Pablo A. Gluzmann Investigador C|E|D|L - cedlas

Pablo A. Gluzmann
Investigador C|E|D|L|A|S
Magíster en Economía, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), tesis en proceso.
Licenciado en Economía, UNLP, 2005.
Actividades Académicas
Investigador Junior del CEDLAS, UNLP
Becario Doctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
Ayudante Diplomado con dedicación simple en Macroeconomía II, Licenciatura en Economía,
Principales áreas de investigación
Pobreza y distribución del ingreso
Políticas sociales
Mercados laborales
Principales publicaciones y trabajos
Como Coautor:
• “Estimating Income Poverty and Inequality from the Gallup World Poll: The Case of Latin America and
the Caribbean”, Leonardo Gasparini y Pablo Gluzmann, CEDLAS Working Paper Nº84.
• “Rewriting history: real income growth and income distribution during Argentina’s democracy”, Pablo
Gluzmann y Federico Sturzenegger. Forthcoming chapter in project “Argentine Exceptionalism: Some
Explanations for 100 years of Economic Divergence” by Harvard press. (Editors: Edward L. Glaeser &
Rafael Di Tella). Presented at the “Argentine Exceptionalism Conference”, Harvard Kennedy School on,
February 13th , 2009.
• “Distributional incidence of social, infrastructure, and telecommunication services in Latin America”,
Pablo Gluzmann y Mariana Marchionni, Overview Chapter of the forthcoming publication produced by
UNCTAD under its project Development Implications of Services Trade Liberalization.
Como Investigador junior del CEDLAS:
• Socio-Economic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean (SEDLAC). CEDLAS-WB.
• Development Implications of Services Trade Liberalization. UNCTAD. Guido Porto, Mariana
Marchionni, Javier Alejo y Pablo Gluzmann.
• Background Data and Geo-Referenced Indicators for the Project on Social Consequences of Climate
Change. CEDLAS and The World Bank (WB).
• Spatial Welfare Disparities in LAC. For WDR 2009 LAC Companion Report on Spatial Development.
The World Bank. 2008.
• Development in Africa: Evidence from Household Survey Microdata. CEDLAS – WB.
• Income, Deprivation, and Perceptions in Latin America and the Caribbean: New Evidence from the
Gallup World Poll. Inter-American Development Bank Latin American Research Network. 2008.
Leonardo Gasparini, Pablo Gluzmann, Mariana Marchionni, Sergio Olivieri y Walter Sosa Escudero.
Como asistente de investigación:
• “Monetary and Fiscal Policies in a Sudden Stop: Is Tighter Brighter?”, Alberto Ortiz, Pablo Ottonello,
Federico Sturzenegger y Ernesto Talvi, Noviembre 2007
• “From surpluses to deficits: the effect of dark matter on Latin America”, Ricardo Hausmann y Federico
Sturzenegger, Octubre 2007.
• “Estimating SARB´s Policy Reaction Rule”, Alberto Ortiz y Federico Sturzenegger, Julio 2007.
• “Identifying aggregate supply and demand shocks in South Africa”, Stan Du Plessis, Ben Smit y
Federico Sturzenegger, Julio 2007.
• “The cyclicality of monetary and fiscal policy in South Africa since 1994”, Stan Du Plessis, Ben Smit y
Federico Sturzenegger, Julio 2007.
• “South Africa Macroeconomic Challenges after a Decade of Success”, Jeffry Frankel, Ben Smit y
Federico Sturzenegger, Abril 2007.