1.1 – SANFIC11, Santiago Festival Internacional de Cine (Santiago
International Film Festival), organized by CorpArtes Foundation and
Storyboard Media, will be held from AUGUST 25th to 30th, 2015.
1.2 - Submissions are open to fiction and documentary Chilean and
International feature films, and also to Chilean short films. All the
productions must be completed after February 1st, 2014. Submission is
free of charge.
1.3 - Screening formats:
a The accepted screening digital formats for feature films are: DCP
(Digital Cinema Package) and Blu-ray Disc. In the case of the Blu-ray
Disc format, the right to check its technical quality is reserved by the
b In the case of other digital formats not specified before, the festival
may have the right to analyze every case, and also to decide what the
festival thinks can be the most convenient for its exhibition at SANFIC.
c For short films, the accepted screening format is: a file Quicktime Apple
ProRes 422 or superior with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. Other
screening formats will not be accepted.
1.4 - SANFIC gives priority to Chilean and International premieres.
1.5 - Selected films will be screened in their original version.
For Foreign feature films:
A screening print with Spanish subtitles will be preferred. If not, an English
subtitled print will be required (unless English is the original language of
the film).
For Chilean feature films:
A screening digital copy with English subtitles will be required.
For Chilean short films:
A screening digital copy with English subtitles will be required.
1.6 - The rights holders of the film (foreign and chilean feature films, and
chilean short films) must send the entry forms, duly completed and
signed before May 15th, 2015. By doing so, the right holder fully
acknowledges and accepts the present regulations.
2.1 - SANFIC has three Official Competitive Categories:
a. International Competition: from first to fifth films, foreign or chilean, for
both fiction and documentary feature films.
b. Chilean Cinema Competition: fiction and documentary feature films with
Chilean production.
c. Chilean Short Films / Local Talent Competition: fiction and documentary
short films with Chilean production, with a maximum length of 30 minutes.
The SANFIC Programmers Committee selects the films for the categories.
The Chilean films in competition must have, at least, their Chilean
premier within SANFIC.
2.2 - SANFIC's organization names the members of the jury. The jury’s
composition is as follows:
a. International Competition: to be composed of a minimum of 3 members,
among which 2/3 at least must be foreign to the organizing country.
b. Chilean Cinema Competition: to be composed of a minimum of 3
members, among which 2/3 at least must be foreign to the organizing
c. Chilean Short Films / Local Talent Competition: to be composed of a
minimum of 3 members, among which 2/3 at least must be foreign to the
organizing country.
d. Those persons who have interests in the production or exploitation of the
films screened in competition, will not be allowed to be part of the juror.
e. The juror's votes will be secret and simple majority will take the decisions.
A representative from SANFIC may attend the juror's deliberations, with no
right to vote.
Members of the juror are forbidden to express publicly their opinions
regarding the films submitted to their consideration, before the official grant
of the awards. Any conflict not foreseen in the present
regulations will be solved by SANFIC's organization.
2.3 - The awards the jurors will grant are:
International Competition:
Best Film
Best Director
Chilean Cinema Competition:
Best Film
Best Director
Best Actor/actress
Chilean Short Films / Local Talent Competition:
Best Film
The Juries of the International, Chilean and Chilean Short Films / Local Talent
Competition, will be allowed to propose special mentions, with a limit of
three. Also, no film can receive more than two awards.
2.4 - Producers of the winning films, must mention the award in every
publicity and promotional material, including SANFIC’s logo (available
on SANFIC's web page).
2.5 - After accepting the invitation to participate in any of the
competitive categories, the film cannot be withdrawn from SANFIC and
cannot be exhibited in Chile before SANFIC (considering any diffusion
platform, including internet and others).
SANFIC has trhee ways for films submission, and the applicants (producers or
filmmakers from the submitted films) should send the material before May
15th, 2015.
3.1- Online Film Submission Platform: The platform Festhome: The Online Film
Festival Submission Centre, worldwide acknowledged, is a film distribution
and submission service (feature and short films) via internet that offers a high
online screening quality (until 2000 kbps); this system will be
available for the
automatic application and submission for SANFIC 11. The producer or
filmmaker may register
his film through the web, where it can find all the
necessary information for the application and submission, including the entry
form, how to upload the screener video, etc.
3.2 - Submission via mail: The film's producer is commited to send to the mail the following materials:
a. Completed, signed and scanned entry form.
b. Link of the web site where the film is completely uploaded in a high
quality for the online preview. In addition, is necessary to indicate the secret
password to access to the film, exclusively fot the festival's programmers; all
of them will be commited to not spread it out of the festival.
c. Synopsis of the film in Spanish and/or English.
In the subject of the mail, the producer must indicate: Application SANFIC 11.
In the message it must indicate: name of the person in charge of the film's
application, name of the filmmaker, title of the film, running time, country of
the film. In addition, the scanned entry form, the link and password.
3.3- Traditional submission: The producers of the submitted films must send by
mail to SANFIC the following material:
Completed and signed Entry Form.
One DVD of the film, in its original language with English or Spanish
subtitles. The DVD must be properly labeled with the title of the film,
director's name, length, format, subtitling (if any). Must also indicate if
the submission is a final cut, a rough cut or a Work in Progress.
A printed synopsis of the film in Spanish and/or English.
3.4- Send of materials: If the film is selected, it will also be requested:
A statement of the director, in English or Spanish.
Biography and filmography of the director.
Full cast and credits list.
One or more stills from the film.
f. Poster and/ or Press booklet/ EPK (if available).
Selected films will have to send, prior to June 22nd, 2015:
A print of the selected film.
A subtitle and dialogue list in the case that is required by the festival.
A technical spec sheet.
3.4 - In case of failure, loss or print damage, any claim should be forwarded
to SANFIC within a month after the receiving date of the materials. No claim
will be accepted after this period.
3.5 – In the case of foreign films or from chilean regions, all submissions,
documentation and requested materials must be sent, fully prepaid by the
sender to:
▪ By ordinary (air) mail:
SANFIC 11, Santiago Festival Internacional de Cine
Programming Office
Víctor Hendrych 361
Zip/Postal Code: 750-1401
▪ By express courier: Please mention "without commercial value, for cultural
purposes only"
SANFIC 11, Santiago Festival Internacional de Cine
Programming Office
Víctor Hendrich 361
Zip/Postal Code: 750-1401
Phone Number: (56) (2) 26341018
▪ Producers or filmmakers living in Santiago, may bring directly the entry
form, materials and copies of the film in the festival's offices, from Monday to
Friday, 10:00 to 18:00 hours:
SANFIC 11, Santiago Festival Internacional de Cine
Programming Office
Víctor Hendrich 361
Zip/Postal Code: 750-1401
Phone Number: (56) (2) 26341018
3.6 –SANFIC Selection Committee is not obliged to see films submitted out of
3.7 - None of the additional materials sent to the selection of the film will be
4.1 –With the purpose of publishing the catalogue correctly, SANFIC must
receive -from each selected film- a duly completed Entry Form and
requested materials (DVD, synopsis of the film, director’s biography and
filmography, a selection of stills from the film, and a full list of artistic and
technical credits). Once accepted the festival's invitation, these materials
should be sent/submitted as soon as possible.
4.2 - The catalogue editorial content is entirely discretional of SANFIC’s
4.3 - In addition to the screenings in cinemas, the chilean short films selected
in the Local Talent Competition will be screened in different universities of
Santiago, during the days of the festival, in SANFIC Cortos (SANFIC Short
Films), free activity focused in the spreading of this audiovisual format in the
student field.
5.1 - The producers of the films participating in SANFIC are requested to send
separately an adequate amount of press kits or EPK and
stills to be used by SANFIC Press Office, for its distribution to the press and
SANFIC’s guests.
5.2 - After the official selection of a film, SANFIC is qualified to use stills and
excerpts from the film with a maximum length of 3 minutes, for promotional
purposes. The SANFIC’s website may include graphical material and any
promotional support that SANFIC considers suitable. In the event that
excerpts are not available, SANFIC is qualified to copy one or more excerpts
from the film, for promotional use during the festival.
5.3 – SANFIC will be able to use excerpts of the winning or jurors mention films
-of a maximum of 3 minutes- and photos, for promotional use, after finished
SANFIC, until the festival considers it suitable.
5.4 - Industry Office / Video Library: Producers of the films selected by SANFIC
will be requested to make available 3 extra DVD of the films, to be used by
the Video Library and Industry Office. The Video Library is accessible only for
registered guests of SANFIC.
6.1 - Detailed print/video or digital copies shipment information will follow
once the film is invited to SANFIC.
6.2 - Unless authorized by SANFIC, the print/video or digital copy must be
made available for the entire period of SANFIC. The print/video must arrive to
Santiago before June 22nd, 2015. The sender is requested to inform to
SANFIC on the means of dispatch, date of shipment and airway bill number.
6.3 - The film must be sent prepaid by the sender. No collect shipments are
accepted unless authorized by SANFIC. SANFIC will pay for the return
transportation charges, excluding any additional costs for tax and custom
clearance in the country of return.
6.4 - The print/video or digital copy must be accompanied by a pro-forma
invoice, stating the name of the sender, the title of the film, format, length
and number of reels.
6.5 - All prints will be returned within four weeks after SANFIC, unless
stipulated. It is the responsibility of each participant to inform prior the
beginning of SANFIC, the details for the return of the prints (address and
desired date of arrival).
6.6 - The Festival only will be responsible in case of loss or damage of a digital
copy during the limit of the value indicated by the producer in the entry
As a festival framework from 25th to 30th August, there will be a section
called SANFIC ON DEMAND composed of films and short films that are
selected for the 2015 version.
SANFIC ON DEMAND will work under the platform of Chilean satellite TV
operator for the Pan American territory (excluding Brazil, Mexico and USA). In
this exclusive section SANFIC 11, members of this channel can have access
to movies on SANFIC ON DEMAND paying for every display. The exhibition
film rights receive a percentage of the amount collected according to the
times that the film is watched.
According to this terms, the movies which agree to be part of the SANFIC ON
DEMAND section, shall declare in the application form (registration) to select
SANFIC 2015 and agreeing to be part of this section (ON DEMAND), at the
time of being selected the benefits and contractual specifications will be
sent along with the ones that carries being a participant on this part of the
Participation in SANFIC implies the acceptance of the present regulation. In
case of any conflict, SANFIC preserves its sovereignty, abiding to the FIAPF
regulations regarding the expressions of international cinema.s de cine