Panorama de negocios en Estados Unidos Presentado por: Daniel Simó Director de las oficinas SPRI en EEUU The land area of the contiguous United States is approximately 1.9 billion acres (770 million hectares) United States is third in size behind Russia and China, just ahead of Canada To the east the climate ranges from humid continental in the north to humid subtropical in the south. The southern tip of Florida is tropical, as is Hawaii. The Great Plains west are semi-arid. Much of the Western mountains are alpine. Alaska is subarctic or polar. Extreme weather is not The United States is a federal union of fifty states. The original thirteen states were the successors of the thirteen colonies that rebelled against British rule. Most of the other states have been carved from territories obtained through war or purchase by the U.S. government. One set of exceptions comprises Vermont, Texas, and Hawaii: each was an independent republic before joining the union. During the American Civil War, West Virginia broke away from Virginia USA: Emerging industries Clean energy technologies • Solar power • Photovoltaic power • Wind Power Biotechnology Mass/Public transportation USA: Stable industries Automotive Machine tool Electronics Pharmaceutical The United States has a capitalist mixed economy, which is fueled by abundant natural resources, a well-developed infrastructure, and high productivity According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $15.4 trillion constitutes 28% of the gross world product at market exchange rates. It has the largest national GDP in the world, though it is about 5% less than the GDP of the European Union. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita The United States is the largest importer of goods and third largest exporter Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt, having surpassed China in early 2010. The United States ranks second in the Global Competitiveness Report. In 2011, the private sector was estimated to constitute 55.3% of the economy, with federal government activity accounting for 24.1% and state and local government activity (including federal transfers) the remaining 20.6%. The economy is postindustrial, with the service sector contributing 67.8% of GDP, though the United States remains an industrial power. The leading business field by gross business receipts is wholesale and retail trade; Net income it is manufacturing. Chemical products are the leading manufacturing field. The United States is the third largest producer of oil in the world, as well as its largest importer. It is the world's number one producer of electrical and nuclear energy, as well as liquid natural gas, sulfur, phosphates, and salt. Agriculture accounts for just under 1% of GDP, the United States is the world's top producer of corn and soybeans. The New York Stock Exchange is the world's largest by dollar volume. Coca-Cola and McDonald's are the two most recognized brands in the world. In August 2010, the American labor force comprised 154.1 million people. With 21.2 million people, government is the leading field of employment. The largest private employment sector is health care and social assistance, with 16.4 million people. About 12% of workers are unionized, compared to 30% in Western Europe. The World Bank ranks the United States first in the ease of hiring and firing workers. In 2009, the United States had the third highest labor productivity per person in the world, behind Luxembourg and Norway. Compared to Europe, U.S. property and corporate income tax rates are generally higher, while labor and, particularly, consumption tax rates are lower. According to the United States Census Bureau, the pretax median household income in 2012 was $49,000. The median ranged from $65,469 among Asian American households to $32,584 among African American households. In 2012, 38 million Americans lived in poverty. A 2011 UNICEF study of children's well-being in twentyone industrialized nations ranked the United States next to last. Despite strong increases in productivity, low unemployment, and low inflation, income gains since 1980 have been slower than in previous decades, The top 1% pays 27.6% of all federal taxes; the top 10% pays 54.7%. The richest 10% of the adult population possesses 69.8% of the country's household wealth, The top 1% possesses 33.4% of net wealth. The U.S. Census Bureau projects the country's population to be 314,497,000, including an estimated 11.2 million illegal immigrants. The third most populous nation in the world, after China and India, With a birth rate of 13.82 per 1,000, 30% below the world average In fiscal year 2011, 1 million immigrants were granted legal residence Mexico has been the leading source of new residents for over two decades; since 1998, China, India, and the Philippines have been in the top four sending countries every year. White Americans are the largest racial group; German Americans, Irish Americans, and English Americans constitute three of the country's four largest ancestry groups. African Americans are the nation's largest racial minority and third largest ancestry group The population growth of Hispanic and Latino Americans is a major demographic trend. The 46.9 million Americans of Hispanic descent, 64% of Hispanic Americans are of Mexican descent. The average Hispanic woman gives birth to 3.0 children in her lifetime, compared to 2.2 for nonHispanic black women and 1.8 for non-Hispanic white women Between 2000 and 2008, the country's Hispanic population increased 32% while the non-Hispanic population rose just 4.3 About 82% of Americans live in urban areas about half of those reside in cities with populations over 50,000 !" # $% ! % #%#& ! %#% )% $ & " ) #* (# #& # +& ' (& (% +*# #. /" " " ! ! , !' (& 0#" " # 1 + # -% % , &" 23 ' (& 7 4 )# (4 # # $ 23 ' (& '#5-1 #4$ $#" % 5.# ) #* 1 ' (& ( % ,+& $& # , ' -$ (4 %" #$ " .#+#5$ ,"5%& 06 ' 0 ' (& %" % ! (% !" #$ %& ' (& ( *% $ ' # (4 (4 & "# #(# $ (. 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SPRI: BALANCE 2011 y 2012 POR AREAS Proyectos por Áreas Geográficas (Distribución %) 2011 2012 Europa 46 36 Asia 15 19 América latina 17 16 Nafta 10 15 África y Oriente Medio 13 15 422 502 Área TOTAL PROYECTOS Links to information resources ep=1&isuri=1 Gracias por su atención SPRI Office in Philadelphia 1818 Market St., 24th Floor – Suite 3310 Philadelphia – 19103 Pennsylvania, USA Tel: +1 215 239 6270 Fax: +1 215 239 6277 Delegado: Daniel Simo Rble Área: Gontzal Barasorda Muchas gracias Eskerrik asko