01. Oh Dynamo (March to stadium) Oh Dynamo You

05. I’ll Do Anything for You
01. Oh Dynamo (March to stadium)
Oh Dynamo
You are my love
You're all I neeeeeed
We'll follow you wherever you may go
You give us life, you give us fight
We give them back to you
02. Forza Houston Hey
Forza Houston Hey
Na-raaaaan-ja, I'll do anything for youuu
I send my love to youuu
I give my life to youuuuUUU
Na-raaaaan-ja, I'll sing to you for-eeeee-ver
I'll support you whe-eeeeerrr-ver
I give my life to you foreeeeVEEEERRRR!
Ole Ole Ole Oleee
Ole Ole Ole OleeeEEE!
06. Horto Magiko
(Power/Strength Houston Hey)
Song Info: Left side chants (RIGHT SIDE CHANTS)
Forza Houston Hey
Ooooh oooh oooh ooo-hey
Ooooh oooh oooh ooo-hey
Ooooohhhhhhh Dynamoooo
You give us everything we need
To dream of my Dy-na-mo
And shout as far as God
03. We Want a Goal (Queremos Gol) (Corner kicks)
My Dynamo, how I love you
You’re like the air that I breathe, you are my blood
Ohhhhh, We want a gooal (Ohhh, Queremos gool)
We want a goal (Queremos gol)
We want a goal (Queremos gol)
We want a gooooal (Queremos goool)
You are my love, you are my life.
04. Vamo Vamo Dynamo (After #03 -ball cleared)
When you play we will always be with you (BE WITH YOU)
Vamo vamo Houstonnnn
Vamo vamo Hous-TON
Vamo vamo Hous-TON
Vamo vamo Houstonnnn
Vamo Dynamooooooooo
Vamo Dynamo
Vamo Dynamo
Vamo Dynamooooooooo
Dynamo you are everything I need (ALL I NEED)
My Dynamo (MY DYNAMO)
How I love you (HOW I LOVE YOU)
Houston here (HOUSTON HERE)
Houston there (HOUSTON THERE)
To the Orange we will always be true (BE TRUE)
07. I’ll Never Forget
I'lllll nEEE-Verrr forgeeeeeeeeet
All my Daays with yooouuuuuuuuu
My dyyy-naaaa-mooooooooo
You'rrre, Always in My heaaaaart
My pa-SSION, my loooooove,
My dyyy-naaaa-mooooooooo
OOOOOOOh daledale daleeee
Dale da-LE dale ooooooh
Dale Hous-ton (2x)
08. We’re from Houston
12. El Matador
We're from Hous-ton
Señores yo soy de Houston y tengo Aguante
Y'all can see we're from Hous-ton
(Y’all, I am from Houston and I have fight/endurance/courage)
Y sigo a los de Houston a todas partes,
The skies are orange in my Hous-ton
Y dale dale oo-ooooh
Dale Houston
(And I follow those from Houston everywhere)
Por Que?
Porque es un sentimiento,
(Because it is a feeling)
Que se lleva en mi corazon,
(That I carry in my heart)
Dale Dynamo
Dale Houston
Daria toda mi vida por ser campeon.
(I would give all of my life to be the champ)
Dale Dynamo, Dale Dynamo
(Go Dynamo)
Dale Dynamo
Dale Houston
Y dale dale oo-OOOOH
Dale Dynamo, Dale Dynamo
13. Vamos Houston
Vamos, vamos Houston!!
Spanish Songs
09. Sale Houston (Player entrance)
(The champion is entering (the field))
(Lets Go, Lets Go Houston)
Que esta noche, Tenemos que ganar!
(Tonight, We have to win)
14. Naranja Campeon
10. Dale Dynamo
Let’s go Dynamo
Oooh ooh o, Oooh ooh o (2x)
Naranja campeon
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na naaa (2x)
Dale Dale Dale Dynamo
15. La Banda de Houston, Texas
Sale, sale, sale Houston
Sale, sale, sale Houston
Sale, sale, sale Houston
(Go Dynamo)
Dale Dale Dale Dynamo
Dale Dynamoooo
Esta es la bandaa de Houston Texas,
11. Dale Dale
Se mueve para alla,
(This is the group from Houston, Texas)
Que esta bailandoo la noche entera,
(That dances the whole night)
(We move over here)
Dale Dale Dale Dale Dale Dale Dale Houston
Se mueve para aca
(Go Houston)
(We move over there)
Dale Dale Dale Dale Dale Dale Dale Dynamo
Esta es la banda mas loca que hay
(This is the craziest group of all)
16. Yo si le voy, le voy al naranja!
(I root for the orange)
Revision: 02/26/2009