Become a CASA… - CASA of Los Angeles

Become a CASA…
The Voice for a Child.
Conviértase en un
Defensor de CASA…
La Voz para un Niño.
Men and Women Volunteers Needed.
I am for the child who has attended eight schools in four years. Because he is in foster care.
Because his birth mother, debilitated by mental illness, neglected him. I am for him. The
child who almost died. Who now sits, surrounded by strangers, in the back of yet another
class. Failing. Because he is without glasses and nearly blind. I am for that child. So I am
there for that child. To listen to him.
To stand up in court for him. To speak for him. To champion without compromise for what’s
in his best interest. Because if I am there for him, I know he will be half as likely to languish
in foster care, and that much more likely to find a safe, permanent home. That is the child I
am for. I am a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer.
CASA of Los Angeles mobilizes community volunteers to advocate and make a difference for
abused and neglected children in foster care.
Are You Bilingual in Spanish and English?
Necesitamos más voluntarios bilingües para ayudar a que nuestros niños encuentren una
familia y un hogar seguro. Being bilingual is not a requirement to volunteer, but it is a
valuable skill on cases in Los Angeles County.
We invite you to join us in that mission – Become a CASA….The Voice for a Child.
For more information about CASA volunteering in Los Angeles email
or visit
For more information about CASA volunteering in Los Angeles email or visit