08^04/01 M0I!L11:22 FAX 510 620 8542 MANAGER/CLERK ®002 RESOLUTION NO. 147^ • RESOLUTION OF THE OTYCOUNCIL OF RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA, TO ESTABUSH AFRIENDSHIP CITY RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA, AND REGLA, CUBA, FOR EXCHANGE OF MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL IDEAS AND CULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL AND . • !• . . HUMANITARIAN RESOURCES WHEBJEAS, PresidentDwighlD.'Eisenhowerfounded the IntemationfdSister City initialive to promote world peace throng pcople-to-people diplomacy; and WHEREAS, the aiy ofRichmond, Califomia, isproud to have Sister City relationships with Shifiiada, Japan, and Zhoushan, China; and WHEREAS, the City of Richmond, California, recognizes the value of , bcncficial ideas andsharing cultural, education andhumamtanan resourceswithallpeoplesjcspeciallywithfliosewhoscplightsareimpoverished; and WHEREAS.theCityofRichmond,Califorma,recogni2eBthepotentialofaIl peoples to promote an ever mor« abundant quali^ oflife for the greatest common - .•;. good;and WHEREAS, the City ofRichmond, California, acknowledges the mutual interest ofestablishing aFriendship City relationship with Regla, Cuba; and WHEREAS, the City ofRichmond, California, shares with Regla, Cub^ similar industries and demographics, including significant Black and Hispamc populations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Richmond, mia, estt^li^es establishes aFriendship City rdationship withRegla, Cuba, end seeks to promote itethe the exchange exchange ofcitizen delegations, and medical, educational, cultural and municipal resources. Icertify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the Council ofthe Cily of Richmond at aregular meeting thereof held September 14, 1999, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Butt, Evans, MarqucZ, Anderson, Bates, Powers, Griffin and Mayor Corbin VACANCY: One NOES: None ABSTENTIONS: None ABSENT: None Clerkof Ae Cityof Kchmond (SEAL) Approved: lyor Approved as to form: City Attorney ... . PUB SVCS BLDG REGS 15106206917 06/26 '01 11:52 NO.638 02/05 FRI£^C&>£!IP CITY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNZCIPALITY OF REGLA, HAVANA CITY, CUBA AND THE CITY OF RICHMOND, CAUFORNIA, UNITED STATES. Taking into consideration the mutual interest to continue strendjthenino cooperation and friendslilp between the peoples of Regia Havana Citv Cuba and l^chmond, California, United States, botJ partiL s^^^^^^ exchange knowledge of their history, culture, customs and traditions. mJtulliv the valueeducational of exchanging beneficial ideas and sharing cultural, and humanitarian resources with all peoples, the City of Richmond, establishes a exchanae'^of and educational, seeks to promote the of citizen delegations, and medical, cuitural and ?oundf if ^r^o'"tion adopted by the 2p?embJ 14®, Richmond, at a regular meeting held on IMunlcipai Assembly of People's Power of Reala Ima'^AndeSon^I^h of Richmond Ms' Irma Anderson, therefore agree to subscribe to the following: FRIENDSHIP cmr AeREEMENT FIRST! Both parties shall develop the Friendship city ralatlonshio bv on'^&i-h^ establishing exchange programs fields nf mutual m' education, sports, culture and other fields of Interest SECOiyO: agree to exchange experiences and information he sodal fields as well as to exchange cooperation programs for persons of all ages. PUB SVCS BLDG REGS THIRD: 15106206917 06/26 '01 11:52 NO.638 03/05 Both parses will analyze the possibility to develop the exchange of knowledge for the collection and treatment of solid waste, management of water supply and urban transportation. FOURTH: The fields may be extended In future if and when both parties decide ft Is for the benefit of their respective cities. Discussed and agreed In Havana City on December 16^ 1999 in Spanish and English languages, both texts being equally valid'. ' For the Municipality of Regia For the City of Richmond Mr. Francisco Hernandez Barcelo Ms. Irma Anderson Presidentof the Municipal Assembly of People's Power Vice Mayor Richmond City Council PUB SVCS BLDG REGS 151062G.59lT'^ 06/26 '01 11:53 NO.638 04/05 ACUERDO DE AMISTAD REGLA, CXUDAD DE LA HABANA, CUBA LA ClUOAD DE RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA, ESTADOS UNIDOS. Tenlendo en consideracl<3n el interes mutuo por contlnuar estrechando la cooperaclon y la amistad entre los pueblos de R^l? Qudad 3?£ « esforzaran ^porRichmond, California, Estados Unidos, ambas partes se intercamblar conodmlentos sobre sus historlas cultures, CQstumfares ySsadk^es, ' Conslderando que la Cludad de Richmond, reconoce el valor de los mutuamente beneflciosos de ideas y el intercamblo cultural, educacional yhumanitarios entre los pueblos. La Cludad de Richmond resolvlo establecer reladones de amistad con^el munlclpio Regia, asi como promover intercambios de delegaclones de sus cludadanos, recursos medicos, educadonales, culturales y munlclpales, lo que fue cartlflcado por una resoluclon adoptada por el Consejo de la Cludad de Richmond, en reunion ordlnaria celebrada el 14 de septiembre 1999, El Presldente de la Asamblea Munidpal del Poder Popular de RegIa frma^Tn' dP^r? acuerdanBarcalo Viceaicaldesa de Richmond, Sra! Irma Anderson, suscriblryellasiguiente: DE AMISTAD PRIMERO: Ambas partes desarroliar^n las reladones de amistad a traves del intercamblo de Informaclon y el establecjmlento de programas de Intercambios en salud, ciencla, educacl6n deporte, cultura y otros campos de Interns mutuo. SEGUNDO; Ambas partes acuerdan aportar experlenclas e Informacion en el campo social, asi como fomentar programas de cooperaci6n para personas de todas las edades.. TERCERO: Ambas partes anallzaran la poslbilfdad de desarrollar Intercambios de experlendas en la recoleccldn y atamientos de desechos sdlldos, manejo de los servidos del agua y transporte urbano. PUB SVCS BLDG REGS 15106206917 CUARTO: 06/26 '01 11:53 NO.638 05/05 podran hacerse extensivos en fiel beneflcio ^'"^'.slempre ycuando ambas partes lo deddan para de sus respectlvas cludades. 9 en espaPiol e inglfe, ambos textos con igual validez. Por el Munldpio Regia Por la Qudad de Richmond Sr. Francisco Hernandez Barcelo Presidents de la Asamblea Sra. Irma Anaerson Municipal del Poder Popular Consejo de la Cludad de Richmond Vicealcaldesa