COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT TENDER TO GRANT CONCESSION TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR OF THE LONGITUDINAL DE LA SIERRA HIGHWAY – SECTION 4: HUANCAYO-IZCUCHACA-MAYOCC- AYACUCHO/AYACUCHO- ANDAHUAYLASPUENTE SAHUINTO/ DV. PISCO — HUAYTARÁ — AYACUCHO Notice N° 8 Lima, 06 October, 2015 The PROINVERSION Committee on Road Infrastructure, Railroad Infrastructure and Airport Infrastructure Projects - PROINTEGRACION, announces to all interested parties that non-substantial changes have been made to the Tender Documents as follows: 2.23 Constructor It is the legal entity or legal entities that will enter into an agreement or agreements with the CONCESSIONAIRE to conduct the Road Rehabilitation and Improvement plus the Periodical Maintenance of the Concession. These legal entities must qualify their experience individually. 2.28 Days They are the working days, i.e., Sunday and Saturdays and non-working holidays in the city of Lima are not included. Also, all days declared non-working by order of the Government Authority are considered as holidays including the non-working regional holidays. Requirements for Pre-qualification of Bidders 122 b) Legal Requirements vii. The Bidder or its members in the event the Bidder is a Consortium: 1) does not have any administrative sanctions that prevent it from participating in selection processes, whether temporarily or permanently, organized by the Government, nor are impeded to enter into agreements with the Government; ii) have not had any concessions repossessed due to breach of a concession agreement entered into with the Republic of Peru under the framework of the private investment promotion process established in the Concession TUO approved by Supreme Decree 059-96-PCM or Law N° 28059, Legal Framework for the Promotion of Decentralized Investment, nor is the bidder subject to any impediments established in the First Complementary and Final Provision of Law N° 30283 or in other Laws or Applicable Provisions. Thus, the Bidder or its Legal Representative are required to sign a Sworn Statement as per the format attached in as Form 3 in ANNEX N° 3.1. Av. Enrique Canaval Moreyra Nº 150, Piso 8. San Isidro, Lima. Tel.: (511) 200-1200 Fax: (511) 200-1260 "Decenio de las Personas con Discapacidad en el Perú" "Año de la Diversificación Productiva y del Fortalecimiento de la Educación" Once the concession has been granted, said requirements shall be complied with as of the date the agreement is signed, by the members of the CONCESSIONAIRE who sign the agreement. 18.2 e) The CONCESSIONAIRE that signs the Concession Agreement shall submit To the Committee a document from the Supervising Agency of Government Procurement (OSCE in Spanish) certifying that the company and the members of the Consortium, whichever is applicable, are not impeded to take part in selection processes or to enter into agreements with the government and a sworn statement stating that no concessions granted to them have ever been repossessed due to breach of contract. In the event false data were to be found in the information submitted, the Committee will revoke the concession grant, and will execute the warranty for the validity, effectiveness and reliability of the Bid. ANNEX N°1 List N°2 LIST OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL ENTITIES (Reference: Section 2.33 of the Bid Documents) 1. First tier foreign Banks included in the list approved by the Banco Central de Reserva by Circular Letter N°:0026-2015-BCRP, or the regulation that substitutes it, shall be specially noted. Any financial entity that holds an investment rate and has been assessed by a well renowned international credit rating company authorized to make international credit ratings. 3. Any multilateral credit organization of which the Peruvian state is a member of. The classification of International Financial Entities must be in effect when submitting the bond letters or stand-by letter of credit. The guarantees or warranties issued by the entities mentioned in sections 1 and 2 must be endorsed and confirmed by one of the banks included in List 1 of Annex N° 1. ANNEX N° 3 Form 3 CREDENTIALS FOR QUALIFICATION Third Paragraph No concessions granted by the Peruvian state have been repossessed from them due to breach of a concession agreement entered into with the Republic of Peru under the framework of the private investment promotion process established in the Concession TUO approved by Supreme Decree 059-96-PCM or Law N° 28059, Legal Framework for the Promotion of Decentralized Investment, nor is the bidder subject to any impediments established in the in the First Complementary and Final Provision of Law N° 30283. Av. Enrique Canaval Moreyra Nº 150, Piso 8. San Isidro, Lima. Tel.: (511) 200-1200 Fax: (511) 200-1260 "Decenio de las Personas con Discapacidad en el Perú" "Año de la Diversificación Productiva y del Fortalecimiento de la Educación" ANNEX N° 9 1.3 ROAD SUB SECTIONS INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT Chart 1.3: Extent of the Concession (• • .) Sub section 14 Andahuaylas (Emp PE-30B) - Dv. Kishuara (Emp PE-3SE) Sub section 15 Dv. Kishuara (Emp PE-3SE) - Dv. Sahuinto (Emp PE-3S) Sub section 16 Dv. Sahuinto (Emp PE-3S) - Puente Sahuinto Sub section 17 San Clemente (Emp. PE-1S) - Puente Choclococha (---) (Stamped) (Signed) ROBERTO URRUNAGA PASCÓ - FONT PROINVERSION Committee on Road Infrastructure, Railroad Infrastructure and Airport Infrastructure Projects – PROINTEGRACION Important: This is an unofficial translation. In case of divergence between the English and Spanish text, the version in Spanish shall prevail. Av. Enrique Canaval Moreyra Nº 150, Piso 8. San Isidro, Lima. Tel.: (511) 200-1200 Fax: (511) 200-1260