Name:_______________________________________________ Date:______________ Sentence Match Quiz for Category: preterite_vs_imperfect_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below. 1) Tu corrías cuando te vi. - A: There was a woman in front of us. - B: You were running when I saw you. - C: Were you carrying money? - D: María thought that I was going to help her clean the house. 2) El torero salió por la puerta principal. - A: The matador left through the main door. - B: He wrote a book about the Spain of Carlos V. - C: He got an average grade of 8 out of 10. - D: They were seeing the lake. 3) En la novena vuelta tuvo un accidente. - A: In the ninth lap he had an accident. - B: I mastered written and spoken English. - C: The boy I was waiting for, didn't come. - D: Mary had blue eyes. 4) Usted tuvo un accidente automovilístico. - A: I lost my checkbook. - B: Why did you arrive late? - C: She was waiting for a reply from the business. - D: You had a car accident. 5) Dijeron que no tenían ganas de jugar fútbol. - A: They said they didn't feel like playing soccer. - B: He was smiling at you. - C: They were seeing the lake. - D: She used to look over the newspapers in the salon. 6) Llegué más o menos a las tres. - A: He was smiling at you. - B: Mario did not come in today. Can you stay late? - C: The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic. - D: I arrived at about 3. 7) ¿Por qué llegaste tarde? - A: They were seeing the lake. - B: She was waiting for a reply from the business. - C: I lost my checkbook. - D: Why did you arrive late? 8) Tú estabas en el área cuando la alarma fue activada. - A: María thought that I was going to help her clean the house. - B: He wrote a book about the Spain of Carlos V. - C: The matador left through the main door. - D: You were in the area when the alarm was activated. 9) ¿Llevaba usted dinero? - A: Were you carrying money? - B: Mario did not come in today. Can you stay late? - C: He got an average grade of 8 out of 10. - D: You/He/she was speaking slowly. Copyright © 2016 - 42967 1 Name:_______________________________________________ Date:______________ (continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: preterite_vs_imperfect_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below. 10) ¿Qué tal el fin de semana? - A: How was the weekend? - B: In the ninth lap he had an accident. - C: She was waiting for a reply from the business. - D: I lost the fork. 11) El niño al que esperaba no vino. - A: How was the weekend? - B: I mastered written and spoken English. - C: He was smiling at you. - D: The boy I was waiting for, didn't come. 12) En el fondo quería estudiar fisiología, pero después se hizo médico. - A: She was waiting for a reply from the business. - B: They were seeing the lake. - C: The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic. - D: He really wanted to study physiology, but he ended up being a doctor. 13) Ud/él/ella hablaba lentamente. - A: You/He/she was speaking slowly. - B: My mother died last year. - C: He really wanted to study physiology, but he ended up being a doctor. - D: Why did you arrive late? 14) Mario faltó hoy ¿Puede quedarse más tarde? - A: The boy broke the chair. - B: Were you carrying money? - C: She used to look over the newspapers in the salon. - D: Mario did not come in today. Can you stay late? 15) Perdí mi chequera. - A: I lost my checkbook. - B: In the ninth lap he had an accident. - C: She used to look over the newspapers in the salon. - D: Were you carrying money? 16) Mi madre murió el año pasado. - A: In the ninth lap he had an accident. - B: You had a car accident. - C: He was smiling at you. - D: My mother died last year. 17) La semana pasada fue maravillosa. - A: He was smiling at you. - B: He wrote a book about the Spain of Carlos V. - C: María thought that I was going to help her clean the house. - D: Last week was wonderful. 18) Perdí el tenedor. - A: I lost my checkbook. - B: You were in the area when the alarm was activated. - C: I called Oscar. - D: I lost the fork. Copyright © 2016 - 42967 2 Name:_______________________________________________ Date:______________ (continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: preterite_vs_imperfect_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below. 19) Obtuvo una nota media de 8 sobre 10. - A: He got an average grade of 8 out of 10. - B: The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic. - C: I did not have time. - D: You/He/she was speaking slowly. 20) Esperaba una contestación de la empresa. - A: You were in the area when the alarm was activated. - B: The boy broke the chair. - C: She was waiting for a reply from the business. - D: The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic. 21) María tenía los ojos azules. - A: Mary had blue eyes. - B: I lost my checkbook. - C: The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic. - D: Mario did not come in today. Can you stay late? 22) Las primeras mujeres que se defendían eran socialdemócratas. - A: Were you carrying money? - B: The matador left through the main door. - C: The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic. - D: She was waiting for a reply from the business. 23) Ellos veían el lago. - A: They were seeing the lake. - B: There was a woman in front of us. - C: Why did you arrive late? - D: You had a car accident. 24) No tuve tiempo. - A: I did not have time. - B: You were running when I saw you. - C: How was the weekend? - D: He was smiling at you. 25) Te sonreía. - A: The boy I was waiting for, didn't come. - B: Mary had blue eyes. - C: Why did you arrive late? - D: He was smiling at you. 26) Delante de nosotros había una mujer. - A: I lost my checkbook. - B: I arrived at about 3. - C: Mary had blue eyes. - D: There was a woman in front of us. 27) Escribió un libro sobre la España de Carlos V. - A: He wrote a book about the Spain of Carlos V. - B: How was the weekend? - C: María thought that I was going to help her clean the house. - D: You/He/she was speaking slowly. Copyright © 2016 - 42967 3 Name:_______________________________________________ Date:______________ (continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: preterite_vs_imperfect_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below. 28) Yo llamé a Oscar. - A: She was waiting for a reply from the business. - B: You were running when I saw you. - C: They said they didn't feel like playing soccer. - D: I called Oscar. 29) María creía que yo la iba a ayudar a limpiar la casa. - A: Why did you arrive late? - B: I mastered written and spoken English. - C: He got an average grade of 8 out of 10. - D: María thought that I was going to help her clean the house. 30) Dominaba el inglés hablado y escrito. - A: I mastered written and spoken English. - B: I lost the fork. - C: Were you carrying money? - D: I called Oscar. 31) Ella ojeaba los periódicos en la peluquería. - A: I mastered written and spoken English. - B: She used to look over the newspapers in the salon. - C: My mother died last year. - D: I called Oscar. 32) El niño rompió la silla. - A: You were in the area when the alarm was activated. - B: I lost my checkbook. - C: My mother died last year. - D: The boy broke the chair. Copyright © 2016 - 42967 4 Name:_______________________________________________ Date:______________ Answer Key for Worksheet 42967 Sentence Match Quiz starting on page 1 1 = B , 2 = A , 3 = A , 4 = D , 5 = A , 6 = D , 7 = D , 8 = D , 9 = A , 10 = A , 11 = D , 12 = D , 13 = A , 14 = D , 15 = A , 16 = D , 17 = D , 18 = D , 19 = A , 20 = C , 21 = A , 22 = C , 23 = A , 24 = A , 25 = D , 26 = D , 27 = A , 28 = D , 29 = D , 30 = A , 31 = B , 32 = D Copyright © 2016 - 42967 5