World Boxing Council Consejo Mundial de Boxeo WBC WEIGHT SCALE WBC Division Peso Oficial / Official Weight Pounds Diferencia entre divisiones Kg. (5%) 7 Días Antes (10%) 30 Días Antes (5%) 7 Days Before (10 %) 30 Days Before Pounds Kg. Pounds Kg WBC División Minimum 105 47.627 0 110 49.895 116 52.617 Mínimo Lightflyweight 108 48.987 1.360 113 51.256 119 53.978 Minimosca Flyweight 112 50.802 1.815 118 53.524 123 55.792 Mosca Superflyweight 115 52.163 1.361 121 54.884 127 57.606 Supermosca Bantamweight 118 53.524 1.361 124 56.245 130 58.967 Gallo Superbantamweight 122 55.338 1.814 128 58.060 134 60.781 Supergallo 126 57.153 1.815 132 59.874 139 63.049 Pluma Superfeatherweight 130 58.967 1.814 137 62.142 143 64.864 Superpluma Lightweight 135 61.235 2.268 142 64.410 149 67.585 Ligero Superlightweight 140 63.503 2.068 147 66.678 154 69.853 Superligero Welterweight 147 66.678 3.175 154 69.853 162 73.482 Welter Superwelterweight 154 69.853 3.175 162 73.482 169 76.657 Superwelter Middleweight 160 72.575 2.722 168 76.204 176 79.832 Medio Supermiddleweight 168 76.204 3.629 176 79.832 185 83.915 Supermedio Lightheavyweight 175 79.379 3.175 184 83.461 193 87.543 Semicompleto Cruiserweight 200 90.719 11.34 210 95.254 220 99.790 Crucero Featherweight Heavyweight Over 200 With no limit Difference between divisions Over 200 With no limit Over 200 With no limit Completo