university intervention to improve the transfer of knowledge

Amado Enrique Navarro Frómeta, Celina Rincón Muñíz, Universidad Tecnológica de Izúcar de Matamoros, Izúcar de Matamoros, Puebla, México A
The Nexapa river subbasin v Sources in the Popocatepel; v Almost 500,000 people depends on it; v  Portezuelo´s channel. Transfer of heavily polluted waters from the Atoyac river aaer the city of Puebla (4 m3 s-­‐1). v  Many discharges direct to SW. Atlixco & Izúcar have WWTP since 2012. B
Izúcar de Matamoros
v Agriculture: waste of 40-­‐50 % of irrigajon water and excess of ferjlizers and agrochemicals. v  Sugar cane, fruits, vegetables, 16 to 40% Middle to High Marginajon and Food poverty (from CONEVAL series 2010). So, what has done the Technological University of Izúcar de Matamoros to generate the necessary knowledge about the threats and risks and put it in the hands of the people and the authorijes? Study of river and
irrigation water,
focalized in the
municipality of
S t u d y o f r i v e r,
underground and
irrigation water in
the subbasin.
Assessment of use
and quality
water for human
Evaluation of the
impact of industrial
activities in the
municipality of
Studies of surface and
underground waters.
Study of the perception
of the population on
water theme. Study of
constructed wetlands for
municipal and river
water treatment.
Study of irrigation
water use in
of hybrid
wetlands for
WW tertiary
And knowledge transfer? With authorijes Delivery of detailed technical reports to municipal, water
and other authorities.
Information transfer to other educational institutions.
With our children With youngsters
Participation in the activities of the Technical Junior
High schools of the Izúcar region (Quetzalatl Brigades)
and transmission of constructed wetlands technology.
With the public in general
¿Se me ensuciaron las manos? Abro la
llave del baño y me las lavo. ¿Tengo sed?
Me sirvo un vaso de agua. ¿Es la hora de
bañarse? Abro la regadera.
Así de simple es obtener el
necesitamos, pero podría
no ser así siempre. El agua
es un recurso natural que
puede agotarse.
El agua que hay en este
planeta es muchísima,
cubre las dos terceras
partes del globo, pero en su
mayoría es agua salada. El agua
dulce existe en una proporción
mucho menor y es un recurso natural
que debemos cuidar porque como todos
los recursos de nuestra Tierra se
Radio programs on water issues. Distribution of printed
information to the public.
With the main users of irrigation waters
Meetings with landowners to inform them of the result set from their
soil analysis and proper use of water in sugar cane irrigation (with
other institutions and associations)
Forum with women users of irrigation
a) Between 40 and 60 % of irrigation water is wasted;
b) There is a significant difference between the use of water in rural and
urban environments, with a lag of infrastructure and little awareness of
this situation;
c) management of water treatment and people´s perception of solutions
lies in centralized technologies and there is little knowledge of green
technologies, including those at domestic level;
d ) women and adolescents are receptive when they are alerted about the
water situation;
e) the household water does not have the quality required to ensure
adequate health levels;
f) it fails to maintain the commitment of the population to the water
situation outside the campaigns with that purpose.
Among other solutions the UTIM has implemented training programs on
the use of irrigation techniques, the use of constructed wetlands to
improve water management and environmental education campaigns,
including the dissemination of information on the state of water
resources and reporting to local authorities. Unfortunately, the
authorities paid a very inadequate attention to the information and prefer
the intervention of major universities.