LIFE TRIVERS LIFE13 ENV/ES/000341 Implementing the Water Framework Directive to temporary rivers: tools for the assessment of their ecological status Objectives, Participants, Summary of the project, deliverables, Timetable, Overall Organization of the project and Meetings Agenda. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT The main objective of the project is to improve the management of temporary streams and rivers (TRs), by providing the European River Basin Authorities and relevant stakeholders with an operational tested software tool (TREHS, Temporal Rivers Ecological and Hydrological Status) designed to sound implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) to this kind of water bodies. PARTICIPANTS Coordinating Institution: Departament d’Ecologia, Universitat de Barcelona (DEUB-UB). Member s of the consortia: IDAEA, CSIC, Barcelona (CSIC) Agència Catalana de l’Aigua, Barcelona (ACA) Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar, València (CHJ). THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM TARGETED AND MAIN RESULTS The environmental problem targeted is the evaluation of the Ecological Status in Temporary rivers according to the figure in the Annex I. The scientific issues relevant to the LIFE TRIVERS project were, for the most part, studied in the FP7 MIRAGE program. The main issue is to produce software (TREHS)that may help the Water Managers in the determination of the network of temporary rivers in its basin. Also if the temporariness is due to natural or climatic changes or to human intervention in the area, with a predictive model of the evolution of the river characteristics though time (from Permanent to an Ephemeral river) according to the climate or the human use of the water. The TREHS will allow to the managers to select the appropriate dates for sampling and the methods for determining the ecological status that make the results comparative to other river systems.. The expected results and products to deliver to the Water Managers, Stakeholders and general public are: 1. An operational software a tool for the sound diagnosis of temporary rivers ecological status designed for water managers (Software TREHS) (Action B1) 2. Collection of data (hydrological, physico-chemical and biological) to assess variability at natural and impacted sites in 25 pilot water bodies.(Data base with ca. 500 records for each basin) (Action B2) 3. Characterization of the regimes of over 100 temporary streams based on the river regime implications on aquatic life.(Data base) (Actions A1 and B1)) 4. Evaluation of the relationships between variability in hydrological and physico-chemical conditions and aquatic community response in relation to the determination of ES in 25 pilot basins. (Report for managers) (Actions B1 and B2) 5. Guidelines and field protocols updated to the best available techniques for WFD implementation, including the measure of Ecological Status and the definition and methods for measuring the Hydrological Status.(Manual of methods for managers) (Action B2) 6. Dissemination of results via the web-site,(number of visitors) deliverables,(reports) scientific (papers) and technical reports (manuals) and organization of a final conference (Proceedings) (Actions B1, B2 and B3) 7. Review of approaches and methods used in Spain for the preparation of RBMPs with particular focus on temporary streams.(Manual of methods) (Action B3) 8. An application designed for Tablets and Smart phones to be used by managers and stakeholders to detect and report the pressures and impacts produced in TR. This application will also serve as a method to establish the Ecological Status in a simplified manner (Software for the general public, B3) All the Deliverables of the Project are in the Annex II with the date to be delivered. The Project Manager will be in charge of the coordination of all the activity of the project and the delivery of the products of the project in due time. The project is not only a scientific and applied project, because one important step in the development of the project will be the participatory processes open to the stakeholders and general public to allow this people to suggest measures for conservation and/or restoration of temporary rivers. These achievements will be made according to the actions provided in Annex III with the timetable of its duration and completion. PROJECT ORGANIZATION The diagram of the project Organization is included in the Annex IV of this document. - The overall project organization is in charge of the Coordinating Group formed by Professor Narcis Prat (UB), Dr. Francesc Gallart (IDAEA) and the Project Manager. The CG Is the responsible of the accomplishment of the objectives of the project. The Coordination Group will meet at any time when necessary. - A Steering Committee will be formed in which together with the people in the Coordinating Group, two more people were included, Dr. A. Munné (ACA) and Mr Teordoro Estrela (CHJ). The Steering Committee will be in charge of the development of the different Actions of the project and the transfer of the results to the Water Managers. The Meetings of the Steering Committee will be at the dates indicated in the Annex V. - A Dissemination team will be formed in which together with the Steering Comittee people, the UB Communication team will be incorporated, this groups will implement the actions of disseminations of the results of the project to the stakeholders and general public though the instruments already included in the project (videos, conferences , press releases etc...). - The Administrative Management will be provided by the UB thorough the Administrative Services of the Dept. of Ecology or the University of Barcelona. Annex 1. Environmental Problem Targeted. Annex II. Project products UB UB F.E.M. -Group Comunicació ACA CHJ CSIC External Entregables por Institución Se indica el dia, si no se dice lo contrario es a finales de mes Negrita: Informes del proyecto Entradas del Facebook i el twitter no estan temporalizadas Acción 2014 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X D5 Folleto "Que és un rio temporal y porqué hay que conservarlos D5 Video: "Temporay rivers" D1 Creación página web A1 Creació de logo D2 Carteles de información D4 Dossier de prensa D2 Primer informe de acciones de diseminación D7 Informe del primer seminario A1 Informe: Métodos usados en el Plan Hidrológico A1 Informe: Rios temporales en el Distrito de Cuenca y cuencas candidatas para estudios del TRIVERS A1 Informe: Rios temporales en el Distrito de Cuenca y cuencas candidatas para estudios del TRIVERS 2015 Informe inicial D6 Manual del TRESH D4 Dossier de prensa B2 Informe resultados primer año D7 Informe del segundo seminario 2016 B1 Informe/Publicación: Análisis del régimen de los ríos temporales B1 TRESH Tool Informe de mitad del periodo D5 Folletos primeros resultados B2 Base de datos con los resultados D4 Dossier de prensa B2 Lista de presiones e impactos de las masas de agua B2 Lista de presiones e impactos de las masas de agua B2 Informe del Estado Ecológico masas de agua D6 Manual del TRESHSSApp para ciudadanos D5 Video con resultados proyecto 2017 B3 Informe para ciudadanos. Preservación y restauración RT 16 B1 Documentación y base de datos TREHS software 30 B1 Informe/Publicación: Alteración régimen RT 30 Informe de progreso 30 D4 Dossier de prensa XI XII 15 14 14 12 12 15 16 16 16 19 19 12 B3 B3 D7 D7 C2 C1 D3 D4 Programa de Medidas. Propuesta para ciudadanos Programa de Medidas. Propuesta para ciudadanos Documentos de la Conferencia Internacional sobre RT Informe del 4o Seminario de TRIVERS 2018 Informe del impacto socio-económico de TRIVERS Resultados del uso del por los ciudadanos Informe Layman Dossier de prensa Informe final Annex III. Timetable of Actions 15 15 30 30 15 30 1 1 31 Annex IV: Overall Project Management. UB: Universitat de Barcelona. FEM Research Group; CSIC: “Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas”. ACA: Agència Catalana de l’Aigua. CHJ: Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar. UB-CU: Universitat de Barcelona. Communication Unit. : A, B, C, D: Project Actions. TREHSapp: Temporary Rivers Ecological and Hydrological Status. EC: European Comission.- UB U B UB+CSIC Annex V. Meetings of the LIFE TRIVERS Project. Stg: Steering Group; SKg: Stakeholders; SKg+Public, Stakeholders and Public participants in the meetings; Public: Public participation processes in the studied Basins. Int conferc: International Conference. Group STg SKg SKg + Public Public Int Confer 2014 III IV Barcelona Valencia Valencia 2015_IV Murcia Murcia 2016_IV 2017_II Zaragoza Zaragoza ACA basins ACA basins 2017_III 2017_IV Barcelona Barcelona 2018_II Barcelona Jucar Basins Jucar Basins Barcelona