S[int Eliz[\_th of Hung[ry C[tholi] Chur]h M[ss S]h_^ul_ for Nov_m\_r 9-17, 2013 Saturday, November 9th ...... 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Sunday, November 10th....... 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM (Español) 1:30 PM Monday, November 11th ..... 7:00 AM Tuesday, November 12th ..... 6:00 PM Wednesday, November 13th 6:00 PM Thursday, November 14th.... 7:00 AM Friday, November 15th ....... 7:00 AM Saturday, November 16th .... 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Sunday, November 17th....... 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM (Español) 1:30 PM For the People † Clare Marie Vajdos † Lucas Sanchez by Kathy Martinez Mr. Frank Espinosa by the Virgne Family † For the Deceased Knights by the K of C 10373 † Sergio Zamarron by his Brothers and Nephews † Thomas Caldaro by Mary Campbell For Our Veterans Lucas Sanchez by Kathy Martinez † Bessie Reeder by Kenneth & Caroline Reeder † Aldo Rosa by the Ryan Family † James Conerty by Mary Campbell For All Deceased Legionares by the Legion of Mary † Helen & Julius Zraik by Family Jennifer Onuorah by her Family Joseph Barnett by His Grandmother † Yolanda Vargas by the Joseph Panketh Family For the People W__kly S]riptur_ R_[^ings Saturday, November 9th ... Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17 John 2:13-22 Sunday, November 10th .... 2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14 2 Thessalonians 2:16-3:5 Luke 20:27-38 Monday, November 11th ............................................................................................ Wisdom 1:1-7 Luke 17:1-6 Tuesday, November 12th .................................................................................. Wisdom 2:23-3:9 Luke 17:7-10 Wednesday, November 13th............................................................................. Wisdom 6:1-11 Luke 17:11-19 Thursday, November 14th.......................................................................... Wisdom 7:22b-8:1 Luke 17:20-25 Friday, November 15th ........................................................................................ Wisdom 13:1-9 Luke 17:26-37 Saturday, November 16th ................................................................ Wisdom 18:14-16, 19:6-9 Luke 18:1-8 Sunday, November 17th .............................Malachi 3:19-20a 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12 Luke 21:5-19 St_w[r^ship – @ W[y of Lif_ Last Week’s Collection Summary Resumen de Contribuciones de la Semana Pasada Regular Collection / Colección Regular ................................................................ $15,605.15 Regular Collection (E-Giving) / Colección Regular (Electrónica) ........................... $1,550.00 Saint Vincent de Paul / San Vicente de Paul ........................................................... $1,448.00 Saint Vincent de Paul (E-Giving) / San Vicente de Paúl (Electrónico) ........................ $505.00 Building Fund / Fondo de Edificio ............................................................................ $865.00 Building Fund (E-Giving) / Fondo de Edificio (Electrónico) ........................................ $60.00 Many thanks to the 246 families who used their Stewardship Envelopes. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Please use your envelopes to ensure proper credit. Muchas gracias a las 246 familias que usaron sus sobres de contribución. Su generosidad es enormemente apreciada. Por favor use sus sobres para asegurar crédito apropiado. United in Faith Capital Campaign Campaña Capital Unidos en Fe Pledge Amount as of 10/27/13 Cantidad de Compromiso desde 10/27/13 .......... $1,588,256.33 New Pledged Amount / Candidad de Nuevos Compromisos .................................... $1,150.00 Current Total Pledged Amount as of 11/03/13 Cantidad Actualmente Comprometida desde 11/03/13 ........................................ $1,589,406.33 Many thanks to the 2 new families to have added their pledge participation to the Capital Campaign. Muchas gracias a las 2 nuevas familias que hán añadido su participación a la Campaña Capital. Nov_m\_r 9-17, 2013 Ministry S]h_^ul_: Nov_m\_r 16th & 17th Hor[rio ^_ Minist_rio: 16 [ 17 ^_ Novi_m\r_ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ Altar Servers 5:00 AM: Jeffrey Knapek, Daniel Herr, & Carlos Sahagun 7:30 AM: Brandon Gladwin & Kaden Ballard 9:30 AM: Miranda Kromer, Annelise Gomez, & Joshua Leija 11:30 AM: Obinna Nwokocha, Kelechi Nwokocha, & Yvonne Lising 1:30 PM: Martin Balderas, Maria Jose Balderas, & Celine Arevalos _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ Extraordinary Ministers 5:00 AM: Robert Lough, Diane Van Opdorp, Sandee Gowell, Marylee Harris, Maureen Lough, & Rita George 7:30 AM: Cliff Vasicek, Denise Vasicek, Jorge Casanova, Steve Gladwin, Debbie Bunkofske, & Donna Arroyo 9:30 AM: Ron Thompson, Shirley Pokorney, Carmen Panketh, Blake Krass, Bob Davis, Mario Ramirez, Melissa Woods, Andrea Willis, Joe Panketh, & Kathleen Walter 11:30 AM: Anne-Marie Spradlin, Tony Sawan, Derrick Rogers, Paul Kroschewsky, Beth Cartwright, Carmela Stowers, Ed Tydings, Jen Arzola, Karen Riley, & Blake Krass 1:30 PM: María A. Bahena, Connor Baker, Grace Ba er, Delfina Bañuelos, Sandra Muñiz, Nohemí Ramírez, & Betty Villaruel _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ Homebound Paul Yehl, Susana Hammett, Larry Scrivner, Guy Helou, Dora Zapata, Armando Zapata, Adele Clore, & Geri Kennedy _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ Hospitality 5:00 PM: Megan Doan, Bob Tamayo, Cindy McCord, & Pat McCord 7:30 AM: Gloria Beltran, Lisa McFarland, Karen Gladwin, & Debbie Bunkofske 9:30 AM: Renee Mabry, Emily Mabry , Lindsey Mabry, George Onuoran, & Stephen Onuoran 11:30 AM: Tiffany Chidume, Echy Chidume, Nonso Chidume, & Faustina Chidume 1:30 PM: José Ibarra, Bertha Alicia Montemayor, Alfredo Verástegui, & Diana Verástegui _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ Lectors 5:00 AM: (A) Bruce Jones (B) Miranda Reyna 7:30 AM: (A) Julie Segura (B) Gil Ortiz 9:30 AM: (A) Ginny Hall (B) Angela Leija 11:30 AM: (A) Kathy Testa (B) Jon Gomez 1:30 PM: (A) José Mario Gallegos (B) Rosario M. Flores Please remember it is your responsibility to find a substitute if you are unable to serve. If you are unable to find a substitute, kindly contact the ministry coordinator. Por favor, recuerde que es su responsabilidad encontrar un sustituo si usted no puede servir. Si usted no puede encontrar un sustituto por favor comuníquese con el Coordinador del Ministerio. 32n^ Sun^[y in Or^in[ry Tim_ CS@ C[pit[l C[mp[ign “Brothers and sisters: May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting encouragement and good hope through his grace, encourage your hearts and strengthen them in every good deed and word.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16 Let us remember that our Lord Jesus Christ is our strength and our hope. We of ourselves can do nothing, but Go, will do these things within us and for us. Let us put our trust in him and allow him to urge us forward as we progress in the United in Faith Capital Campaign. Chika Anyanwu James, Susan, & Daniel Stitz Early Bulletin Deadline Bulletin Correction: Trinity Publications, our bulletin publishers, have issued an early bulletin deadline so that their employees may spend Thanksgiving with their families. Due to this all bulletin articles for the November 30December 1, 2013 bulletin will be due by Tuesday, November 19th. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Parish Office at 512-251-9838. Thank you for your attention to this matter. A blessed thank you to everyone who gave a gift this past weekend to the Catholic Services Appeal. Our parish goal is 100% participation. Each and every person’s gift is important. For those who have not made a pledge, please join us in supporting the vital programs and services throughout the Diocese of Austin from which you and this parish benefit. Simply fill out a pledge envelope, located in the pews, and place it in the offertory basket or drop it in the mail. Thank you for your support. CSA Bendecidas gracias a todos los que hicieron una donación el domingo pasado al Llamado para los Servicios Católicos. Nuestra meta parroquial es una participación del 100%. La donación de cada persona es importante. Para aquellos que no han hecho un compromiso, por favor únanse a nosotros apoyando los programas vitales y los servicios alrededor de la Diócesis de Austin de los cuales tanto esta parroquia como usted se benefician. Simplemente llene un sobre compromiso, localizado en las bancas, y deposítelo en la canasta del ofertorio o póngalo en el correo. Gracias por su apoyo. Parish Religious Education Week In two weeks, we will begin a celebration of Parish Religious Education Week, when we highlight how our parish faith formation programs help adults, youth, and children encounter Christ every day and the value they add to our community. Watch the bulletin for a schedule of events or go to www.stelizabethpf.org. To volunteer during the festivities please see contacts below: Semana de Educación Religiosa Parroquial En dos semanas, nos uniremos a una celebración de la Semana de Educación Religiosa Parroquial. Esta celebración destaca la forma en que los programas parroquiales de formación ayudan a los adultos, jóvenes y niños a encontrar a Cristo cada día y aumentar nuestra fe Católica. Consulte el calendario de eventos en el boletín o visite www.stelizabethpf.org. Para su voluntario participar como voluntario comuniquese con los siguienté: Sunday,November 17th /Domingo, 17 de Noviembre: Denice Detzel 512-252-3193 Monday, November 18th/Lunes, 18 de Noviembre: Unavailable at this time Tuesday, November 19th/Martes, 19 de Noviembre: Bruce Foster 512-413-2477 Wednesday, November 20th/Miércoles, 20 de Noviembre: Ed Tydings 512-565-9749 Thurdsay, November 21st/Jueves, 21 de Noviembre: Alfredo Verástegui 512-7918071 Friday, November 22nd/Viernes, 22 de Noviembre: Parish Office Staff 512-251-9838 Saturday, November 23rd/Sábado, 23 de Noviembre: Karen Riley 512-925-9614 Diane Van Opdorp 512-626-4179 ddetzel@sbcglobal.net bfsail@earthllink.net edwardtydings@gmail.com diana62verastegui@hotmail.com rdvanopdorp@austin.rr.com S[int Eliz[\_th of Hung[ry C[tholi] Chur]h Nov_m\_r 9-17, 2013 Religious Education & Youth Ministry Year of Faith Año de la Fe Let us pray for the grace of hope in our lives. May we always remain aware of God’s faithful love for us. Oremos por la gracia de la esperanza en nuestras vidas. Podemos siempre permanecemos conscientes del amor fiel de Dios para nosotros. As we come to the final days of the Year of Faith, here are some upcoming events: November 10th - December 4th - Annual St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive: students will receive donation requests from their teachers. Please bring your donations to the RE office and fill our Office with Food! November 17th-22nd - “Penny War” supporting the St. Elizabeth of Hungary Capital Campaign: Students in Pre-School, Elementary/Middle school RE and High School Youth/Confirmation students will compete against each other for a pizza party. Look for jugs in the RE building and bring in those pennies for your group and loose change for the other groups (pennies count as 1¢ and other coins count against the total). The group with the most money will win a pizza party the week of December 8th. November 17th-22nd - Religious Education Week: Parents, join the other parish ministries supporting our catechists. Join your child for Open House during their RE class time. November 17 17--23, 2013 17 17--23 de Noviembre 2013 Como nos acercamos a los últimos días del año de la fe, aquí están algunos de los eventos próximos: 10 de noviembre - 4 de diciembre - Campaña Anual de Alimentos de San Vicente de Paúl: los estudiantes recibirán las solicitudes de donación de sus maestros. Por favor traer sus donaciones a la oficina RE y llenar nuestra oficina con la comida! 17-22 de noviembre - "Penny War" Apoyando la Campaña Capital de la Iglesia: los estudiantes de preescolar, primaria y “Middle School” RE y estudiantes de secundaria jóvenes/confirmación competirán uno contra el otro para una fiesta de pizza. Busquen los jarros en el edificio y llenen con centavos para su grupo y monedas para los otros grupos (centavos cuentan como 1¢ y otras cuentan contra el total). El grupo con más dinero ganará una fiesta de pizza la semana del 8 de diciembre. 17-22 de noviembre - Religioso Semana de la Educación: Los padres, únanse a otros ministerios de la parroquia apoyando nuestros catequistas. Únase a su hijo para “Open House” durante su hora de clase RE. 32n^ Sun^[y in Or^in[ry Tim_ Happy Veterans Day! From the Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Parish Family. Thank you to all of our past and present military servicemen and women and their families. *** Turkey Bingo Update *** The Scholarship Committee will be sponsoring Turkey Bingo on Saturday, November 24th from 4 PM to 7 PM in the Parish Hall. All proceeds from Turkey Bingo go towards scholarships for the St. Elizabeth graduating seniors. Donations of turkeys are welcome. Please call the Parish Office if you would like to donate a turkey or if you are a graduating senior and would like your name on the list for a possible scholarship. St. Vincent de Paul Parish Outreach St. Vincent de Paul is in need of a full size bed and mattress for one of their clients. If you are able to donate one or both of these items please contact Henry Garza at 512-709-1882. Thank you for your support. S[int Eliz[\_th of Hung[ry C[tholi] Chur]h Nov_m\_r 9-17, 2013 Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention Please consider Pope Francis’ prayer intentions for the month of November: That priests who experience difficulties may find comfort in their suffering, support in their doubts, and confirmation in their fidelity… That as fruit of the continental mission, Latin American Churches may send missionaries to other Churches… Intención de Oración de el Papa Francisco Por favor considere la Intención de Oración del Papa Francisco para el mes de Noviembre: Por que los sacerdotes que experimentan dificultades encuentren alivio en su sufrimiento, apoyo en sus dudas y confirmación en su fidelidad... Que como fruto de la misión continental, las Iglesias de Latinoamérica envíen misioneros a otras Iglesias... Bishop Vásquez’ Prayer Intention Please consider Bishop Vásquez’ prayer intention for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: May our work be a reflection of our human dignity and for all those who face daily hardships of underemployment or the burdens of oppressive work… Intención de Oración de el Obispo Vásquez Por favor considere la intención de oración del Obispo Vázquez para el XXVIII Domingo Ordinario: Por que nuestro trabajo sea un reflejo de nuestra dignidad humana, y por todos aquellos que a diario enfrentan las dificultades del sub-empleo o la carga del trabajo opresivo. Organ Donation Awareness Weekend Healing Mass November 15th—17th is National Organ Donor Come experience a life changing relationship with Jesus and be transformed by the Holy Spirit at our joyful, spirit filled, Healing Mass. Awareness Weekend. There are more than 120,000 people on the waiting list for a transplant. Prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to organ donation upon your death. Please talk with your family about your wishes. It is important that they understand your desires. For general information, contact Michelle Segovia, of the Texas Organ Sharing Alliance, at 512-459-4848. Friday, November 15, 2013 San Jose Catholic Church 2435 Oak Crest Austin, Texas 78704 7 PM Fr. Robert Becker will be the celebrant. Sponsored by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Austin of the Diocese of Austin Contact Christina Turullois for more information at 512-563-7851 or at event@ccraustin.org