OECD REGIONAL TYPOLOGY 22 February 2010 Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development 1 OECD REGIONAL TYPOLOGY Regions of OECD member countries have been classified into Predominantly Urban, Intermediate and Predominantly Rural to take into account geographical differences among them. Comparing the socioeconomic performance of regions of the same type (whether urban or rural) across countries is useful in detecting similar characteristics and development paths. This typology has been used by the OECD in its analytical work (see, for example, the series OECD Regions at a Glance), as well as in analysis carried out by other institutions, such as National Statistical Offices and the European Commission. The OECD regional typology is applied only to regions at Territorial Level 3 (TL3) and to Non-Official Grids (NOGs) 1 and it is based on criteria of population density and size of the urban centres located within a region. The methodology is made of three main steps: 1) The first step of the methodology consists in classifying “local units” (administrative entities at a geographical level lower than TL3) (Table 1) as rural if their population density is below 150 inhabitants per square kilometre (500 inhabitants for Japan and Korea, to account for the fact that its national population density exceeds 300 inhabitants per square kilometre)2. Table 1. Local Units of OECD member countries Country Local units Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Japan Korea Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Statistical Local Areas (SLA) - ABS Gemeinden (LAU2) Gemeenten/Communes (LAU2) Census Consolidated Subdivision – Statistics Canada Obce (LAU2) Municipalities (before reform) Kunnat/Kommuner (LAU2) Communes (LAU2) Verbandsgemeinden Dimoi/Koinotites (LAU1) Települések (LAU2) Municipalities Electoral Districts (LAU2) Comuni (LAU2) Municipalities (as of 1999) Counties Communes (LAU2) Municipios Gemeenten (LAU2) Area Units (Stat. New Zealand) Municipalities Gminy (LAU2) Freguesias (LAU2) 1. See: Territorial Grids of OECD Member Countries, http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/32/4/42027551.pdf . 2. The population and area data for Local Units are for the census year 2000-2001. 2 Country Local units Slovak Republic Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States 2) Obce (LAU2) Municipios (LAU2) Kommuner (LAU2) Municipalities Districts Wards (or parts thereof) (LAU2) Counties The second step consists in aggregating this lower level (local units) into TL3 regions and classifying the latter as “predominantly urban”, “intermediate” and “predominantly rural” using the percentage of population living in rural local units (local units with a population density below 150 inhabitants per square kilometre). TL3 regions are then classified as: 3) Predominantly Urban (PU), if the share of population living in rural local units is below 15%; Intermediate (IN), if the share of population living in rural local units is between 15% and 50%; Predominantly Rural (PR), if the share of population living in rural local units is higher than 50% A third criterion is based on the size of the urban centres contained in the TL3 regions: A region classified as predominantly rural by steps 1 and 2 becomes intermediate if it contains an urban centre of more than 200 000 inhabitants (500 000 for Japan and Korea) representing at least 25% of the regional population. A region classified as intermediate by steps 1 and 2 becomes predominantly urban if it contains an urban centre of more than 500 000 inhabitants (1 000 000 for Japan and Korea) representing at least 25% of the regional population. Urban centres in the third criterion are defined by population density and size, not by functional criteria such as commuting. For example, in the United States the third criterion considers the population size of urban centres according to the definition of “Urban Areas” (UAs)3 and not according to the definition of the Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs)4. The choice of giving explicit weight to the population density criterion is based on the assumption that functional urban areas might include in their territories areas that are not densely populated. 3. Urban areas in the United States are defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as contiguous census block groups with a population density of at least 1,000 per square mile (about 400 per square km). Urban areas are delineated without regard to political boundaries. Urban areas with a population of at least 50,000 serve as the core of a metropolitan statistical area. Urban areas are among the most accurate measure of a city's true size, due to the fact that they are all measured from the same criteria. 4. MSAs are delineated on the basis of a central urbanized area—a contiguous area of relatively high population density. The counties containing the core urbanized area are known as the central counties of the MSA. Additional surrounding counties (known as outlying counties) can be included in the MSA if these counties have strong social and economic ties to the central counties as measured by commuting and employment. Note that some areas within these outlying counties may actually be rural in nature. 3 A second issue arises when the urban centre is bigger than the local unit or when the urban centre is not entirely contained by the local unit defined in the first step. This can create problems in the identification of the urban centre itself, like in the cases of Finland and Turkey: In Turkey the regions concerned were Izmir, Ankara, Konia and Kayseri. Konia was upgraded from PR to IN, and the remaining four from IN to PU. In Ankara for instance, the population of the city of Ankara is concentrated in a few neighbouring local units (districts): Etimesgut, Yenimahalle, Cankaya and Keçiören. None of these districts individually meets both the population size criteria (higher than 500 000) or the concentration criteria (25% of the regional population). Therefore, even if its urban centre altogether meets the additional criterion, Ankara would not be upgraded to Predominantly Urban because its centre is split/hidden into four different local units. In Finland the region concerned was Pirkanmaa. The municipality containing Tampere had about 195 000 inhabitants in 2001. According to the additional criterion, the population size was not enough to upgrade the region from PR to IN, although the percentage of population living in the Tampere municipality reached the 44% of the total regional population. Like in the case of Ankara the Tampere municipality did not contain the whole urban area of the city of Tampere which is spread across other municipalities surrounding it. In both cases the joint work between the OECD Secretariat and the WPTI Delegates and/or representatives from member countries has allowed for a more accurate implementation of the criterion based on the size of urban centres. The OECD regional Typology can be downloaded in different electronic formats from the OECD data warehouse OECD.Stat5. 5 http://dotstat.oecd.org/wbos/Index.aspx on the left hand side select Regional Statistics > Small Regions > Demographic Statistics > Variable > Regional Typology 4 ANNEX Figure 1. OECD Regional Typology, Asia and Oceania 5 Figure 2. OECD Regional Typology: Europe 6 Figure 3. OECD Regional Typology: North America 7 Figure 4. OECD Regional Typology: Non Official Grids 8 Table 2. OECD Regional Typology and percentage of rural population, TL3 regions Country Code Region Code AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AU105 AU110 AU115 AU120 AU125 AU130 AU135 AU140 AU145 AU150 AU155 AU160 AU205 AU210 AU215 AU220 AU225 AU230 AU235 AU240 AU245 AU250 AU255 AU305 AU307 AU309 AU312 AU315 AU320 AU325 AU330 AU335 AU340 AU345 AU350 AU355 AU405 AU410 AU415 AU420 AU425 AU430 AU435 AU505 AU510 AU515 AU520 AU525 AU530 AU535 AU540 Region Name Sydney - NSW Hunter - NSW Illawarra - NSW Richmond-Tweed - NSW Mid-North Coast - NSW Northern - NSW North Western - NSW Central West - NSW South Eastern - NSW Murrumbidgee - NSW Murray - NSW Far West - NSW Melbourne - VIC Barwon - VIC Western District - VIC Central Highlands - VIC Wimmera - VIC Mallee - VIC Loddon-Campaspe - VIC Goulburn - VIC Ovens-Murray - VIC East Gippsland - VIC Gippsland - VIC Brisbane - QLD Gold Coast - QLD Sunshine Coast - QLD West Moreton - QLD Wide Bay-Burnett - QLD Darling Downs - QLD South West - QLD Fitzroy - QLD Central West - QLD Mackay - QLD Northern - QLD Far North - QLD North West - QLD Adelaide - SA Outer Adelaide - SA Yorke and Lower North - SA Murray Lands - SA South East - SA Eyre - SA Northern - SA Perth - WA South West - WA Lower Great Southern - WA Upper Great Southern - WA Midlands - WA South Eastern - WA Central - WA Pilbara - WA 9 Typology % of rural population PU IN IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PU IN IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PU PU IN PR PR IN PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PU PR PR PR PR PR PR IN IN PR PR PR IN PR PR 4.0 85.3 100.0 100.0 62.1 59.0 82.1 15.3 46.6 69.8 76.1 88.0 45.7 67.0 100.0 100.0 54.4 100.0 49.4 44.7 20.1 83.8 0.4 100.0 92.7 65.7 87.3 67.1 47.2 53.2 77.6 100.0 53.3 19.0 0.0 38.0 77.2 88.9 17.8 92.0 49.0 80.6 54.2 51.8 71.4 22.2 71.4 54.1 50.6 100.0 85.6 Country Code Region Code AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT BEL BEL BEL BEL BEL BEL BEL BEL BEL AU545 AU605 AU610 AU615 AU620 AU705 AU710 AU805 AU810 AT111 AT112 AT113 AT121 AT122 AT123 AT124 AT125 AT126 AT127 AT130 AT211 AT212 AT213 AT221 AT222 AT223 AT224 AT225 AT226 AT311 AT312 AT313 AT314 AT315 AT321 AT322 AT323 AT331 AT332 AT333 AT334 AT335 AT341 AT342 BE10 BE21 BE22 BE23 BE24 BE25 BE31 BE32 BE33 Region Name Kimberley - WA Hobart - TAS Southern - TAS Northern - TAS Mersey-Lyell - TAS Darwin - NT Balance NT Canberra - ACT Balance ACT Mittelburgenland Nordburgenland Südburgenland Mostviertel-Eisenwurzen Niederösterreich-Süd Sankt Pölten Waldviertel Weinviertel Wiener Umland/Nordteil Wiener Umland/Südteil Wien Klagenfurt-Villach Oberkärnten Unterkärnten Graz Liezen Östliche Obersteiermark Oststeiermark West- und Südsteiermark Westliche Obersteiermark Innviertel Linz-Wels Mühlviertel Steyr-Kirchdorf Traunviertel Lungau Pinzgau-Pongau Salzburg und Umgebung Außerfern Innsbruck Osttirol Tiroler Oberland Tiroler Unterland Bludenz-Bregenzer Wald Rheintal-Bodenseegebiet Bruxelles-Cap./Brussels Hoofdstedlijk Prov. Antwerpen Prov. Limburg (B) Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen Prov. Vlaams Brabant Prov. West-Vlaanderen Prov. Brabant Wallon Prov. Hainaut Prov. Liège Typology PR PR PR IN IN IN PR PU PR PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PR PR IN PU IN PR PR IN PR IN PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PR PR PR IN PR IN PR PR PR PR PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU IN 10 % of rural population 21.0 89.9 22.9 76.0 87.9 63.3 64.1 6.4 0.0 92.7 65.7 87.3 67.1 47.2 53.2 77.6 100.0 53.3 19.0 0.0 38.0 77.2 88.9 17.8 92.0 49.0 80.6 54.2 51.8 71.4 22.2 71.4 54.1 50.6 100.0 85.6 21.0 89.9 22.9 76.0 87.9 63.3 64.1 6.4 0.0 0.8 5.3 1.4 1.2 6.1 8.5 8.0 27.0 Country Code Region Code BEL BEL CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN BE34 BE35 CA1001 CA1002 CA1003 CA1004 CA1005 CA1006 CA1007 CA1008 CA1009 CA1010 CA1011 CA1101 CA1102 CA1103 CA1201 CA1202 CA1203 CA1204 CA1205 CA1206 CA1207 CA1208 CA1209 CA1210 CA1211 CA1212 CA1213 CA1214 CA1215 CA1216 CA1217 CA1218 CA1301 CA1302 CA1303 CA1304 CA1305 CA1306 CA1307 CA1308 CA1309 CA1310 CA1311 CA1312 CA1313 CA1314 CA1315 CA2401 CA2402 CA2403 CA2404 Region Name Typology Prov. Luxembourg (B) Prov. Namur PR IN Division No. 1 Division No. 2 Division No. 3 Division No. 4 Division No. 5 Division No. 6 Division No. 7 Division No. 8 Division No. 9 Division No. 10 Division No. 11 Kings Queens Prince Shelburne Yarmouth Digby Queens Annapolis Lunenburg Kings Hants Halifax Colchester Cumberland Pictou Guysborough Antigonish Inverness Richmond Cape Breton Victoria Saint John Charlotte Sunbury Queens Kings Albert Westmorland Kent Northumberland York Carleton Victoria Madawaska Restigouche Gloucester Les Iles-de-la-Madeleine Le Rocher-Perc・ MRC" La Cote-de-Gasp・ MRC" La Haute-Gaspesie IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PU PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR 11 % of rural population 100.0 100.0 27.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 53.2 63.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 8.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 58.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 43.5 100.0 100.0 50.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Country Code Region Code CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CA2405 CA2406 CA2407 CA2408 CA2409 CA2410 CA2411 CA2412 CA2413 CA2414 CA2415 CA2416 CA2417 CA2418 CA2419 CA2420 CA2421 CA2422 CA2423 CA2425 CA2426 CA2427 CA2428 CA2429 CA2430 CA2431 CA2432 CA2433 CA2434 CA2435 CA2436 CA2437 CA2438 CA2439 CA2440 CA2441 CA2442 CA2443 CA2444 CA2445 CA2446 CA2447 CA2448 CA2449 CA2450 CA2451 CA2452 CA2453 CA2454 CA2455 CA2456 CA2457 CA2458 Region Name Bonaventure Avignon La Matap馘ia Matane La Mitis Rimouski-Neigette Les Basques Riviere-du-Loup Témiscouata Kamouraska Charlevoix-Est Charlevoix L'Islet Montmagny Bellechasse L'Ile-d'Orleans La Cote-de-Beaupr・ MRC" La Jacques-Cartier Quebec Lévis La Nouvelle-Beauce Robert-Cliche Les Etchemins Beauce-Sartigan Le Granit L'Amiante L'Erable Lotbinière Portneuf Mékinac Shawinigan Francheville Bécancour Arthabaska Asbestos Le Haut-Saint-Francis Le Val-Saint-Francis Sherbrooke Coaticook Memphremagog Brome-Missisquoi La Haute-Yamaska Acton Drummond Nicolet-Yamaska Maskinong・ MRC" D'Autray Le Bas-Richelieu Les Maskoutains Rouville Le Haut-Richelieu La Valle-du-Richelieu Longueuil 12 Typology % of rural population PR PR PR PR PR IN PR IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PU PU PR PR PR IN PR PR PR PR PR PR IN PU PR IN PR PR PR PU PR IN PR IN PR IN PR PR PR IN IN PR IN PU PU 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 44.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 11.8 100.0 34.8 52.9 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 47.3 100.0 30.5 100.0 23.1 100.0 100.0 69.9 28.4 36.0 83.4 19.7 7.0 0.0 Country Code Region Code CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CA2459 CA2460 CA2461 CA2462 CA2463 CA2464 CA2465 CA2466 CA2467 CA2468 CA2469 CA2470 CA2471 CA2472 CA2473 CA2474 CA2475 CA2476 CA2477 CA2478 CA2479 CA2480 CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN Typology % of rural population Lajemmerais L'Assomption Joliette Matawinie Montcalm Les Moulins Laval Montreal Roussillon Les Jardins-de-Napierville Le Haut-Saint-Laurent Beauharnois-Salaberry Vaudreuil-Soulanges Deux-Montagnes Therese-De Blainville Mirabel La Riviere-du-Nord Argenteuil Les Pays-d'en-Haut Les Laurentides Antoine-Labelle Papineau PU PU IN PR PR PU PU PU PU PR PR IN IN PU PU PR IN PR PR PR PR PR 16.4 10.1 19.4 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.3 100.0 100.0 15.2 31.6 5.7 0.1 100.0 27.3 100.0 60.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 CA2481 CA2482 CA2483 CA2484 CA2485 CA2486 CA2487 CA2488 CA2489 CA2490 CA2491 CA2492 CA2493 CA2494 CA2495 CA2496 CA2497 CA2498 CA2499 Gatineau Les Collines-de-l'Outaouais La Valle-de-la-Gatineau Pontiac Temiscamingue Rouyn-Noranda Abitibi-Ouest Abitibi La Valle-de-l'Or La Tuque Le Domaine-du-Roy Maria-Chapdelaine Lac-Saint-Jean-Est Le Saguenay-et-son-Fjord La Haute-Côte-Nord Manicouagan Sept-Rivieres--Caniapiscau Minganie--Basse-Côte-Nord Nord-du-Qubec PU PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR IN IN PR PR PR PR PR 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 41.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 CA3501 CA3502 CA3506 CA3507 CA3509 CA3510 CA3511 CA3512 CA3513 CA3514 CA3515 Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Prescott and Russell Ottawa Leeds and Grenville Lanark Frontenac Lennox and Addington Hastings Prince Edward Northumberland Peterborough PR PR PU PR PR IN PR PR PR PR IN 58.4 100.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 18.5 100.0 62.6 100.0 100.0 43.7 Region Name 13 Country Code Region Code CAN CAN CAN CA3516 CA3518 CA3519 CAN CA3520 CA3521 CA3522 CA3523 CA3524 CA3525 CA3526 CA3528 CA3529 CA3530 CA3531 CA3532 CA3534 CA3536 CA3537 CA3538 CA3539 CA3540 CA3541 CA3542 CA3543 CA3544 CA3546 CA3547 CA3548 CA3549 CA3551 CA3552 CA3553 CA3554 CA3556 CA3557 CA3558 CA3559 CA3560 CA4601 CA4602 CA4603 CA4604 CA4605 CA4606 CA4607 CA4608 CA4609 CA4610 CA4611 CA4612 CA4613 CA4614 CA4615 CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN Typology % of rural population Kawartha Lakes Durham York PR IN PU 63.9 23.2 12.1 Toronto Peel Dufferin Wellington Halton Hamilton Niagara Haldimand-Norfolk Brant Waterloo Perth Oxford Elgin Chatham-Kent Essex Lambton Middlesex Huron Bruce Grey Simcoe Muskoka Haliburton Renfrew Nipissing Parry Sound Manitoulin Sudbury Greater Sudbury / Grand Sudbury Timiskaming Cochrane Algoma Thunder Bay Rainy River Kenora Division No. 1 Division No. 2 Division No. 3 Division No. 4 Division No. 5 Division No. 6 Division No. 7 Division No. 8 Division No. 9 Division No. 10 Division No. 11 Division No. 12 Division No. 13 Division No. 14 Division No. 15 PU PU PR IN PU PU IN PR IN PU PR PR IN IN IN IN PU PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR IN PR PR IN IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PU PR PR PR PR 0.0 4.9 100.0 36.6 12.3 0.0 16.9 100.0 100.0 11.6 100.0 100.0 42.8 100.0 31.8 42.2 16.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 57.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 34.9 26.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.4 100.0 80.5 100.0 100.0 Region Name 14 Country Code Region Code CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CA4616 CA4617 CA4618 CA4619 CA4620 CA4621 CA4622 CA4623 CA4701 CA4702 CA4703 CA4704 CA4705 CA4706 CA4707 CA4708 CA4709 CA4710 CA4711 CA4712 CA4713 CA4714 CA4715 CA4716 CA4717 CA4718 CA4801 CA4802 CA4803 CA4804 CA4805 CA4806 CA4807 CA4808 CA4809 CA4810 CA4811 CA4812 CA4813 CA4814 CA4815 CA4816 CA4817 CA4818 CA4819 CA5901 CA5903 CA5905 CA5907 CA5909 CA5915 CA5917 CA5919 Region Name Division No. 16 Division No. 17 Division No. 18 Division No. 19 Division No. 20 Division No. 21 Division No. 22 Division No. 23 Division No. 1 Division No. 2 Division No. 3 Division No. 4 Division No. 5 Division No. 6 Division No. 7 Division No. 8 Division No. 9 Division No. 10 Division No. 11 Division No. 12 Division No. 13 Division No. 14 Division No. 15 Division No. 16 Division No. 17 Division No. 18 Division No. 1 Division No. 2 Division No. 3 Division No. 4 Division No. 5 Division No. 6 Division No. 7 Division No. 8 Division No. 9 Division No. 10 Division No. 11 Division No. 12 Division No. 13 Division No. 14 Division No. 15 Division No. 16 Division No. 17 Division No. 18 Division No. 19 East Kootenay Central Kootenay Kootenay Boundary Okanagan-Similkameen Fraser Valley Greater Vancouver Capital Cowichan Valley 15 Typology % of rural population PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PU PR PR PR PR PU PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PU PU PR 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 18.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 17.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 14.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 32.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 51.6 0.0 24.2 100.0 Country Code Region Code CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE DNK DNK DNK DNK DNK DNK DNK DNK DNK DNK DNK EST EST CA5921 CA5923 CA5925 CA5927 CA5929 CA5931 CA5933 CA5935 CA5937 CA5939 CA5941 CA5943 CA5945 CA5947 CA5949 CA5951 CA5953 CA5955 CA5957 CA5959 CA6001 CA6106 CA6107 CA6204 CA6205 CA6208 CZ010 CZ020 CZ031 CZ032 CZ041 CZ042 CZ051 CZ052 CZ053 CZ063 CZ064 CZ071 CZ072 CZ080 DK011 DK012 DK013 DK014 DK021 DK022 DK031 DK032 DK041 DK042 DK050 EE001 EE004 Region Name Nanaimo Alberni-Clayoquot Comox-Strathcona Powell River Sunshine Coast Squamish-Lillooet Thompson-Nicola Central Okanagan North Okanagan Columbia-Shuswap Cariboo Mount Waddington Central Coast Skeena-Queen Charlotte Kitimat-Stikine Bulkley-Nechako Fraser-Fort George Peace River Stikine Northern Rockies Yukon Fort Smith Inuvik Baffin Keewatin Kitikmeot Hlavní mesto Praha Stredoceský Jihocecký Plzenský Karlovarský Ústecký Liberecký Královehradecký Pardubický Vysocina Jihomoravský Olomoucký Zlínský Moravskoslezský Byen København Københavns omegn Nordsjælland Bornholm Østsjælland Vest- og Sydsjælland Fyn Sydjylland Vestjylland Østjylland Nordjylland Põhja-Eesti Lääne-Eesti 16 Typology % of rural population PU PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PU IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN PR IN IN IN IN PU PU PU PR IN PR IN PR PR IN PR IN IN 13.1 100.0 59.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 41.1 46.8 39.9 27.4 22.9 30.6 33.1 39.9 51.9 33.2 36.9 36.1 17.1 0.0 0.0 9.4 66.0 21.5 63.7 41.9 57.3 100.0 40.6 66.2 16.6 48.0 Country Code Region Code EST EST EST FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA EE006 EE007 EE008 FI131 FI132 FI133 FI134 FI181 FI182 FI183 FI184 FI185 FI186 FI187 FI193 FI194 FI195 FI196 FI197 FI1A1 FI1A2 FI1A3 FI200 FR101 FR102 FR103 FR104 FR105 FR106 FR107 FR108 FR211 FR212 FR213 FR214 FR221 FR222 FR223 FR231 FR232 FR241 FR242 FR243 FR244 FR245 FR246 FR251 FR252 FR253 FR261 FR262 FR263 FR264 Region Name Kesk-Eesti Kirde-Eesti Lõuna-Eesti Etelä-Savo Pohjois-Savo Pohjois-Karjala Kainuu Uusimaa Itä-Uusimaa Varsinais-Suomi Kanta-Häme Päijät-Häme Kymenlaakso Etelä-Karjala Keski-Suomi Etelä-Pohjanmaa Pohjanmaa Satakunta Pirkanmaa Keski-Pohjanmaa Pohjois-Pohjanmaa Lappi Åland Paris Seine-et-Marne Yvelines Essonne Hauts-de-Seine Seine-Saint-Denis Val-de-Marne Val-d'Oise Ardennes Aube Marne Haute-Marne Aisne Oise Somme Eure Seine-Maritime Cher Eure-et-Loir Indre Indre-et-Loire Loir-et-Cher Loiret Calvados Manche Orne Côte-d'Or Nièvre Saône-et-Loire Yonne 17 Typology % of rural population PR PU IN PR PR PR PR PU PR IN PR PR IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PU IN PU PU PU PU PU PU IN IN IN PR IN IN IN IN IN PR IN PR IN PR IN IN PR PR IN PR IN PR 58.3 11.5 46.9 92.2 90.8 69.8 100.0 21.7 91.5 41.7 56.3 50.9 37.8 77.6 70.1 84.5 55.0 51.6 52.0 100.0 66.9 69.2 59.3 0.0 19.7 5.8 5.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.4 44.2 44.8 34.4 61.8 49.3 35.1 44.6 45.5 22.9 52.1 48.1 63.8 36.9 55.7 39.3 31.5 53.0 60.6 38.7 54.7 46.9 59.8 Country Code Region Code FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FR301 FR302 FR411 FR412 FR413 FR414 FR421 FR422 FR431 FR432 FR433 FR434 FR511 FR512 FR513 FR514 FR515 FR521 FR522 FR523 FR524 FR531 FR532 FR533 FR534 FR611 FR612 FR613 FR614 FR615 FR621 FR622 FR623 FR624 FR625 FR626 FR627 FR628 FR631 FR632 FR633 FR711 FR712 FR713 FR714 FR715 FR716 FR717 FR718 FR721 FR722 FR723 FR724 Region Name Nord Pas-de-Calais Meurthe-et-Moselle Meuse Moselle Vosges Bas-Rhin Haut-Rhin Doubs Jura (FR) Haute-Saône Territoire de Belfort Loire-Atlantique Maine-et-Loire Mayenne Sarthe Vendée Côtes-d'Armor Finistère Ille-et-Vilaine Morbihan Charente Charente-Maritime Deux-Sèvres Vienne Dordogne Gironde Landes Lot-et-Garonne Pyrénées-Atlantiques Ariège Aveyron Haute-Garonne Gers Lot Hautes-Pyrénées Tarn Tarn-et-Garonne Corrèze Creuse Haute-Vienne Ain Ardèche Drôme Isère Loire Rhône Savoie Haute-Savoie Allier Cantal Haute-Loire Puy-de-Dôme 18 Typology % of rural population PU IN IN PR IN PR IN IN IN PR PR IN PU IN PR IN PR PR IN IN PR PR IN PR PR PR PU PR PR IN PR PR PU PR PR IN IN PR PR PR IN IN PR IN IN IN PU IN IN IN PR PR IN 8.6 19.4 22.8 62.7 23.6 53.6 22.7 28.3 33.9 60.4 67.4 22.0 30.9 46.9 58.2 45.1 62.0 58.9 39.9 36.8 52.5 55.9 47.7 67.4 52.1 69.1 29.1 66.3 53.7 37.1 57.6 71.9 19.7 84.1 74.5 46.7 48.6 71.1 57.2 81.9 43.2 45.1 53.3 41.0 26.0 24.9 8.4 42.9 31.7 49.4 72.7 64.0 35.3 Country Code Region Code FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU FR811 FR812 FR813 FR814 FR815 FR821 FR822 FR823 FR824 FR825 FR826 FR831 FR832 DE01 DE02 DE03 DE04 DE05 DE06 DE07 DE08 DE09 DE10 DE11 DE12 DE13 DE14 DE15 DE16 DE17 DE18 DE19 DE20 DE21 DE22 DE23 DE24 DE25 DE26 DE27 DE28 DE29 DE30 DE31 DE32 DE33 DE34 DE35 DE36 DE37 DE38 DE39 DE40 Region Name Aude Gard Hérault Lozère Pyrénées-Orientales Alpes-de-Haute-Provence Hautes-Alpes Alpes-Maritimes Bouches-du-Rhône Var Vaucluse Corse-du-Sud Haute-Corse Schleswig-Holstein Nord Schleswig-Holstein Süd-West Schleswig-Holstein Mitte Schleswig-Holstein Ost Schleswig-Holstein Süd Hamburg Westmecklenburg Mittleres Mecklenburg/Rostock Vorpommern Mecklenburgische Seenplatte Bremen Ost-Friesland Bremerhaven Hamburg-Umland-Süd Bremen-Umland Oldenburg Emsland Osnabrück Hannover Südheide Lüneburg Braunschweig Hildesheim Göttingen Prignitz-Oberhavel Uckermark-Barnim Oderland-Spree Lausitz-Spreewald Havelland-Fläming Berlin Altmark Magdeburg Dessau Halle/S. Münster Bielefeld Paderborn Arnsberg Dortmund Emscher-Lippe 19 Typology % of rural population IN IN IN PR IN PR PR PU PU IN IN IN PR PR PR PR IN IN PU PR IN PR PR PU IN PR IN IN IN PR PU PU PR PR IN PU IN PR PR PR PR PR PU PR IN PR IN PU PU IN IN PU PU 47.3 37.4 21.3 70.6 22.6 77.5 56.2 5.9 10.4 25.8 21.6 48.7 55.8 80.6 100.0 56.5 49.3 19.2 0.0 71.0 52.5 76.4 77.6 0.0 38.3 71.9 27.2 40.1 50.6 100.0 0.0 8.8 100.0 100.0 23.5 0.0 53.5 100.0 100.0 86.0 84.0 70.0 0.0 100.0 53.9 78.5 19.8 0.0 0.0 33.6 47.1 0.0 0.0 Country Code Region Code DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DE41 DE42 DE43 DE44 DE45 DE46 DE47 DE48 DE49 DE50 DE51 DE52 DE53 DE54 DE55 DE56 DE57 DE58 DE59 DE61 DE62 DE63 DE64 DE65 DE66 DE67 DE68 DE69 DE70 DE71 DE72 DE73 DE74 DE75 DE76 DE77 DE78 DE79 DE80 DE81 DE82 DE83 DE84 DE85 DE86 DE87 DE88 DE89 DE90 DE91 DE92 DE93 DE94 Region Name Duisburg/Essen Düsseldorf Bochum/Hagen Köln Aachen Bonn Siegen Nordhessen Mittelhessen Osthessen Rhein-Main Starkenburg Nordthüringen Mittelthüringen Südthüringen Ostthüringen Westsachsen Oberes Elbtal/Osterzgebirge Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien Südwestsachsen Mittelrhein-Westerwald Trier Rheinhessen-Nahe Westpfalz Rheinpfalz Saar Unterer Neckar Franken Mittlerer Oberrhein Nordschwarzwald Stuttgart Ostwürttemberg Donau-Iller (BW) Neckar-Alb Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg Südlicher Oberrhein Hochrhein-Bodensee Bodensee-Oberschwaben Bayerischer Untermain Würzburg Main-Rhön Oberfranken-West Oberfranken-Ost Oberpfalz-Nord Industrieregion Mittelfranken Westmittelfranken Augsburg Ingolstadt Regensburg Donau-Wald Landshut München Donau-Iller (BY) 20 Typology % of rural population PU PU PU PU PU PU PU IN PU IN PU PU PR IN PR PR PU PU IN IN IN PR PU IN PU PU PU IN PU IN PU PU PR PU PU PU IN IN PU IN PR IN PR PR PU PR IN IN PR PR PR PU IN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.4 10.8 36.4 0.0 0.0 100.0 40.3 82.6 57.4 21.4 10.8 38.6 17.3 13.4 79.9 10.2 47.4 0.0 0.0 13.1 49.0 0.0 20.4 0.0 0.0 75.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.1 21.5 0.0 42.6 87.9 47.6 75.2 83.1 9.6 90.3 26.2 47.4 80.7 85.5 85.1 9.1 29.4 Country Code Region Code DEU DEU DEU GRC GRC GRC GRC GRC GRC GRC GRC GRC GRC GRC GRC GRC HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN ISL ISL ISL ISL ISL ISL ISL ISL IRL IRL IRL IRL IRL IRL IRL IRL ITA DE95 DE96 DE97 GR11 GR12 GR13 GR14 GR21 GR22 GR23 GR24 GR25 GR30 GR41 GR42 GR43 HU101 HU102 HU211 HU212 HU213 HU221 HU222 HU223 HU231 HU232 HU233 HU311 HU312 HU313 HU321 HU322 HU323 HU331 HU332 HU333 IS011 IS021 IS022 IS023 IS024 IS025 IS026 IS027 IE011 IE012 IE013 IE021 IE022 IE023 IE024 IE025 ITC11 Region Name Allgäu Oberland Südostoberbayern Anatoliki Makedonia - Thraki Kentriki Makedonia Dytiki Makedonia Thessalia Ipeiros Ionia Nisia Dytiki Ellada Sterea Ellada Peloponnisos Attiki Voreio Aigaio Notio Aigaio Kriti Budapest Pest Fejér Komárom-Esztergom Veszprém Gyor-Moson-Sopron Vas Zala Baranya Somogy Tolna Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Heves Nógrád Hajdú-Bihar Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Bács-Kiskun Békés Csongrád Capital Region Suournes Vesturland Vestfiroir Norourland Vestra Suourland Norourland Eystra Austurland Border Midlands West Dublin Mid-East Midwest South-East (IE) South-West (IE) Torino 21 Typology % of rural population PR PR IN PR IN PR IN PR PR PR PR PR PU PR PR PR PU IN PR IN IN IN IN PR IN PR PR IN PR PR IN PR PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PU PR PR PR PR PU 60.8 100.0 47.9 80.7 43.0 81.8 49.7 61.3 57.5 54.9 75.0 65.2 3.6 67.7 61.8 54.9 0.0 29.8 60.3 30.1 42.9 47.5 48.7 50.0 38.5 65.1 65.5 42.0 56.7 63.0 58.3 78.0 62.4 67.1 69.5 61.2 20.2 100.0 61.3 100.0 100.0 71.0 100.0 100.0 72.1 67.4 73.3 2.3 51.5 59.8 59.5 50.4 9.4 Country Code Region Code ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITC12 ITC13 ITC14 ITC15 ITC16 ITC17 ITC18 ITC20 ITC31 ITC32 ITC33 ITC34 ITC41 ITC42 ITC43 ITC44 ITC45 ITC46 ITC47 ITC48 ITC49 ITC4A ITC4B ITD10 ITD20 ITD31 ITD32 ITD33 ITD34 ITD35 ITD36 ITD37 ITD41 ITD42 ITD43 ITD44 ITD51 ITD52 ITD53 ITD54 ITD55 ITD56 ITD57 ITD58 ITD59 ITE11 ITE12 ITE13 ITE14 ITE15 ITE16 ITE17 ITE18 Region Name Vercelli Biella Verbano-Cusio-Ossola Novara Cuneo Asti Alessandria Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste Imperia Savona Genova La Spezia Varese Como Lecco Sondrio Milano Bergamo Brescia Pavia Lodi Cremona Mantova Bolzano-Bozen Trento Verona Vicenza Belluno Treviso Venezia Padova Rovigo Pordenone Udine Gorizia Trieste Piacenza Parma Reggio nell'Emilia Modena Bologna Ferrara Ravenna Forlì-Cesena Rimini Massa-Carrara Lucca Pistoia Firenze Prato Livorno Pisa Arezzo 22 Typology % of rural population IN IN IN PU IN IN IN PR PU IN PU PU PU PU PU PR PU PU PU IN IN IN IN IN IN PU PU PR PU PU PU IN IN IN PU PU IN IN PU PU IN IN PU IN PU IN PU PU IN PU PU IN PR 44.4 24.5 35.2 14.3 44.0 41.4 40.1 59.7 13.0 20.8 5.2 10.5 1.3 6.1 6.2 58.2 0.2 5.8 11.4 26.3 15.6 23.9 43.2 48.8 48.4 11.4 10.2 65.8 4.7 8.8 6.7 44.7 22.0 32.7 11.5 1.3 46.0 32.6 13.0 13.6 23.6 47.4 10.4 17.6 5.1 20.8 13.9 5.9 15.5 3.7 13.3 15.4 50.4 Country Code Region Code ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITE19 ITE1A ITE21 ITE22 ITE31 ITE32 ITE33 ITE34 ITE41 ITE42 ITE43 ITE44 ITE45 ITF11 ITF12 ITF13 ITF14 ITF21 ITF22 ITF31 ITF32 ITF33 ITF34 ITF35 ITF41 ITF42 ITF43 ITF44 ITF45 ITF51 ITF52 ITF61 ITF62 ITF63 ITF64 ITF65 ITG11 ITG12 ITG13 ITG14 ITG15 ITG16 ITG17 ITG18 ITG19 ITG25 ITG26 ITG27 ITG28 ITG29 ITG2A ITG2B ITG2C Region Name Siena Grosseto Perugia Terni Pesaro e Urbino Ancona Macerata Ascoli Piceno Viterbo Rieti Roma Latina Frosinone L'Aquila Teramo Pescara Chieti Isernia Campobasso Caserta Benevento Napoli Avellino Salerno Foggia Bari Taranto Brindisi Lecce Potenza Matera Cosenza Crotone Catanzaro Vibo Valentia Reggio di Calabria Trapani Palermo Messina Agrigento Caltanissetta Enna Catania Ragusa Siracusa Sassari Nuoro Cagliari Oristano Olbia-Tempio Ogliastra Medio Campidano Carbonia-Iglesias 23 Typology % of rural population PR PR PR IN IN IN IN IN PR PR PU IN IN PR IN IN IN PR PR IN IN PU IN IN PR PU IN PU PU PR PR IN PR IN IN IN IN PU IN IN IN PR IN PU IN IN PR IN PR PR PR PR PR 54.4 50.5 60.1 49.4 38.4 21.9 36.1 23.2 85.1 57.2 3.3 17.9 29.8 74.6 25.8 22.0 32.5 64.0 58.8 18.5 40.6 0.0 38.4 23.9 52.9 14.2 16.7 11.9 8.7 77.9 64.3 44.4 57.3 35.3 33.9 26.9 26.4 15.3 20.4 30.4 43.0 77.0 16.2 12.6 25.8 35.5 77.7 30.2 74.6 91.8 82.9 100.0 76.9 Country Code Region Code JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN KOR KOR KOR KOR KOR KOR JPA01 JPB02 JPB03 JPB04 JPB05 JPB06 JPB07 JPC08 JPC09 JPC10 JPC11 JPC12 JPC13 JPC14 JPC19 JPC20 JPC22 JPD15 JPD16 JPD17 JPD18 JPE21 JPE23 JPE24 JPF25 JPF26 JPF27 JPF28 JPF29 JPF30 JPG31 JPG32 JPG33 JPG34 JPG35 JPH36 JPH37 JPH38 JPH39 JPI40 JPI41 JPI42 JPI43 JPI44 JPI45 JPI46 JPJ47 KR011 KR012 KR013 KR021 KR022 KR023 Region Name Hokkaido Aomori Iwate Miyagi Akita Yamagata Fukushima Ibaraki Tochigi Gumma Saitama Chiba Tokyo Kanagawa Yamanashi Nagano Shizuoka Niigata Toyama Ishikawa Fukui Gifu Aichi Mie Shiga Kyoto Osaka Hyogo Nara Wakayama Tottori Shimane Okayama Hiroshima Yamaguchi Tokushima Kagawa Ehime Kochi Fukuoka Saga Nagasaki Kumamoto Oita Miyazaki Kagoshima Okinawa Seoul Incheon Gyeonggi-do Busan Ulsan Gyeonsangnam-do 24 Typology % of rural population IN PR PR PU PR PR PR IN IN IN PU PU PU PU PR PR IN IN IN IN PR IN PU IN IN PU PU PU PU IN IN PR IN PU PR IN IN IN PR PU PR IN IN IN PR IN IN 52.8 70.9 75.3 30.9 71.5 66.2 97.3 28.1 36.0 27.5 3.0 12.5 0.3 1.2 55.7 61.2 34.1 48.3 41.2 43.3 54.8 32.0 3.4 30.2 23.1 20.0 0.5 16.9 10.4 36.7 45.1 68.5 35.2 26.9 50.8 44.4 24.2 44.6 56.5 8.5 50.7 34.8 40.2 48.4 61.6 67.0 15.9 PU PU PU PU PU IN 0% 3% 8% 4% 18% 33% Country Code Region Code KOR KOR KOR KOR KOR KOR KOR KOR KOR KOR LUX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX KR031 KR032 KR041 KR042 KR043 KR051 KR052 KR053 KR061 KR071 LU000 ME01R1 ME01R2 ME02R1 ME02R2 ME02R3 ME02R4 ME03R1 ME03R2 ME03R3 ME03R4 ME04R1 ME04R2 ME04R3 ME04R4 ME05R1 MEX ME05R2 MEX ME05R3 MEX ME05R4 MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX ME05R5 ME05R6 ME06R1 ME06R2 ME06R3 MEX ME07R1 MEX ME07R2 MEX ME07R3 MEX ME07R4 MEX ME07R5 MEX ME07R6 MEX ME07R7 MEX ME07R8 MEX ME07R9 Region Name Daegu Gyeonsangbuk-do Gwangju Jeollabuk-do Jeollanam-do Daejeon Chungcheongbuk-do Chungcheongnam-do Gangwon-do Jeju-do Luxembourg Aguascalientes, (Ags.) Asientos - San Francisco de los Romo (Ags.) Ensenada, (B.C.) Mexicali, (B.C.) Tecate, (B.C.) Tijuana, (B.C.) Comondu, (B.C.S.) La Paz (B.C.S.) Cabos Los, (B.C.S.) Mulege, (B.C.S.) Calkini, (Camp.) Champoton, Hecelchakan, Hopelchen, (Camp.) Campeche, Tenabo, (Camp.) Carmen, Palizada, Escarcega, (Camp.) Acuña, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jimenez, Nava, Piedras Negras, Zaragoza, (Coah.) Allende, Juarez, Morelos, Muzquiz, Progreso, Sabinas, San Juan de Sabinas, Villa Union, (Coah.) Cuatrocienegas, Lamadrid, Ocampo, Ocampo, Sacramento, Sierra Mojada, (Coah.) Abasolo, Candela, Castaños, Escobedo, Escobedo, Frontera, Monclova, Nadadores, San Buenaventura, (Coah.) Francisco I Madero, Matamoros, San Pedro, Torreon, Viesca, (Coah.) Arteaga, General Cepeda, Parras, Ramos Arizpe, (Coah.) Comala, Cuauhtemoc, Minatitlan, (Col.) Colima, Coquimatlan, Ixtlahuacan, Villa de Alvarez, (Col.) Armeria, Manzanillo, Tecoman, (Col.) Acala, Berriozabal, Cintalapa, Coapilla, Copainala, Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapilla, Chicoasen, Ixtapa, Jiquipilas, Nicolas Ruiz, Ocotepec, Ocozocoautla de Espinosa, Osumacinta, San Fernando (Chis.) Altamirano, Amatenango del Valle, Chalchihuitan, Chamula, Chanal, Chenalho, Huixtan, Larrainzar, Mitontic, Oxchuc, Pantelho, Rosas Las, San Cristobal de Las Casas, Tenejapa, Teopisca, (Chis.) Comitan de Dominguez, Chicomuselo, Frontera Comalapa, Independencia La, Margaritas Las, Trinitaria La, Tzimol, (Chis.) Angel Albino Corzo, Concordia La, Villa Corzo, Villaflores, (Chis.) Amatan, Bochil, Bosque El, Chapultenango, Francisco Leon, Huitiupan, Ixhuatan, Ixtacomitan, Ixtapangajoya, Jitotol, Juarez, Ostuacan, Pantepec, Pichucalco, Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacan, (Chis.) Catazaja, Chilon, Libertad La, Ocosingo, Palenque, Sabanilla, Salto de Agua, Sitala, Tila, Tumbala, Yajalon, San Juan Cancuc, (Chis.) Amatenango de la Frontera, Bejucal de Ocampo, Bella Vista, Grandeza La, Mazapa de Madero, Motozintla, Porvenir El, Siltepec, (Chis.) Acacoyagua, Acapetahua, Cacahoatan, Escuintla, Frontera Hidalgo, Huehuetan, Huixtla, Mapastepec, Mazatan, Metapa, Villa Comaltitlan, Suchiate, Tapachula, Tuxtla Chico, Tuzantan (Chis.) Arriaga, Pijijiapan, Tonala, (Chis.) 25 Typology % of rural population PU PR PU IN PR PU IN PR PR PR IN PU PR PR PR PR PU PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR 7% 56% 0% 26% 72% 0% 41% 56% 88% 100% 28.0 0.0 88.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 55.4 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 IN 38.4 PU PR PR PU PR 31.7 100.0 100.0 10.3 100.0 IN 53.6 IN 45.5 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 96.8 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 IN 45.4 PR 100.0 Country Code Region Code MEX MEX MEX ME08R1 ME08R10 ME08R11 MEX ME08R12 MEX MEX MEX MEX ME08R13 ME08R2 ME08R3 ME08R4 MEX ME08R5 MEX MEX ME08R6 ME08R7 MEX ME08R8 MEX MEX ME08R9 ME09R1 MEX ME09R2 MEX ME10R1 MEX ME10R2 MEX ME10R3 MEX ME10R4 MEX ME10R5 MEX ME10R6 MEX MEX MEX ME10R7 ME10R8 ME10R9 MEX ME11R1 MEX ME11R2 MEX ME11R3 MEX ME11R4 MEX ME12R1 MEX ME12R2 MEX ME12R3 MEX ME12R4 MEX ME12R5 MEX ME12R6 MEX MEX ME12R7 ME13R1 Region Name Typology % of rural population Ascension, Casas Grandes, Galeana, Janos, Nuevo Casas Grandes, (Chih.) Delicias, Julimes, Meoqui, Rosales, Saucillo, (Chih.) Balleza, Guachochi, Guadalupe Y Calvo, (Chih.) Allende, Hidalgo del Parral, Huejotitan, Matamoros, Rosario, San Francisco del Oro, Santa Barbara, El Tule, Valle de Zaragoza, (Chih.) Camargo, Coronado, Cruz La, Jimenez, Lopez (Chih.) Guadalupe, Juarez, Praxedis G. Guerrero, (Chih.) Ahumada, Buenaventura, (Chih.) Guerrero, Madera, Matachi, Moris, Ocampo, Temosachi, (Chih.) Bachiniva, Carichi, Cuauhtemoc, Cusihuiriachi, Gomez Farias, Ignacio Zaragoza, Namiquipa, (Chih.) Aldama, Aquiles Serdan, Chihuahua, Riva Palacio, Satevo, (Chih.) Coyame del Sotol, Manuel Benavides, Ojinaga (Chih.) Batopilas, Bocoyna, Chinipas, Guazapares, Maguarichi, Morelos, Urique, Uruachi, (Chih.) Doctor Belisario Dominguez, Gran Morelos, Nonoava, San Francisco de Borja, (Chih.) Milpa Alta, Tlahuac, (D.F.) Azcapotzalco, Coyoacan, Cuajimalpa de Morelos, Gustavo A. Madero, Iztacalco, Iztapalapa, Magdalena Contreras, Alvaro Obregon, Tlalpan, Xochimilco, Benito Juarez, Cuauhtemoc, Miguel Hidalgo, Venustiano Carranza (D.F.) Gomez Palacio, Lerdo, Tlahualilo, (Dgo.) Coneto de Comonfort, Hidalgo, Mapimi, Rodeo, San Luis del Cordero, San Pedro del Gallo, (Dgo.) Inde, Ocampo, Oro El, San Bernardo, (Dgo.) Cuencame, General Simon Bolivar, Nazas, Penon Blanco, San Juan de Guadalupe, Santa Clara, (Dgo.) Canatlan, Durango, Nuevo Ideal, (Dgo.) Guadalupe Victoria, Nombre de Dios, Panuco de Coronado, Poanas, San Juan del Rio, Suchil, Vicente Guerrero, (Dgo.) Guanacevi, Santiago Papasquiaro, Tepehuanes, (Dgo.) Mezquital, Pueblo Nuevo, San Dimas, (Dgo.) Canelas, Otaez, Tamazula, Topia, (Dgo.) Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato, Leon, Ocampo, Purisima del Rincon, Romita, San Diego de La Union, San Felipe, San Francisco del Rincon, Gtosilao, (Gto.) Abasolo, Manuel Doblado, Cueramaro, Huanimaro, Irapuato, Moroleon, Penjamo, Pueblo Nuevo, Salamanca, Uriangato, Valle de Santiago, Yuriria, (Gto.) Allende, Atarjea, Doctor Mora, San Jose Iturbide, San Luis de La Paz, Santa Catarina, Tierra Blanca, Victoria, Xichu, (Gto.) Acambaro, Apaseo El Alto, Apaseo El Grande, Celaya, Comonfort, Coroneo, Cortazar, Jaral del Progreso, Jerecuaro, Salvatierra, Santa Cruz de Juventino Rosas, Santiago Maravatio, Tarandacuao, Tarimoro, Villa (Gto.) Ajuchitlan del Progreso, Arcelia, Coyuca de Catalan, Cutzamala de Pinzon, Pungarabato, San Miguel Totolapan, Tlalchapa, Tlapehuala, Zirandaro, (Gro.) Apaxtla, Atenango del Rio, Buenavista de Cuellar, Cocula, Copalillo, Cuetzala del Progreso, General Canuto A. Neri, Huitzuco de Los Figueroa, Iguala de La Independencia, Ixcateopan de Cuauhtémoc, Pedro Ascencio Alquisira (Gro.) Ahuacuotzingo, Chilapa de Alvarez, Chilpancingo de Los Bravo, General Heliodoro Castillo, Juan R. Escudero, Leonardo Bravo, Martir de Cuilapan, Mochitlan, Quechultenango, Tixtla de Guerrero, Zitlala, Eduardo Neri (Gro.) Alcozauca de Guerrero, Alpoyeca, Atlamajalcingo del Monte, Atlixtac, Copanatoyac, Cualac, Huamuxtitlan, Malinaltepec, Metlatonoc, Olinala, Tlacoapa, Tlalixtaquilla de Maldonado,Tlapa de Comonfort, Xalpatlahua (Gro.) Atoyac de Alvarez, Benito Juarez, Coahuayutla de J. M. Izaza, Coyuca de Benitez, Jose Azueta, Petatlan, Tecpan de Galeana, La Union (Gro.) Ayutla de Los Libres, Azoyu, Copala, Cuajinicuilapa, Cuautepec, Florencio Villarreal, Igualapa, Ometepec, San Luis Acatlan, San Marcos, Tecoanapa, Tlacoachistlahuaca, Xochistlahuaca, (Gro.) Acapulco de Juarez, (Gro.) Atotonilco El Grande, Huasca de Ocampo, Mineral del Chico, Mineral del Monte, PR IN PR 100.0 43.8 100.0 PR 100.0 PR PU PR PR 100.0 1.5 100.0 100.0 PR 100.0 PR PR 100.0 100.0 PR 100.0 PR PU 100.0 0.0 PU 0.0 IN 32.6 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR PR PR 100.0 100.0 100.0 PU 25.0 IN 29.6 PR 100.0 IN 31.7 PR 87.1 PR 51.7 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PU IN 0.0 15.7 26 Country Code Region Code MEX ME13R10 MEX ME13R11 MEX ME13R12 MEX ME13R13 MEX ME13R2 MEX ME13R3 MEX MEX MEX ME13R4 ME13R5 ME13R6 MEX ME13R7 MEX ME13R8 MEX ME13R9 MEX ME14R1 MEX ME14R10 MEX ME14R2 MEX ME14R3 MEX ME14R4 MEX ME14R5 MEX ME14R6 MEX ME14R7 MEX ME14R8 MEX ME14R9 MEX ME15R1 MEX ME15R2 MEX ME15R3 MEX ME15R4 MEX ME15R5 MEX ME15R6 Region Name Omitlan de Juarez, Pachuca de Soto, Mineral de La Reforma, (Hgo.) Atlapexco, Huautla, Huejutla de Reyes, Jaltocan, San Felipe Orizatlan, Xochiatipan, Yahualica, (Hgo.) Almoloya, Apan, Emiliano Zapata, Epazoyucan, Tepeapulco, Tlanalapa, Zempoala, (Hgo.) Villa de Tezontepec, Tizayuca, Tolcayuca, Zapotlan de Juarez, (Hgo.) Agua Blanca de Iturbide, Huehuetla, San Bartolo Tutotepec, Tenango de Doria, (Hgo.) Acatlan, Acaxochitlan, Cuautepec de Hinojosa, Metepec, Santiago Tulantepec de Lugo Guerrero, Tulancingo de Bravo (Hgo.) Ajacuba, Atitalaquia, Atotonilco de Tula, Tepeji del Rio de Ocampo, Tepetitlan, Tetepango, Tezontepec de Aldama, Tlahuelilpan, Tlaxcoapan, Tula de Allende, (Hgo.) Alfajayucan, Chapantongo, Huichapan, Nopala de Villagran, Tecozautla, (Hgo.) Chapulhuacan, Jacala de Ledezma, Mision La, Pacula, Pisaflores, Zimapan, (Hgo.) Cardonal, Chilcuautla, Ixmiquilpan, Nicolas Flores, Tasquillo, (Hgo.) Actopan, Arenal El, Francisco I. Madero, Mixquiahuala de Juarez, Progreso de Obregon, San Agustin Tlaxiaca, San Salvador, Santiago de Anaya, (Hgo.) Eloxochitlan, Juarez Hidalgo, San Agustin Metzquititlan, Metztitlan, Tlahuiltepa, Zacualtipan de Angeles (Hgo.) Calnali, Huazalingo, Lolotla, Molango de Escamilla, Tepehuacan de Guerrero, Tianguistengo, Tlanchinol, Xochicoatlan, (Hgo.) Bolaños, Colotlan, Chimaltitan, Huejucar, Huejuquilla El Alto, Mezquitic, San Martin de Bolaños, Santa Maria de Los Angeles, Totatiche, Villa Guerrero, (Jal.) Acatlan de Juarez, Amatitan, El Arenal, Cuquio, Chapala, Guadalajara, Ixtlahuacan de Los Membrillos, Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jocotepec, Juanacatlan, El Salto, San Cristobal de La Barranca,Tala, Tlajomulco de Zuñiga, (Jal.) Encarnacion de Diaz, Lagos de Moreno, Ojuelos de Jalisco, San Juan de Los Lagos, Teocaltiche, Union de San Antonio, Villa Hidalgo, (Jal.) Acatic, Arandas, Jalostotitlan, Jesus Maria, Mexticacan, San Diego de Alejandria, San Julian, San Miguel El Alto, Tepatitlan de Morelos, Valle de Guadalupe, Cañadas de Obregon, Yahualica de Gonzalez Gallo, (Jal.) Atotonilco El Alto, Ayotlan, Barca La, Degollado, Jamay, Ocotlan, Poncitlan, Tototlan, Zapotlan del Rey, (Jal.) Concepcion de Buenos Aires, Jilotlan de Los Dolores, Manzanilla de La Paz La, Mazamitla, Pihuamo, Quitupan, Tamazula de Gordiano, Tecalitlan, Tizapan El Alto, Tuxcueca, Valle de Juarez, (Jal.) Amacueca, Atemajac de Brizuela, Atoyac, Chiquilistlan, Gomez Farias, Sayula, Tapalpa, Techaluta de Montenegro, Teocuitatlan de Corona, Toliman, Tonila, Tuxpan (Jal.) Atengo, Autlan de Navarro, Ayutla, Casimiro Castillo, Cihuatlan, Cuautitlán de García Barragán, Cuautla, Ejutla, Grullo El, Huerta La, Juchitlan, El Limon, Villa Purificacion, Tecolotlan, Tenamaxtlan, Tonaya (Jal.) Cabo Corrientes, Mascota, Puerto Vallarta, San Sebastian del Oeste, Talpa de Allende, Tomatlan, (Jal.) Ahualulco de Mercado, Ameca, Atenguillo, Cocula, Etzatlan, Guachinango, Hostotipaquillo, Magdalena, Mixtlan, San Marcos, San Martin Hidalgo, Tequila, Teuchitlan, (Jal.) Almoloya de Juarez, Almoloya del Rio, Atizapan, Calimaya, Capulhuac, Chapultepec, Huixquilucan, Xalatlaco, Joquicingo, Lerma, Metepec, Mexicalcingo, Ocoyoacac, Otzolotepec, Rayon, San Antonio la Isla (Mex.) Acolman, Apaxco, Atizapan de Zaragoza, Axapusco, Coyotepec, Cuautitlan, Huehuetoca, Hueypoxtla, Isidro Fabela, Jaltenco, Jilotzingo, Melchor Ocampo, Naucalpan, Nextlalpan, Nicolas Romero, Nopaltepec (Mex.) Amecameca, Atenco, Atlautla, Ayapango, Coacalco, Cocotitlan, Chalco, Chiautla, Chicoloapan, Chiconcuac, Chimalhuacan, Ecatepec, Ecatzingo, Ixtapaluca, Juchitepec, Nezahualcoyotl, Ozumba, (Mex.) Amatepec, San Simon de Guerrero, Tejupilco, Temascaltepec, Tlatlaya, (Mex.) Acambay, Atlacomulco, Ixtlahuaca, Jiquipilco, Jocotitlan, Morelos, El Oro, San Felipe del Progreso, Temascalcingo, (Mex.) Almoloya de Alquisiras, Coatepec Harinas, Ixtapan de La Sal, Malinalco, Ocuilan, Sultepec, Tenancingo, Texcaltitlan, Tonatico, Villa Guerrero, Zacualpan, 27 Typology % of rural population IN 49.7 PR 68.5 IN 43.2 PR 100.0 IN 32.0 PU 7.5 PR PR IN 100.0 100.0 42.3 IN 38.7 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PU 8.1 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 75.9 PR 100.0 PR 72.2 PR 100.0 IN 29.6 PR 100.0 PU 1.0 PU 3.3 PU 0.7 PR 100.0 PU 13.0 PR 53.8 Country Code Region Code MEX ME15R7 MEX ME15R8 MEX ME16R1 MEX ME16R2 MEX ME16R3 MEX ME16R4 MEX ME16R5 MEX ME16R6 MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX ME17R1 ME17R2 ME17R3 ME17R4 ME17R5 MEX ME17R6 MEX MEX MEX ME17R7 ME18R1 ME18R2 MEX ME18R3 MEX MEX ME18R4 ME18R5 MEX ME19R1 MEX MEX MEX ME19R2 ME19R3 ME19R4 MEX ME19R5 MEX ME19R6 MEX ME19R7 MEX ME20R1 MEX ME20R2 MEX ME20R3 MEX ME20R4 Region Name Zumpahuacan, (Mex.) Amanalco, Donato Guerra, Ixtapan del Oro, Otzoloapan, Santo Tomas, Valle de Bravo, Villa de Allende, Villa Victoria, Zacazonapan, (Mex.) Aculco, Chapa de Mota, Jilotepec, Polotitlan, Soyaniquilpan de Juarez, Timilpan, Villa del Carbon, (Mex.) Angangueo, Aporo, Contepec, Epitacio Huerta, Hidalgo, Irimbo, Juarez, Jungapeo, Maravatio, Ocampo, Senguio, Susupuato, Tlalpujahua, Tuxpan, Tuzantla, Zitacuaro (Mich.) Aguililla, Apatzingan, Buenavista, Gabriel Zamora, Huacana La, Mugica, Nuevo Parangaricutiro, Nuevo Urecho, Paracuaro, Paracho, Tancitaro, Taretan, Tepalcatepec, Tingambato, Uruapan, Mi (Mich.) Aquila, Arteaga, Coahuayana, Coalcoman de Vazquez P., Chinicuila, Lazaro Cardenas, Tumbiscatio (Mich.) Caracuaro, Churumuco, Huetamo, Nocupetaro, San Lucas, Tiquicheo de Nicolas Romero,Turicato, (Mich.) Briseñas, Cotija, Charapan, Chavinda, Chilchota, Churintzio, Ecuandureo, Ixtlan, Jacona, Jiquilpan, Marcos Castellanos, Numaran, Pajacuaran, Penjamillo, Periban, La Piedad (Mich.) Acuitzio, Alvaro Obregon, Angamacutiro, Ario, Coeneo, Copandaro, Cuitzeo, Charo, Cheran, Chucandiro, Erongaricuaro, Huandacareo, Huaniqueo, Huiramba, Indaparapeo, Jimenez (Mich.) Cuernavaca, Emiliano Zapata, Jiutepec, Temixco, Xochitepec, (Mor.) Huitzilac, Tepoztlan, Tlalnepantla, Totolapan, (Mor.) Atlatlahucan, Ayala, Cuautla, Tlayacapan, Yautepec, Yecapixtla, (Mor.) Ocuituco, Tetela del Volcan, Zacualpan de Amilpas, Temoac, (Mor.) Axochiapan, Jantetelco, Jonacatepec, Tepalcingo, (Mor.) Amacuzac, Jojutla, Puente de Ixtla, Tlaltizapan, Tlaquiltenango, Zacatepec de Hidalgo (Mor.) Coatlan del Rio, Mazatepec, Miacatlan, Tetecala, (Mor.) Acaponeta, Rosamorada, Ruiz, San Blas, Santiago Ixcuintla, Tecuala, Tuxpan, (Nay.) Xalisco, Tepic, (Nay.) Ahuacatlan, Amatlan de Cañas, Ixtlan del Rio, Jala, San Pedro Lagunillas, Santa Maria del Oro, (Nay.) Compostela, Bahia de Banderas, (Nay.) El Nayar, La Yesca (Nay.) Anahuac, Bustamante, Lampazos de Naranjo, Sabinas Hidalgo, Vallecillo, Villaldama, (N.L.) Agualeguas, Cerralvo, General Trevino, Melchor Ocampo, Paras, (N.L.) Aldamas Los, China, Doctor Coss, General Bravo, Herreras Los, Ramones Los, (N.L.) Allende, General Teran, Hualahuises, Linares, Montemorelos, (N.L.) Aramberri, Doctor Arroyo, Galeana, General Zaragoza, Iturbide, Mier Y Noriega, Rayones, (N.L.) Abasolo, Cadereyta Jimenez, Carmen, Cienega de Flores, Doctor Gonzalez, Garcia, General Zuazua, Higueras, Juarez, Marin, Mina, Pesqueria, Salinas Victoria, Hidalgo, Santiago, (N.L.) Apodaca, San Pedro Garza Garcia, General Escobedo, Guadalupe, Monterrey, San Nicolas de Los Garza, Santa Catarina (N.L.) Asuncion Cuyotepeji, Asuncion Nochixtlan, Calihuala, Coicoyan de Las Flores, Concepcion Buenavista, Cosoltepec, Chalcatongo de Hidalgo, Fresnillo de Trujano, Guadalupe Ramirez, Heroica Ciudad de Huajuapan de León, Magdalena Jaltepec, (Oax.) Concepcion Papalo, Cuyamecalco Villa de Zaragoza, Chiquihuitlán de Benito Juárez, Eloxochitlan de Flores Magon,Huautepec, Huautla de Jimenez, Mazatlan Villa de Flores, San Andrés Teotilálpan, San Antonio Nanahuatipam, San Bartolome Ayautla (Oax.) Acatlan de Perez Figueroa, Ayotzintepec, Cosolapa, Loma Bonita, San Felipe Jalapa de Diaz, San Felipe Usila, San Jose Chiltepec, San Jose Independencia, San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec, San Juan Comaltepec, San Juan Lalana (Oax.) Asuncion Ocotlan, Cienega de Zimatlan, La Cienecoatecas Altas, La Compañia, Cuilapam de Guerrero, Heroica Ciudad de Ejutla de Crespo, Guadalupe Etla, 28 Typology % of rural population PR 69.7 PR 100.0 PR 73.9 IN 62.3 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 55.8 PU 44.3 PU PR PU PU IN 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 46.1 IN 20.0 PR PR PU 100.0 100.0 11.0 PR 100.0 PR PR 100.0 100.0 PR 100.0 PR PR PR 100.0 100.0 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 77.3 PU 0.0 PR 87.6 PR 78.7 PR 63.8 IN 35.7 Country Code Region Code MEX ME20R5 MEX ME20R6 MEX ME20R7 MEX ME20R8 MEX ME21R1 MEX ME21R2 MEX ME21R3 MEX ME21R4 MEX ME21R5 MEX ME21R6 MEX ME21R7 MEX ME22R1 MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX ME22R2 ME22R3 ME22R4 ME22R5 ME23R1 ME23R2 ME23R3 ME23R4 MEX ME24R1 MEX ME24R2 MEX ME24R3 MEX ME24R4 MEX MEX MEX MEX ME25R1 ME25R2 ME25R3 ME25R4 Region Name Magdalena Apasco, Magdalena Mixtepec, Magdalena Ocotlan, Magdalena Teitipac, Nazareno Etla (Oax.) Candelaria Loxicha, Martires de Tacubaya, Pinotepa de Don Luis, Pluma Hidalgo, San Agustin Chayuco, San Agustin Loxicha, San Andres Huaxpaltepec, San Antonio Tepetlapa, San Baltazar Loxicha, San Bartolome Loxicha, S (Oax.) Asuncion Ixtaltepec, Barrio de La Soledad El, Ciudad Ixtepec, Chahuites, Espinal El, Guevea de Humboldt, Juchitan de Zaragoza, Magdalena Tequisistlan, Magdalena Tlacotepec, Matias Romero, Santiago Miltepec, Reforma de Pineda (Oax.) Abejones, Asuncion Cacalotepec, Santo Tomás Tamazulapan,Guelatao de Juarez, Unión Hidalgo, Ixtlan de Juarez, Mixistlan de La Reforma, Natividad, San Andres Solaga, San Andres Yaa, San Baltazar Yatzachi El Bajosan Ba (Oax.) Asuncion Tlacolulita, Constancia del Rosario, Mesones Hidalgo, Miahuatlan de Porfirio Diaz,Monjas, Nejapa de Madero, Putla Villa de Guerrero, Santa Catarina Quioquitani, La Reforma, San Andres Cabecera Nueva, San Andrés Paxtlán (Oax.) Ahuacatlan, Ahuazotepec, Amixtlan, Aquixtla, Camocuautla, Coatepec, Cuautempan, Chiconcuautla, Chignahuapan, Honey, Francisco Z. Mena, Hermenegildo Galeana, Huauchinango, Ixtacamaxtitlan, Jalpan (Pue.) Acateno, Atempan, Ayotoxco de Guerrero, Caxhuacan, Cuetzalan del Progreso, Chignautla, Huehuetla, Hueyapan, Hueytamalco, Hueytlalpan, Huitzilan de Serdan, Ixtepec, Jonotla, Nauzontla (Pue.) Aljojuca, Atzitzintla, Cuyoaco, Chalchicomula de Sesma, Chichiquila, Chilchotla, Esperanza, Guadalupe Victoria, Lafragua, Libres, Mazapiltepec de Juarez, Cañada Morelos, Nopalucan, Ocotepec, Oriental (Pue.) Atlixco, Calpan, Coronango, Cuautlancingo, Chiautzingo, Domingo Arenas, Huaquechula, Huejotzingo, Juan C. Bonilla, Nealtican, Ocoyucan, San Andres Cholula, San Diego la Mesa Tochimiltzingo, Felipe Teotlalcing (Pue.) Acajete, Amozoc, Cuautinchan, Puebla, Tecali de Herrera, Tepatlaxco de Hidalgo, Tepeaca, Tzicatlacoyan, (Pue.) Acatlan, Acteopan, Ahuatlan, Ahuehuetitla, Albino Zertuche, Atzala, Atzitzihuacan, Axutla, Coatzingo, Cohetzala, Cohuecan, Cuayuca de Andrade, Chiautla, Chietla, Chila, Chila de La Sal, Chinantla (Pue.) Acatzingo, Ajalpan, Altepexi, Atexcal, Atoyatempan, Caltepec, Coxcatlan, Coyomeapan, Coyotepec, Cuapiaxtla de Madero, Chapulco, Chigmecatitlan, Eloxochitlan, General Felipe Angeles, Huatlatlauca, Pue (Pue.) Pinal de Amoles, Arroyo Seco, Jalpan de Serra, Landa de Matamoros, San Joaquin, (Qro.) Cadereyta de Montes, Colon, Peñamiller, Toliman, (Qro.) Ezequiel Montes, Pedro Escobedo, San Juan del Rio, Tequisquiapan, (Qro.) Corregidora, Marques El, Queretaro, (Qro.) Amealco de Bonfil, Huimilpan, (Qro.) Lazaro Cardenas, (Q.R.) Cozumel, Isla Mujeres, Benito Juarez, (Q.R.) Felipe Carrillo Puerto, José María Morelos (Q.R.) Othon P. Blanco, (Q.R.) Aquismon, Tancanhuitz de Santos, Ciudad Valles, Coxcatlan, Ebano, Huehuetlan, San Antonio, San Martin Chalchicuautla, San Vicente Tancuayalab, Tamasopo, Tamazunchale, Tampacan, Tampamolón Corona (S.L.P.) Alaquines, Cardenas, Cerritos, Ciudad del Maiz, Ciudad Fernandez, Lagunillas, Rayon, Rioverde, San Ciro de Acosta, San Nicolas Tolentino, Santa Catarina, Villa Juarez, (S.L.P.) Ahualulco, Armadillo de Los Infante, Cerro de San Pedro, Mexquitic de Carmona, San Luis Potosi, Santa Maria del Rio, Soledad de Graciano Sanchez,Tierra Nueva, Villa de Arriaga, Villa de Reyes, Zaragoza, S. (S.L.P.) Catorce, Cedral, Charcas, Guadalcazar, Matehuala, Moctezuma, Salinas, Santo Domingo, Vanegas, Venado, Villa de Guadalupe, Villa de La Paz, Villa de Ramos, Villa Hidalgo, V (S.L.P.) Ahome, Choix, El Fuerte (Sin.) Guasave, Sinaloa, (Sin.) Angostura, Badiraguato, Mocorito, Salvador Alvarado, (Sin.) Cosala, Culiacan, Elota, Navolato, (Sin.) 29 Typology % of rural population PR 100.0 PR 84.1 PR 98.0 PR 100.0 PR 65.7 IN 28.0 PR 86.4 PU 13.2 PU 1.9 PR 100.0 IN 43.7 PR 100.0 PR IN PU PR PR PU PR PR 100.0 25.3 9.1 100.0 100.0 13.5 100.0 100.0 PR 72.2 PR 100.0 PU 19.2 PR 100.0 PR PR PR PR 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Country Code Region Code MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX MEX ME25R5 ME26R1 ME26R10 ME26R11 ME26R12 ME26R2 MEX ME26R3 MEX ME26R4 MEX ME26R5 MEX ME26R6 MEX ME26R7 MEX ME26R8 MEX MEX ME26R9 ME27R1 MEX ME27R2 MEX MEX ME27R3 ME27R4 MEX ME28R1 MEX ME28R2 MEX ME28R3 MEX ME28R4 MEX MEX ME29R1 ME29R2 MEX ME29R3 MEX ME29R4 MEX ME29R5 MEX ME29R6 MEX ME29R7 MEX ME29R8 MEX ME29R9 MEX ME30R1 MEX ME30R2 MEX ME30R3 MEX ME30R4 MEX ME30R5 Region Name Typology % of rural population Concordia, Escuinapa, Mazatlan, Rosario, San Ignacio, (Sin.) Caborca, Puerto Penasco, San Luis Rio Colorado, General Plutarco Elias Calles (Son.) Empalme, Guaymas, (Son.) Bacum, Cajeme, Etchojoa, Huatabampo, Navojoa, (Son.) Alamos, Quiriego, Rosario, (Son.) Altar, Atil, Oquitoa, Pitiquito, Saric, Tubutama, (Son.) Benjamin Hill, Cucurpe, Imuris, Magdalena, Nogales, Santa Ana, Santa Cruz, Trincheras, (Son.) Agua Prieta, Bacoachi, Cananea, Fronteras, Naco, Nacozari de Garcia, (Son.) Aconchi, Arizpe, Banamichi, Baviacora, Carbo, Huepac, Opodepe, Rayon, San Felipe de Jesus, San Miguel de Horcasitas, Ures (Son.) Bacadehuachi, Bacerac, Bavispe, Cumpas, Divisaderos, Granados, Huachinera, Huasabas, Moctezuma, Nacori Chico, Tepache, Villa Hidalgo, (Son.) Hermosillo, (Son.) Colorada La, Mazatan, Onavas, San Javier, San Pedro de La Cueva, Soyopa, Suaqui Grande, Villa Pesqueira, (Son.) Arivechi, Bacanora, Sahuaripa, Yecora, (Son.) Centro, (Tab.) Cardenas, Comalcalco, Cunduacan, Huimanguillo, Jalpa de Mendez, Nacajuca, Paraiso, (Tab.) Balancan, Centla, Emiliano Zapata, Jonuta, Tenosique, (Tab.) Jalapa, Macuspana, Tacotalpa, Teapa, (Tab.) Camargo, Guerrero, Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, Matamoros, Mier, Miguel Aleman, Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa, Rio Bravo, Valle Hermoso, (Tamps.) Burgos, Cruillas, Mendez, San Fernando, San Nicolas, (Tamps.) Abasolo, Casas, Güemez, Hidalgo, Jimenez, Mainero, Padilla, San Carlos, Soto La Marina, Victoria, Villagran, (Tamps.) Aldama, Altamira, Antiguo Morelos, Bustamante, Ciudad Madero, Gomez Farias, Gonzalez, Jaumave, Llera, Mante El, Miquihuana, Nuevo Morelos, Ocampo, Palmillas, Tampico, Tula, Xicoténcatl (Tamps.) Chiautempan, Tlaxcala, (Tlax.) Acuamanala de Miguel Hidalgo,Teolocholco, Xicotzingo, Zacatelco, (Tlax.) Mazatecochco de José María Morelos, San Pablo del Monte, Tenancingo, Papalotla de Xicohtencatl (Tlax.) Tepetitla de Lardizabal, Nativitas, Tepeyanco, Tetlatlahuca, (Tlax.) Apetatitlan de A. Carbajal, Ixtacuixtla de Mariano Matamoros, Panotla, Totolac, (Tlax.) Calpulalpan, Españita, Hueyotlipan, Sanctórum de Lázaro Cárdenas, Nanacamilpa de Mariano Arista (Tlax.) Atlangatepec, Muñoz de Domingo Arenas, Tlaxco, Xaltocan, Yauhquemehcan (Tlax.) Amaxac de Guerrero, Apizaco, Cuaxomulco, Contla de Juan Cuamatzi, Santa Cruz Tlaxcala, Tzompantepec, Xaloztoc, (Tlax.) Altzayanca, Carmen Tequexquitla, Cuapiaxtla, Huamantla, Ixtenco, Terrenate, Tocatlan, Zitlaltepec de Trinidad Sánchez Santos (Tlax.) Benito Juarez, Citlaltepetl, Chalma, Chiconamel, Chicontepec, Chinampa de Gorostiza, Chontla, Huayacocotla, Ilamatlan, Ixcatepec, Ixhuatlan de Madero, Ozuluama de Mascareñas, Panuco, Platon Sanchez, Pueblo Viejo, (Ver.) Cazones, Cerro Azul, Coahuitlan, Coatzintla, Coxquihui, Coyutla, Chumatlan, Espinal, Filomeno Mata, Gutierrez Zamora, Mecatlan, Papantla, Poza Rica de Hidalgo, Tamiahua (Ver.) Acajete, Acatlan, Actopan, Alto Lucero de Gutiérrez Barrios, Altotonga, La Antigua, Apazapan, Atzalan, Ayahualulco, Banderilla, Coacoatzintla, Coatepec, Colipa, Cosautlan de Carvajal, Chiconquiaco, Emiliano Zapata (Ver.) Acultzingo, Amatlan de Los Reyes, Aquila, Astacinga, Atlahuilco, Atzacan, Camerino Z. Mendoza, Coetzala, Cordoba, Cuichapa, Cuitlahuac, Fortin, Huiloapan, Ixhuatlancillo, Ixtaczoquitlán (Ver.) Camaron de Tejeda, Alpatlahuac, Atoyac, Tlaltetela, Boca del Rio, Calcahualco, Carrillo Puerto, Comapa, Coscomatepec, Cotaxtla, Chocaman, Huatusco, Ignacio de La Llave, Ixhuatlan del Cafe, Jamapa, Ve (Ver.) IN PR PR PR PR PR 28.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR PU 100.0 0.0 IN 43.5 PR PR 100.0 100.0 PR 77.5 PR 100.0 IN 31.8 IN 47.7 PU PU 0.0 0.0 PU 0.0 PU 0.0 PU 0.0 PR 94.3 PR 77.8 PU 0.0 IN 39.6 PR 92.1 PR 70.6 IN 35.7 IN 25.2 IN 27.7 30 Country Code Region Code MEX ME30R6 MEX ME30R7 MEX ME31R1 MEX ME31R2 MEX ME31R3 MEX ME31R4 MEX ME31R5 MEX ME31R6 MEX ME31R7 MEX ME31R8 MEX ME32R1 MEX ME32R2 MEX ME32R3 MEX ME32R4 MEX ME32R5 MEX MEX ME32R6 ME32R7 MEX ME32R8 MEX ME32R9 NLD NLD NLD NLD NLD NLD NLD NLD NLD NLD NLD NLD NZL NZL NZL NZL NZL NZL NZL NZL NZL NL11 NL12 NL13 NL21 NL22 NL23 NL31 NL32 NL33 NL34 NL41 NL42 NZ011 NZ012 NZ013 NZ014 NZ015 NZ016 NZ017 NZ018 NZ019 Region Name Acula, Alvarado, Amatitlan, Angel R. Cabada, Catemaco, Cosamaloapan de Carpio, Chacaltianguis, Isla, Ixmatlahuacan, Lerdo de Tejada, Otatitlan, Playa Vicente, Saltabarranca, San Andres Tuxtla, Santiago Tuxtla, (Ver.) Acayucan, Coatzacoalcos, Cosoleacaque, Chinameca, Choapas Las, Hidalgotitlan, Hueyapan de Ocampo, Ixhuatlan del Sureste, Jaltipan, Jesus Carranza, Juan Rodriguez Clara, Mecayapan, Minatitlan, Moloacan, V (Ver.) Buctzotz, Calotmul, Cenotillo, Espita, Panaba, Rio Lagartos, San Felipe, Sucila, Tizimin, (Yuc.) Cuncunul, Chankom, Chemax, Chichimila, Chikindzonot, Dzitas, Kaua, Tekom, Temozon, Tinum, Tixcacalcupul, Uayma, Valladolid, (Yuc.) Baca, Cansahcab, Dzemul, Dzidzantun, Dzilam de Bravo, Dzilam Gonzalez, Mococha, Motul, Muxupip, Sinanche, Suma, Telchac Pueblo, Telchac Puerto, Temax, Teya, Yaxkukul, Yobain, (Yuc.) Bokoba, Cacalchen, Dzoncauich, Hoctun, Izamal, Kantunil, Quintana Roo, Sudzal, Tahmek, Tekal de Venegas, Tekanto, Tepakan, Tixkokob, Tunkas, Xocchel, (Yuc.) Cuzama, Hocaba, Homun, Huhi, Sanahcat, Sotuta, Yaxcaba, (Yuc.) Acanceh, Conkal, Chicxulub Pueblo, Hunucma, Ixil, Kanasin, Merida, Progreso, Seye, Tecoh, Timucuy, Tixpeual, Ucu, Uman, (Yuc.) Celestun, Chochola, Halacho, Kinchil, Kopoma, Maxcanu, Opichen, Samahil, Tetiz, (Yuc.) Abala, Akil, Cantamayec, Chacsinkin, Chapab, Chumayel, Dzan, Mama, Mani, Mayapan, Muna, Oxkutzcab, Peto, Sacalum, Santa Elena, Tahdziu, Teabo, Tekax, Tekit, Ticul, Tixmeuac, Y (Yuc.) Calera, Fresnillo, General Enrique Estrada, Valparaiso, Villa de Cos, (Zac.) Canita de Felipe Pescador, General Francisco R. Murguía, Juan Aldama, Miguel Auza, Rio Grande (Zac.) Chalchihuites, Jimenez del Teul, Sain Alto, Sombrerete, (Zac.) General Panfilo Natera, Loreto, Noria de Angeles, Pinos, Villa Garcia, Villa Gonzalez Ortega, Villa Hidalgo, (Zac.) Atolinga, Benito Juarez, Trinidad Garcia de La Cadena, El Plateado de Joaquín Amaro, Momax, Tepechitlan, Teul de Gonzalez Ortega, Tlaltenango de Sánchez Román (Zac.) Jerez, Monte Escobedo, Susticacan, Tepetongo, Villanueva, (Zac.) Concepcion del Oro, Mazapil, Melchor Ocampo, Salvador El, (Zac.) Cuauhtemoc, Genaro Codina, Guadalupe, Luis Moya, Morelos, Ojocaliente, Panuco, Vetagrande, Zacatecas, (Zac.) Apozol, Apulco, Huanusco, Jalpa, Juchipila, Mezquital del Oro, Moyahua de Estrada, Nochistlan de Mejia, Tabasco, (Zac.) Groningen Friesland Drenthe Overijssel Gelderland Flevoland Utrecht Noord-Holland Zuid-Holland Zeeland Noord-Brabant Limburg (NL) Northland Region Auckland Region Waikato Region Bay of Plenty Region Gisborne Region Hawke's Bay Region Taranaki Region Manawatu-Wanganui Region Wellington Region 31 Typology % of rural population PR 97.2 PR 63.2 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PU 20.1 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR 100.0 PR PR 100.0 100.0 PR 64.1 PR 100.0 IN IN IN PU PU IN PU PU PU IN PU PU IN PU IN IN IN IN IN IN PU 25.6 40.1 34.3 12.5 2.9 29.7 0.0 2.0 1.1 22.0 2.1 1.2 48.5 7.9 32.8 24.0 29.2 22.8 25.1 22.6 5.3 Country Code Region Code NZL NZL NZL NZL NZL NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL NZ021 NZ022 NZ023 NZ024 NZ025 NO011 NO012 NO021 NO022 NO031 NO032 NO033 NO034 NO041 NO042 NO043 NO051 NO052 NO053 NO061 NO062 NO071 NO072 NO073 PL113 PL114 PL115 PL116 PL117 PL121 PL122 PL127 PL128 PL129 PL12A PL213 PL214 PL215 PL216 PL217 PL224 PL225 PL227 PL228 PL229 PL22A PL22B PL22C PL311 PL312 PL314 PL315 PL323 Region Name Tasman-Nelson-Marlborough West Coast Region Canterbury Region Otago Region Southland Region Oslo Akershus Hedmark Oppland Østfold Buskerud Vestfold Telemark Aust-Agder Vest-Agder Rogaland Hordaland Sogn og Fjordane Møre og Romsdal Sør-Trøndelag Nord-Trøndelag Nordland Troms Finnmark Miasto Lódz Lódzki Piotrkowski Sieradzki Skierniewicki Ciechanowsko-plocki Ostrolecko-siedlecki Miasto Warszawa Radomski Warszawski-wschodni Warszawski-zachodni Miasto Kraków Krakowski Nowosadecki Oswiecimski Tarnowski Czestochowski Bielski Rybnicki Bytomski Gliwicki Katowicki Sosnowiecki Tyski Bialski Chelmsko-zamojski Lubelski Pulawski Krosnienski 32 Typology % of rural population IN IN IN IN IN PU IN PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PR IN IN PR PR IN PR PR PR PR PU IN PR PR PR PR PR PU IN IN IN PU IN PR IN IN IN IN PU IN PU PU PU PU PR PR IN PR IN 27.9 46.6 17.3 20.9 27.9 0.0 34.3 100.0 100.0 51.3 61.0 44.8 80.0 61.6 53.2 31.7 42.1 100.0 74.2 43.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 35.4 51.0 67.1 54.3 57.3 64.1 0.0 58.6 45.2 30.3 0.0 39.1 54.4 18.2 43.2 35.3 15.1 6.0 21.6 7.0 0.0 11.2 5.5 64.4 66.1 37.6 67.1 49.8 Country Code Region Code POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PL324 PL325 PL326 PL331 PL332 PL343 PL344 PL345 PL411 PL414 PL415 PL416 PL417 PL418 PL422 PL423 PL424 PL425 PL431 PL432 PL514 PL515 PL516 PL517 PL518 PL521 PL522 PL613 PL614 PL615 PL621 PL622 PL623 PL631 PL633 PL634 PL635 PT111 PT112 PT113 PT114 PT115 PT116 PT117 PT118 PT150 PT161 PT162 PT163 PT164 PT165 PT166 PT167 Region Name Przemyski Rzeszowski Tarnobrzeski Kielecki Sandomiersko-jedrzejowski Bialostocki Lomzynski Suwalski Pilski Koninski Miasto Poznan Kaliski Leszczynski Poznanski Koszalinski Stargardzki Miasto Szczecin Szczecinski Gorzowski Zielonogórski Miasto Wroclaw Jeleniogórski Legnicko-Glogowski Walbrzyski Wroclawski Nyski Opolski Bydgosko-Torunski Grudziadzki Wloclawski Elblaski Olsztynski Elcki Slupski Trojmiejski Gdanski Starogardzki Minho-Lima Cávado Ave Grande Porto Tâmega Entre Douro e Vouga Douro Alto Trás-os-Montes Algarve Baixo Vouga Baixo Mondego Pinhal Litoral Pinhal Interior Norte Dão-Lafões Pinhal Interior Sul Serra da Estrela 33 Typology % of rural population PR PR PR IN PR IN PR PR PR PR PU PR PR PR PR PR PU PR PR PR PU IN IN IN PR IN IN IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PU PR PR IN PU PU PU IN PU PR PR IN IN IN IN PR PR PR PR 58.6 50.5 51.1 49.4 92.6 37.6 59.4 54.5 63.2 59.4 0.0 51.7 72.9 63.1 51.5 81.1 0.0 73.2 62.4 60.9 0.0 46.7 34.4 32.2 83.8 50.0 48.1 20.6 60.7 62.0 52.4 51.3 70.1 56.1 0.0 63.2 56.2 38.5 8.1 6.9 0.3 17.2 10.4 65.4 72.3 37.8 18.9 41.7 34.7 79.8 63.3 100.0 79.0 Country Code Region Code PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT PRT SVK SVK SVK SVK SVK SVK SVK SVK SVN SVN SVN SVN SVN SVN SVN SVN SVN SVN SVN SVN ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP PT168 PT169 PT16A PT16B PT16C PT171 PT172 PT181 PT182 PT183 PT184 PT185 PT200 PT300 SK010 SK021 SK022 SK023 SK031 SK032 SK041 SK042 SI011 SI012 SI013 SI014 SI015 SI016 SI017 SI018 SI021 SI022 SI023 SI024 ES111 ES112 ES113 ES114 ES120 ES130 ES211 ES212 ES213 ES220 ES230 ES241 ES242 ES243 ES300 ES411 ES412 ES413 ES414 Region Name Beira Interior Norte Beira Interior Sul Cova da Beira Oeste Médio Tejo Grande Lisboa Península de Setúbal Alentejo Litoral Alto Alentejo Alentejo Central Baixo Alentejo Lezíria do Tejo Região Autónoma dos Açores Região Autónoma da Madeira Bratislavský kraj Trnavský kraj Trencianský kraj Nitrianský kraj Zilinský kraj Banskobystrický kraj Presovský kraj Kosický kraj Pomurska Podravska Koroska Savinjska Zasavska Spodnjeposavska Jugovzhodna Slovenija Notranjsko-kraska Osrednjeslovenska Gorenjska Goriska Obalno-kraska La Coruña Lugo Orense Pontevedra Asturias Cantabria Álava Guipúzcoa Vizcaya Navarra La Rioja Huesca Teruel Zaragoza Madrid Avila Burgos León Palencia 34 Typology % of rural population PR PR PR IN PR PU PU PR PR PR PR PR IN PU PU IN IN PR IN PR IN IN PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PR IN IN PR IN IN PR PR IN IN IN IN PU PU IN IN PR PR PU PU PR IN IN PR 75.1 60.0 54.6 39.8 55.3 6.3 6.7 100.0 79.5 69.6 82.6 69.8 44.6 14.7 14.7 45.1 36.5 50.8 40.0 52.0 43.3 40.1 77.7 50.8 83.3 56.6 37.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 32.1 35.4 94.7 22.8 30.5 72.6 57.1 20.6 27.8 24.9 17.7 7.2 6.3 44.7 30.9 73.5 100.0 26.2 4.2 63.0 33.5 45.6 50.7 Country Code Region Code ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP SWE SWE SWE SWE SWE SWE SWE SWE SWE SWE SWE SWE SWE ES415 ES416 ES417 ES418 ES419 ES421 ES422 ES423 ES424 ES425 ES431 ES432 ES511 ES512 ES513 ES514 ES521 ES522 ES523 ES531 ES532 ES533 ES611 ES612 ES613 ES614 ES615 ES616 ES617 ES618 ES620 ES630 ES640 ES703 ES704 ES705 ES706 ES707 ES708 ES709 se110 se121 se122 se123 se124 se125 se211 se212 se213 se214 se221 se224 se231 Region Name Salamanca Segovia Soria Valladolid Zamora Albacete Ciudad Real Cuenca Guadalajara Toledo Badajoz Cáceres Barcelona Gerona Lérida Tarragona Alicante Castellón de la Plana Valencia Eivissa y Formentera Mallorca Menorca Almería Cadiz Córdoba Granada Huelva Jaén Málaga Sevilla Murcia Ceuta (ES) Melilla (ES) El Hierro Fuerteventura Gran Canaria La Gomera La Palma Lanzarote Tenerife Stockholms län Uppsala län Södermanlands län Östergötlands län Örebro län Västmanlands län Jönköpings län Kronobergs län Kalmar län Gotlands län Blekinge län Skåne län Hallands län 35 Typology % of rural population IN PR PR IN PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PR PU IN PR IN IN IN PU PR IN PR IN IN IN IN IN PR PU PU IN PU PU PR PR PU PR IN IN PU PU PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR IN PR 42.7 60.6 100.0 31.2 59.1 100.0 76.8 100.0 45.7 65.3 87.8 90.8 3.7 36.2 53.7 36.5 15.8 20.9 11.2 62.8 30.3 58.4 35.3 17.0 50.9 37.1 49.9 70.3 21.4 28.8 35.8 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 8.7 100.0 37.3 26.8 9.9 18.2 100.0 95.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 42.9 100.0 Country Code Region Code SWE SWE SWE SWE SWE SWE SWE SWE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE CHE TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR se232 se311 se312 se313 se321 se322 se331 se332 CH011 CH012 CH013 CH021 CH022 CH023 CH024 CH025 CH031 CH032 CH033 CH040 CH051 CH052 CH053 CH054 CH055 CH056 CH057 CH061 CH062 CH063 CH064 CH065 CH066 CH070 TR100 TR211 TR212 TR213 TR221 TR222 TR310 TR321 TR322 TR323 TR331 TR332 TR333 TR334 TR411 TR412 TR413 TR421 TR422 Region Name Västra Götalands län Värmlands län Dalarnas län Gävleborgs län Västernorrlands län Jämtlands län Västerbottens län Norrbottens län Vaud Valais Genève Bern Fribourg Solothurn Neuchâtel Jura (CH) Basel-Stadt Basel-Landschaft Aargau Zurich Glarus Schaffausen Appenzell A. Rh. Appenzell I. Rh. St. Gallen Graubünden Thurgau Luzern Uri Schwyz Obwalden Nidwalden Zug Ticino Istanbul Tekirdag Edirne Kirklareli Balikesir Çanakkale Izmir Aydin Denizli Mugla Manisa Afyon Kütahya Usak Bursa Eskisehir Bilecik Kocaeli Sakarya 36 Typology % of rural population IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PR IN PR PU IN IN PU IN PR PU PU PU PU PR IN IN PR IN PR IN IN PR IN PR IN PU IN PU PR PR PR IN PR PU IN IN PR PR PR PR PR PU PU PR PU IN 62.0 94.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 18.9 51.7 1.5 22.7 33.4 12.5 15.1 56.0 0.0 7.1 7.2 2.5 78.5 24.4 20.6 62.7 20.4 63.0 17.6 18.8 61.4 23.0 100.0 25.5 0.0 20.3 2.2 58.0 65.0 100.0 52.6 100.0 23.6 48.9 52.9 100.0 68.3 75.2 100.0 100.0 18.7 26.4 100.0 4.3 45.0 Country Code Region Code TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TR423 TR424 TR425 TR510 TR521 TR522 TR611 TR612 TR613 TR621 TR622 TR631 TR632 TR633 TR711 TR712 TR713 TR714 TR715 TR721 TR722 TR723 TR811 TR812 TR813 TR821 TR822 TR823 TR831 TR832 TR833 TR834 TR901 TR902 TR903 TR904 TR905 TR906 TRA11 TRA12 TRA13 TRA21 TRA22 TRA23 TRA24 TRB11 TRB12 TRB13 TRB14 TRB21 TRB22 TRB23 TRB24 Region Name Düzce Bolu Yalova Ankara Konya Karaman Antalya Isparta Burdur Adana Mersin Hatay Kahramanmaras Osmaniye Kirikkale Aksaray Nigde Nevsehir Kirsehir Kayseri Sivas Yozgat Zonguldak Karabük Bartin Kastamonu Çankiri Sinop Samsun Tokat Çorum Amasya Trabzon Ordu Giresun Rize Artvin Gümüshane Erzurum Erzincan Bayburt Agri Kars Igdir Ardahan Malatya Elazig Bingöl Tunceli Van Mus Bitlis Hakkari 37 Typology % of rural population IN PR IN PU IN PR PU PR PR PU PU IN IN IN IN PR PR PR PR PU PR PR PU IN PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PR IN IN PR IN PR PR IN PR PR PR PR PR PR IN IN PR PR IN PR PR PR 39.6 100.0 20.7 17.8 66.4 100.0 43.5 66.8 100.0 27.2 34.5 22.8 53.6 36.4 41.3 100.0 100.0 66.1 100.0 35.1 100.0 97.2 15.0 48.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 41.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 15.0 26.3 51.6 41.1 83.0 100.0 58.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 43.1 39.5 100.0 100.0 59.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 Country Code Region Code TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR TUR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR TRC11 TRC12 TRC13 TRC21 TRC22 TRC31 TRC32 TRC33 TRC34 UKC11 UKC12 UKC13 UKC14 UKC21 UKC22 UKC23 UKD11 UKD12 UKD21 UKD22 UKD31 UKD32 UKD41 UKD42 UKD43 UKD51 UKD52 UKD53 UKD54 UKE11 UKE12 UKE13 UKE21 UKE22 UKE31 UKE32 UKE41 UKE42 UKE43 UKF11 UKF12 UKF13 UKF14 UKF15 UKF16 UKF21 UKF22 UKF23 UKF30 UKG11 UKG12 UKG13 UKG21 Region Name Gaziantep Adiyaman Kilis Sanliurfa Diyarbakir Mardin Batman Sirnak Siirt Hartlepool and Stockton South Teeside Darlington Durham CC Northumberland Tyneside Sunderland West Cumbria East Cumbria Halton and Warrington Cheshire CC Greater Manchester South Greater Manchester North Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire CC East Merseyside Liverpool Sefton Wirral City of Kingston upon Hull East Riding of Yorkshire North and North East Lincolnshire York North Yorkshire CC Barnsley Doncaster and Rotherham Sheffield Bradford Leeds Calderdale Kirklees and Wakefield Derby East Derbyshire South and West Derbyshire Nottingham North Nottinghamshire South Nottinghamshire Leicester City Leicester CC and Rutland Northamptonshire Lincolnshire Herefordshire Worcestershire Warwickshire The Wrekin 38 Typology % of rural population PU IN IN PR PU PR IN PR PR PU PU PU PU IN PU PU IN IN PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU IN IN PU IN PU PU PU PU PU PU PU IN PU IN PU PU PU IN IN IN IN IN PU 26.1 60.0 23.8 100.0 47.1 96.9 40.3 76.8 59.3 3.4 0.8 8.4 8.3 25.8 0.0 0.0 19.0 43.6 0.0 13.5 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 9.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 36.5 24.8 4.1 42.4 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 3.3 19.0 0.0 15.1 6.9 0.0 14.7 17.7 39.2 49.4 17.9 18.8 8.7 Country Code Region Code GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR UKG22 UKG23 UKG24 UKG31 UKG32 UKG33 UKG34 UKG35 UKH11 UKH12 UKH13 UKH14 UKH21 UKH22 UKH23 UKH31 UKH32 UKH33 UKI11 UKI12 UKI21 UKI22 UKI23 UKJ11 UKJ12 UKJ13 UKJ14 UKJ21 UKJ22 UKJ23 UKJ24 UKJ31 UKJ32 UKJ33 UKJ34 UKJ41 UKJ42 UKK11 UKK12 UKK13 UKK14 UKK15 UKK21 UKK22 UKK23 UKK30 UKK41 UKK42 UKK43 UKL11 UKL12 UKL13 UKL14 Region Name Shropshire CC Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire CC Birmingham Solihull Coventry Dudley and Sandwell Walsall and Wolverhampton Peterborough Cambridgeshire CC Norfolk Suffolk Luton Bedfordshire CC Hertfordshire Southend-on-Sea Thurrock Essex CC Inner London - West Inner London - East Outer London - East and North East Outer London - South Outer London - West and North West Berkshire Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire CC Oxfordshire Brighton and Hove East Sussex CC Surrey West Sussex Portsmouth Southampton Hampshire CC Isle of Wight Medway Towns Kent CC City of Bristol Bath and North East Somerset North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Gloucestershire Swindon Wiltshire CC Bournemouth and Poole Dorset CC Somerset Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Plymouth Torbay Devon CC Isle of Anglesey Gwynedd Conwy and Denbighshire South West Wales 39 Typology % of rural population IN PU IN PU PU PU PU PU PU IN IN IN PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU IN IN PU IN PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU IN PU IN PU IN IN IN PU PU IN PR PR IN IN 42.7 0.0 15.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.2 32.6 33.9 29.5 0.0 14.5 5.3 0.0 3.9 11.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.6 3.8 15.9 22.3 0.0 22.8 4.7 14.3 0.0 0.0 12.8 12.5 0.0 14.6 0.0 9.7 23.7 3.5 35.9 0.0 29.7 33.9 33.4 0.0 0.0 34.8 51.6 54.0 20.1 47.6 Country Code Region Code Typology % of rural population GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR UKL15 UKL16 UKL17 UKL18 UKL21 UKL22 UKL23 UKL24 UKM21 UKM22 UKM23 UKM24 UKM25 UKM26 UKM27 UKM28 UKM31 UKM32 UKM33 UKM34 UKM35 UKM36 UKM37 UKM38 UKM50 UKM61 UKM62 UKM63 UKM64 UKM65 UKM66 UKN01 UKN02 UKN03 Central Valleys Gwent Valleys Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot Swansea Monmouthshire and Newport Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Flintshire and Wrexham Powys Angus and Dundee City Clackmannanshire and Fife East Lothian and Midlothian Scottish Borders Edinburgh City of Falkirk Perth and Kinross and Stirling West Lothian East Dunbartonshire West Dunbartonshire and Helensburgh and Lomond Dumfries and Galloway East Ayrshire and North Ayrshire mainland Glasgow City Inverclyde East Renfrewshire and Renfrewshire North Lanarkshire South Ayrshire South Lanarkshire Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Caithness & Sutherland and Ross & Cromarty Inverness & Nairn and Moray Badenoch & Strathspey Lochaber Skye & Lochalsh Arran & Cumbrae and Argyll & Bute Eilean Siar (Western Isles) Orkney Islands Shetland Islands Belfast Outer Belfast East of Northern Ireland PU PU PU PU IN PU PU PR IN IN IN PR PU PU IN PU PU PR IN PU PU PU IN PU IN PR IN PR PR PR PR PU PU IN 1.8 0.8 9.7 2.4 17.2 5.2 14.3 68.8 24.3 16.8 26.5 66.0 1.7 9.8 49.1 10.3 7.8 65.7 29.8 0.0 9.1 5.9 24.7 14.8 31.9 72.8 43.4 70.9 74.7 71.7 73.4 0.0 11.1 34.8 GBR UKN04 GBR USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA UKN05 US001 US002 US003 US004 US005 US006 US007 US008 US009 US010 US011 US012 US013 US014 US015 US016 US017 North of Northern Ireland IN 37.8 West and South of Northern Ireland Aberdeen - SD Abilene - TX Albany - GA Albany-Schenectady-Amsterdam - NY Albuquerque - NM Alpena - MI Amarillo - TX Anchorage - AK Appleton-Oshkosh-Neenah - WI Asheville-Brevard - NC Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Gainesville - GA-AL Augusta-Richmond County - GA-SC Austin-Round Rock - TX Bangor - ME Baton Rouge-Pierre Part - LA Beaumont-Port Arthur - TX Bend-Prineville - OR PR PR PR PR PR PU PR PR PR PR PR IN PR PU PR IN PR PR 59.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 67.2 28.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 40.3 64.9 40.0 100.0 44.2 100.0 100.0 Region Name 40 Country Code Region Code Typology % of rural population USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA US018 US019 US020 US021 US022 US023 US024 US025 US026 US027 US028 US029 US030 US031 US032 US033 US034 US035 US036 US037 US038 US039 US040 US041 US042 US043 US044 US045 US046 US047 US048 US049 US050 US051 US052 US053 US054 US055 US056 US057 US058 Billings - MT Birmingham-Hoover-Cullman - AL Bismarck - ND Boise City-Nampa - ID Boston-Worcester-Manchester - MA-NH Buffalo-Niagara-Cattaraugus - NY Burlington-South Burlington - VT Cape Girardeau-Jackson - MO-IL Casper - WY Cedar Rapids - IA Champaign-Urbana - IL Charleston - WV Charleston-North Charleston - SC Charlotte-Gastonia-Salisbury - NC-SC Chicago-Naperville-Michigan City - IL-IN-WI Cincinnati-Middletown-Wilmington - OH-KY-IN Clarksburg - WV + Morgantown - WV Cleveland-Akron-Elyria - OH Colorado Springs - CO Columbia - MO Columbia-Newberry - SC Columbus-Auburn-Opelika - GA-AL Columbus-Marion-Chillicothe - OH Corpus Christi-Kingsville - TX Dallas-Fort Worth - TX Davenport-Moline-Rock Island - IA-IL Dayton-Springfield-Greenville - OH Denver-Aurora-Boulder - CO Des Moines-Newton-Pella - IA Detroit-Warren-Flint - MI Dothan-Enterprise-Ozark - AL Dover - DE Duluth - MN-WI El Paso - TX Erie - PA Eugene-Springfield - OR Evansville - IN-KY Fargo-Wahpeton - ND-MN Farmington - NM Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers - AR-MO Flagstaff - AZ PR PR PR PR IN PU PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PU PU PR PU PR PR IN PR PR PR PU PR PR PR IN PU PR PR PR PU PR PR PR PR PR PR PR 100.0 59.6 100.0 100.0 18.8 37.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 62.9 11.5 20.6 100.0 45.2 100.0 100.0 66.2 56.5 56.6 100.0 29.6 100.0 59.9 55.3 68.1 27.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 32.8 100.0 100.0 76.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA US059 Fort Smith - AR-OK PR 100.0 US060 US061 US062 US063 US064 US065 US066 US067 US068 US069 US070 Fort Wayne-Huntington-Auburn - IN Fresno-Madera - CA Gainesville - FL Grand Forks - ND-MN Grand Rapids-Muskegon-Holland - MI Great Falls - MT Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point - NC Greenville - NC Greenville-Spartanburg-Anderson - SC Gulfport-Biloxi-Pascagoula - MS Harrisburg-Carlisle-Lebanon - PA IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PR IN PR IN 57.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 55.7 100.0 55.6 100.0 69.6 100.0 45.1 Region Name 41 Country Code Region Code Typology % of rural population USA USA USA USA USA USA USA US071 US072 US073 US074 US075 US076 US077 Harrisonburg - VA Hartford-West Hartford-Willimantic - CT Helena - MT Honolulu - HI Houston-Baytown-Huntsville - TX Huntsville-Decatur - AL Idaho Falls-Blackfoot - ID PR PU PR PU PU PR PR 66.6 40.2 100.0 27.7 32.9 100.0 100.0 USA US078 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA US079 US080 US081 US082 US083 US084 US085 US086 US087 US088 US089 US090 US091 US092 US093 US094 US095 US096 US097 US098 US099 US100 US101 US102 US103 US104 US105 US106 US107 US108 US109 US110 US111 US112 US113 US114 US115 Indianapolis-Anderson-Columbus - IN PR 67.0 Jacksonville - FL Jackson-Yazoo City - MS Johnson City-Kingsport-Bristol - TN-VA Jonesboro - AR Joplin - MO Kansas City-Overland Park-Kansas City - MO-KS Kearney - NE Kennewick-Richland-Pasco - WA Killeen-Temple-Fort Hood - TX Knoxville-Sevierville-La Follette - TN La Crosse - WI-MN Lafayette-Acadiana - LA Lake Charles-Jennings - LA Las Vegas-Paradise-Pahrump - NV Lewiston - ID-WA Lexington-Fayette-Frankfort-Richmond - KY Lincoln - NE Little Rock-North Little Rock-Pine Bluff - AR Los Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside - CA Louisville-Elizabethtown-Scottsburg - KY-IN Lubbock-Levelland - TX Macon-Warner Robins-Fort Valley - GA Madison-Baraboo - WI Marinette - WI-MI Mason City - IA McAllen-Edinburg-Pharr - TX Memphis - TN-MS-AR Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Miami Beach - FL Midland-Odessa - TX Milwaukee-Racine-Waukesha - WI Minneapolis-St. Paul-St. Cloud - MN-WI Minot - ND Missoula - MT Mobile-Daphne-Fairhope - AL Monroe-Bastrop - LA Montgomery-Alexander City - AL Myrtle Beach-Conway-Georgetown - SC PU PR PR PR PR PU PR PR PR IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PU PU PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PU PR PU IN PR PR PR PR PR PR 47.4 100.0 97.5 100.0 100.0 40.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 64.7 100.0 76.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 81.9 100.0 75.2 31.4 47.6 100.0 74.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 53.4 10.6 100.0 42.3 49.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 81.7 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA US116 US117 US118 US119 US120 US121 US122 US123 Nashville-Davidson-Murfreesboro-Columbia - TN New Orleans-Metairie-Bogalusa - LA New York-Newark-Bridgeport - NY-NJ-CT-PA Oklahoma City-Shawnee - OK Omaha-Council Bluffs-Fremont - NE-IA Orlando-The Villages - FL Paducah - KY-IL Panama City-Lynn Haven - FL PR IN PU PR IN PR PR PR 76.6 45.5 5.9 65.1 39.7 65.4 100.0 100.0 Region Name 42 Country Code Region Code USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA US124 US125 US126 US127 US128 US129 US130 US131 US132 US133 US134 US135 US136 US137 US138 US139 US140 US141 US142 US143 US144 US145 US146 US147 US148 US149 US150 US151 US152 US153 US154 US155 US156 US157 US158 US159 US160 US161 US162 US163 US164 US165 US166 US167 US168 US169 US170 US171 US172 US173 US174 US175 US176 US177 US178 US179 Region Name Pendleton-Hermiston - OR Pensacola-Ferry Pass-Brent - FL Peoria-Canton - IL Philadelphia-Camden-Vineland - PA-NJ-DE-MD Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale - AZ Pittsburgh-New Castle - PA Portland-Lewiston-South Portland - ME Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton - OR-WA Pueblo - CO Raleigh-Durham-Cary - NC Rapid City - SD Redding - CA Reno-Sparks - NV Richmond - VA Roanoke - VA Rochester-Batavia-Seneca Falls - NY Sacramento-Arden-Arcade-Truckee - CA-NV Salina - KS Salt Lake City-Ogden-Clearfield - UT San Angelo - TX San Antonio - TX San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos - CA San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland - CA Santa Fe-Espanola - NM Sarasota-Bradenton-Venice - FL Savannah-Hinesville-Fort Stewart - GA Scotts Bluff - NE Scranton--Wilkes-Barre - PA Seattle-Tacoma-Olympia - WA Shreveport-Bossier City-Minden - LA Sioux City-Vermillion - IA-NE-SD Sioux Falls - SD South Bend-Mishawaka - IN-MI Spokane - WA Springfield - IL Springfield - MO St. Louis-St. Charles-Farmington - MO-IL State College - PA Syracuse-Auburn - NY Tallahassee - FL Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater - FL Texarkana - TX-Texarkana - AR Toledo-Fremont - OH Topeka - KS Traverse City - MI Tucson - AZ Tulsa-Bartlesville - OK Tupelo - MS Twin Falls - ID Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News - VA-NC Washington-Baltimore-N.Virginia - DC-MD-VA-WV Waterloo-Cedar Falls - IA Wausau-Merrill - WI Wenatchee - WA Wichita Falls - TX Wichita-Winfield - KS 43 Typology % of rural population PR PR PR PU PR PU PR IN PR PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PU PR PR PR PU PU IN PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PR PU PR PR PR PU PR IN PR PR PR PR PR PR IN IN PR PR PR PR IN 100.0 100.0 100.0 11.9 100.0 49.4 100.0 46.7 100.0 57.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 42.5 71.6 51.6 48.0 100.0 57.4 100.0 29.8 0.0 25.9 100.0 77.6 100.0 100.0 67.2 52.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 52.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 49.4 100.0 77.2 100.0 5.5 100.0 54.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 55.0 100.0 100.0 25.9 24.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 56.9 Table 2. OECD Regional Typology and percentage of rural population, NOG regions Country Code Region Code AUS AUS AUS AUS AU11 AU12 AU13 AU14 AUS AU15 AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS CAN CAN AU16 AU21 AU22 AU23 AU24 AU25 AU26 AU31 AU32 AU33 AU34 AU35 AU36 AU37 AU38 AU41 AU42 AU43 AU51 AU52 AU61 AU62 AU63 AU71 AU81 CA010 CA020 CAN CA030 CAN CA040 CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CA056 CA057 CA110 CA210 CA220 CA230 CA240 CA250 CA310 Typology % of rural population 4% 44% 50% 63% PU IN PR PR 88% PR 64% 8% 37% 64% 70% 87% 94% 10% 9% 45% 75% 51% 55% 49% 67% 3% 83% 84% 20% 68% 60% 49% 45% 52% 1% 29% 100% PR PU IN PR PR PR PR PU PU IN PR PR PR IN PR PU PR PR IN PR PR IN IN PR PU IN PR 100% PR Notre Dame-Central Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador 100% PR Yukon Territory Northwest Territories Prince Edward Island Cape Breton, Nova Scotia North Shore, Nova Scotia Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia Southern, Nova Scotia Halifax, Nova Scotia Campbellton-Miramichi, New Brunswick 100% 100% 63% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR Region Name Sydney Major Statistical Region Hunter Statistical Region Illawarra and South Eastern Statistical Regions Richmond-Tweed and Mid-North Coast Statistical Regions Northern, Far West-North Western and Central West Statistical Regions Murray-Murrumbidgee Statistical Region Melbourne Major Statistical Region Barwon-Western District Statistical Region Central Highlands-Wimmera Statistical Region Loddon-Mallee Statistical Region Goulburn-Ovens-Murray Statistical Region All Gippsland Statistical Region Brisbane Major Statistical Region South and East Moreton Statistical Region North and West Moreton Statistical Region Wide Bay-Burnett Statistical Region Darling Downs-South West Statistical Region Mackay-Fitzroy-Central West Statistical Region Northern-North West Statistical Region Far North Statistical Region Adelaide Major Statistical Region Northern and Western SA Statistical Region Southern and Eastern SA Statistical Region Perth Major Statistical Region Balance of Western Australia Greater Hobart-Southern Statistical Region Sector Northern Statistical Region Sector Mersey-Lyell Statistical Region Sector NORTHERN TERRITORY AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland and Labrador South Coast-Burin Peninsula, Newfoundland and Labrador West Coast-Northern Peninsula-Labrador, Newfoundland and Labrador 44 Country Code Region Code CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CA320 CA330 CA340 CA350 CA410 CA415 CA420 CA425 CA430 CA433 CA435 CA440 CA445 CA450 CA455 CA460 CA465 CA470 CA475 CA480 CA510 CA515 CA520 CA530 CA540 CA550 CA560 CA570 CA580 CA590 CA595 CA610 CA620 CA630 CA640 CA650 CA660 CA670 CA710 CA720 CA730 CA740 CA750 CA810 CA820 CA830 CA840 Region Name Moncton-Richibucto, New Brunswick Saint John-St. Stephen, New Brunswick Fredericton-Oromocto, New Brunswick Edmundston-Woodstock, New Brunswick Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Bas-Saint-Laurent, Quebec Québec, Quebec Chaudière-Appalaches, Quebec Estrie, Quebec Centre-du-Québec, Quebec Montérégie, Quebec Montréal, Quebec Laval, Quebec Lanaudière, Quebec Laurentides, Quebec Outaouais, Quebec Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec Mauricie, Quebec Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec and 490 Côte-Nord and Nord-du-Québec, Quebec Ottawa, Ontario Kingston-Pembroke, Ontario Muskoka-Kawarthas, Ontario Toronto, Ontario Kitchener-Waterloo-Barrie, Ontario Hamilton-Niagara Peninsula, Ontario London, Ontario Windsor-Sarnia, Ontario Stratford-Bruce Peninsula, Ontario Northeast, Ontario Northwest, Ontario Southeast, Manitoba South Central, Manitoba Southwest, Manitoba North Central, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Interlake, Manitoba and 680 Parklands and North, Manitoba Regina-Moose Mountain, Saskatchewan Swift Current-Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Saskatoon-Biggar, Saskatchewan Yorkton-Melville, Saskatchewan and 760 Prince Albert and Northern, Saskatchewan Lethbridge-Medicine Hat, Alberta Camrose-Drumheller, Alberta Calgary, Alberta Banff-Jasper-Rocky Mountain House, Alberta 45 Typology % of rural population 100% 43% 61% 79% 100% 75% 20% 61% 62% 60% 24% 0% 0% 34% 43% 29% 100% 39% 48% 100% 27% 63% 80% 6% 38% 28% 43% 45% 100% 86% 54% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 91% 100% 34% 100% 31% 100% 100% 100% 100% 14% 100% PR IN PR PR PR PR IN PR PR PR IN PU PU IN IN IN PR IN IN PR IN PR PR PU IN IN IN IN PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PU PR PR IN PR IN PR PR PR PR PU PR Country Code Region Code CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CA850 CA860 CA870 CA880 CA910 CA920 CA930 CA940 CA950 CA960 CAN CA980 Typology % of rural population Red Deer, Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Athabasca-Grande Prairie-Peace River, Alberta Wood Buffalo-Cold Lake, Alberta Vancouver Island and Coast, British Columbia Lower Mainland-Southwest, British Columbia Thompson-Okanagan, British Columbia Kootenay, British Columbia Cariboo, British Columbia and 970 North Coast and Nechako, British Columbia 100% 32% 100% 100% 42% 8% 100% 100% 100% 100% PR IN PR PR IN PU PR PR PR PR Northeast, British Columbia 100% PR Region Name NOTES For Canada the following exceptions have been made when calculating the typology for 2006 Census Divisions: CA1209 CA2410 CA2425 CA2429 CA2436 CA2439 CA2443 CA2445 CA2459 CA2493 CA3519 CA3524 CA3525 CA3529 CA3534 CA3536 CA3539 CA3553 Halifax County (Pr=12, CD=9) has a rurality of 100 in 2001 and 2006 but is classified as "intermediate" (consistent with 1986 and 1996) (the 1996 rurality was 31.0) Rimouski-Neigette (Pr=24, CD=10) has a rurality of 100 in 2006 but is classifed as "intermediate" (consistent with 2001) (the 2001 rurality was 36.2). Lévis (Pr=24, CD=25) has a rurality of 0 in 2006 and is re-classifed as "predominantly urban) (in 2001, the components of the Lévis CD were Desjardins (coded as "intermediate" with a rurality of 21.1 and Les Chutes-de-la-Chaudière (coded as "intermediate" with a rurality of 17.5) Beauce-Sartigan (Pr=24, CD=29) has a rurality of 100 in 2006 byt is classified as "intermediate" to be consistent with 2001 (2001 rurality was 48.0). Shawinigan (Pr=24, CD=36) has a rurality of 100 in 2006 but is coded as "intermediate" to be consistent with 2001 (2001 rurality was 28.7) Arthabaska (Pr=24, CD=39) was "predominantly rural" in 1986 became "intermediate" in 1996 and 2001 (2001 rurality=35.7). Sherbrooke (Pr=24, CD=43) has a rurality of 0 in 2006 and is re-classifed as "predominantly urban" (in 2001, the rurality was 42.3 and it was classified as "intermediate"). Memphrémagog (Pr=24, CD=45) was "predominantly rural" in 1986 and 1996 but became intermediate in 2001 (2001 rurality = 46.2). Lajemmerais has a rurality of 16.4 in 2006 but is coded as "predominantly urban" to be consistent with 2001 (2001 rurality was 10.5). Lac-Saint-Jean-Est (Pr=24, CD=93) was "predominantly rural" in 1986 and 1996 but became intermediate in 2001 (2001 rurality = 49.9; 1996 rurality = 50.1) York County (Pr=35, CD=19) was "intermediate" in 1986 and 1996 but became predominantly urban in 2001 (2001 rurality = 13.8; 1996 rurality = 15.7). Halton Regional Municipality (Pr=35, CD=24) was "intermediate" in 1986 and became "predominantly urban" in 1996 and 2001 (2001 rurality=8.4) in 1996 Hamilton (formerly, Hamilton-Wentworth) (Pr=35, CD=25) had a rurality=19.5 in 1996 but was classified in 1996 as "predominantly urban" (consistent with 1986) (in 2001, the rurality=0.0 and thus it is "predominantly urban"). Brant County (Pr=35, CD=29) has a rurality of 100 in 2001 and 2006 but is classified as "intermediate" (consistent with 1986 and 1996) (the 1996 rurality was 20.3) Elgin County (Pr=35, CD34) has rurality of 42.8 in 2006 and is reclassified as "intermediate" from "predominantly rural" (2001 rurality was 100) Chatham-Kent (Pr=35, CD=36) has a rurality = 100 in 2001 and 2006 but is classified as "intermediate" (consistent with 1986 and 1996) (the 1996 rurality was 43.9). Middlesex County (includes city of London, Ontario) (PR=35, CD=39) has a 2006 rurality = 16.6 and a 2001 rurality=16.5 but is classified as "predominantly urban" (consistent with 1986 and 1996). Greater Sudbury (Pr=35, CD=53) has a rurality of 100 in 2001 and 2006 but is classified as "intermediate" (consistent with 1986 and 1996) (the 1996 rurality was 43.9 percent) 46 CA4811 CA5917 CA5921 Alberta Census Division No. 11 (Pr=48, CD=11)(includes city of Edmonton) has a 2006 rurality =32.1 and a 2001 rurality=31.7 but is classified as "predominantly urban" (consistent with 1986 and 1996). Capital Regional District (Pr=59, CD=17) (includes the city of Victoria, B.C.) has a 2006 rurality = 24.2 and a 2001 rurality=23.0 but is classified as "predominantly urban" (consistent with 1986 and 1996). Nanaimo (Pr=59, CD=21) was "predominantly rural" in 1986 and 1996 but became "predominantly urban" in 2001 (2001 rurality = 11.4). For Korea the typology has been updated with 2009 data on population and area. The classification has changed for the following regions: KR013 KR022 KR052 KR071 In 2009 has a rurality of 7.8 and was therefore re-classified from “intermediate” to “Predominantly Urban” Although the rurality is of 17.8 the region was re-classified, applying the 3rd criterion, from “intermediate” to “Predominantly Urban”, as the regions contains an urban centre with a population over a 1 000 000 (Ulsan) Was re-classified from “Predominantly Rural” to “Intermediate” Was re-classified from “Intermediate” to “Predominantly Rural” For France the typology has been revised. The classification has changed for 3 regions (FR511, FR612, FR623), which have been reclassified from “intermediate” to “Predominantly Urban” applying the 3rd criterion as described in the methodology. 47