LIFE iSEAS - Knowledge-Based Innovative Solutions to Enhance

 LIFE iSEAS - Knowledge-Based Innovative
Solutions to Enhance Adding-Value
Mechanisms towards Healthy and Sustainable
EU Fisheries
LIFE13 ENV/ES/000131
Project description Environmental issues Beneficiaries Administrative data R e a d m o r e Contact details:
Contact person: Ricardo I. Pérez-Martín
Tel: 34986231930
Fax: 34986292762
Project description:
Discards refer to the practice of dumping overboard dead unwanted fish that are
accidentally caught as by-catch during commercial fishing practices. Most
conventional fishing operations produce discards (ranging from between 2 and
10% for long-line methods and increasing by as much as 90% for trawling
systems). New measures within the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) aim to reduce
discards. This will lead to a decrease in the volume of such biomass reaching
shore which will effect the operations of land-based facilities that currently
utilise the discard biomass. Objectives
The main objective of LIFE iSEAS is to promote more sustainable fisheries
prac tices thr ou g h i m p ro v i n g k n o w - h o w a b o u t n e w a p p r o a c h e s t o m a n a g i n g
discard biomass. This will be achieved through testing new technology (which
builds on outcomes from the previous LIFE FAROS project) for automatically
monitoring and recording discard material on-board deep-sea and other
commercial fishing vessels. The new technology will provide real-time data that
can be modelled to help direct fishing activities away from areas and practices
that indicate high risks of producing discard biomass. Benefits will include more
effective forms of precision-fishing that improve the commercial quality of
catches and lead to more-resource-efficient operations (e.g. fuel and time
catches and lead to more-resource-efficient operations (e.g. fuel and time
savings). Mitigating on-shore effects from improved discard management will also form an
important part of the project. An ‘Integral Discards Processing and Valorisation
Point’ will be established to explore new sustainable options for dealing with the
transition process that follows the anticipated increase in precision-fishing at
sea. Expected results: The project’s main expected results are: Significantly improved knowledge about the socio-economic and
environmental effects (positive and negative) of measures aimed at reducing
Successful demonstration (and further calibration of) the iObserver
technology to automatically and efficiently provide the data that is needed
for improving the management of discards - thereby improving the
prospects for more precision-fishing practices;
Development of data and metadata models plus a complete range of OGC
services (WMS, WFS, WCS, WPS) for acquired discards information that can
be integrated on a fish discards SDI, satisfying the INSPIRE Directive
Elaboration of a powerful modelling tool to improve analysis of fish stocks
and potential discard risks in different fisheries. This will combine various
data inputs in order to improve its efficacy for providing real-time guidance
to help boat crews reduce discard volumes;
Testing of as prototype facility (based at Marín port) to valorise, manage
and trade discards that have been landed. Close cooperation between the
facility and the fishing crews involved in the project is expected to improve
the quality of discard biomass and thus improve its potential for
commercial valorisation; and
A detailed study (covering all stakeholders from the Galician fisheries
sector) that clarifies the environmental and socio-economic impacts of
proposed solutions for discard reduction. This will pay special attention to
capacity building for better management of discards and the reduction of
discards, particularly, participation in the co-management and
community-based management of fisheries.
Environmental issues addressed:
Industry-Production - Agriculture - Forestry
Waste - Waste reduction - Raw material saving
Waste - Waste use
fishing industry‚ decision making support‚ biodiversity‚ waste use‚ modelling‚ waste reduction‚ marine pollution‚ organic waste‚ marine environment Natura 2000 sites
Not applicable
Type of organisation
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Científicas
Research institution
The beneficiary is the largest public
multidisciplinary research organisation in
Spain. It includes the Instituto de
Investigaciones Marinas (IMM) which has a
remit for marine research in the context of
sustainable fisheries exploitation, waste
valorisation and marine food transformation
industry. OPROMAR(Organización de Productores de
Pesca Fresca del Puerto y Ría de Marín), Spain
CETMAR(Centro Tecnológico del Mar), Spain
JOSMAR(Talleres JOSMAR S.L.), Spain
IEO(Instituto Español de Oceanografía), Spain
USC(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela),
Spain CESGA(Fundación Centro de
Supercomputacion de Galicia (CESGA)), Spain Top
Administrative data:
Project reference
Total budget
EU contribution
Project location
LIFE13 ENV/ES/000131
01-JUL-2014 to 30-JUN -2018
3,866,342.00 €
1,919,325.00 €
Read more:
Project web site
Video link
Title: "iSEAS: Knowledge-Based Innovative
Solutions to Enhance Adding-Value Mechanism
towards Healthy and Sustainable EU Fisheries"
(3.03 MB) Editor: CSIC No of pages: 2 Title: "iSEAS: Knowledge-Based Innovative
Solutions to Enhance Adding-Value Mechanism
towards Healthy and Sustainable EU Fisheries"
(3.07 MB) Editor: CSIC No of pages: 2 Project's website
"Life iSEAS: un escenario sostenible es posible
en las pesquerías de la UE" (link to the project's
video on Vimeo)
Project description Environmental issues Beneficiaries Administrative data R e a d m o r e 