THE CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY OF SANGER AND DEL REY Office- 828 “O” Street, Sanger, California 93657 Phone 875-2025 — Fax 875-2618 HOPE AND FORGIVENESS Eleventh Sunday in ESPERANZA Y PERDÓN There were some interesting concepHabía algunas concepciones intereOrdinary Time tions of sin prevalent in the time of the Hesantes sobre el pecado que prevalecían en la June 12, 2016 brew scriptures. There was the belief that época de las Escrituras hebreas. Estaba la God punished sin immediately. Those who creencia de que Dios castigaba inmediatasuffered disease or misfortune were, mente el pecado. Los que sufrían alguna therefore, sinners getting their due from enfermedad o desgracia eran, por lo tanto, the Almighty. pecadores que recibían su merecido del Today’s first reading hints at another Todopoderoso. kind of God. When David admits his sin, La primera lectura de hoy nos Nathan declares, “The LORD on his part muestra a otro tipo de Dios. Cuando David has forgiven your sin” (2 Samuel admite su pecado, Natán declara: “El Se12:13b). Here was not a vengeful God ñor te perdona tu pecado” (2 Samuel but a merciful God. What good news that 12:13b). Aquí no hay un Dios vengativo must have been to David and those who, sino un Dios misericordioso. ¡Qué buena like him, could be honest enough to adnueva debe haber sido eso para David y mit their sinfulness! para los que, como él, eran lo suficienteJesus is the good news of God’s mente honestos como para admitir su pemercy and forgiveness incarnate. Without Jesus, perhaps cado! the good news would have been too good to believe, too Jesús es la buena nueva de la misericordia y el perdón difficult to imagine. But there he is in today’s Gospel, the de Dios hecho carne. Sin Jesús, quizás la buena nueva huGod-man, forgiving a sinner and declaring that she is for- biera sido demasiado buena como para creerla, demasiado given because of her great love. difícil de imaginar. Pero allí está en el Evangelio de hoy, el There is hope, then, for the rest of us sinners, if only Dios-hombre, perdonando a una pecadora y declarando que we love enough! está perdonada debido a su gran amor. ¡Hay esperanza, entonces, para el resto de nosotros pecadores, si tan sólo amamos lo suficiente! PRAYER FOR OUR COUNTRY ORACIÓN PARA NUESTRO PAÍS Almighty God, bless our nation and make it true to the ideas of freedom and justice and brotherhood for all who make it great. Guard us from war, from fire and wind, from compromise, fear, confusion. Be close to our president and our statesmen; give them vision and courage, as they ponder decisions affecting peace and the future of the world. Make me more deeply aware of my heritage; realizing not only my rights but also my duties and responsibilities as a citizen. Make this great land and all its people know clearly Your will, that they may fulfill the destiny ordained for us in the salvation of the nations, and the restoring of all things in Christ. Amen Dios Todopoderoso, bendice nuestra nación y que sea fiel a las ideas de libertad y justicia y hermandad para todos los que lo hacen muy bueno. protegernos de la guerra, de fuego y viento, de compromiso, el miedo, la confusión. Estar cerca de nuestro presidente y nuestros hombres de Estado; darles visión y valor, ya que ponderan las decisiones que afectan a la paz y el futuro del mundo. Me hacen más profundamente consciente de mi herencia; darse cuenta no sólo los derechos sino también mis deberes y responsabilidades como ciudadano. Hacer esta gran tierra y todos sus habitantes saben claramente su voluntad, para que puedan cumplir el destino ordenado para nosotros en la salvación de las naciones, y la restauración de todas las cosas en Cristo. Amén ST. MARY’S CHURCH, SANGER CA —ST. KATHERINE’S, DEL REY, CA Schedule of Masses Horario de Misas Saturday (Vigil) New Church 5:30 pm English 5;30 pm DR Español 7:00 pm Español Sunday New Church 7:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am DR 11:00 am 1:00 pm English Español English English Español Weekday “O” street 7:00 am English 5:30 pm Español Holy Days 7:00 am 5:30 pm 5:30 pmDR English Bilingual Español Rectory/Rectoría 875-5808 Parish under the Direction of The Rogationist Fathers Fr. John Bruno, R.C.J ., V.F. Pastor Fr. Devassy Painadath, R.C.J. Parochial Vicar Fr. Edwin Manio, R.C.J. Seminary-Superior House St. Hannibal Chapel Business Manager– Minnie Kirsch Parish Secretary– Julie Mendoza Website: Email: New St. Mary’s Church Adoration and Benediction Adoración “O” street Thursdays 6:00 pm (Español), 6:30pm (English) Confessions Confesiones “O” street 828 “O” Street, Sanger, Ca. 93657 P.O. Box 335 Office- 875-2025 Fax- 875-2618 Thursday 6:15 pm—7:00 pm Saturday 2:15 pm– 3:15 pm and 6:30 pm—7:00 pm Hours/Horario Baptisms and Weddings Monday—Friday 9:00 am– 5:00 pm (closed 12 noon to 1:00 pm ) Bautismos, Bodas, Quinceañeras Call Parish office/llamar a la oficina Rogationist Residence Vocation Center Fr. Hannibal House Social Service and Thrift Store 2688 S. Newmark Ave, Sanger, Ca. 93657 1501 14th St. Phone– 875-0564 FINANCE CHURCH SUPPORT June 4 & 5 5:30PM $ 687.00 7:00PM $ 287.00 7:30AM $1,017.00 9:00AM $1,286.00 11:00AM $2,168.00 1:00PM $ 733.00 5:30PM DR $ 322.00 9:30AM DR $ 749.00 TOTAL $7,351.00 June 12, 2016 Old St. Mary’s St. Katherine’s Church SECOND COLLECTION TODAY FOR: Parking Lot Building Fund $1,986.00 Thank YOU! CHURCH NEW YEAR RESOLUTION I will fulfill my pledge for the Capital Campaign, or start to give a donation, so that we can reach $250,000.00 and start the repair of the Hall parking lot and maintain the new Church parking. May the Lord help me! MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, 5:30 pm 5:30 pm DR 7:00 pm Sunday, 7:30 am 9:00 am 9:30amDR 11:00 am 1:00 pm Monday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Tuesday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Wednesday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Thursday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday, 5:30 pm 5:30 pm DR 7:00 pm Sunday, 7:30 am 9:00 am 9:30amDR 11:00 am 1:00 pm June 11 †J ose & J osephine Gloria †Becky Mor eno †Macedonio Ochoa Jr. June 12 Pro Populo †Tomasita Villar eal †Fr ances Alvar ado †Russell Avila †Car los R. Tor r es, Vicente C. Ledezma June 13 Rogationist Fathers Padres Rogacionistas June 14 †Domingo Valdez Sr . Antonio Oliva Sr., Severo Jimenez Sr. Gloria y famiia June 15 St. Mary’s Altar Soc. †J ose Alvar ez, Luis Alvarado June 16 †J esus Diaz †J uan Fr ancisco Ybarra June 17 †Adalber ta Soto †Adan Contr er as June 18 †Tommie Villar eal †Zefer ino Leal †Calexto y Ar tur o Martinez June 19 Pro Populo †Father’s Day Novena †Hilda Nicacio †Delfino, Victor , Oscar †Lila, Olivia, Enoch Tinoco PRAY FOR THE LIVING AND THE DEAD Offering a Mass is the greatest prayer. PRAY FOR MILITARY: C.J. Moore, Joel Sanchez, Zachary Brown, Tanya Florian, Ashlee Reyna, Trina Donna Reyes, Brigham Cox, Amando Silva Jr., Jonathan Michael Barnes, Jose Ulises Contreras, Manuel Contreras, Jacob Alexander Arteaga, Tony Mercado, Alvin Sandoval, Jesse Sandoval, Diego Contreras, Nate Garza, Eric Joseph Martinez and all young men and women from Del Rey and Sanger. PRAY FOR THE SICK: Please call office at 875-2025 to add or remove names to list of prayers. Jorge Soto, Michelle Macias, Esmeralda Gomez, Bernice Guavara, Tillie DeLaTorre, Rebekah Richardson, Danny Garza, Jim Deaver, Socorro Gonzalez Deaver, Aaron Martinez, Francisca Rodriguez, Roberto D. Perez Jr., Angelita Perez, Diana Calderon, Sylvia Conville, Cesar Cisneros, Julian Luna, Luis A. Garcia, Martin Aguilar, Roxanna, Angelita Ruiz, Maria Acosta, Kathy Boyle, Gary VanHorn, Sylvia Salce-Moore, Louie Rusca, Louie Cuellar, Baby David Vasquez, Jaquelin Jaime, Paul Padilla, Paula Soriano, Lucille Steinhauer, Dinorah Benavides-Meza, Anita Cisneros, Louis Quiroz, Jose Antonio Gonzalez, Javier Mendoza, Arthur Rodriguez, Val Carrillo, twins Luke and Dallas, Luann Rashah, Kristi Bustamante, Isela Maestas, Patty Ramirez, Teofilo & Juana Picar, Jacinto Mendoza Jr., Sal Martinez Jr., Chase Daniel Coffman, Vicente Castillo. May the Lord lay His healing hand upon them and bring them peace. PRAY FOR THOSE WHO DIED RECENTLY This is one of the works of mercy. Our brothers and sisters need our prayer. It May their soul and the souls of the is also “good noble, and pious to pray faithful departed thru the mercy of for those who died to be delivered God rest in peace. from their sins.” RCIA Are you seven years or older and wish to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Communion? Register by calling: Ella Boyle 875-8425 or Spanish Adults call Samuel Velazco 618-0271. Parents of children are required to attend. ST. MARY’S Religious Education 12050 E. North Ave., 875-6340. Office hours Monday thru Thursday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Elementary—Priscilla Bustamante, Agape, Jr. High, High School—Linda Gallardo and Elsa Rodriguez. NEW registration begins in August! ST. KATHERINE Religious Education 5375 Carmel Street, Del Rey 93616, 888-2889. Elementary, Jr./ High School and RCIA call J ulia Flor es 643-7533. Formator of Catechists– Hna. Reyna Maldonado. Elementary, Jr. /High School Spanish—Maria Morales REGISTRATION: Check with Del Rey office. BAPTISMS 1st and 3rd Saturday in Spanish. 2nd and 4th Saturday in English at 10:00am in new church. Bring your child’s birth certificate to the office to begin the process. Donation is $60 per child. MARRIAGE PREPARATION To begin the process please come six months in advance to the rectory. Required retreats are on: July 15, 16, 17 and November 4, 5, 6 in English. Spanish is October 14, 15, 16. Retreats are held at the Seminary. For details for English call Cesar and Cindy Gonzales 618-0510 for Spanish call Jesus and Lupita Romero at 477-0060. ST. MARY’S CHURCH, SANGER CA —ST. KATHERINE’S, DEL REY, CA SANCTUARY CANDLE JUNE 2016 In memory of: Alcantar and Sedano Families at “O” street. In memory of: Joe and Christine Villalobos at new church. In memory of: Mike and Annie Rico at St. Hannibal Chapel, Seminary READINGS OF THE WEEK Monday: 1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5:23ab, 4b-7; Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 21:17-29; Ps 51:36ab, 11, 16; Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Ps 31:20, 21, 24; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97:1-7; Mt 6:7-15 Friday: 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Ps 132:11-14, 17-18; Mt 6:19-23 Saturday: 2 Chr 24:17-25; Ps 89:45, 29-34; Mt 6:24-34 Sunday: Zec 12:10-11; 13:1; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Gal 3:26-29; Lk 9:18-24 June 12, 2016 FATHER’S DAY NOVENA Envelopes are in the churches for the Father’s day novena be ginning June 19,2016 for nine days. Pick up your envelope and please PRINT the name of your loved one (s) and the donation is $10. The following names living and deceased will be remembered in the novena. Joe N. Lascano Fred Gomez Sr. Fred Gomez Jr. Freddie Gomez III Shane Gunn Rogationis Fathers Jr. Lopez Concepcion Rivera Anastacio N. Lopez James T. Lopez Scott Choate Zachary Choate Pasqual Juarez Pablo Sandoval Ruben Reyna Jose Maldonado Daniel Castro Eutenio Huizar Francisco Torres Natalia Andrade Vicente Castillo Salomon Pina Jack Carrara Victor Pistacchio Jim Kacerek Peter Kacerek Jose Perez Richard Maldonado Tomas Morales Ralph Murillo J. Jesus R. Aguilar Juana Arzate Saturnino Gonzales Roman M. Navarrette Jesus Diaz Raymond Kirsch Faustino Zavala Tomas Reyna Guadalupe Torres Valentin Torres Jose de Jesus Magallanes Lucas Jose Arguello Hermanejildo Mercado Francisco Sandoval Manuel Avila Sr. Louis Mata Sr. Arelino Almeraz Heriberto Almeraz Raul Almeraz Jose Espilia Jose Ponze Miguel A. Mora Refugio Ramirez Tomas D. Zarate Edward DePew Dalvin Baker Sr. Salvador Martinez Sr. Vincent Martinez Doroteo Lascano Refugio Espinoza Reyes Magallanes BANNS OF MARRIAGE GRATEFUL AGAPE REGISTRATION Benjamin Guerrero and Virginia D. Gonzales (3), Eddie Barocio and Mayra Salazar (3), Ruben Pena and Eneida Camarena (3), Erik Garcia and Joanna Nunez (3), Milton Aceves and Yanet Chavez (3), Pedro Velasco and Karina Pena (3), Charles Stahler and Beverly Cox (1), Jesse Mercado and Yvonne Silva (1). We are grateful to the men and women who have volunteered this year to shar e their faith in religious education with about 600 children and youth in Sanger and Del Rey. When the Lord asked, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” The catechist said, “here I am send me!” (Isaiah 6:8) Is the Lord calling you to volunteer as a catechist? Say “yes, here I come.” Call office 875-2025. We will be accepting registrations to enter the AGAPE Religious Education program during the Summer Festival Friday, August 5 from 6 pm to 8 pm. Saturday, August 6 from 3 pm to 8 pm Sunday, August 7 from 3 pm to 8 pm. After the summer festival on Tuesday, August 9 and 16, Wednesday, August 10 and 17 and Thursday, August 11 and 18. Times of registration will be 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm in room 2. BRING: Baptism Certificate and proof of Health insurance. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLY BAPTIZED Welcome to our parish community! Liana Valeria Rivera SEND. O LORD, HOLY APOSTLES INTO YOUR CHURCH. ST. HANNIBAL, PRAY FOR US SAINTS AND OBSERVANCES Monday: St. Anthony of Padua, Priest, doctor of the Church Anthony of Padua, + 1231 at age thirty -six; from Lisbon; O.F.M.; devoted student of scripture; first friar to teach theology to his fellow friars; gifted orator and preacher; known as the “Evangelical Doctor”; patron Saint of Portugal, of the poor, of harvests, and lost articles. ROSARY RALLY Come join together to pray a public Holy Rosary on the corner of Bethel and Jensen Streets Saturday, June 25 at 12 noon. We will stand on the four corners in groups of English and Spanish praying for marriage and for family. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Begins tomorrow, Monday June 13 thru Friday June 17th. KNOW YOUR FAITH We suggest that you search on YouTube at Journey Home inter views with non-Catholic Ministers who have become Catholic. You will appreciate more our faith. ST. MARY’S SUMMER FESTIVAL NEWS August 5, 6, 7, 2016 One of the most profitable events of the festival is the SALE of raffle tickets giving the opportunity to win: First Prize—Samsung 55” LED Smart TV Second Prize—Apple IPad Mini 2, 16GB Third Prize—$200 Cash We ask that each family buy a book of ten tickets for $10 and sell another book to your family and friends. Tickets or questions contact rectory 875-2025 or Jose Benavides at 694-6000. We count on your cooperation. FESTIVAL NEWS Meeting RE-SCHEDULED to Wednesday, June 8 at 7 pm in the hall kitchen. We are accepting donations of WATER and SODAS at the rectory now. Silent Auction items are needed and are greatly appreciated. GRADUATES Last week Fr. Devassy blessed and shared the Gospel message with 100 plus SHS Class of 2016 graduates, administration, parents, and family. We pray for them all and their journey ahead of them. ENVIA, SENOR, SANTOS APOSTOLES A TU IGLESIA—SAN ANIBAL RUEGA POR NOSOTROS LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Re 21:1-16; Sal 5:2-3ab, 4b-7; Mt 5:38-42 Martes: 1 Re 21:17-29; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 11, 16; Mt 5:43 -48 Miércoles:2 Re 2:1, 6-14; Sal 31 (30):20, 21, 24; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Jueves: Sir 48:1-14; Sal 97 (96):1 7; Mt 6:7-15 Viernes: 2 Re 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Ps 132 (131):11-14, 17-18; Mt 6:19-23 Sábado: 2 Cr 24:17-25; Sal 89 (88):4-5, 29-34; Mt 6:24-34 Domingo: Zac 12:10-11; 13:1; Sal 63 (62):2-6, 8-9; Gal 3:26-29; Lc 9:18-24 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Lunes: San Antonio de Padua NOVENA PARA LOS PADRES Tenemos sobres para ofrecer una novena de misas para los padres vivos y difuntos. La donación es $10. AGRADECIDO FESTIVAL DE VERANO DE STA. MARÍA 5, 6, 7 de agosto 2016 Una de las actividades más impor tante de la fiesta es la venta de boletos de la rifa que dan la oportunidad de ganar: Primer Premio por Samsung 55 "LED Smart TV Segundo Premio por Apple Mini iPad 2 16GB Tercer premio: efectivo de $200 Pedimos a cada familia comprar un libro de diez boletos de $ 10 y vender otro libro a su familia y amigos. Para boletos o preguntas póngase en contacto con la rectoría 8752025 o José Benavides 694-6000. Contamos con su cooperación * Estamos aceptando donaciones de AGUA Y SODAS en la rectoría ahora. *Artículos de la subasta silenciosa se necesitan y son muy apreciadas. RALLY ROSARIO Ven a unirse para rezar un rosario santo pública en la esquina de las calles sábado del Bethel Jensen y 25 de junio a las 12 horas. Vamos a estar puestos en las cuatro esquinas de los grupos de Inglés y Español que ruega para el matrimonio y para la familia. Estamos muy agradecidos a los hombres y las mujeres que se han ofrecido este año para compartir su fe en la educación religiosa con cerca de 600 niños y jóvenes en Sanger y Del Rey. Cuando el Señor le preguntó: "¿A quién enviaré? ¿Quién irá por nosotros?" El catequista dijo, "Aquí estoy, envíame! “ (Isaías 6: 8) Si el Señor te llama, Digale: Si, Aquí estoy. REINITA DE SOCIEDAD GUADLUPANA 2016-2017 Junta con Padre Juan esta Valerie Herrera nuestra reinita de la Virgen Morena. Felicitaciones! REGISTRO AGAPE Estaremos aceptando inscripciones para entrar en el programa de Educación Religiosa AGAPE durante el Festival de verano, viernes 5 de agosto de 6:00 pm-8:00pm. Sábado, 6 de agosto de 3:00 pm-8:00 pm, y domingo, 7 de agosto de 3:00 pm—8:00 pm. Después del festival de verano el martes 9 de agosto y el 16, miércoles, 10 de agosto y 17 y el jueves, 11 de agosto y 18. Los tiempos de registro será 4:30 pm7:00 pm en el cuarto #2. NECESITA TRAER: Cer tificado de Bautismo y prueba de seguro de salud. PARISH GROUPS AND MINISTRIES / GRUPOS PARROQUIALES y MINISTERIOS ENGLISH 2016 Divine Mercy Ruth Alcantar 541-1048 Bible Study– Fr. Edwin Manio 875-2025 Legion of MarySal Rodriguez 892-3031 Catholic Daughters Becky Salinas 260-1568 Knights of ColumbusRafael Lopez 375-5864 Italian Catholic FederationKay Lopez 875-5967 Mission TonalaCecilia Herrera 994-1419 Marriage PreparationJavier & Isabel Luna, 876-2258 Cesar & Cindy Gonzales, 618-0510 Altar SocietyElva Rodriguez, 970-4862 Lectors & CommentatorsArt Mendoza, 304-7040 SMAS (Altar Servers)Vanessa & Levy Lopez 393-3261 Ignite– Young Adults 618-2552 LARVA (Lay Rogationist Vocation Animators)-Linda Lopez 977-1988 Safe Environment Jesse Avery 907-2881 Maintenance Supervisors Jose Alvarez 647-8192 Marriage and Family Counseling— Maria Bustamante 930-1030 Quinceañera Coordinator– Julia Flores 643-7533 Grupo de Oración (Sanger)Memo Jiménez 312-3050 Gift Shop– Lulu Torres (Open Sunday only) Padres y Madres OrantesGloria Mendoza 875-5424 CHOIRS Sociedad de Altar - (Del Rey) Vicky Ríos Adult English (11:00 am on fourth Sunday each month) Teresa Castillo 875-4297 Children’s (11:00 am on second Sunday each month) Beth Musgrave 876-3936 Sociedad GuadalupanaJaime Garza 394-2128 Caballeros de ColónJosé Luis Benavides 694-6000 Youth Music Ministry (11:00 am on Estudio Bíblico first and third Sunday each month) Hna. Reyna Maldonado, MEMI Julie Mendoza 824-4280 888-2889 (High School age) Consejería de Matrimonio y familia María Bustamante 930-1030 SPANISH 2015 Adoración Nocturna— Cesar Torres 876-1568 Divina Misericordia— Ruth Alcantar 541-1048 Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial – Alfredo y Rosa Almeada 876-3567 o 477-0053 Lectores y ComentaristasMartha Lomelí 365-8933 Grupo de Oración (Del Rey)Joaquín Núñez COROS Adultos (9:00 am)Mary Lombardo 940-0207 San Pedro (1:00 pm)Rolando Rodríguez 681-1296, Juan Silva 351-6129 Del Rey (5:30pm Sábado)Lourdes Chávez 888-2508