December 6, 2015 - St. John the Apostle Catholic Church

DECEMBER 6, 2015
Saturday, December 5
4:00 PM
†Ottie Lynch – In Memory by Emily Dolgar
Sunday, December 6
8:00 AM
Leo & Kathy Rener by James & Melody
10:30 AM
†Sylvia Lozano by Parents
12:15 PM
Pro Populo
Monday, December 7
8:00 AM
Rosann Kinkaid by Friends
7:00 PM
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary will
be celebrated Tuesday, December 8th. It is a Holy day of
obligation. The Mass schedule is as follows:
Monday, December 7 : Vigil Mass – 7:00 PM (English)
Tuesday, December 8th:
12:05 PM (English)
6:00 PM (English)
7:00 PM (Spanish)
Pro Populo (Vigil Mass)
Tuesday, December 8 (Immaculate Conception)
12:05 PM
María Concepción Carmona
6:00 PM
Connie Rodriguez
7:00 PM
En Honor de la Virgen María
Wednesday, December 9
8:00 AM
Christine Miller Elias by James & Melody
Friday, December 11
8:00 AM
†John McCowen by Lucy Krouskop
The St. John’s Crochet Ministry Annual Update
Once again, we have delivered many
prayer shawls to individuals and
nursing homes. Also, we gave caps
and scarves out and one local nursing
home will receive crocheted stuffed
toys. This ministry were able to give
these stuffed toys out to individual residents and we were so
excited! Again, this ministry survives on donations so if you
know of anyone who wants to donate yarn please call
Margaret Wages at 903-439-8729 and they will be gratefully
Young Women’s Group
We will participate in the Terrell
Christmas Parade on Saturday,
December 12th at 10am. We are
looking for young men and women to
help with a float to represent St. John
the Apostle Catholic Church. We also
are in need of supplies or cash donations and will appreciate
anything you can offer. If you would like to help with this
event, please call Michelle in the church office at 972-5633643. Thank you in advance for all your support.
11:00 PM
En Honor de Ntra. Sra. de Guadalupe
Saturday, December 12
4:00 PM
Pro Populo
7:00 PM
En Honor de Ntra. Sra. de Guadalupe
Sunday, December 13
8:00 AM
†Deborah Dubcak Krueger by James &
Melody Zimmer
10:30 AM
Bella Sanchez by Karen & Paul Mathers
12:15 PM
Adela & Enrique Gutierrez by Carmen
Sound Catholic practice encourages us to offer the Mass for the
departed and for those in any need. To request a Mass to be offered,
please visit the parish office or return to the office a completed Mass
intention card. Available cards are located in the foyer of the church.
Last Week’s Collection:
FY’15-16 Budgeted Average:
FY’15-16 Average Sunday Coll. thru 11/30/15: 6,108.95
Knights of Columbus
Child Care
The Knights of Columbus will meet Thursday, December
10th at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall.
Child Care is available during the 10:30 a.m.
Mass in the Parish Center for children who
have not reach the age of 4. The child
caregivers include Barbara and Wayne
Meshell, Elvia Valle, and Mary Robinson.
Each caregiver has been screened through the Safe Environment
Coffee & Donuts
Come join us for coffee and donuts after the
8:00am Mass in the Parish Hall.
Child care is available only on the Sundays that Religious
Education classes are held. Occasionally, Child Care is cancelled
when the number of caregivers is not sufficient to provide the
supervision required. Thank you for your patience and
Richard Collier
Richard Lozano Sr.
Mike Gonzales
Amalia Ibarra
Ma. Mercedes Sanchez
Kenneth Elliott
Rebecca Elliott
Odilia Vargas
Patricia Reyes
Frank Kasper
Paul Gumler
Lee Wilde
Rosario Rodríguez
Cindy Kinkaid
Rosann Kinkaid
Mayra Anguiano
Michelle Elliott
John “Sonny” Jones
Bill Blankenship
Patti Sikors Garrett
Yamileth Martinez
Warren Terry
Nick Morales, Sr.
Jack Sikors
Raul Rivera
Brenda Newburn
Henry Taft
Martha Kasper
Edgar Reyes
Mason Gumler
Felipa Garcia
Joe Wages
Donna Lain
Margarito Soto
William Mellon
Laurie Rangel
Olivia Nicole Yates
Erica Vargas
Margaret Wages
Claire Vargas
Elaine Kasper
Sheila Wages
Jerry Lain
George Lyon
Ministry Schedule for the Weekend of
December 12/13
Sat. 4:00pm Debbie Patterson/James Langdon
Sun. 8:00am Seth Jungman/Linda Faulkner
Sun.10:30am Tammy Guerra/Bill Bedrick
Sat. 4:00pm Paul Mathers*/Michael G./Gary W./Debbie P.
Sun. 8:00am Conrado Aramil*/Cindy K./Jack N./Abby H.
Sun. 10:30am Kevin Prouty*/Dennis C./Richard Jr./Eric R.
Extraordinary Ministers
Sat. 4:00pm Rod Kinkaid/Michael Gumler/Rick Salisbury
Sun. 8:00am Marianne Marsden/Mary Pat Samuels
Sun. 10:30am Lou Roberts/Donna Roberts/Martha Aranda
Bill Bedrick/Argie Benavidez/Tammy Guerra
Monday, December 7
8:00 AM Daily Mass
1:00 PM NO Crochet meeting at Casa St. John
7:00 PM Grupo de Oración – Casa St. John
7:00 PM Vigil Mass (English)
Tuesday, December 8(Immaculate Conception)
12:05 PM Mass (English)
6:00 PM Mass (English)
6:30 PM R.E. evening classes
7:00 PM Misa (Español)
Wednesday, December 9
8:00 AM Daily Mass
6:30 PM R.E. evening classes
7:00 PM Triduo en Honor de la Virgen de Guadalupe
Thursday, December 10
7:00 PM Triduo en Honor de la Virgen de Guadalupe
7:00 PM
KC meeting @ Parish Hall
Friday, December 11
8:00 AM Daily Mass
11:00 PM Misa en Honor de la Virgen de Guadalupe
Saturday, December 12
4:00 PM
Vigil Mass
7:00 PM
Misa en Honor de Ntra. Sra. De Guadalupe
DECEMBER 6, 2015
To sign up your child or volunteer to help, send an e-mail to, a text to Susan Warner at 469-4714395, or stop by the Religious Education office during office hours or
class time.
Religious Education Classes for December:
Help needed for Religious Education program.
Sunday classes: 6 and 13 . There will be no
classes on the 20th or 27th.
• Tuesday classes: 8th, and 15th. There will be no
classes on the 22nd or 29th.
• Wednesday classes: 9th, 16th. There will be no
classes on the 23rd or 30th.
Thanks to everyone that donated to the Thanksgiving Food Drive.
The food items that were collected were distributed to 10 families,
not 12 as previously stated. Two of the families on the list felt that
there were others that needed the food more than they did. Their
baskets were divided among the remaining ten.
Special thanks to Confirmation students and their Catechists
Special thanks to the Confirmation students and their Catechists
for accepting the challenge of feeding the hungry as Christ has
commanded by putting together the Thanksgiving Food Baskets.
This is a daunting task that carries with it a lot of responsibility. I
am always pleased at the selfless and service-oriented manner in
which these students present themselves. They are a credit to
themselves, their parents and teachers. Thank you for a job well
Children’s Christmas Eve Mass and Pageant
The annual Children’s Christmas Eve Mass
and Pageant will take place on Thursday,
Dec. 24th, at 4pm, if we have enough children
interested in this event. Parents may sign up
their children to be one of the characters in the
pageant. The characters remaining include the
3 Magi (wise men), angels and shepherds.
The children will dress in costume and participate in the pageant as
an adult narrates the Christmas story. The children do not have
speaking parts.
There will be two practices for the pageant, Sunday Dec. 20th at
3pm, and Monday, Dec. 21st, at 6:30pm. The children must attend
both practices. Adults are also needed to help with the following:
• Assist with costumes.
• Move the manger from the storage building to the
sanctuary on Sunday, Dec. 20th, and return it to the
storage building after the pageant on the 24th.
• Be a prompter for the shepherds, angels, and magi during
the practices and during the pageant.
• Move the costumes and props to the Parish Center after
the pageant.
• Remove props from the sanctuary after the pageant.
The Religious Education program for children is in need of adults
to help monitor the hallways and exterior of the buildings during
class time on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, from 6:00pm –
7:40pm. At this time there are no hall monitors available. If you
have a little free time to help, please contact Susan Warner in the
to, or text 469-471-4395 for details.
Thank you.
Second Week of Advent
“Jerusalem, take off your robe of mourning and
misery; put on the splendor of glory from God
forever.” Those words from Baruch are in the first
reading for the Second Sunday of Advent. Luke's
Gospel offers us a first look at the promise of John
the Baptist as he cries out, “Every valley shall be
filled and every mountain and hill shall be made
low. The winding roads shall be made straight, and
the rough ways made smooth, and all flesh shall see
the salvation of God.”
Monday is the Memorial of Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the
Church. Tuesday is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, with its own special readings. On Saturday, much
of North America celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe with
its own special readings.
We focus on the first readings from the Prophet Isaiah this week. With the
Babylonian Captivity, the temple was destroyed, the leaders of the people
were taken away to Babylon and a remnant was left behind. A lifethreatening desert separated the people. In this context, Isaiah proclaims
God's vindication of the people in exile. The desert will be reborn. A
highway will bring their liberation. And the signs will be that there is
healing and peace. “Comfort, give comfort to my people,” says the Lord.
The valleys will be filled in, the mountains leveled - every obstacle will be
overcome - to build a highway for our God to come and save us. The
people can hardly believe the good news. They are weak and weary of
their captivity. Isaiah proclaims, “They that hope in the LORD will renew
their strength, they will soar as with eagles’ wings.” He offers support: “I
am the LORD, your God, who grasp your right hand; It is I who say to
you, 'Fear not, I will help you.'” The people have been at a distance from
the Lord for some time and were not obeying the commandments. The
Lord says, “I, the LORD, your God, teach you what is for your good, and
lead you on the way you should go.” The final first reading this week is a
piece from the book of Sirach in which the prophet Elijah is praised.
Elijah, who was destined to come again to restore order before the day of
the Lord, is seen in the reading from Matthew's Gospel to be John the
The gospels this week, taken from various evangelists, show Jesus
as the fulfillment of the liberation promised. Jesus heals the
paralytic. He tends to the lost sheep of his flock. He comforts us
who labor and are burdened. Jesus teaches a true wisdom.
1. El mundo muere de frio, el alma perdió el calor;
los hombres no son hermanos, el mundo no tiene
2. Envuelto en sombría noche, el mundo sin paz no ve
buscando va una esperanza, buscando, Señor, tu fe.
3. Al mundo le falta vida, al mundo le falta luz,
al mundo le falta el cielo, al mundo le faltas tú.
Preparen el camino del Señor.
Preparen el Camino del Señor.
1. Juan proclama en el desierto;
ya se oye su pregón,
“Cambien todos hoy sus vidas
que ya viene el Salvador.”
2. Voz de Juan que clama fuerte,
“Vengan a pedir perdón,
dejen todos sus pecados
y reciban al Señor.”
3. Renunciemos las envidias,
odios, celos y rencor.
Perdonemos al hermano
como Dios nos da el perdón.
4. Hay que construir el reino
de justicia, paz y amor,
construyendo un mundo nuevo
mientras vuelva el Redentor.
Arriba los corazones,
vayamos todos al pan de vida
que es fuente de gloria eterna,
de fortaleza y de alegría.
1. A Ti acudimos sedientos: Ven, Señor.
Tenemos fe en tu misterio: Ven, Señor.
Queremos darte la vida: Ven, Señor;
con sus dolores y dichas: Ven, Señor.
2. Queremos ser más hermanos: Ven, Señor.
Que nunca nos olvidamos: Ven, Señor.
En Ti hallaremos la fuerza: Ven, Señor,
para olvidar las ofensas: Ven, Señor.
3. Que no haya luchas fraternas: Ven, Señor,
ni esclavitud, ni miserias: Ven, Señor.
Aparta el odio del mundo: Ven, Señor,
que exista un orden más justo: Ven, Señor.
Caminando juntos vamos a salir,
y nos despedimos con un breve adiós.
“Adiós”, quiere decir:
“!Vaya usted con Dios!”
Mi corazón se alegra,
contigo voy, Señor.
2. Vamos siempre a oscuras,
si nos falta el sol.
Vamos siempre solos si nos falta Dios.
3. ¡Dios es buen amigo para caminar!
Si Él viene conmigo,
qué seguro andar.
4. No camino solo,
porque voy con Dios,
y saludo a todos con un gran adiós.