Heating fabrics – SEFAR PowerHeat NTSEFAR PowerHeat NT

SEFAR PowerHeat NT
SEFAR PowerHeat NT fabric consists of PET monofilaments, metal wires and
conductively coated fibers.
Product Features
SEFAR PowerHeat NT – heating fabric
Can be cut to almost any shape: the conductive wires are at right-angles to the
flexible power supply bars and distribute the electrical power along their entire length
and thus evenly heat the whole surface area.
The electric power supply bars are placed side-by-side, e.g. along one fabric edge
3D-shaping capability
Compatible with injection/back-injection mold processes
Compatible with thermoforming processes
Quick heat-up due to its light weight
No hotspots
Energy efficient: high temperatures are attained with low electrical power
Up to 1000 W/m² heat transfer when exposed to air
Customer Information: SEFAR
PowerHeat NT (PDF 788 kb)
Up to 10-25 kW/m² heat transfer possible when exposed to liquids and composites
High air permeability
Infrared image of SEFAR PowerHeat
NT fabric having randomly-cut shape.
The flexible power supply bar stays
–> Power supply bar
Sefar Maissa S.A.U.
Avda. del Vallés, 59-61
Poligono Industrial Sud Sector P-2
08440 Cardedeu (Barcelona)
Phone +34 93 844 47 10
+34 93 844 47 20
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Power density vs. supply voltage diagram of two selected SEFAR PowerHeat NT
Other power/voltage configurations are also available.
SEFAR PowerHeat NT fabric
Corresponding infrared view
–> Main power supply bar
Sefar Maissa S.A.U.
Avda. del Vallés, 59-61
Poligono Industrial Sud Sector P-2
08440 Cardedeu (Barcelona)
Phone +34 93 844 47 10
+34 93 844 47 20
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Infrared specimen showing heated strips
A hole has been cut into the fabric; in spite
of that, the adjacent area is still heated.
The area immediately alongside the power
supply bar stays cool.
Example of how SEFAR PowerHeat NT can be cut
Your Benefits
SEFAR PowerHeat NT fabrics are tailored towards our customer needs.
Available as roll goods: the fabric can be cut to the customer’s desired shape
Dynamic heating adjustment by PWM (pulse width modulation) control
Fabric can be sewn or laminated
Sefar Maissa S.A.U.
Avda. del Vallés, 59-61
Poligono Industrial Sud Sector P-2
08440 Cardedeu (Barcelona)
Phone +34 93 844 47 10
+34 93 844 47 20
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