Lexicon Anatomicum Homericum

Lexicon Anatomicum Homericum
XVIII 555 : ulnae, brazos, arms
XIV 213: bracchia curvata, brazos flexionados, bent arms
tX"'()(c.:w, V 282: cubitus, codo, elbow
tX"'(OaT65, XI 425: palma manus, palma de la mano, flat of the hand
a~ow, aloo'ia, II 262: testiculi, testiculos, testicles
ai~J.a, I 303: sanguis, sangre, blood
av8cQ(;WV, I 501: mentum, menton, barbilla, chin
aaTQcX"'fCI.A05, XVI 466: vertebra colli, vertebra cervical, cervical
avx~~·. V 147: cervix, collum, cuello, neck; XIII 289: adversa pars
colli, nuca, nape
&1/;w, 4 794: commisurae membrorum, articulaciones, joints
{3/...icpaea, X 26: palpebrae, parpados, eyelids
f3eax[wv, XIII 529: bracchium, brazo, arm; ?rQV!J.V05 f3eax(wv XIII
532: bracchium superior, antebrazo, forearm
f3ecXJLD5, V 586: caput, cabeza , head
"'(CI.anfe, V 539: venter, vientre, belly; 6 133: stomachus appetens,
estomago con apetito, hungry belly; VI 58: uterus, utero, womb
"'fci'Hct5, 16 176: pili barbae, barba, beard
"'fEVcwv, XXII 74: mentum, menton, chin
"'fEVV5, 11 320: mala , maxilla, quijada, mandibula, jaw
"'(A1/v1J, XIV 494: pupilla oculi, pupila, eyeball
"'fAO uTo5, V 66: clunis, nalga, buttock
"'(A~aa1J, V 74: lingua, lengua, tongue
"'fVCI.8JLo5, XVI 606: maxilla, mandibula, jaw
"'(VVt V 309: genu flexum, rodilla flexionada, bent knee
"'(Ovu, XXI 591, I 407: -genu, rodilla, knee
"'(Uta, III 34: membra, miembros, limbs
ar{evov, II 479: pectus, pecho, breast
IV 480: pectus, pecho, breast
aroJla, VI 43: os, boca, mouth
aroJlaxos, XVII 47: guttur, garganta, throat
acpovovJ...{ov, XX 483: vertebra, vertebra, vertebra
acpverfv, IV 147: talus, tobillo, ankle
meaos, XI 377: media pedis pars inter digitos et talum, parte del pie
entre los dedos y el tobillo, the part of the foot between toes and
rlvovTE, r{vovTEs, IV 521: nervi, nervios, tendones, sinews, tendons;
XX 478: cubiti nervi, tendones del codo, tendons of the elbow;
XXII 396: pedium nervi, tendones de los pies, tendons of the feet
re{xEs, XXII 77: crines, cabellos, hairs
!nrEQ~YJ, XXII 495: palatum, paladar, palate
inrr.inrw, XII 463: eae faciei partes, quaeoculis sunt subiectae, partes
del rostro que se hallan bajo los ojos, the part of the face under the
cpaev-y~, 9 373: fauces , guttur, garganta, throat, gullet
cpJ...fV;, XIII 546: vena, vena, blood-vessel
<PQEVES, XVI 481: praecordia, diafragma, midriff
xa{rYJ, XXIII 141, X 15: caesaris, iuba, cabellera, cabellos, hair, hairs
XELJ...m, XV 102: labia, labios, lips
XE{Q, III 376: manus, mano, hand; XI 252: bracchium, brazo, arm
xoJ...aOES, IV 526: intestina, intestinos, tripas, bowels
xeot~, XVI 164: cutis, piel, skin
xeoos, V 354: cutis, piel, epidermis, skin
c1Jlos, I 45: humerus, hombro, shoulder
C/;1{;, IX 373: oculus, facies, ojo, rostro, eye, face
l. Las referencias corresponden a cantos de la Iliada (numeros romanos),
excepto cuando los terminos aparecen solo en Ia Odisea (cantos en numeros
ariibigos) . Los llamados "himnos homericos" no son tenidos en cuenta.
1. Numbers refer to the books of the Iliad (Roman numerals), except when
terms occur only in the Odyssey (book in Arabic numerals). The so-called
"Homeric Hymns" are not taken in account.
2. Los terminos figuran en plural cuando aparecen en Homero solo en