Pino hortiguillo (Pinus lawsonii)

Pino hortiguillo (Pinus lawsonii)
N omb res comu n es: Pino cenizo, Pino chino, Pino, Ocote, Ocote chino, Ortiguilla, Pino ortiguillo
(Español) / Abasbabi, Hortiguillo (ND)
Si n ón i mos: Pinus altamiranoi, Pinus lawsonii var. gracilis
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Habitat and ecology 1,2
Hab i tat an d Ecol ogy
Pinus lawsonii has an altitudinal range of 1,300-2,600 m a.s.l. It is a constituent of warm-temperate to
temperate montane forest or woodland, with annual precipitation ranging from 600-1,500 mm and a dry
season from November to May. It is most commonly found in pine-oak forest, also in pine forest with
e.g. Pinus pringlei , P. patula, P. montezumae, P. oocarpa, P. leiophylla, P. herrerae, P. teocote, and P.
pseudostrobus. On sites with sandy, shallow soil Juniperus can be codominant. Phenology: pollen
dispersal occurs in November-February (observed on specimens with pollen cones).
Barcode data: pinus lawsonii 3
The following is a representative barcode sequence, the centroid of all available sequences for this
Iucn red list assessment 1,2
R ed Li st Category
Least Concern
R ed Li st Cri teri a
Versi on
Year Assessed
Farjon, A.
R evi ewer/s
Perez de la Rosa, J. & Thomas, P.
Con tri b u tor/s
Ju sti fi cati on
This widespread species, despite an area of occupancy that is probably under the threshold for
Vulnerable, is not threatened as its population is thought to be stable.
Hi story
Lower Risk/least concern (LR/lc)
Rare (R)
Population 1,2
Pop u l ati on
The population is thought to be stable despite some exploitation.
Pop u l ati on Tren d
Threats 1,2
M aj or Th reats
Local exploitation for timber may have caused some decline.
Conservation actions 1,2
Con servati on Acti on s
The majority of the population is outside any protected area.
1. Farjon, A. 2013. Pinus lawsonii . In: IUCN 2014 . IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version
2014.1 . <>
2. © International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, some rights reserved
3. © Barcode of Life Data Systems, some rights reserved