Curriculum Vitae Dr. Peter Anderson CURRENT POST British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow Department of International History and Cañada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies, London School of Economics and Political Science MONOGRAPH The Francoist Military Trials: terror and complicity, 1939-1945, (London: Routledge, 2010) ARTICLES ‘Singling out Victims: Denunciation and Collusion in the Post Civil War Francoist Repression in Spain, 1939-1945’, European History Quarterly, 39, 1, (2009) ‘In the Interests of Justice: Grassroots Prosecution and Collaboration in Francoist Military Trials, 1939-1945’, Contemporary European History, 18, 1, (2009) CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS With Miguel Ángel Del Arco Blanco (University of Granada) ‘Construyendo el franquismo: violencia y represión en el campo Andaluz de posguerra´, in Encarna Nicolás y Carmen González, (Eds.), Ayeres en discusión. Temas clave de Historia Contemporánea hoy, (Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 2008) ARTICLES IN REVIEW ‘In the Name of the Martyrs: memory and retribution in Francoist Spain, 1936-1945’ ‘The Chetwode Commission and British Diplomatic Responses to Violence behind the lines during the Spanish Civil War’ ‘Gran Fe y Entusiasmo’: los agents del Cuerpo de Investigación y Vigilancia de Málaga y la detención de ‘una infinidad de rojos’ AWARDS/PRIZES European History Quarterly Fortieth Anniversary Prize for Best First Article (Sept. 2009) British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship (2007-2010) Arts and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Award (2003-2005) Royal Historical Society Travel Bursary (2005) Institute of Historical Research Bursary (2004)