Our vision: All students will be linguistically and academically prepared for college and career in a global community. Sierra Middle School ELAC Meeting Agenda September 15, 2016 v Welcome v Meeting called to order at: v Introductions – Dr. Yee, Mrs. Jackson, Mr. Ortega, and Mrs. Cisneros v New Business: v Nominate: President, Vice President, Secretary, and DELAC (District English Learner Advisory Committee v Required Task #5: Training to assist members in carrying out their legal responsibilities v Remind: Assist with adding Remind Application and signing up v Recommendations and/or follow up: Send nominations out to parents, receive, and count vote to elect members on October 20, 2016 v Next ELAC meeting: Date October 20, 2016 Agenda item: Topic: Regular School Attendance v Time on the Agenda: (other announcements, comments) v Meeting adjourned at: Check Legal Requirements/Trainings Covered During Meeting: ❏ 1. Advises school site council (SSC) on the development of Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) ❏ 2. Assists in the development of school’s needs assessment ❏ 3. Assists in the development of the school’s annual Language Census Report ❏ 4. Assists in the development of the school’s efforts to make parents aware of importance of regular school attendance ❏ 5. Receives training to assist members in carrying out their legal responsibilities ❏ 6. Assists in the develop of the district master plan for educational programs and services for English learners ❏ Elections (at first school year meeting) . Our vision: All students will be linguistically and academically prepared for college and career in a global community. Escuela Secundaria Sierra Orden del Día de la Reunión de ELAC 15 de septiembre de 2016 v Bienvenida v La junta fue llamada a la orden a las: v Introducciones – Dr. Yee, Sra. Jackson, Sr. Ortega y .Sra. Cisneros v Nuevos Asuntos: v Nominar: Presidente, Vice Presidente, Secretaria, y DELAC (Comité Consultivo de Alumnos de Inglés de Distrito) v Asunto requerido #5: Entrenamiento para asistir a los miembros en llevar acabo sus responsabilidades legales. v Remind (Recordatorio): Asistir en añadir la aplicación Remind y registrarse v Recomendaciones y/o para la próxima: Mandar las nominaciones a los padres, recibir, y contar los votos para elegir miembros el 20 de octubre de 2016 v Próxima reunión de ELAC: 20 de octubre de 2016 Tema del Orden del día:: Asistir a la Escuela Regularmente v Tiempo en el Orden del día: (otros anuncios, comentarios) v Se levantó la junta a las: Check Legal Requirements/Trainings Covered During Meeting: ❏ 1. Advises school site council (SSC) on the development of Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) ❏ 2. Assists in the development of school’s needs assessment ❏ 3. Assists in the development of the school’s annual Language Census Report ❏ 4. Assists in the development of the school’s efforts to make parents aware of importance of regular school attendance ❏ 5. Receives training to assist members in carrying out their legal responsibilities ❏ 6. Assists in the develop of the district master plan for educational programs and services for English learners ❏ Elections (at first school year meeting) .