Dear Sirs; We take this opportunity to introduce the new packaging with closure and opening drop. “PACKAGING WITH DROP-DOWN OPENING” This new design is a packaging with drop shaped dispenser opening, for automatic packaging of bulk material, powder and liquids, such as detergents, food products and related products. This new device comes out from the same packaging and is formed by several slits tab located in the central and upper closing flaps of the box, which can be withdrawn to its initial position and leaving the box fully closed. INITIAL POSITION DISPENSER / DISPENSING CONTAINER FINAL POSITION OR CLOSURE Improvements of this new industrial design: The dispenser comes from the laminar body. It can be stored correctly, since the dispenser is integrated in the container, without forming any outbound. The packaging does not bear ripper tape for opening. The volume of the inner product can match the volume of the packaging because the opening is located at the top. Currently the openings are located on the narrow sides of the packaging and, therefore, the product volume is smaller than the container volume. The dispenser being located in its upper part visually facilitates the correct dosage of the product (quantity). Once opened, the closure is effective. This dispenser does not affect the technical characteristics of the container. (Compression resistance, machinability) Once opened, printing of the container is not sliced or ripped. It does not require dispenser cup inside the container. This package also allows placing a handle for better handling. This dispenser allows dispensing the product without touching it, avoiding possible allergies or infections caused by the contact. Its closing prevents product loss and aroma once opened. Easy to open and close. A thanks to its closure, there is no moisture penetration and prevents lumps forming. Once opened, the package is easy to use thanks to its verticality. The packaging is safer for children because it does not remain open. With this dispenser, we improve security with rivets, since the consumer has no contact with the inside of the folding box. The volume of the container is adapted to customer requirements. The closure of the bottom can be short flap, long flap, etc. The faces or sides of the packaging may contain a window of different sizes that allows seeing the product and how much is left. METHOD OF USE IMAGES DOCUMENTS OFICINA ESPAÑOLA DE PATENTES Y MARCAS 19 ESPAÑA Número de publicación: 21 Número de solicitud: 201431023 51 Int. CI.: B65D 5/06 B65D 5/54 B65D 5/70 71 Fecha de presentación: 08.07.2014 43 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) SOLICITUD DE PATENTE 12 22 2 523 022 11 Solicitantes: TECNOGRAFICA Y MAQUINARIA, S.A. (100.0%) C/ LA BAUMA, 35 08296 CASTELLBELL I EL VILAR (Barcelona) ES Fecha de publicación de la solicitud: 72 20.11.2014 Inventor/es: MACIÀ TREPAT, Josep 74 Agente/Representante: ISERN JARA, Jorge 54 Título: ENVASE CON ABERTURA DESPLEGABLE ES 2 523 022 A1 57 Resumen: Envase con abertura desplegable, resultante del doblado y plegado adecuado de un cuerpo laminar que presenta unas líneas de doblado que definen cuatro paredes rectangulares, que disponen de una solapa superior común y de otra solapa inferior común con unas líneas de doblado; la solapa superior presenta dos líneas de plegado continuadoras de dos líneas de doblado transversales limitadoras de una pared que está en una posición central; definiendo dichas líneas de plegado tres porciones rectangulares de la solapa superior; presentando la porción central el mismo eje de simetría que la pared central; estando dotadas cada una de las porciones de unos añadidos opuestos a su contacto con las paredes; presentando el añadido una línea de rasgado que divide al añadido en dos partes divisorias; presentando la porción una hendidura, y presentando el añadido una pestaña en su parte divisoria y que es encajable e introducible en la hendidura. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT: Sr. José Maciá Trepat A1 Sr. Xavier Maciá Trepat