INDEX ARTICLES The discursive features of the collaborative interaction of advanced learners of Spanish: A sociocultural perspective ..................................................................... Marta Anton & Frederick DiCamilla 13 Rhetorical questions in the light of textual grammar .................................................. Joan Gabriel Burguera Serra 31 The lexical entry of movement verbs: syntacticly relevant contents........................... M" Angeles Cano Cambronero 51 On the Saussurean theory of linguistic motivation...................................................... Maria Tadea Diaz Hormigo 73 The lexicon of the examples in the Spanish as a foreign language textbooks............. Diana Esteba Ramos 99 La utilizacion del espacio en contextos iconicos: El caso de la lengua de signos espanola....................................................................................................................... Ana Fernandez Soneira 115 Aulas de enlace: a study of the implementation of an experimental educational program for newcomer students in the region of Madrid............................................. M"Dolores Ingles Lopez 135 Introduction to the poetics of an oral language: the mixteco in the low mountain (Guerrero, Mexico) ..................................................................................................... Joaquin Jose Martinez Sanchez 161 The acquisition of aspect. Teaching considerations for the Spanish as a foreign language classroom ..................................................................................................... Lucia Quintana Hernandez 203 'Why do we do this?': Reflections of a two-way immersion school principal's on the roles of parents, teachers, and her own, in the program ................................... Francisco Ramos 225 Semantic orders ........................................................................................................... Antonio Rifon 241 On the discursive structure of sentences and its syntactic projection: the case of sentence adverbs and other constituents of the sentence periphery......................... Teresa Rodriguez Ramalle 265 Semantic differences between support verb constructions and their correlated single verbs.................................................................................................................. Begoha Sanromdn Vilas 289 New data on the Basque works of Pierre d'Urte .......................................................... Jose M. Zulaika Hernandez 315 NOTES Some critical comments on the book Hablar con correccion, by Pancracio Celdran Gomariz ......................................................................................................... Victor M. Longa y Juan J. Lopez Rivera 353 Charpentier, «Ligueur» and author of the first Spanish grammar for French speakers...................................................................................................... Marie-Helene Maux-Piovano 371 BOOK REVIEWS Arroyo Almaraz, A. (2008): La lengua espanola en los medios de comunicacion y en las nuevas tecnologias. Madrid, Ediciones del Laberinto, 493 pags. (Alberto Rodriguez Lifante) ....................................................................................... 383 Hengeveld, Kees y J. Lachlan Mackenzie (2008): Functional Discourse Grammar. A Typologically-Based Theory of Language Structure. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 503 pags. (Ventura Salazar Garcia)................................................................... 387 Gallardo Pauls, B. (2007): Pragmdtica para logopedas. Cadiz, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cadiz, 235 pags. (Sonia Madrid Canovas).... 393 Gomez Garcia, L. (2009): Diccionario de Islam e islamismo. Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 412 pags. (Ruth Maria Lavale Ortiz).................................................... 397 Romero Gualda, Ma Victoria (2008): Lexico del espanol como segunda lengua: aprendizaje y ensenanza. Madrid, Arco/Libros, Coleccion «Manuales de formacion de profesores de espanol 2/L», 260 pags. (Mar Cruz Pinol)........................................ 401 San Vicente, Felix (ed.) (2008): Textos fundamentales de la Lexicografia Italoespanola (1917-2007). 2 vols. Milan, Polimetrica Intemacional Scientific Publisher, 844 pags. (Jose Joaquin Martinez Egido).................................................................................... 405 Vann, Robert E. (2009): Materials for the Sociolinguistic Description and Corpus-based Study of Spanish in Barcelona. Toward a documentation of colloquial Spanish in naturally occurring groups. The Edwin Mellen Press, Wales (UK), 263 pags. (Marta Pilar Montanez Mesas) .............................................. 409 Varela Ortega, Soledad (2005): Morfologia lexica: laformacion depalabras. Madrid, Gredos, 128 pags. (Azucena Penas Ibanez) ................................................. 415 APPENDIX Submission and evaluation of manuscripts ................................................................. 421 Editorial guidelines 423