Dear Anja, as you told me in the previous mail, I`m sending the

Dear Anja,
as you told me in the previous mail, I'm sending the reporting of the Peruvian IGF.
1. Full names with affiliations and stakeholder groups of the members of the initiative:
Mesías Guevara (Congressman - Government)
Milagros Castañón (Public Affairs Minister - Government)
Raúl Solórzano (Academy)
Nino Boggio (Entel - Private Sector)
Juan José Miranda (APESOFT - Tech Communities)
Marta Ortega (ONGAWA - Civil Society)
Miguel Morachimo (Hiperderecho - Civil Society)
2. A list of main organizers comprising representatives of at least three different stakeholder
Mesías Guevara (Congress - Government)
Miguel Morachimo (NGO Hiperderecho - Civil Society)
Juan José Miranda (APESOFT – Tech Communities)
Nino Boggio (Entel - Private Sector)
3. A dedicated webpage or website, with a contact person and a working email address:
Contact: Carlos Guerrero –
a. Description of the organizing process
The agenda for this edition was defined based on the results of a public poll conducted between
February and March of 2016. More than 500 users voted. Then, main members of the initiative
formed a program committee composed of representatives of various public and private institutions.
This Committee was responsible for defining the agenda and invite panelists.
Finally, they instructed the NGO Hiperderecho to take on charge the event logistics.
b. Description of how the multistakeholder model is maintained
In order to create an Internet Governance Forum that meets the principles of open, inclusive, noncommercial, and multi-stakeholder participation; we established a dialogue with other organizations
interested in participating in the event. After the meetings we reached a consensus on the place,
date and agenda of the forum.
With the purpose to reflect the principal issues of the country about Internet, we opened a process
of public consultation of two months. In this consultation, users voted for topics of their interest or
for a previously proposed theme.
When the public consultation was closed, top issues met in different categories and organizers sent
their proposals for panelists, always looking for that in each category there was a balance between
The event was open to the public, free of charge and was widely disseminated in digital media.
At the end of the conference, the videos of all debates were posted on the official website of the
c. The published agenda
Also, the agenda is published on the website (
9:30 am
10:00 am – 11:30 am
Infraestructure and Access
Nino Boggio (Entel, Sector Privado)
Mesias Guevara (Congreso de la República, Gobierno)
Luis Montes (Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones, Gobierno)
Juan Pacheco (Asociación para el Fomento de la Infraestructura Nacional, Sector Privado)
Mario Zúñiga (Contribuyentes por Respeto, Sociedad Civil)
11:30 am – 11:45 am
Coffee break
11:45 am – 1:15 pm
Digital Rights
Elaine Ford (Demoracia & Desarrollo Internacional, Sociedad Civil)
Hector Figari (Microsoft, Sector Privado)
Miguel Morachimo (Hiperderecho, Sociedad Civil)
Marta Ortega (Ongawa, Ingeniería para el Desarrollo Humano, Sociedad Civil)
Abel Revoredo (Revoredo Abogados, Sector Privado)
1:15 pm – 3:00 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Innovation and Internet Market
Walter Curioso (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica, Gobierno)
Victor Gonzalez (Google, Sector Privado)
Sandro Marcone (Instituto para la Sociedad de la Información, Sociedad Civil)
Juan José Miranda (Asociación Peruana de Software y Tecnologías, Sector Privado)
Jose Miguel Porto (Montezuma & Porto Abogados, Sector Privado)
Maite Vizcarra (Experta en Desarrollo de Proyectos TIC e Innovación, Sector Privado)
4:30 pm – 4:45 pm
Coffee break
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
TICs and Internet Governance
Maritza Aguero (Secretaria para la Región de Latinoamérica y el Caribe de los usuarios finales de
Intenet, Sociedad Civil)
Milagros Castañón (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Gobierno)
Paul Deza (Cámara Peruana de Tecnologías de la Información, Sector Privado)
Carlos Guerrero (Hiperderecho, Sociedad Civil)
Erick Iriarte (Internet Society Perú, Sociedad Civil)
d. The total number of attendees and a break down of attendance for each stakeholder group
at the IGF initiatives meetings (if you already had a meeting of your initiative)
Alan Ramírez García
Antonio Cucho Gamboa
Civil Society
Christian David Timoteo Gutiérrez
Civil Society
Cristhian Northcote Sandoval
Private Sector
Damaris Arbieto Aviles
Civil Society
Gabriela Paliza
Civil Society
Javier Hayashi
Civil Society
Jorge Copello
Civil Society
Leticia Correa Silva
Civil Society
Miguel Morachimo
Civil Society
Oscar linera
Civil Society
Renzo Leonardo Valencia Cornejo Academy
Ricardo Pedraza
Roberto Gustavo Huaitalla Huaman Tech Communities
Ronald Castillo Torre
Private Sector
Sandro Marcone
Civil Society
Saul Levi Esau Gomez Rondinel
Civil Society
Veronica Roose
Civil Society
Yeison David Roa Valderrama
Ximena Cuba
Jackzeel Benites
Simon Saavedra
Erick Iriarte
Civil Society
Martin Borgioli
Civil Society
Carlos Guerrero
Civil Society
Harry Ospina
Private Sector
Abel Revoredo
Private Sector
Ana Benites
Ivonne Benites
Israel Apaza
Elaine Ford
Civil Society
Brian Towsend
Private Sector
Veronica Roose
Civil Society
Francisco Biber
Civil Society
Jose Gallegos
Victor Gonzalez
Private Sector
Luis Felipe Calvimontes
Veronica Arroyo
Civil Society
Paul Deza
Private Sector
Milagros Castañon
Alan Ramirez
Renzo Valencia
Maritza Agüero
Civil Society
40 Attendees
1 1
Civil Society
Private Sector
“NN” were the attendees that refused to write their affiliation.
Tech Communities