Alimentos y Bebidas - Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e

Boletín de novedades
Mayo - Junio 2015
Alimentos y Bebidas
Calidad e inocuidad
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Selección de componentes de longitud de onda para desarrollar sistemas de imagen multiespe...
Estrategias innovadoras basadas en el uso de agentes de bio-control para mejorar la inocui...
Migración de nanopartículas desde el envasado hacia los alimentos
Detección mejorada de Escherichia coli y bacterias coliformes mediante PCR múltiplex
Factores que afectan el estado de los sistemas de gestión de inocuidad alimentaria en la c...
Evaluación in vitro de la actividad de derivados de tiosemicarbazona contra hongos micotox...
Potencial de las bacterias del ácido láctico en la mitigación de riesgos de aflatoxina
Detección simultánea, rápida y sensible de tres bacterias patogénicas transmitidas por ali...
Eficacia antimicrobiana del extracto de pepita de uva contra el crecimiento, motilidad y p...
Evaluación de la actividad de patógenos en las plantas y método de cribado de alto rendimi...
Bacteriófago para el biocontrol de Salmonella en la fabricación o procesamiento de aliment...
Método y aparato para la captura y registro de información sobre inocuidad de alimentos
Biosensores de pH a base de compuestos con grupos enólicos sensibles al pH para imágenes d...
Eliminación de compuestos fenólicos tóxicos mediante la unión selectiva de compuestos fenó...
UNL en la búsqueda de técnicas de baja humedad para la inocuidad de alimentos
Detectan alérgenos en harinas con técnicas de imagen hiperespectral
Colorantes naturales e inocuos
Nuevos biosensores de papel podrían detectar contaminantes de los alimentos
El rol de la Agricultura de Precisión en la trazabilidad de los agroalimentos
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Un nuevo ‘etiquetado inteligente’ de productos controlará su calidad y buen estado
Nuevo protocolo de calidad para agua mineral con o sin gas
Método mejorado para la detección de Salmonella
Nanoemulsiones de aceite de orégano puestas a prueba como control antimicrobiano
ISO 22000 revisada sobre gestión de inocuidad alimentaria establecida para 2017
Impulsan inocuidad alimentaria para mantener la salud
Aplicación biotecnológica del suero lácteo para alimentación animal
Dilución no homogénea constituye un potencial riesgo para la calidad e inocuidad alimentar...
Se necesitan estándares internacionales comunes para la seguridad alimentaria
Talleres sobre enfermedades vinculadas a la alimentación, manipulación higiénica de los al...
Jornada Nanotecnología y Alimentación en AECOSAN
Curso teórico práctico análisis sensorial de alimentos
Pág. 2
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Selección de componentes de longitud de onda para desarrollar
sistemas de imagen multiespectral para la calidad, inocuidad y
autenticidad de alimentos para el desarrollo muscular
Publicada el 03/06/2015
Publication date: 3 June 2015. Source: Trends in Food Science &
Technology Author(s): Hongbin Pu , Mohammed Kamruzzaman , Da-Wen
Sun There is a great interest in developing optical techniques that have the
capability of predicting quality attributes, safety parameters and
authenticity in real-time assessment. Recently, hyperspectral imaging
technique has been widely used for rapid and non-destructive inspection of
various food products. Although the technique is currently in an early
development stage, its potential is promising. Due to the extensive time
needed for the processing of the large volumes of data, hyperspectral
imaging technique cannot be directly implemented in an online system.
However, selecting some feature wavelengths from hyperspectral images
can be useful to develop a multispectral imaging system, which can meet
the speed requirement of industrial production. Indeed, the success of
multispectral imaging heavily depends on the effectiveness of
hyperspectral imaging (HSI) for providing the feature wavelengths. If the
high dimensionality of hyperspectral data can be reduced properly in order
to design/form a low-cost multispectral imaging sensor based on some
selected feature wavelengths for certain applications, the technique would
certainly be incomparable for process monitoring and real-time inspection.
This review first introduces the fundamental steps for selecting feature
wavelengths from hyperspectral data and then describes the feature
wavelengths derived from hyperspectral imaging applications to make a
more effective and efficient multispectral real-time imaging system. It is
anticipated that this review can act as a basis for researchers and industry
for further development of online multispectral inspection system for
quality, safety and authenticity of muscles food.
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Pág. 3
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Estrategias innovadoras basadas en el uso de agentes de biocontrol para mejorar la inocuidad, vida útil y calidad de frutas y
vegetales mínimamente procesados
Publicada el 09/05/2015
Publication date: 9 May 2015 Source: Trends in Food Science &
Technology Author(s): Lorenzo Siroli , Francesca Patrignani , Diana I.
Serrazanetti , Fausto Gardini , Rosalba Lanciotti The consumption of
minimally processed fruits and vegetables has increased in recent years.
Currently, the use chemical preservatives is unable to guarantee the safety
of minimally processed fruits and vegetables. These conditions have
stimulated research into alternative methods for increasing their safety and
shelf-life. The use of protective cultures, particularly lactic acid bacteria,
microorganisms from indigenous microflora and their antimicrobial
products, has been proposed for minimally processed products. However,
the application of bioprotective cultures has been limited at the industrial
level. In this perspective, the aim of this review was to summarize the
state-of-the-art application of biocontrol agents in minimally processed
fruits and vegetables and their action mechanisms against spoilage and/or
pathogenic microorganisms.
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Pág. 4
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Migración de nanopartículas desde el envasado hacia los
Publicada el 10/06/2015
Publication date: 10 June 2015. Source: LWT - Food Science and
Technology. Author(s): Amal M. Metak , Farhad Nabhani , Stephen N.
Connolly Commercial nanocomposite food packaging in the form of nanosilver containers and coated films were tested in real-food matrices to
determine the degree of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) incorporation
using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and atomic
absorption spectrometry (AAS). Migration testing was conducted on a
range of food materials stored using different packaging materials for 10
days at 40°C. Simulations using water and 3% acetic acid were also
performed to identify the factors that affect migration. Silver nanoparticle
migration from nano-silver impregnated polymer containers does not
appear to be significant in the case of orange juice; displaying levels
corresponding to 5.66 ± 0.02 gL-1 compared to the migration from coated
nano-silver films measured at 28.92 ± 0.01gL-1 in the same food, versus
the concentration of silver recorded in associated control samples
corresponding to 0.41 ± 0.02 gL-1. Transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) attached with energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) were performed to confirm the
presence of particles in the nano-scale range indicative of the amount of
silver released in nanoparticle as opposed to the ionic form. No
organoleptic changes on the samples were observed.
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Pág. 5
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Detección mejorada de Escherichia coli y bacterias coliformes
mediante PCR múltiplex
Publicada el 03/06/2015
Background The presence of coliform bacteria is routinely assessed to
establish the microbiological safety of water supplies and raw or processed
foods. Coliforms are a group of lactose-fermenting Enterobacteriaceae,
which most likely acquired the lacZ gene by horizontal transfer and
therefore constitute a polyphyletic group. Among this group of bacteria is
Escherichia coli, the pathogen that is most frequently associated with
foodborne disease outbreaks and is often identified by -glucuronidase
enzymatic activity or by the redundant detection of uidA by PCR. Because
a significant fraction of essential E. coli genes are preserved throughout
the bacterial kingdom, alternative oligonucleotide primers for specific E.
coli detection are not easily identified. Results In this manuscript, two
strategies were used to design oligonucleotide primers with differing levels
of specificity for the simultaneous detection of total coliforms and E. coli by
multiplex PCR. A consensus sequence of lacZ and the orphan gene yaiO
were chosen as targets for amplification, yielding 234 bp and 115 bp PCR
products, respectively. Conclusions The assay designed in this work
demonstrated superior detection ability when tested with lab collection and
dairy isolated lactose-fermenting strains. While lacZ amplicons were found
in a wide range of coliforms, yaiO amplification was highly specific for E.
coli. Additionally, yaiO detection is non-redundant with enzymatic methods.
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Pág. 6
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Factores que afectan el estado de los sistemas de gestión de
inocuidad alimentaria en la cadena global de productos frescos
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015. Source: Food Control, Volume 52 Author(s):
Klementina Kirezieva , Pieternel A. Luning , Liesbeth Jacxsens , Ana
Allende , Gro S. Johannessen , Eduardo César Tondo , Andreja Rajkovic ,
Mieke Uyttendaele , Martinus A.J.S. van Boekel Increase in global trade
raised questions regarding status of food safety management systems in
fresh produce companies, especially from developing and emerging
countries. The aim of this study was to investigate the status of food safety
management systems (FSMSs) implemented at primary production
companies of fresh produce, to examine the potential differences between
companies operating in European Union (EU) and non-EU (developing and
emerging) countries, and to explore the underlying factors. Primary
production companies (n = 118), located in the EU and in international
cooperation partner countries exporting to the EU, were assessed by using
a diagnostic tool. The results from the study indicated that several factors
have a dominating effect on the status of FSMSs in the global fresh
produce chain. International export supply chains promote capacity
building within companies in the chain, to answer the stringent
requirements of private brand standards. This was shown to be an
important factor in emerging and developing countries, where local
institutional environments often fail to support companies in setting and
implementing their FSMSs. Moreover, the legislative framework in these
countries still requires improvements in the establishment and
enforcement. All this has negative consequences for the FSMSs in
companies supplying the local markets. In companies located in the EU,
sector and other produce organisations facilitate the sampling for pesticide
residues and collaboration in the sector. Overall, farmers showed less
knowledge and overall awareness regarding microbiological hazards,
which is related to the less attention paid to these in the current legislation
and standards.
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Pág. 7
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Evaluación in vitro de la actividad de derivados de
tiosemicarbazona contra hongos micotoxigénicos que afectan a
los cereales
Publicada el 04/05/2015
Publication date: 4 May 2015. Source: International Journal of Food
Microbiology, Volume 200 Author(s): Francesca Degola , Caterina Morcia ,
Franco Bisceglie , Francesca Mussi , Giorgio Tumino , Roberta Ghizzoni ,
Giorgio Pelosi , Valeria Terzi , Annamaria Buschini , Francesco Maria
Restivo , Tiziana Lodi With a steadily increasing world population, a more
efficient system of food production is of paramount importance. One of the
major causes of food spoilage is the presence of fungal pathogens and the
production and accumulation of mycotoxins. In the present work we report
a study on the activity of a series of functionalized thiosemicarbazones
(namely cuminaldehyde, trans-cinnamaldehyde, quinoline-2carboxyaldehyde, 5-fluoroisatin thiosemicarbazone and 5-fluoroisatin N4methylthiosemicarbazone), as antifungal and anti-mycotoxin agents,
against the two major genera of cereal mycotoxigenic fungi, i.e. Fusarium
and Aspergillus. These thiosemicarbazones display different patterns of
efficacy on fungal growth and on mycotoxin accumulation depending on
the fungal species. Some of the molecules display a greater effect on
mycotoxin synthesis than on fungal growth.
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Pág. 8
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Potencial de las bacterias del ácido láctico en la mitigación de
riesgos de aflatoxina
Publicada el 04/05/2015
Publication date: 4 May 2015. Source: International Journal of Food
Microbiology Author(s): Sara H. Ahlberg , Vesa Joutsjoki , Hannu J.
Korhonen Aflatoxins (AF) are ubiquitous mycotoxins contaminating food
and feed. Consumption of contaminated food and feed can cause a severe
health risk to humans and animals. A novel biological method could reduce
the health risks of aflatoxins through inhibiting mold growth and binding
aflatoxins. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are commonly used in fermented
food production. LAB are known to inhibit mold growth and, to some
extent, to bind aflatoxins in different matrices. Reduced mold growth and
aflatoxin production may be caused by competition for nutrients between
bacterial cells and fungi. Most likely, binding of aflatoxins depends on
environmental conditions and is strain-specific. Killed bacteria cells
possess consistently better binding abilities for aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) than
viable cells. Lactobacilli especially are relatively well studied and provide
noticeable possibilities in binding of aflatoxin B1 and M1 in food. It seems
that binding is reversible and that bound aflatoxins are released later on
(Haskard et al., 2001; Peltonen et al., 2001). This literature review
suggests that novel biological methods, such as lactic acid bacteria, show
potential in mitigating toxic effects of aflatoxins in food and feed.
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Pág. 9
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Detección simultánea, rápida y sensible de tres bacterias
patogénicas transmitidas por alimentos utilizando sondas de
puntos cuánticos multicolores basada en múltiples
fluoroinmunoensayos en muestras de alimentos
Publicada el 01/05/2015
Publication date: May 2015. Source: Food Science and Technology,
Volume 61, Issue 2. Author(s): Beibei Wang , Qi Wang , Zhaoxia Cai ,
Meihu Ma. Rapid and simultaneous detection of multiple pathogenic
bacteria in foods is of great importance to ensure food safety. The aim of
this study is to develop a fluoroimmunoassay method using multicolor
quantum dots (QDs) as fluorescent probes for simultaneous, sensitive, and
rapid detection of three species of major pathogenic bacteria, that is,
Salmonella Enteritidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The
multicolor QDs, with different emission wavelengths located at 504 nm,
557 nm and 604 nm, were conjugated with anti-S. Enteritidis, antiS. aureus and anti-E. coli antibodies, respectively. Through immunological
recognition, target bacteria were captured by QD-antibody conjugates
selectively and rapidly. The fluorescence intensities of the final complexes
(measured at 504 nm, 557 nm and 604 nm respectively) have increased
regularly with the increasing cell numbers of target bacteria. The changed
fluorescence intensities (F) as a function of cell number (N) have been
found for the three target bacteria, respectively. This multiplex
fluoroimmunoassay method has been applied to nine different kinds of
food samples to prove its strong anti-interference ability and wide range of
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Pág. 10
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Eficacia antimicrobiana del extracto de pepita de uva contra el
crecimiento, motilidad y producción de toxina Shiga de la
Escherichia coli
Publicada el 01/05/2015
Publication date: May 2015. Source: Food Control, Volume 51 Author(s):
M.J. Zhu , S.A. Olsen , L. Sheng , Y. Xue , W. Yue. Escherichia coli
O157:H7 produces Shiga toxin (Stx) which is heat stable and causes
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS), a serious disease associated with
bloody diarrhea and even death. To ensure food safety, both live E. coli
O157:H7 and its toxin production in food products need to be controlled.
Natural ingredients with inhibitory effects on E. coli O157:H7 growth and
toxin production are top choices of antimicrobials for the food industry. The
objectives of this study were to evaluate efficacy of grape seed extract
(GSE) against the growth, swimming motility and Stx production of E. coli
O157:H7. The disc diffusion assay indicated that 3.2 mg GSE per disc
resulted in an inhibition zone of 14.8 ± 0.21 mm. The minimal inhibitory
concentration of GSE against E. coli O157: H7 was 4.0 mg/ml. At high
inoculation level (1 × 107 CFU/ml), including GSE at 0.25–2.0 mg/ml
reduced Stx production without inhibiting E. coli O157:H7 growth. At
5 × 105 CFU/ml inoculation level, 2.0 and 4.0 mg/ml GSE effectively
inhibited the growth of E. coli O157:H7 for at least 72 h, however, a low
level of GSE (0.125–1.0 mg/ml) enhanced E. coli O157:H7 growth and
Stx2 production. At 4 mg/ml, GSE completely abolished Stx2 production in
addition to it bactericidal effect against E. coli O157:H7. In addition, GSE at
concentration as low as 0.125% blocked the swimming motility, which is
important for E. coli O157:H7 surface adherence. In conclusion, GSE is
effective in inhibiting the motility of E. coli O157:H7, GSE shows potential
to be used as a natural antimicrobial to control E. coli O157:H7.
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Pág. 11
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Evaluación de la actividad de patógenos en las plantas y
método de cribado de alto rendimiento para microbicidas y
equipamiento para el mismo
Publicada el 13/05/2015
Disclosed are activity evaluation of plant pathogens and a high throughput
screening method for microbicides based on double fluorescent staining
and a kit therefor, which include using a microtiter plate as tool carrier,
using two different fluorescent dyes, respectively fluorescently labelling
spores or mycelia of plant pathogens having vitality and no vitality, and due
to the different colouring of spores or mycelia having no vitality and vitality,
quantitatively detecting the survival rate of plant pathogens through
fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry, and accordingly preparing the
kit. The method and kit can be used in aspects such as microbicide
screening, evaluation of food safety, and water quality evaluation using the
plant pathogen survival rate as an indicator. The method and kit are rapid,
objective, simple and easy in operation, and have a low cost, and both can
be used in studying the mechanism of the action of microbicides and highthroughput screening and the toxicity evaluation of microbicides.
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Pág. 12
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Bacteriófago para el biocontrol de Salmonella en la fabricación
o procesamiento de alimentos
Publicada el 06/05/2015
The invention relates to the field of microbiology, specifically to a
bacteriophage, polypeptide and a corresponding polynucleotide, a nucleic
acid molecule and/or vector and/or cell comprising such polynucleotide, a
composition comprising said bacteriophage, polypeptide, polynucleotide,
construct, vector and/or cell, preferably for preventing, treating or
diagnosing contamination with and/or a condition in an individual related to
Salmonella. The invention further relates to an antimicrobial composition
for medical use or for use as a food additive or as a disinfectant, or for
detecting bacteria, preferably in a diagnostic application, wherein said
antimicrobial composition comprises a bacteriophage, polypeptide,
corresponding polynucleotide, construct and/or vector and/or cell
comprising such polypeptide and/or composition according to the present
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Pág. 13
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Método y aparato para la captura y registro de información
sobre inocuidad de alimentos
Publicada el 29/04/2015
A probe interface component for a probe that measures an environmental
condition. The probe interface component may comprise a first interface
configured to removably receive a probe, and a second interface
configured to removably connect to an input interface of a mobile
computer. The probe interface component may be configured to obtain a
value from the probe based on the measurement of the environmental
condition, and generate a signal representative of the value in a format
compatible with the input interface of the mobile computer. The first
interface, the second interface, and/or the input interface may comprise a
wireless interface. The environmental condition may comprise a
temperature, a humidity, a pressure, a water quality, a gas indication, a
radiation level, an indication of contamination, and/or an appearance.
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Pág. 14
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Biosensores de pH a base de compuestos con grupos enólicos
sensibles al pH para imágenes de resonancia magnética y
espectroscopía y sus usos
Publicada el 21/04/2015
The present invention relates to the use of compounds with at least one
pH-sensitive chemical shift for determining pH and/or measuring pH
changes in magnetic resonance. More specifically, the present invention is
related to compounds with at least one pH-sensitive chemical shift, such
compound being selected from pyruvic acid and its metabolites,
compounds produced from pyruvic acid after interaction with acid, and
compounds comprising at least one enolic group whose pK a value is
lowered through effects of at least one neighboring group into a
physiological and/or pathological pH-range, and wherein the compound
exhibits at least one pH-sensitive chemical shift in an NMR spectrum. The
present invention further relates to biosensors comprising at least one of
the compounds. The present invention is furthermore related to in vitro and
in vivo methods for determining pH and/or measuring pH changes using
the compounds or biosensors. The present invention also relates to
methods of diagnosing and/or monitoring treatment of a disease causing
changes in pH wherein the compounds or biosensors are applied. The
present invention also relates to use of the compounds or biosensors in
quality control of food or in the examination of plants and organisms.
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Pág. 15
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Eliminación de compuestos fenólicos tóxicos mediante la unión
selectiva de compuestos fenólicos utilizando polímeros
Publicada el 15/04/2015
The present invention corresponds to a method for the removal of
unwanted toxic phenolic compounds such as a pesticide from foodstuffs,
more particularly beverages. The method comprising contacting a selected
polymer with the foodstuff. In a particular embodiment, the polymers are
selected among polyaniline (PANI), polyaniline emeraldine base (PANIEB) and polyaniline emeraldine salt (PANI-ES) polymers, or the polymers
are selected among polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers functionalized
with polyaniline (PANI), polyaniline emeraldine base (PANI-EB) and
polyaniline emeraldine salt (PANI-ES) polymers.
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Pág. 16
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
UNL en la búsqueda de técnicas de baja humedad para la
inocuidad de alimentos
Publicada el 02/06/2015
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) has received a USDA food
safety grant to enhance low-moisture food safety by improving
pasteurization technologies.
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Detectan alérgenos en harinas con técnicas de imagen
Publicada el 02/06/2015
La contaminación de alimentos con productos potencialmente peligrosos
para personas sensibles, ya sea por alergias o por intolerancias, es un
problema de salud pública que genera gran preocupación en los
consumidores. Investigadores de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
(UPM) han empleado técnicas de imagen hiperespectral para detectar
trazas de cacahuetes y alimentos similares que pueden aparecer en
productos en polvo en cantidades muy pequeñas y son difíciles de
detectar mediante otras técnicas.
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Pág. 17
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Colorantes naturales e inocuos
Publicada el 22/05/2015
Debido al incremento de los colorantes naturales, los esfuerzos en
investigación se centran en la exploración de nuevas fuentes de color y la
formulación orientada a aplicaciones específicas.
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Nuevos biosensores de papel podrían detectar contaminantes
de los alimentos
Publicada el 18/05/2015
A method to print paper biosensors that could be used in the food safety
field has been developed at McMaster University.
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Pág. 18
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
El rol de la Agricultura de Precisión en la trazabilidad de los
Publicada el 15/05/2015
La seguridad del consumidor es un tema cada vez más crítico, es así que
se han incrementado las exigencias de los productos agrícolas. Frente a
esta realidad, las empresas agro-industriales deben garantizar la
trazabilidad de sus productos, es decir, tener registro y control de los
procesos de producción.
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Un nuevo ‘etiquetado inteligente’ de productos controlará su
calidad y buen estado
Publicada el 11/05/2015
Un grupo de investigadores del centro tecnológico CEIT-IK4 está
desarrollando las primeras ‘tintas inteligentes’ para etiquetado y embalaje
de productos alimenticios, lo que permitirá al consumidor cotejar el estado
y calidad del género, desde el momento del envasado hasta su consumo
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Pág. 19
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Nuevo protocolo de calidad para agua mineral con o sin gas
Publicada el 08/05/2015
La elaboración del protocolo es el resultado del trabajo realizado por
técnicos del área Sello Alimentos Argentinos de la Dirección de
Agroalimentos y la asistencia de profesionales de otras entidades como el
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI) y el Consejo Federal de
Inversiones (CFI)
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Método mejorado para la detección de Salmonella
Publicada el 06/05/2015
La Asociación de Ave y Huevo de EE.UU. (USPOULTRY) anunció el fin de
una investigación fundada y desarrollada en la Universidad de ArkansasFayetteville donde el Dr. Steve n Ricke, recientemente completo la
investigación en el desarrollo de un ensayo de detección rápida para
Salmonella que puede ser utilizado en plantas de procesamiento de aves
de corral. El método permitirá la detección de todas las cepas de
Salmonella, así como identificar S. enteritidis, S. Heidelberg y S.
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Pág. 20
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Nanoemulsiones de aceite de orégano puestas a prueba como
control antimicrobiano
Publicada el 05/05/2015
Reduction of foodborne bacteria thanks to oregano oil nanoemulsions on
lettuce shows ‘great promise’ for plant essential oils in food safety,
according to the authors of a study.
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ISO 22000 revisada sobre gestión de inocuidad alimentaria
establecida para 2017
Publicada el 05/05/2015
Suppliers including pet food manufacturers and water companies are to be
consulted on a revision of ISO 22000 on food safety management, due to
be published in 2017.
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Pág. 21
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Impulsan inocuidad alimentaria para mantener la salud
Publicada el 22/04/2015
La comida insegura acarrea riesgos económicos, en especial el mundo
globalizado, aseguró un comunicado de la OMS que este año celebró el
Día Mundial de la Salud con el tema Inocuidad Alimentaria.
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Aplicación biotecnológica del suero lácteo para alimentación
Publicada el 20/04/2015
Profesionales del Centro INTI-Lácteos y del INTA desarrollaron un
proceso para convertir un derivado del suero lácteo o lactosuero, en un
producto de gran utilidad para la alimentación animal. Esta iniciativa
permite revalorizar un subproducto de la industria quesera y minimizar su
impacto ambiental.
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Pág. 22
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Dilución no homogénea constituye un potencial riesgo para la
calidad e inocuidad alimentaria
Publicada el 13/04/2015
Automated serial dilutions with the Inlabtec Serial Diluter removes the risk
of inaccurate bacterial counts that may compromise food quality testing
and also eliminates RSI risk.
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Pág. 23
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Se necesitan estándares internacionales comunes para la
seguridad alimentaria
Publicada el 27/05/2015
Dr Kazuaki Miyagishima WHO Director, Department of Food Safety and Zoonoses and former Codex
Secretary, talks about the importance of Codex in International Standard setting for food safety.
Speaking at the margins of the World Health Assembly (WHA), the largest health policy meeting in the world
and the supreme decision-making body of the World Health Organization, he underlined the importance of the
scientific basis that advises the standard setting process.
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Pág. 24
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Talleres sobre enfermedades vinculadas a la alimentación,
manipulación higiénica de los alimentos y alimentación
Publicada el 04/06/2015
El Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación informa que los días 18 y 19 de junio próximos se
llevarán a cabo en la sede Neuquén, de Pehuén Banco de Alimentos, conjuntamente con el Municipio y la
Provincia, dos talleres, sobre “Enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles y enfermedades vinculadas a la
alimentación”, “Alimentación saludable y Manipulación higiénica de los alimentos” .
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Jornada Nanotecnología y Alimentación en AECOSAN
Publicada el 02/06/2015
Ayer 1 de junio de 2015, se celebró en la sede de AECOSAN (Agencia
Española de Consumo, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición), la Jornada
“Nanotecnología y Alimentación”, co-organizada por la Agencia junto con
el Dr. Jose Manuel Barat, representante nacional en la Red Científica de
EFSA (Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria) sobre Evaluación de
Riesgos de Nanotecnologías en Alimentos y Piensos, además de miembro
del Comité Científico de AECOSAN y el Dr. Pedro Serena, del Instituto de
Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, perteneciente al CSIC (Consejo Superior
de Investigaciones Científicas). Ambos son miembros del Grupo de
Nanotecnología en el ámbito alimentario, que coordina AECOSAN.
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Pág. 25
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Calidad e Inocuidad
Curso teórico práctico análisis sensorial de alimentos
Publicada el 26/05/2015
16 de junio, 2015. Buenos ires, Argentina. Objetivos.
Conocer las características del análisis sensorial y su aplicación.
Brindar las herramientas para la convocatoria y selección de panelistas.
Generar un lenguaje normalizado internacionalmente y propio del análisis sensorial.
Proporcionar metodologías específicas de análisis sensorial para ser aplicadas en el control de calidad y en la
confección de perfiles de textura y flavor de productos lácteos, productos cárnicos y vinos
Adquirir y utilizar herramientas estadísticas para el análisis de resultados
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Boletín de novedades
Mayo - Junio 2015
Alimentos y Bebidas
Nutrición y Salud
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Apetito desenfrenado en modelos pre-clínicos
Efectos de la HPMC (hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa) en la absorción de aceite y textura de una...
Reducción del consumo de sodio mediante la reformulación de alimentos en la Unión Europea ...
Reducción del contenido de azúcar en la leche chocolatada: Impacto en el perfil sensorial ...
El papel de los compuestos bioactivos en la regulación de histonas acetilasas y deacetilas...
Aumento en la viabilidad de probióticos Lactobacillus salivarios NRRL B-30514 encapsulados...
Influencia de los componentes de la dieta en la degradación del gluten mediante la endopro...
Alimentos saludables con impronta incaica y oriental
Composición probiótica no calórica y método de preparación
Preparación e incorporación de co-productos en bebidas para mejorar la nutrición y atribut...
Polvo nutricional completo y método de preparación del mismo
Composiciones y métodos para fermentos ricos en vitaminas
Composición saludable para disminuir el colesterol, para uso en alimentos, bebidas, suplem...
Composición nutricional para mujeres embarazadas con perfil de insulina y glucosa benefici...
Menos sodio para embutidos
Aplicaciones funcionales y tecnológicas de la chía en los alimentos
Descubren nuevo ingrediente para alimentos funcionales
Declaran importancia de la micronutrición
Descubren que los posos del café tienen una capacidad antioxidante hasta 500 veces superio...
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
El CSIC desarrolla ‘snacks’ saludables a partir de las proteínas del huevo
El proyecto Food4Me, financiado por la UE, sienta las bases de la nutrición personalizada ...
Formulan nuevos yogures con alto contenido de proteína y mayor capacidad saciante
Presenta FAO Observatorio de Alimentos
Realzan beneficios de la soya para la salud
Center for Food Innovation desarrolla bebida deportiva rica en proteínas
FIAB y la FEN se alían para impulsar la colaboración entre la ciencia y la industria en ma...
Modificación del Decreto Reglamentario 528/11 sobre Atención Médica, Investigación, Capaci...
Participación en el Congreso Argentino de Nutrición
22º Congreso europeo sobre obesidad
Seminario web: El rol de la industria en la lucha contra la malnutrición
Pág. 2
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Apetito desenfrenado en modelos pre-clínicos
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015. Source: Pharmacological Reports, Volume 67, Issue 3 Author(s): Bartomiej
Rospond , Joanna Szpigiel , Anna Sadakierska-Chudy , Magorzata Filip Obesity is a globally widespread
disease. Approximately 35% of world population has the problem of inappropriate body weight due to
sedentary lifestyle, excessive food consumption and the lack of physical activity. In the course of many years,
several pharmacological anti-obesity drugs have been discovered. Most of them, however, possess severe
side effects. Recent findings suggest that disturbed functioning of the reward system can be involved in the
development of obesity. The data coming from clinical and animal studies provide new evidence that links
excessive food consumption with compulsive behavior that can lead to binge eating disease occurrence. In this
review we discuss most commonly used animal models of binge eating such as restriction/refeeding, limited
access and stress schedule model, and related to them neurobiological findings as well. We also present new,
anti-obesity drugs, which are characterized by central mechanism of action.
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Pág. 3
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Efectos de la HPMC (hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa) en la absorción
de aceite y textura de una dona de soya libre de gluten
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015. Source: LWT - Food Science and
Technology, Volume 62, Issue 1, Part 2 Author(s): Jihyun Kim , Induck
Choi , Woo-Kyoung Shin , Yookyung Kim We developed a gluten-free soy
donut with HPMC (Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) and investigated the
effects of HPMC on the quality of a soy donut depending on the different
ways of its addition. Soy donuts were prepared under three conditions:
only soy (S), HPMC added soy (SH), and HPMC added and coated soy
(SHC). A wheat donut was used as a control. The results showed that the
S donut had approximately two times lower oil uptake and moisture loss
compared to wheat control; however, the S donut had 30% less specific
volume and three times harder texture. HPMC addition in soy donut
(30.7 N) resulted in a decrease in the hardness to 23.5 N for SH and
20.8 N for SHC. In addition, the incorporation of HPMC gave soy donuts
the further decrease in the oil uptake and moisture loss. For the method of
adding HPMC, the SHC donut had less oil uptake and a softer texture than
the SH. Among soy donuts, SHC has the desirable intensities of sensory
attributes (texture and mouthfeel), resulting in the highest overall
preference score, closer to that of the wheat donut. The addition of HPMC
improves the quality of gluten-free donuts made entirely with soy flour.
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Pág. 4
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Reducción del consumo de sodio mediante la reformulación de
alimentos en la Unión Europea - Reseña
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015. Source: NFS Journal, Volume 1. Author(s):
Loreen Kloss , Julia Dawn Meyer , Lutz Graeve , Walter Vetter. The
purpose of this article is to review the current situation with regard to
sodium intake in the European Union, provide an update on the efforts
being made to reduce the sodium content of food products in various
industries via food reformulation and identify the factors motivating food
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Pág. 5
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Reducción del contenido de azúcar en la leche chocolatada:
Impacto en el perfil sensorial dinámico
Publicada el 31/05/2015
Publication date: 31 May 2015. Source: Food Research International
Author(s): Denize Oliveira , Lucía Antúnez , Ana Giménez , John C.
Castura , Rosires Deliza , Gastón Ares Reducing the sugar content of
processed products has been claimed to be one of the most efficient
strategies for decreasing sugar intake. The present work aimed at studying
the influence of sugar reduction on the dynamic sensory profile and
consumers' liking of probiotic chocolate-flavoured milks using a novel
temporal methodology, and to evaluate two alternatives (vanilla flavour and
thaumatin) to attenuate the sensory changes caused by the sugar
reduction. Probiotic chocolate-flavoured milks were formulated with
different reductions in added sugar (0, 20, 40 and 60%). Vanilla flavour
and thaumatin were added to the sugar-reduced samples at two
concentrations. Samples were evaluated by trained assessors using
Temporal check-all-that-apply (TCATA). Additionally, consumers evaluated
the dynamic sensory profile of a subset of the samples using TCATA and
indicated their overall liking using a 9-point hedonic scale. Results from the
present work showed that the main effect of sugar reduction in the
dynamic sensory profile of the probiotic chocolate-flavoured milks were
related to their sweetness, bitterness and thickness. A reduction in added
sugar of 20% led to changes in sweetness intensity, which was perceived
by both trained assessors and consumers. However, consumers' liking
was not significantly affected by sugar reductions up to 40%. The addition
of vanilla flavour at suprathreshold concentrations was not efficient in
increasing sweetness perception in chocolate-flavoured milks with the
lowest sugar reduction percentage, suggesting that it may not be a feasible
alternative for reducing sugar in this product category. These results
suggest that in many situations the excessive sugar content of food
products could be decreased without a relevant impact on consumers'
sensory and hedonic perception.
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Pág. 6
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
El papel de los compuestos bioactivos en la regulación de
histonas acetilasas y deacetilasas: Reseña
Publicada el 10/05/2015
Publication date: 10 May 2015. Source: Gene, Volume 562, Issue 1
Author(s): F. Vahid , H. Zand , E. Nosrat–Mirshekarlou , R. Najafi , A.
Hekmatdoost. Nutrigenomics is an area of epigenomics that explores and
defines the rapidly evolving field of diet-genome interactions. Lifestyle and
diet can significantly influence epigenetic mechanisms, which cause
heritable changes in gene expression without changes in DNA sequence.
Nutrient-dependent epigenetic variations can significantly affect genome
stability, mRNA and protein expression, and metabolic changes, which in
turn influence food absorption and the activity of its constituents. Dietary
bioactive compounds can affect epigenetic alterations, which are
accumulated over time and are shown to be involved in the pathogenesis
of age-related diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular
disease. Histone acetylation is an epigenetic modification mediated by
histone acetyl transferases (HATs) and histone deacetylases (HDACs)
critically involved in regulating affinity binding between the histones and
DNA backbone. The HDAC-mediated increase in histone affinity to DNA
causes DNA condensation, preventing transcription, whereas HATacetylated chromatin is transcriptionally active. HDAC and HAT activities
are reported to be associated with signal transduction, cell growth and
death, as well as with the pathogenesis of various diseases. The aim of
this review was to evaluate the role of diet and dietary bioactive
compounds on the regulation of HATs and HDACs in epigenetic diseases.
Dietary bioactive compounds such as genistein, phenylisothiocyanate,
curcumin, resveratrol, indole-3-carbinol, and epigallocatechin-3-gallate can
regulate HDAC and HAT activities and acetylation of histones and nonhistone chromatin proteins, and their health benefits are thought to be
attributed to these epigenetic mechanisms. The intake of dietary
compounds that regulate epigenetic modifications can provide significant
health effects and may prevent various pathological processes involved in
the development of cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
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Pág. 7
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Aumento en la viabilidad de probióticos Lactobacillus salivarios
NRRL B-30514 encapsulados en emulsiones con capas
múltiples de lípido-proteína-pectina
Publicada el 01/05/2015
Publication date: May 2015 Source: Food Research International, Volume
71 Author(s): Yun Zhang , Jun Lin , Qixin Zhong Probiotics have
demonstrated various health benefits but have poor stability to sustain food
processing and storage conditions, as well as after ingestion. Biopolymer
beads are commonly studied to encapsulate probiotic cells to improve their
stability, but the millimeter-dimension of these beads may not meet the
quality requirement of food products. The aim of this study was to enhance
the viability of Lactobacillus salivarius NRRL B-30514 by encapsulation in
emulsion droplets with multiple lipid-protein-pectin layers. Spray-dried L.
salivarius was suspended in melted anhydrous milk fat that was then
emulsified in a neutral aqueous phase with whey protein isolate or sodium
caseinate to prepare primary solid/oil/water (S/O/W) emulsions.
Subsequently, pectin was electrostatically deposited onto the droplet
surface at pH3.0 to form secondary emulsions. The encapsulation
efficiency was up to 90%. After 20-day storage at 4°C, the viable cell
counts of bacteria in secondary emulsions at pH3.0 and primary emulsions
at 7.0 were 3 log higher than the respective free cell controls. After heating
at 63°C for 30min, free L. salivarius was inactivated to be undetectable,
while about 2.0logCFU/mL was observed for primary (at pH7.0) and
secondary (at pH3.0) emulsion treatments. Additionally, a 5log-CFU/gpowder reduction was observed after spray drying free L. salivarius, while
a 2logCFU/g reduction was observed for emulsion treatments with
capsules smaller than 20m. Furthermore, cross-linking the secondary
emulsion with calcium enhanced the viability of L. salivarius after the
simulated gastric and intestinal digestions. Therefore, the studied S/O/W
emulsion systems may be used to improve the viability of probiotics during
processing, storage, and gastrointestinal digestion.
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Pág. 8
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Influencia de los componentes de la dieta en la degradación del
gluten mediante la endoproteasa prolilo de Aspergillus niger
Publicada el 01/05/2015
Publication date: 1 May 2015. Source: Food Chemistry, Volume 174
Author(s): Veronica Montserrat , Maaike J. Bruins , Luppo Edens , Frits
Koning Celiac disease (CD) is caused by intolerance to gluten. Oral
supplementation with enzymes like Aspergillus niger propyl-endoprotease
(AN-PEP), which can hydrolyse gluten, has been proposed to prevent the
harmful effects of ingestion of gluten. The influence of meal composition on
AN-PEP activity was investigated using an in vitro model that simulates
stomach-like conditions. AN-PEP optimal dosage was 20 proline protease
units (PPU)/g gluten. The addition of a carbonated drink strongly enhanced
AN-PEP activity because of its acidifying effect. While fat did not affect
gluten degradation by AN-PEP, the presence of food proteins slowed down
gluten detoxification. Moreover, raw gluten was degraded more efficiently
by AN-PEP than baked gluten. We conclude that the meal composition
influences the amount of AN-PEP needed for gluten elimination. Therefore,
AN-PEP should not be used to replace a gluten free diet, but rather to
support digestion of occasional and/or inadvertent gluten consumption.
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Pág. 9
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Alimentos saludables con impronta incaica y oriental
Publicada el 28/05/2015
Investigadores del CONICET estudian las propiedades de semillas y algas
de culturas no occidentales para incorporarlos a la dieta local.
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Pág. 10
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Composición probiótica no calórica y método de preparación
Publicada el 10/06/2015
A probiotic composition comprising at least one viable probiotic
microorganism having a biological or therapeutic activity in the
gastrointestinal tract and a carrier suitable for human consumption is
disclosed. The probiotic composition may contain drinking water and
electrolytes and the probiotic microorganism may be spores of a probiotic
microorganism. Also provided are methods of treating acute or chronic
diarrhea and of improving immune function, digestive health, and/or
intestinal flora by administering the probiotic composition. In addition, a
food additive comprising at least one viable probiotic microorganism
having a biological or therapeutic activity in the gastrointestinal tract and a
carrier suitable for human consumption is provided.
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Preparación e incorporación de co-productos en bebidas para
mejorar la nutrición y atributos sensoriales
Publicada el 27/05/2015
Co-products from juice extraction, in particular for use in beverage and
food products to enhance nutrition and sensory attributes of the products,
are provided. The co-product has a number average particle size of
between 1 and 2000 microns, a total polyphenol content of at least 2500
parts per million, a moisture content of between 70% and 85% by weight,
and a combined peel and seed content between 0.01% and 20% by
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Pág. 11
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Polvo nutricional completo y método de preparación del mismo
Publicada el 20/05/2015
The invention discloses complete nutritional powder and a preparation method thereof. The powder is
characterized by containing vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin B 12, vitamin
C, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin D, vitamin E, biotin, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium,
chromium, copper, manganese, corn fiber powder, inulin, isolated soy protein powder, black bean extract,
Brazil mushroom extract, soya bean lecithin, semen phaseoli extract, L-carnitine, [beta] carotene, lycopene,
citrus extract, vanadium, acerola cherry extract, grape seed extract, maltodextrin, essence, aspartame, and
acesulfame. The complete nutritional powder is a specifically developed nutritional food, which is highly
matched with low sugar diet and moderate exercise in a solution for treating obesity and high blood pressure,
high blood sugar and high blood fat. The solution is capable of treating obesity, blood pressure, blood sugar
and blood fat with excellent rehabilitation results and is suitable for wide promotion.
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Composiciones y métodos para fermentos ricos en vitaminas
Publicada el 13/05/2015
The principles of the present invention provide novel compositions and methods for naturally enriching
beverages with multiple vitamins. The method includes fermenting beverages, such as fruit juices, in a single
step with a microorganism capable of producing at least four vitamins, such as vitamin B12, vitamin K, folate,
and biotin.
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Pág. 12
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Composición saludable para disminuir el colesterol, para uso en
alimentos, bebidas, suplementos de salud y alimentos médicos
Publicada el 06/05/2015
Disclosed is a composition consisting of beta-glucan (1,3), (1,4) [beta]-D Glucan), plant sterols and a
hydrocolloid. A natural way to help lower blood serum cholesterol levels to a consumer and or patient with the
effective amount of disclosed composition. For use in foods, beverages, dietary supplement products and
medical foods.
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Composición nutricional para mujeres embarazadas con perfil
de insulina y glucosa beneficiosos
Publicada el 15/04/2015
The present disclosure is directed to a nutritional powder, a translucent
reconstitutable beverage formed therefrom, and methods relating thereto.
The nutritional powder and beverage are adapted to include the proper
balance of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals
appropriate for a pregnant woman. The nutritional compositions further
stem the glycemic response and improve glycemia and insulinemia during
gestational and lactating periods for preventing or reduce the incidence of
glucose intolerance later in life.
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Pág. 13
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Menos sodio para embutidos
Publicada el 04/06/2015
Por la naturaleza de los productos cárnicos, la sal es un ingrediente
necesario, sin embargo la industria tiene en sus manos una gran
responsabilidad y oportunidad de crear productos más bajos en sodio.
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Aplicaciones funcionales y tecnológicas de la chía en los
Publicada el 21/05/2015
La chía es una fuente natural de ácidos grasos omega-3, fibra y proteínas
y otros componentes nutricionales importantes como antioxidantes.
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Pág. 14
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Descubren nuevo ingrediente para alimentos funcionales
Publicada el 18/05/2015
En un trabajo de investigación publicado en la revista “Food Science and
Technology”, científicos de la Universidad de Granada (UGR) y de la
Estación Experimental del Zaidín (CSIC), ambas de España, evaluaron las
propiedades biológicas de los subdproductos derivados de empresas
productoras de café, como los posos de café (PC) o el coffee silverskin
(CS), conocido en español como ‘cascarilla’.
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Declaran importancia de la micronutrición
Publicada el 08/05/2015
Ysonut informó que los tratamientos basados en la Micro-nutrición, es una
alternativa para abordar la obesidad y prevenir enfermedades como el
síndrome metabólico.
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Pág. 15
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Descubren que los posos del café tienen una capacidad
antioxidante hasta 500 veces superior a la vitamina C
Publicada el 06/05/2015
Científicos de la Universidad de Granada y de la Estación Experimental
del Zaidín (CSIC) han descubierto que los posos del café tienen una
capacidad antioxidante muy elevada, hasta 500 veces superior a la
vitamina C, y pueden ser reutilizados para elaborar alimentos funcionales
con grandes cualidades saludables para los humanos.
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El CSIC desarrolla ‘snacks’ saludables a partir de las proteínas
del huevo
Publicada el 04/05/2015
Investigadores del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
han desarrollado snacks empleando una técnica basada en la hidrólisis
del huevo. Los científicos creen que estos nuevos productos podrían llegar
a convertirse en una alternativa saludable a los alimentos dulces o salados
que se suelen consumir entre horas, y que normalmente se consideran
poco saludables por sus elevadas cantidades de sal, grasas y azúcares.
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Pág. 16
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
El proyecto Food4Me, financiado por la UE, sienta las bases de
la nutrición personalizada como vía para mejorar la salud
Publicada el 23/04/2015
Food4Me fue un proyecto de cuatro años de duración que recibió fondos
de la Comisión Europea. Su objetivo era identificar los retos y las
oportunidades de la nutrición personalizada mediante un estudio europeo
sobre la materia realizado a través de Internet. En el marco de la
investigación se estudió el desarrollo de modelos de negocio, las actitudes
de los consumidores, los avances tecnológicos y las cuestiones éticas y
legales. Del estudio paneuropeo del proyecto, en el que participaron más
de 1 500 personas, se desprende que los consejos nutricionales
personalizados resultan más eficaces para mejorar los hábitos
alimentarios que el asesoramiento convencional dirigido a la población en
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Formulan nuevos yogures con alto contenido de proteína y
mayor capacidad saciante
Publicada el 21/04/2015
Investigadores de la Universitat Politècnica de València y el Instituto de
Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (IATA) del Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Científicas Español (CSIC) han obtenido en el laboratorio
un nuevo yogur con alto contenido de proteína y mayor capacidad
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Pág. 17
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Presenta FAO Observatorio de Alimentos
Publicada el 20/04/2015
La FAO presentó su Observatorio de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional
para proveer información sobre indicadores de acceso a la alilmentación y
la situación de nutrición de la población.
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Realzan beneficios de la soya para la salud
Publicada el 20/04/2015
El Consejo Exportador de Soya de Estados Unidos (USSEC) dio a
conocer los beneficios únicos de la soya que permiten tener una vida
saludable. Todas aquellas personas que busquen tener una vida más
saludable deben saber que la soya ofrece grandes beneficios a su salud.
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Pág. 18
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Center for Food Innovation desarrolla bebida deportiva rica en
Publicada el 13/04/2015
A new sports recovery drink developed by a Penn State researcher,
produced by the Penn State Berkey Creamery and tested by Penn State
football players is now available. Dr. Pete’s Recovery Drink, a chocolate
milk infused with an innovative research-based protein formula, is currently
on sale at Café Laura in Mateer Building and will be available in the near
future at Berkey Creamery.
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Pág. 19
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
FIAB y la FEN se alían para impulsar la colaboración entre la
ciencia y la industria en materia de nutrición
Publicada el 06/05/2015
La Federación Española de Industrias de la Alimentación y Bebidas (FIAB)
y la Fundación Española de la Nutrición (FEN) han firmado hoy un
convenio de colaboración por el que se comprometen al fomento y
desarrollo de actividades en el ámbito de la Nutrición y la Alimentación
para, entre otros, incentivar la educación, fomentar la investigación y la
difusión de conocimientos. Así, con este acuerdo se busca favorecer la
coordinación entre los estamentos científicos y las industrias alimentarias
en todos los temas relacionados con la nutrición y su promoción.
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Pág. 20
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Modificación del Decreto Reglamentario 528/11 sobre Atención
Médica, Investigación, Capacitación Profesional en la Detección
Temprana, Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de la Enfermedad Celíaca
Publicada el 05/05/2015
Decreto reglamentario, Salud pública, enfermedades, enfermedad celíaca, modificación de la reglamentación,
Derecho administrativo, Derecho constitucional
Se Modifica el Decreto Reglamentario 528/11 sobre Atención Médica, Investigación, Capacitación Profesional
en la Detección Temprana, Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de la Enfermedad Celíaca
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Pág. 21
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Participación en el Congreso Argentino de Nutrición
Publicada el 10/06/2015
Durante los días 19, 20, 21 y 22 de mayo se llevó a cabo en el Centro de
Convenciones de Salta el XII Congreso Argentino de Graduados en
Nutrición bajo el lema Por el derecho a la alimentación, organizado por la
Federación Argentina de Graduados en Nutrición, en la Provincia de Salta.
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22º Congreso europeo sobre obesidad
Publicada el 12/05/2015
6-9 May 2015. Prague, Czech Republic. We are pleased to announce that
the 22nd European Congress on Obesity (ECO2015) has been granted 21
European CME credits (ECMEC) by the European Accreditation Council
for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME).
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Pág. 22
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Nutrición y Salud
Seminario web: El rol de la industria en la lucha contra la
Publicada el 01/05/2015
6 de mayo, 2015. Suiza. La malnutrición es un problema general a nivel mundial, ya que las personas no
consumen el nivel suficiente de nutrientes esenciales. A su vez, la obesidad se ha convertido en una
preocupación creciente porque se consumen demasiados alimentos para el nivel de actividad.
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Boletín de novedades
Mayo - Junio 2015
Alimentos y Bebidas
Tecnologías y Procesos
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Combinación de tratamiento de altas presiones, calentamiento suave y efectos del tiempo de...
Influencia de los procesos y pretratamientos de secado sobre las características nutricion...
Pasteurización post-envasado de embutidos asistida por ultrasonido
Aplicaciones de ciclodextrinas en alimentos: mejoramiento de la retención de aceites esenc...
Tratamiento solar foto-fenton de aguas residuales para la industria de bebidas: Intensific...
Uso de la alcachofa de Jerusalén como nutriente funcional en el desarrollo de alimentos ex...
Efecto antomicrobiano sinérgico del carvacrol y timol en láminas de nanocompuestos de arci...
Mejoramiento de la separación almidón-pulpa en el proceso de filtración centrífuga: Efecto...
Impregnación supercrítica y liberación cinética de 2-nonanona en películas de LLDPE usadas...
Estudios toxicológicos del compuesto principal organosulfurado derivado del Allium sp. des...
Cápsula y método para preparar un alimento líquido mediante centrifugación
Proceso para la inoculación directa a partir de fermentos concentrados congelados y dispos...
Uso de salvado de lupino en alimentos ricos en fibra
Procesador de alimentos con funciones de trituración y/o rebanadora
Dispositivo de monitoreo de temperatura para sistema de monitoreo de flujo de trabajo
Métodos, aparato y proceso para la fabricación de productos comestibles utilizando la elec...
La refrigeración evaporativa en los procesos industriales de la producción alimentaria
Tetra Pak lanza nuevo manual de procesamiento de lácteos
Tecnologías innovadoras para la industria de alimentos
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Propiedades sensoriales, un criterio más para la mejora genética del trigo
Molinos de procesamiento a gran escala de masas de cacao
Klüber Lubrication desarrolla un avanzado aceite sintético adherente para las cadenas de l...
Los extractos de microalgas marinas alargan la vida útil del aceite de oliva
Residuos de medicamentos veterinarios en alimentos
La seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, el cambio climático y los suelos, prioridades en l...
2050: la escasez de agua en varias zonas del mundo amenaza la seguridad alimentaria y los ...
El papel de EFSA en la evaluación de riesgos biológicos en alimentos
JBT lidera el camino en la esterilización de envases flexibles
ANR 1600 2014 C2 - Proceso de evaluación
Fispal Tecnología
Pág. 2
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Combinación de tratamiento de altas presiones, calentamiento
suave y efectos del tiempo de almacenaje como medios para
mejorar las propiedades de barrera de películas para envasado
a base de gelatina utilizando el modelado de superficie de
Publicada el 30/05/2015
Publication date: 30 May 2015 Source: Innovative Food Science &
Emerging Technologies Author(s): Stefano Molinaro , Malco Cruz-Romero
, Alessandro Sensidoni , Michael Morris , Corrado Lagazio , Joe P. Kerry
The optimum combination of high-pressure (HP), mild temperature
application and holding time on pigskin-derived, gelatin-based, film-forming
solutions to improve the barrier properties of packaging films was
determined using response surface methodology. Results showed that the
variable response oxygen transmission rate (OTR) decreased significantly
using a combination of temperature, time, and the interaction between
pressure and time. The determined optimum conditions to minimize the
OTR were high pressure treatment (600 MPa) and holding time (30 min),
while maintaining the temperature at 20.5°C. In parallel, films obtained at
the optimum conditions (OPT) were characterized for structural, thermal,
mechanical, water vapour transmission rate (WVTR) and colour properties.
OPT films were significantly affected by mechanical (TS), thermal (T m),
WVTR properties and redness a* values compared to untreated control
samples. Overall, a combination of HP, mild temperature and holding time
on film-forming solutions showed interesting potential in altering film
characteristics, especially in the enhancement of barrier properties.
Industrial relevance Results obtained in this study are of considerable
importance for the film development and the shelf-life of food products
packaged in films treated with the methodology used in the current work.
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Pág. 3
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Influencia de los procesos y pretratamientos de secado sobre
las características nutricionales y bioactivas de verduras
deshidratadas: Reseña
Publicada el 21/05/2015
Drying has been applied to vegetables in order to preserve, store and transport these food products. However,
drying implies not only physical changes, easily detectable by the consumer through visual assessment, but
also chemical modifications. These are not always visible, but are responsible for alterations in colour, flavour
and nutritional value, which compromise the overall quality of the final product. The main chemical changes
associated with drying are related to the degradation of phytochemicals, such as vitamins, antioxidants,
minerals, pigments and other bioactive compounds sensitive to heat, light and oxygen. Moreover, nutrient
losses are inevitably associated with leaching as a result of the water removal from the vegetable during the
drying process. In order to prevent or reduce nutrient losses and thus improve the quality of dried products,
pretreatments are often applied. In this review, an overview of the procedures developed for dehydration of
vegetables applying heat by convection, conduction or radiation is presented. The influence of pretreatments
on nutritional and bioactive characteristics of dried vegetables is discussed. Blanching with steam, water or
chemical solutions is the most commonly used, but power ultrasound, ohmic blanching, osmotic and edible
coatings pretreatments have also been reported. The influence of the drying processes and conditions on
nutritional contents and bioactive characteristics is also presented.
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Pág. 4
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Pasteurización post-envasado de embutidos asistida por
Publicada el 19/05/2015
Publication date: 19 May 2015. Source: Innovative Food Science &
Emerging Technologies Author(s): Alexandre José Cichoski , Cristine
Rampelloto , Marianna Stefanello Silva , Heloisa Cristina de Moura ,
Nelcindo Nascimento Terra , Roger Wagner , Cristiano Ragagnin de
Menezes , Érico Marlon Moraes Flores , Juliano Smanioto Barin
Ultrasound (US) is proposed to reduce temperature and accelerate the
process of pasteurization of packaged hot dog sausages. Sausages were
pasteurized in an ultrasonic bath (25kHz, 200W) for 10.53min at 74°C with
(US) and without ultrasound (WUS) and also with conventional
pasteurization (CT, water bath at 82°C, 16min to reach 73°C inside of
sausages). The temperature was 3.9°C higher inside of pasteurized
sausages using US in comparison to WUS. Sausages were stored by
60days and physico-chemical and microbiological parameters were
evaluated. US treatment inhibited the growth of psychrotrophic and lactic
bacteria, reduced the lipid oxidation and promoted little pH and texture
modifications during storage, improving the pasteurization. However, no
information are available about the possible generation of toxic substances
after US processing and further investigations must be carried out before
the industrial scale-up of the process. Industrial relevance An improvement
on the effect of pasteurization of packaged sausages could be obtained by
the use of ultrasound, reducing the time and the temperature used in
conventional process and improving the shelf life of product without
changes in its physical and chemical characteristics. The adaptation of the
proposed process is relatively simple to be performed in conventional
equipment used in industry and has potential for continuous processing
and scale up. Because no information are available about the possible
generation of toxic substances after the ultrasound process, further
investigations must be carried out before the industrial scale-up of the
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Pág. 5
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Aplicaciones de ciclodextrinas en alimentos: mejoramiento de la
retención de aceites esenciales, liberación controlada y
actividad antiradical
Publicada el 15/06/2015
Publication date: 15 June 2015. Source: Carbohydrate Polymers Author(s):
Miriana Kfoury , Lizette Auezova , Hélène Greige-Gerges , Sophie
Fourmentin Essential oils (EOs) are gaining great interest as alternatives
for harmful synthetic food preservatives. Due to their volatile nature, they
could be applied in food packaging to improve food quality and extend
shelf-life. To provide long-term effects of EOs by increasing their retention
and ensuring controlled release of their components, they could be
encapsulated in cyclodextrins (CDs). Herein, the ability of six CDs to retain
nine EOs and to bind their individual components was investigated.
Retention capacities and binding abilities of CDs were assessed by static
headspace-gas chromatography (SH-GC) using a new validated “rapid
method”. The ability of CDs to generate controlled release systems was
examined by multiple headspace extraction (MHE). Finally, radical
scavenging activity of free and encapsulated EOs was evaluated. The
highest retention capacity towards the studied EOs was obtained for -CD
and its derivatives (69-78%). Also, -CD and its derivatives showed, with
one exception, the highest Kf values for all the studied guests. In addition,
encapsulation in CDs reduced the releasing rate of EO components (from
1.43 to 2.43-fold for -CD/S. montana EO used as a model). Furthermore,
the inclusion complexes showed higher ABTS + scavenging capacity than
the free EOs. Results confirmed the usefulness of CDs as encapsulant for
EOs and should encourage their application in food and as part of active
packaging systems.
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Pág. 6
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Tratamiento solar foto-fenton de aguas residuales para la
industria de bebidas: Intensificación con ferrioxalato
Publicada el 15/06/2015
Publication date: 15 June 2015 Source: Chemical Engineering Journal,
Volume 270 Author(s): A. Durán , J.M. Monteagudo , J. Gil , A.J. Expósito ,
I. San Martín The mineralization of industrial wastewater from beverage
industries during a solar photo-Fenton enhanced process mediated by
ferrioxalate complexes was evaluated as an alternative to reduce the total
treatment time required for conventional anaerobic digestion procedures in
a compound parabolic collector (CPC) pilot plant. Under selected
conditions (H2O2 flowrate=460mL/h, H2C2O4 flowrate=2100mL/h, [Fe]0
=150mg/L, pH=2.79, medium solar power=35.8Wh) and continuous
operation, 70.6% and 96.6% of the total organic carbon (TOC) was
removed from industrial effluent with an initial TOC concentration of
1386.8mg/L after 55 and 125min, respectively. In addition, this process
completely removed the toxicity and COD and removed 99.8% of the BOD5. First, the physico-chemical pre-treatment of raw wastewater was
performed based on sedimentation to remove suspended solids and
reduce the turbidity by 91%. The effects of the variables were studied
during two different irradiation periods. Solar power is the main factor that
influences mineralization during the first 60Wh of accumulated energy due
to the generation of hydroxyl radicals. However, solar power is unimportant
at the end of the process (150Wh of accumulated energy), when the
molecular reaction mechanism between H2O2 and the intermediates is
predominant. The overall mineralization process (k =0.0096min1) occurs
due to the contributions of the photo-Fenton process (k =0.0044min1) and
the ferrioxalate photochemistry (k =0.003min1). The synergism between
both processes was 22.9% based on the first order rate constants for TOC
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Pág. 7
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Uso de la alcachofa de Jerusalén como nutriente funcional en el
desarrollo de alimentos extruídos con bajo índice glicémico
Publicada el 15/06/2015
Publication date: 15 June 2015. Source: Food Chemistry, Volume 177
Author(s): Ana Radovanovic , Valentina Stojceska , Andrew Plunkett ,
Slobodan Jankovic , Dragan Milovanovic , Snezana Cupara This study
considers the use of dry Jerusalem artichoke (JA) as a functional nutrient
in developing food products with enhanced nutritional characteristics and
low glycaemic index (GI). Three different formulations based on buckwheat
and JA were developed and processed using extrusion technology.
Nutritional properties including the levels of total dietary fibre (TDF),
protein, inulin, total carbohydrates and lipids were analysed. A clinical
study was performed on ten healthy volunteers (aged between 21 and 56)
to determine the level of GI and glycaemic load (GL). The results revealed
that JA significantly (P <0.05) increased the levels of TDF and inulin
whilst decreasing carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The resulting
products had a significant (P <0.05) effect on IAUC between reference
food and extruded products, GI and GL. Samples containing 80% of
Jerusalem artichoke were considered as a low GI food whilst samples
containing 30% and 60% of Jerusalem artichoke as a medium GI food. A
similar trend was seen in terms of GL.
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Pág. 8
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Efecto antomicrobiano sinérgico del carvacrol y timol en
láminas de nanocompuestos de arcilla/polímero sobre el moho
gris en fresas
Publicada el 14/06/2015
Publication date: 14 June 2015. Source: LWT - Food Science and
Technology Author(s): Víctor H. Campos-Requena , Bernabé L. Rivas ,
Mónica A. Pérez , Carlos R. Figueroa , Eugenio A. Sanfuentes The in vivo
synergistic antimicrobial effects of the essential oils constituents (EOCs)
carvacrol (CRV) and thymol (TML) included in low-density
polyethylene/organically modified montmorillonite (LDPE/OMM)
nanocomposite films were evaluated using strawberries inoculated with
Botrytis cinerea. XRD analysis of a LDPE/OMM nanocomposite showed an
increase in the interlayer distance with respect to the original nanoclay,
indicating an intercalated morphology. Improved packaging properties,
such as mechanical, thermal and rheological properties, with respect to the
neat LDPE were achieved. An approximately 15 % decrease in the release
rate of the EOCs compared to neat LDPE was observed, indicating the
potential of the films to function as controlled-release food packaging
material. A synergistic antimicrobial effect was observed for the CRV:TML
mixture against Botrytis cinerea compared to a film containing only CRV,
when the films were applied by indirect contact with the strawberries. The
IC50 of the EOCs in the film was reduced from 40.4 mg g–1 (CRV only) to
13.2 mg g–1 (CRV:TML 50:50). Therefore, with only one third of the total
EOCs concentration required for the single EOCs films, the CRV:TMLcontaining film provides effective inhibition of B. cinerea but without
significant (p<0.001) organoleptic alteration in strawberries, as described
by discriminative sensory analysis.
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Pág. 9
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Mejoramiento de la separación almidón-pulpa en el proceso de
filtración centrífuga: Efectos del tamaño y variedad de las
partículas de raíz de yuca sobre la separación de gránulos libres
de almidón
Publicada el 29/05/2015
Publication date: 29 May 2015. Source: Food and Bioproducts Processing
Author(s): Kanchana Saengchan , Montira Nopharatana , Ruenrom
Lerdlattaporn , Warinthorn Songkasiri Cassava root and starch are used
for human food consumption, animal feed and raw material for various
industries, including the renewable energy industry. The composition and
structure of cassava root depends on variety, age, environmental
conditions and planting season. Starch granules following rasping step are
divided into free and bound starch; the latter remains in the pulp and is
difficult to separate, while the former is not bound inside the pulp complex
structure. In a starch extractor, cassava starch granules are separated
from pulp through the mechanisms of centrifugation and filtration. This
research aimed to study the effects of particle size and variety of cassava
root, centrifugation and filtration mechanisms on free starch granule
separation efficiency. Three cassava root varieties, Rayong 9, Rayong 11
and Kasetsart 50, were classified by particle size after grinding and
sieving. Experiments were conducted at various relative centrifugal forces
(0-487G) and pressure drops (2.5-12.0kPa). The free starch separation
efficiency increased with decreasing particle size of all cassava root
varieties. The grinding of cassava root into small pieces caused cell wall
breakage, facilitating free starch separation from the pulp. As the RCF
increased, some bound starch granules were released due to the force
acting on the cassava pulp. The pressure drop in filtration process drove
the free starch granules to pass through the screen although this force was
insufficient to separate the bound starch granules from the fiber.
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Pág. 10
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Impregnación supercrítica y liberación cinética de 2-nonanona
en películas de LLDPE usadas para envases activos de
Publicada el 11/05/2015
Publication date: 11 May 2015. Source: The Journal of Supercritical Fluids
Author(s): Adrián Rojas , Daniela Cerro , Alejandra Torres , María José
Galotto , Abel Guarda , Julio Romero The impregnation of active
compounds in polymeric matrices using supercritical carbon dioxide
(scCO2) is a well-known technique, which is currently used to formulate
controlled drug release materials. In this study, supercritical impregnation
of 2-nonanone in linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) was done in
order to prepare active polymer films to be used in food packaging.
Impregnation tests were carried out in a high-pressure cell, at 313K with
pressures ranging from 12 to 22MPa and at two different depressurization
rates: 1.0 and 10.0MPamin1. This procedure allowed the preparation of
films containing 2-nonanone at concentrations varying from 0.21 to 0.34
w/w %. Higher concentrations of 2-nonanone in LLDPE were obtained for
impregnations done at lower pressures and the lowest depressurization
rate. Release experiments showed that the depressurization rate of the
impregnation process is a key parameter, which significantly affects the
initial content of the active compound in the polymer. Simultaneously, a
phenomenological mass transfer model has been used to describe the
release of 2-nonanone from the polymer to a food simulant. This model
was used to correlate the experimental release kinetic data, obtaining the
values of diffusion coefficient of 2-nonanone in LLDPE, which were
quantified between 3.0×1012 and 3.6×1012 m2 s1 when depressurization
rate was 10.0MPamin1 and 6.8×1012 m2 s1 when its value was
1.0MPamin1. Graphical abstract
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Pág. 11
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Estudios toxicológicos del compuesto principal
organosulfurado derivado del Allium sp. destinado para uso en
envasado activo de alimentos
Publicada el 06/05/2015
Publication date: 6 May 2015. Source: Food and Chemical Toxicology
Author(s): María Llana-Ruiz-Cabello , Daniel Gutiérrez-Praena , María
Puerto , Silvia Pichardo , F. Javier Moreno , Alberto Baños , Cristina
Nuñez , Enrique Guillamón , Ana María Cameán Some plant extracts have
been proposed as potential alternative to the use of synthetic preservatives
in the food industry. Among those, extracts from Allium species exhibit
interesting antimicrobial and antioxidant properties for the food packaging
industry. The present work aims to assess the usefulness and potential
safety of the major organosulfur compound present in a commercial Allium
sp. extract (PROALLIUM AP®), namely propyl thiosulphinate oxide
(PTSO). For this purpose, its antimicrobial activity was studied in a wide
range of microorganisms. Moreover, cytotoxicity and ultrastructural cellular
damages caused by PTSO were studied in two human cell lines, Caco-2
and HepG2, being the colonic cells more sensitive to this compound.
Finally, the protective role of PTSO against an induced oxidative situation
was evaluated in the human intestinal Caco-2 cells. The results revealed
damage at high concentration, although no significant adverse effects were
recorded for the concentration to be used in food packaging. Moreover, the
in vivo study also revealed the potential safety use at the established
concentrations. In addition, the antimicrobial properties and the antioxidant
role of PTSO were confirmed. Therefore, this compound could be
considered as a good natural alternative to synthetic preservatives used in
the food packaging industry.
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Pág. 12
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Cápsula y método para preparar un alimento líquido mediante
Publicada el 03/06/2015
A single-use capsule for preparing a food liquid from a food substance
contained therein. The capsule has an upper wall, a lower wall, and a side
wall connecting the upper and lower walls, wherein the walls form an
enclosure that contains the food substance. The capsule also has a sealed
interface connecting the upper and lower walls and a liquid collecting
cavity located between the side wall and sealed interface. The sealed
interface is configured to open under a predetermined fluid pressure in the
capsule to allow the food liquid to leave the capsule. Also, a method for
preparing a food liquid from the capsule by passing water through the food
substance using centrifugal forces for producing the food liquid.
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Proceso para la inoculación directa a partir de fermentos
concentrados congelados y dispositivo asociado
Publicada el 03/06/2015
Process for continuous inoculation of a food product, in particular a dairy
product, with ferments, wherein: frozen concentrated ferments are thawed
by means of a microwave device or a water bath thawing device acting on
a container containing frozen concentrated ferments, the thawed
concentrated ferments are continuously injected, from the container, into a
flow of liquid to be inoculated.
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Pág. 13
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Uso de salvado de lupino en alimentos ricos en fibra
Publicada el 03/06/2015
A process (10) for producing food-grade lupin brain is described. The
process (10) comprises the steps of separating (14) the lupin hulls (18)
from the seed kernels (16) and milling (20) the lupin bulls to from lupin
bran (22) with particle size of between 10 5 4000 micrometers. A high-fibre
food product (42) made from a dry ingredient mix (24) comprising 1-50%
by weight of food-grade lupin bran (22) is also described.
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Procesador de alimentos con funciones de trituración y/o
Publicada el 27/05/2015
Provided is a food processor with shredding and/or slicing functions,
including a driving device and a main component; the main component
includes a main body, a lid, a transmission axle and a cutterhead
component; the cutterhead component includes a fixed cutterhead and a
movable cutterhead, a cutter body is disposed on the fixed cutterhead or
the movable cutterhead, a cutting channel is formed between a cutting
edge of the cutter body and the movable cutterhead or the fixed cutterhead
for cut-out food passing through; the main component further includes a
height adjusting mechanism configured to adjust a height of the cutting
channel, and an operation part of the height adjusting mechanism is
disposed on the lid. With the food processor of the present disclosure, the
thickness of cut-out food can be adjusted without removing the lid, which is
convenient for operating.
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Pág. 14
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Dispositivo de monitoreo de temperatura para sistema de
monitoreo de flujo de trabajo
Publicada el 06/05/2015
A host device and temperature monitoring device (TMD) integrated
assembly that can automatically collect temperature data and interface
with a workflow management system. The TMD is provided in a portable
housing and incorporates one or more temperature sensors, such as a
physical probe, infrared sensor, or RFID transceiver, along with an
interface for communicating via a wired connection with a host device that
has been programmed with temperature management tasks. The TMD
may be used to automatically collect temperatures and provide the data to
the host for monitoring and tracking as part of a comprehensive workflow
management system that includes food safety monitoring and compliance
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Métodos, aparato y proceso para la fabricación de productos
comestibles utilizando la electroporación irreversible y/o
Publicada el 06/05/2015
A method, apparatus, and system for the making of edible products for
humans and animals, such as pets, using low voltage irreversible
electroporation and or electrolysis device(s). In particular, aspects of this
technology relate to the making of foods, food ingredients, supplements,
and bio-components for human or animal consumption. Specifically,
aspects of the technology relate to the making of foods, food ingredients,
supplements, and bio-components that do not contain preservatives for
microbiological control, and are neither sterilized nor pasteurized by using
chemical, thermal or radioactive methods or combinations thereof.
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Pág. 15
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
La refrigeración evaporativa en los procesos industriales de la
producción alimentaria
Publicada el 11/06/2015
Los sistemas húmedos de refrigeración, es decir, torres de refrigeración y
condensadores evaporativos, son fundamentales en los procesos que
requiere la industria alimentaria en su conjunto. La refrigeración
evaporativa asegura al sector unos niveles de eficiencia energética y
seguridad que no se conseguirían con ningún otro a la hora de garantizar
la conservación de una temperatura adecuada y estable en el proceso de
manufactura de los alimentos. En la industria alimentaria, esta tecnología
se utiliza en, aproximadamente, las dos terceras partes de las
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Tetra Pak lanza nuevo manual de procesamiento de lácteos
Publicada el 10/06/2015
Tetra Pak ha lanzado una nueva edición de su Manual de procesamiento
de lácteos, un libro de referencia de la industria que proporciona
orientación sobre los pasos operativos clave de elaboración de productos
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Pág. 16
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Tecnologías innovadoras para la industria de alimentos
Publicada el 15/05/2015
A cargo de expertos internacionales, comenzó en el INTI un ciclo de
conferencias que tiene como fin difundir los últimos avances en materia de
tecnologías aplicadas a alimentos cárnicos.
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Propiedades sensoriales, un criterio más para la mejora
genética del trigo
Publicada el 13/05/2015
Con el objetivo de estudiar la influencia de la variedad de trigo en la
calidad sensorial del pan, el grupo de investigación de Mejora Genética de
Plantas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) ha elaborado el
perfil sensorial de cinco variedades de trigo: tres de trigo panadero
(Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare L.) y dos de trigo espelta (T. aestivum
ssp.spelta) y han encontrado diferencias significativas entre ellos, lo que
les ha llevado a proponer la conveniencia de considerar las propiedades
sensoriales como un criterio más de selección en futuros trabajos de
mejora genética del trigo.
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Pág. 17
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Molinos de procesamiento a gran escala de masas de cacao
Publicada el 12/05/2015
Caotech ofrece productos para la mezcla, molienda, conchado para
diferentes aplicaciones y procesamiento de licor de cacao. Caotech brinda
proyectos llave en mano en todo el mundo de la industria del cacao,
chocolate, compuesto, helados y panadería.
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Klüber Lubrication desarrolla un avanzado aceite sintético
adherente para las cadenas de la industria alimentaria
Publicada el 03/05/2015
Klüber Lubrication, una de las empresas pioneras en la fabricación de
lubricantes especiales, ha desarrollado un avanzado aceite sintético para
cadenas de la industria alimentaria, Klüberfood NH1 CX 4-220, que se
presentó en el marco de Bta.
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Pág. 18
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Los extractos de microalgas marinas alargan la vida útil del
aceite de oliva
Publicada el 28/04/2015
Investigadores del departamento de Química Física y Analítica de la
Universidad de Jaén revelan que la vida útil del aceite de oliva mejora con
el aporte de extractos de microalgas marinas ricas en carotenoides, unas
moléculas con capacidad antioxidante. Estos elementos bioactivos
aumentan la protección del aceite frente a la rancidez o deterioro que
sufren los ácidos grasos cuando entran en contacto con el aire. Al frenar
este proceso, se consigue alargar la fecha de consumo.
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Residuos de medicamentos veterinarios en alimentos
Publicada el 23/04/2015
Food-producing animals may be treated with veterinary medicines to
prevent or cure disease. The medicine may leave residues in the food from
such treated animals. Food can also contain residues of pesticides and
contaminants to which animals have been exposed. In all cases, the levels
of residues in food should not harm the consumer.
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Pág. 19
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
La seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, el cambio climático y los
suelos, prioridades en la agenda de la FAO y la UE
Publicada el 16/04/2015
La seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, el cambio climático y los suelos se
encuentran entre los principales temas incluidos para los próximos meses
en la agenda común de trabajo entre la FAO y la Unión Europea (UE). Así
se ha establecido en una serie de reuniones entre el Director General de
la FAO, José Graziano da Silva, y representantes de alto nivel de la UE
celebradas esta semana en Bruselas.
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2050: la escasez de agua en varias zonas del mundo amenaza la
seguridad alimentaria y los medios de subsistencia
Publicada el 14/04/2015
En 2050 habrá agua suficiente para producir los alimentos necesarios
para una población mundial que superará los 9 000 millones de personas,
pero el consumo excesivo, la degradación de los recursos y el impacto del
cambio climático reducirá el suministro de agua en muchas regiones,
especialmente los países en desarrollo, según advierten la FAO y el
Consejo Mundial del Agua (CMA) en un informe publicado hoy.
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Pág. 20
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
El papel de EFSA en la evaluación de riesgos biológicos en
Publicada el 01/04/2015
En enero de 2002 se crea la Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (European Food Safety Authority, en
adelante EFSA) como un instrumento básico para garantizar la inocuidad de los alimentos que se
comercializan y consumen en los Estados ...
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Pág. 21
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
JBT lidera el camino en la esterilización de envases flexibles
Publicada el 21/04/2015
Recently, JBT has developed a breadth of technologies that allow flexible
packages to be run using a variety of sterilization technologies.
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Pág. 22
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
ANR 1600 2014 C2 - Proceso de evaluación
Publicada el 07/05/2015
El Fondo Tecnológico Argentino (FONTAR) anuncia los resultados del
proceso de evaluación de la convocatoria ANR 1600 2014 C2 mediante
Resolución de Directorio N° 157/15.
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Pág. 23
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Tecnologías y Procesos
Fispal Tecnología
Publicada el 26/05/2015
23-26 de junio, 2015. Sao Paulo, Brasil. La Fispal Tecnologia, Feria
Internacional de Procesos, Embalajes y Logística para las Industrias de
Alimentos y Bebidas, el evento más grande y completo del sector en
Latinoamérica, llega a su 31ª edición con nuevas oportunidades de
negocio y conocimiento
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Para más información:
Programa Nacional de Vigilancia Tecnológica e Inteligencia Competitiva · VINTEC
Dirección Nacional de Estudios (DNE) · Subsecretaría de Estudios y Prospectiva
Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la Nación
Godoy Cruz 2320 3 piso (entre Guatemala y Paraguay) · (C1425FQD) · Buenos Aires · Argentina
Tel: 4899-5300 int. 3004 · ·
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