
Instituto de Economía, 1375 Joaquin Requena Street, Post Code: 11200, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Phone number: (+598) 24001369, e-mail:
Personal Information
Full Name: Ronald Miranda Lescano
Date of Birth: 20 November 1985
Passport: 03.905.935-5
City: Montevideo
Country: Uruguay
2013 – Present.
Master´s Degree in Economics (FCEyA - UdelaR)
Status: In course
Certificate awarded: Diploma in Economics (2014)
2004 – 2012.
Bachelor of Arts (FCEyA - UdelaR)
Degree in Economics
Professional Experience
09/2011 – Present.
Researcher Assistant in the Instituto de Economía (IECON), FCEyA, UdelaR.
I am working in the Macroeconomics Analysis Research Group and Natural Resources, Environmental and Agricultural
Economics Group in the IECON. In the Macroeconomics Analysis Research Group I make monthly inflation forecasts for
the Uruguay Central Bank survey and I have just finished a book as co-author about of the economic policy in Uruguay in
the period 2000-2014. In the Natural Resources, Environmental and Agricultural Economics Group I am working in a
model of land use. Others tasks in my position is teaching in an undergraduate course: Introduction to Economics, FCEyA,
Others universitarian works:
2009 - 2011.
Lab assistant in the Computer Department at FCEyA (UdelaR).
2009 - 2010.
Assistant Professor of Introductory Course at FCEyA (UdelaR).
Administrative intern at Facultad de Ingeniería (UdelaR).
Assistant Professor in the Unit of Professor Support at FCEyA.
No universitarian work.
07/2009 – 08/2011.
Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE)
I worked in the Division of Economic Statistics as Analyst-Critical of surveys in different areas: Business Expectations,
Capacity Utilization of Industrial Production, Index of Physical Volume of Industrial Production, Index of Physical Volume
of Construction.
Additional Skills
Languages: Spanish (native language), English (intermediate, in course IELTS).
Computer skills: Econometric and statistics software (Eviews, R, Gretl, Demetra, Spss) & Others software
(Windows, Microsoft Office, Latex).
Other Courses
Climate change, biodiversity and policy analysis. Workshop organized by the LACEEP (Latin American and
Caribbean Environmental Economics Program) and CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher
Education), Nicaragua.
Microeconomic project evaluation. Unidad de Perfeccionamiento y Actualización de Egresados (UPAE), FCEyA,
UdelaR, Uruguay.
Understanding the Uruguayan economic situation: Main indicators and trends. UPAE, FCEyA, UdelaR, Uruguay.
Banking preparation and administration (Casa de la Cultura - Colonia, Uruguay).
Assistant accounting and banking preparation (Casa de la Cultura – Colonia, Uruguay).
Academic Publications
García, S., Leiva, A., Miranda, R., Mordecki, G. & Rodriguez, S. (2015). Crisis, recuperación y auge: 15 años de política
económica en Uruguay (200-2014). Instituto de Economía, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y de Administración,
Universidad de la República. Montevideo: Manosanta.
Miranda, R. & Mordecki, G. (2015). Real exchange rate volatility impact on exports: A comparative study 1990-2013. Serie
Documentos de Trabajo, DT 18/2015. Instituto de Economía, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administración,
Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
Couriel, A., Miranda, R., Mordecki, G., Porras, S., Ramírez, L. & Rodríguez, S. (2014). Estudios sobre inversión,
crecimiento y la calidad del empleo. Documento de trabajo 1. Red del Mercosur.
Miranda, R. (2012). Co-author of the Chapter “Política Macroeconómica y sus resultados”. Informe de Coyuntura Uruguay
2011-2012. Montevideo: Macroeconomics Analysis Group of the Instituto de Economía, FCEyA, UdelaR, pp. 67 85.
Miranda, R. (2011). Co-author of the Chapter “Política Macroeconómica y sus resultados”. Informe de Coyuntura para
suscriptores. Montevideo: Macroeconomics Analysis Group of the Instituto de Economía, FCEyA, UdelaR. Edition
October and December 2011.
Presentation of “Real exchange rate volatility impact on exports: A comparative study 1990-2013” in:
XXX Jornadas Anuales de Economía del Banco Central del Uruguay. Uruguay Central Bank, August 2015,
Montevideo, Uruguay.
II Jornadas Argentinas de Econometría. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires,
September 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Volunteer Work
Participation in the Program of "Food Sovereignty". The development of the comprehensive program was one of the most
important objectives of the Strategic Plan of the Universidad de la República for the period 2006 - 2010. It expected to
contribute, from the University, to solving emerging problems in reality, through the interdisciplinary work and the
articulation of the three university functions (teaching, research, extension), with the participation of teachers, students,
alumni and social players involved in the search for joint alternatives that will achieve a better quality of life for the
community. I did surveys in neighborhoods with critical nutritional levels.