“For where your treasure is, there also your heart will be.” Luke 12:34

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — August 11, 2013
Dear brothers and sisters, our gathering today at God’s
invitation continues a topic introduced in last week’s Gospel: proper preparation for the coming of the Lord. Last
week’s Gospel concerned the preparation of an individual
for the end of his own life. This week we are confronted
with communal responsibility. As we move through today’s
celebration, let us be aware of how we can prepare ourselves as a community for the coming of the Lord.
Report for Sunday, August 4, 2013:
Our Sunday Offering
Average Weekly Expenses:
7/1/13thru 8/4/13 Budgeted Income:
7/1/13 thru 8/4/13 Actual Income:
Thank you for your generous offering.
May your love and sacrifices be greatly
Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Week of August 11, 2013
Theme: Do not live in fear. Live, and be ready!
Question for Adults: On a daily basis, what are some ways
to keep yourself “ready for God to act?” How do you pay
attention to God’s often-less-than-obvious actions?
Question for Children: Jesus tells us to always be ready to
hear him. What are some ways that he speaks to us?
The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) program will begin
on September 4. If you are an adult wanting to come into
full communion with the Catholic Church, this program can
help you to enter more fully into your faith and prepare
you to receive the sacraments. For more information,
please call the office at 447-2354.
This Thursday, August 15, we will celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation.
Masses will be held on Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. and on
Thursday at 7:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. (in Latin), and 7:00 p.m.
Fr. Mathew will be resuming his Bible study classes on
August 29. Classes take place each Thursday at 9:00 a.m.
and 7:00 p.m. This session of classes will take an in-depth
look at the book of Revelation. You will:
•Learn the meaning of the mysterious figures and events
in the book of Revelation.
•Discover how the Mass is really heaven on earth.
•Learn about the Antichrist and his destruction.
•See the Second Coming of Christ and the Final Judgment in the context of history.
•Learn what will happen at the end of time and the establishment of a new heaven and a new earth.
If you intend to join the class, please read the Book of
Revelation before we begin. There will be a $30 donation
to cover the cost of materials. Please contact the parish
office at 447-2354 to register.
Our parish will be starting a choir for children aged 7-14
at the 12:00 Mass on the last Sunday of every month. Beginning August 25, any child who has received his or her
First Communion is invited to join the Youth Choir before
Mass at 11:30 to rehearse and sing. Please contact Mr.
Brian Sennello (bsennello@stjoseph-vacaville.org) for
more information or to sign up.
The Healing Toward Forgiveness Support Group will
meet on Saturday, August 17, at 10:00 a.m. in Parish Center Meeting Room #1. The purpose of the Support Group
is to help heal from abuse, grief and other painful life
challenges. Having a support group can be comforting
and help you feel you are not alone in pain. Please pick up
a brochure in the narthex for more information.
Are you a parishioner who would like to support and get
involved in St. Joseph’s Book Project Fund
Raising Campaign? We are looking for volunteers who can share their knowledge
and time, along with assisting and editing
the recipe book project. If interested and
able to spare one or two hours a week,
floree_adriano@yahoo.com or call 707-365-5594. Thank
“For where your treasure is, there also your heart will be.” Luke 12:34
Thank you for your generous contributions to last week’s
collection for the maintenance fund. Together we raised
$2,540, which will be used for major repairs and maintenance projects in the parish.
Join us for Ministry Days 2013 on September 27 and 28 at
St. Francis High School as we celebrate the theme: LiveIt!
Moving from the Year of Faith to a Life of Discipleship. All
involved in ministry at the parish level are encouraged to
attend this opportunity to grow in faith, learn about their
ministry and network with others from around the diocese.
Visit www.ministrydays.com to view the schedule, keynotes, workshops and presenters. Registration is now available through the Ministry Days website.
Next week our parish will take up the Collection for the
Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). This Collection
communicates the Good News through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio, and print media. Half of all proceeds remain in
our diocese, so please be generous in this Collection. CCC is
how the Good News gets around to you.
Faith Formation registration is happening now and will
continue until September 1. Forms are located in the parish
office. Please stop by on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to register. All Sacrament preparation classes are now
two years with First Communion starting at 1st or 2nd grade
and Confirmation starting at 7th or 8th grade.
FREE Produce Twice Per Month! The Mariposa Center,
located at 1625 Alamo Dr, in Vacaville, is a community
Produce Program, which offers free fruits and veggies on
the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 4:00
p.m. - 5:00 p.m. The next distribution day is August 14. Bring
one or two bags with handles.
GRATIS! Verduras y Frutas Gratis dos veces al Mes! El Mariposa Center, localizado en el 1625 Alamo Dr, Vacaville, es un
programa de servicio en la comunidad que ofrece frutas y
verduras gratis el segundo y cuarto miércoles al mes de las
4:00 p.m - 5:00 p.m. La próxima distribución será el 14 de
agosto. Traiga una o dos bolsas con agarraderos.
Hermanas y hermanos: En nuestra reunión de hoy, habiendo
sido invitados por Dios, continuamos con el mismo tópico
que comenzó en el Evangelio del domingo pasado: la buena
preparación para la venida del Señor. El Evangelio de la semana pasada trataba sobre la preparación de un individuo
para el final de su propia vida. Esta semana confrontamos el
tema de la responsabilidad comunitaria. Durante nuestra
celebración de hoy, permanezcamos conscientes en cuanto
a cómo prepararnos como comunidad para la venida del Señor.
Gracias por sus contribuciones generosas al fondo para el
mantenimiento de la iglesia el fin de semana pasado. Juntos
recogimos $2,540 que será usado por reparaciones grandes
en la parroquia.
Acompáñenos a Días Ministeriales 2013 los días 27 y 28 de
septiembre en St. Francis High School para celebrar el tema
¡Vívela!: Partiendo del Año de la Fe a una Vida de Discípulo.
Todos los que estén involucrados en ministerios a nivel parroquial se les anima a participar en esta oportunidad de crecer en la fe, aprender sobre su ministerio y hacer más contactos con otras personas de la diócesis. Visita
www.ministrydays.com para ver el horario de los talleres y
presentadores. Inscripciones están disponibles por medio
del sitio de internet de Ministry Days.
La próxima semana, nuestra parroquia llevará a cabo la Colecta para la Campaña Católica de la Comunicación (CCC).
Esta Colecta comunica la Buena Nueva mediante actividades
católicas en las redes sociales y enriquece nuestra fe a través
de podcasts, de la televisión, la radio y los medios impresos.
La mitad de lo recaudado permanece en nuestra diócesis así
que, por favor, contribuyan generosamente a esta Colecta.
Mediante la CCC, así compartimos la Buena Nueva con ustedes.
Se puede inscribir a los niños en clases de formación de fe
hasta el primero de septiembre. Los formularios están disponibles en la oficina parroquial. Por favor venga martes,
miércoles o jueves para inscribirse. Todas las clases de Sacramentos duran dos años. La Primera Comunión empieza en el
primero o segundo grado y la Confirmación empieza en el
séptimo u octavo grado. Las clases son en inglés, con la opción de hacer la Primera Comunión en español.