banks, warehouses and more. And with Promo Builder, our unique online branding tool, you'll have even more opportunities for creativity and customization. Open your free account today by visiting 109