Quotes system is according to APA regulations, considering following:
Every bibliographic reference will be into the text (not footnotes) always showing author’s last name and
issuance date in parentheses. If last name is part of the formal structure in the sentence, only date is to be
in parentheses; for example: Pérez y Ribas (1996). If not a part of formal structure; for instance: .... como
indica Barbudo (2003). If three, four, or five authors all last names must appear the very first time
mentioned then only the first last name following et al. If six or more only the first last name is to appear
and “y otros” or “et al.” will be added, since the first time indexed. If several references of one author in
a single year the letters a, b, c, etc., will be included after the year.
Textual quotations will be included into the sentence in quotation marks followed by the author, year, and
page in parentheses.
If short direct quotation (less than 40 words), it will be included in the text body in quotation marks.
Example: "En estudios psicométricos realizados por la Universidad de Connecticut, se ha encontrado que
los niños tienen menos habilidades que las niñas" (Ferrer, 1986, p. 454).
If direct quotation is 40 words or longer it should be highlighted in the text in a new paragraph without
quotation marks. This paragraph starts in a new line with five-spaces indentation in the whole paragraph.
Example: Miele (1993) encontró lo siguiente:
El "efecto de placebo" que había sido verificado en estudio previo, desapareció cuando las conductas
fueron estudiadas de esta forma. Las conductas nunca fueron exhibidas de nuevo aún cuando se
administran drogas verdaderas. Estudios anteriores fueron claramente prematuros en atribuir los resultados
al efecto de placebo. (p. 276).
Every reference included in the text will appear in alphabetical order then in "Referencias bibliográficas
(Bibliographic references)" (at the end of the paper). Every quote will have to follow publication
regulations according to American Psychological Association (APA) from "Publication Manual" (5th ed.)
Following general regulations for three basic types of reference and those for material from online sources
are presented:
Author (last name – only the first letter in capitals -, comma, first initial of the name and period; if several
authors they are divided by comma and before the last one with an "y"), year (in parentheses) and point,
full title (italics) and period; city and colon, publishing house.
Examples: Apellido, I., Apellido, I. y Apellido, I. (1995). Título del Libro. Ciudad: Editorial.
Tyrer, P. (1989). Classification of Neurosis. London: Wiley.
Authors and year (in the form previously mentioned); title of chapter, period; "En"; name of authors of
book (first initial, period, last name); "(Eds.),", or "(Dirs.),", or "(Comps.),"; title of book in italics; pages
of chapter, in parentheses, period; city, semi-colon, publishing house.
Examples: Autores/as (año). Título del Capítulo. En I. Apellido, I. Apellido y I. Apellido (Eds.), Título
del Libro (págs. 125 - 157). Ciudad: Editorial.
Singer, M. (1994). Discourse inference processes. En M. Gernsbacher (Ed.), Handbook of
Psycholinguistics (pp. 459 - 516). New York: Academic Press.
Authors and year (as always); title of paper, period; full name of journal in italics, comma; volume in
italics; number in parentheses and next to volume (no space between volume and number); comma, first
page, hyphen, last page, period.
Examples: Autores/as (año). Título del Artículo. Nombre de la Revista , 8(3), 215 - 232.
Gutiérrez Calvo, M. y Eysenck, M.W. (1995). Sesgo interpretativo en la ansiedad de evaluación. Ansiedad
y Estrés , 1(1), 5 - 20.
World Wide Web provides a lot of resources including articles of books, journals, newspapers, papers
from governmental and private agencies, etc. These references must have at least the title of resource, date
or retrieval date, and URL of online source.
Basic format. Author of website. (Date of publication or review, if available). Title of website or place.
Retrieved (retrieval date), URL.
Example: Suñol. J. (2001). Rejuvenecimiento facial. Recuperado el 12 de junio de 2001, de