RULE 236. NOTICE BY PROTHONOTARY OF ENTRY OF ORDER, DECREE OR JUDGMENT In connection with the entry of any order, decree, or judgment where notice is required, the party in whose favor the order, decree, or judgment is to be entered shall prepare the necessary notice and deliver it to the Prothonotary in an envelope addressed to the party or person entitled to notice under said rule, which envelope shall contain first class postage. The applicable notice shall be submitted in duplicate to the Prothonotary prior to or at the time the order, decree, or judgment is to be entered and shall be substantially, the following form: (a)(1) Where judgment is confessed: Plaintiff vs. Defendant : IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS : DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA : : : CIVIL ACTION – : : NO. To _______________________, Defendant(s) You are hereby notified that on _____________________, 19 ___, judgment by confession was entered against you in the sum of $______________ in the above-captioned case. DATE: ________________ ________________________ Prothonotary YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW TO FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET LEGAL HELP. DAUPHIN COUNTY LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE 213 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 (717) 232-7536 I hereby certify that the following is the address of the defendant(s) stated in the certificate of residence: _____________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________ Attorney for Plaintiff(s) A __________________________, Defendido/a Defendidos/as Usted esta siendo notificado que el _________________ (day) de ________ (month) del 19 ____ (year), se anoto en contra suya un fallo pro confesion en la suma de $ _________ en el caso mencionado en el epigrafe. FECHA: ____________________ __________________________ Protonotario USTED DEBE LLEVAR INMEDIATAMENTE ESTE DOCUMENTO A SU ABOGADO. SI USTED NO TIENE UN ABOGADO O NO PUEDE PAGARLE A UNO, LLAME O VAYA A LA SIGUIENTE OFICINA PARA AVERIGUAR DONDE PUEDE ENCONTRAR ASISTENCIA LEGAL. DAUPHIN COUNTY LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE 213 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 (717) 232-7536 Certifico que la siguiente direccion es la del defendido/a segun indicada en el certificado de residencia: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Abogado del Demandante (a)(2) In all other cases: Plaintiff : IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS : DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA vs. Defendant : : : CIVIL ACTION – : : NO. To _______________________, Defendant(s) You are hereby notified that on _____________________, 19__, the following (Order) (Decree) (Judgment) has been entered against you in the above-captioned case. _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________. DATE: _________________ ___________________________ Prothonotary I hereby certify that the name and address of the proper person(s) to receive this notice is: _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ A ______________________, Defendido/a Defendidos/as Por este medio se le esta notificando que el ______ de _____________ del 19 ____, el/la siguiente (Orden), (Decreto), (Fallo) ha sido anotado en contra suya en el caso mencionado en el epigrafe. FECHA: ________________ ________________________ Protonotario Certifico que la siguiente direccion es la del defendido/a segun indicada en el certificado de residencia: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Abogado del Demand ante An adequate supply of forms containing the bilingual notices required by these Rules shall be furnished by the Dauphin County Bar Association to the office of the Prothonotary, and shall be available for use by litigants and their attorneys.