NOMINATION FROM ECUADOR MEMORY OF THE WORLD REGISTER UNESCO Scientific Memory of Andean America: scientific expeditions and research in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Quito-2002 MEMORY OF THE WORLD REGISTER NOMINATION FORM PART A – ESSENTIAL INFORMATION 1. SUMMARY Documentary heritage comprising more than ten thousand manuscripts, graphic testimony and printed material dating from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, relating to research work by European and American scientists in the territories of present-day Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, either privately or under the auspices and sponsorship of the Spanish or French Crown. This work led to great advances in scientific knowledge, particularly in the fields of astronomy, geography, physics, botany, medicine and zoology. It made a significant contribution to promoting Andean culture, through detailed descriptions, engravings, watercolours and photographs of Andean sociocultural events. Part of this documentation constitutes a unique record of landscapes, customs and archaeological evidence that have suffered alterations, and in some cases disappeared, owing to the workings of nature or human activity. This documentary heritage on the scientific memory of Andean America is distributed among fourteen archives and libraries in the subregion and three in Spain. 2. DETAILS OF THE NOMINATOR 2.1. Name (of the person or organization) Dirección de Memoria Institucional y Mapoteca del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Ecuador [Department of Institutional Memory and Map Library of Ecuador’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs] (Archivo Histórico y Biblioteca Central) [Historical Archive and Central Library] 2.2. Relationship to the documentary heritage being nominated. Between 1999 and 2002, the Archivo Histórico [Historical Archives] of the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Ecuador [Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs] carried out historical research work for two projects describing Ecuador’s historic and diplomatic relations with France and Spain. This nomination is the result of investigations by researchers from this region in national and foreign archives, which has led to the recovery and assessment of scientific contributions that began within the arena of the Real Audiencia de Quito [Royal Law Court of Quito] in the eighteenth century and continued until the nineteenth, ending the age-old debate on the shape of Earth. This brought substantial benefits to humanity, including the discovery of cascarilla or cinchona, the most important medicinal plant in the region, which was used to cure or treat malaria and tertian fever. Meanwhile, in 2000, the year in which the Director of the Archivo Histórico was appointed President of the Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean 2 under UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme, the Archivo Histórico learned that it was possible to submit a regional nomination to include the countries of the Andean subregion (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru), which could be endorsed by the National Memory of the World Committee for Ecuador. 2.3. Contact person(s): María Elena Porras Paredes President of the National Memory of the World Committee for Ecuador Member of the Regional Memory of the World Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean. 2.4. Contact details (include address, phone, fax, email) Directora de Memoria Institucional y Mapoteca Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Ecuador Address: Av. 10 de Agosto 11-83 y Carrión Telephone: (005932) 2509-996 Fax: (005932) 2227650 Emails: / 3. IDENTITY HERITAGE 3.1. Name and identification of the items being nominated. AND DESCRIPTION OF THE DOCUMENTARY Scientific Memory of Andean America: scientific expeditions and research in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. 3 3.2. DESCRIPTION • Inventory Collection BOLIVIA Archivo Bibliotecas Nacionales [National Archive Library] / Title Author y Catálogo de especies e individuos de los Alcides reinos animal, vegetal y mineral de Dessalines Bolivia [Catalogue of species and D’Orbigny individuals in the animal, plant and and mineral kingdoms of Bolivia] Date 1833 Quantity 1 doc. Folios Size cm. 24 21 x 28 Type Manusc. Significance Category Unique Zoology, Botany Mineralogy. (ABN/B) (ABN/B) 4 (ABN/B) State of Preserv. Good Collection / BOLIVIA Biblioteca y Archivo Histórico del H. Congreso [Library and Archive of the Honourable Congress of Bolivia] Title Voyage dans l´Amérique Méridionale (Le Alcide Brésil, La République l´Uruguay, D’Orbigny Argentine, la Patagonie, Chili, la République de Bolivia, la République du Pérou). Exécuté pendant le années 1826, 1827, 1828, 1830, 1831, 1832 et 1833 [Journey to South America (Brazil, Republic of Uruguay, Argentina, Patagonia, Chile, Republic of Bolivia and Republic of Peru) in 1826, 1827, 1828, 1830, 1831, 1832 and 1833] Vue du port de Cobija 5 Author République de Bolivia (BAC/B) Date 18351847 Quantity 10 volumes Folios Size cm. 36 x 27 Type Significance Category Printed document Editio princeps History, Geography, Paleontology, Zoology, Botany and Cartography State of Preserv. Good Indiens et metis de la Nation Aimara, de La Paz (BAC/B) Collection / COLOMBIA Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia [National Library of Colombia] [BN/C] Watercolours by the Bishop of Trujillo, Baltazar Jaime C18 Baltazar Jaime Martínez Compañón. Martínez (See Appendix 1, Indice de láminas Compañón [Index of plates] sent by BN/C) Archivo General de la Nación [General Archive of the Nation] 6 Title Author Date Quantity 127 Folios Size cm. 127 23 x 16 30 x 43 23 x 30 Type Watercolours Significance Category Unique Maps Plans Portraits State of Preserv. Low degree of deterioration. (Microfilm) Watercolours by the Chorographic Various Committee led by Agustín Codazzi. (See Appendix 2, Láminas de la Comisión Corográfica [Plates of the Chorographic Committee] sent by BN/C) 18501859 152 152 Descripción de Aves y Cuadrúpedos para José Celestino 1785la Expedición Botánica de Nueva Mutis y Diego 1786 Granada [Description of birds and García quadrupeds for the botanic expedition to New Granada]. 1 27 Experimentación del vegetal llamado José “guaco” como antiofídico [Testing of the Mutis plant “guaco” as an antiophidic]. 1 3 Celestino 1792 Watercolours Unique Geography Good 30.5 x 22 Manusc. Unique Zoology 29.8x 19.5 Manusc. Unique Medicine Much damaged by humidity. One third of the text has been lost. Humidity damage. The full text has been preserved. Jaime Martínez Compañón, Carta topográfica del Obispado de Popayán (BN/C) Comisión Corográfica, Entrada de Bogotá por San Victorino (BN/C) 7 Collection ECUADOR / Archivo Histórico y Biblioteca Central Ministerio de RR.EE. [Historical Archive and Central Library of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs] 8 Title Author Relación Histórica del viaje a la América Jorge Juan y Meridional. Hecho por orden de S.M. para Antonio de Ulloa medir algunos grados del meridiano terrestre y venir por ellos en conocimiento de la verdadera figura y magnitud de la Tierra, con otras observaciones astronómicas y phisicas [Historic account of the journey to South America by order of His Majesty to measure some angles of the Earth’s meridians and use them to ascertain the true shape and magnitude of the Earth, together with other astronomical and physical observations]. Antonio Marín, Madrid. Diseño que manifiesta el territorio de la Anonymous Provincia de Jaén de Bracamoros, su ciudad y pueblos que encierra [Plan showing the territory of the Province of Jaen de Bracamoros, its town and the surrounding villages] Date Quantity Folios 1748 4 volumes 193 each C18 1 1 Size cm. 27 x 20 26 x 41 Type Significance Category Printed document First Edition History Manusc. Unique Cartography State of Preserv. Good Good Jorge Juan y Antonio de Ulloa, Relación Histórica del viaje a la América Meridional. (BC/MRE) Collection ECUADOR / Archivo Histórico Banco Central [Historical Archive of the Central Bank] 9 Diseño que manifiesta el territorio de la Provincia de Jaén de Bracamoros, su ciudad y pueblos que encierra. (BC/MRE) Jorge Juan y Antonio de Ulloa, “ Las castas de Quito”, Relación Histórica, ob. cit. (BC/MRE) Title [Estudio Botánico: hace una clasificación botánica y una descripción de las plantas de *?Guayaquil] [Botanical study: a botanical classification and description of the plants of Guayaquil] JJC. 01235. Colección Vigésima Cuarta [Twenty-fourth Collection]. [Mapas de varios sitios de América del Sur y de Sevilla] [Maps of several sites in South America and Seville]. JJC. 01239. Colección Vigésima Cuarta. [Láminas de aves] 128 plates of birds with descriptions and one of a snake. JJC.01232. Colección vigésima cuarta. Author Date Quantity Folios Anastasio Guzmán de c. 1797 4 docs. 193 Anastasio Guzmán de 17961797 54 docs. 54 Anastasio Guzmán de c. 1791 129 docs. 129 Size. cm 16 x11 Type Significance Category State of Preserv. Manuscr. Unique Botany Good 61x56 Manuscr. folded to 30 x21 49 x 30 Manuscr. folded to 38 x24 Unique Cartography Good Unique Zoology Good [Dibujos de animales y molino] Contains Anastasio de thirty-six plates with drawings of animals Guzmán and six with the plan of a mill with two vertically moving wheels. JJC. 01233. Colección Vigésima Cuarta. [Diario del viaje de Anastasio de Guzmán desde Buenos Aires hasta Guayaquil] [Journal of Anastasio de Guzmán’s journey from Buenos Aires to Guayaquil] Contains the diary of a journey through Valparaíso and Lima. JJC. 01234. Colección Vigésima Cuarta. Ideas sobre una geografía de las plantas: escrito sobre la fitogeografía de América del Sur, México y Cuba. JJC-02466. Colección Trigésima Séptima. Guzmán A. Lámina de Plantas (AHBC/E) 10 Anastasio Guzmán c. 1797 de 1797 Alexander Von 1807 Humboldt Guzmán A, Molino de dos ruedas (AHBC/E) 39 docs. 39 40x30 Manuscr. folded to 30 x21 Unique Zoology Good 1 doc. 30 15 x11 Manuscr. Unique Zoology Good 1 8 22 x16 Manuscr. Unico Botánica Bueno Guzmán A, Lámina de ave (AHBC/E) Guzmán y Abreu, Plano de Sevilla (AHBC/E) Collection ECUADOR / Biblioteca Banco Central [Library of the Central Bank] 11 Title Author Date Quantity Folios Vues de Cordilléres, et Monuments des peuples indigènes de L’ Amerique [Views of mountain ranges, and monuments of the indigenous peoples of the Americas]. Paris, Printed by Smith. Ex libris: Jacinto Jijón and Caamaño. Contains in addition 19 illustration sheets. JJO10890. Alexander Von Humboldt 1816 1 250 El arcano de la quina: Discurso que contiene parte médica de las cuatro especies de quinas oficiales, sus virtudes eminentes y su legítima preparación [The mysteries of cinchona: Treatise containing a medical report on the four species of Cinchona officinalis, their eminent virtues and proper preparation]. Posthumous work. Ibarra, royal printer’s, Madrid. Work supplemented by notes, appendix and historical foreword by Doctor Manuel Hernández Gregorio, Court Apothecary. Properties of cinchona, in a folded sheet. JJ001910. José Celestino Mutis. Foreword Manuel Hernández de Gregorio. 1828 1 263 Size cm. Category State of Preserv. Type Significance 21 Printed document First Edition Geography Good 2 Printed document First Edition Medicine and Botany Good Collection ECUADOR Biblioteca Banco Central 12 / Title Author Extracto del diario de observaciones Charles Marie hechas en el viaje de la Provincia de Quito de La al Pará por el Río de las Amazonas [Extract Condamine from the diary of observations made on the journey along the Amazon River from the Province of Quito to Pará] . Printed by Joan Catufae, Paris. JJ008104. La figure de la terre, déterminée par les Pedro Bouguer observations de Messieurs Bouguer et de and Charles La Condamine, de l’Académie Royale des Marie de La Sciences, envoyés par ordre du Roy au Condamine Pérou, pour observer aux environs del l’Equateur. Avec une relation abregée de ce voyage, qui contient la description du pays dans lequel les operations ont été faites [The shape of the Earth, as established by the observations of Messrs. Bouguer and La Condamine, of the Royal Academy of Science, who were sent to Peru by order of the King to observe the area around the Equator. With a brief account of this journey, containing a description of the countryside where the work was carried out] Lib. Du Roy. JJ008023. Date Quantity Folios Size cm. Type Significance Category State of Preserv. 1745 1 121 15 Printed document First Edition Geography Good 1745 1 393 25 Printed document First Edition Astronomy Good Collection ECUADOR / Title Instrucción que han de observar el Spanish Crown Corregidor de Lojo y Botánico chimico que S.M. se ha servido nombrar para el acopio y remisión a España de la mejor quina para su real Casa y botica y de las demás de estos Reinos [Instructions which must be followed by the Corregidor [royallyappointed Mayor] of *?Loja and Chemical Botanist whom H.M. has seen fit to appoint to collect and dispatch to Spain the best cinchona for his Royal Household and pharmacy and others in these Realms]. Archivo Nacional [National Archive] Collection ECUADOR Date 1790 Quantity 1 Folios 7 / Title Biblioteca General map of the Province of Quito. Aurelio Espinosa Pólit [Aurelio Map of the Province of Popayán Espinosa Pólit Library] 13 Author Author Juan de Velasco Juan de Velasco Date Quantity Folios Size cm. 21 x30 Size cm. 1789 1 1 44x 36 1780 1 1 24 x19 Category State of Preserv. Type Significance Manuscr. Unique Type Significance Printed document Printed document Unique Cartography Good Unique Cartography Good Botany and Economics Category Good State of Preserv. Juan de Velasco, Carta de la Provincia de Quito. (BAEP) Collection ECUADOR Instrucción que han de observar el Corregidor de Loja… para acopio de quina (AN/E) / Title Author Biblioteca Nacional Floresta Americana Americas]. Biblioteca del Instituto Nacional Mejía [Library of the Reflexiones acerca de un método para Eugenio de Santa preservar a los pueblos de la viruela Cruz y Espejo [Reflections on a method for protecting people from smallpox]. 14 [Forests of the Aimé Bonpland Date Quantity Folios 1850 1 135 17911792 1 340 Size cm. 28 x 12 21.5 x 15 Type Significance Printed document First Edition Manuscr Unique Category State of Preserv. Botany Good Medicine Good Mejía Institute] Biblioteca U. Voyage aux Régions Equinoxiales du Alexander Central [Library Nouveau Continent [Journey to the Humboldt of the Central Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent]. University] Museo Nacional de la Medicina [National Medicine Museum] Von 1816 1 439 21 x 13 Printed document First Edition Geography Good *?Reisen in Süd-Amerika: das Hochgebirge W. Reis and A. der Republik Ecuador. [Travels in South Stubel America: the Highlands of the Republic of Ecuador] Berlin, Ver Lang A. Asher. 18921898 1 378 31.5 x 24 Printed document First Edition Geography Good E. Espejo,Reflexiones…viruela (BINM/Q) 15 Collection SPAIN / Archivo General de Indias [General Archive of the Indies] Title Author Mapa de la Provincia de Loja y de los Montes reservados donde se encuentran los árboles de la quina [Map of the Province of Loja and of the woodland reserves where cinchona trees are found]. (Immaterial, 1556) Método de extraher y acopiar las cortezas de cascarilla que se remiten todos los años al Soberano para su Real Botica de la Provincia de Loja [Method for extracting and collecting the cinchona bark that is dispatched to the Sovereign each year for his Royal Pharmacy in the Province of Loja]. (MP-Panamá, Santa Fe y Quito, 179) Anonymous Juan José Tafalla Date 1769 1805 Quantity 1 1 Folios 1 4 Size cm. 30 x 41 29.6 20.7 Type Manusc. Various colours inks Unique x Manusc. Unique Mapa de la Provincia de Loja y de los Montes reservados donde se encuentran los árboles de la quina (AGI/S) 16 Significance Category State of Preserv. Good Cartography Botany Good Collection SPAIN / Title Real Jardín Virtudes de la Quina, de ojas, cogollos, Botánico [Royal corteza, polvos y corteza de la raíz [Virtues Botanical of cinchona, of leaves, shoots, bark, powder Garden] and root bark]. Quiniología o Tratado del árbol de la quina o cascarilla, con su descripción y de las otras especies de quinas nuevamente descubiertas en el Perú [“Quiniología” or Treatise on the cinchona or cascarilla tree, with a description, and on other cinchona species recently discovered in Peru]. In the office of the widow and son of Marín, Madrid. Suplemento a la Quiniología. [Supplement to “Quiniología”]. In which Mr Juan Tafalla expands the cinchona species recently discovered in Peru, and the “orange cinchona” of Santa Fé with an illustration. Add the reply to the “Memoria de las Quinas de Santa Fe” [Thesis on the Cinchonas of Sante Fe], which Francisco José de Zea inserted into the Natural History Annals, and the satisfaction of the objects and doubts of citizen Jussieu on the genii of the Pódromo of the Flora of Peru and Chile. Printed by the widow and son of Marín, Madrid. Nivelación de las quinas en general y en particular de la de Loja o de la Cinchona officinalis [Classification of cinchonas in general and the cinchona of Loja or Cinchona officinalis in particular] 17 Author Date Quantity Folios Size cm. 31 x 21.5 Significance Category State of Preserv. Manusc. Unique Botany Good Type Fernando de la Vega 1752 1 4 Hipólito Ruiz 1792 1 *?8 sheets. 103 pages. 2 sheets 23 Printed docume nt First Edition Botany Good Hipólito Ruiz 1801 1 *?[5sh eets] 154 pages. One interle aved plate. 20 Printed document First Edition Botany Good Francisco José de Caldas 1802 2 copies 4 24.5 x 38.5 Ink and crayon on paper Unique Botany Good Collection SPAIN Real Botánico Carta Topográfica de las cercanías de Loja Francisco José en la que nace la Cinchona officinalis de Caldas [Topographical map of the environs of Loja in which Cinchona officinalis grows]. 1802 1 1 25 x39 Ink and crayon on paper Unique Botany Good Nivelación de 30 especies de planas puestas Francisco José sobre la vista occidental del Imbabura de Caldas [Classification of 30 species of plants on the western aspect of the Imbabura]. 1802 1 1 25 x39 Ibid Unique Botany Good Significance Category State of Preserv. Pencil and ink on paper Unique Botany Good / Title Quantity Folios 1802 2 copies 2 C18-19 222 222 38 x 26 Ink and wash on paper Unique Botany Good Various C18-19 2,032 2,032 38 x26 Ibid Unique Botany Good Various C18-19 6,600 6,600 54 x38 Unique Botany Good Jardín Levelling of some plants which we grow in Francisco José the environs of Ecuador, in accordance with de Caldas the barometric observations made between 1796 and 1802. Botanical Expedition to Peru and Chile. Various Láminas de la Flora Huayaquilensis [Plates of the Flora Huayaquilensis]. Botanical expedition to Peru and Chile. Láminas de la Flora del Perú y Chile [Plates of the flora of Peru and Chile]. Expedición Botánica de José Celestino Mutis [Botanical Expedition of José Celestino Mutis]. Plates of the Flora of New Granada. 18 Author Date Size cm. 24 x39 Type Tempera wash Flora de Nueva Granada S. Rizo, Mutisia Collection /SPAIN Archivo de la Biblioteca General de Humanidades del CSIC [Archive of the General Humanities Library in the Scientific Research Council of Madrid]. Fondo Marcos 19 Flora peruana José Brunete, Bromelia ananas F. J. de Caldas, Nivelación de las quinas Title Author Date Mapa del curso del río Napo y región de Quijos [Map of the course of the Napo river and the Quijos region]. Diario de un perdido dentro del cráter del Pichincha [Journal of a lost traveller inside the Pichincha crater]. Diario de la Expedición de la Comisión Científica del Pacífico [Journal of the Expedition of the Scientific Committee of the Pacific]. Dibujos de cerámicas y joyas peruanas [Drawings of Peruvian ceramics and jewellery]. N/A 18651875? 1 7 Marcos Jiménez de la Espada Marcos Jiménez de la Espada 18651898? 1 55 18641865 9 notebooks José Cebrián 1866García 1898 74 drawings and 1 plate 119 drawings Dibujos de cerámicas peruanas [Drawings Rafael Castro y 1850of Peruvian jewellery]. Ordóñez 1865 Quantity F.José de Caldas, quinas Folios Size cm. Type Flora Peruana J.Brunete,Dalechanpia Significance Category State of Preserv. Manusc. Unique Cartography Good Various sizes Manusc. Unique Biographical Good 8 x 13 9 x 15 7 x 12 Manusc. Unique Scientific Expeditions 18 26 x17.5 24.5x16.5 Manusc. Unique Archaeology Fair, deterioration of the inks. Good 9 32 x 23 32.5 x 24 16 x 24 Manusc. Unique Archaeology Good Marcos Jiménez de la Espada [Marcos Jiménez de la Espada Fonds] Fotografías de cerámicas peruanas R. Castillo [Photographs of Peruvian ceramics]. 1979 Fotografías de la Comisión Científica del Rafael Castro y 1862Pacífico [Photographs of the Scientific Ordóñez 1865 Committee of the Pacific]. Acuarelas de volcanes [Watercolours of 1936volcanoes]: 1965 M. Jiménez de • Sumach la Espada Anonymous • Cotopaxi Anonymous • Unidentified Acuarela de una familia Loreto (BH/CSIC) 20 Anónimo, Fotografía de familia Loreto en Quito. (BH/CSIC) 3 3 16.5 x 11 Manusc. Unique Archaeology 292 292 Various sizes Photograph Unique Scientific Expeditions Manusc. Unique Geology 1 1 1 1 1 1 14.5 24.5 14.5 16.5 x x Jiménez de la Espada, Volcán Sumaco (BH/CSIC) Oxidation, yellowing of the agglutinating agent. Fair: loss of image, tears and marks. Good Collection /PERU Banco Continental [Continental Bank] Biblioteca Nacional [National Library] 21 Title Author Watercolours of the visit of the Bishop of Trujillo (Peru) Baltazar Jaime Martínez Compañón Date C18 Quantity Folios Size cm. Type Significance Category State of Preserv. 120 120 Manusc. Unique Zoology Society Good Expediente sobre la demostración de una José Onofre de máquina de moler metales inventada por la Cadena José Onofre de la Cadena [Record of the demonstration of a metal grinding machine invented by José Onofre de la Cadena] Método de fundición de metales de azogue N/A en Huancavelica [Method for smelting mercury metals in Huancavelica] Testimonio del Expediente relativo a los N/A experimentos y operaciones del laboratorio químico metalúrgico construido por el Barón de Nordenflicht en esta capital [Evidence of the Record relating to the experiments and operations of the chemical metallurgy laboratory built by the Baron of Nordenflicht in this capital]. 1787 1 4 Manusc. Unique Mineralogy Good 1792 1 44 Manusc. Unique Mineralogy Good 1793 1 90 Manusc. Unique Mineralogy Good Diario de las operaciones que se van N/A practicando en el Laboratorio químico metalúrgico de Lima [Journal of operations carried out in the chemical metallurgy laboratory of Lima]. Expediente promovido por Manuel de Manuel Salazar Salazar y Vicuña sobre un nuevo método de y Vicuña beneficio de metales por medio de una máquina inventada [Record by Manuel de Salazar y Vicuña of a new method for smelting metals using an invented machine]. 1793 1 35 Manusc. Unique Mineralogy Good 1813 1 89 Manusc. Unique Mineralogy Good Expediente sobre las expediciones de 18141815 por Andamarca al reconocimiento de las montañas peruanas [Record of Andamarca’s expeditions in 1814-1815 to survey the mountains of Peru]. Curso completo. Mineralogía o varios modos de extraer la plata [Complete course. Mineralogy or various ways of extracting silver]. Martínez Compañón Danza de pájaros (CBC/P) 22 N/A 18141815 1 28 Manusc. Unique Mineralogy Good Joaquín Villegas 1840 1 118 Manusc. Unique Mineralogy Good Martínez Compañón Indios tiñendo tela (CBC/P) Martínez Compañón Leprosa banándose (CBC/P) Martínez Compañón Huanchaco (CBC/P) 23 Martínez Compañón, Mestiza y Jilguero común (CBC/P) • Summary of documents being nominated Manuscripts Watercolours Drawings Maps Printed matter Photographs 23 402 9,216 188 23 295 TOTAL • 10,238 Summary by country of the Archives, Libraries and Collections included in the Nomination. COUNTRY Bolivia (2) ARCHIVE, LIBRARY OR COLLECTION - Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales Archivo y Biblioteca del H. Congreso - Archivo General de la Nación Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia - Archivo Histórico y Biblioteca del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Archivo Histórico y Biblioteca del Banco Central Archivo Nacional Biblioteca Aurelio Espinosa Pólit Biblioteca del Instituto Nacional Mejía Biblioteca Nacional “Eugenio Espejo” Biblioteca de Universidad Central Museo Nacional de la Medicina Spain (3) - Archivo General de Indias Biblioteca General de Humanidades del CSIC Real Jardín Botánico Peru (2) - Banco Continental Biblioteca Nacional Colombia (2) Ecuador (8) TOTAL 17 • Bibliographic and registration details Most of the documents generated by the scientific expeditions promoted and sponsored by the Spanish Crown in the eighteenth century is housed in specialized archives in Spain. The archive of the Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid contains collections of the work conducted by José Celestino Mutis and Francisco José de Caldas in New Granada and 4 the Audiencia de Quito; by Ruiz and Pavón in Peru and Chile and by Juan José Tafalla and Agustín de Manzanilla in Peru and the area now known as Ecuador. The drawings by South American and Spanish artists accompanying the research of these botanists, which are housed in the archive, have been wholly or partially reproduced in facsimile editions. With regard to the work carried out by the Comisión Científica del Pacífico between 1862 and 1865, in 2001 the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas de Madrid [Scientific Research Council of Madrid] published a book and CD-ROM featuring the written and graphic documentation housed in the Fondo Jiménez de la Espada [Jiménez de la Espada Collection] in the Council’s Humanities Library, which had never before been published. With regard to the work of the Misión Geodésica Francesa [French Geodesic Mission] between 1736 and 1744, we know that the four volumes of the first edition of the Account by Jorge Juan and Antonio de Ulloa are housed in four libraries in Ecuador and in the Biblioteca Nacional de España [Spanish National Library]. Among the priceless gems of documentary heritage owned by the Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia are original materials from one of the greatest scientific and cultural ventures in Colombia - the Chorographic Committee – which took place between 1850 and 1859 under the leadership of the Italian Colonel Agustín Codazzi. The Committee’s research includes graphic work encompassing one hundred and fifty-two original watercolours by Carmelo Fernández, Enrique Price and Manuel María Paz. Regrettably, it is incomplete, since a number of plates have been lost over the years. It was Miguel Antonio Caro, director of the Biblioteca Nacional (1880-1885), who created the Album de la Comisión [Album of the Committee], which remained in that form until a few years ago, when it was decided to place the one hundred and fifty-two plates in their present individual mounts. The Geography of the Provinces of New Granada, produced as a result of studies by the Comisión corográfica, was published between 1957 and 1959 thanks to Eduardo Acevedo Latorre, who collected materials that had lain undiscovered for more than a century. The studies by scientists outside the national sphere are scattered among a number of collections. Those by Humboldt and Bonpland in South America were published in Ecuador in 1997, in the Catalogue Americanistas en las Bibliotecas del Banco Central del Ecuador [Americanists in the Libraries of the Central Bank of Ecuador]. They were also published in South America for a travelling exhibition held in 2001 entitled El regreso de Humboldt [The return of Humboldt], of which the catalogues for Ecuador and Colombia include references and studies by contemporary experts on these and other scientists of that era. The watercolours by the Bishop of Trujillo, Baltazar Jaime Martínez Compañón, are housed in three collections: in the Biblioteca del Palacio Real de Madrid [Library of the Royal Palace of Madrid] containing 1,400 plates bound into nine volumes; in the Banco Continental de Lima [Continental Bank of Lima], containing 120 plates bound into two volumes and published in part in 1997 by the Fundación del Banco Continental [Foundation of the Continental Bank], under the title Trujillo del Perú, Baltazar Jaime 5 Martínez Compañón, Acuarelas S. XVIII [Trujillo of Peru, Baltazar Jaime Martínez Compañón, Eighteenth-century Watercolours] and in the Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia. In the latter, the collection consists of 127 plates, collected in a single volume bound in wood, with traces of gold-embossed red morocco leather and metal clasps on the front. According to the Biblioteca Nacional, while these watercolours “bear no original date, historically they can be dated between June 1782 and February 1785, since Martínez Compañón himself said that it had taken him two years, eight months and eighteen days to complete the pastoral visit to the Diocese of Trujillo”. Ediciones de Cultura Hispánica de Madrid published a facsimile edition of this volume in 1991. Some of these drawings, classified under zoology, customs, important colonial figures, portraits of bishops, symbols, archaeology and cartography, have been reproduced as illustrations in various books on Latin American colonial history. The work carried out in Peru and Ecuador by Andalusian scientist Anastasio de Guzmán y Abreu, consisting of botanical studies, town plans and drawings of animals and plants, which are housed in the Archivo Histórico del Banco Central del Ecuador [Historical Archive of the Central Bank of Ecuador], have never before been published. In the case of the manuscript of Eugenio de Santa Cruz y Espejo, there is a 1986 facsimile by the Comisión de Conmemoraciones Cívicas [Civic Commemoration Committee] of the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Ecuador and a reference in the Catalogue Los Libros de Eugenio de Santa Cruz y Espejo [The Books of Eugenio de Santa Cruz y Espejo], published by the Banco Central del Ecuador in 1999. With regard to the documentation owned by the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú [National Library of Peru] relating to experiments and operations in chemical metallurgy and scientific advances, in 1995 the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos [Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP)] published the book Saberes andinos, ciencia y tecnología en Bolivia, Ecuador y Perú [Andean knowledge, science and technology in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru], the editor of which, Marcos Cueto, wrote “Guía para la historia de la ciencia: archivos y bibliotecas en Lima” [Scientific history guide: archives and libraries in Lima]. The work of Alcide D’ Orbigny, a travelling naturalist of the Natural History Museum of Paris, who journeyed through a number of South American countries between 1826 and 1833 - including Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Peru and Bolivia (where he stayed from 1830 to 1833, enjoying the logistical support of President Andrés de Santa Cruz) - have been gathered into a collection of 10 volumes housed in: the Biblioteca y Archivo de H. Congreso de Bolivia, in the Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia, and in the Biblioteca General de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés [General Library of the San Andrés University]. In 1850, Monsignor Miguel de los Santos Taborga Pizarro bought this collection and sent it to be bound. Taborga then donated it to the Biblioteca del Congreso [Library of Congress], which in those days belonged to the Senate. In short, even though catalogues, guides, facsimiles and reference books have been published on some of the documentation being nominated, no work exists compiling the 6 documentary heritage on the development of science in South America. Hence the importance of recovering these unique manuscript sources, graphic testimony and printed matter on an issue of world significance that will allow us to safeguard the scientific memory of the history of humankind. • Visual documentation The CD-ROM: Scientific Memory of Andean America: scientific expeditions and research in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Eighteenth-nineteenth centuries includes manuscript, graphic and printed information on the heritage being nominated, under the categories: cartography, botany, zoology, archaeology, ethnography, geography, astronomy and society. 3.3.BIBLIOGRAPHY: - Acosta-Solis, Misael, “La ciencia iberoamericana durante la conquista y colonia”, in Cultura, Revista del Banco Central del Ecuador, Vol. VIII, No. 23, SeptemberDecember 1985. - Antei, Giorgio. Mal de América: las obras y los días de Agustín Codazzi, 1793-1859. [Catálogo de Expedición], Museo Nacional - Biblioteca Nacional, Bogotá, 1993. - Arias Divito, Juan Carlos, Las expediciones científicas españolas durante el siglo XVIII, Ediciones Cultura Hispánica, Madrid, 1989. - Banco Central de Ecuador, Los libros de Eugenio Espejo, Unidad de Artes Gráficas, Banco Central del Ecuador, Quito, 1999. - Briceño Iragorry, Mario, Pasión y triunfo de los grandes libros. Publicaciones de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, Caracas, 1941. - Castrillón Alberto, “Fitogeografía, paisaje y territorio al comienzo del siglo XIX” in Boletín Cultural Bibliográfico, Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, Vol. XXXIV. No. 46, Bogotá, 1977. - Comisión Corográfica, Geografía física y política de las Provincias de la Nueva Granada, Banco de la República, Bogotá, 1957-1959. - Cueto, Marcos, “Guía para la historia de la ciencia y bibliotecas de Lima” in Marcos Cueto Ed. Saberes andinos. Ciencia y tecnología en Bolivia, Ecuador y Perú. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima, 1995. - Diaz Piedrahita, Santiago, José Jerónimo Triana: naturalista multifacético. Fondo FEN, Bogotá- Colombia, 1996. - Di Capua, Alberto, “La expedición Malaspina 1789-1794”, in Boletín Histórico No. 27-28, Fuerzas Armadas del Ecuador, January-December 1985. - El Regreso de Humboldt. [Catalogue] Exhibition in the Museo de la Ciudad in Quito, June – August 2001 7 - Estrella, Eduardo, “Ciencia ilustrada y saber popular en el conocimiento de la quina”, in Marcos Cueto Ed., Saberes andinos, ciencia y tecnología en Bolivia, Ecuador y Perú, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima, 1995. “La Flora Huayaquilensis y la Expedición Botánica de Juan Tafalla (1799-1808)”, in Carabela, Revista del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Cultura Hispánica, Quito, año 8, No. 5, June 1990. “Estudio introductorio” in Johanne Tafalla, Flora Huayaquilensis, Real Jardín Botánico, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Universidad Central del Ecuador, Madrid, 1989. Fundación del Banco Continental, Trujillo del Perú. Baltazar Jaime Martínez Compañón. Acuarelas siglo XVIII, Lima, 1997. - La Expedición Botánica al Virreinato del Perú (1777-1778), Volumes I and II, Lunwerg Editores, Madrid, 1988. - López-Ocón, Leoncio and Carmen María Pérez-Montes (Eds), Marcos Jiménez de la Espada (1831-1898) Tras la Senda de un Explorador, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto de Historia, Madrid, 2000. - Muñoz, José E., “La primera expedición española del siglo XVIII”, in: Boletín Nacional de la Academia de Historia, Quito, vol. XXXVI, No. 88, July-December 1956. - Pérez Mejía, “Mutis o la trampa de la Mutisia Clematis, in Boletín Cultural Bibliográfico, Bogotá, Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, Vol. XXXIV. No. 46, 1977. - Petitjean, Martine – Ives Saint-Geours, “La economía de la cascarilla en el corregimiento de Loja”, in Cultura, Revista del Banco Central del Ecuador, Vol. 5, No.15, January-April 1983. - Real Jardín Botánico, La botánica en la expedición Malaspina 1789-1794, Catálogo de la exposición, ed. II, Sociedad Estatal Quinto Centenario, Madrid, October-November 1989. - Shumacher, Hernan Albert, Biografía del General Agustín Codazzi, Translated by Francisco Manrique, San Fernando de Apure, Printed by “Augusta”, 1916. - Soriano Lleras, Andrés, Itinerario de la Comisión Corográfica, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, 1968. - Sotos Serrano, Carmen, Los pintores de la expedición de Alejandro Malaspina, I and II, Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid, 1982. 8 - Steele, Arthur R., Flores para el Rey. Expedición de Ruiz y Pavón y la flora peruana (1777-1788), Editorial Serbal, Barcelona, 1982. - Vilchis Jaime - Victoria Arias, Ciencia y técnica entre el viejo y nuevo mundo siglos XV-XVIII, Consejo Internacional de Archivos, Ministerio de Cultura, Quinto Centenario, Editores Lunwerg, Madrid, 1992. - Villa, Pablo, Codazzi-Humboldt-Caldas: Precursores de la geografía moderna. Ediciones de la Dirección de Cultura, Publicaciones y Relaciones Públicas, Caracas, 1960. • Names, qualifications and contact details of specialized independent people or organizations that know the significance and origin of the documentary heritage. - Doctor Ximena Medinacelli, Archivo Nacional de la Paz, Bolivia. Doctor Clara López, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia. Doctor Jorge Palacios Preciado, Archivo General de la Nación, Bogotá. Doctor Santiago Diaz Piedrahita, Full Member of the Academia Colombiana de Ciencias. Doctor Pilar Moreno de Angel, Historian, Full Member of the Academia Colombiana de Historia. Former Director of the Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia and of the Archivo General de la Nación. Doctor Plutarco Naranjo, Academia Nacional de Historia del Ecuador. Doctor Rosemarie Terán Najas, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. Doctor Jorge Salvador Lara, Archivo del Municipio de Quito. Doctor Rodrigo Fierro, Politécnica Nacional del Ecuador. Doctor Leoncio López-Ocón, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid. Doctor Carmen María Pérez-Montes, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid. Doctor Carlos Contreras, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos and Universidad Católica del Perú. Doctor Luis Miguel Glave, Universidad Católica del Perú - - 4. JUSTIFICATION FOR INCLUSION/ASSESSMENT AGAINST CRITERIA 4.1. Is authenticity established? Without a doubt. Each and every one of the documents proposed for this nomination has been analysed by the respective custodians and officials of the institutions housing these collections, as well as by scientific history experts. 4.2. Remarkable advances in botany were made in Europe in the eighteenth century, leading to an interest in the discovery of new plants in South America. Their application and uses represented a great stride forward for humanity. The study of medicinal plants in the Real Audiencia de Quito, such as sarsaparilla - which was used to cure syphilis - and particularly cinchona or cascarilla, the most important plant in South America - which 9 was used to treat tertian fever and malaria - led to advances in the development of European medical science. The pitch and timber discovered in the tropical regions of South America were used to build ships for the Spanish Armada. South American products such as rubber, cinnamon or “ishipingo”, tobacco, coca and cocoa linked the Andean region to foreign trade markets, thereby enriching the diet and customs of Europeans. South American botany benefited medicine, shipbuilding, textile manufacturing and trade. The work of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century scientists helped to expand knowledge of zoology, physics, geography, geology, history and archaeology. The merging of science and art increased knowledge about unknown regions while enriching the representation of landscape. The testimonies these scientists left behind constitute a documentary heritage in the fields of history, geography and culture that transcends the national level, extending to the regional (Andean America) and international levels (with particular reference to Spain, France and Germany). 4.3. • Criteria of time and place: The eighteenth century was the age of reason marked by outstanding advances in the field of science. There was a preoccupation with natural and social sciences not only in Europe, but also in all the overseas territories, in which the Real Audiencia de Quito played a strategic role. Its situation at the Earth's Equator led to the measurement of an angle of the Earth’s meridian ending the long-standing debate on the shape of the Earth. This meant that South America ceased to be purely a supplier of precious metals and became a key centre for scientific studies and research bringing worldwide benefits. Its geographical position in the tropics, the presence of the Andes and the influence of ocean currents are the three basic factors influencing climatic conditions and hence the variety of habitats and ecosystems in the territory now known as Ecuador. It has created one of the most biodiverse geographical areas in the world and facilitated the adaptation of a large number of plant and animal species. The graphic documentation of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, in which science and art merge, has left indelible traces of ecological environments, cities, customs and archaeological evidence that in many cases have disappeared from the area now known as Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. • Criterion of people: It is a heritage that relates to a group of people - in this case, European and American scholars who made a decisive contribution to geographical, historical, cultural and scientific knowledge about South American peoples, prompting scientific advances in the world. This gained them admittance into Europe’s great Academies of Science, including: Alexander von Humboldt (Germany); Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia); Pedro Vicente Maldonado (Ecuador); Aimé Bonpland (France); Alcide D’Orbigny (France) and Jorge Juan y Antonio de Ulloa (Spain). • Criterion of subject and theme: Heritage documenting the scientific and cultural development of South America and the world, as from the eighteenth century, when 10 major changes occurred in the world view of human beings and their environment. The contributions of the South American region, on which South American and European scholars carried out scientific investigation work during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, led to the development of new scientific paradigms. 5. LEGAL INFORMATION 5.1. Owners and custodians of the documentary heritage (name and contact details) Bolivia: Owner: Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia Custodian: Marcela Inch Address: Calle Jugán No. 1005 Casilla 12164 Email: La Paz, Bolivia Owner: Biblioteca y Archivo Histórico del Honorable Congreso Nacional de la República Custodian: Luis Oporto Address: Calle Mercado, esquina Ayacucho N° 308 Telephone: (005912) 201044 Email: La Paz, Bolivia Colombia: Owner: Biblioteca Nacional de Bogotá Custodian: Lina Espitaleta Address: Calle 24 No.5-60. Apartado Aéreo: 27600 Email: Telephone: 341-4029 Fax: 341-4030 Bogotá, Colombia Owner: Archivo General de la Nación Custodian: Jorge Palacios Preciado Address: Cra. 6 No. 6-91 Telephone: 337 20 19 Fax: 337 20 19 Email: Bogotá, Colombia Ecuador: Owner: Archivo Nacional del Ecuador. Custodian: Grecia Vasco Address: Av. 6 de diciembre No. 794 y Patria. ( 1er. Piso) Email: Telephone: (005932) 2553-919 11 Quito, Ecuador Owner: Archivo Histórico del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Ecuador Custodian: María Elena Porras Address: Av. 10 de agosto 1183 y Carrión Email: / Telephone: (005932) 2509-996 Quito, Ecuador Owner: Banco Central del Ecuador Archivo Histórico Custodian: Honorio Granja. Address: García Moreno y Bolívar Telephone: (005932)2572-782 Quito, Ecuador Biblioteca Custodian: José Vera Address: Ed. Aranjuez, Reina Washington. Telephone: (005932) 2505- 948 Victoria y Jorge Owner: Biblioteca Aurelio Espinosa Pólit Custodian: José Ayerve S.J. Address: José Nogales 220 y Francisco Arcos ( Cotocollao) Email: Telephone: (005932) 2491-156 /2491-157 Fax: (005932) 2493-928 Quito, Ecuador Owner: Biblioteca del Instituto Nacional Mejía Custodian: Susana Romero Cevallos Address: Vargas y Ante Telephone: (005932) 2565-718 Quito, Ecuador Owner: Biblioteca Nacional “Eugenio Espejo”. Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Custodian: Laura de Crespo Address: Av. 12 de Octubre No. 555 y Patria Email: Telephone: (005932) 2223-391 / 2527-440 Quito, Ecuador Owner: Biblioteca de la Universidad Central del Ecuador Custodian: Janeth Cornejo Address: Av. América entre Gilberto Gatto Sobral y Bolivia Email: 12 Telephone: (005932) 2505 859 Quito, Ecuador Owner: Museo Nacional de la Medicina Custodian: Dr. Antonio Crespo Address: García Moreno Telephone: (005932) 2573-792 Fax: (005932) 2581-768 Quito, Ecuador Spain: Owner: Archivo General de Indias Custodian: Magdalena Canellas Aroz Address: Av. de la Constitución Seville Owner: Archivo del Real Jardín Botánico Custodian: Juana Molina Nortes Address: Plaza de Murillo, 2 Telephone: 91 420 3017 Fax: 91 420 01 57 Madrid Owner: Biblioteca General de Humanidades del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Custodian: Carmen María Pérez-Montes Salmerón Address: Duque de Medinaceli, 6 28014 Madrid Peru: Owner: Banco Continental Custodian: Address: Lima, Peru Owner: Biblioteca Nacional Custodian: Sinesio López Jiménez Address: Av. Abancay. Cuarta Cuadra Email: Telephone: 4287690 Fax: 4277331 Lima, Peru 5.3. Legal status: a) Category of ownership: public and private with their own regulations. b) Accessibility: accessible to certified researchers and, for preservation reasons, available only in situ. 13 c) Copyright status: since the documents are so old (eighteenth and nineteenth centuries), they are not covered by copyright. d) Responsible administration: all the institutions that own or have custody of the documentary heritage being nominated. (See letters of authorization/acceptance). e) Other factors: none. 6. MANAGEMENT PLAN 6.1. Is there a management plan in existence for this documentary heritage? YES/NO Each of the collections, libraries and archives has a management plan for preserving and conserving its documentary heritage. In some cases, like that of the Archivo Histórico del Banco Central del Ecuador and the Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia, the heritage being nominated has been microfilmed. Most of the institutions have systems for controlling humidity, light, temperature and security, as well as technical personnel specialized in preserving, conserving and restoring documents. 6. CONSULTATION 7.1. Provide details of consultation about this nomination with (a) the owner of the heritage (b) the custodian (c) your national or regional Memory of the World Committee. The owners and custodians of the archives, libraries and collections were consulted when drawing up this nomination and were invited to study the first version of the nomination. Moreover, in the case of Ecuador, these officials belong to the National Memory of the World Committee. The National Committee later unanimously approved the regional nomination, which Ecuador then presented at the third meeting of the Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean in Quito on 25 June 2002. The Regional Committee approved this nomination in principle and agreed that it should be redrafted to take into account the meeting’s recommendations, in accordance with the new guidelines and new form. Finally, in November of the same year (2002), Ms María Elena Porras, as member of the Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean under the Memory of the World Programme, travelled to La Paz, Bolivia, to present the achievements of the Memory of the World Programme and this regional nomination on scientific memory to Bolivian librarians and archivists. As a result of these efforts, Bolivia joined the nomination, adding the collections and documents described in the inventory. Following its redrafting and completion of the new form, this nomination is submitted with the following supporting documents: 14 1. Letter of invitation to the members of the National Memory of the World Committee, 7/05/02. 2. Minutes of the National Memory of the World Committee for Ecuador, 14/05/02. 3. Proceedings of the Regional Committee for Latin America, June-July 2002. 4. Letters of authorization from the archives and libraries of: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Spain (various dates 2002). 15