DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE PUERTOS E INDUSTRIAS MARÍTIMAS AUXILIARES DEPARTAMENTO DE PROTECCIÓN PORTUARIA Technical Personnel of Port Facility Security Port Facility Security Department Technical Personnel of Port Facility Security 1. Cap. Guillermo Torres Chief Phone: (507) 501‐5156/5068 Celular: (507) 6478‐7741 Email: gtorres@amp.gob.pa 2. Lorena Caballero T. Secretary of the Department Phone: (507) 501‐5156 Celular: (507) 6726‐2215 Email: ppsec@amp.gob.pa 3. Lorena del C. Cárcamo Secretary Phone: (507) 501‐5156 Celular: (507) 6485‐2951 Email: ppsec@amp.gob.pa 4. Ernesto Malcolm Security Officer Phone: (507) 501‐5156/5121 Celular: (507) 6701‐5297 Email: emalcolm@amp.gob.pa 5. Karolyne De León Security Officer Phone: (507) 501‐5156/5121 Celular: (507) 6045‐8569 Email: kdeleon@amp.gob.pa DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE PUERTOS E INDUSTRIAS MARÍTIMAS AUXILIARES DEPARTAMENTO DE PROTECCIÓN PORTUARIA Technical Personnel of Port Facility Security 6. Kevin Amoretti Security Officer Phone: (507) 501‐5156/5121 Celular: (507) 6747‐4374 Email: kamoretti@amp.gob.pa 7. Liseth Castillo Security Officer Phone: (507) 501‐5156/5121 Celular: (507) 6000‐4451 Email: liseth.castillo@amp.gob.pa 8. Vanessa Carrasco Security Officer Phone: (507) 501‐5156/5121 Celular: (507) 6729‐6009 Email: vcarrasco@amp.gob.pa 9. Edgardo Burgos Driver Phone: (507) 501‐5156 Celular: (507) 6482‐1426/ 6736‐8630 Email: vcarrasco@amp.gob.pa Edición: enero 03/12