David Alonso Monge - IFT UAM/CSIC: members

David Alonso Monge
Denys Wilkinson Building
Keble Road
Oxford, OX1 3RH, United Kingdom
Phone: (+44) (0)1865 283028
Cell: (+44) (0)7831544338
E-mail: david.alonso@astro.ox.ac.uk
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. (web)
B. Sc. in Physics (September, 2004 - June, 2009) (9.23/10 - first in my year)
M. Sc. in Theoretical Physics (September, 2009 - October, 2011) (9.21/10)
• Master Thesis: “Inhomogeneity in the Universe: observational cosmology and
the nature of dark energy”. Advisor: Juan Garcı́a-Bellido. (9.5/10)
Ph. D. in theoretical Physics (September, 2010 - June, 2013)
• Thesis: “Observational cosmology with galaxy surveys”. Advisor: Juan Garcı́aBellido.
Cosmology (large scale structure, alternative dark energy models, computational
cosmology, observational cosmology).
Fundamental Physics (general relativity, quantum field theory, particle physics).
Mathematics (differential geometry, group theory, functional analysis, statistics).
and grants
Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the Beecroft Institute of Particle Astrophysics
and Cosmology, at Oxford University
• Name: Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Theoretical Cosmology
Period: 2+1 years (October 2013 - October 2015)
Supervisor: Joanna Dunkley and Pedro Gil Ferreira
Place: Beecroft Institut of Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
• Name: JAE-Predoc [Ph. D. scholarship]
Period: 4 years (October 2009 - October 2013)
Given by: Spanish Research Council (CSIC)
Supervisor: Dr. Juan Garcı́a-Bellido
Place: Instituto de Fı́sica Teórica. Facultad de Ciencias - UAM
• Name: Ayuda para estancias breves [Research stay grant]
Period: 4 months (March 2011 - June 2011)
Given by: Spanish Research Council (CSIC)
Supervisor: Dr. John A. Peacock
Place: Institute for Astronomy - Royal Observatory of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
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• Name: CERN Summer Student Programme
Period: 13 weeks (June - September 2009)
Given by: Organisation europenne pour la recherche nuclaire (CERN)
Supervisor: Dr. Maurizio Pierini
Place: CMS Experiment, CERN, Switzerland
Project title: “Reproduction of the noise in CMS calorimeters by MC simulations”
• Name: Beca de Colaboración [Research collaboration grant - undergraduate level]
Period: 1 year (2008 - 2009)
Given by: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (MEC)
Supervisor: Dr. Juan Garcı́a-Bellido
Place: Departamento de Fı́sica Teórica. Facultad de Ciencias, UAM
• Name: JAE-Intro [Introduction to research for undergraduates]
Period: 2 months (July - September 2008)
Given by: Spanish Research Council (CSIC)
Supervisor: Dr. Juan Garcı́a-Bellido
Place: Instituto de Fı́sica Teórica - UAM
• Name: Diploma de Excelencia [Excellence Diplomma - undergraduate level]
Period: 1 year (2006 - 2007)
Given by: Comunidad de Madrid
Supervisor: Dr. Juan Garcı́a-Bellido
Place: Departamento de Fı́sica Teórica. Facultad de Ciencias, UAM
• Name: Beca de Excelencia [Excellence Scholarship - undergraduate level]
Period: 1 year (2005 - 2006)
Given by: Comunidad de Madrid
Supervisor: Dr. Juan Garcı́a-Bellido
Place: Departamento de Fı́sica Teórica. Facultad de Ciencias, UAM
• Name: Beca de Excelencia [Excellence Scholarship - undergraduate level]
Period: 1 year (2004 - 2005)
Given by: Comunidad de Madrid
Supervisor: Dr. Rafael Pérez Casero.
Place: Departamento de Fı́sica Aplicada. Facultad de Ciencias, UAM
• Name: Premio Extraordinario de Fin de Carrera [Awarded yearly by the university
to the first student in each degree]
Awarded by: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Year: 2009
• Name: 8o Certamen Universitario Arquı́medes de Introducción a la Investigación
Cientı́fica, “Premio Especial Año de la Astronomı́a”. [Yearly national science award
- special IYA prize]
Project title: “Naturaleza de la Energı́a Oscura: Modelos LTB en Cosmologı́a”
Awarded by: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (MEC)
Year: 2009
• Name: Matrı́cula de Honor de Bachillerato [Honors degree in high school]
Awarded by: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (MEC)
Year: 2004
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• Name: 15th Spanish Physics Olympiad - Bronze Medal
Awarded by: Sociedad Española de Fı́sica [Spanish Physics Association]
Year: 2004
• Name: Spring Math Contest - finalist.
Awarded by: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
Year: 2004
• Name: Spring Math Contest - finalist.
Awarded by: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
Year: 2002
• Name: Spring Math Contest - finalist.
Awarded by: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
Year: 2000
Alonso D., Eardley E., Peacock J. (2014). “Halo abundances within the cosmic web”.
Alonso D., Ferreira P.G., Santos M.G. (2014). “Fast simulations for intensity mapping
experiments”. arXiv:1405.1751.
Alonso D., Bueno Belloso A., Sánchez F. J., Garcı́a-Bellido J., Sánchez E. “Measuring
the transition to homogeneity with photometric redshift surveys”. MNRAS, 440:10.
Sánchez E., Alonso D., Sánchez F. J., Garcı́a-Bellido J., Sevilla I. (2012). “Precise measurement of the radial Baryon Acoustic Oscillation scales in galaxy redshift surveys”.
MNRAS, 434:2008.
Alonso D. (2012). “CUTE solutions for two-point correlation functions from large cosmological datasets”. arXiv:1210.1833 [astro-ph.IM].
Alonso D., Garcı́a-Bellido J., Haugbølle T., Knebe A. (2012). “Halo abundances and
shear in void models”. Phys.Dark Univ. 1:24.
Alonso D., Garcı́a-Bellido J., Haugbølle T., Vicente J. (2010). “Large Scale Structure
simulations of inhomogeneous LTB models”. PRD, 82:123530.
Sánchez E., Carnero A., Garcı́a-Bellido J., Gaztañaga E., de Simoni F., Crocce M, Cabre
A., Fosalba P., Alonso D. (2011). “Tracing the sound horizon scale with photometric
redshift surveys”. MNRAS, 411:277.
• (2000 - 2009) High school tutor (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English).
• (2011, 1 semester) Teaching assistant of Physics III (special relativity and quantum
mechanics for 1st year undergraduates) at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
• (2012 - 2013, 1 semester) Teaching assistant of Mathematical Methods I (ODEs, 2nd
year) at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Talks given
• Title: “Lognormal mock catalogs for large-scale structure”
Event(s): Dark Energy Survey collaboration meeting (University of Barcelona,
Spain, October 2013).
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• Title: “Simulations of LTB cosmologies”
Event(s): Euclid joint CSWG-THWG meeting (University of Oxford, Oxford, UK,
March 2013).
• Title: “Measuring homogeneity with DES”
Event(s): Dark Energy Survey collaboration meeting (University of Texas A&M,
College Station, USA, December 2012).
• Title: “Precise measurement of the radial BAO scale in galaxy redshift surveys”
Event(s): Coffee Talk at the Institute for Astronomy (Royal Observatory of Edinburgh, UK, November 2012).
• Title: “Halo abundances and shear in void models”
Event(s): 7th Iberian Cosmology Meeting (University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, April 2012). Modern Cosmology: Early Universe, CMB and LSS (CCBPP,
Benasque, Spain, August 2012).
• Title: “LSS simulations of inhomogeneous LTB void models”
Event(s): Dark Energy Survey collaboration meeting (University Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, USA, October 2011).
Seminars given
• Title: “Measuring the transition to homogeneity with photometric redshift surveys”
Place: Imperial College London, United Kingtom. March 2014.
• Title: “Measuring the transition to homogeneity with photometric redshift surveys”
Place: University of the Western Cape, South Africa, February 2014.
• Title: “Halo abundances and shear in void models”
Place: University of Helsinki, Finland, February 2012.
• Title: “Precise measurement of the radial BAO scale in galaxy redshift surveys”
Place: University of Geneva, Switzerland, November 2012.
and workshops
• Title: “PACT 2013”
Place: Instituto de Fı́sica Teórica UAM-CSIC
Date: October 2013
Participation: participant
• Title: “Euclid joint CSWG-THWG meeting ”
Place: University of Oxford
Date: March 2013
Participation: speaker
• Title: “Workshop on Cosmological Tests of Gravity ”
Place: University of Oxford
Date: March 2013
Participation: participant
• Title: “DES Collaboration Meeting ”
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Place: University of Texas A&M
Date: December 2012
Participation: speaker
• Title: “Modern Cosmology: Early Universe, CMB and LSS”
Place: Benasque Center for Science
Date: August 2012
Participation: young speaker
• Title: “DES Collaboration Meeting ”
Place: Ludwig-Maximilians Universität
Date: May 2012
Participation: participant
• Title: “VIIth Iberian Cosmology Meeting”
Place: University of Lisbon
Date: April 2012
Participation: speaker
• Title: “DES Collaboration Meeting ”
Place: University Pennsylvania
Date: October 2011
Participation: speaker
• Title: “COSMO 11”
Place: University of Porto
Date: August 2011
Participation: participant
• Title: “The Nature of Dark Energy”
Place: UAM
Date: May 2011
Participation: participant
• Title: “Modern Cosmology: Early Universe, CMB and LSS”
Place: Benasque Center for Science
Date: August 2010
Participation: participant
• Title: “Taller de Altas Energı́as”
Place: UAM
Date: July 2008
Participation: participant
Computer skills.
• Operating systems: UNIX/Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X.
• Programming languages: C, C++, Fortran, python, Unix shell.
• Parallel programming: OpenMP, CUDA (parallelization on graphics cards), MPI.
• Cosmological software: Gadget-2, 2LPT-IC, CAMB, CUTE.
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• Other scientific software: IDL, ROOT, Mathematica, Octave, Matlab, Maple,
• Other: SQL, basic web design, html, LATEX, Microsoft Office.
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Language skills.
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