GERM 1010 - Carleton University

School of Linguistics and Language Studies
GERM 1010A Course Outline
Instructor: Gillian Bose
Office: PA 3A 57
Contact: 520-2600 ex. 8004
Office Hours
The Basics:
GERM 1010 is a beginners’ course for students with no previous knowledge of German. If you
have taken any courses before, or had contact with German through family or visits to Germanspeaking countries, you will need to take a placement test to ensure that you are in the right
level. GERM 1010 is the first in a series of four levels of German which make up the German
programme at Carleton. It is possible to do a minor in German by completing all four levels. In
order to progress from 1010 to 1020, the second half of the first level, you need to pass this
course with a grade ´C´ or higher.
The German Language:
German comes from the same branch of the language tree as English and there are many
similarities between the two languages, especially in vocabulary. Consider: Familie: Vater,
Mutter, Tochter, Sohn. Especially given the context of the first word, you will probably
recognize the following words. There are also many internationalisms used in German, which
will help you to understand texts. The grammar of German (how sentences are put together)
may seem complicated at times, but it is always very consistent and logical.
Goals of this course:
Communicative competence in the language is the primary goal of all German courses at
Carleton University. In other words, you will learn to use the language rather than only study
how it works. We will focus on all the skills involved in using language – speaking, listening,
reading, and writing. You will practice and develop these skills by engaging in meaningful and
realistic tasks. In the course of using German, we will also look at language structures (grammar)
as these structures occur in our texts. The course is theme-based, meaning that we will explore
different topics and practice language skills in and around these topics. We will also learn about
the German-speaking countries – some geography, culture and history – from the tasks and
texts we deal with. Our visiting teacher, Rieke Wiehler, will be a great source of cultural
Required materials:
You are required to buy the following books:
studio d A1. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Kurs- und Übungsbuch Teilband A Cornelsen
Verlag, 2005.
(Course book and workbook with integrated learner audio CD)
• studio d A1. Glossary English
• Optional materials:
You may want to have a German-English-German dictionary for this course. In general, the
bigger the dictionary the better it is. The tiny, pocket-sized ones are of limited use and can be
misleading in that they do not give examples of how a word is used in context. We have ordered
a medium-sized dictionary by Hueber publishing to Haven Books, but you can find dictionaries
in any decent bookstore. Haven also has a Verb Wheel by Pons publishers, which conjugates
verbs and gives tenses.
All materials mentioned above are available at Haven Bookstore, 43 Seneca St.
Web CT:
Please note: This course will be supported by the WebCT Course Management System. A variety
of resources will be made available through the WebCT site. You must activate your WebCT
account by going to the following page: and following the links from the
„Student Resources“ site on the left hand side.
You will be assessed throughout the course and by a final examination in December 2009.
Planned distribution of marks:
Participation and Effort
10 %
Scheduled in-class tests
45 %
Unscheduled in-class assignments/tests
10 %
Final examination
35 %
In order to obtain a good mark in participation and effort, you will need to attend all classes,
complete homework, prepare for class and participate actively in in-class activities. Please note
that late assignments or missed written tests may only be submitted or completed if a medical
note is provided. The final written examination will take place in the formal examination period
in December 2009. The final exam papers will not be returned to you. They must remain in my
office, though you may make an appointment to look over them.
Attendance Policy:
Attendance is compulsory. Absences and cumulative late arrivals will reduce the in-class
participation mark each term. Absences for medical reasons will be excused if a doctor’s note is
provided. A student must attend a minimum 80% of classes per term in order to qualify for a
passing grade for that term. Failure to meet this requirement will automatically result in a failing
Realistic expectations:
Learning a new language should be an exciting, challenging and rewarding experience. If you
attend all classes, follow up at home, prepare for class, complete all homework, seek out all
opportunities to practice your German, and really throw yourself into the task of acquiring the
language, you will make good progress. Learning a new language takes time, effort,
commitment, and, above all, motivation. Attendance is compulsory. You simply cannot develop
language skills by copying notes of a classmate. Class time provides invaluable opportunities to
develop your skills in a supportive environment. From the first class on, you will be hearing and
reading German, and as we progress, German will become the primary language of the
As we do not live in a German speaking environment here in Ottawa, you will not benefit from
the out-of-class reinforcement that an ESL, and, to some extent, a French student would. It is
therefore important that you follow up at home: Go over what we did in class; practice with
classmates; watch German movies; listen to German music and to the radio via the Internet;
attend German functions. In short, try to immerse yourself as much as you can in the language.
There will also be additional practice materials on WebCT.
Academic Offences:
In all written work, students must avoid plagiarism, i.e. presenting the work or ideas of another
as one‘s own. Forms of plagiarism include (but are not limited to) copying from the work of
another author or person without proper use of footnotes and quotations marks, using the
ideas of others without acknowledging the source, extensive paraphrasing, or submitting the
work of another as one‘s own. The same piece of work may not be submitted for more than
one course or may not have been submitted previously to fulfil any other course requirement.
For undergraduate students, academic offences will be reported to the Office of the Dean of the
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
You may need special arrangements to meet your academic obligations during the term. For an
accommodation request the processes are as follows:
Pregnancy obligation: write to me with any requests for academic accommodation during the
first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to
exist. For more details visit the Equity Services website
Religious obligation: write to me with any requests for academic accommodation during the
first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to
exist. For more details visit the Equity Services website
Students with disabilities requiring academic accommodations in this course must register
with the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities (PMC) for a formal evaluation of
disability-related needs. Documented disabilities could include but are not limited to
mobility/physical impairments, specific Learning Disabilities (LD), psychiatric/psychological
disabilities, sensory disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and chronic
medical conditions. Registered PMC students are required to contact the PMC, 613-520-6608,
every term to ensure that I receive your Letter of Accommodation, no later than two weeks
before the first assignment is due or the first in-class test/midterm requiring accommodations.
If you only require accommodations for your formally scheduled exam(s) in this course, please
submit your request for accommodations to PMC by the last official day to withdraw from
classes in each term. For more details visit the PMC website:
Finally: I am very much looking forward to working with you this semester and wish you:
Viel Spaß mit der deutschen Sprache!