November 1, 2015 All Saints No one really likes to think about the last of anything, particularly the last days of our lives. Yet there is a side to our nature that is drawn to thoughts of the end of life at this time of the year. We’re beginning the last month of the church year and the second-to-last month of the calendar year. Night falls earlier and earlier each day. Leaves fall from the trees, leaving branches that look dead. Skies are gray. It is November. The Church uses these waning days and darker skies as the season to remind us of the last things. Today’s feast, the Solemnity of All Saints, is the centerpiece of three days that point to doctrines we proclaim each time we say the Nicene Creed: “We believe in the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting!” And while the days and our hearts may be dark, the readings today are bright with the light of faith. John’s vision in the book of Revelation reveals dazzling angels and whiterobed saints gathered in triumph around the throne of God. In the responsorial psalm we sing our longing to see God’s face, and in the second reading John writes that we are God’s children and will, in fact, see God “as he is” (1 John 3:2). This is our hope. This is God’s promise. THE BLESSED Then, in the Gospel, we read Jesus’ formula for saint-making. “You will be blessed,” we are told: blessed if we are poor in spirit, sorrowing, lowly, hungry for holiness, merciful, singlehearted, peacemakers, and persecuted. Matthew’s words in this Gospel point us directly back to the first reading. “These are the ones who have survived the time of great distress; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Revelation 7:14). Today we celebrate the triumph of those who already gaze on the face of God. Tomorrow we cry out for mercy with those in purgatory, who, like us on earth, still long to see God’s face. Today’s Readings: Rv 7:2–4, 9–14; Ps 24:1–6; 1 Jn 3:1–3; Mt 5:1–12a 1o de noviembre de 2015 Todos los Santos A nadie le gusta pensar en los últimos momentos de algo, especialmente si se trata de los últimos días de nuestra vida. A pesar de eso, hay un lado de nuestra naturaleza que siente atracción por los pensamientos del fin de la vida en esta época del año. Estamos al principio del último mes del año litúrgico de la Iglesia y el penúltimo del año. La noche cae más temprano cada día. Las hojas caen de los árboles, dejando las ramas aparentemente muertas. El cielo se vuelve gris. Es noviembre. La Iglesia usa estos días que se acortan y los cielos oscuros como el tiempo para recordarnos las postrimerías de la vida. La fiesta de hoy, la Solemnidad de Todos los Santos, es el centro de tres días que nos presentan las doctrinas que proclamamos cada vez que rezamos el Credo de Nicea: “Creemos en la Iglesia católica, la comunión de los santos, el perdón de los pecados, la resurrección de los muertos y la vida perdurable”. Y mientras que los días y nuestro corazón parezcan oscuros, las lecturas de hoy están llenas de la luz de la fe. La visión de Juan en el libro del Apocalipsis revela ángeles resplandecientes y santos con túnicas blancas reunidos triunfantemente alrededor del trono de Dios. En el salmo responsorial cantamos sobre nuestro anhelo de ver el rostro de Dios, y en la segunda lectura, Juan escribe que somos hijos de Dios y que veremos a Dios “tal como es”. Esa es nuestra esperanza. Esa es la promesa de Dios. LOS BIENAVENTURADOS En el Evangelio, leemos la fórmula que ofrece Jesús para alcanzar la santidad. “Seremos bienaventurados”, nos dice: si somos pobres de espíritu, si lloramos, si somos pacientes, si tenemos hambre y sed de justicia, si somos compasivos y puros de corazón, si trabajamos por la paz, y si somos perseguidos. Las palabras de Mateo en este Evangelio nos llevan directamente a la primera lectura. “Son los que llegan de la gran persecución: lavaron y blanquearon sus vestiduras en la sangre del Cordero”. Hoy celebramos el triunfo de aquellos que ya contemplan el rostro de Dios. Mañana clamamos para que Dios tenga misericordia de los que están en el purgatorio, quienes, al igual que los que estamos todavía en la tierra, anhelan contemplar el rostro de Dios. Lecturas de hoy: Apo 7:2–4, 9–14; Sal 24:1–6; 1 Jn 3:1–3; Mt 5:1–12a Copyright © 2015, J. S. Paluch Company, Inc., 3708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60131-2158, 1 800 621-5197. With Ecclesiastical Approbation. St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church 500 East Travis Street Luling, Texas 78648 Rev. Howard Goertz, Pastor Deacon Paul Easterling Patricia Gonzales, Administration Marilyn Williams, Religious Education Haurora Ordonez, Youth Ministry Leonardo Cruz, Custodian SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:30 pm (English) Sunday: 8:00 am (Spanish) & 10:00 am (English) Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday 4:45 pm–5:15 pm & Wednesday after 8 am Mass DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday: 6:30 pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 am 24-hour Adoration: Begins Thursday 8:00 am - Concludes Friday 8:00 am PARISH OFFICE: 830-875-5354 FAX: 830-875-3533 Office Hours: Mon. & Fri. 9 am – 1 pm * Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 8 am - 1 pm ~ 2 - 5 pm PARISH HALL: 830-875-9052 PARISH RECTORY: 830-351-5043 PARISH EMAIL ADDRESS: ESTABLISHED IN 1879 St. John the Evangelist Page 2 ALL SAINTS, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 ALL SOULS, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 REFLECTIONS WE LONG TO SEE GOD’S FACE “Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.” This antiphon for today’s responsorial psalm offers the focus for today’s readings. As we on earth celebrate the triumph of all the saints—the ones officially canonized by the Church, and the countless others who have also reached heaven—we add nothing to their glory. But we give ourselves reason to hope. We too long to see the face of God and believe that we can one day be counted among those whose robes, as John tells us in the book of Revelation, are washed “white in the blood of the Lamb.” The passage from John’s First Letter offers further assurance: we are God’s children who will one day see God. But today’s Gospel pulls us past longing and reassurance into action. Jesus clearly tells us what we must do to be counted among the saints. We must be poor in spirit, hungry for holiness, merciful, single-hearted, and peacemakers! Then we too will see the face of God. Feastday of All Souls, Monday, November 2nd is an opportunity for all of us to remember all our beloved deceased (Family & Friends) in the Mass. On this day, Masses are offered for the Blessed Peace of their Souls. Please remember them in this special way. All Souls envelopes are in the main entrance of Church, write the names of whom you want to be remembered and place it in the Collection Basket or you may bring it by the Church Office. Cemetery visits Sunday, November 1, 2015 St. John’s: 12 noon & Community: 12:30 pm ********** ALL SOULS MASS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2015 @ 6:30 PM (not a Holyday of Obligation) ST. JOHN’S YOUTH MINISTRY ST. JOHN’S 1ST ANNUAL TRUNK OR TREAT FEST SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2015 5:30 pm—7:30 pm * Rain or Shine ********** REFLEJOS ANHELAMOS VER EL ROSTRO DE DIOS “Esta es la raza de los que buscan tu rostro Señor”. Esta antífona para el salmo responsorial de hoy brinda el tono de la lecturas de hoy. Cuando en la tierra celebramos la victoria de todos los santos, de los que están canonizados oficialmente por la Iglesia y de los sinnúmero que también han llegado al cielo, no sumamos nada a su gloria. Sino que recibimos un motivo más para tener esperanzas. Nosotros, también, anhelamos ver el rostro de Dios y creemos que un día podremos estar entre aquellos cuyas túnicas, como nos dice Juan en el libro del Apocalipsis, han sido lavadas y blanqueadas “con la sangre del Cordero”. El pasaje de la primera carta del apóstol San Juan nos garantiza que somos hijos de Dios y un día veremos a Dios tal cual es. Pero el Evangelio de hoy nos hace pasar del anhelo y la certeza a la acción. Jesús nos dice claramente qué debemos hacer para estar entre los santos. Debemos ser pobres de espíritu, misericordiosos, limpios de corazón, tener hambre y sed de justicia y trabajar por la paz. Entonces, nosotros también veremos el rostro de Dios. ********** THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE St. John's CRE is having a Thanksgiving Food Drive now through Nov.18 to help our Local Food Bank. Please drop off all NON-PERISHABLE food item at your CRE classroom box. The class with the most food items donated will win A Pizza Party! Thank you for helping our local food bank. ********** “MOVIES IN THE HALL” Family Movie Night “GOD’S NOT DEAD” Saturday, November 7 @ 7:00 pm St. John’s Parish Hall hosted by St. John’s Youth Ministry Free admission for everyone Concession Stand will be available for purchases Bring your blankets and/or lawn chairs Come early, pick your perfect spot and enjoy the movie All Saints page 3 ST. JOHN’S BULLETIN BOARD Sunday Breakfast ........................................................ Sundays This Sunday, November 1 Altar Society is hosting Sunday Breakfast. Sunday Breakfast is served in the Parish Hall after both the 8 am and 10 am Mass. Next Sunday, November 8 Guadalupana is hosting Sunday Breakfast. Clase de Bautismo .......................... Domingo, 1 de noviembre Se requiere que los Papás y Padrinos asistan a una Clase de Bautismo. El próximo clase de Bautismo es 1 de noviembre a 11:30 am en aula 1. English Baptisma Class ......................... Sunday, November 1 One class is required for parents and sponsors! The next English Baptismal Class will be Sunday, November 1 at 11:30 am in Classroom 3. Altar Society Meeting ............................ Sunday, November 1 Altar Society meets every 1st Sunday of the month, at 12 noon in the Parish Hall. Práctica del coro (español) ............................................ Jueves Práctica del coro (español), cada Jueves a las 6 de la tarde en la casa de la parroquia, 400 S. Pecan. Altar Care (Altar Society) ........................................... Fridays Altar Care this Friday, November 6 Nell Rightmer & Dot Harrison. Next Friday, November 13 Madelene Glover. ST. JOHN’S KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #8190 CANDLE LIGHTING CEREMONY “LIGHT IN THE LORD” THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2015 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10 AM MASS ******** KC “FIRST FRIDAY” FISH FRY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 * 11 AM - 2 PM ST. JOHN’S PARISH HALL $8.00 DONATION WEEKLY OFFERINGS REPORT Weekend of October 24 & 25 Collections 1st Collection ........................................................... $2,519.62 Children’s Collection .................................................... $26.16 Church Donation (Funeral) ......................................... $100.00 Total ........................................................................ $2,645.78 Needed Weekly ...................................................... $4,198.54 Other Collections Votive Candle ............................................................. $103.00 With God All Things are Possible! DIOCESE OF AUSTIN CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL NOVEMBER 7 & 8, 2015 The annual diocesan Catholic Services Appeal will be conducted next weekend in our parish. Please prayerfully consider what you can pledge to support the educational, spiritual and outreach services offered by our diocese which serve people in ways that we as an individual parish could never do. Our parish goal is 100% participation and with your gift we can reach it. You should have received a letter and pledge card from Bishop Joe Vásquez. If you have not mailed in the card, please bring it with you next Sunday when you come to Mass and place it in the collection. HANDS OF MERCY Yours are the hands by which He is to bless us now. — St. Teresa of Avila ********** DIÓCESIS DE AUSTIN EL LLAMADO ANUAL PARA LOS SERVICIOS CATÓLICOS EL 7 Y 8 DE NOVIEMBRE, 2015 El Llamado anual diocesano para los Servicios Católicos se llevará al cabo el próximo fin de semana en nuestra parroquia. Por favor considere bondadosamente lo que usted puede dar a fin de apoyar los servicios educativos, espirituales y de desarrollo que ofrece nuestra diócesis a la gente en la forma en que ninguna parroquia en lo individual podría hacerlo. La meta de nuestra parroquia es lograr el 100% de participación y con su apoyo nosotros podemos hacerlo. Usted debe haber recibido una carta y tarjeta de compromiso por parte del señor Obispo Joe Vásquez. Si usted no ha mandado por correro la tarjeta, por favor tráigala el próximo domingo cuando venga a Misa y colóquela en el lugar donde serán recaudadas. MANOS DE MISERICORDIA Tuyas son las manos con las que ahora tiene que bendecirnos. — Sta. Teresa de Ávila ST. VINCENT DE PAUL BLACK BAG COLLECTION NOVEMBER 14 & 15, 2015 AT ALL THREE MASSES BURNING OF SANCTUARY LIGHT NOVEMBER 2015 FOR FAMILY Offered by: Mike & Denise Levesque November 1 , 2015 November 7 & 8 Sat. 5:30 pm Lectors Rich Anderson Eucharistic Ministers Martin Medina Mary Frances Medina Sun. 8:00 am Armando Perales Hortencia Villanueva Delfina Rodriguez Sun. 10:00 am Robert Natal Cruz Nuñez Debbie Nuñez Sat. 5:30 pm Altar Server AnaMaria Reyes Sun. 8:00 am Marc Anthony Rodriguez Lydia Obregon Sun. 10:00 am Lauren Vick Valerie Bermudez Sat. 5:30 pm Hospitality Ministers Alton Williams Marilyn Williams Sun. 8:00 am Juan Reyes Angel Alba Sun. 10:00 am Robert Hochstein Suzanne Hochstein GET A SUBSTITUTE IF YOU CAN NOT BE PRESENT!!! **FOR YOUR INFORMATION** Baptisms: One class is required for parents and sponsors! The next English Baptismal Class will be Sunday, November 1 at 11:30 am in Classroom 1. Bautizos Se requiere que los Papás y Padrinos asistan a una Clase de Bautismo. El próximo clase de Bautismo es 1 de noviembre de 2015 a 11:30 am en el cuarto 3. Marriage A six-months to one-year notice is required, please call the Church office to meet with the Pastor. Bodas De 6-meses a un año de antemano. Llama a la Oficina. Quinceañera Celebration A six months to one-year notice is required, for a Quinceañera the family must be registered in the parish and the 14 year old must be already enrolled and attending CRE Classes to be eligible to celebrate in the church. Please call the Church Office to meet with the Pastor. Celebrando Tus XV Años Registrate con 6-meses de antemano y haz una cita con el Sacerdote. Ministry to the Sick When a parishioner is hospitalized, in nursing home or homebound please contact the Church at (830) 875-5354, so that arrangements can be made for them to receive the sacraments. Ministerio de los enfermos Comunicate con la Oficina a 830-875-5354. Healing Service (Anointing of the Sick) On the 2nd Saturday of the Month immediately following the 5:30 pm Mass. Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) English & Spanish Saturdays from 4:45 pm - 5:15 pm and Wednesdays after 8 am Daily Mass. St. John’s Website Please visit our website: St. John the Evangelist Saturday, October 31 “Blessed Virgin Mary” (Halloween) Rdgs: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Ps 94:12-13a, 14-15, 17-18; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Mass: 5:30 pm For All the Faithful Departed Sunday, November 1 “All Saints” (Daylight Savings ends) Readings: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Mass: 8:00 am Para Todos Los Fieles Difuntos 10:00 am For All the Faithful Departed Monday, November 2 “Commemoration of All the Faithful-All Souls’ Day) Readings: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40 Mass: 6:30 pm For all the Faithful Departed Tuesday, November 3 “St. Martin de Porres” (Election Day) Readings: Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:15-24 Mass: 6:30 pm Blake & Lilly Layne & Family (SI) (Lupe Smith) Wednesday, November 4 “St. Charles Borromeo” Readings: Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lk 14:25-33 Mass: 8:00 am Eric Guerra (SI) (Lupe Smith) Thursday, November 5 (24-hour Adoration begins) Readings: Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lk 15:1-10 Mass: 8:00 am Special Intention (Lupe Smith) First Friday, November 6 (24-Adoration concludes) Readings: Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8 Mass: 8:00 am Noah Morgan (BD) (Joe & Cynthia Hunter) George Guerra† (Lupe Smith) First Saturday, November 7 Readings: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11; Lk 16:9-15 Mass: 5:30 pm For the Parish Sunday, November 8 “32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time” Readings: 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 [41-44] Mass: 8:00 am Maria Christina Rios† (Familia Rios-Martinez) Maria Reyes (SI-Healing) (Alicia & Isabel Obregon) 10:00 am Frank & Mary Koncaba, Sr. (WA) (Don Koncaba) Eric Guerra (BD) (Lupe Smith) Serenity Acosta, Shannon Brandom, Rev. Robert Becker, Dwight Belden, Nicole Bujnoch, Emily Burke, Jaime & Teresa Calderon, Karen S. Cardenas, Walley Casarez, Sophia Castillo, Bill Chapman, Lincoln Contreras, Pablo Corpus, Marilyn Cryder, Richard DeVere, Dario & Reina Flores, Gilbert “Beto” Garcia, Rosemary Garcia, Nemesio Gomez, Francisca Gonzales, Jesse M. Gonzales, Joel Gonzales, John Gonzales, Paul Gonzales, Michael Hebert, Adeline Heintschel, John Houeye, Taylor Hudgins, John J. Hyatt, Elizabeth Idrogo, Jerry Kidd, Carmen Leal, Jimmy Ledesma, Jr., Arturo Magallanez, Jimmy D. McIntoch, Juanita Mendoza, Shelley Meyers, Diana Miranda, Blaise & Jean Netardus, Lucy Oliva, Isabel Orona, Alex Rodriguez, Antonia Rodriguez, Leticia Rodriguez, Vicente Salinas, Eligia Salas, Tim Stanley, Renee Spencer, Kathy Starch, Virginia Suarez, Andres Valdez, Melissa Weiss, Monique Williams and Tyreese Williams. St. Vincent De Paul Society Vehicle Donation Program Tax Deductible Free Vehicle Pick-Up 1-888-317-7837 TONY’S PAINT & BODY SHOP TONY GONZALES 830/875-3979 401 E. Fannin Luling, Texas Jay Crowell Broker/Associate O’BANNON FUNERAL HOME “Serving the Catholic Community Since 1925” DEAN O’BANNON — TIM MARKHAM JOE TETLEY 830-875-5713 210 S. Laurel — Luling Your ad Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple could be in this space! Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 RE/MAX PROFESSIONAL REALTY 1423 E. Walnut Street, Sequin Business 830-401-4123 Cell 830-305-2263 Home 830-875-2263 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Floral • Weddings • Quinceañeras • Gifts Call For All Your Floral Needs. SUZANNE HOCHSTEIN, OWNER Serving All Your Real Estate Needs E-Mail: 875-5988 529 E. 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