VEX-18 (GEN48-15) Campo: MANUAL WORK (GEN48-15) País: Turquía Proyecto: Manual work-Restoration (MANU-RENO) Edad: 18 – 30 Fechas: 17/08/15 - 31/08/15 Plazas Totales: 1 Descripción: GEN-48 MANUAL WORK LAPSEKI CANAKKALE MANU-RENO VOLS :15 Lapseki is a seaside town and hosted several workcamps in the past. This year the municipality invites international volunteers for painting a school and helping for some other landscaping works in the town. W: Painting in and ourdoor walls of a school. A: Volunteers will stay in a dormitory, sleeping bag and mat are not necessary. F: Will be served at the dormitory. LA: English. Lapseki is a small and calm seaside town in the northwest of Turkey & close to antic site Troy, Assos & Gallipoli battle fields. Nearest city is Canakkale. LO: T: Istanbul. The project will start in Istanbul with a compulsory orientation meeting, that all volunteers should attend on the first day of the camp at GENCTUR Office. The group will travel together to the camp site by an overnight coach on the same evening. CUOTA: 110 euros. Ingresar en: Entidad Bancaria: BANCO CAJA CASTILLA-LA MANCHA Nº cuenta de ingreso: ES95 2105 3036 58 3400038944 Entidad titular de la cuenta: ASOCIACIÓN JUVENIL ANÍMATE. - Ordenante: Aparecerá el NOMBRE y APELLIDOS del Participante (NO quien realice la transferencia bancaria: padres, amigos…) - Concepto: se consignará el CÓDIGO de la Actividad a realizar (comprobar que coincida con la actividad adjudicada) y el NOMBRE DEL CAMPO DE TRABAJO.