Dra. Clarisa Maxit Sub Jefe Servicio de Neurología Infantil Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires FASES DEL STATUS EPILEPTICUS SE INMINENTE STATUS SSTAT SE REFRACTORIO ESTABLECIDO 5 MIN PRE HOSPITALARIO BZD 30 MIN GUARDIA AE UNIDAD DE CUIDADOS INTENSIVOS ANESTESICOS y otros y El tratamiento precoz de las crisis previene el efecto kindling y El tratamiento precoz previene la injuria neuronal El tto. pre‐hospitalario es importante y 182 chicos con SE convulsivo por cada minuto de retraso del inicio del tratamiento desde el inicio del SE hay un aumento de riesgo acumulativo del 5% en que el SE dure más de 60 minutos Chin RF, Peckman C et al. Lancet Neurol 2008 y Los niños que reciben el 3er AE dentro de la hora de tto. regresaron a la línea base en forma significativa más frecuente que aquellos con administración más tardía (81% vs 0%) Lambrechtsen FA, Buchhalter J Epilepsia 2008 FASES DEL STATUS EPILEPTICUS SE INMINENTE 5 MIN PRE HOSPITALARIO BZD SE ESTABLECIDO SE REFRACTORIO y 30 MIN GUARDIA AE UNIDAD DE CUIDADOS INTENSIVOS ANESTESICOS benzodiacepinas y Son efectivas cuando son utilizadas al inicio de las crisis y Hay cambios en el receptor GABA que modifican la respuesta subsecuente luego de varios minutos iniciada la crisis y Diazepam VS lorazepam VS midazolam Lorazepam y El lorazepam ev presenta mayor eficacia y disminuye el tiempo de crisis comparado con el diazepam ev Alldrredge Bk et al. N England J Med 2001 y Requiere refrigeración manejo SE y Administración IV Hospitalario midazolam y Es una imidazobenzodiacepina. A pH 4 es un anillo abierto que es soluble en agua. y A pH fisiológico el anillo se cierra y se hace muy liposoluble permitiendo una rapida penetrancia cerebral. y Midazolam bucal /intranasal/IM 0.15 a 0.5 mg/kg midazolam y El midazolam por vía NO IV acelera la finalización de las crisis. y La utilización de midazolam IM o IN vs Diazepam IV presentaban eficacia similar de finalización de crisis pero el midazolam presento una diferencia fija de 3 minutos RAMPART Trial – Michigan University Silbergleit R and Lowestein Dan midazolam Dan Milikan, Robert Silbergleit Emerg Med Clin N AM 2009 midazolam Danie l P Wemwling Neurotherapeutics A bil 2009 Midazolam IM vs IN vs IV Danie l P Wemwling Neurotherapeutics Abril 2009 FASES DEL STATUS EPILEPTICUS SE INMINENTE 5 MIN PRE HOSPITALARIO BZD SE ESTABLECIDO SE REFRACTORIO 30 MIN GUARDIA AE UNIDAD DE CUIDADOS INTENSIVOS ANESTESICOS/DC/IG/TPM Hay que tener un plan Todas la unidades deben contar con un protocolo escrito del tratamiento farmacológico del SE y este protocolo debe estar claramente estadificado y estructurado por tiempo Consenso Europeo Tratamiento del Status Epilepticus ‐ Londres 2008 542 pacientes pediátricos, estudio multicéntrico Manejo emergencia del SE convulsivo En el DE la mediana de tiempo para administrar el 2do fármaco fue de 24 minutos Acworth J, Lewena S. Pediatr Emerg Care 2009 Manejo del status epilepticus 30 min 5 min Pre Hospitalario Diazepam IR Midazolam bucal /IN/IM Lorazepam IV VPA IV Lorazepam IV Diazepam IV DFH Midazolam IV Diazepam IV INMINENTE Unidad de Cuidados intensivos Departamento emergencia LEV IV Midazolam IV goteo ketamina Fenobarbital 20 mg/kg Dieta cetogenica tiopental IG IV propofol ESTABLECIDO REFRACTARIO Drug management for acute tonic-clonic convulsions including convulsive status epilepticus in children. Appleton R, Macleod S, Martland T.Roald Dahl EEG Unit, Alder Hey Children's Hospital, Eaton Road, Liverpool OBJECTIVES: To review the evidence comparing the efficacy and safety of midazolam, diazepam, lorazepam, phenobarbitone, phenytoin and paraldehyde in treating acute tonic-clonic convulsions and convulsive status epilepticus in children treated in hospital. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Epilepsy Group's Specialized Register (1st July 2007), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library Issue 3, 2007), and MEDLINE (1966 to July 2007). SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials comparing any anticonvulsant drugs used for the treatment of an acute tonic-clonic convulsion including convulsive status epilepticus in children. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors independently assessed trials for inclusion and extracted data. MAIN RESULTS: Four trials involving 383 participants were included.(1) Intravenous lorazepam is as effective as intravenous diazepam in the treatment of acute tonic clonic convulsions, 19/27 (70%) versus 22/34 (65%), RR 1.09 (95% CI 0.77 to 1.54), has fewer adverse events and rectal lorazepam may be more effective than rectal diazepam, 6/6 versus 6/19 (31%), RR 3.17 (95% CI 1.63 to 6.14)(2) Buccal midazolam controlled seizures in 61/109 (56%) compared with 30/110 (27%) of rectal diazepam treated episodes with acute tonic-clonic convulsions, RR 2.05 ( 95% CI 1.45 to 2.91)(3) Intranasal midazolam is as effective as intravenous diazepam in the treatment of prolonged febrile convulsions, 23/26 (88%) versus 24/26 (92%), RR 0.96 (95% CI 0.8 to 1.14)(4) AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: The conclusions of this update have changed to suggest that intravenous lorazepam is at least as effective as intravenous diazepam and is associated with fewer adverse events in the treatment of acute tonic-clonic convulsions. Where intravenous access is unavailable there is evidence from one trial that buccal midazolam is the treatment of choice Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2008 Jul 16;(3):CD001905. Acido Valproico (VPA) Levetiracetam (LEV) y y y y Baja unión a proteínas Cinética lineal LVT: bajo metabolismo hepático y pocas interacciones VPA: metabolismo microsomal y muchas interacciones Acido valproico y 20 estudios publicados: 533 adultos y niños Todos mostraron efectividad similar a la DFH en pacientes que NO respondieron a las benzodiacepinas o como primea línea de tto y Dosis usual 15 a 45 mg /kg en bolo (6mg/kg/min) seguido de infusión 1 a 5mg/kg/hora y Efectos adversos: menos del 10% hipotensión, plaquetopenia, mareo Levetiracetam y Antiepileptico de amplio espectro: ‐ Inhibe canales de calcio voltaje dependiente ‐ facilita la inhibición gabaergica al desplazar moduladores negativos ‐ Reduce las corrientes tardías de potasio ‐ Presenta unión a proteínas sinápticas que modulan la liberación de neurotransmisores Levetiracetam (LEV) y y y y y y Disponible IV en forma reciente. Dosis de carga 20 mg/Kg IV Biodisponibilidad y bioequivalencia probadas No hay estudios controlados Control referido del 31 al 100% de pacientes Efectos adversos: somnolencia, agresividad, plaquetopenia y SE debe ajustar la dosis en la falla renal J Child Neurol. 2010 May;25(5):551-5. Intravenous levetiracetam in children with seizures: a prospective safety study. Ng YT, Hastriter EV, Cardenas JF, Khoury EM, Chapman KE. Department of Pediatric Neurology, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona 85013, USA. Abstract In 2006, intravenous levetiracetam received US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for adjunctive treatment of partial onset seizures in adults with epilepsy, 16 years or older. We have established the safety, tolerability, and dosage of intravenous levetiracetam in children. This prospective study included 30 children (6 months to <15 years of age). Patients were administered a single dose of intravenous levetiracetam (50 mg/kg, maximal dose 2500 mg) over 15 minutes. A blood level of levetiracetam was performed 10 minutes after the infusion. The treated children's average age was 6.3 years (range 0.5-14.8 years). The mean levetiracetam level was 83.3 microg/mL (range 47-128 microg/mL). There were no serious adverse reactions. Minor reactions included sleepiness, fatigue, and restlessness. An apparent decrease in seizure frequency across all seizure types was noted. The dose of 50 mg/kg was well tolerated by the patients and is a safe, appropriate loading dose. FASES DEL STATUS EPILEPTICUS SE INMINENTE 5 MIN PRE HOSPITALARIO BZD SE ESTABLECIDO SE REFRACTORIO y 30 MIN GUARDIA AE UNIDAD DE CUIDADOS INTENSIVOS ANESTESICOS Manejo del status epilepticus 5 min Pre Hospitalario Diazepam IR Midazolam bucal /IN/IM Diazepam IV 30 min Unidad de Cuidados intensivos Departamento emergencia VPA IV Lorazepam IV Diazepam IV DFH Midazolam IV LEV IV Midazolam IV goteo ketamina Fenobarbital 20 mg/kg Dieta cetogenica tiopental IG IV propofol Lorazepam iv Lorazepam IV TOPIRAMA TO INMINENTE ESTABLECIDO REFRACTARIO midazolam y Metanalisis 111 niños SER fue efectiva como otras drogas inductoras de coma con menor mortalidad. Gilbert DL, Glauser TA. Jchild Neurol 1999 y 40 niños midazolam vs diazepam IV eficacia similar , midazolam recurrencia mayor (57% vs 16%) Singhi S et al. J Child Neurol 2002 y EA: desaturaciones transitorias, hipotensión arterial y Midazolam: bolo inicial 0.1 mg/kg con infusión posterior 1 a 2 Microgramo/kg/mi hasta 30microgramos/kg/min Rev Neurol (Paris). 2010 Jun-Jul;166(6-7):648-52. [Use of midazolam for refractory status epilepticus in children]. Lampin ME, Dorkenoo A, Lamblin MD, Botte A, Leclerc F, Auvin S. Service de réanimation pédiatrique, CHRU de Lille, Lille cedex, France. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of 29 children admitted to the Lille University Hospital pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) for RSE between May 2006 and July 2008. The onset of the study corresponded with a new therapeutic protocol applied in the PICU for RSE where midazolam was proposed as the first-line treatment (bolus ten continuous infusion until control) to be replaced by thiopenthal in case of failure. RESULTS: We recorded 29 patients with RSE during the study period: 26 were treated with midazolam, including two where midazolam replaced thiopenthal because of hypotension. Midazolam successfully controlled RSE in 58% of patients. Mean delay to cessation of RSE was 48+/-65 minutes. Hypotension was observed in 8% of midazolam-treated patients and 71% of thiopenthal-treated patients. Overall mortality was 15% (4/26). Two deaths occurred long after the cessation of RSE. None of the deaths occurred in midazolam-treated patients. CONCLUSION: Midazolam is an efficient treatment for RSE in children. Morbidity and mortality appear to be lower with midazolam compared with other antiepileptic drugs used for the treatment of RSE FENOBARBITAL y El fenobarbital a altas dosis hasta máximo de 120 mg/kg es una opción en el manejo del SER y Menos inestabilidad hemodinámica, íleo e infecciones y Dosis repetidas de bolos de 10 mg/kg cada 30 minutos sin máximo nivel predeterminado y El efecto sedante y depresor respiratorio se van tolerando no así el efecto anticonvulsivante Crawford TO et al Neurology 1988 Lee WK Pediatr Neurol 2006 Drogas nuevas y Topiramato y Lacosamida Topiramato y Mecanismo de acción: aumento de la función inhibitoria del receptor GABA a, inhibición de los receptores excitatorios AMPA, bloqueo de los canales de Ca y Na e inhibición de la anhidrasa carbónica y Varios casos reportados en SE Refractario de buena tolerancia y efectividad administrado por SNG (3 a 10 mg/kg/dia) y Inicio de efecto luego de 12 a 48hs y Papel tardío en el SE en la salida del coma farmacológico Lacosamida y Aumenta la inactivación lenta de los canales de sodio y Formula vía oral e IV. anestésicos Dieta cetogénica Teatment of malignant refractory status epilepticus with ketogenic diet: 5 case reports. Autores: Vaccarezza, M; Aberastury, M.; Silva, W; Maxit, C; Marchione, D.; Agosta, G. Child Neurology Autores: Department. Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires Introduction: Refractory status epilepticus (RSE) is a life-threatening condition defined as ongoing intermittent or continuous status epilepticus despite the administration of adequate doses of two standard intravenous anticonvulsant drugs. It can last days, weeks regardless of an adequate treatment with numerous antiepileptic drugs includi. This condition is called malignant status epilepticus (MSE). Many therapeutic approaches have been documented for these patients, such as intravenous valproic acid, pentobarbital induced coma, high dose phenobarbital, midazolam and propofol Ketogenic diet is a safe and effective alternative treatment for patients with refractory epilepsy, when epilepsy surgery is not an option. There are no studies of the use of ketogenic diet in refractory status epilepticus and we found isolated case reports in the literature. In this study we report five consecutive patients, in a 4 year period, with a malignant status epilepticus, that lasted more than 5 days, and receive ketogenic diet as treatment after failure with other more conventional treatment options. DISCUSION We present a series of 5 patients with malignant status epilépticus. In 4 patients the KD was effective in aborting the MSE, where other antiepileptic drugs had failed, including burst suppression coma. The etiology of the SE differed between the patients. The main cause was encephalitis (acute symptomatic), in three patients and 2 patients had chronic epilepsy (remote symptomatic). The 3 patients with encephalitis had a better outcome. As ketosis can easily be achieved with fasting and that it was effective in aborting MSE in a high percentage of our patients, we recommend to include the ketogenic diet in the treatment protocol for MSE. It is relatively easy and safe to fast patients in the ICU after the patient has a diagnosis of MSE. One of the patients with encephalitis, became seizure free 24 hs. after introducing KD. The other three patients have a refractory epilepsy and one patient with a a previous chronic epilepsy died. CONCLUSION KD can be easily introduced in patients in the ICU, with an initial fasting phase followed by a 4:1 ratio. These results support the potential efficacy and safety of KD for children with MSE, where many other antiepileptic have failed. Tratamiento inmunológico y Hay casos de status epilepticus refractario que son inmunomediados y Se debe considerar la terapia inmune en pacientes con status epilepticus refractario de origen incierto o asociado a anticuerpos y Se utiliza gamaglobulina, metilprednisolona, plasmaferesis Protocolo acelerado del Manejo del SE 5 min Pre Hospitalario Diazepam IR 30 min Unidad de Cuidados intensivos Departamento emergencia Lorazepam IV Midazolam bucal /IN/IM DFH VPA IV LEV IV Midazolam IV goteo ketamina Fenobarbital 20 mg/kg Dieta cetogenica tiopental IG IV propofol TOPIRAMA TO INMINENTE ESTABLECIDO REFRACTARIO conclusiones y El tto de las crisis DEBE comenzar a los 5 minutos de iniciada y La 1ra línea de tto prehospitalaria incluye al DZP (IR), Midazolam (IM, IN, Bucal) y La 1ra línea de tto en el DE es el DZP /LZP EV. Se sugiere dosis de carga de DFH si se utiliza DZP. y Se diagnostica status epilepticus refractario luego del fracaso a la primera línea de tto: la elección de la medicación dependerá de la disponibilidad, capacidad del centro y el estado hemodinámico. conclusiones y El acido valproico sería una opción de tratamiento en el SE Establecido. y El fenobarbital a altas dosis es una alternativa al tiopental en el SER. y La dieta cetogénica es una medida terapéutica no farmacológica efectiva ante la recurrencia luego del coma farmacológico. y Considerar tratamiento inmunológico en el SER sin etiología clara Acad Emerg Med. 2010 Jun;17(6):575-82. Midazolam versus diazepam for the treatment of status epilepticus in children and young adults: a meta-analysis. McMullan J, Sasson C, Pancioli A, Silbergleit R. Source Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA. mcmulljWe performed a search of PubMed, Web of Knowledge, Embase, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects,for studies published January 1, 1950, through July 4, 2009. English language quasi-experimental or randomized controlled trials comparing midazolam and diazepam as first-line treatment for SE, and meeting the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT)-based quality measures, were eligible. Two reviewers independently screened studies for inclusion and extracted outcomes data. Administration routes were stratified as non-IV (buccal, intranasal, intramuscular, rectal) or IV. Fixedeffects models generated pooled statistics. OBJECTIVES: The objective was to determine by systematic review if nonintravenous (nonIV) midazolam is as effective as diazepam, by any route, in terminating SE seizures in children and adults. Time to seizure cessation and respiratory complications was examined. RESULTS: Six studies with 774 subjects were included. For seizure cessation, midazolam, by any route, was superior to diazepam, by any route (relative risk [RR] = 1.52; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.27 to 1.82). Non-IV midazolam is as effective as IV diazepam (RR = 0.79; 95% CI = 0.19 to 3.36), and buccal midazolam is superior to rectal diazepam in achieving seizure control (RR = 1.54; 95% CI = 1.29 to 1.85). Midazolam was administered faster than diazepam (mean difference = 2.46 minutes; 95% CI = 1.52 to 3.39 minutes) and had similar times between drug administration and seizure cessation. Respiratory complications requiring intervention were similar, regardless of administration route (RR = 1.49; 95% CI = 0.25 to 8.72). CONCLUSIONS: Non-IV midazolam, compared to non-IV or IV diazepam, is safe and effective in treating SE. Comparison to lorazepam, evaluation in adults, and prospective confirmation of safety and efficacy is needed Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2010 Mar;14(2):162-8 Lorazepam versus diazepam-phenytoin combination in the treatment of convulsive status epilepticus in children: a randomized controlled trial. Sreenath TG, Gupta P, Sharma KK, Krishnamurthy S. Source Department of Pediatrics, University College of Medical Sciences and Guru Tegh Bahadur Hospital, India. Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine whether intravenous lorazepam is as efficacious as diazepamphenytoin combination in the treatment of convulsive status epilepticus in children. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. METHODS: A total of 178 children were enrolled in the study; 90 in the lorazepam group and 88 in the diazepam-phenytoin combination group. Enrolled subjects were between 1 and 12 years with a clinical diagnosis of convulsive status epilepticus, presenting in pediatric emergency of a tertiary care hospital. They were randomized to receive either intravenous lorazepam (0.1 mg/kg) or intravenous diazepam (0.2 mg/kg)-phenytoin (18 mg/kg) combination at admission and were followed up for subsequent 18 h. RESULTS: The overall success rate of therapy was 100% in both the groups. There was no statistically significant difference in the two groups (lorazepam versus diazepam-phenytoin combination) in the median time taken to stop the seizure [20s in both groups], the number of subjects requiring more than one dose of the study drug to stop the presenting seizure [lorazepam 6(6.7%) versus diazepam-phenytoin combination: 14 (15.9%); adjusted RR (95% CI)=0.377 (0.377, 1.046); P=0.061] and the number (%) of patients having respiratory depression [lorazepam 4(4.4%) versus diazepam-phenytoin combination 5 (5.6%)]. None of the patients in the two groups required additional anticonvulsant drug to stop the presenting seizure. No patient required mechanical ventilation and none of the patients in the two groups required cross-over to the alternative regimen. CONCLUSION: Lorazepam is as efficacious and safe as diazepam-phenytoin combination. We recommend use of lorazepam as a single drug to replace the two drug combination of diazepam-phenytoin combination to control the initial seizure in pediatric convulsive status epilepticus