Call for applications (PDF file)

A public competition will take place to award 10 scholarships each worth € 2,500 (inclusive of
IRPEF) to deserving international students who enrol in a two year master’s degree course at
the University of Macerata.
Academic Year 2015/2016
Art. 1 - Object
Within the framework of a series of initiatives aimed at promoting and
sustaining its internationalisation process, Università degli Studi di
Macerata, has established no. 10 scholarships amounting to €2,500 each
(inclusive of Personal Income Tax – IRPEF) in favour of deserving
international students who enrol (full time) in a two year Master’s Degree
Courses at Università degli Studi di Macerata, during the Academic Year
The objective of this call for applications is to encourage an incoming flow
of students selected on the basis of criteria of excellence, which might
contribute to enriching the cultural pluralism and training traditions of the
student population at the University, with a view to mutually beneficial
Regardless of their citizenship, all students who have been awarded a
valid qualification for access to the chosen in a two year Master’s Degree
Courses in an institution that is outside the Italian system will be
considered international.
Enrolment is understood to mean initial enrolment in the first year of the
course of studies in the two year Master’s Degree Courses. Enrolments in
subsequent years of study, transfers and passages will not be considered
Each scholarship is assigned for the academic year 2014/2015 and
amounts to the overall sum of €2500.00 (inclusive of Personal Income Tax
(IRPEF) which will be payable by the beneficiary).
ART. 2 – Incompatibility
The assignment of such scholarships is incompatible with the scholarships
granted by the ERSU (regional organisation for the right to study of the
Marche Regional Authority) and the University of Macerata.
ART. 3 – Requirements for admission to the selection
To participate in the competition, on pain of exclusion, applicants must
have a valid qualification for access to the chosen two year Master’s
Degree Courses, awarded by an institution that is outside of the Italian
system, regardless of their citizenship.
ART. 4 Assignment criteria
The scholarships will be assigned on the basis of the judgement of a
specifically appointed commission, which will draw up a merit ranking
based on its assessment of the qualification necessary for access to the
chosen two year Master’s Degree Courses. The motivations expressed in
the motivational letter required will also be taken into consideration, along
with the B2 level knowledge of English for degree courses taught in
English or of Italian for degree courses taught in Italian, in compliance
with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
For all candidates, payment of the scholarship is subject to actual
enrolment in the chosen course of studies (full time) and possession of the
maintenance requirements set out in article 8.
ART. 5 – Presentation of applications: terms and manners and
documents to be enclosed
Aspiring participants in the selection will have to submit an application
containing all the necessary documentation as outlined below, using the
specific application form which can be found on the website of the
University of Macerata at the web address:
The application will have to be delivered or sent by registered mail with
advice of receipt to: Università degli Studi di Macerata – Ufficio Protocollo,
Piaggia della Torre, 8 – 62100 Macerata, no later than 2.00 p.m. on 30
giugno 2015.
In the case of applications received by post, the postal stamp of the
departure date will be considered valid; nevertheless, it will not be
possible to accept applications received after the 7 luglio 2015. The
Administration shall not accept any liability for possible postal issues that
are ascribable to third parties, fate or force majeure.
To guarantee a correct assessment of merit, as foreseen by article 4 of
this call for applications, we recommend that you fill out the application
form in all of its parts.
On pain of exclusion, candidates must enclose the following documents
with their application:
1) Copy of passport. EU citizens must enclose a copy of an
identification document;
2) A certificate proving possession a suitable qualification for access to
the chosen course of study, with indications of the final result
awarded. EU citizens may avail of self-certification
3) A motivational letter (maximum 1500 characters)
The documents presented by the candidate must be either in Italian or
In the case of documents written in any language other than Italian or
English, they must be complete with an Italian or English translation on
unstamped paper. The translation may be carried out directly by the
During this phase it is not necessary to produce an official translation in
Italian, neither is it necessary to proceed with legalisation and a letter of
academic eligibility of the academic qualification.
Applications that are not filled out in full and that do not contain all the
required documentation will not be accepted.
Pursuant to article 71 of Presidential Decree 445/00, sample checks will
be carried out on the possession of the requirements of candidates, as
well as, in all cases in which there are founded doubts regarding the
truthful nature of the declarations rendered in the self-certification by the
applicant, even subsequent to the selection phase. Such checks will come
about in compliance with the regulations in force.
ART. 6 – Formation and approval of the merit rankings, application
of preferences in case of equal assessment
The merit rankings will be formed by the Commission as per article 4 of
this Notice and approved with a specific administrative deed.
In cases of equal points, the younger candidate will be given precedence.
ART. 7 Enrolment
Within the peremptory term of 7 days from the date of publication of the
merit rankings on the University website, at the address indicated above,
the candidates who have been assigned the scholarship will have to
complete their enrolment in the chosen Master’s Degree Course or Single
Block Degree Course at this university, on pain of forfeiture.
In cases where the assignee candidate is waiting for his or her preenrolment application to be assessed by the competent teaching body, the
term of 7 days will begin from the date of official notification of admission
to the chosen course.
ART. 8 – Payment method of the scholarship and maintenance
The scholarships shall be paid in 2 instalments, subject to presentation of
the specific form in which the assignee candidates will have to provide
specific assurance, under their own responsibility that they are not about
to incur in the incompatibility cases foreseen by article 2 of this call for
applications, on pain of forfeiture.
The same candidates will have to commit to notify any variation in their
situation that may occur during the year, with respect to what is declared.
Payment of the first instalment, equal to € 1,500.00 (inclusive of the
Personal Income Tax (IRPEF) chargeable to the beneficiary), is subject to
the student’s actual enrolment in the chosen course of study (full time)
and submission of the forms, duly signed by the Student Secretariat of the
Department. For the purposes of admission and enrolment, the student
must comply with the dispositions and expiries in force, including the
regulations foreseen for enrolment by the Circular letter of the Ministry for
Education, University and Research regarding access to university courses
by foreign students.
The payment of the second instalment, amounting to €1,000.00 (inclusive
of the taxes payable by the beneficiary), is subject to the acquirement of
40 credits foreseen by the study plans of the enrolment year in question,
during the Academic Year 205-2016.
The credits matured must be obtained at the University of Macerata or at
other universities, within recognised mobility programmes that the
University of Macerata participates in.
ART. 9 – Movement in the merit rankings
In the event of failure by the winning candidates to complete their
enrolment within the terms as per article 7, those ranked below them in
the merit rankings will be assigned any possible remaining scholarships.
ART. 10 – Informative notice on data processing
The University of Macerata will use the data contained in the applications,
as in the subsequent communications presented by selected beneficiaries,
exclusively for the selection procedure, for the creation of the training
intervention and distribution of the same my means of multimedia tools.
Pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003, each candidate has the right to
access the data regarding him/her, to have it updated, rectified, and
integrated if erroneous or incomplete, and to have any data processed in
violation of the law cancelled, or to oppose the processing of data
regarding themselves for legitimate reasons.
The University of Macerata is the data processing manager.
ART. 11 – Manager of the Procedure
Pursuant to the dispositions in force, Ms. Carla Bufalini, Manager of the
Orientation and Study Rights Office at the University of Macerata (tel.
0733-258.6009 email: is hereby appointed as the
Manager of the administrative procedure relative to this selection. Please
contact her directly for information regarding this selection.
Candidates may exercise their right to access the documents relating to
the selection procedure in compliance with the manners foreseen by the
regulations in force. Applications will have to be sent to the U.R.P. of the
University at the Institutional Affairs Office – Piaggia della Torre, 8 –
62100 Macerata
ART. 12 – Language
This call for applications is also translated into English, for diffusion
purposes only.
For the application and settlement of any controversies and for all effects
of law, the Italian version will be the only version considered valid.