Units of Inquiry YEAR GROUP: Form 1 SUBJECT: English Speaking

Units of Inquiry
In Form 1, students will look at the following Units of Inquiry:
Moving up – which follows the lines of inquiry of changes in routines, rules, rights and responsibilities both at home and at
Celebrations – a unit on the variety of celebrations people experience throughout their lives and the similarities and differences
between these between people and cultures
The world around us – an exploration into our senses and how we uses the five senses to find out about the world we live in
Toys – looking at the lines of inquiry as to how toys move, what they are made from and how they have changed over time
Water – a unit of inquiry focusing on water preservation, where water comes from and what it is used for
Our sixth Unit of Inquiry often changes due to international events such as the Royal Wedding, The world Cup and so on.
SUBJECT: English Speaking & Listening
The outcomes for students in Form 1 are to:
Speak competently and creatively:
tell stories and describe incidents from their own experience in a clear, audible voice;
retell stories, ordering events using appropriate story language;
interpret a text by reading aloud with some variety in pace and emphasis.
Listen with understanding and respond appropriately:
listen with sustained concentration;
listen to and follow instructions accurately, asking for help and clarification when necessary;
express views about how a story or information has been presented.
Take part in group discussion and interaction:
take turns to speak, listen to others’ suggestions and talk about what they are going to do;
ask and answer questions, make relevant contributions, offer suggestions and take turns;
explain their views to others in a small group, decide how to report the group’s views to the class.
Use drama to explore and evaluate ideas:
explore familiar themes and characters through improvising and role-playa;
act out own and well-known stories;
discuss why they like a performance.
Willingness to speak in English;
show a positive disposition towards speaking English in the classroom;
use the taught language patterns in new and different situations.
SUBJECT: English Reading
The outcomes for students in Form 1 are to:
Use a variety of strategies to read a given text:
use their phonic knowledge to read unknown words through blending and segmenting sounds.
read high frequency words by sight;
read longer words, including two and three syllable words, e.g yesterday;
recognise the taught consonant blends and digraphs in words;
use syntax and context to self-correct when reading for accuracy and meaning.
Select and retrieve information:
identify the main events and characters in stories;
find specific information in simple non -fiction texts using index and contents pages.
Understand texts:
make predictions showing an understanding of ideas, events and characters.
Interpret different types of texts and comment on the language:
recognise the main elements and structures of both fiction and non-fiction texts;
identify patterns of language and repeated words and phrases, and explain their effect on the reader.
Evaluate and respond to texts:
comment on events, characters and ideas, making links to own experiences;
recognise differences between fiction and non-fiction texts, and understand the purposes for reading them.
Willingness to engage in reading activities:
show a positive disposition towards reading activities;
read independently for purpose, pleasure and learning;
select books for personal reading and give reasons for choices.
SUBJECT: English Writing
The outcomes for students in Form 1 are to:
Communicate independently for purpose and learning:
independently choose what to write,
plan the content of their writing using pictures, key words and other strategies.
Write in a variety of styles, using the appropriate vocabulary:
convey information and ideas in simple factual texts;
find and use interesting words and phrases in their written work;
make word and language choices appropriate to the style and purpose of the text;
use retelling as a means introducing the key features of story writing (beginning, middle, end);
write a simple narrative, maintaining the coherence and sequence through the use of beginning, middle and end;
use guided planning to establish clear ideas for writing;
appreciate rhyme and poetry by listening to and writing their own simple poems;
write fictional and non-fiction recounts;
Organise ideas using clear structures:
write chronological and non-chronological texts;
group written sentences together in chunks of meaning.
Write accurate sentences using the correct grammar:
compose and write simple sentences independently to communicate meaning;
compose sentences using their knowledge of tense with consistency (present and simple past);
identify and write common nouns, verbs and adjectives both as single words and in context;
develop an understanding of both alphabetical and word order
Use a range of punctuation effectively:
use full stops and capital letters consistently.
Use a range of strategies to spell accurately:
use their knowledge of related words and familiar suffixes to spell new words;
spell the Form 1 HFW correctly;
spell new words using their phonic knowledge and a range of self-checking strategies (HFW lists, dictionaries, word lists, etc);
segment sounds in order to spell longer words including those with common digraphs and adjacent consonants;
use their knowledge of vowel phonemes to spell more complex words.
Use clear and fluent handwriting:
use the correct letter formation to write all the letters;
learn and begin to apply the four basic joins.
Willingness to engage in writing activities:
Show a positive disposition towards Writing.
SUBJECT: Maths (in English)
The outcomes for students in Form 1 are to:
Perform basic operations accurately:
add / subtract 0, 1, 2, 10 mentally;
memorise pairs of numbers with a total of 10;
add / subtract using a variety of formats: mapping, diagrams, horizontal or vertical setting, count on;
add/subtract a single digit from a 2-digit number.
Develop number sense:
understand the sequence of numbers up to 100;
name, represent and understand the value of any 2-digit number;
recognise odd and even numbers.
Develop knowledge of Geometry:
identify, name, describe the observable features of 3D shapes;
identify, name, describe 2D shapes;
identify symmetrical patterns and shapes in the environment..
Demonstrate knowledge of money:
represent sums of money by using different combinations of coins and notes.
Calculate the change and total amounts in simple shopping activities.
Basic units of measurement:
measure lengths using non standard units, such as handspans, and standardised units Eg. centimetres;
identify objects that are heavier / lighter and begin to use standardised units such as grams
identify when a container is full, half full or empty, and begin to use the standardised units of millilitres
tell the time - o’clock and half-past.
Become confident and competent in problem solving:
solve one step and simple two step word problems involving addition and subtraction.
Interpreting and Presenting Information:
to construct, read and interpret simple block graphs;
to gather information and present in simple tables.
SUBJECT: Spanish
The outcomes for students in Form 1 are to:
adquirir hábitos de comunicación adecuados: escuchar, respetar opiniones, turnos y tiempos de intervención;
transmitir oralmente un mensaje coherente comunicando ideas, experiencias personales, emociones y sentimientos;
incrementar su vocabulario y demostrar habilidades para usarlo adecuadamente.
Manejar diferentes tipos de texto;
disfrutar de instancias de lectura comprensiva;
conocer el código gráfico y la mecánica lectora para poder comprender los mensajes textuales;
utilizar la lectura como vía de entendimiento, entretenimiento e información.
escribir sencillas oraciones con unidad temática;
realizar sencillas descripciones, utilizando el lenguaje como una forma nueva de expresión.
automatizar la ortografía del vocabulario de uso frecuente;
dominar un vocabulario visual de palabras de uso frecuente (listado de 100 palabras).
reconocer y aplicar los elementos gráficos del lenguaje (punto final).
Ejes transversales:
ubicarse espacialmente en el entorno;
desarrollar la capacidad de observar los cambios del paisaje en las distintas estaciones;
ubicarse gradualmente en las coordenadas espacio – temporales;
incorporar nociones de cambio en el contexto de su tiempo concreto;
incorporar formas de conducta que evidencien un proceso de socialización creciente;
manifestar habilidades para observar;
mostrar interés y curiosidad por el conocimiento de su cuerpo y del medio en que vive.
Construcción de Ciudadanía – Ética
demostrar actitudes de afecto, colaboración, solidaridad y respeto;
incorporar reglas de cortesía a través del vocabulario y las acciones concretas;
desarrollar hábitos de trabajo responsable;
fortalecer vínculos entre grupos de compañeros;
demostrar interés y compromiso activo en la conservación del medio que lo rodea;
manifestar hábitos de cuidado de su integridad física, salud y presentación personal;
incorporar normas de participación activa en la vida democrática de nuestro país.