ASNWERS TO THE QUESTIONS submitted during the Webcat SAP DATA MIGRATION rapid deployment Solutions: 1)Daniel Segura:Bs tardes, HCM incluye SuccessFactors? SAP HCM is a part of the existing “Rapid data migration to ERP” package. We are currently developing new content for SuccessFactors Employee Central as a target. Planned release date is end of February 2013 (please note that this date might be changed without notice, it’s just planned). 2) Vagner Silva do Nascimento:Boa Tarde! Quais objetos possuem pacotes prontos para Data Migration nos módulos de PS e RE? Regarding PS, we do have some of the objects covered with the standard ERP delivery (please check out slide number 28). The most important one is the WBS element object for the Work Breakdown Structure). Also, many CO objects are in the portfolio covering some of the PS data. Regarding RE, we do not have anything in particular build for either RE nor FX. But as this is using standard BAPIs, the same Data Services job structure would be possible to address the data in SAP via the IDoc (BAPI-ALE interface). Here the enhancement guide will help to understand what needs to be done. This might be a good opportunity for a partner who is specialized in RE-FX to build this content. 3) Parra Vera Ramón Eduardo:RDS, se puede utilizar para la migración de base de datos tanto homogeneas como heterogeneas? As mentioned earlier, I’m not completely sure if I got that question right. If Vera Ramon Eduardo is talking about distributed data bases, the answer is SAP Data Services connects to every single data base separately and the relationship needs to be maintained in the Data Services tool again. But it’s possible to use and add as many sources (like different data bases or different tables) as you like. You just need to provide a key and the relation. 4) Alexander Artavia:Para el caso de que existan nuevos campos ampliados en las estructuras estandar de SAP, es posible de igual forma ampliar los objetos estandar incluidos en SAP DS? It’s not just possible, it’s absolutely build for that. As every SAP target system is different and sometimes additional objects are needed, we provide an extension guide explaining step-by-step how to extend and enhance the solution and single objects. 5) Matías Quiroga:Sorry, does it tool work with Direct Inputs? No, the tool does not support the old Direct Input programs. It’s also not directly writing into SAP data base tables. We are using standard SAP interfaces like IDoc, BAPI, BDos (XIF), WebServices and Files. But it’s possible to create the files for LSMW which can then call the DI program (you would use Data Services for the Data Quality and the mapping in that case). 6) Mauricio Cubillos:se indica un sistema destino. ¿un sistema PRD destino?¿cuántos sistemas DEV o QAS? When you start working you are building everything for a test system. In ideal world this should be a copy of your PRD. Then, when everything Works, you are going to do the migration directly into your PRD system. You can do a separate migration into DEV or QAS but this is normally not necessary. In regard of Data Services, you do have different repositories where people develop and where the jobs will run later. 7) ALEJANDRO CALATZIS:Hola todos! Soy de ITS Brasil. Actualmente en la migración . Entrego las planillas con los layouts para destino. El cliente hace las extraciones y sanea los datos y despues ejecuta las cargas. O sea practicamente es responsable de los datos. Nuestra parte es garantir la parte tecnica de que estes suban al ERP SAP . Pregunto qual la metodologia mas practica para trabajar com esta formidáble herramienta de migración. The methodology is actually the one presented by Arturo. While you handed over the responsibility to the client, you are on the safe side. But nevertheless you should take a look into the RDS Service portion which is a pre-build starter Service. I also recommend that you from ITS do the qualification process for this RDS package. Please contact me via email: